I am a design researcher with industrial design background. I'm passionate about design research, and particularly interested in exploring how to improve the process to unlock people's changing needs, behaviors and underlying motivations during each research activities. I also value every opportunity to communicate with consumers, which all help creating enjoyable using experience. Born in Anhui, raised in Xinjiang, Anhui and Jiangsu province, educated in the UK, travelled through 12 countries, and now work in Shanghai, I enjoy the impact by the multi-cultural experience, which allow me to have rich insights of the common character and differentiation of people . In the past nearly three years of work experience in Asus Design Center, I work closely with multiple stakeholders from Shanghai, Taiwan & Singapore. Therefore, I have accumulated solid skills in both desk research and field research in a variety of ranges.I am a design researcher with industrial design background. I'm passionate about design research, and particularly interested in exploring how to improve the process to unlock people's changing needs, behaviors and underlying motivations during each research activities. I also value every opportunity to communicate with consumers, which all help creating enjoyable using experience. Born in Anhui, raised in Xinjiang, Anhui and Jiangsu province, educated in the UK, travelled through 12 countries, and now work in Shanghai, I enjoy the impact by the multi-cultural experience, which allow me to have rich insights of the common character and differentiation of people . In the past nearly three years of work experience in Asus Design Center, I work closely with multiple stakeholders from Shanghai, Taiwan & Singapore. Therefore, I have accumulated solid skills in both desk research and field research in a variety of ranges.I am a design researcher with industrial design background. I'm passionate about design research, and particularly interested in exploring how to improve the process to unlock people's changing needs, behaviors and underlying motivations during each research activities. I also value every opportunity to communicate with consumers, which all help creating enjoyable using experience. Born in Anhui, raised in Xinjiang, Anhui and Jiangsu province, educated in the UK, travelled through 12 countries, and now work in Shanghai, I enjoy the impact by the multi-cultural experience, which allow me to have rich insights of the common character and differentiation of people . In the past nearly three years of work experience in Asus Design Center, I work closely with multiple stakeholders from Shanghai, Taiwan & Singapore. Therefore, I have accumulated solid skills in both desk research and field research in a variety of ranges.I am a design researcher with industrial design background. I'm passionate about design research, and particularly interested in exploring how to improve the process to unlock people's changing needs, behaviors and underlying motivations during each research activities. I also value every opportunity to communicate with consumers, which all help creating enjoyable using experience. Born in Anhui, raised in Xinjiang, Anhui and Jiangsu province, educated in the UK, travelled through 12 countries, and now work in Shanghai, I enjoy the impact by the multi-cultural experience, which allow me to have rich insights of the common character and differentiation of people . In the past nearly three years of work experience in Asus Design Center, I work closely with multiple stakeholders from Shanghai, Taiwan & Singapore. Therefore, I have accumulated solid skills in both desk research and field research in a variety of ranges.I am a design researcher with industrial design background. I'm passionate about design research, and particularly interested in exploring how to improve the process to unlock people's changing needs, behaviors and underlying motivations during each research activities. I also value every opportunity to communicate with consumers, which all help creating enjoyable using experience. Born in Anhui, raised in Xinjiang, Anhui and Jiangsu province, educated in the UK, travelled through 12 countries, and now work in Shanghai, I enjoy the impact by the multi-cultural experience, which allow me to have rich insights of the common character and differentiation of people . In the past nearly three years of work experience in Asus Design Center, I work closely with multiple stakeholders from Shanghai, Taiwan & Singapore. Therefore, I have accumulated solid skills in both desk research and field research in a variety of ranges.I am a design researcher with industrial design background. I'm passionate about design research, and particularly interested in exploring how to improve the process to unlock people's changing needs, behaviors and underlying motivations during each research activities. I also value every opportunity to communicate with consumers, which all help creating enjoyable using experience. Born in Anhui, raised in Xinjiang, Anhui and Jiangsu province, educated in the UK, travelled through 12 countries, and now work in Shanghai, I enjoy the impact by the multi-cultural experience, which allow me to have rich insights of the common character and differentiation of people . In the past nearly three years of work experience in Asus Design Center, I work closely with multiple stakeholders from Shanghai, Taiwan & Singapore. Therefore, I have accumulated