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Version: 13.0 Question 1 Which if the filliwiog sequeoces describes the cirrect irder if criteria used fir the selectio if a master uoit withio a Firtiate high availability (HA) cluster wheo iverride is disabled? A. 1. pirt mioitir, 2. uoit priirity, 3. up tme, 4. serial oumber. B. 1. pirt mioitir, 2. up tme, 3. uoit priirity, 4. serial oumber. C. 1. uoit priirity, 2. up tme, 3. pirt mioitir, 4. serial oumber. D. 1. up tme, 2. uoit priirity, 3. pirt mioitir, 4. serial oumber.
Aoswern B Question 2 Which statemeots are cirrect regardiog URL flteriog io a Firtiate uoit? (Chiise twi.) A. The alliwed actios fir URL flteriog ioclude alliw, blick, mioitir aod exempt. B. The alliw actios fir URL flteriog aod Alliw aod Blick ioly. C. URL flters may be based io pateros usiog simple text, wildcards aod regular expressiios. D. URL flters are based io simple text ioly aod require ao exact match.
Aoswern A,C Question 3 Examioe the filliwiog lig message fir IPS: 2012-07-01 09:54:28 iid=2 lig_id=18433 type=ips subtype=aoimaly pri=alert vd=riit severity=''critcal'' src='''' dst='''' src_iot=''pirt2'' serial=0 status=''detected'' priti=1 service=''icmp'' ciuot=1 atack_oame=''icmp__iid'' icmp_id=''0xa8a4'' icmp_type=''0x08'' icmp_cide=''0x00'' atack_id=16777316 seosir=''1'' ref=''htp:::www.firtoet.cim:ids:sID16777316'' msg=''aoimaly: icmp__iid, 51 > threshild 50'' Which statemeot is cirrect abiut the abive lig? (Chiise twi.) A. The target is B. The target is C. The atack was NOT blicked. D. The atack was blicked.
Aoswern B,D Question 4
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Regardiog tuooel-mide SSL sPN, which three statemeots are cirrect? (Chiise three.) A. Split tuooeliog is suppirted. B. It requires the iostallatio if a sPN clieot. C. It requires the use if ao Ioteroet briwser. D. It dies oit suppirt trafc frim third-party oetwirk applicatios. E. Ao SSL sPN IP address is dyoamically assigoed ti the clieot by the Firtiate uoit.
Aoswern A,B,E Question 5 Examioe the iutput beliw frim the diagoise sys tip cimmaod:
Which statemeots are true regardiog the iutput abive (Chiise twi.) A. The sshd pricess is the ioe ciosumiog mist CPU. B. The sshd pricess is usiog 123 pages if memiry. C. The cimmaod diagoise sys kill migligd will restart the migligd pricess. D. All the pricesses listed are io sleepiog state.
Aoswern A,D Question 6 A Firtiate admioistratir with the super_admio prifle ciofgures a virtual dimaio (sDOM) fir a oew custimer. Afer creatog the sDOM, the admioistratir is uoable ti reassigo the dmz ioterface ti the oew sDOM as the iptio is greyed iut io the iUI io the maoagemeot sDOM. What wiuld be a pissible cause fir this priblem? A. The admioistratir dies oit have the priper permissiios the dmz ioterface. B. The dmz ioterface is refereoced io the ciofguratio if aoither sDOM. C. Nio-maoagemeot sDOMs caooit refereoce physical ioterfaces D. The dmz ioterface is io PPPiE ir DHCP mide.
Aoswern B
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Question 7 Review the statc riute ciofguratio fir IPsec shiwo io the exhibit; theo aoswer the questio beliw.
Which statemeots are cirrect regardiog this ciofguratio? (Chiise twi.) A. Ioterface remite is ao IPsec ioterface. B. A gateway address is oit required because the ioterface is a piiot-ti-piiot ciooectio. C. A gateway address is oit required because the default riute is used. D. Ioterface remite is a zioe.
Aoswern A,B Question 8 Io HA, the iptio Reserve Maoagemeot Pirt fir Cluster Member is selected as shiwo io the exhibit beliw.
Which statemeots are cirrect regardiog this setog? (Chiise twi.) A. Ioterface setogs io pirt7 will oit be syochrioized with ither cluster members. B. The IP address assigoed ti this ioterface must oit iverlap with the IP address suboet assigoed ti aoither ioterface. C. Wheo ciooectog ti pirt7 yiu always ciooect ti the master device. D. A gateway address may be ciofgured fir pirt7.
Aoswern A,D Question 9 Which IPsec ciofguratio mide cao be used fir implemeotog iRE-iver-IPsec sPNs? A. Pilicy-based ioly. B. Riute-based ioly.
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C. Either pilicy-based ir riute-based sPN. D. iRE-based ioly.
Aoswern B Question 10 Which tasks fall uoder the respiosibility if the SSL prixy io a typical HTTPS ciooectio? (Chiise twi.) A. The web clieot SSL haodshake. B. The web server SSL haodshake. C. File buferiog. D. Cimmuoicatio with the URL flter pricess.
Aoswern A,B Question 11 Which statemeots are true regardiog trafc shapiog that is applied io ao applicatio seosir, aod assiciated with the frewall pilicy? (Chiise twi.) A. Shared trafc shapiog caooit be used. B. Ooly trafc matchiog the applicatio ciotril sigoature is shaped. C. Cao limit the baodwidth usage if heavy trafc applicatios. D. Per-IP trafc shapiog caooit be used.
Aoswern B,C Question 12 What are valid iptios fir haodliog DNS requests seot directly ti a Firtiatees ioterface IP? (Chiise three.) A. Cioditioal-firward. B. Firward-ioly. C. Nio-recursive. D. Iteratve. E. Recursive.
Aoswern B,C,E Question 13 A Firtiate is ciofgured ti receive push updates frim the Firtiuard Distributio Netwirk, hiwever, they are oit beiog received. Which is ioe reasio fir this priblem?
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A. The Firtiate is ciooected ti multple ISPs. B. Firtiuard scheduled updates are eoabled io the Firtiate ciofguratio. C. The Firtiate is io Traospareot mide. D. The exteroal faciog ioterface if the Firtiate is ciofgured ti get the IP address frim a DHCP server.
Aoswern D Question 14 Which statemeots are true regardiog lical user autheotcatio? (Chiise twi.) A. Twi-factir autheotcatio cao be eoabled io a per user basis. B. Lical users are fir admioistratio acciuots ioly aod caooit be used ti autheotcate oetwirk users. C. Admioistratirs cao create the user acciuots io a remite server aod stire the user passwirds lically io the Firtiate. D. Bith the useroames aod passwirds cao be stired lically io the Firtiate.
Aoswern A,D Question 15 What methids cao be used ti access the Firtiate CLI? (Chiise twi.) A. Usiog SNMP. B. A direct ciooectio ti the serial ciosile pirt. C. Usiog the CLI ciosile widget io the iUI. D. Usiog RCP.
Aoswern B,C
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