Good Wishes Fom Najeda Online
1 08452570073 email:
I did actually think about writing a long review all about 2010 and plans for 2011 and then realised most sensible people are finishing early, not reading emails or actually thinking about 2011.
So that can be left until � next year�.
Thanks for all your comments and custom in 2010.
2011 will be our biggest ever for the Najeda group.
We really plan to make it the same for you.
Have a great couple of weeks.
Remember to buy plenty of salt and pack a shovel if you live in the UK ! Accept that when it goes down to -5 you will need to turn your heating up.
For my Aussie friends. Make sure you have enough coal for the barbie. If you live in California, pack a rain mack. See you all in 2011 Best Wishes
Denise and Sharon
PS Vat increases in Jan. As a result so will all our products. If you are thinking about Get Going on Google. Sign up now as the price will increase from Jan 1st.
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