solid skills in both desk research and field research in a variety of ranges.I am a design researcher with industrial design background. I'm passionate about design research, and particularly interested in exploring how to improve the process to unlock people's changing needs, behaviors and underlying motivations during each research activities. I also value every opportunity to communicate with consumers, which all help creating enjoyable using experience. Born in Anhui, raised in Xinjiang, Anhui and Jiangsu province, educated in the UK, travelled through 12 countries, and now Deng Zhuoer work in Shanghai, I enjoy the impact by the multi-cultural experience, which allow me to have rich insights of the common character and differentiation of people . In the past nearly three years of work experience in Asus Design Center, I work closely with multiple stakeholders from Shanghai, Taiwan & Singapore. Therefore, I have accumulated solid skills in both desk research and field research in a Design Researcher variety of ranges.I am a design researcher with industrial design background. I'm passionate about design research, and particularly interested in exploring how to improve the process to unlock people's in Asus Designduring Center SH research activities. I also value every opportunity to communicate with consumers, which all help creating enjoyable using experience. changing needs, behaviors 2014-2016 and underlying motivations each Born in Anhui, raised in Xinjiang, Anhui and Jiangsu province, educated in the UK, travelled through 12 countries, and now work in Shanghai, I enjoy the impact by the multi-cultural experience, which allow me to have rich insights of the common character and differentiation of people . In the past nearly three years of work experience in Asus Design Center, I work closely with multiple stakeholders from Shanghai, Taiwan & Singapore. Therefore, I have accumulated solid skills in both desk research and field research in a variety of ranges.I am a design researcher with industrial design background. I'm passionate about design research, and particularly interested in exploring how to improve the process to unlock people's changing needs, behaviors and underlying motivations during each research activities. I also value every opportunity to communicate with consumers, which all help creating enjoyable using experience. Born in Anhui, raised in Xinjiang, Anhui and Jiangsu province, educated in the UK, travelled through 12 countries, and now work in Shanghai, I enjoy the impact by the multi-cultural experience, which allow me to have rich insights of the common character and differentiation of people . In the past nearly three years of work experience in Asus Design Center, I work closely with multiple stakeholders from Shanghai, Taiwan & Singapore. Therefore, I have accumulated solid skills in both desk research and field research in a variety of ranges.I am a design researcher with industrial design background. I'm passionate about design research, and particularly interested in exploring how to improve the process to unlock people's changing needs, behaviors and underlying motivations during each research activities. I also value every opportunity to communicate with consumers, which all help creating enjoyable using experience. Born in Anhui, raised in Xinjiang, Anhui and Jiangsu province, educated in the UK, travelled through 12 countries, and now work in Shanghai, I enjoy the impact by the multi-cultural experience, which allow me to have rich insights of the common character and differentiation of people . In the past nearly three years of work experience in Asus Design Center, I work closely
About me I am a design researcher with industrial design background. I'm passionate about design research, and particularly interested in exploring how to improve the process to unlock people's changing needs, behaviors and underlying motivations during each research activities. I also value every opportunity to communicate with consumers, which all help creating enjoyable using experience. Born in Anhui, raised in Xinjiang, Anhui and Jiangsu province, educated in the UK, travelled through 12 countries, and now work in Shanghai, I enjoy the impact by the multi-cultural experience, which allow me to have rich insights of the common character and differentiation of people . In the past nearly three years of work experience in Asus Design Center, I work closely with multiple stakeholders from Shanghai, Taiwan & Singapore. Therefore, I have accumulated solid skills in both desk research and field research in a variety of ranges.
Work experience Design Researcher Asus Design Center, Shanghai / 2014.5 - Present Intern Industrial Designer TOP-TRI Design Consultant HK Co, Wuxi / 2014.3 - 2014.4
Project Leader • Female gamer China user study
• Commercial router user study
• ROG-GL China user study
• YunOS quick study
• Motherboard user study
• Observation workshop
• Consumer router user study
Education experience MA Industrial Design and Technology Loughborough University, UK / 2012 - 2013 · Graduated with Merit. · Cross-disciplinary group project 'Smart wiring' for British Telecom. · Participated in the International Employer Mentoring Scheme. BSc of Industrial Design Jiangsu Normal University, China / 2008 - 2012 · Graduated with 'Outstanding Graduates Awards'. · Obtain the school first-class scholarship every academic year. · Minister of university student union's Website Department.
