Division of Student Life Strategic Plan
Transforming the Student Experience 2022-2027
A LETTER FROM THE VICE PRESIDENT FOR STUDENT LIFE Throughout Spring 2022, our Student Life Leadership Team hosted departmental and division-wide conversations about our vision and bold ideas for the future. We facilitated listening sessions with students and devoted three different pulse surveys to engage student feedback on their hopes for Denison. From there, we created a draft strategic plan and engaged Student Life staff in additional revision and refinement. This plan takes into consideration how we might be responsive to a modern student experience, acknowledging the needs of today’s student—a personalized onboarding experience, frictionless services, connection to community, holistic well-being, and a successful launch. We also ground our approach to this work in the three “Rs” of the Denison experience:
RIGOROUS Intellectual depth, curricular and cocurricular engagement, resilience and grit.
RESIDENTIAL Leveraging the full campus as a learning space across all four class years.
REL ATIONAL Living, learning and working together; fostering a culture of care; making connections and seeking out perspectives and ideas. Furthermore, we remain committed to our Divisional approach to our work, grounded in: Establishing a culture of excellence, progress, and accountability. Creating, developing, and empowering interconnected high-performing teams that care deeply about our students and their experience. Engaging, supporting, and partnering with students in meaningful ways through our active participation and visibility throughout campus. This Student Life Strategic Plan identifies five strategic goals that will guide our work over the next five years. Each strategic goal will be led by a team that advances each priority. In addition, we are establishing key measures of success that we will use to track our progress. Our strategic plan will be nimble, and we will pivot and adapt as needed to ensure we continue to provide Denison students with a life-changing education and experience.
Alexander R. Miller, Ed.D. Vice President for Student Life
Create a Divisional Professional Culture of
FOSTER A SENSE OF BELONGING & INCLUSION Advancing The University’s Commitment to Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, & Antiracism (IDEA)
Empower Students to Develop the Habits and Skills to
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Illuminate pathways for students to navigate The Hill & beyond NAVIGATION Student Life will help students navigate the four-year experience, by illuminating opportunities to engage. Identify class-specific learning outcomes and the associated opportunities we want them to take advantage of, connected to the learning wheel. Support student success and thriving by creating visual roadmaps to a) signal how students can navigate Denison and b) assist in wayfinding with resources. Reduce the number of overall programs offered by Student Life to prioritize high-quality programs and incentivize collaboration.
ENRICHING EXPERIENCES We will provide a student experience that prepares all students to address the needs and challenges of a diverse and everchanging world by connecting students to co-curricular activities and hands-on enrichment opportunities, on- and off-campus. Engage alumni and business leaders to facilitate skill and leadership development for student organization leaders. Increase partnerships with Licking County and Greater Columbus through service opportunities, connection trips, and ease of transportation. Collaborate with Academic Affairs, Global Programs, and the Knowlton Center to create cross-institutional partnerships. Reimagine cohort experiences offered for students on campus that align the experience of the modern student.
COMMUNICATION We need to clearly communicate to students the opportunities they can participate in and build awareness to opportunities to connect throughout their Denison journey. Develop a clear communication strategy for highlighting significant opportunities to engage (lectures, leadership, campuswide events, wellness events, etc.) Engage families as partners. Families can be allies in helping signal ways to engage. We need to message to families ways they can be helpful in providing nudges for their students, based on the roadmap we provide.
YEAR ONE MILESTONES Partner with families intentionally, through orientation messaging and strategic class dean communication Reimagine June and August Orientations and the first semester Begin to identify marquee opportunities and outcomes by class year
GO AL We must think intentionally and strategically about the first-year and how we onboard students into our community: Who are we? What do we value? What are our expectations of students? In addition, we must help sophomores and juniors to thrive and flourish at Denison and prepare our seniors to launch successfully to their lives beyond Denison.
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YEAR ONE MILESTONES Conduct student-wide climate survey to determine the division’s impact on diversity and its role in the advancement of an inclusive environment Create a campus-wide campaign aimed at fostering multiculturalism, global engagement, intercultural competence, and belonging Provide training opportunities centered around inclusion, diversity, equity and anti-racism focusing on student organizations and residential spaces Offer Intergroup Dialogue (IGD) facilitator training for administrators to lead campus conversations that explore difference and value diverse contributions to our society
In alignment with Denison Forward, Student Life will intentionally build awareness and competence using a lens of Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Anti-Racism in all aspects of our work, to better serve our diverse student population. We will examine institutional decisions that will ensure access and achievement for all students, especially our students who have been traditionally underserved.
