Adaptha Brochure ENG

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daptha ™

adaptogen spray

Be well. Be better. Right away.

™ ™



adaptogen spray

adaptogen spray

Born of a long history of experience in the herbal sector, Adaptha is a completely new line of products in the world of dietary supplements. Adaptha is an oral, sublingual spray that is rapid and effective. Adaptha is catalysed adaptogen. Adaptha is concentrated in vitalised water. Adaptha is ultrasound technology. Adaptha is the trend, practical and pocket-sized. Adaptha is for feeling better, even when you’re already fine.


Medicinal herbs and plant extracts: a passion for well-being, a passion for nature

adaptogen spray

Our seriousness and professionalism are our hallmarks, the outcome of a long tradition centred on the use of aromatic and medicinal herbs for personal well-being. The course we have pursued has taught us to know the intimate nature of plants and we have gained the knowledge that allows us to supply plants and extracts that are selected, processed and packaged with innovative techniques which respect the characteristics of the raw material as provided by nature. Our vegetable raw materials are: • healthy and selectively chosen, originating in suitable zones and harvested during the balsamic phase, and dehydrated according to natural methods; • checked, selected and cleansed with the aid of qualified personnel and machinery of the latest generation; • stored in decontaminated environments, thermo-hygrometrically standardized, specifically designed to reduce to a minimum the impact of environmental factors on the quality of the dehydrated plants; • certified under the Quality management system ISO 9000:2001, the HACCP self-regulation system and an internal service of quality control that ensures the safety and traceability of all the plants. ™


adaptogen spray

The care that makes the difference: means low impact technologies that respect the delicate balance that exists between the active ingredients present in the plant

Plant storage: where the plants do not age but “rest” drawing in positive energy The area devoted to the storage of herbs, constructed according to the principles of geobiology and completely decontaminated of Hartmann nodes and geo-pathogenic fields, is furnished with a pyramidal superstructure oriented north-south and east-west, whose proportions are based on the aureate section, allowing the plant to live in a bio-architecturally harmonious environment, able to avoid the exhaustion of the plant’s natural energy, and “recharge it.” All the structures are provided with temperature and humidity control systems that ensure the best thermo-hygrometric conditions. The special layout of the environment allows lighting conditions that ensure the stability of the pigments and the active ingredients against degradation and photo-oxidisation.

Extraction by ultrasound: as delicate as a breath, as powerful as an explosion Specifically developed for the extraction of the active ingredients of plants, ultrasound technology allows the complete extraction of the drug while conserving the integrity of all the phytocomplex, be they thermolabile (proteins, amino acids, vitamins and enzymes etc.), thermostable, water-soluble and fat-soluble.


Informed vitalised water: more than a simple solvent

adaptogen spray

Water of itself is not an amorphous molecule. It links up with many other molecules, creating interactions called “hydrogen bridges” to form a network structure that permits it to gather, store and transmit information. Spring water has its own typical structure which, introduced into the delivery cycle of drinkable water, is compromised by phenomenon such as the pressure in the piping, canalisation, the introduction of chemical substances and heavy metals. The procedure of the vitalisation of water takes place through a technology based on the transmission of oscillatory information and allows the recovery of the original memory of the spring water. Products prepared using vitalised water display improved qualities of conservation, greater stability even following microbiological modifications, greater self-purifying power, improved solvency power and improved organoleptic characteristics (freshness, taste, odour).