Project Member • China trend 2016 & 2017
• ZenUI idea evaluation workshop
• Every quarter's roadshow
• New phone color preference street interview
• Asus healthcare user study
• ROG store observation
• New phone user study
• Gaming NB competitor study
• Zenfone post-launch analysis
• Fonepad CMF competitor study
• Zenfone color conjoint analysis
In order to deliver right products to the right people, different research methods will be applied in different product development phases. This portfolio will explain following six sections I've experienced:
Report to ADC & SADC
Report to PM, Designers
Annual project: gain an overview of Chinese market
Regular project: discover right solutions/messages to the right people before develop next generations
China Trend 2017 & 2016 Q1 Roadshow
Motherboard User Study ZenUI 2.0 China Study
Report to CDO
Report to Designers
Foresse project: identify user behaviour trends quickly
Regular project: make trade-off discussions during design
YunOS Quick Study
Consumer Router User Study Commercial Router User Study
Report to PM, Designers
Report to PM, Marketing, Designers
Advanced project: define target audiences and major benefits before develop new products
Overall projects: capture market feedback to improve next generations after launch
ROG-GL China User Study Female Gamer China User Study
Zenfone Post-launch Analysis
China trend 2017 & 2016 Q1 Roadshow As the information window for Asus to understanding Chinese market, we will hold a trend analysis activity which involve all the members in Shanghai Design Center at the end of every year. By collecting trend news of T1~T2 or T3~T4 cities, and mixing them together to generate insights of trend, annual themes and practical suggestion of actual product line will be worked out to help the company to understand and apply better. Key Point news collection, insights workshop, trend toolkit creation
Objectives Exploring trends of T3-6 cities in China by looking into local consumers' behavioural and psychology patterns, and providing practical advices and design tools for the design center. Research Methods News collection, workshops. Deliverables Annul theme, trend report, posters. Role Join in planning, collected trend news, create news collection blog, weekly share, join in insight workshops, present to Taipei HQ. Oct. 2015 - Mar. 2016
News collection (daily routine & during project)
Insights workshops (post-its)
Trends identify & application workshops (post-its & consumer trend canvas)
Presentations (report review & HQ roadshow)
China Trend 2017 & 2016 Q1 Roadshow | 7 Ex. The social aspect among 7 trends
Local consumer
Annal theme
Roadshow presentation materials
Like the persona in general user study, which help define who the trend is about vividly.
Refining the trend words as slogans to make them easier to remember and apply.
Something appealing should be presented to attract colleagues in the other country of different culture. 全民娱乐时代
Big Hit of Entertainment
The rankings of Chinese instant online celebrities of 2015 “国民老公”王思聪
随着生活的富足,人们自我表现的欲望愈加强烈,娱乐制造者们捕捉到这种心 态 变化,创造出总类繁多的娱乐形式,影视剧、音乐、阅读、真人秀、行销手法 , 一切都被高度娱乐化。 娱乐节目的火爆让企业的广告投资找到新方向,将全民娱乐的商业性最大化 。 2015年OPPO、VIVO为各自冠名的娱乐节目一次性出资4亿元与3.5亿元。
《互联网周刊》近日发布2015年中国网红排 行榜。王思聪位居第一,现女友第22, 前女友张予曦第45,不少“星嫂”成 功突围,刘强东妻子章泽天第10; 罗志祥郭富城女友分获47、48。
除了王思聪以外,广告圈、段子手、影评等 各路达人也一一上榜。其中papi酱以88.68 分的综合得分获得“网红”榜亚军。
95.25 94.17 92.70
从2015年到猴年初春,“网红”经济大行其道。国内网红的平均月收入已超 两 万元,他们通过多种盈利模式,将粉丝变现。
91.71 88.91
80 78.40 76.45 73.05 71.07
口碑 63.71
创作力 60
Top 1
Top 2
Top 3
Top 5
Top 23
YunOS Quick Study The market share of Andriod system was rising rapidly to 84.6% in 2014, therefore various operating systems emerged based on it. Among them, YunOS by Alibaba seemed getting mature which caught public attention a lot. What was it on earth? How it works? Would it be a trend? Should Asus spare into this new area? I've got the task of knowing more about it. Key Point operating principle, cooperation strategies, market feedbacks, user behavior trends.
