Welcome Message Welcome to BINHI NG BUHAY Acupuncture Clinic, located in Baguio city. This is the first and only Baguio Acupuncture Clinic to provide body type specific treatments as defined by 8 Body type Medicine. Discover Wellness through 8 Body type Medicine Acupuncture, Holistic Healing in Baguio. My ability to treat the body, mind and spirit, combined with the power of integrating acupuncture and diet guidelines allows me to give focused, personalized attention to each and every patient. With an approach that is holistic, individualized and complementary, collaborating with primary care physicians and other practitioners in the Baguio area. Binhi ng Buhay Acupuncture Clinic observes the philosophy that treating the whole person, not just a single symptom, is paramount to success and ultimately unlocks the individual’s innate ability to heal. I nurture a healing revolution that complements your life, harmonizes your health, and develops at your pace. Our complementary care practice incorporates the renowned healing properties of 8 Body type Medicine Acupuncture; harnessing the body’s natural energetic power to promote wellness, restore vitality and support good health. 8 Constitution Medicine was discovered and developed by Dr. Dowon Kuon, a renowned Korean Acupuncturist in 1965. It is a completely new paradigm of healing which has revolutionized the entire mantle of traditional Chinese medicine. It is truly a holistic medicine that teaches people how to live and what to eat, in order to heal and to prevent disease, and to create a healthy life.
We all sense that everyone is born different. Take food as an example. One person drinks a glass of milk and feels a boost of energy; another may head straight to the toilet with diarrhea. One person feels much better when they avoid eating meat; another feels so weak that they can't function well if he tries to be a vegetarian. Why? The answer is simple: We are born different.
More concretely the physiology of our bodies are made up differently. "Constitution" means the way that beings are designed to be built upon. For example, the Constitution of the United States is the plan that America was designed to be built upon, which is very different from Japan or Germany. Likewise, each and every one of us is born with certain physiological differences, the constitution upon which one's life should be built upon in terms of how to live, what kinds of foods to eat, what kind of career to pursue, to name a few.
A New Paradigm of Healing
According to modern anatomy and physiology, all bodies are the same. Mary has lungs, a heart, and a stomach; so does Tom. The function of Mary's heart is to pump blood throughout her body. Tom's heart does exactly the same thing. Mary's lungs take in fresh oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide, just like everyone else's lungs. These are all visible phenomena. What the science is missing, however, is the relationship between the organs through the meridians.
If Mary's lungs are functioning relatively stronger than her liver, then she will have a hard time digesting dairy products. However, Tom's lungs might function much weaker than his liver, which would make dairy products the most nutritious food for him. Tom and Mary's bodies have the same organs and same organ functions, but the way their organs work in relation to each other is very different.
The constitutions are the different patterns of organ relations and they are grouped into 8. Everyone is born with a certain constitution out of 8 possible patterns. It is one's own physiological DESTINY designed by God even before one is born. If one lives a life as the way he is created, he will remain healthy. If one does not, he will suffer. To know one's own constitution is the KEY to one's own well being.
Contact Information: Unit 206 Otek Business Centre, Otek St., Baguio (Near QM & City Camp Jeepney Terminal) Email: Landline: (074) 442-1921 Cell phone: 0912-843-7782