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Five Minutes with...

Manisha Gidoomal Bowled Out A bowling experience at The Village Market

Good food

A paradise of food at The Village Market


Contents 5


is published by

Land & Marine Publications (Kenya) Ltd Suite A6, 1st Floor, Ojijo Plaza. Plums Lane, off Ojijo Road, Parklands. P.O. BOX 2022, Village Market 00621, NAIROBI. Tel: 020 374 1934 • Email:




‘Village Beat’ gets a fresh look


Village Diary


A passion for lighting

New Villager Power Innovations


Five minutes with...

Manisha Gidoomal


Bowled out

Experience bowling at The Village Market


Bowling at The Village Market

Kenya’s only bowling alley


A paradise for lovers of good food


Women’s heath support

19 Profiler: John Mwangi

Accountants can be friendly too

on behalf of

20 Ideal Interiors Show


Major draw for mall customers

PO Box 100 - 00621 The Village Market


Off the shelf

Book worm




A to Z of Village Market


Essential contacts & information

Tel: 7122488 - 90 • Fax: 7122477 Email The opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the editor, or any other organisation associated with this publication. No liability can be accepted for any inaccuracies or omissions. VillageBeat is a publication of The Village Market.

©2011 Land & Marine Publications Ltd

A Village Market Publication // April 2011 - May 2011



Jambo! ‘Village Beat’ gets a fresh look


arch was a month of great events

This year is the fifth anniversary of ‘Village Beat’

at The Village Market. The Ideal

and to celebrate this milestone, we asked Land

Interiors Show, from 10 to 13

& Marine Publications (Kenya) – a Nairobi-based

March, featured the latest state-of-the-art

subsidiary of the UK company Land & Marine

furniture and furnishings to transform any

Publications Ltd, which has 19 years’ experience

home, office and lifestyle. The show was

in global publishing – to spruce up the magazine

officially opened by the Assistant Minister for

and give it a fresh look. I would like to say a big

Housing, the Hon. Margaret Wanjiru.

thank-you to the Land & Marine team, Denis Gathanju (Editorial Director) and Minaywa Laboso

As part of its corporate social responsibility

(Advertising Executive) for an exceptional job. Let

projects this year, The Village Market was proud

us know what you think, too.

to be represented among several dignitaries from the government, high commissions and

To keep you informed about our upcoming

conservancy groups that took time to attend the

events, we urge you to follow us on Twitter

grand opening of Karura Forest, which has now

@villagemarket or check out The Village Market

been fenced. Last year, The Village Market became

Facebook page.

a lifetime member of the Friends of Karura Forest Organisation and contributed KES 250,000


towards the perimeter fencing of the entire forest. In addition, members of The Village Market staff planted over 100 seedlings which they maintain to date. The Village Market urges all its partners,


tenants and shoppers to tour Karura Forest and

Ann Gitari

enjoy the scenic view of the trees, waterfalls,

Press Liaison Officer

rivers and caves.

VillageBeat // April 2011 - May 2011

A Village Market Publication // April 2011 - May 2011



Village Diary 14 to 25 April 2011

Casa Bella Furniture Exhibition New Exhibition Hall, 10 am to 6 pm daily

An exhibition and sale of wrought iron furniture for the garden and interior decor for the modern home.

5 to 16 May 2011

Lake Basins Artists Exhibition Old Exhibition Hall, 10 am to 6 pm daily

A collection of unique paintings by artists from Kisumu, Kakamega, Mombasa and Nairobi. Organised by the Museums of Kenya.

12 to 22 May 2011

Ethiopian Inspiration Week New Exhibition Hall, 10 am to 6 pm daily

The annual Ethiopian lifestyle show is back, showcasing artefacts, crafts and traditional aspects of Ethiopian culture. Delight in Ethiopian brewed


coffee as you enjoy the soothing aroma of Ethiopian incense.


VillageBeat // April 2011 - May 2011

For more information about our events:

Tel: +254 20 712488-90 Email: Facebook: THE VILLAGE MARKET Twitter: @VillageMarket


A passion for lighting


he Village Market’s newest outlet,

the environment. The company has made

Power Innovations Ltd, specialises in

environmental management one of its top

imported high quality electrical systems

priorities and has devoted itself to implementing

and components. Its product range includes

environmental measures from the initial design

electrical switches and energy saving lamps as

to every stage of manufacture, research and

well as electrical measuring instruments.

development, office management and even to disposal and recycling processes.

