The Eagle 07-25-09

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The story behind the famous whale fossil discovered in Charlotte.


Middlebury runners are lacing up their sneakers for local charity race.

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Take one



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July 25, 2009

Group claims 13,000 Vt. seniors going hungry


Leaders promote ‘food stamps’ Community and state leaders gathered last week in Montpelier to discuss strategies to bring more food dollars to Vermont’s low-income seniors. Marissa Parisi, executive director of the Vermont Campaign to End Childhood Hunger, claimed that “Hunger is on the rise among senior citizens in Vermont, yet only 40 percent of those eligible receive 3SquaresVT benefits, commonly called “food stamps.” While many seniors lose out on the help, Vermont also loses out on critical federal dollars to stimulate the economy,

See SENIORS, page 11

The noblest invention Little City Cycles, Vergennes

Vergennes’ annual French Heritage Day celebrated Addison County’s French-Canadian heritage last weekend. The 400th anniversary of Samuel de Champlain attracted more curious visitors this year than in the past. Here, visitors enjoy a ride in a classic vis à vis carriage, also called a sociable. The circa 1840s horse-drawn vehicle toured the Little City’s downtown French quarter. Here, it makes a turn off Main Street heading onto North Maple Street. Photo by J. Kirk Edwards

Eagle-Times daily of New Hampshire closes Not affiliated with New Market Press

Owner Tim Mathewson coaches Kara Pflaster, 12, Charlotte, with servicing her own bicycle at Little City Cycles in Vergennes. Award-winning cyclist Lance Armstrong—of Tour de France and Giro d'Italia race fame—once described the bicycle as “the noblest invention”. Armstrong considers the cycle “noble” primarily for its simplicity and its practicality as a means of low-cost, universal transportation. From Leonardo da Vinci to Albert Einstein, the bike has certainly inspired big ideas. Biographers claim Einstein worked out complex cosmic problems in his head while cycling around Santa Barbara, Calif. For Tim Mathewson, age 49, of Ferrisburgh, da Vinci’s 15th-century tinkerings inspired a lifelong passion for all things cyclical (pun intended).


The owners of the Eagle-Times, a daily newspaper in Claremont, N.H., which serves both sides of the Connecticut River, filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy last week. Owner Harvey Hill closed the paper ’s doors July 9. The Eagle-Times is not affiliated with The Eagle which is distributed in Addison and Chittenden counties by New Market Press Inc. The Vermont publishing company also publishes the Rutland Tribune. “Of course we’re very sorry to see any newspaper close its doors. The Eagle-Times appeared to be a popular paper in both New Hampshire and Vermont,”said Mark Brady, general manager of The Eagle and Tribune. “We’ve had a few telephone calls from customers and readers who heard ‘the Eagle’ and thought it was our paper. I can assure you—we are open for business in Vermont. Other than a similar sounding name, we are a free community weekly and not related to the Eagle-Times daily,” Brady said. Brady also said The Eagle, based in Middlebury, has ex-

panded circulation since it merged with its Vermont We’ve had a few teleTimes in Chittenden County phone calls from cusin February. tomers who heard ‘the “On a naEagle’ and thought it was tional level, community our paper. I can assure weekly newsyou — we are open for papers appear to be performbusiness in Vermont. ing better than — Mark Brady metro daily and weekly newspapers,” Brady said. “I'm unaware of the particular issues facing the Eagle-Times of Claremont that caused it to close its doors, but obviously their situation has no affect on our publications or our continued successes.”



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SATURDAY July 25, 2009

Trek to trace remains of old military road

ACCIDENT—Middlebury Police officers and MVAA members responded to a motorcycle accident at the intersection of Blake Roy and Three Mile Bridge roads in Middlebury’s Farmingdale district during the afternoon of July 17. The unidentified cyclist lost control of his bike when it skidded on a patch of road gravel, according to a MVAA EMT at the scene. The cyclist sustained some injuries. A property fence was damaged as a result of the incident. Eagle photo




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The website also provides information about the history of the Crown Point Road and the Association. Hike leaders are James Rowe, CPRA president, and James Moore, CPRA treasurer. CPRA member Hunter Melville has plans to run the length of the road. For further Vermont-based information in addition to the Web site: 459-2837, 434-7415 or 773-6819.

