Small Business Marketing Strategies? You Still Need To Sell Your Stuff!
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Small Business Marketing Strategies? You Still Need To Sell Your Stuff!
small business marketing strategies
We all need a number of small business marketing strategies in our tool box that we implement on a consistent basis. Marketing is vital in any business to generate interest and some buzz around your product or service. The truth is that for many of us as internet marketers to be truly successful we have to sell the value of our offering. That even means picking up the phone and convincing people about the value of what we have to offer. I was contemplating this earlier today as I was getting ready to head off to london later this week. Next minute this stellar blog post from Seth Godin dropped into my inbox. I just wanted to share it with you. The question is are you an invitor………………….? Selling is often misunderstood, largely by people who would be a lot more comfortable merely inviting. If I invite you to a wedding, or a party, or to buy a $500,000 TV ad for $500, there’s no resistance on your part. Either you jump at the chance and say yes, or you have a conflict and say no. It’s not my job to help you overcome your fear of commitment, to help you see the ultimate value and most of all, to work with you as you persuade yourself and others to do something that might just work.
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If the marketing and product development team do a great job, selling is a lot easier… so easy it might be called inviting. The guy at the counter of the Apple store selling the iPad2 isn’t really selling them at all. Hey, there’s a line out the door of people with money in their pockets. I’m inviting you to buy this, if you don’t want it, next! The real estate broker who says that the house would sell if only he could get below market pricing and a pre-approved mortgage is avoiding his job. The salesperson’s job: Help people overcome their fear so they can commit to something they’ll end up glad they invested in. The goal of a marketer ought to be to make it so easy to be a salesperson, you’re merely an inviter. The new marketing is largely about this–creating a scenario where you don’t even need salespeople. (Until you do.) Selling is a profession. It’s hard work. Ultimately, it’s rewarding, because the thing you’re selling delivers real value to the purchaser, and your job is to counsel them so they can get the benefit. But please… don’t insist that the hard work be removed from your job to allow you to become an inviter. That’s great work if you can get it, but it’s not a career. To You and Your Online Success Denise and Sharon
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