With over 10 years of operations to its name, Power Innovations now represents several international ISO 9001 companies and is a leading


provider of lighting solutions for residential and

Power Innovations is constantly driven by the

commercial environments including airports,

initiative of replacing incandescent and halogen

construction sites and swimming pools.

applications. Its philosophy is to ensure peace of mind and flexibility for its customers by providing


not only a variety but also the best lighting solutions, unique designs and innovative technology.

The company’s mission is to provide electrical systems of the highest standard for discerning customers. Leading manufacturers of electrical


either as sole agents, importers, distributors or wholesalers. Its client base includes local diplomatic missions, embassies and expatriates. Power Innovations is also passionately dedicated


supply systems now use Power Innovations

Level 2, Next to Safaricom Customer Care Centre Tel: +254 20 816532-4/ +254 20 358604/ +254 734 699948/ +254 722 207030 Email:

to enhancing the quality of life and conserving

A Village Market Publication // April 2011 - May 2011



VillageBeat // April 2011 - May 2011


Five Minutes with...

Manisha Gidoomal Proprietor, glamourize


end clients who understand the value of genuine


brands when compared to counterfeit items.

Three and a half years and we are Kenya’s only designer handbag shop.

WHAT’S A NORMAl DAY FOR YOU lIKE? I begin my day at the gym, followed by nine holes


of golf or some tennis. Later on, I go to the shop

We specialise in the real thing – designer handbags

for some administrative and marketing, assisted

at the brand’s recommended retail price, with fun

by Trizer, my very able outlet assistant. At 3 pm I

accessories to match. We represent brands like

leave to pick up my children from school and head

Furla, Lancel, Givenchy and Nomination.






My original idea was to specialise in foreign art,

I have learned that my customers want something

but The Village Market management advised

different every time. We therefore have to

us to focus on designer handbags and fashion

continuously increase our product range to

accessories that would meet the demands of high-

ensure we have new brands. In so doing, we keep our customers coming back and they in turn recommend our outlet to their friends and family.


GlAMOURIZE Level 1, Opposite the food court Tel: +254 20 7123275 Email:

WHAT FUTURE PlANS DO YOU HAVE FOR GlAMOURIZE? It has been on my mind to open an online shop. I will be putting my energy to it very soon.

A Village Market Publication // April 2011 - May 2011


Bowled out 8

VillageBeat // April 2011 - May 2011

Bowling By Denis Gathanju


t is Tuesday afternoon. We have had a busy

hand. She does it a second time and on the third,

morning attending meetings all over town.

she releases the ball. The younger woman, who

The midday sun is out and it is a beautiful

must be her daughter, stands by the side, her body

day in Nairobi.

language revealing her nervousness. Her fingers are crossed and her teeth are clenched. It is evident that

We attend our last meeting at The Village Market

she wants her mother to miss the target.

and my boss and I opt for a quick bite at the food court. After our meal, we decide to hang around

Flawless bowling

the shopping mall doing some window shopping, as we both feel exhausted and are not in a rush to

But the throw from the older woman is flawless.

get back to the office.

The ball skids along the soft surface to the end of the alley, hits the pins mid-centre and they tumble

As we walk lazily past the shops, we are lost into

into the darkness behind. The woman jumps up

our own worlds, perhaps thinking of business

like a teenage girl and dances around her now

or maybe family. We walk up the staircase and

dejected daughter.

peep though the window where jerseys of various English football teams are on display. I am tempted

“Now who’s the better one?” she teasingly asks

to buy a Manchester United one, but my boss

her daughter, who only manages a sad smile:

One woman is jumping up and down with raised arms that punch the air in a celebratory dance won’t let me because he does not support the

“But, Mum, I beat you last time. That makes it

club. He pulls me away and we walk through a

a draw. One more round and we know who is

shaded alley. A few steps along and we come to a

better, agreed?” the young lady offers a challenge.

huge doorway that opens into a spacious hall. “You are on, my baby. Mama is coming for your

Mother and daughter duel

neck,” the old woman screams back.

