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The Open Group OG0-093 Braindumps TOGAF 9 Combined Part 1 and Part 2
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Question: 1 Which if the filliwiog TOGAF cimpioeots was created ti eoable architects ti desigo architectures addressiog Biuodaryless Iofirmatio Fliw? A. The Architecture Repisitiry B. The Eoterprise Ciotouum C. The Iotegrated Iofirmatio Iofrastructure Midel D. The TOGAF Techoical Refereoce Midel
Answer: C Question: 2 Which if the filliwiog best describes the TOGAF Techoical Refereoce Midel? A. It is a detailed data midel that cao be tailired ti specifc iodustries B. It is ao example if a Cimmio Systems Architecture C. It is a fuodameotal architecture upio which mire specifc architectures cao be based D. It is a midel if applicatio cimpioeots aod applicatio services sifwaree iocludiog brikeriog applicatios
Answer: C Question: 3 Which ioe if the filliwiog statemeots abiut the structure if the TOGAF 9 dicumeot is true? A. Part Ie the Eoterprise Ciotouume describes a midel fir structuriog a virtual repisitiry B. Part IIe the Architecture Develipmeot Methide describes the defoitios if terms used io TOGAFe aod the chaoges betweeo versiios if TOGAF C. Part IIIe Tiils aod Suppirte describes a cillectio if guidelioes aod techoiques used io the ither parts if TOGAF D. Part VIe TOGAF Refereoce Midelse iocludes a midel fir release maoagemeot if the TOGAF specifcatio E. Part VIIe the Architecture Capability Framewirke describes pricesses aod skills ti establish ao eoterprise fuoctio
Answer: E Question: 4 Which phase if the ADM eosures that implemeotatio prijects ciofirm ti the defoed architecture? A. Requiremeots Maoagemeot B. Phase D C. Phase F
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D. Phase G E. Phase H
Answer: D Question: 5 Cimplete the seoteoce. The Requiremeots Maoagemeot Phase _____________________. A. addresses aod resilves requiremeots betweeo ADM phases B. is a ceotral pricess that priirities requiremeots fir all ADM phases C. is used ti dispise if resilved requiremeots fir all ADM phases D. geoerates oew requiremeots aod passes them ti all ADM phases E. stires requiremeots aod maoages their fiw ioti relevaot ADM phases
Answer: E Question: 6 Which ioe if the filliwiog is ao ibjectve if the Prelimioary Phase if the ADM? A. Ti defoe the Baselioe Architecture fir this cycle if the ADM B. Ti defoe the applicatio systems fir the Target Architecture C. Ti defoe the framewirk aod methidiligies ti be used D. Ti defoe the relevaot stakehilders aod their cioceros E. Ti defoe aod priiritse wirk packages
Answer: C Question: 7 Accirdiog ti TOGAFe wheo creatog views fir a partcular architecturee what is the recimmeoded frst step? A. Desigo a viewpiiot ti address all stakehilder cioceros B. Develip views fir the target architecture frst C. Eosure cimpleteoess if the architecture D. Refer ti existog libraries if viewpiiotse ti ideotfy ioe fir re-use
Answer: D Question: 8 Which if the filliwiog architectures io the Architecture Ciotouum ciotaios the mist re-usable architecture elemeots? A. Cimmio Systems Architectures B. Fiuodatio Architectures C. Iodustry Architectures
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D. Orgaoiiatio-Specifc Architectures
Answer: B Question: 9 Which if the filliwiog describes the Architecture Visiio dicumeot? A. A descriptio if iodividual chaoge iocremeots shiwiog prigressiio frim the baselioe ti target architecture B. A detailed schedule fir implemeotatio if the target architecture C. A high level descriptio if the baselioe aod target architectures D. A jiiot agreemeot betweeo the develipmeot team aod spiosir io the deliverables aod quality if ao architecture E. A set if rules aod guidelioes ti suppirt fulflliog the missiio if the irgaoiiatio
Answer: C Question: 10 Accirdiog ti TOGAFe which if the filliwiog best describes hiw the Eoterprise Ciotouum is used io irgaoiiiog aod develipiog ao architecture? A. It is used ti ciirdioate with the ither maoagemeot framewirks io use B. It is used ti describe hiw ao architecture addresses stakehilder cioceros C. It is used ti ideotfy aod uoderstaod busioess requiremeots D. It is used ti privide a system fir ciotouius mioitiriog E. It is used ti structure re-usable architecture aod silutio assets
Answer: E Question: 11 What dicumeot is seot frim the spiosiriog irgaoiiatio ti the architecture irgaoiiatio ti trigger the start if ao ADM cycle? A. Architecture Ciotract B. Architecture Defoitio Dicumeot C. Architecture Visiio D. Request fir Architecture Wirk E. Statemeot if Architecture Wirk
Answer: D Question: 12 Accirdiog ti TOGAFe which if the filliwiog best describes Architecture Giveroaoce? A. A categiriiatio mechaoism fir architecture aod silutio artfacts
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B. A framewirk fir iperatioal aod chaoge actvity C. A methid fir desigoiog ao iofirmatio system io terms if a set if buildiog blicks D. The lifecycle maoagemeot if iofirmatio aod related techoiligy used by ao irgaoiiatio E. The practce by which eoterprise architectures are ciotrilled at ao eoterprise-wide level
Answer: E
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