Pink Hill Review A life of service remembered at Rose Fest Thursday, May 25, 2017 Trevor Normile News Editor PINK HILL- Teary congratulations awaited Luther Ledford, Jr. on the main stage of the Rose Festival in Pink Hill Saturday. Presented with the festival’s Lifetime Achievement Award, Ledford, a retired banker, volunteer and Boy Scouts leader was addressed on stage by those whose lives he touched. Speakers included John Bell, District 10 State House majority leader; J. Mac Daughety, Lenoir County Commissioner; Stuart Stroud and Tom Cavanaugh, both representing Boy Scouts of America, Steven Oliver, First Citizens Bank and Margaret Williams one of Ledford’s former bank employees. Introducing them was Jennifer Murphy, whose own chiropractic business was started with help from Ledford and the bank. “First Citizen’s Bank was long considered Luther Ledford’s bank,” said Murphy. “There is not a farmer or a business owner in this area who has not benefitted from the services [he] provided with such joy, and always with a smile.” Ledford was presented with a 50-year Ruritan pin and a 45 –year Boy Scouts service pin, as well as the festival’s award. Ledford, teary-eyed, said, “I want to thank everybody for the opportunity I had to stay here as long as I did. It’s been a very nice move for me, and I appreciate all that y’all have done for me.” Other highlights of the festival Saturday, aside from the sunny, clear weather, included live music, games, homemade goods and helicopter rides. It was on one of those helicopter rides that Anthony Kendall and Elizabeth Letchworth, both of Grifton, became engaged to be married. “It was unexpected,” Letchworth said, laughing.