From the entrance, I can see some excited people. One woman, probably in her early 30s, is jumping up and down with raised arms that punch the air in a celebratory dance. She dances teasingly around an older woman, probably in her late 50s. She can only manage a sheepish smile before she energetically stands up and walks confidently to the edge of the alley. Her demeanour says it all: she has to get the score she needs and this is her moment to shine. My boss and I watch in silence as the woman

My boss and I exchange glances that need no

places the ball in her right hand, ready to bowl.

words. “You think you are better than I am?” we

Even though she has her back to us, I can picture

both seem to ask. The challenge is on.

the concentration and determination written on her face. With the ball gripped firmly in her right hand,

We shoot straight for the counter and ask to

she swings it and stops it in mid air with her left

play a round against each other. Being a proud

A Village Market Publication // April 2011 - May 2011



Englishman, my boss is eager to show me he is better and he wants to nail the message home: he is the boss. As for me, I have never been bowling in my life, but from my school days I know how to throw stones further and higher than anyone else and I think to myself: “Denis, this is the time to beat the boss. This is the time to show this Englishman that a Kenyan dude can play a foreign sport better. It’s time to beat the boss.” With the challenge on and the adrenalin pumping and a whole afternoon to kill, Gary and I shout our shoe sizes to the woman behind the counter as we hurriedly untie our shoes and slip the bowling shoes on our feet. Owing to the smooth surface of the bowling alley, players need special safety shoes. As soon as we get to the

is sitting behind me. He gives me a smile,

sensing victory, my boss steps up ready

ramp, we key our first names into the

but I am not deceived. Behind his smile,

to send me to the cleaners and prove to

computer system and we are ready to go.

he wants me to make a pathetic bowl

me that he is still the boss. His throws are

that will give him the edge over me.

no better than mine and after the second round he is two points ahead of me.

Damaged ego With one swing of the ball, I aim for the I play first. I choose a blue ball because

middle pack. The ball flies off my right

I up the ante on my third attempt and

it’s my favourite colour and step onto

hand and skids down the long alley. It

throw the ball with speed with power

the bowling surface, ready to make my

hits the middle pins with speed and sends

behind it. But my right hand swings a

throw. I glance quickly at my boss, who

them to the gutter behind, but three pins

couple of degrees to the left as the ball leaves my hand. This sends the ball into

Sensing victory, my boss steps up ready to send me to the cleaners and prove to me that he is still the boss

a spin and even though it has power and speed, it quickly veers off the ramp just before it reaches the pins. My excited boss steps up to finish what he started, but he does no better. However, he holds onto his two-point lead and comes out the victor.

are left standing. My second throw is

For me, I lick my wounds and I walk out

pathetic and my boss shoots to his feet,

with a damaged ego. The boss has got

ready to better my score.

the better of me, but that was round one. We will be back for round two,


VillageBeat // April 2011 - May 2011

His throw is flawless and he hits all the pins

which will played in Colchester, England

and I can only punch the air in frustration;

– my boss’s backyard – and the deciding

but I collect myself and demand a better

round three to be played at The Village

performance from myself.

Market in Nairobi.

My throws are even more pathetic and

Just who is the best at bowling, my boss

I manage to strike only three pins. Now

or me? Watch this space.



at The Village Market T

he Village Market is modelled

and shoppers at The Village Market.

that can accommodate as many as 144

around the family. It is a place

According to Oscar, this is because

people at a time. Bowling at the centre

where they can troop on any

bowling is not only fun to play, but

is pocket friendly as it costs only KES 250

given day and be guaranteed to enjoy

is easy to learn for first-timers and is

per game on weekdays and KES 350 per

their meals and shopping and fun in

less energy intensive and prone to the

game at weekends.

one central location without having

elements than other action sports such as

to drive around the whole city.

football or rugby.

The centre is also popular with corporate organisations looking to enhance

Within the walls of this huge shopping

Bowling is easy because it is an indoor

bonding with their employees in a

and business complex is Kenya’s only

game and you can play in any outfit, apart

competitive environment. Corporate

bowling alley. Oscar Chege, sales and

from the shoes. This makes it a darling with

organisations have been known to book

marketing team leader at the bowling

many people doing business, attending

the entire centre for a whole day or for a

centre, says it has been in operation for

meetings, going shopping or just seeking

couple of hours each week.

11 years and is one of the biggest crowd

out fun at The Village Market.

pullers at The Village Market. The bowling centre at The Village Market Since it was introduced into Kenya,

is a state-of-the-art 10-pin bowling alley

bowling has continued to gain traction with many visitors, business people

A Village Market Publication // April 2011 - May 2011



A paradise for lovers of

good food I

f you thought that The Village Market was

What’s more, The Village Market continues to

only about great shopping, then think

excite and delight in equal measure as new


eateries open or replace existing outlets in a steady process of evolution. The net result is that

It may not be apparent to everyone, but The

The Village Market keeps on moving upmarket in

Village Market offers what is possibly Nairobi’s

terms of its cuisine and the dining experience it

finest single-location dining experience and

provides for visitors.

certainly its most varied in terms of cuisine. For food-lovers, it has everything from fine dining – at Tribe and elsewhere – to a quick snack, hamburger or pizza.

