Horticulture Newsletter

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Washington County Cooperative Extension Service

Cooperative Extension Service Washington County 211 Progress Road Springfield KY, 40069 (859) 336-7741 Fax: (859) 336-7445 http://ces.ca.uky.edu/washing ton

February 2020

Inside this issue:


2021 Wheelbarrow Series Is Underway

Wheelbarrow Series


Wheelbarrow Series


Thursday February 25th at 10:00 AM

Wheelbarrow Series


Growing Apples With Reduced Spraying

Wheelbarrow Series


Wheelbarrow Series


Wheelbarrow Series


Prune and Fertilize Fruit 8

Have you had trouble growing apples? Do they look horrible and knotty? Are they wormy? Do limbs die back right after bloom? Do they not set fruit well? If you answered yes to any of these questions plan to attend this class to learn the secrets to growing apples at home in Kentucky. Register by February 15th. FREE!

Time To Control Diseases 9-10 February To Do’s


Ordering Vegetable Seeds 11 Ordering Vegetable Seeds 12 Plant of The Month


Recipe of The Month


Wheelbarrow Series


Recipe of The Month


Thursday March 11th at 10:00 AM Tasty Tubers….Potatoes! Who doesn’t love potatoes? There is nothing like “new” potatoes right out of your garden. This versatile spud is easier to grow than you think. Join us for a look at growing this tasty tuber. FREE! Register by March 1st.

Thursday March 18th at 10:00 AM Growing Sweet Onions, Luscious Leeks, and Super Shallots in Kentucky

Follow Us at Washington County Extension

Believe it or not we can grow large sweet onions, great tasting leeks, and even shallots one of the (often expensive) stars of French cuisine right here in Kentucky. We will cover selection, culture, and storage. Each participant will take home plants/bulbs of all three to try at home. Supply fee $5.00. Register by March 1st!

2021 Wheelbarrow Series Is Underway Thursday March 25th at 10:00 AM How To Grow Strawberries In Kentucky Nothing tastes as good as fresh ripe home grown strawberries! In this session you will learn how to grow sweet and succulent strawberries at home. We will discus variety selection, planting, seasonal care, and weed management strategies. Each participant will receive June bearing strawberry plants to make their very own strawberry bed. Register by March 1st! Supply fee $10.00

Thursday April 1st at 10:00 AM Sensational Squash Join us for an in-depth look at this ancient, healthy, and diverse vegetable. We will discuss all the cultural information for you to grow a great crop as well as delve into the great genetic diversity of this Native American staple. We will study summer and winter squash as well. Each participant will receive several varieties of seed to grow at home. $5.00 supply fee and please register by March 15th.

Thursday April 15th at 10:00 AM Dennis’ Perennial Picks These days there are so many perennials out there it is hard to know which is best for our Kentucky gardens. Participants in this session will learn what varieties are my favorite and why. Register by April 1st. FREE!

Thursday April 22nd 10:00 AM An Unsung Easy Tropical….Canna! Perhaps no other tropical plant can match Canna in Kentucky to give us so much so quick! It adds tropical flair and color to our gardens quickly and extends into the season until frost. In this session we will discuss variety selection, culture, propagation, and overwintering. Participants will get rhizomes to grow at home. Supply fee $10.00, register by April 1st.

Thursday April 29th at 10:00 AM Nothing Says Summer Like Sweetcorn Sweetcorn is the quintessential summer treat! It isn’t hard to grow but it can be difficult to get a delicious crop if you don’t follow a few simple rules. In this session we will discuss what makes sweetcorn well….sweetcorn. We will also delve into the types of sweetcorn, variety selection and isolation, as well as how to control the four legged bandits! Each participant will receive sweetcorn seeds to grow at home as well. Supply fee $5.00. Register by April 1st.

Thursday May 13th 10:00 AM Hummingbird Gardening Seeing hummingbirds in your garden is a special treat! Most gardeners enjoy watching this tiniest of birds interact either on feeders or on actual flowers. If you like to watch these little hummers join us to learn how to create a garden paradise for our tiny feathered friends. We will look into plant selection, feeder selection, and how to modify your garden to meet all of your hummingbirds needs. Register by May 1st. Free!!!