YunOS Quick Study | 9
Objectives Gathering and filtering information of YunOS in order to help executives make decisions. Research Methods Secondary research. Deliverables Report. Role Plan, and complete the report. Oct. 2014
Basic informations
Framwork & UI design analysis
Cloud service analysis
Cooperation experience & strategy analysis
Related products & user feedbacks
To get a fully understanding of this new operating system, I divided the report into two dimensions as follow :
Looking into it
Looking in a distance
ROG-GL China User Study Gaming products has always been the core business of Asus. In 2015, its gaming brand 'ROG' would face its 10th anniversary. It's time for ROG to reconsider its brand positioning. I happened to get the chance to receive this research task and cooperated with colleagues in TW, Sweden,US in exploring gamers' lifes. And I take the responsibility of gaming series since then. Key Point observations, discussion guide, interviews, cross-culture understanding
Objectives Understanding new gamers and gamer's life. Research Methods Observation, interview, secondary research. Deliverables Reports. Role Plan, observe, interview, write reports. Apr. 2015 - July. 2015
How we approach gamers?
Planning (competitor study, previous research, recruitment)
Observation (event observation, SME interview)
In-depth interview (8 gamers from Chengdu, Shanghai, Nanjing)
Reports (report review & HQ roadshow)
ROG-GL China User Study | 13
Knowing the gaming culture
I. Event observation
Who are the audiences? What focuses do they have? How does the organizer create appealing atmosphere to motivate gamers, and promote products properly?
II. Professionals interview
Usage behavious of hardcore gamers towards gaming devices, and their lifestyles.
Understanding gamers
8 interviewees have recruited from Chengdu, Shanghai and Nanjing, hardcore gamers and core gamers included. Cover devices of brand desktops, DIY desktops, and laptops.
I collaborated with project members in Taipei to edit discussion guide, prepare interview toolkit, in order to understand their life from aspects such as gaming behaviour, devices, purchase behaviour, brand and style preference. I also make adjustments to fit Chinese local conditions.
The new method of using downloading form soon after interview help us get insights quickly and effectively. All of these findings will be collected into the analysis of global gamers.
Who are gamers
30 global gamers are categorized to extreme gamers, hardcore gamers and core gamers based on how long do they play, and what gaming means to thier life. They also be grouped into socializer, explorer, killer and achiver based on what they play and why they play games: 路 Socializer: MMO, MOBA, Co-op 路 Explorer: RTS, 4X, RPG 路 Killer: FPS, MOBA 路 Achiver: RPG, Action According to two persona spectrums above, we connected them with our ROG product series to consider what can we offer to them respectively. Specific insights and related case studies are provided.
Final report content:
I. Gaming market overview and trends by secondary research II. Gamer persona spectrum by user study III. Product insights for ROG IV. Brand, channels and marketing insights for ROG
Female gamer China User Study Gaming culture are becoming mainstream, and gamers are different from the stereotypes. Upon the above ROG research, we found an increasing trend of the popularity of female gamers. We are curious about exploring this new segmentation and wondering whether it will be an opportunity to exploit a new market. Key Point recruitment, interviews, cross-team workshops, roadshow
Objectives Find out how/if female gamers differ from male gamers, and get insights into their behavior and hardware/style preference. Research Methods Interview, workshops. Deliverables Persona, reports. Role Lead, plan, recruit, interview, host workshop, report and review. Apr. 2015 - Aug. 2015
online/offline identity
needs and preferences
gaming, purchase and communication
Planning (objectives, research methods, recruitment criteria, schedule)
Recruitment (LOL-MSI DM & online questionnaire)
Interview (discussion guide, downloading form, and user story template prepared)
Female Gamer China User Study | 17
Idea generation workshop (help ID&CMF generate design theme, design brief and concept sketches)
Report & Presentation (market overview, gaming culture, general insights, personas, suggestions)
Q3 Roadshow (appealing posters)
Why do they like games?