Unique Since it opened, the Tamambo Tapas Bar, with its unique-to-Nairobi offerings, has set the pace when it comes to good food coupled with some classy entertainment, four evenings a week, that lures visitors to The Village Market even after the shops have closed. And if it matches your taste in music, and if you can get a seat, there is live jazz every packed-out Friday evening as well as occasional nights of rock and roll. The management of Tamambo Tapas says these musical evenings attract a mature, thoughtful, sophisticated and discerning audience. The Village Market has recently added a smart new Artcaffe, the second such outlet in Nairobi as the brand starts to take off locally after the


VillageBeat // April 2011 - May 2011

A Village Market Publication // April 2011 - May 2011



VillageBeat // April 2011 - May 2011


runaway success of its first coffee shop. This has brought a certain level of sophistication to a prime spot overlooking the entrance. While it may be difficult to get a seat, the terrace of Artcaffe is now THE place to be seen in The Village Market. Here, you can enjoy consistently good food or a cup of coffee with friends after a hard afternoon’s shopping.

Popular In and around the always popular food court on the ground floor, visitors are spoilt for choice, with a variety of cuisine ranging from inexpensive and tasty Chinese to huge German Bratwurst and other delights from Europe’s masters of sausage making. And there is food to suit all tastes, including African, Indian, Italian, Thai and Turkish, not to mention a bakery and patisserie with ‘naughty but nice’ cakes. Taking it further upmarket is the Prime Cuts Bistro, with juicy and tender steaks, mouth-watering

delicatessen with fat (and expensive) Italian salamis

lamb chops, grilled chicken and even seafood.

and other exotic imports hard to find elsewhere in

Prime Cuts also serves over-filled baguettes, a real


The Village Market continues to excite and delight in equal measure as new eateries open or replace existing outlets in a steady process of culinary evolution favourite of many. This is the only Nairobi outlet

Apart from the always excellent Chinese outlet in

for this particular fast-food operator. Tucked

the food court, there is the affiliated RoRo Chinese

away behind Prime Cuts are its butchery and a

Restaurant on the Upper Floor, offering the very best of Oriental cooking in a more formal setting. For those who have less time on their hands or wish to combine eating with a visit to The Village Market’s bowling alley or water attractions, there’s a choice of Steers or Debonairs. For many, Debonairs serves the tastiest pizza in town, while also providing a home delivery service throughout the city from its three outlets. So, whatever your taste in food, and especially if you enjoy variety and hearty portions, The Village Market is THE place to come to eat out – and, of course, to shop.

A Village Market Publication // April 2011 - May 2011



Where to eat? Village Market Restaurants and Food Outlets ArtCaffe Amadeus Dorman’s Coffee House German Point Epic Restaurant (at Tribe Hotel) Khazana Pomodoro Arlecchino Revive Juice Bar Sofra Turkish Cuisine Prime Cuts Taste of Africa Tamambo Tapas Steers Debonairs Pizza Osteria Gigiri Roro Slush Thai Food


VillageBeat // April 2011 - May 2011


Women’s health support W

omen at different times in their life need support for their health. This is conditioned by various developmental stages in which

hormones are at work. Other health conditions which set

• • • •

Prenatal care Fibroids Memory Menopause.

in the need for supplementation are related to lifestyle as well as age.

The Elixir Health shop gives advice in these areas as well as supplements that support the woman during these periods in

So it is important for an individual to have some basic knowledge

life. Similarly, once a month, there is a free talk on various health

of her health situation in order to obtain the correct assistance.

challenges. This year, Elixir has already held health sessions on cervical cancer and hormonal imbalance.

Qualified One major step towards knowledge is consulting with a naturopathic doctor. Information received from these specialists should be followed up either by corrective or precautionary measures in such conditions as:

• Painful menstruation and irregular menstrual cycles • Fertility and conception • Vitality and stamina


VillageBeat // April 2011 - May 2011


qualified medical practitioner such as a gynaecologist or a

Be on the Elixir Health mailing list to receive information on the next health talk:

Elixir Health Level 2, Above Foodcourt, Muthaiga North, Nairobi Tel: +254 20 7120217 Email:


Accountants can be friendly, too John Mwangi, Assistant Financial Controller, The Village Market


ohn Mwangi never imagined

and son reach a compromise. So after

meaning I have to work very hard, twice

himself as an accountant. From

completing high school, John joined

as fast and with no errors. That isn’t easy,

a very tender age, John wanted

Strathmore College (now a university)

but it has to be done.”

to join the military. As with all young

to study accounting.

men, his dream was inspired by

When he isn’t working, John likes to

friends, most of whom resided in the

“I have no regrets,” says John, several years

spend time with his two sons and his

army barracks near his parents’ home.

down the line and now working for The

wife. He also uses his free time to do

He admired the men and women

Village Market management as an assistant

some consultancy work for private

who serve and protect this nation and

financial controller. “I like the rewards

clients who need expertise in investment

hoped that one day he would end up

that come with the job, the opportunity

management and auditing, something

trained, uniformed and armoured.

to interact with different people and learn

that has helped to boost his career.

