How to Stop Email Driving You Insane and Indulge in Market Research at the Same Time
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Email communication can be a fantastic marketing tool and is something we use with great effect. The trouble is sometimes it can all get just overpowering. So I decided to share a really quick tip today with something that is working for me. First to clarify though, Small business internet marketing and b2b email marketing will still work with your customers. You just have to make sure that you are adding some value and you don’t abuse the relationship you are working hard to create. First steps make sure you have more than one email account and special emails for special people, you know the type of thing. So where does the market research come in? Glad you asked that question. If you are a marketer it is actually useful to find out what emails you actually open and which you dont? Put it this way if you don’t open them perhaps your customers won’t either. So what I do is get on a lot of marketers lists and they all come through one email account. I use Gmail ( yes we can now call it that in the UK) it is easy to set up and great at blocking spam. Then every few days I scan them. Yep, I just have a quick look. The ones that peak my interest get put into a special folder and then I delete the rest. Later on I go back to them and see if I am still interested. If I am then maybe this subject line might just be one to use again. Hope the tips help Best Wishes Denise and Sharon
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