Thursday May 20th at 10:00 AM Gourmet Herbs In this class we will take a look at growing herbs to flavor your favorite dishes. Learn how to grow, use, and store herbs for use in the kitchen year round. Each participant will also take home a variety of small herb plants to start your own culinary herb garden! Supply charge $10.00. Register by May 1st.

Thursday May 27th at 10:00 AM Hydrangeas for Kentucky Gardens Hydrangeas as a plant family have undergone a renaissance so to speak in the last several years with multiple breeding programs ongoing across the country. We will look into how to select and grow the right cultivars for your needs. Believe it or not as a group depending on variety and type selection you can have hydrangeas growing in full sun, part sun, and dappled shade with blooms from early spring to early fall! Register by May 1st. Free!

Thursday June 3rd at 10:00 AM Gorgeous Gladiolus Gladiolus is one of the easiest cut flowers to grow in Kentucky. They produce gorgeous spikes of blooms in a multitude of colors that last for quite a long time when cut and brought indoors. We will discuss cultivar selection, culture, history, planting to extend the season, and how to overwinter your bulbs for a beautiful display year after year. Each participant will receive several varieties of gladiolus to try at home. Supply fee $10.00, register by May 15th.

Thursday June 10th at 10:00 AM Fabulous Ferns for Indoors or Out These ferns aren’t hardy but they are easy to grow and can make even the drabbest porch or shady area come alive. They can be used as houseplants in the winter and then taken outdoors to transform any shady area into a tropical oasis. We will discuss variety selection, cultural requirements, and general fern care. Each participant will receive plants. Register by May 15th. Limit 40. FREE!!!

Thursday June 17th at 10:00 AM An Often Unsung Annual…..Marigolds! Marigolds are one of those flowers that we have all grown from time to time but probably never really gave them much thought. In this session we will discuss this hard working, colorful, easy to grow, multifarious, annual work horse. Each participant will receive several packages to grow at home as well. Register by June 1st. Supply fee $5.00

Thursday June 24th at 10:00 AM Pollinator Friendly Gardening No doubt you have all heard of the plight of our most famous pollinator the honeybee. It is responsible for pollinating up to 1/3 of the foods we eat! In this session we will discuss how to protect the honeybee as well as native bee pollinators, butterflies, and moths. We will cover habitat development, plant selection, and more! By being mindful of our pollinators you will reap the bountiful benefits of their work. Free!!!! Register by June 15th.

Thursday August 5th at 10:00 AM Saving Seeds Each year I receive questions about how to save and store seeds properly. There are some important ground rules to follow to successfully get the same flowers or vegetables back from year to year. Join us for this in-depth how to. Register by August 1st. FREE!!!

Thursday August 12th at 10:00 AM Introduction To Landscape Design Landscape design is something most homeowners have questions about from time to time. In this session we will discuss the very basics of landscape design such as focal points, budgets, goals, plant selection, colors, textures, and what to think about for the future maintenance of the landscape. Register by August 1st. Free!!!

Thursday August 19th at 10:00 AM Cover and Green Manure Crops We will take a look at the importance of green manure crops and cover crops. Most people think of cover crops as just a winter crop but soil building can be done year round. You will also find out how to use cover crops to break soil hard pans, increase soil fertility, and improve tilth. Register by August 1st. FREE!

Thursday August 26th at 10:00 AM Lawn Renovation and Establishment Late summer and early fall is the best time to do turf repair and establishment. In this session we will discuss how to rejuvenate that old lawn or even discuss when it is time to do a total kill and start over! Whether you are just renovating or starting from scratch establishment is key and a few weeks of extra care can give you years of lawn enjoyment. Join us for a discussion on how to have a quality turf with the least amount of inputs from you! FREE! Register by August 15th.

Thursday September 2nd at 10:00 AM Dennis’ Favorite Landscape Trees Join us for a look at my favorite landscape trees. We will discuss cultivar selection and why that is important. Some of the trees that I may like on a personal or nostalgic level doesn’t necessarily mean I would recommend them. We will discuss these reasons in depth. Register by September 1st. FREE!!!