Unfortunately, his mother would hear

something new every day.”

none of it. Instead, she wanted her son to be a teacher. This conflict of aspirations would see both mother


Grateful For all that he has achieved, John realises

John’s major duties and responsibilities

he could not have done it without the

include auditing, billing, taxation, supplier

help of his colleagues in the Accounts

and debtor reconciliation, and training of

Department. “I am also grateful to my

new staff. His job has no room for error.

boss and the company’s directors for giving me a free hand and believing in

“It is pretty much close-ended and one

my work.”

plus one will always be two. You can never try and make it three or four.” He

To his colleagues in other departments

stresses the importance of honesty and

who believe accountants come across

precision in the accounting field. “We

as introverted people, John would like

have a counterchecking system that

to prove to them that accountants have

ensures your work is seen by one or two

the best public relations skills. “Before I

other co-workers before it is presented as

write a notice to pay,” he explains with a

a final product.”

smile, “I must sweeten my words. But if the notice is ignored several times, then

But even with these systems, John’s job

I have to harden my face and become a

has other challenges: “There are times I

debt collector,” concludes John, his smile

have to prepare financial reports urgently,

fading. “It’s all part of the job.”

A Village Market Publication // April 2011 - May 2011


Ideal Interiors Show is major draw for mall customers


VillageBeat // April 2011 - May 2011



he Village Market recently became

“It is evident that the interiors decor market is healthy

the buzzword of town as it hosted the

and in great demand, but rising costs and regulations

second nostalgic Ideal Interiors Show.

pose significant challenges as well as opportunities to the sector players,” said Mr Odhiambo.

Organised by Real Wealth Ltd, publisher of East

He said that growth in the East African interiors

Africa’s ‘Ideal Interiors’ magazine, the event

market would largely continue to be driven by

attracted a record 67 exhibitors and featured a

creative minds and by other variables including

range of dazzling kitchens, accentuated lighting

the construction business, housing loans, changes

and lighting effects, boomer home theatres and

in consumer habits and a range of other lifestyle

showstoppers with unique architectural designs,

factors and worthwhile shopping experiences.

furniture and furnishings. The assistant complex manager, Betty Musyoki,


said The Village Market was delighted to host such a distinguished event and the mall was honoured

This unique four-day event (from 10 to 13

to be chosen as the venue.

March) generally increased the number of people visiting The Village Market shopping


mall and turned a new page for those yearning for aesthetically appealing homes, offices and

“The Ideal Interiors Show gives The Village

hotels. The statement was bold: interiors dictate

Market a tremendous opportunity to present the

the construction of domestic settings, formal

top offerings within the interiors industry to our

environment and recreation areas.

discerning clientele, who want a platform with the

The show was set up in 48 hours, transforming The Village Market’s 1,000 square metre concrete rooftop area The show was set up in 48 hours, transforming

best display, in a retail setting, and superior interiors

The Village Market’s 1,000 square metre concrete

that satisfy their tasteful needs,” said Ms Musyoki.

rooftop area – normally used as a parking bay – into an attractive showcase for the exhibitors. The

The Assistant Minister of Housing, the Hon.

spot was typically in sync with the event’s overall

Margaret Wanjiru, who presided over the official

theme: ‘Transform the Heart of Your Home’.

opening, said the Ideal Interiors Show had become a fundamental platform on which industry players

This ‘instant’ show venue provided an ideal

could advance common ideals for the growth of

platform for some rare ideas in the interiors

the now dynamic real estate market.

market – summed up by the event’s director, Humphrey Odhiambo, as “a reflection of talents

“The interiors sector has never been as

that deserve to be nurtured and upheld”.

phenomenal as it is right now in determining

A Village Market Publication // April 2011 - May 2011



the right dynamics for real estate development,” she said. “Gone are the days when developers put up structures without considering what would go into the interiors. Gone are the days when interior design professionals and suppliers were seen as microscopic contributors to project development.”

