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Please Make Check Payable To: Washington Co. Horticulture Mail or Return To: Washington County Ext. Office Attn: Dennis Morgeson/Darice Russell 211 Progress Avenue Springfield KY, 40069
Gardening Classes That Help You Grow!
Many classes have plants attached and they take lead time, please register promptly, the sooner the better! With much appreciation. To be fair to all we will not register you until payment is received! Registration is accepted on a first come first serve basis, remember some classes are limited so register early. You have 5 days after the classes for plant pick up‌.after that they will not be saved!
Sign Up For The Entire Series And Pay In Full By February 15th and Receive a $25.00 Discount! Makes The Entire Series Just $200.00!!!!!
Fill This Registration Out and Send To Extension Office
Tuesday March 6th 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM Apple Grafting Workshop This will be a hands on how to on grafting apple trees. All supplies will be provided! Grafting is an easy way to propagate your favorite apple varieties and really easy once you get the hang of it. Register by February 15th. Supply Fee $5.00 Tuesday March 13th at 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM Summer Vegetable Gardening With Dennis’ Favorite Varieties Each year I am asked what my favorite varieties of summer vegetables are so this year I’m turning it into a Wheelbarrow Class. Join us for a look at my favorite summer vegetables (which tends to change). Each participant will receive sample packets of seeds to try at home! Register by March 1st. Supply Fee $10.00
AM or PM Apple Grafting Workshop
AM or PM Summer Vegetable Gardening With Dennis’ Favs
AM or PM Growing Sweet Onions In Kentucky
AM or PM Lasagna Gardening
AM or PM Radiant Raspberries
AM or PM Tender Beauties-Dahlias and Gladiolous
AM or PM “Proven” Perennials
AM or PM Shrubs With Multi-Season Interest
AM or PM Easy Roses For Any Perennial Garden
AM or PM Handsome Hydrangeas
AM or PM What Was Old Is New Again!
AM or PM Orchid Cactus-An Uncommon Beauty
AM or PM Water Gardening In Containers
AM or PM Weed ID And Control
AM or PM Fall Cole Crops
AM or PM Growing Oyster Mushrooms At Home
AM or PM Leaf Castings
September 11
AM or PM Overwintering Tropical Plants Indoors
September 18
AM or PM Building Great Soil Without Breaking The Bank
AM or PM Tree Peonies
AM or PM Fall Blooming Crocus
AM or PM Gardening For Winter Interest
AM or PM Trees That Feed Wildlife
AM or PM Colorful Conifers
AM or PM Alluring Amaryllis
Basic Registration For Any and All Classes Total From Above Minus Discount of $25.00 if Doing Entire Series And Paid By 2-15-2018
Tuesday March 20th at 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM Growing Sweet Onions In Kentucky
If You Would Like To Be Placed On Our Free Horticulture Newsletter Mailing List Give Us A Call WASHINGTON COUNTY COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE 211 PROGRESS ROAD BE G I N N I N G MA RCH FI R S T O UR A DD RE S S W I LL CHA NG E T O 2 4 5 CO R PO RA T E D RI V E
Believe it or not you don’t have to live in Vidalia Georgia to grow large sweet onions! We will cover selection, culture, and storage. Each participant will take home onion plants to try at home. FREE! Register by March 1st!
Tuesday March 27th 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM Lasagna Gardening If you are a gardener that doesn’t have a roto tiller, you just want to maintain your soil structure, you don’t like the hard work of turning your soil, or you just want to try something new lasagna gardening may be for you! In this session we will discuss just what lasagna gardening is, the benefits and drawbacks, as well as how to get started with this method. Register by March 15th. FREE!
Fill This Registration Out and Keep For Your Records
Tuesday April 3rd at 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM Radiant Raspberries
AM or PM Apple Grafting Workshop
AM or PM Summer Vegetable Gardening With Dennis’ Favs
AM or PM Growing Sweet Onions In Kentucky
Raspberries are one of the healthiest fruits you can eat as well as one of the tastiest! If you like raspberries why not grow your own? In this session we will discuss how to extend the harvest, variety selection, management techniques, and just about anything else you may want to know about raspberries. Each participant will receive plants. Supply Fee $10.00, register by March 10th.