We did in-depth interviews with seven gamers including two people recruited from League of Legend event, two recommended by friends, and three from our Shanghai colleagues. Most of them are 90s and play League of Legend and World of Waecraft.
不用出门也可以和朋友聚会 ,也能享受看风景,也可以 保持自己的好形象。
没有其他特别的爱好,所以 通过游戏来放松生活,打发 时间。
Friends 朋友是支持自己玩游戏的最 大因素,游戏制造了共同的 话题和相处的契机。
Unordinary 女性玩家在生活中仍属少数 ,在和其他女生的对比中, 自己的与众不同给心理带来 了优越感。
Therefore, what are the differences between female and male gamers? Each of the following reason why they like game represents their attitudes towards game.
Game is free.
Compromising with gamea and roles.
Don't be too girlish, please.
Female Gamer China User Study | 19
Information channels
According to researches, we found that male gamers and video streaming are two main hardware information channels of female gamers, as they prefer light search and always avoid complicated information automatically. For these reasons, Razer has become widely known among gaming brands mainly because of their appropriate marketing strategies.
男性朋友根据预算推荐的配置单 男性朋友 推荐的品牌 自己喜欢的外观
自己喜欢的外观 + 性价比考量
市面上 主流品牌
“外观好看, 摸着舒服就行”
What are female gamers?
After research and insights generation, we conducted workshops with ID&CMF. We focused on three things: 1) delivering user insights; 2) creating suitable design theme; 3) generating ideas of key features. We worked out two persona types, and digging into their gaming behaviours, environment and hardware preference.
Design Theme
How to attract female gamers?
Female Gamer China User Study | 21
How can we serve female gamers?
In order to promote the understanding of female gamers further and get it more practical, we DR team collaborate with ID, CMF and UE team on suggestions of hardware, software and marketing, based on the ROG strategy.
· Easy ‘language · ’Chatting’ bridge
· Extra service
· Healthcare · Cloud · community · Recommended friends by topic
· Customization · Lessen troubles · A sense of ritual · Refreshing white technology
Extra service
Motherboard China User Study Motherboard is one of the most competitive products of Asus. It is necessary to keep a eye on the market and respond to changes quickly. This project is aim to exploring and capturing the change of target audience's need. Identify and maintain our strengths when developing next generation. Key Point: cooperate with PM, recruitment, moderate FGD, conduct interviews, store shadowing
Objectives Understanding PC DIYers, guiding PM to adjust product and marketing strategies upon TA's behaviours, helping ID make next generation design plan. Research Methods Focus group discussion, interview, observation, secondary research. Deliverables Reports. Role Lead, plan, recruit, host FGD, interview, observe, write reports. Oct. 2015 - Jan. 2016
Planning (communicate with PM)
Recruitment User study_SH (cooperate with PM in questionnaire (focus group with sales and users) recruitment, set criteria, sent DM)
User study_CD (focus group with sales, interview with users, and store shadowing)
Reports (workshop with PM, report review)
Motherboard China User Study | 25
Research Tools Besides the focus group discussion guide, I prepared various research tools to help users to recall memories and describe the facts, instead of asking plain 'why'. More details and true experience will be gathered through this way. 1. 2. 3. 4.
Simulative DIY configuration list Specifications ranking list Printed devices photos provided by users in advance Motherboard products provided by PM of High-end, ROG, Pro gamer, test model respectively
Photos of interviewees' own DIY devices
Motherboard Users Ex.
In order to adapt to different situations, four discussion guidelines were generated specific to Shanghai users, Chengdu users, sales and SI, and store shadowing.
Power users TA
Mainstream users Sales+SI
Trade-off advices on spec, marketing and design through exploring their personal experience
Specification and design suggestion on Asus gaming seires.
Key factors of customers' decison making during purchase activities.