Pivotal Dr Wanjiru said that, lately, it was the interior design industry players who were forming the basis for many project designs. The interior design suppliers and manufacturers were playing a pivotal role in ensuring that buyers benefited from quality products and services to attain unique tastes and style, she said. Paying tribute to the versatility of the interiors industry in terms of product and service innovation, Dr Wanjiru stressed that, as the industry celebrates the gains made by the interiors sector – which injects close to KES 150 billion annually into the economy – it is equally necessary

under way, to launch an association for

membership to make housing an

for it to underscore the need for cohesion

the interiors sector. “This, I wish to say,

achievable dream for all. The Ministry of

among key stakeholders, with the

is a welcome move by industry players,

Housing will also find the right ground

agenda of proactive unity being a key

who certainly have taken stock of the

upon which to seek for partnerships in

tenet for success.

shortcomings of the sector and have

executing some of the developments

recognised the need to find a broader

we are undertaking, especially in relation


platform that will not only accentuate the

to interiors.

Stressing the importance of

The interior design suppliers and manufacturers ensured that buyers benefited from quality products and services

understanding the need for a common interiors design industry agenda, the Assistant Minister lauded plans, already

role played by this exhibition, but will be an

“The Ministry will also continue to support

authoritative voice for addressing the issues

the Ideal Interiors Expo to ensure it not only

affecting the sector,” said Dr Wanjiru.

grows to become an effective platform for industry development, but also becomes a


VillageBeat // April 2011 - May 2011

“At the Ministry of Housing, we throw

reference point for the entire region in as

our support behind this association

far as the best interior design products and

and hope to work closely with its

services are concerned.”


Book Worm

A quick look at the latest bestsellers

Beneath the Lion’s Gaze

The Writing On My Forehead

Author: Maaza Mengiste

Author: Nafisa Haji

Price: KES 1,430

Price: KES 880

Available at: Westlands Sundries

Available at: Westlands Sundries

‘Beneath the Lion’s Gaze’ opens in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 1974,

Free-spirited and rebellious, Saira has grown up in California

on the eve of a revolution. Yonas kneels in mother’s prayer

with her beautiful, obedient sister, Ameena. From childhood,

room, pleading to his god for an end to the violence that has

she has broken the boundaries between her desire for

racked his family and country. His father, Hailu, a prominent

independence and her family’s traditions – in particular, her

doctor, has been ordered to report to jail after helping a victim

Bombay-bred mother’s idea of how girls should behave. Now,

of state-sanctioned torture to die. And Dawit, Hailu’s youngest

hungry for experience and curious about the world, Saira travels

son, has joined an underground resistance movement – a choice

to Karachi for a wedding and stumbles upon family secrets that

that will lead to more upheaval and bloodshed across a ravaged

will shape the rest of her life.



VillageBeat // April 2011 - May 2011

Black Mamba Boy Author: Nadifa Mohamed Price: KES 880 Available at: Westlands Sundries This story starts far away, on the streets of Aden, and long ago in the sweltering summer of 1935. Ten-year-old Jama has grown up in the slums of this ancient city, learning to survive amongst the ragamuffins and vagabonds of the port. When he loses everything, his only chance of survival lies in finding his father who disappeared years before.

Fang Author: James Patterson Price: KES 770 Available at: Westlands Sundries Maximum Ride is used to surviving – living constantly under threat from evil forces sabotaging her quest to save the world – but nothing has ever come as close to destroying her as the horrifying prophecy that Fang will be the first to die. Fang is Max’s best friend, her soulmate, her partner in the leadership of her flock of bird kids. A life without him is a life unimaginable.

Three Cups of Tea Author: Greg Mortenson & David Oliver Relin Price: KES 1,100 Available at: Westlands Sundries In 1993, after a terrifying and disastrous attempt to climb K2, a mountaineer called Greg Mortenson drifted, cold and dehydrated into an impoverished Pakistan village in the Karakoram Mountains. Moved by the inhabitants’ kindness, he promised to return and build a school. ‘Three Cups of Tea’ is the story of that promise and its extraordinary outcome. Over the decade, Mortenson built not just one but 55 schools in remote villages across the forbidding and breathtaking landscape of Pakistan and Afghanistan, just as the Taliban rose to power. His story is at once a riveting adventure and a testament to the power of the human spirit.

A Village Market Publication // April 2011 - May 2011




VillageBeat // April 2011 - May 2011









Pictorial 5

1 Kids Club members enjoy their end-of-year party at The Village Market Water Park

6 Real Wealth chief executive Humphrey Odhiambo welcomes the Assistant Minister for Housing, the Hon. Margaret Wanjiru, the First

2 Hamed Ehsani (right), managing director of

Secretary of the Italian Embassy in Kenya, Alberto

The Village Market, presents a computer to Esao

la Bella, and Kalpesh N. Desai, of Prafulchandra &

Ochorokodi, officer commanding station (OCS) at

Brothers Ltd, to the official opening of the Ideal

Gigiri Police Station. The computer will be used in

Interiors Show at The Village Market.

the OCS’s office.