Foster a sense of belonging & inclusion, Advancing the University’s
Commitment to Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Antiracism (IDEA) WELCOMING COMMUNIT Y The Division of Student Life will promote an inclusive environment for all members of our community. This requires each member of our community to value and respect the diversity of our community, engage in appropriate conduct, recognize implicit biases, and eliminate barriers to participation. Leverage residential communities (Denison Forward). Utilize the Bias Action Response Team (BART) to develop appropriate policies and structures for continued dialogue and practice around issues of IDEA. Incorporate IDEA principles and practices in first-year and transfer onboarding.
BUILDING AWARENESS The Division of Student Life will provide learning opportunities for all members of our community to develop and grow. We will create conditions for each community member to work collaboratively within diverse communities by increasing exposure to other cultures, identities, and ways of thinking and learning. Build IDEA awareness across the college. Increase staff and student training on IDEA practices and principles. Develop IDEA communication plan.
ELEVATE IDEA In order to elevate IDEA, we will shift our mindsets making IDEA integral to all student experiences, services, and programs. Ensure that perspectives around issues of IDEA are included in planning and decision making in all units of the Division of Student Life. Host regular interfaith dialogue events. Evaluate existing job descriptions or postings for inclusive language.
E X PA N D R E S O U RC E S Adequate financial, physical, and supportive resources are vital to creating an equitable campus. Enhanced support for C3 organizations. Activate efforts to create a more evidence-based IDEA strategy. Explore physical spaces for student development.
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We must develop a cohesive vision of wellness and clearly communicate our expectations to students. How do we help students to build the habits and skills that promote their wellness not only during their time on the Hill but sustain them throughout their lives as well?
EMPOWER STUDENTS TO BE THE AGENTS OF THEIR OWN WELLNESS Just as Denison expects students to be the architects of their own lives, we expect them to be the agents of their own well-being. Denison provides many tools and resources for students to employ to manage their wellness. Reframe our messaging during orientations and other sessions that we expect students to manage their own wellness. Help students develop the habits and skills to manage their own wellness and to discover practices that work for them. Equip faculty and staff with the tools, language, and resources to support students becoming agents of their own well-being. Develop a strategy for helping students to become consumers of healthcare and advocates of their own wellness.
A D D R E S S T H E P A R A L Y S I S F R O M P E R F E C T I O N I S M and fear of embarrassment or failure (or an A-). This generation of students is accustomed to succeeding in every aspect of their life, especially given the academic profile of our students. Students often come to Denison fearing making a mistake—academically, co-curricularly, athletically, and even socially. We must create an environment where we normalize that failure is ok and focus on the learning that results from failure. Lift up examples of failure or setbacks with people in our campus community (alumni, faculty and staff, student leaders), showing that failure did not define them. In existing panels or opportunities (Knowlton, ReMix, academic departments, interview questions) inject a question about failure or setbacks to normalize failing forward.
INFUSE MINDFULNESS THROUGHOUT CAMPUS Mindfulness and contemplative practices are a key aspect of our wellness approach. Develop one or two signature mindfulness programs that we encourage all students to participate in. Provide students with opportunities, workshops, and retreats to develop skills in mindful practice (sessions, mindfulness coaching, KORU, Urban Zen, Reiki, etc.). Assist faculty and staff in embedding mindful practice into their work with students (courses, Student Life programming, etc.) Help students explore contemplative faith-based practices such as meditation or prayer.
D E - C E N T E R C O U N S E L I N G as the primary tool for wellness and managing stress. As a campus community and as a society, we often rely on counseling as a primary resource for dealing with feelings, emotions, or stress. As a campus, we need to focus on helping students manage their mental health before it reaches a crisis point—helping them be mindful of how sleep, nutrition, movement, connection to others, time spent outdoors, all impact our mental health. Widely publicize access to other resources to support their wellness (e.g. mindfulness, the impacts of sleep-nutrition- movement on mental health, etc.) Educate faculty and staff about available campus resources beyond counseling, care reports, and supporting students in crisis. Make the availability of pastoral care more known on campus. Build a robust suite of experiential outdoor education offerings to promote wellness. 8 DIVISION OF STUDENT LIFE STRATEGIC PLAN
CREATE A WELLNESS CENTER KNOWN FOR HIGH-QUALIT Y CARE In the Ann & Thomas Hoaglin Wellness Center, we want to create a wellness center known for high-quality medical and counseling care. We want students to feel valued and respected by administrative support staff, clinicians and medical providers. Establish consistent expectations for customer service and create a high-quality student experience. Communicate clearly to students and families through a redesigned wellness website and clear print and digital materials. Through our partnership with The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, provide students with access to additional services (e.g. a psychologist, psychiatrist, physical therapy, musculoskeletal services).
