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2D Projects

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2D visual Research

When initiating my visual research for my 2D projects, I started by researching what kind of animals I wanted to focus on. I looked for pictures of them to understand their appeal and why people want them as pets. I later found images that showed the bad welfare of the animals within the exotic pet trade. I wanted to have some sort of illustrative elements in my deliverables, so I looked for different types of illustration styles that could go well with my topic. It varied from vector style to more traditional. I wanted to look for both cute and creepy illustrations to set the tone for my work, which led me to look at Takashi Murakami’s work. I later moved on to look at interesting ways to incorporate type and looked through different posters and books. Through this research I learned that the visual language I have to use to communicate is creating appealing, cute images that reveal darker imagery or information.

Short-haired Hamster

Run around Will run towards enemy and bump If equipped with Running Wheel +2 damage


Pembroke Welsh Corgi

Bark and bite Will startle opponent

If equipped with Herd +3 damage

12 Sugar Glider

Take flight Takes flight and drops on enemy If isolated -4 damage


Project 1 Trading Cards


Smooth-Coated Otter

Killer intent Unables its opponent from moving and provides protection

If set not complete -5 damage If away from water -2 damage

Smooth swimmer Swims If set not complete -5 damage If away from water -2 damage

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S u g a r G l id e r O r i g i n : A u s t ra l ia

T h ey a re s o c i a l a n i m a l s t h a t n e e d a c o n p a n io n to l i ve a h a p py l i fe . I f a l o n e i t w i ll g e t d e p re s s e d .

T i g e r H i g h l y e n d a n g e re d , a n d n e e d l o t s o f s p a c e . O r i g i n : S o u t h e r n a n d S o u t h e a s t A s i a

S h o rt H a i re d H a m s t e r s T h ey a re f r i e n d l y a n d l o v e to g o o n t h e i r s p i n n i n g w h e e l s . O r i g i n : A u s t ra l i a

S m o o th - c o a t e d O t te r T h ey a re s t r i p p e d f ro m t h e ir f a m i li e s . M o s t o f t h e m a re t a k i n g a s c u b s a n d n o t a ll o f t h e m m a ke i t a li ve . O r i g i n : S o u t h e r n a n d S o u t h e a s t A s i a

Trading Cards

Originally, I just wanted to find a way to show the behaviour of individuals that seek to own exotic pets, which is because of their rarity and exclusivity. The medium that made sense for me was creating trading cards, which are known to be collected and people spend tons of money to get certain cards. Trading cards clearly have an easy way of creating a hierarchy system. I created 4 cards with different rarities like ultra-rare, super rare, rare and common. All the rarest contain exotic animals and the common is just a normal pet.

Cute isn’t it?

Project 2 Process

Exotic Info Book

This concept was focused on challenging the idea of exotic wild animals as pets and adjusting to our environment. When coming up with this concept I wanted to think of a way to cleverly show both environments: in the wild and in a home. I thought of creating a layered piece that consisted of physically removing the nature layer and leaving the animal in its pet environment.

The original medium was a poster format, but that proved to be troublesome because it wasn’t accessible or approachable so, the next best thing was to make it into a book. Each spread of the book has an informational side and on the other side there is the layered image. I wanted it to be a pull in and out book, so the individual is forced to strip the animal’s natural habitat away from them. When they pull, there’s a statement that hopefully sparks a thought and starts a conversation on the issue. .


T ype: Mammals Diet: Omnivore Location: Southern and Southeast Asi a Lif espan: 4-20 Y ear s


The Smooth-coated otter are very energetic animals. Good pets to keep you busy and cuddle. They are very social animals that live in family gr oups. The group include the mating pair and their pups. T hey are a monogamist species and will only mate with one pa rt ner .



Project 3 Process

Louie’s New Home

Lo uie is feeling scared and alone trapped inside a bo x, and he doesn ’t know if he is ever going to get out. Af ter the long trip, he wak es up confused and nervous.

es up confused and nervous.

Louie’s New Home

Louie’s New Home is a story about a slow loris, who experiences being snatched to from the wild, is forced to live as a pet. I want this story to be targeted to children of the age of 4-7. The reason why is because as kids we often have silly thoughts of wanting exotic animals as pets. The book would help kids see the negative effects from the animal’s perspective. The medium that is most appropriate for this would be a book format.

From the visual research I knew that I wanted this to be a cute approach with an unsettling undertone through visuals and language. Finding the right style was a crucial part of the process for this to be successful. The biggest challenge I faced with this concept was the character design of Louie. It took about 4 different designs to get it right, until I decided to go with a cute outlined vector style.

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