7 Zacharia Nzaya, of Mobilcasa, shows the 3 Staff of Safaricom marketing the Ideos

Assistant Minister for Housing, the Hon. Margaret

Android Phone during an event at The Village

Wanjiru, some of the furniture on display at the

Market. Safaricom was among sponsors of The

Ideal Interiors Show at The Village Market.

Village Market’s Look Good Christmas Promotion.

8 The First Secretary of the Italian Embassy in 8

4 (Left to right): The Village Market’s assistant marketing manager, Leah Munyua, Nairobi’s

Kenya, Alberto la Bella, speaking at the official opening of the Ideal Interiors Show.

Provincial Director of Culture, Agatha Ndambuki, the director of the Godown Arts Centre, Joy

9 Rajev Medirratta, managing director of

Mboya, and The Village Market’s public relations

Lighting Solutions, describes his products to the

officer, Janet Mbugua, share a light moment during

Assistant Minister for Housing, the Hon. Margaret

the art exhibition ‘Manjano: Perceptions of Nairobi’.

Wanjiru, at the Ideal Interiors Show.

5 Marketing staff members James Gichimu,

10 Boys’ room at the showhouse built by a team

Jane Muthoni and Oscar Chege on a nature trail

led by Spiegel Interiors, one of the exhibitors at

during the grand opening of Karura Forest. The

the Ideal Interiors Show 2011.

Village Market is a lifetime member of the Friends of Karura Forest Organisation and contributed KES

11 The Village Market’s assistant complex

250,000 towards fencing the perimeter of

manager, Betty Musyoki, speaking at the official

the forest.

opening of the Ideal Interiors Show 2011.


A Village Market Publication // April 2011 - May 2011


A to Z of Village Market ESSENTIALS All Times Arabian Corner Blue Lily CaterMart Diplomatic Duty Free Kitengela Glass Lifestyle Motoring Mags School of Photography

Fahari Bridal Boutique

Safaricom Customer Care Centre

Fashion Brands

Sugar Candy


Technology House

Handcraft Centre

Toy World


Westlands Sundries

Istanbul Lavent Fashions


Jaishiv (Khazana)

Zucchini Greengrocers

Jit Gems Kazuri 2000




Athens Leather Shop

Made in Africa

Nokia Shop


Magik Grace

Ocram Girap

Barton Mode


Personal Systems

City Walk

Mille Collines

Pets & Pots

D’s Boutique


Power Innovations Ltd

Fabric Gallery

Nairobi Sports House



Pure Flow

VillageBeat // April 2011 - May 2011


One Way

Coop ATM




Art Caffe


Diamond Trust Bank

Debonairs Pizza

Slippers Glitter


Dorman’s Coffee Shop


Eco Bank ATM

Epic Restaurant - Tribe

Tinga Tinga

Kenya Commercial Bank

German Point

Trevor Collection


Khazana Restaurant



Made in Africa

Equity ATM

Osteria Gigiri




Barclays Bank

PesaPoint ATM

Prime Cuts

Barclays ATM

Standard Chartered ATM

Revive Juice Bar

Cehni Ltd

Village Forex Bureau

Ro Ro Restaurant Sea World

Chase Bank Chase ATM Commercial Bank of Africa


Slush Sofra Turkish Cuisine

A Village Market Publication // April 2011 - May 2011


A to Z

Silverbird Cinemas

Tamambo Tapas


Taste of Africa

Artz Gallery

Tinman (Pool Hall & Foosball)

Thai Food

Blue Rhino


Curtain World



Home Décor, 1001 Pots

AA Kenya

Aromatic Perfume Bar


Bobby Pal Photography

Belladonna Pharmacy

Kashmir Arts


Dream Nails

Mini Maasai Market

Kenya Valuers & Estate Agents

Elixir Health

One Der Box

Kingsway Tyre Centre

Grass Roots

Palacina Ineriors

Post Office

Jaff’s Optical

Past & Present

Tintoria Drycleaners

Nirvana Gym & Spa


Village Photoshop

Salon Malibu

Sweet Dreams

Wynton House of Music

Salon Natalie

Tree House


Shifaz Veterinary Clinic Spa Siam (Africa) Village Dental Clinic




VillageBeat // April 2011 - May 2011

Bunson Travel Services Langata Link (Holiday Homes Kenya)