Adaptogens: the heart of Adaptha Adaptogens are specific plants to combat the negative effects of stress, both for preventive purposes and to aid recovery from an already existing situation. The physiological purpose of stress is to prepare (adapt) the organism to react to physical and psychophysical stimuli when these, in terms of duration and seriousness, are perceived as dangers. The stress reaction is a non-specific reaction by the organism to outside stimuli such as illness, certain phases of the reproductive cycle (pregnancy, birth, breast-feeding), lack of sleep, emotional causes, which are generically associated with disorders such as anxiety, insomnia, irritability, difficulty concentrating, dietary imbalance, tiredness and depression. During stress reactions, there are biological and hormonal changes and modifications to the autonomic nervous and immune systems, which tend to improve the response (the level of resistance or defence) of the organism both in terms of behaviour and biology. The response of adaptation is at its greatest in young people from 20 to 30 years old, while it is reduced by half after 70. The stress reaction can be too intense or too long, the physiological mechanisms of re-balancing our organism can prove to be insufficient and out of kilter. This results in a constant feeling of tiredness, apathy and lack of vitality; difficulty in remembering, lack of productivity in studies or intellectual work, difficulty in sustaining concentration; constant tension which prevents restorative sleep


adaptogen spray

and reduces the ability to recover. Faced with a situation of “exhaustion” of this type, plants defined as “adaptogens” prove to be extremely useful.

The term “adaptogen” indicates something able to produce a general improvement in the psychophysical condition: an increased resistance to fatigue, regulation of the metabolic functions, improvement in the cognitive capacity; it was coined in 1975 by the Swedish Herbal Institute, at the conclusion of research carried out of the Rhodiola rosea, to explain the actions of this very interesting class of plant in the face of stress. Belonging to this category are ginseng (Panax ginseng), eleutherococcus senticosus, echinacea angustifolia, schizandra chinensis, hawthorn (Crategus oxyacantha), Rhodiola rosea, whose properties have been widely demonstrated.

The Adaptha formulations use a balanced combination of the main adaptogens of traditional use, which are “catalysed” according to the effect sought with plants and specific extracts, in order to direct the effect of the preparation towards the resolution of the disturbance being dealt with. ™


Sublingual oral spray: the speed of Adaptha Adaptha combines a particular and unique blend of plants with the innovative form of the sublingual oral spray, which, in comparison with the normal forms of administration, allows a more rapid and efficient administration. The zone between the lower palate and the tongue is bathed by blood vessels and the mucous membrane is very thin. All this aids the passage of the active ingredients from outside to the blood. The sublingual blood circulation reverses in the superior vena cava and therefore the active ingredients are distributed at the systemic level without passing through the liver, the organ in which the first transformation and elimination of the greater part of the active ingredients takes place.

adaptogen spray

Level of absorption of various forms of administration. (taken from Physicians’ Desk Reference, NPPDR No. 18:676,1997)





The barriers (membranes or metabolic) that the active ingredients must overcome, according to the method of administration. ORAL






ENDOTHELIUM in circulation



ENDOTHELIUM in circulation

ENDOTHELIUM in circulation

Adaptogens Echinacea (Echinacea angustifolia)

According to the herbalist tradition, this is an adaptogen plant that allows the improvement of the organism’s resistance to outside attacks by stimulating the immune system. Today it is one of the most widely used remedies for reinforcing the natural defences of the organism, especially against seasonal indispositions such as the cold, influenza, coughs and seasonal allergies. Actions: adaptogen with immuno-stimulant characteristics, generally indicated for problems linked to winter ailments, a tonic.

Eleuterococcus (Acanthopanax senticosus Maxim)

Research studies by Soviet and Chinese scientists have shown that eleuterococcus is a tonic-adaptogen with peculiar characteristics often even greater than those of the more widely known ginseng (for example, at the level of the immune system). It is still well known for its use to aid the performance of the Russian athletes at the Moscow Olympics and for cosmonauts during long periods in space. Eleutrococcus is indicated as a tonic to reinforce the body during exertions and as a remedy against the debilitation and the tendency of diminished working capacity and concentration, and during convalescence. It possesses a general action of stimulating the immune system. Actions: adaptogen, anti-asthenic, anti-stress, tonic.

