Gardeners Wheelbarrow Series 2020

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Gardening Classes That Help You Grow!

Sign Up For The En re Series And Pay In Full By February 13th and take $10.00 off your total!

Thursday February 13th 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM Climate Change And Its Affects On Fruit Produc on In Kentucky This program was presented at the Fruit and Vegetable Conference this year by Dr. John Strang fruit specialist at UK. Whether you agree on what is causing our climate to change or not, there is a lot of scien fic data and forecasts out there. Fruit growers in par cular should begin to become familiar with it. Register by Feb. 10th. FREE! Thursday February 20th at 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM Star ng Plants From Seed Indoors In this class you will learn ps on seed star ng, including how to use grow lights and cold frames effec vely. We will also discuss sanita on, containers, watering and much more. Registra on required before February 15th. FREE!

Thursday February 27th at 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM Boun ful Blueberries Almost everyone loves blueberries although they aren’t necessarily the easiest fruits to grow in Central Kentucky. In this class we will discuss how to grow blueberries including site selec on, soil adjustments, pest control, and water requirements. Register by March 1st. FREE! Thursday March 5th at 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM Heirloom Tomatoes No other fruit or vegetable is loved more than a vine ripened home grown tomato….unless it’s a home grown vine ripened heirloom tomato! Heirloom varie es tend to be a li le more difficult to grow than hybrids but the effort is worth it. Join us for an in depth discussion on how to grow these sweet succulent wonderfully tasty fruits. $10.00 Register by February 20th. Par cipants will receive several varie es of seed to try at home.

Thursday March 26th at 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM Growing Asparagus in Kentucky In this session you will learn how to grow delectable home grown asparagus spears in your garden. Nothing says spring has arrived like the first few messes of fresh asparagus. This perennial vegetable seems to get a bad wrap from gardeners who aren’t successful in growing it. Join us for an in depth sure way to start your own asparagus bed to enjoy for years to come. Each par cipant will receive plants to grow at home. Supply fee $10.00. Register by March 10th Thursday April 16th at 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM Queens Of The Garden….Hybrid Tea Roses Hybrid tea roses produce the long stem roses we o en see from florists and they aren’t really difficult to grow once you understand what these beau es require. In this session we will discuss variety selec on, cultural requirements, and spray schedules. Register by March 20th. Supply fee $25.00. Each par cipant will receive at least one Hybrid Tea to start their rose garden.

Thursday April 23rd 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM Lovely Lilacs Lilacs in bloom may be quintessen al fragrance of spring. Join us for a look at these easy to grow large shrubs. We will cover varie es, plan ng and site selec on, pest and disease management, propaga on, and a bit of lilac history and lore. Register by April 1st. Each par cipant will receive an old fashion lilac to try at home. $10.00 plant fee. Thursday April 30th at 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM Beans, Beans, The Magical Fruit Most of us enjoy beans in some form or fashion. In this class we will explore the mul tude of varie es associated with these s ck to your ribs vegetables. Each par cipant will receive a variety of beans to try at home along with informa on on how to grow them. Supply charge $10.00. Register by April 1st.

Thursday May 7th at 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM How To Develop a Monarch Bu erfly Habitat There are a myriad of na ve bu erflies but none captures our imagina on as much as monarchs. The number of monarchs have dwindled do to habitat loss however. In this session we will discuss how to develop a monarch habitat that will not only help them but other bu erfly species as well. Register by April 15th. FREE! Thursday May 14th at 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM Perennials For Late Season Color Late summer and fall are the mes of year that tend to lack color in the perennial beds. Join us for a look into varie es and species to increase that color along with cultural prac ces that can extend the season. Register by May 1st. FREE!

Thursday May 21st at 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM Hostas….Not What You Think Hosta is the ideal plant for shade and part shade gardens. No other plant can give such a lush look to a shade garden and no other shade plant can give you the colors hosta can. In this session we will discuss variety selec on, plan ng loca ons, pest management, and some li le none facts about this tough shade loving perennial. Register by May 1st, $20.00. Each par cipant will take home at least three hosta varie es. Thursday May 28th at 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM Sensa onal Sunflowers They are beau ful, edible, and even perennial, sunflowers! In this class we will discuss culture, variety, and uses of this versa le plant family. Each par cipant will receive several varie es of seed to try at home as well. Register by May 1st, $5.00.

Thursday June 4th at 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM Growing Hardy Figs In Kentucky Figs aren’t generally a crop you think of for Kentucky but there is a variety that we can grow here and consistently get these tasty fruits. In this session we will discuss variety selec on, loca on, and pest management. Register by May 20th. FREE! Thursday June 11th at 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM Growing Flowers For Drying Dried flowers can be expensive but you can dry your own. Join us for a look into what to grow, how to grow them, and techniques for drying them for future use. Each par cipant will take home a selec on of flower seeds to grow at home. Register by June 1st, $10.00 Thursday June 18th at 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM Easy Orchids Orchids are one of the most evolved plant species and some of them are hard to grow because they have very specific requirements. In this session we will discuss the easier varie es and how to care for them for years of enjoyment. FREE! Register by June 10th.

Thursday June 25th at 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM Growing Lavender In Kentucky Lavender has been grown for centuries and used for its scent and calming effects. It doesn’t like our wet winters but it is possible to successfully grow it in Kentucky. We will discuss variety selec on, plan ng, pest and disease management, and uses for home grown lavender. FREE! Register by June 10th.