Thursday September 16th at 10:00 AM Overwintering Tropical Plants Indoors Tropical plants can make a tremendous addition to garden areas because of their unusual shapes and colors, however they can be expensive! Join us for a look into how to successfully overwinter your favorite tropical indoors so you can save money and enjoy them year after year. Register by September 1st. FREE!

Thursday September 23rd at 10:00 AM True Lilies It seems daylilies get all the glory but for a spectacular show don’t leave out the “True Lilies”. That’s right daylilies aren’t true lilies. Lilies come in many sizes, shapes, colors, and fragrances as well. True lilies are hardy, easy to grow, and can last for decades. Each participant will take home a sampling of lilies to plant at home. Register by September 1st. Supply fee $20.00.

Thursday September 30th at 10:00 AM Trilliums...A Wonderful Woodland Native Trilliums are native to the United States and some species are even native to Kentucky! These beautiful woodland natives flower in late winter and spring with showy three petaled flowers. Trilliums are not hard to grow as long as you plant them in a location that mimics their native areas. Each participant will receive bulbs to plant at home. Supply fee $20.00. Register by September 1st.

Thursday October 14th at 10:00 AM Lasagna Gardening If you are a gardener that doesn’t have a roto tiller, you just want to maintain your soil structure, you don’t like the hard work of turning your soil, or you just want to try something new lasagna gardening may be for you! In this session we will discuss just what lasagna gardening is, the benefits and drawbacks, as well as how to get started with this method of gardening. Register by October 1st. FREE!

Thursday October 21st at 10:00 AM Shrubs With Multi Season Interest Shrubs aren’t just plants to put out around houses to hide the foundation anymore! In this session we will discuss shrubs that will fit into your landscape whether as accent plants, foundation plants, specimen plants, or for pollinator food and habitat. All of these plants will give you multi-season interest. Register by October 1st. FREE!

Thursday October 28th at 10:00 AM Landscape Plants for Holiday Decoration In this class we will discuss plants that you can use in your landscape that can also be used for decorations in your home for such things as wreaths, swags, or table top displays. Register by October 15th. FREE!

Thursday November 18th at 10:00 AM Alluring Amaryllis Many people grow amaryllis for holiday blooms but did you know you can get them to bloom just about anytime of the year with a little planning. In this session we will cover the basics of amaryllis care and variety selection. Participants will receive two large amaryllis bulbs to grow at home. Supply fee $10.00, register By October 1st.

If you know of anyone that would like to be put on the horticulture mailing list have them call the Extension Office at 859-336-7741. It’s FREE!!!

Fill This Registration Out and Send It To:

Washington County Cooperative Extension Service 245 corporate Drive Springfield KY, 40069 859-336-7741 dennis.morgeson@uky.edu



Straw Bale Gardening




Pruning Trees and Shrubs




Raising Tomatoes, Peppers, and Eggplants




Growing Apples With Reduced Spraying




Tasty Tubers….Potatoes!




Growing Onions, Leeks, and Shallots




How To Grow Strawberries in Kentucky




Sensational Squash




Dennis’ Perennial Picks




An Unsung Easy Tropical….Canna!




Nothing Says Summer Like Sweetcorn


May May

13th 20th

Hummingbird Gardening Gourmet Herbs

FREE! $10.00



Hydrangeas for Kentucky Gardens




Gorgeous Gladiolus




Fabulous Ferns for Indoors or Out




An Often Unsung Annual...Marigolds!




Pollinator Friendly Gardening




Saving Seeds




Introduction To Landscape Design




Cover and Green Manure Crops




Lawn Renovation and Establishment




Dennis’ Favorite Landscape Trees




Overwintering Tropical Plants Indoors




True Lilies




Trilliums...A Wonderful Woodland Native




Lasagna Gardening




Shrubs With Multi-Season Interest




Landscape Plants for Holiday Decoration




Alluring Amaryllis


Basic Registration For Any and All Classes Total From Above Minus Discount of $10.00 if Doing Entire Series And Paid In Full By 213-2021 TOTAL



