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How to be an optimist...

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T Milk Stout

T Milk Stout

Optimism is such an underrated skill; it has so many benefits, including increased wellbeing and better sleep and everyone can adapt their lives to experience it. It’s so simple to incorporate into your everyday life. A good place to start is, to create some positive mantras for yourself, one’s in which you can think back to when times are tough, and which will lead you back onto a positive mental path.

Focus on your successes, and remember the hurdles you’ve over come to achieve them! Having gratitude for your successes will only spur you on to do better.


Have a focus, whether it’s a positive role model, a goal or just to trying something new, it’ll encourage you to think of the most positive outcomes, of which you are aiming to reach for.

Stay positive, everyone is faced with challenges throughout their lives, however it’s not necessarily the challenged which throw us off course, but the way we interpret and reaction to them. You can’t always change events or circumstances; however you can change how you perceive and respond to them. In any situation think of the positives and also what you can learn and gain from your experience, rather than what you have lost. This is always the first step to bouncing back when it comes to disappointment. And when it comes to tragedy take comfort in the good times, for they’ll never change.

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by Sophie Fitzjohn.

Try to avoid predicting the future, nothing is certain; therefore it’s important to try not to predict the future based on what has happened before. When things don’t go to plan in life, optimists tend to see it as an isolated event; whilst pessimists often look out for reoccurring patterns of bad luck, and think “if it’s happened once, it’ll happen again”. However in life this just isn’t the case.

Surround yourself with positive vibes! Spending time with negative people means it’s only a matter of time before it starts to rub off on you. Being around like minded positive people is important to ensure you optimism for life is present and in full swing! This also applies to other influences in your life, such as movies, music and books. Surround yourself with positive influences and see the effect it has on your state of mind. Mindfulness and mediation are great outlets to explore when it comes to seeing the positives in everyday life and remaining grounded. Do something for yourself and keep a Gratitude Diary. When something bad happens and puts us in a foul mood, it rarely escapes our attention. However how often do

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