APPROACH WELLNESS THROUGH THE LENS OF DEI AND ANTI-RACISM. Our wellness approach must demonstrate our commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion and anti-racism. In recruitment and hiring of staff or through external partnerships, the Wellness Team needs to provide access to medical and counseling providers who reflect the diversity of our student body. Ensure services continue to be accessible, financially and physically (transportation). Ensure that Wellness staff participate in ongoing DEI and cultural competency training, particularly within wellness fields. Identify the unique needs of specific populations of students and develop population-specific approaches to address health inequities.
YEAR ONE MILESTONES Opening the Ann & Thomas Hoaglin Wellness Center
Launching our partnership with The Ohio State Wexner Medical Center Rollout of the cross-institutional strategy for well-being Building partnerships with nationallyrecognized mindfulness organizations
Empower students to develop the habits and skills to manage their well-being DENISON UNIVERSITY Transforming the Student Experience 9
Build Connection & Community We want to help students to feel connected to our campus community. We want to strengthen the sense of community on campus. We want residence halls to be a site where students learn what it means to be an active citizen within their communities.
CAMPUS PRIDE AND GRATITUDE Cultivate campus pride by reaffirming what it means to be a Denisonian through messaging, and campus experiences. Through this we will generate a student-centered transformation to maximize our responsible, vibrant, engaging, and residential community. Develop an upstander intervention model for Denison. Partner with athletics to increase campus engagement at sporting events. Introduce campus traditions and events that engage the entire campus community and support class deans in creating affinity for each class.
ST U D E N T-C E N T E R E D S PA C E S Prioritize and coordinate facility planning, maintenance, and infrastructure to maximize resources in support of student-centered spaces and places around campus including but not limited to residential spaces and Slayter student union. Create a Slayter Union Master Plan that supports the mission, vision, and values of Student Life. Enhance collaborative opportunities for the campus community to offer programs and services in residential spaces. Prioritize the integration of the campus engagement software to reduce friction in facility utilization and event planning.
CONNECTION We must help students identify ways to connect to opportunities, experiences, and organizations. Clearly communicate to students who we are as a community and what we value. Create a robust first ten weeks of the semester, helping first-years and returning students build relationships and connect to the community. Develop cohort-specific opportunities, through Residential Communities. Establish a Class Dean model focused on the cultivation of class identity and student persistence.
YEAR ONE MILESTONES Phase one renovation to Slayter and the launch of the Huffman Student Leadership Co-Working Space API Integration of EMS and Campus Groups Software Increase Student Life marketing and strategic campaigns for community values Launch the Class Dean model
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We strive to create a professional culture of innovation and excellence. We want our team to be known, on campus and beyond, as doing exceptional work. We want to raise awareness of the great work that Denison is doing in support of the student experience. 12 DIVISION OF STUDENT LIFE STRATEGIC PLAN
Creating a Divisional Professional Culture of
Innovation & Excellence PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES The Division of Student Life will support an environment that allows employees to grow professionally and enhance their occupational well-being. Implement a strategic professional development plan for the division employees. Utilize consistent training and resources for onboarding new employees. Increase development and training opportunities for Student Life Employees.
COLLECTIVE TALENTS Student Life is home to a wide range of professionals with varied experiences. We will harness the collective talents and expertise within Student Life to advance institutional priorities. Strengthen professional relationships across the Division and University to create conditions for stronger collaboration. Promote a culture of assessment to inform decision-making and program effectiveness.
YEAR ONE MILESTONES Administer an employee engagement survey to create a baseline for staff success Incorporate promising practices from the Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education by highlighting the importance of self-assessment and working toward the goal of assuring and enhancing quality practice Identify annual division wide training and development
Increase employees’ sense of doing meaningful work.
CAREER COMPETENCY The field of Student Affairs continues to evolve as student populations become more complex. We understand the need to advance Student Life infrastructure related to the profession of Student Affairs.
Centralize onboarding practices for the Division of Student Life
Support all units in completing a CAS Self Assessment. Administer a division culture assessment to promote employee engagement. Support opportunities for staff to contribute to the field of Student Affairs on a local, regional, state, and national level.
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Our Mission Denison University’s Division of Student Life challenges students to both act and reflect, to respect self and others, and to apply their education and talents for the good of local and global communities. We foster collaboration and engagement on campus and beyond in support of Denison’s mission of educating students to live, work and lead in a complex, global world.
Our Departments Alford Community Leadership & Involvement Center Campus Safety Center for Belonging & Inclusion Community Values & Student Conduct First-Year Experience Fraternity & Sorority Life Hoaglin Wellness Center Red Frame Lab Residential Communities & Housing Spiritual Life Center
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Division of Student Life Slayter 409 studentlife@denison.edu 740.587.6208