Democrats endorse Leahy The Vermont Democratic Party’s State Committee members voted overwhelmingly to endorse U.S. Sen. Patrick Leahy as the party’s candidate in the 2010 election. “Senator Leahy is our senior senator and has done many strong and wonderful things in the Congress for the country and for Vermont. ...,” said VDP Chairwoman Judy Bevans. The endorsement was approved by a comfortable margin over the two-thirds-plusone required by the party’s bylaws. The vote was 34 yea, 1 nay and 1 abstention. If all delegates had been in attendance, the minimum vote would have been 32. “We are recognizing the decades of leadership Senator Leahy has provided and the unique position of power and responsibility he has achieved. He is in a position to help America keep its promises and we will work hard to re-elect him in 2010,” Bevans.

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In commemoration of the 250th anniversary of the construction of the historic Crown Point Road, hikers from the Crown Point Road Association will be taking part in an end-to-end hike across Vermont this summer. Starting at Crown Point, N.Y., on Aug. 9 during the French and Indian War encampment at the fort, the trek will pass through the towns of Addison, Bridport, Orwell, Shoreham, Whiting, Sudbury, Brandon, Pittsford, Proctor, Rutland Town and City, Clarendon, Shrewsbury, Plymouth, Mt. Holly, Ludlow, Cavendish, Weathersfield and Springfield, ending at Fort No. 4 in Charlestown, N.H. All these towns grew up on the old road which served as a conduit not only for the movement of troops and supplies during the French and Indian and Revolutionary Wars, but also for the wagons and possessions of early settlers. People currently living in these towns are encouraged to greet the hikers or walk along with them in their area providing an opportunity to share local history and traditions. Hikers will maintain a day-by-day schedule as much as possible, walking six to 10 miles per day and camping at pre-arranged sites. No private property will be crossed without prior permission. The itinerary is posted on the CPRA Web site [] and location of the hikers will be up-dated every day.




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SATURDAY July 25, 2009


certained that the greater part of the head, all of the teeth, and several vertebrae, ribs and bones of the limbs, were wanting in order to complete the skeleton.” After an examination of illustrations appearing in French zoologist George Cuvier ’s 1825 classic text on fossil bones, Thompson determined the bones bore a strong resemblance to An 1850s illustration of the skull of the famous Delphinus leucas, the extant white whale. ThompCHARLOTTE — In 1849, whale fossil discovered in Charlotte. son later proposed a provisional name: Delphinus while constructing the first vermontanus, until the exact relationship could be railroad between Rutland and Burlington, workers unearthed determined. The name Beluga vermontana also appears in 19th the bones of a mysterious animal near Charlotte. Buried nearcentury literature. ly 10 feet below the surface in thick blue clay, the bones were A rapidly declining population of Beluga whales still inunlike those of any animal previously discovered in Vermont. habit the Gulf of the St. Lawrence River in eastern Quebec. It While walking near the Charlotte construction site — lois likely this population is the remnant of a more extensive cated on Ferry Road near the railroad tracks; a state marker population that once inhabited the Champlain Sea. now commemorates the world-famous discovery — local resBecause whale skeletons are highly variable — even withident John G. Thorp observed the bone fragments in the dirt. in the same species, and because it isn’t known for certain Finding the bones to be unusual, Thorp convinced the job whether 11,000 years is sufficient time to provide the genetic overseer to move the work to another segment of the project isolation needed to produce a new species — it is not possito allow for study and collection. ble to determine whether the species of the Charlotte whale Unfortunately, thinking the bones to be those of an old is extinct or still living. At the present time, it has been placed workhorse, the workmen continued to excavate, destroying within the same genus and species as the modern Beluga parts of the skull. But after consulting with experts, Thorp whale. learned the bones were identified as those of a beluga or white In 1993, nearly 125 years after the discovery of the Charwhale — a sea mammal that inhabits arctic and subarctic ma- lotte whale, the Vermont State Legislature paid homage to the rine waters in the northern hemisphere. specimen by designating Delphinapterus leucas the official Because Charlotte is far inland (over 150 miles from the Atstate fossil, with the passage of Act No. 66. lantic Ocean), early naturalists were at a loss to explain the The original Charlotte fossil whale skeleton is still on disbones of a marine whale buried beneath the fields of rural Verplay, at the University of Vermont’s Perkins Geology Musemont. Today, the Charlotte whale is an aid in the study of the um. For museum hours of operation, call 656-8694. geology and the natural history of the Champlain Basin. Sources and permissions: Envirolink’s UVM “Charlotte, the Whale: an ElecThe fossil whale was preserved in the sediments of the pretronic Museum” website (produced by Jeff Howe and Wesley Alan Wright), Carl historic Champlain Sea, an arm of the Atlantic Ocean that exZimmer’s book “Evolution: the Triumph of an Idea”, and “Office of the Secretary of tended deep into the Champlain Valley for 2,500 years folState, Vermont Legislative Directory lowing the global melting of glaciers 12,500 years ago. and State Manual, Biennial Session, The Charlotte whale is a beluga whale (Delphinapterus leu- 1993-94”. Images courtesy UVM and Skulls Unlimited. cas), approximately 12 feet in length. Although it is not possible to determine the sex of the specimen, tooth wear and skull sutures indicate it was FURNITURE BARN an adult. F U R N ITU R E IS O U R B U SIN E SS Following the discovery, VT MADE • GOOD USED • NEW • ANTIQUE naturalist Zadock Thompson of the University of Vermont was called in to study the bones. After returning to the site to collect all the bone Lots of Chairs fragments possible, he de33” up to 45” wide for your New clared: “Upon a careful exam3 ft. up to 16 ft. long Table! ination of these bones, I as-