AM or PM Lasagna Gardening
AM or PM Radiant Raspberries
AM or PM Tender Beauties-Dahlias and Gladiolous
AM or PM “Proven” Perennials
AM or PM Shrubs With Multi-Season Interest
AM or PM Easy Roses For Any Perennial Garden
AM or PM Handsome Hydrangeas
AM or PM What Was Old Is New Again!
AM or PM Orchid Cactus-An Uncommon Beauty
AM or PM Water Gardening In Containers
AM or PM Weed ID And Control
AM or PM Fall Cole Crops
AM or PM Growing Oyster Mushrooms At Home
AM or PM Leaf Castings
September 11
AM or PM Overwintering Tropical Plants Indoors
September 18
AM or PM Building Great Soil Without Breaking The Bank
AM or PM Tree Peonies
AM or PM Fall Blooming Crocus
AM or PM Gardening For Winter Interest
AM or PM Trees That Feed Wildlife
AM or PM Colorful Conifers
AM or PM Alluring Amaryllis
Tuesday April 10th at 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM Tender Beauties: Dahlias and Gladiolus Join us for a look into the world of two of the easiest cut flowers to grow in Kentucky. We will discuss cultivar selection, culture, history, and how to overwinter your bulbs for a beautiful display year after year. Each participant will receive several varieties of dahlias and gladiolus to try at home. Supply fee $20.00, register by March 15th.
Basic Registration For Any and All Classes Total From Above Minus Discount of $25.00 if Doing Entire Series And Paid By 2-15-2018
Tuesday October 30th at 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM
Tuesday April 17th at 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM
Colorful Conifers
“Proven” Perennials for Central Kentucky
Conifers aren’t generally thought of as being colorful but believe it or not there are a lot of shades and colors out there. Conifers can change color significantly by season as well! Join us for a look into all things conifers including sizes, shapes, deciduous vs evergreen, cultural requirements, and availability. Free! Register by October 1st.
These days there are so many perennials out there it is hard to know which is best for our Kentucky gardens. Participants in this session will learn what varieties are tried and true performers in our crazy central Kentucky climate. Each participant will receive a sampling of plants to plant in their own gardens as well. Supply fee $25.00, register by April 1st.
Tuesday November 6th at 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM Alluring Amaryllis Many people grow amaryllis for holiday blooms but did you know you can get them to bloom just about anytime of the year with a little planning. In this session we will cover the basics of amaryllis care and variety selection. Participants will receive at least one large amaryllis bulb. Supply fee $10.00, register By Sept. 15th.
April 24th at 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM Shrubs With Multi Season Interest Shrubs aren’t just plants to put out around houses to hide the foundation anymore! In this session we will discuss shrubs that will fit into your landscape whether as accents plants, foundation plants, specimen plants, or for pollinator food and habitat. The one thing all of these plants will give you is garden interest for more than one season! Participants will take home five shrubs to try as well. Supply fee $25.00, register by March 15th.
Tuesday May 8th at 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM Easy Roses For Any Perennial Garden Roses are the Queens of the flower world, however they have a reputation for being difficult to grow! Join us for a look into everything you could ever want to know about growing great roses. We are going to emphasis variety selection so that you will be a successful rosarian. Each participant will take home one each of the following roses in quart pots: Julia Child, Livin La Vida, Oso Italian Ice, At Last, and Oso Double Red . Supply charge $25.00, register by April 15th.
Tuesday May 15th at 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM Handsome Hydrangeas Hydrangeas as a plant family have undergone a renaissance so to speak in the last several years with multiple breeding programs ongoing across the country. We will look into how to select and grow the right cultivars for your needs. Each participant will take home one each of the following hydrangeas in quart pots: Incrediball, Let’s Dance Rave, Little Lime, Tuff Stuff Ah-Ha, and Ruby Slippers. Supply charge $25.00, register by May 1st.
Tuesday October 9th at 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM Fall Blooming Crocus Many of you might not realize there are several varieties of crocus that bloom in the fall! The most famous of which is the saffron crocus. In this session we will cover the complete list of these fall bloomers and how to get them established to have a great fall display! Each participant will receive bulbs to plant at home. Supply fee $10.00, Register by September 1st.