Hawthorn (Crataegus oxyacantha)

Western herbalists consider it to be “food for the heart” because it increases the flow of blood to the heart and regulates its beat. Hawthorn displays a recognised sedative and muscle relaxant action which makes it particularly indicated for states of stress and anxiety. It has been demonstrated that administration brings a calming effect on the central nervous system, being especially indicated in cases of sleep disturbances and in conditions characterised by excessive emotionality and anxiety, in stress and in the menopause. The studies carried out show an important action on the cardiovascular system with a real improvement in resistance to exertion. Actions: invigorating, antidiarrhoeal, hypotensive and cardiotonic.

Schisandra (Schisandra chinensis)

The Chinese name, “Wu Wei Zi” means “plant with 5 flavours” because according to the system of traditional Chinese medicine, this plant contains all the flavours that regulate the effects of food on the body. Representative experiments showing the adaptogen action of Schisandra were conducted in the Soviet Union with volunteers from various professions. The results were extremely positive with an improvement in performance both physical and intellectual with greater clarity of action and greater resistance to fatigue. Actions: detoxicant, tonic, astringent, adaptogen, stimulant, hepatoprotective antioxidant.



adaptogen spray

Rodiola (Rhodiola rosea)

Traditionally used in Nordic countries to increase physical resistance and immunity, and longevity of the individual, Rodiola has an almost legendary story. The first scientific studies on Rodiola date back to the first half of the last century, when groups of Russian scientists began to observe the effects of this plant; it was only in the early years of the sixties that information on the benefits and property of Rodiola were made public in the western world. Actions: adaptogen, anti-stress, useful in the control of body weight when associated with a balanced diet. Improves the concentration, lucidity and mnemonic potential; indicated in the treatment of asthenia, depression, apathy, stress, muscular weakness and to optimise sporting performance by reducing the duration of the recovery phase.

Fruits Pomegranate (Punica granatum)

A precious concentrate of antioxidant substances (polyphenols derived from ellagic acid), organic acids, minerals (calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, copper and sulphur), vitamins (robiflavin, thiamine, vitamin B6, niacin, pantothenic acid, beta-carotene). The juice of the pomegranate combines recognised antioxidant, re-mineralising and vitamin properties with a pleasurable and refreshing taste.

Grapefruit (Citrus grandis)

Rich in flavonoids, pectins, vitamins of group B, vitamin C, pantothenic acid and organic acids, it possesses the organoleptic and nutritional qualities of citrus fruit.

Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana)

The benefits of this fruit with its pleasurably acidic flavour have recently been brought to light by studies that have revealed its marked antioxidant and immuno-modulating action.

Service tree fruit (Sorbus aucuparia)

Dried service tree fruit (also called sorb or whitty pear), in the past, was mixed with flour to enrich the bread at times of scarcity. Containing derivatives of parasorbic acid which determines the natural antifungal and anti-bacterial actions. ™

Adaptha Dol 30 ml Dietary supplement useful for bringing relief from states of nervous tension. ™

Adaptogens Echinacea, Eleuterococcus, Hawthorn, Schizandra and Rodiola Catalysers Spirea Ulmaria and Pineapple Fruits Pomegranate, Service tree fruit, Grapefruit and Mangosteen WITHOUT PRESERVATIVES and WITHOUT ADDED SUGARS Spirea Ulmaria has a rich content derived from salicylic acid and in flavonoids. The salicylic acid isolated from Spirea Ulmaria was synthesised for the first time in 1890 and used to create aspirin. Every time you need a little relief from pain, Spirea Ulmaria is one of the anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antispasmodic and anti-bacterial remedies that is most delicate on the gastric mucous spray directly under and is often used in the treatment of painful inflammatory complaints such as the tongue, moving rheumatic pain, headaches and toothache. It is also used as a depurative. it around the mouth. From 5 to 10 sprays Pineapple (Ananas Sativus) contains bromeline which was the first proteolytic a day (equal to a maximum of 2 grams protein (that is, capable of breaking down proteins) identified. Bromeline was long known and studied for its action of combatting inflammatory processes. of product). Various studies have shown it provides support in cases of acute and chronic inflammation. ™

Adaptha Slim 30 ml Dietary supplement in support of a low-calory dietary regime. ™

Adaptogens Echinacea, Eleuterococcus, Hawthorn, Schizandra and Rodiola Catalyser Green tea and Guarana Fruits Pomegranate, Service tree fruit, Grapefruit and Mangosteen WITHOUT PRESERVATIVES and WITHOUT ADDED SUGARS

To help relieve the pangs of hunger, spray directly under the tongue, moving it around the mouth. From 5 to 10 sprays a day (equal to a maximum of 2 grams of product).