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Edward Coats Mark Brady Lou Varricchio Leslie Scribner Denton Publications Production Team EDITORIAL WRITER Martin Harris

MARKETING CONSULTANTS Linda Altobell • Tom Bahre • Michele Campbell George Goldring • Heidi Littlefield Hartley MacFadden • Joe Monkofsky Laura Reed • Henry Stone CONTRIBUTORS Angela DeBlasio • Rusty DeWees • Alice Dubenetsky Roz Graham • Michael Lemon • Joan Lenes Catherine Oliverio • Karissa Pratt • Beth Schaeffer Bill Wargo • Dan Wolfe PHOTOGRAPHY J. Kirk Edwards ©2009. New Market Press, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or part without written permission of the publisher. Editorial comments, news, press releases, letters to the editor and items of interest are welcome. Please include: name, address and phone number for verification. Subscriptions: All New Market Press publications are available for a subscription $37 per year; $24 six months. First Class Subscription: $200/year. Subscriptions may also be purchased at our web site

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Trying to understand


understand a business—large, medium, or small—has lots of expenses. I understand the particulars of these expenses: workmen’s comp, health insurance, payroll, and unemployment benefits; these items can make it impossible for many businesses to coax profits enough to ever succeed. I understand dedication to any size business, especially regarding time and energy from the person or persons who are at the helm, must be immense—if that business has even the scantest chance of prospering. I understand a businessowner may have spent tens of thousands of dollars to learn rules that suggest margins one should set in order for the business to survive. I understand relationships with vendors can be tenuous, which could affect the cost of their product to be steeper than it should be. I understand that business operating space rental contracts aren’t always fail-safe and they aren’t always entered into with a forthright conscious by the lessee. I understand that the costs of heating, electric, telephone, marketing, etc., perpetually slide upward. I understand taxes. I understand taxes can break your spirit. I understand business. For six years I studied business under the late William J. Doyle, a successful New Yorker who owned William Doyle Galleries on 87th Street between Lexington and Third avenues in Manhattan—the business hub of the world. I was Bill Doyle’s assistant, his right hand man, his confidant; I was driver, student and bodyguard. I learned from Bill, a man who—by his own blood sweat and tears, natural instincts, and love of people—established an internationally recognized auction house. To this day, Doyel’s business competes successfully for goods and estates against giant firms including Sotheby’s and Christies. We should understand how Bill conducted business in a manner to ensure his personal success, while at the same time, making employees and clients happy. I understand there are local restaurants that deal with every nook and cranny of business just like every other business deals with—but there’s this local restaurant I know that serves a “twofer” fish meal for $12, and a “twofer” filet meal for $20. I understand this restaurant’s two-dinner deal is priced to be unusually—well, relatively—fair. I understand that this business feeds clients and sends its clients home happy and well fed. I wish this business the best. I understand business. I understand business is difficult. This summer—on your travels to events here and there and large and small—when you are thirsty and decide to purchase a bottle of water, you’ll find you’ll most often be charged $2.50 or more. That, I don’t understand. Charging $2.50 or more for a single bottle of water will not make clients happy. I don’t believe we’ve learned much from this so-called economic slowdown. Many businesses still charge too much and many customers still pay too much. Rusty DeWees can be reached at