Tuesday October 16th 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM Gardening For Winter Interest It is no secret that I am not a fan of winter, however by adding plants that give interest in the winter it sure does make it more bearable. In this session I will discuss plants to add to your landscape and perennial beds that will make for a great winter display! It’s not just you that will benefit either. Free!
Tuesday October 23rd at 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM
Trees That Feed Wildlife Whether you like to hunt, just watch wildlife, or just want easy to grow multipurpose trees this class is for you. Here we will explore the best trees that will feed you and our furry friends and you wont need to feed corn and other grains again. FREE! Register by October 1st.
Tuesday September 18th at 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM Building Great Soil Without Breaking The Bank Or Your Back There isn’t a gardener out there that wouldn’t like to have richer healthier soil, however for many of us that can be exensive and physically challenging. Participants will learn how to build great soil with little effort or money. Free!
Tuesday October 2nd at 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM Growing Tree Peonies In Kentucky There are few plants or plant families that are revered as much as the peony! Tree peonies are considered the most magnificent of all peonies. The kings and queens of the species if you will. Tree peonies are slow growers and have a reputation for being a little more difficult to establish than herbaceous peonies. In this session we will discuss the history, culture, establishment, and variety selection. Although tree peonies are expensive and can be slow growers you need to remember that these plants if cared for will be in your garden for a lifetime! If you haven’t purchased a tree peony before you might be in sticker shock so keep in mind this deal won’t come along again soon! Each participant will receive a tree peony to grow at home! Supply fee $25.00, register by August 15th!
Tuesday May 22nd at 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM What Was Old Is New Again! Three plants that were in every flower garden a century ago where zinnia, marigold, and cockscomb. This easy to grow from seed trio have went through many changes over the years but they are still three of the best annuals for our Kentucky gardens! Join us for a historical look at these heirloom annuals and how they have changed yet stayed the same! Each participant will take home multiple varieties of seed to plant at home. Supply charge $10.00, register by May 1st.
Tuesday June 12th at 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM The Orchid Cactus - An Uncommon Beauty Orchid Cactus (Epiphyllum) isn’t an orchid at all but a cactus that is an epiphyte. Epiphytes are plants that grow on other plants but aren’t parasitic. You may have heard of the most famous orchid cactus the Night Blooming Cereus. Orchid Cactus makes a beautiful blooming houseplant as long as you follow a few simple tips! Join us for a look into this unique family of plants. Each participant will receive at least one plant to grow at home. Supply fee $10.00. Please register by May 1st.
Tuesday June 19th at 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM Water Gardening In Containers Water features give added interests and plant types to landscape and garden areas. In ground water gardens can be a maintenance nightmare, however container water gardens are easier to maintain and portable! Join us to learn how to add a container water garden to your landscape. FREE!
Tuesday June 26th at 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM Weed ID and Control
Tuesday August 21st at 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM Growing Oyster Mushrooms At Home Many of you may not be familiar with oyster mushrooms, however they are easy to grow and delicious however expensive! Join us for a complete how to on growing your own oyster mushrooms at home. This will be a hands on class with you taking home a bag of inoculated media ready to grow. Supply fee $5.00, register by August 1st.
Tuesday August 28th at 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM Leaf Castings
Controlling weeds is one of the toughest jobs gardeners have to deal with! In this session we are going to have a basic stump the agent class. Bring in samples of the weeds that are your worst enemies and I will identify them and give you strategies on how to control them. We will ID and discuss the weeds and their control as a group. FREE!
Another hands on class! Participants will make castings using a cement mixture. Castings can be used as garden art, bird baths, or even a shallow planter. Please bring a large leaf with pronounced veining to cast. Supply fee $5.00, register by August 10th.
Tuesday August 14th at 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM
Tuesday September 11th at 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM
Fall Cole Crops We are lucky in Kentucky to have a nice long growing season making it possible to have a spring and fall vegetable garden. We will look at all the cole crops you can grow in the fall with a few free plants! FREE! Register by August 1st
Overwintering Tropical Plants Indoors Tropical plants can make a tremendous addition to garden areas because of their unusual shapes and colors, however they can be expensive! Join us for a look into how to successfully overwinter your favorite tropicals indoors so you can save money and enjoy them year after year. FREE!