Green tea (Camelia sinensis), as well as being a very enjoyable drink, is also a medicinal plant of great interest. Used in Chinese medicine as a stimulant, diuretic and intestinal astringent and in Ayurvedic medicine as astringent, diaphoretic, digestive, nervous tonic. It has recently been observed that the use of the extracts obtained from the non-fermented parts of Green Tea determines an increase in basic energy expenditure. This thermogenic effect makes it an effective ally in dietary regimes aimed at controlling weight. Guarana (Paullinia cupana) has an action similar to that of coffee, but it is more rich in tannin and caffeine (from 2 to 5 times). It stimulates the cells of the cerebral cortex with the result that it increases mental performance in general and reduces sensations of tiredness thanks to an increase in the availability of glucose for muscular activity. The use of Guarana stimulated the actions of the enzymes charged with mobilisation of fats with a consequent increase in lypolysis and positive effects on the reduction of deposits of subcutaneous fat.


Adaptha Ton 30 ml Dietary supplement based on plants known for their invigorating-energizing actions. ™

Adaptogens Echinacea, Eleuterococcus, Hawthorn, Schizandra and Rodiola Catalyser Uncaria Fruits Pomegranate, Service tree fruit, Grapefruit and Mangosteen WITHOUT PRESERVATIVES and WITHOUT ADDED SUGARS

Any time an energy boost is needed, spray directly under the tongue, moving it around the mouth. From 5 to 10 sprays a day (equal to a maximum of 2 grams of product).


Uncaria (Uncaria tomentosa) is a popular remedy often used by indigenous Amazonian communities as a tonic and to stimulate the immune system. The active ingredients of Uncaria are very varied: oxidising alkaloids, triterpenes, sterols, procianidine and organic acids: the first are thought responsible for the immuno-stimulant and anti-inflammatory actions; the sterols helps in the anti-inflammatory action, while the polyphenols behave like antioxidants. It brings energy and acts with typically adaptogenic plants in cases of chronic fatigue, weakness and exhaustion.

Adaptha Vit 30 ml Dietary supplement based on plants and fresh royal jelly, natural sources of vitamins and minerals. ™

Adaptogens Echinacea, Eleuterococcus, Hawthorn, Schizandra and Rodiola Catalysers Royal Jelly and Alfalfa Fruits Pomegranate, Service tree fruit, Grapefruit and Mangosteen WITHOUT PRESERVATIVES and WITHOUT ADDED SUGARS

Royal Jelly is one of the five products from a beehive along with honey, pollen, propolis and wax. Considered one of the most complete natural foods, it contains water (65%), protein (12%), carbohydrates (15%), fat (5%) and other substances such as amino acids, vitamins (group B, in particular When an immediate restoration of vitamins B5, vitamins A, C, D) minerals and mineral salts (sodium, chrome, manganese, nickel, phosphorous, copper, sulphur, selenium, calcium, iron, potassium and mineral salts is needed, spray directly and silicone). The richness of its composition is responsible for the tonic and energy-giving action, useful in cases of asthenia, physical and mental fatigue. under the tongue, moving it around the Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) thanks to the richness in protein (18%, 5% higher mouth. From 5 to 10 than eggs and 15% higher than milk), vitamins, minerals, amino acids sprays a day and mineral salts, is greatly prized for its nutritional and re-mineralising (equal to a maximum of 2 grams of product). properties. Since it is rich in vitamins and minerals, it is a restorative and preventive remedy. It stimulates the appetite, above all in children, and is useful for convalescence, anaemia, haemorrhage and osteoporosis. ™

