How We Plan To Double Our Business in 2011
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How To Double Your Business 2011
How We Plan To Double Our Business in 2011 2010 was an amazing year for us. A lot happened. New client’s, new directions, more clarity and awareness. Plus more income. In fact the most since we both left two highly paid corporate careers. Were we happy with our achievements in 2010? well yes and no. Happy at one level and yet wanting more. The Christmas and New Year holiday has been a great time of reflection. We took an extended break on purpose, to think about where our business is heading. During that time we also made a decision. This year we plan to double our income, work less and take more holidays. Yeah right!!**……… it’s ok a while ago I might have said the same. The thing is I have seen this happen to so many people I respect that now even I believe it is possible. So OK “how” is it going to happen? Well the precise details will be unveiled as we go along. For now though let’s talk about our 8 P’s. It was going to be 10 until Sharon reminded me that the brain work betters at processing 7 plus or minus 2 bits of information! So 8 P’s it is. Our Get Going on Google members well recognises our passion for creating systems involving letters or acronyms!! There is not a huge amount of detail here. Just the top line information you need to make a decision about whether these suggestions resonate with you and are “ideas” or strategies you could use.
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1. The Power of Decision and Creating Your Vision
It always starts here. You make a decision. Simple as that. Now you may be at the end of a road, backed into a corner or have immense power of focus. If you have a vision about what you want your business to be like and how successful you want it to be,t becomes much easier to then make the decision that it will happen. If you are really serious go and buy this book . The Power of Decision by Raymond Charles Barker. A year or so ago I probably might not have shared this in case people thought we were just a bit to “woo “woo”. The reality is the people who are inquisitive and meant to buy this book will. You can get it on Amazon . So you are making a decision. Now what you actually decide does not matter. Maybe it will be how much you turnover, perhaps that you will stop work at 6pm every night and actually spend some time with your children or partner. You must make the decision though. No ifs and buts. Because if you don’t make that decision, the “creative process can’t start to happen” according to Raymond Barker.
2. Preparation
The decision is made. Next up is the preparation. A big word covering many topics. You will know for you what aspects of “preparation” will serve you best. For us 2011 is all about clients. Giving them what they want, serving, making it easy for them to buy and move forward. This will be because we understand them and can provide what they “need” to get the results they want. A certain marketing guru states that it is all about preparation. 80% preparation 20% execution. This might be market and client research, surveys, mental and physical preparation. Yes physical as well. To make things happen in less time takes a certain type of energy. Usually facilitated by good diet and exercise. Boring yet so true. In business you must be prepared for the “stuff” that can be thrown at you often without warning. Taking time initially to think things through will make a huge difference to your results.
3. Planning Sounds similar to preparation I know , though quite different. Once you have done all your prep you can start to plan what is going to happen and in what order. I remember when I first started online
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marketing I had not appreciated there was a flow. I guess you could say I was nowhere near the unconscious competence piece. Unconsciously incompetent would have been a much better description. I remember starting to write Articles about Sales management. Now I was an expert at this. So I thought I better share everything!! Oh dear. No wonder no one visited our website at first, I was giving them all the information in the first Article Then there were all the other things I did not have a clue about at the time. Yet if I had actually spent some time planning in the first instance it would have been a different story.
4. Prioritisation
Oh dear this is a hard one for both of us, especially Denise!! You see we both have a particular profile that means we can turn our hand to most things in the training and development and sales and marketing field. Yet the real truth is if you focus on one thing at a time you will actually achieve more. Get one thing off the ground first before you move onto something else. This also includes who is the best person for the job. If you work on your own who could you delegate to (yes you can do this and it costs less than you think) If there are 2 of you like us, who has the best skills and for which task?
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5. Packaging. Not cardboard or plastic bags. Packaging of services and offerings. We started with Get Going on Google. This has been a really successful venture for us. In being able to create training that is delivered through different media over 12 months. That way people get more content and delivered in a structured way that also helps learning.
In 2011 we will also package more bespoke offerings in response to demand. There are only so many hours in a day for us. So how can we serve more clients and help them get the results they want…… make it an easy buying decision for them.
6. Partnerships
This will be big for us in 2011. We will have our own affiliate and joint venture schemes running by the end of quarter 1. Plus our global networking over the past years has given us access to some amazing people. In January you will meet a couple of home grown experts. One on Goal setting, very topical for January (look out for a free webinar we are running on Jan 20th ) The other will lead us through business planning for SMEs, again this will be happening in the next few weeks. The 2 individuals concerned are Ruth Sanderson from Blue peapod and Claire from coo marketing. We also have an incredibly exciting partnership that we will announce once the I’s are dotted and the T’s crossed, which will happen in the next couple of weeks.
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The great thing about all of these strategic alliances is that they enable us to work closer with a whole range of new clients and groups that otherwise we might not have access to.
7. Promotional consistency
This is a biggy for us. In honesty we don’t promote like we could or should. Which we are now starting to appreciate is a huge dis-service to our clients. So 2011 will see focused promotion based on what people need now. This includes structured and regular content and emails. Regular webinars, new product launches, offers and opportunity’s to work with us 1 to 1
8. Personal development
Saving the best till last!! This is one of our favorite pastimes as you might expect from 2 learning and development consultants. This is particularly important in the online field where “things” change on a weekly basis. We are members of a number of online forums that are cutting edge. The beauty for us is that this enables us to share the strategies and tactics that work now rather than 2 years ago. If you take just one thing from this blog post please invest in yourself and your “education”. For us it has been the thing that helps us grow our business and offerings year on year. So there you have it our “8 Pillars” for a 100% growth in 2011. Now there is a lot to each of these sections and for those of you who like the details why not sign up to our newsletter and experience the journey with us? So what are your plans in 2011?? To a Fantastic 2011 for all of us Denise and Sharon
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About Fast Track Your Sales We are a web marketing company based in the UK we help our clients get more sales leads. We provide a range of services:
Marketing and Sales Strategy Product Launch Planning and implementation Copywriting Sales letter creation Lead Generation Website Affordable Websites SEO Social Media Marketing
To find out more either email us or call us at the numbers below
Email: support[at]fasttrackyoursales[dot] Tel:
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