Motherboard China User Study | 27
Final Report Insights generated from every touch points occurred between products and consumers. Here I will highlight some key points for example. Obstacles:
1. Reducing of DIYers. 2. The less differentiation of motherboards and Asus lack of competitive advantage.
1. Increase of online purchase, which Jingdong takes the role of leader. 2. Fast rising speed of mid-market share of Gigabyte.
1. Impressions of motherboard brand have a huge influence on purchasing. 2. Unexploited DIY needs still exist in gaming community.
Suggestion Practical advices of hardware, software, service, and marketing from DR aspect are always be provided after detailed analysis, which help the whole team to extend research findings further.
ZenUI 2.0 China Study The launch of ZenPhone is a huge step of Asus 's development. As it is a brand-new product line, timely adjustment and optimization after product launch is crucial. The internal UI always influence using experience of the smartphone directly, therefore, we conducted a research to improve the next generation. Key Point: current UI review, ideation workshop, concept development
ZenUI 2.0 China Study | 29
Objectives Find out killer features of ZenUI 2.0 for China. Research Methods User survey, workshop, concept testing. Deliverables Reports. Role Project member, concept development. Apr. 2014 - Jun. 2014
Past research review Key needs, pain and pleasure points from both "Phablet" and "Bluetooth Wearable Projects".
Secondary research Competitors' winning features User feedback and lifestyle context study.
Insight generation 1
Ideation 1
Interviews + Test
Insights and Ideation 2
Contextual mapping of smartphone usage to generate Themes and Insights.
Based on Themes and Insights, a quick Sketch of Ideas.
Test ideas and Gather further insights.
Refine Key Insights, Major Ideas and Priorities for development.
I. Current ZenUI review While doing secondary research online, we also conduct an overall review of our current UI. On this page, I will list a few examples of the review ideas.
Notification Panel :
Camera Launch :
Asus App :
左右下拉会出现不同的功能菜单,方式较创新。 但在初使用时很难发现,且无明确提示,右上角图标并无相应 Highlight。
右上角的下拉选单多了一个“相機啟動 ICON”, 首页已经有了,不必要重复。
网页选项中:" 以后阅读 ";菜单界面同功能:"Do it later",信息名称不对称,易困惑; 而且不能在视频音乐等独立 app 里使用 Do it later。
ZenUI 2.0 China Study | 31
II. Insights and ideation Based on the secondary research and user survey, we worked out 10 insights themes and 4 personas, that leading to the following 6 major trends of Asus smartphone' user behaviors.
- 智能過濾黑名單
- 遠程式控制制家電
- 流量監控與管理
- 醫院就診資訊推送
- 用拍照記錄生活瞬間
- 智能分類
- 遠程式控制制電腦
- 換取免費流量
- 與天氣相關的健康資訊
- 情境式 widgets
- ASUS 安全中心
- 远程遥控手机
- 整合的应用市场
- 健康提醒與建議
- Voice control 賦予手機人的特質
- 通過雲端保護數據安全
- 自動整理垃圾檔
III. Concepts development
Pain points
After initial concepts ideation and internel idea test, further insights and ideas have been generated. We sorted concepts by the dimensions of 6 user behavior trends, and refined them from core value, top features, and usage (scenario & UI flow). Here I select 'outdoor' theme as an example.