Prune and Fertilize Fruit Trees Now is the right time to prune most fruit trees. Apples, plums, pears, cherries and just about any other tree fruit you can think of need a little help now before they actively start pushing out new growth (wait and prune peaches after flowering) Pruning is a necessary process that will increase your Tent Caterpillar Eggs yields, decrease insect and disease problems, and give you a healthy tree in the process.

lems arise. This is a moist stagnant area with little air flow. By thinning the middle of your tree you will increase the air flow thus decrease insect and disease problems.

try and scrape them off. If you want you can spray your fruit trees with dormant oil labeled for fruit trees, this will smother many of the insect eggs. Be sure to read the laBranches that are crossing or bel and cover touching should also be the branches removed. By crossing I and limbs mean they are close completely. enough that in a few years they will be rubbing or If your touching. Many times fruit trees branches will hang lower haven’t grown Prune out fire blight c ankers. when the fruit load is high as you wish or and will cause wounds or don’t seem like bent areas on the stems. If you think they are healthy you should have a a limb will be a problem with a large soil test done. As a general rule most fruit load then remove it. fruit trees need ¼ pound 33-0-0 or ¾ pound 10-10-10 per tree per year Any dried “mummy” fruit of age broadcast under the tree. Be still hanging on the tree should be removed and composted or sure to take it out to at least the drip line where the feeder roots are. If discarded. Mummies acyou count for the largest insect

When pruning fruit trees always make cuts flush to the branch collar, this is the raised area with a few wrinkles at the base of each branch or and disease inoculums on limb. It is immost fruit trees. portant that If you see any canyou don’t ker spots from fire blight leave a stub or cut the limb back down cut the limb into healthy wood, but do it flush with the A good cut healing nicely. Notice the trunk, meaning branch collar growing over the wound. soon because fire blight will be active starting in mid don’t cut the branch collar off. If you leave a stub March. If you are worried about it will have to rot and fall off before spreading fire blight further then dip the collar can grow over and seal off your pruning equipment in a 10% bleach solution each time you make a the wound. If you cut flush to the trunk it may never properly heal and cut. Look for insect eggs while you will invite insect and disease pruning your trees. The most prevaproblems. Pruning is necessarily to re- lent will be tent caterpillar. Their eggs look like raised tar spots on the move damaged branches. Thin out stem. The egg mass is really hard the tree especially in the middle where most insects and disease prob- and it’s easier to prune it out than to

Remove fruit mummies!

maintain a lawn fertilizer program your fruit trees probably don’t need fertilizing. Over fertilizing can be worse than under fertilizing because it will cause a lot of soft succulent growth, fewer flowers, and increased instance for insect and disease problems.

Time To Control Fruit Diseases Winter believe it or not is a good time to prepare fruiting crops for the season ahead. It has been too cold for most of the winter for many of us to feel like braving the outdoors to any activities that aren’t absolutely essential, but on the next warm day it is very important for us to get some work done to insure a nice fruity harvest this summer. Many fruit diseases can be partially controlled by being vigilant with cleanup and fungicidal sprays at proper times. Also, remember pruning should take place in late February on fruiting trees. Below is a list of fruit crops along with diseases of concern and some things to do to help you have a successful harvest.

mixture to apply to the apple twigs and branches just as the buds begin to swell next month. • Obtain a scab fungicide with ingredients such as mancozeb, captan, myclobutanil, or thiophanate-methyl so that sprays can be applied as green foliage (green tips) is just emerging and repeated periodically throughout the spring months. Carefully read fungicide labels before making spray applications. Stone fruits-The diseases of concern in early spring are peach leaf curl, plum black knot, and eventually brown rot and scab. • Apply fixed copper or Bordeaux sprays now to prevent peach leaf curl. In some parts of the state, it may be already too late because of warm Apples-The disweather, eases of concern buds in early spring are may scab, cedar rust, have and fire blight. begun to • If you are orswell dering nursery and leaf stock, plan on Fireblight on Apple curl ingrowing diseasefections resistant apples. Nursery catalogs will may have just begun. indicate varieties that are scab• Prune to thin the tree canopy to resistant. • Prune out old fire blight cankers allow good air movement and sunnow, while it is still cold, so new in- light penetration. • Prune out any diseased or canfections won't occur. • Prune also to thin the tree cano- kered twigs and branches from the py to allow good air movement and trees. • Remove and destroy last year's sunlight penetration. • Remove and destroy fruit mum- mummified fruit still hanging in the mies left on the tree from last sea- tree or on the ground. • Prune out black knot disease son. • Remove nearby cedar trees, swellings from plum trees. Obtain brown rot and scab fungisource of rust diseases, if possible. cides with ingredients such as sulfur, • Obtain fixed copper or Bordeaux captan, or myclobutanil. Read and