Thursday August 13th at 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM Aloes…...Not Just Vera Just about everyone has heard of Aloe vera and likely used products with it in it, nothing soothes a sunburn be er than aloe. But did you know there is a lot more to this family of plants than just vera. In this class we will explore the larger family and how to grow them at home. Each par cipant will take home three small aloes to grow at home as well. Supple fee $5.00, register by August 1st.

Thursday August 20th at 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM Growing Great Greens In The Fall Many of us grow greens in the spring but did you know fall grown have a much be er flavor? In this session we will discuss how to get greens started in hot weather, varie es, and pest management. Free Seeds for all par cipants! Register by August 10th. Thursday September 3rd at 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM Compos ng 101 Compos ng is something most gardeners want to do but most of them don’t do it right. In this session we will discuss how to make compost the right way so that weeds and pests aren’t sca ered around the garden. Register by August 15th. FREE! Thursday Sept. 10th at 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM New And Interes ng Shrubs Each year new shrubs are released and more so in the last few years. Many of these are worthy of adding to your landscape. Join us for a survey of what is new and unique in the world of shrubs. Register by September 1st. FREE!

Thursday Sept. 17th at 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM Reblooming Bearded Iris Bearded iris is one of the most popular spring perennials but did you know some varie es have the ability to bloom in the fall too? In this class we will focus on the rebloomers and how to care for bearded iris. Each par cipant will get rhizomes to grow at home as well. Register by August 15th, $20.00. Thursday October 1st at 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM Vivacious Viburnums Viburnums are a large group of woody plants and many of you have them and don’t know it. Some varie es even get confused with hydrangeas. Join us for an in depth look at this easy to grow diverse family of plants. Register by September 15th. FREE! Thursday October 15th at 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM Naturalizing With Hardy Bulbs In this class you will learn how to create an area with spring flowering bulbs that return year a er year without help from you! Bulb selec on is key! Register by Sept. 1st. $25.00 Each par cipant will take home several bulbs!

Thursday October 22nd at 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM Holiday Cactus Most of us call these beau ful plants Christmas Cactus but that isn’t accurate. There are several types and varie es of these beau ful easy to grow plants all with specific bloom mes. In this session we will discuss iden fica on, propaga on, and general care. Par cipants will receive small plants to grow at home. $10.00 Register by October 1st. Thursday October 29th at 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM Pu ng The Garden To Bed Gardeners hate to see winter come but it does and there are things that we need to do in the fall to prepare our gardens. Join us to learn how to put your garden to bed for a long winters nap. Register by October 15th. Free!

Fill This Registra on Out and Keep For Your Records February


Climate Change And Its Affect On Fruit Produc on In Kentucky



Star ng Plants From Seed Indoors



Boun ful Blueberries



Heirloom Tomatoes



Growing Asparagus In Kentucky



Queens Of The Garden….Hybrid Tea Roses



Lovely Lilacs



Beans, Beans, The Magical Fruit



How To Develop Monarch Bu erfly Habitat



Perennials For Late Summer And Fall Color



Hostas….Not What You Think



Sensa onal Sunflowers



Growing Hardy Figs In Kentucky



Growing Flowers For Drying



Easy Orchids



Growing Lavender In Kentucky



Aloes….Not Just Vera



Growing Great Greens In The Fall

September 3

Compos ng 101

September 10

New And Interes ng Shrubs

September 17

Reblooming Bearded Iris



Vivacious Viburnums



Naturalizing With Hardy Bulbs



Holiday Cactus (Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter)



Pu ng The Garden To Bed

Basic Registra on For Any and All Classes

Total From Above

Minus Discount of $10.00 if Doing En re Series And Paid In Full By 2‐13‐2020




If You Would Like To Be Placed On Our Free Hor culture Newsle er Mailing List Give Us A Call WASHINGTON COUNTY COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE 245 CORPORATE DRIVE SPRINGFIELD KY, 40069 859‐336‐7741 DENNIS.MORGESON@UKY.EDU

Fill This Registra on Out and Send To Extension Office February


Climate Change And Its Affect On Fruit Produc on In Kentucky



Star ng Plants From Seed Indoors



Boun ful Blueberries



Heirloom Tomatoes



Growing Asparagus In Kentucky



Queens Of The Garden….Hybrid Tea Roses



Lovely Lilacs



Beans, Beans, The Magical Fruit



How To Develop Monarch Bu erfly Habitat



Perennials For Late Summer And Fall Color



Hostas….Not What You Think



Sensa onal Sunflowers



Growing Hardy Figs In Kentucky



Growing Flowers For Drying



Easy Orchids



Growing Lavender In Kentucky



Aloes….Not Just Vera



Growing Great Greens In The Fall

September 3

Compos ng 101

September 10

New And Interes ng Shrubs

September 17

Reblooming Bearded Iris



Vivacious Viburnums



Naturalizing With Hardy Bulbs



Holiday Cactus (Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter)



Pu ng The Garden To Bed

Basic Registra on For Any and All Classes

Total From Above

Minus Discount of $10.00 if Doing En re Series And Paid In Full By 2‐13‐2020





Phone Number:



Zip Code:


Total Enclosed From Reverse Side: $ Please Make Check Payable To: Washington Co. Hor culture Mail or Return To: Washington County Ext. Office A n: Dennis Morgeson/Darice Russell 245 Corporate Drive

Springfield KY, 40069

Many classes have plants a ached and they take lead me, please register promptly, the sooner the be er! With much apprecia on. To be fair to all we will not register you un l payment is received! Registra on is accepted on a first come first serve basis, remember some classes are limited so register early. You have 5 days a er the classes for plant pick up….a er that they will not be saved!

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