SATURDAY July 25, 2009

The Obama-Kennedy Health Care reform


ealth care “reform” is at the head of the national agenda right now. President Obama and his Democratic allies make this case for so-called

change: “Americans are spending far too much for health care. That is because of waste and inefficiency among our health care providers. At the same time there are 45 million Americans without health insurance. Your government needs to wring the waste and inefficiency out of the system, curb unnecessary procedures and expenditures, promote behavioral changes to prevent illness, and use the savings to insure and where necessary subsidize the presently uninsured to. achieve universal coverage.” The straightforward way to achieve this lofty goal is to install, as Great Britain and Canada have, a single payer system. Obama says this is what he would do if starting from scratch. Single payer means all payments to medical providers for covered health care services are made by one single payer: the government, or one or more administrators contracted by the government. Everyone is included in the system. The funds required by that entity to make payments for services come from taxes. The government determines which medical services will be covered for which patients, how intensively they will be provided, and how much the providers will be reimbursed for providing those services. The government prohibits any private health insurance coverage for medical conditions covered by the single payer plan. Single payer systems rely upon the government’s global budget to “control costs”. The global budget attempts to match expenditures and revenues by directing providers to ration health care through postponement and denial of services, and by reducing government reimbursement to the “private” providers. Since 1965 the U.S. has had a mandatory single payer system for hospitalization and physician’s services for over-65 seniors. It’s called Medicare, and it’s an inspiration for Obama and his allies. Participation is mandatory, because if you don’t agree to accept Medicare, you can’t collect your social security retirement checks. Medicare is now insolvent. Its hospitalization insurance fund will not be able to pay for services after 2017 unless new financing is found. Its projected unfunded liabilities (payments above revenues) between now and 2082 total $36 trillion. Medicare underpays physicians and hospitals. (So do Vermont’s Catamount Health, which pays at Medicare rates, and Medicaid, which pays even less.) Obama and his allies are planning to finance much of their “reform” by further cutting payments to providers. But when Medicare payments are cut, providers contrive

From the Earth to the Moon


his week we’re toasting the 40th anniversary of the first human lunar landing by Apollo 11 astronauts in July 1969. It was an amazing feat of national will and technical prowess. Now, fast forward to July 2009: If all goes well, NASA plans return astronauts to the Moon by 2020. The modern idea of humans visiting and living on the Moon had its origin in 19th and 20th century science fiction literature. While researchers, notably Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, began to contemplate the technology required to escape Earth’s gravity for a journey to the Moon as early as 1890, it was not until 1938—when the British Interplanetary Society completed the world’s first scientific study of a lunar space vehicle—that the idea began to interest a wider community of space thinkers and experimenters. In the decade following World War II, several detailed lunar base studies were published. These concepts captured the public imagination. Arthur C. Clarke’s book The Exploration of Space, published in 1951, followed in 1953 by Willy Ley’s, Fred Whipple’s and Wernher von Braun’s book The Conquest of the Moon, presented realistic plans and colorful illustrations showing how humans could travel to the Moon and construct outposts there. “It seems likely that, well before the end of this century,” Clarke wrote in 1947, “an attempt will be made to form some permanent colony on the Moon.” By the late 1950s and early 1960s—with the launching of Sputnik, and successful tests of large rockets and humans in near-Earth space—the possibility of men and women traveling to, and living on, the Moon attracted United States and Soviet Union space planners. In 1959, the U.S. Army Ballistic Missile Agency selected H.H. Koelle with von Braun to complete the first serious, technically detailed plan to construct a lunar base. Classified “top secret” and dubbed Project Horizon, the plan would have used heavy-lift Saturn II rockets to place a crew of 12 on the Moon in pressurized underground modules. Abandoned within a year of its introduction, the Army’s Project Horizon was credited with providing some of the technological framework for the U.S. civilian Project Apollo. During the 1960s and 70s, both the Americans and Soviets moved ahead cautiously with lunarbase concepts. In the U.S., several studies employed surplus Apollo hardware for returning to the Moon. In the Soviet Union, the Zvezda (Star) concept envisaged six crewmen living in small modules. Ironically, after the first manned lunar landing in 1969, the national leadership for returning to the Moon was missing. The public is often blamed for this fact, but this writer blames it mostly on U.S. politicians. Public interest in space exploration has