understand the chemical labels. Grapes- The diseases of concern in early spring are black rot, anthracnose, cane and leaf spot, and downy mildew. • Prune the grape canopy to allow good sunlight penetration and air movement, as well as to maximize fruit production. • Prune out any diseased, dead, or cankered vines. • Remove and destroy all of last year's fruit mummies hanging on the vine and lying on the ground. • Apply lime-sulfur sprays to the dormant vines just as buds begin to swell to prevent anthracnose. • Obtain fungicides with ingredients such as captan, mancozeb, myclobutanil, or thiophanate-methyl to be used for black rot and cane and leaf spot management. Be prepared to apply fungicides as the first green leaves are beginning to appear on the vines and to repeat the applications throughout the spring as called for on the pesticide label. Brambles- The raspberry and blackberry disease of most concern in the spring are anthracnose and orange rust. • Prune out dead and winterinjured canes. • Apply lime-sulfur fungicide to the canes in early spring just as the buds begin to swell, but before green tissue emerges. • Be prepared to remove and destroy orange-rust infected blackberries and black raspberries. These plants will appear abnormally whitish and spindly in early spring as they emerge from the ground. • If orange rust is present in the neighborhood, remove and destroy wild blackberries growing in nearby fields and fencerows, if feasible.

Time To Control Fruit Diseases If, because of rainy weather last year, sunlight penetration and air moveplants died from root rot disease, ment to help reduce gray mold fruit improve drainage in the garden or rot. grow brambles on • Hand remove raised beds. dead leaves and stems Strawberries- The from the strawberry diseases of most bed to reduce the concern in spring presence of the gray will be fruit rot dismold fungus. eases. If sprays, such as cap• Apply straw tan, are to be used to mulch to the beds prevent fruit rot, the Brown Rot On Peach between the rows sprays need to be apand under the canopy so that fruits plied to the strawberry flowers in will not have to touch the ground. early spring. • Provide adequate spacing of the Blueberries- The diseases of most strawberry plants to provide good concern will be twig blights and can-

kers. • Prevent twig canker diseases by avoiding stressful growing conditions. Mulch blueberries with organic matter, such as wood chips, and adjust the soil pH if necessary to provide favorable growing conditions. • Prune out dead and dying twigs and branches from the blueberry plants. If, because of wet weather, blueberries are declining and dying due to root rot disease, improve garden soil drainage or grow blueberries on raised beds.

To Do’s For February Trees And Shrubs February is a good time to prune trees and shrubs. Of course depending on bloom time.

vegetable transplants in window seals or under lights remember as a general rule it takes about six weeks for a good sized transplant to grow.

One note of caution on pruning, if the tree or shrub is an ornamental and blooms in the spring don’t prune it until after it blooms. Fruit trees should be pruned now through the beginning of March.

This means you can start broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, kohlrabi, Chinese cabbage, and other cool season garden plants in mid February. These will be planted in the garden in late March.

If you aren’t sure what your soil needs it is always a good idea to have a soil test done. It is FREE and it will save you time and money in the long run.

Again, take a soil sample now for your vegetable garden. This will keep your fertilizer bill down and your plants healthy.

Apply phosphorus and potassium anytime of the year as your soil test indicates. Mid February and March are the times to sow new lawns or over seed old ones. September is the best time but now is the second best.


Pre-emergent control herbicides can be applied in late February and March. This will help control annual weeds. A second application may be needed in late May or June for good Lawn crabgrass control. Don’t apply If your lawn needs lime it can be pre-emergent herbicides if you applied now or anytime. You don’t sowed or plan to sow grass seed this need lime on a lawn unless the pH is spring. below 6.0.