Hi- Tide Waterpark

Kenya Airways Sales & Ticketing Office

Put-o-Mania (Mini Golf)

Phoenix Safaris


Essential Contacts & information All Times News Stand

Dorman’s Coffee House

Prime Cuts Butchery & Bistro

Monday to Friday: 8.00am - 8.00pm Sunday: 10.00am - 8.00pm Tel: 7122015

Monday to Thursday: 8.00am - 7.00pm Friday & Saturday: 8.30am - 1 0.00pm Sunday: 10.00am - 7.00pm

Barclays Bank

Kenya Airways Sales Office

Monday: 8.45am - 7.00pm Tuesday - Friday: 8.45am - 1 0.00pm Saturday: 7.45am - Till Late Sunday: 8.45am - Till Late

Monday to Saturday: 8.30am - 8.30pm Sunday: 10.00am - 4.00pm Tel: 7122741/ 7120042/ 7121963

Belladonna Pharmacy Monday to Saturday: 8.30am to 8.30pm Sunday & Public Holidays: 10.00am to 7.30pm Tel: 71 221 41 /7

Tel: 7121072/ 7120241/ 6422790-9

Kenya Commercial Bank (KCB) Monday to Friday: 8.30am - 6.30pm Saturday: 8.30am - 4.00pm Sundays & Public Holidays: Closed

Bonus Card

Tel: 7122012/ 003 or 7120483

Monday to Saturday: 8.30am to 5.30pm Sunday: 1 0.00am - 6.00pm

Management & Security Office

Tel: 7122488/90

Monday to Saturday 8.30am - 5.30pm Sundays & Public Holidays 10am - 5.30pm

Bunson Travel

Tel: 7122488/90

Monday to Friday: 8.30am - 5.00pm Saturday: 9.30am - 12.00pm

Nakumatt Supermarket

Tel: 7122080/ 7121235

Monday to Saturday: 8.00am - 8.00pm Sunday & Public Holidays: 10.00am - 8.00pm

Commercial Bank of Africa (CBA)

Tel: 7122507/8/9

Monday to Friday: 9.00am - 4.00pm Saturday: 9.00am - 12.30pm Sunday & Public Holidays: Closed

Pets & Pots Ltd

Tel: 7120263/ 7120346

Chase Bank Monday to Friday: 1 0.00am - 5.00pm Saturday: 1 0.00am - 2.00pm Sunday: 1 1.00am - 2.00pm Tel: 712158/419/548 or 22774224

Diamond Trust Bank Monday to Saturday: 8.00am - 8.00pm Sunday: 8.00am - 4.00pm Tel: 7122270/ 71 or 2357982

DHL Monday to Friday: 9.30am - 6.00pm Saturday: 9.30am - 4.30pm Tel: 7124172


Monday to Friday: 9.00am - 6.00pm Saturday: 9.00am - 3.00pm Sundays & Public Holidays: Closed

VillageBeat // April 2011 - May 2011

Monday to Saturday: 9.30am - 6.30pm Sunday: 10.30am - 2.00pm Tel: 7122312/ 7122307

Phoenix Safaris Monday to Friday: 7.30am - 6.00pm Saturday: 8.30am - 5.00pm Sundays & Public Holidays: 1 1.00am - 5.00pm Tel: 7122254/ 7121942

Post Office Monday to Friday: 9.00am - 5.30pm Saturday: 9.00am - 1 0.00pm Sunday & Public Holidays: Closed Tel: 7121830

Tel: 7122633/4

Shifaz Veterinary Clinic Monday to Friday: 9.00am - 6.00pm Saturday: 9.00am - 12.00pm Sunday: 1 0.00am - 1 1.00am Public Holidays: On Appointment 24 Hours Emergency Services Tel: 7124166/ 0722511761/0733775064

The Village Market Taxi Services Available 24 Hours Daily Tel: 0722601214/ 0721838661/ 0720993414

The Village Dental Clinic Monday to Friday: 8.30am - 5.00pm Saturday: 8.30am - 12.30pm Tel: 7122460/ 7124025/ 7122218

Tintoria Dry Cleaners Monday to Saturday: 7.00am - 7.00pm Sunday: Closed Tel: 7122984

Tribe Hotel Reservations Desk Tel: 7200000

Village Market Forex Bureau Monday to Friday: 9.30am - 5.30pm Saturday: 10.00am - 5.00pm Sunday: 10.00 - 4.00pm Tel: 7122901/ 7122473

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