Adaptha Age 30 ml Dietary supplement with antioxidant and anti-ageing action. ™

Adaptogens Echinacea, Eleuterococcus, Hawthorn, Schizandra e Rodiola Catalyser Curcuma Fruits Pomegranate, Service tree fruit, Grapefruit and Mangosteen WITHOUT PRESERVATIVES and WITHOUT ADDED SUGARS Curcuma (Curcuma longa), together with its active ingredient curcumine, is one of the plants most studied in recent years for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects found at various levels. Studies carried out on curcumine have shown its capacity to block For daily assistance in an extremely efficient manner the propagation of free radicals, in combatting free radicals, spray directly limiting the damage to DNA, to the cellular structures and tissues. under the tongue, moving it around the mouth. From 5 to 10 sprays a day (equal to a maximum of 2 grams of product).


Adaptha Calm 30 ml Dietary supplement to recover physiological well-being, mental and physical. ™

Adaptogens Echinacea, Eleuterococcus, Hawthorn, Schizandra e Rodiola Catalyser Ginseng Fruits Pomegranate, Service tree fruit, Grapefruit and Mangosteen WITHOUT PRESERVATIVES and WITHOUT ADDED SUGARS

Whenever help is needed to rediscover calm and serenity, spray directly under the tongue, moving it around the mouth. From 5 to 10 sprays a day (equal to a maximum of 2 grams of product).

Ginseng (Panax ginseng) is the most famous of the traditional Chinese medicinal herbs and is used widely as a tonic and revitalizer to promote health and longevity. Today, we have a sufficient quantity of research to maintain that Panax Ginseng possesses actions appropriate to its almost legendary fame. The best known action of this plant is that on the central nervous system, where a marked increase electrical activity in the cells of the cerebral cortex can be observed. Ginseng is defined as a “psycho-tonic” for its stimulating effect on the central nervous system, and a tonic. Indeed, it doesn’t only improve the organism from the physical point of view, but has a positive influence on states of depression, and improves efficiency and concentration. Studies conducted on subjects treated with Ginseng displayed improved memories, greater capacity to learn, greater attention and better moods. ™

Adaptha Life 30 ml Dietary supplement. Physiologically helps the organism to defend itself from outside aggression. ™

Adaptogens Echinacea, Eleuterococcus, Hawthorn, Schizandra e Rodiola Catalyser Damiana and Nettles Fruits Pomegranate, Service tree fruit, Grapefruit and Mangosteen WITHOUT PRESERVATIVES and WITHOUT ADDED SUGARS

For extra help, when the body’s physiological defences aren’t enough, spray directly under the tongue, moving it around the mouth. From 5 to 10 sprays a day (equal to a maximum of 2 grams of product). ™

Damiana (Turnera diffusa) is a traditional remedy of the Mayan people and has a long history of use in herbal medicine. Its active ingredients are contained in the leaves which contain, among other things, tannins, flavonoids and damianine, a brown substance with a bitter taste. It has always played a central role in its countries of origin as a general tonic for the organism, useful in cases of debilitation and general weakness of the central nervous system. Nettles (Urtica dioica L.) has a high nutritional power, is rich in flavonoids, mineral salts, salicylic acids, mineral salts and vitamins. In popular medicine, nettle leaves are used for their “haematopoietic” action. Studies carried out on the active ingredients of the class of lectins contained in this plant have shown that extracts containing lectins act on the specific activators of lymphocyte T, with an effect similar to that of other substances with immuno-stimulant actions.


adaptogen spray

Adaptha™ is a Denpas™ product and can be found in herbalists, over the counter medicine stores and pharmacies with herbal departments.


DENPAS s.r.l. Loc. Crosaron di Villabella, 18 “Soave Center” ingr. B, 37047 S. Bonifacio (VR) tel +39 045 2064315 - fax +39 045 2064342

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