If you are growing your own

Don’t apply nitrogen now. Wait

Now is also a good time to force branches of flowering trees and shrubs indoors. Several varieties such as flowering quince, dogwood, forsythia, star magnolia, crabapple, flowering cherry, and pussy willow are all good candidates for forcing.

If you haven’t ordered your vegetable seeds yet go ahead and do it so you will get them in plenty of time for spring.

until October, November, or December. Nitrogen applications in the spring will force your grass to grow succulently and quickly causing more frequent mowing and weak shallow rooted turf which will be more susceptible to drought.

Ordering Seeds For Vegetable Gardens Cool temperatures and gray days may make spring feel far away, but planning for vegetable gardens begins during winter months when seeds are ordered. Looking through a seed catalog, store rack, or online product offering, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by options. But, for gardeners who have had issues in the past, choosing different varieties is one way to preventatively manage disease. Varieties can be referred to as tolerant or resistant, both of which can result in better yields, but are two different plant properties. Tolerance is the ability of the plant to endure disease, while still producing yielding fruit. Resistance is the ability to prevent or slow disease development by way of naturally occurring aspects of the plant. The majority of hybrid vegetable varieties have been “improved” through natural breeding methods for these traits. Selection of resistant cultivars can reduce the impact diseases may have on plant vigor and yield, as well as reduce or eliminate the need for chemical management practices. Disease resistance is especially important for the home garden, which many either cannot or prefer not to spray. No single cultivar is known to have resistance to all diseases of concern, and resistance is specific to a particular disease. Thus, gardeners should select varieties with resistance to diseases that are most common for their area or those that have been diagnosed as an issue in the past. Common diseases of major vegetable garden plants are listed below. Information about which disease(s) a variety is resistant to can be found on seed packets or in catalogs. Disease names may be listed as an abbreviation. For example, the letter ‘V’ may follow the tomato variety name, indicating resistance to Verticillium wilt. Seed catalogs and online retailers sometimes detail disease resistance codes on a separate page. Take care to thoroughly read seed packets if purchasing in-store. Tolerant and Resistant Cultivars Tomato •

Early blight is the most common disease of tomatoes in Kentucky, and often co-occurs with Septoria leaf spot. Tomatoes with some resistance to early blight are ‘Jasper,’ ‘Matt’s Wild Cherry,’ ‘Mountain Magic,’ and ‘Sun Gold’ (small cherry tomatoes), ‘Indigo Rose,’ ‘Plum Regal,’ and ‘Verona’ (Roma size), and ‘Defiant,’ ‘Iron Lady,’ ‘Mountain Fresh Plus,’ ‘Mountain Merit,’ and ‘Stellar’ (slicing size).

Pepper The bacterial spot pathogen causes the most common disease of peppers. There are at least ten races of the pathogen, and pepper resistance is race-specific. Commonly occurring races can vary by location, so the safest route would be to choose varieties with resistance to as many races as possible. •

Some suggested varieties include: ‘Boca,’ ‘Ninja,’ ‘Outsider,’ ‘Playmaker,’ ‘Samurai,’ and ‘Tracer.’

Cucurbits (Cucumber, Squashes, Muskmelon, Watermelon, Pumpkin, and Zucchini) Many powdery mildew resistant varieties of picklers, slicers, pumpkins, and squash are available. •

Varieties that are less susceptible to bacterial wilt include the pickle cukes ‘Cross Country’ and ‘County Fair,’ ‘Howden’ pumpkins, and ‘Waltham Butternut’ squash. Manage cucumber beetles for best management of bacterial wilt. All watermelons have natural resistance to bacterial wilt.

Leafy Greens

Ordering Seeds For Vegetable Gardens Many lettuces have been bred for resistance to downy mildew. • Consider head lettuces ‘Kweik,’ and ‘Pirat,’ green leafed lettuces ‘Black Seeded Simpson,’ and ‘Nevada,’ and red leafed lettuces ‘Galactic,’ ‘Red Zin,’ and ‘Rustica’ for their additional resistance to bacterial disease and/or white mold. • • •

Powdery mildew-resistant lettuces to try include ‘Jericho’ and ‘Super Jericho’ (romaines), ‘Sandy’ (oakleaf), ‘Loma,’ ‘Red Salad Bowl,’ and ‘Skyphos’ and ‘Red Cross’ (red butterheads). ‘Regal’ and ‘Samish’ spinaches are resistant to downy mildew and white rust. Kale, collards, turnip greens, and mustards are naturally less susceptible to many diseases, so variety selection should rely on purchasing certified or treated seed and choosing varieties that will perform well under site and seasonal conditions.