- 協助 ASUS 使用者之間的互動
Micro time 应用
- PC和移动端无缝连接
- 移动和PC端APP是同步的 – user在通行中看微博,
无wifi 的情况下居多 - 关注下载状况,方便传输
远端遥控 -
会把PC开着下载影片,下好以后PC任然开 着因为没法设定自动关机(下载状况未知)
交通应用 (LBS/导航…) -
Concept & Key features (outdoor theme)
- 在户外时可随时查看家里PC下载状况,What’s Next 显示下载进度,提醒关机 - PC下载好(在有wifi情况下)自动传到Zenfone
- 获取当地讯息,发现当地风情
- 类似“豆瓣同城”各个城市Zenfone users 网友提供
- 《同城APP》让user得知每座城市最好用的APP
III. Concepts development Usage scenario & UI flow (outdoor theme) A. Do-It-Later 2.0
User 经常在通行中 浏览网页: 微博, 新闻,。。。
B. What’s Next 2.0 and (product name)
User 快到站时一件放 到Do-It-Later,回家 继续看。
User 吃好晚饭,打开 PC浏览器,DIL收藏 的网页自动打开。微 博上的视频也从之前 暂停的位置起拨。
User 经常在早上出 门(上课,上班)的 时候都会让PC下载音 乐影片。
User在What’s Next 的 timeline上面看到下 载的进度
User发现下载有问题, 点击在What’s Next timeline上的此item, 启动远程控制。
User看到PC界面,完 成重新下载动作。
影片下载好,user 刚 好在他的办公室,影 片自动传输到他的 Zenfone。
What’s Next timeline 显示下载完毕,user 点击此item,远程关 机。
User在地铁上可以看 到最新一集的《来自 星星的你》了!
C. (Product name) via ZenTalk (Life! Trip!) User 点开 ZenGo! 地 图看到Zenfone users 记录的平均班车时间
ZenGo! 地图显示车站 班车的平均到达时间
APP页面:user输入 几路车,地铁线/站 – 可以滚轮式选择。
User 加快脚步,误了 这般车下一班要等10 分钟。
Ex. The OUTDOOR theme among 7 trends
User不知道这般班车 大概几点会到
User 上公交车/地铁, 打开《ZenGo! 交通》 (user可设定 ZenGo! 在锁屏状态也能操作)
User到新地方,不知 道附近有哪些生活设 施,例如购物,餐厅, 影院, 等等
User 在餐厅吃的很开 心。玩手机时打开 《ZenGo! 生活》
自动定位到此餐厅, 点赞。 餐厅自动生效在 ZenGo! 地图上。若已 经有其他user也点赞, 图标会显示次数。
可在Zen Store享用, 显示自己的美食地图 分享到朋友圈。 APP: 美食照片和美食 地图拼图
User 点开 ZenGo! 地 图看到Zenfone users 所推荐的餐厅
ZenGo! 地图显示附近 衣食住行各种生活设 施的点评和排行
User 点击,自动打开 点评APP或网页版查 看细节。
User 经常出差出去 旅游,甚至在自己城 市里都会觉得迷失。
User赚取 1个Zen金币!
同系统的时间和GPS 发送到ZenTalk数据库。
Micro time 应用
交通应用 (LBS/ 导航 ...)
Router China User Study At the end of 2014, Shanghai ID team have received requests from HQ PM of designing new consumer and commercial routers for global market. Since none of the design center has the experience of router design, I was invited to invovle in to help designers make trade-off discussions and communicate with PM through quick research. Key Point cooperate with ID team, define target audiences, competitor study, specification trade-off.
Objectives Identify target audiences, establish design direction. Research Methods Secondary research, workshop with ID team. Deliverables Persona, report. Role Plan, host the workshop, and complete the report. Dec. 2014 - Jan. 2015
TP-Link 5.2% others ASUS others 30.6%
D-Link Linksys
Netgear 28.8%
Netgear TP-Link
3 2
Linksys 19.3%
ASUS 13.2%
D-Link 2.9%
Market research (market share analysis, competitor study, and Asus router evolution study)
Router UI study
Workshop with ID team (understand and refine personas)
Refine target users & design proposal
Router Usage Analysis
Market Research
Consumer Router User Study | 35
Personas With all the research findings gathered from previous periods, I host two persona workshops with related designers. The early participation of industrial designers can help we have a clearer understanding of our target users.
Objectives Identify target audiences, establish design direction. Research Methods Secondary research, interview. Deliverables Report. Role Plan, interview, and complete the report. Jan. 2015 - Mar. 2015
Market research (segmentation and trends analysis, competitor study)
Interview with MIS
Reports (usage process, purchase journey, insights, and suggestions)
Comercial Router User Study | 37
S 中小商户、小微店铺、SOHO
兼职MIS/MIS Server
MIS/MIS Server
<20人:Router *1
20~100人:Router *n
100~1000以上:Centre Controller + AP *n
Different from consumer routers, the way of setting up commercial routers is closely related to the number of internet users. Therefore, I divided commercial router market into following three stages according to user types, at the beginning of the research.
