Internet Advertising Costs: Where Should I Spend My Money
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Internet advertising costs
Internet Advertising Costs: Where Should I Spend My Money? Internet advertising costs are well worth planning into your marketing budget for 2011. With over 80% of people searching online for products and services paying for adverts can be well worth it. Think about the return on investment. Compared to hard copy brochures the ROI is often high to say the least. So what options are available to you? Forgive me as I use a term I often hate!! How long is a piece of string? Let’s explore some of the most obvious paid internet advertising routes for small business owners. 1. PPC marketing (i.e. Google AdWords or yahoo and Bing equivalents) 2. Content networking: Text adverts 3. Content networking: Banner adverts 4. Banner adverts on others people’s sites 5. Ezine advert: Text or Image 6. Other peoples email lists 7. Pay per post blogging.
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8. Text link adverts Now there are many more than this and these tend to be the most obvious, and well used by companies considering internet marketing for small business. The prices will range and vary depending on the market or niche you are in. For instant really hot topics like credit repair, finance, and training tend to have a high amount attached to them. In situations like this it might be a better option to look at banner or image adverts that can work out a lot less in total spend and per click. You can pay a different fee and structure based on pay per view which is proving very popular particularly where many eyeballs are staring on particular social networks. I.e. facebook. Forming a relationship with another business owner will also prove fruitful if you go about it i the correct way. Always be willing to pay and think about what is in it for them. OK you are selling a product or service and yet if you or I want to recommend something to our customers it is important that we are adding value? Not just sending out any offer. Per per post blogging is another option small business owners are not always aware of and can be productive. Back to relationships again or being able to negotiate a fee. So what would be our recommendations? 1. Do something! Have a budget and stick to it 2. Make it targeted. There is no point putting an advert on a site where your customers don’t hang out! Logical I know yet many people do it. Advertise on a related site. 3. Consider using images and banners. You can get them made for you at a reasonable rate all over the internet. In fact there is a site Called banner fans where you can make you own. for free. 4. If you have an advert on a site test it. Give it at least 30 days before you make a decision. Ask the owner what sort and volume of traffic they get. Then using your analytics data think about your results. To you and your internet success, Best Wishes Denise and Sharon
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