Legume Vegetables (Beans and Peas) Many French and green beans have been bred for resistance to anthracnose, but resistance in other types of beans is unavailable. • ‘Caprice,’ ‘Espada,’ ‘Kentucky Blue,’ ‘Romano II,’ ‘Volunteer,’ and ‘Goldkist’ are fungal leaf spot and/or rust resistant bean varieties, with additional resistance to various viral diseases (not common in KY). • ‘Green Arrow,’ ‘Cascadia,’ ‘Sugar Daddy,’ and ‘Oregon Sugar Pod II’ are pea varieties suggested for their resistance to powdery mildew, Fusarium, and Verticillium wilts. Cole Crops (Cabbage, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Kohlrabi, and Brussel sprouts) Black rot is the most common disease of cole crops in KY. • Cabbage varieties ‘Bilko,’ ‘Blues,’ ‘China Pride,’ ‘Blue Vantage,’ and ‘Bronco’ carry resistance to a broad range of diseases, such as downy mildew, Fusarium yellows, and/or black rot. • Broccoli varieties ‘Emperor,’ ‘Pinnacle,’ and ‘Green Magic’, as well as cauliflower variety ‘Majestic’ are resistant to downy mildew and/or black rot. •

‘Grand Duke’ kohlrabi is resistant to black rot as well.

By Kim Leonberger, Extension Associate and Emily Pfeufer, Extension Plant Pathologist

Plant Of The Month: Witch Hazel “Arnolds Promise” Flowers with wavy clear yellow petals and red cups appear on the bare branches of this unusual shrub, supplying blazing color in late winter. The open, spreading habit and rich yellow and orange fall foliage brings additional flare to the landscape. Plant near entries and patios to enjoy the fragrance. Deciduous. USDA 5 - 9, Full Sun, Grows 12 feet tall and Wide, Blooms Later Winter., Great Fall Color.

Fill This Registration Out And Keep For Your Records

Washington County Cooperative Extension Service 245 corporate Drive Springfield KY, 40069 859-336-7741 dennis.morgeson@uky.edu



Straw Bale Gardening




Pruning Trees and Shrubs




Raising Tomatoes, Peppers, and Eggplants




Growing Apples With Reduced Spraying




Tasty Tubers….Potatoes!




Growing Onions, Leeks, and Shallots




How To Grow Strawberries in Kentucky




Sensational Squash




Dennis’ Perennial Picks




An Unsung Easy Tropical….Canna!




Nothing Says Summer Like Sweetcorn


May May

13th 20th

Hummingbird Gardening Gourmet Herbs

FREE! $10.00



Hydrangeas for Kentucky Gardens




Gorgeous Gladiolus




Fabulous Ferns for Indoors or Out




An Often Unsung Annual...Marigolds!




Pollinator Friendly Gardening




Saving Seeds




Introduction To Landscape Design




Cover and Green Manure Crops




Lawn Renovation and Establishment




Dennis’ Favorite Landscape Trees




Overwintering Tropical Plants Indoors




True Lilies




Trilliums...A Wonderful Woodland Native




Lasagna Gardening




Shrubs With Multi-Season Interest




Landscape Plants for Holiday Decoration




Alluring Amaryllis


Basic Registration For Any and All Classes Total From Above Minus Discount of $10.00 if Doing Entire Series And Paid In Full By 213-2021 TOTAL



Washington County Cooperative Extension Service 245 Corporate Drive Springfield KY, 40069 Office 859-336-7741 Fax 859-336-7445 Email dennis.morgeson@uky.edu

We Are On The Web!!! washington.ca.uky.edu

Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/pages/WashingtonCounty-Horticulture/140659449317295

Recipe of The Month

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