Purchase Journey
Usage Process Install
根据使用人数分配 router数量和位置。 10~15人一台, 每台相隔50m左右, 一般放置放在吊顶 上,或壁挂在高处。
+ ….
基本设定成AP模 式: 1)外网设定 2)无线密码 3)设定路由跟AP模式 4)管理员密码 L
希望简单设定,三步 解决。
Purchase Initiation
3~5年, 直接报废,或因 短暂访客需求再 临时架设。
产品官网, 专业网站, 如中关村, 51CTO
满足新地点网 络需求,机器 换代…
Purchase Consideration
MIS Service:公司的采购能力,产品的稳定性和低返修率。
S&M What’s special:思科可以选择不同参数的天线,长短胖瘦… 企业购买前可先根据需求计算所需天线规格。
Zenfone Post Launch Analysis The launch of smartphone in 2014 is a huge step of Asus's development. As it is a brand-new product line, timely adjustment and optimization after product launch is crucial. Therefore, DR team in TW, Indonesia and Shanghai conducted a cooperative user study to discuss about TA analysis, user satisfaction together to improve the next generation. This is also the first major project I met in Asus. Key Point recruitment agency cooperation, VOC online scan, purchase journey
Zenfone Post Launch Analysis | 39
Objectives Based on post-launch results analysis to develop Zenfone TA, product and promotion strategies for the next generation. Research Methods VOC analysis, focus group discussion, in-depth interview, secondary research. Deliverables Reports. Role Desk research report, fieldwork preparation, FGD & interview recording, download and synthesis. Jun. 2014 - Aug. 2016
Planning and Proposal (define direction and research objectives)
Recruitment (recruitment agency, quote comparison, set criteria)
Online feedback analysis (VOC online scan, online comments, power users' reviews, online survey)
User study_SH (2 FGD, 4 in-depth interviews in Shanghai)
Reports (workshop with stakeholders)
What do we want to find out? 1. Consumer profile 2. User satisfation 3. Purchase/User Journey Map
How can we use this research? 1. Visualize 2. Engage all stakeholders (ADC researchers and designers, product BU and ACC product and marketing teams) 3. Roadmap
Zenfone launch status at a glance
Zenfone Post Launch Analysis | 41
I. Consumer Profile - Who are the Zenfone users? To review the TA strategy, and define the next, by using their lifestyles rather than traditional items like age, gender and occupation. A. Users who have already bought: · What are their lifestyle? · What kind of products would they usually use? · What do they think about Zenfone? · What did they expect before purchase? Have they been achieved?
B. Zenfone TA: · Have Zenfone ever attracted their attentions? · Have they bought a Zenfone? · What are their lifestyle?
II. User satisfation - How to create and continue Zenfone buzz? One of the most important things in post-launch period is listening to the voice of consumers, mainly by tracking user comments online. Also various feedbacks will be gathered from marketing and brand teams, then synthesis and analysis by us. · · · · ·
What are the design objectives of Zenfone? How many have we achieved so far? What is the expectation of next Zenfone? How can we judge whether we achieve them? What should we do to achieve them?
Design & Appearance
OS & Features
Purchase Experience
Social Media
Zenfone Post Launch Analysis | 43
III. Purchase Journey - Why did/didn't they purchase Zenfone? We looked into every touch points of user journey to look for potential strategies and action plan. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Awareness Need Arises Pre-Purchase Purchase Usage
Spare Time
I'm an explorer.
I'm learning watercolor and using it to explore new places ...
Shanghai - Jing'an Temple
Shanghai - Zhujiajiao
Ningbo - Nantang Street
Trying to teach piano ...
Losing weight also ...
Learning to draw infographics ...
Keep travelling around ...
United Kingdom France
Switzerland Vatican
Czech Republic
Austria Taiwan Belgium Shot in Kenting, 2015
Germany Japan
To be continued ...
Contact information Deng Zhuoer | 18302132503 | dengzhuoer@gmail.com