to do more billable services to keep up their revenue. So as underpayments increase, the government will have to force providers to ration care to hold down total payments, and penalize providers who earn too much. Underpayments by government health care programs are essentially a hidden tax on health care covered by private insurance. Because government underpays, providers overcharge private insurers to close the shortfall. This cost shift results in ever-higher insurance premiums, and struggling employers start thinking about simply dropping their employee coverage. This is not a workable model. The Obama-Kennedy plan is not single payer, because it allows private insurance to continue (under federal regulation). But it contains a “public option” program designed like Medicare. This is supposed to provide competition with private insurers. Since the ultimate goal of Obama, Kennedy and their allies is single payer, it is perfectly clear government benefits and favoritism enjoyed by the government-sponsored “public option” plan will allow that plan to underprice its private competitors. Eventually employers will have no choice but to dump their employees into the government plan - even if they are charged a penalty for doing so. This is single payer on the installment plan. Obama recently remarked “no one will take away” your current health plan, “no matter what”. But a week later he amended that to say the government won’t take away your current plan - but you might lose your current plan because your employer, who owns your plan, might be forced to choose the cheaper “public option” plan. Obama and his allies also aim to solve the uninsured problem by mandating every American enroll in a “qualified” insurance plan. Under the Obama-Kennedy bill, if you don’t submit proof of enrollment, you’ll be tracked down and fined until you do. The Obama-Kennedy plan would if enacted prove to have some annoying inconveniences, like rationing, waiting lines, maddening bureaucracies, penalties for non-enrollment, demoralized doctors and nurses, shabby facilities, obsolete technology, declining quality of care, and of course much higher taxation. But don’t worry. President Obama and Sen. Kennedy can surely work those things out. John McClaughry is president of the Ethan Allen Institute in Vermont. remnained strong since the 1970s. In 1989, U.S. President George H.W. Bush showed his space leadership with the Space Exploration Initiative that called for a small lunar base by 2008. But with petty partisan politics in full swing, President Bill Clinton canceled his predecessor ’s initiative in 1992. (At least Clinton continued Reagan’s space-station plans since so much engineering work was already underway.) But a good idea rarely gets repressed for long: Bush’s lunar-return vision was revitalized in 2004 by the ex-president’s son, President George W. Bush. Hopefully, President Barak Obama, a Democrat, will continue America’s lunar leadership role, a role that inspires all Americans regardless of party affiliation. It looks like we’re finally getting back to the Moon—but we’re still keeping our fingers crossed. What’s in the Sky: This weekend, you can see what the Apollo 11 astronauts saw on their way back to Earth from the Moon in July 1969: the Summer Triangle. Look for the giant stars Vega, Deneb and Altair. As the sky darkens after dusk, three constellations become apparent. Thanks to J. Kirk Edwards for this week’s sky chart. Louis Varricchio, M.Sc., was a NASA senior science writer. He is a member of the NASA-JPL Solar System Ambassador program.

SATURDAY July 25, 2009


Playhouse reveals ‘How the Other Half Loves’ By Bill Wargo Bill Carmichael is no Robert Morley—and that’s good. Carmichael plays the part of Frank Foster in the Saint Michael’s Playhouse production of Alan Ayckbourn’s “How the Other Half Loves”. It’s London in the swingin’ ‘60s, and Frank’s sophisticated wife Fiona (Sarah Carleton) is having an affair with crude Bob Phillips (John Patrick Hayden), one of Frank’s young employees. Frank is clueless. When rotund English actor Robert Morley played Frank in the London premiere of “Other Half” about 40 years ago, it was playwright Alan Ayckbourn who was clueless—clueless about how to handle Morley. Although Ayckbourn had written the play as an ensemble piece exploring the impact of class, income, and education on sexual behavior, Morley made it into his personal star vehicle. He changed much of the dialogue and wreaked havoc

onstage. Morley’s antics made “Other Half” a smash hit, but when Ayckbourn watched the different, distorted play, he would “sit rather quietly and weep in corners.” Unlike Morley, Bill Carmichael is a team player, and the Playhouse’s “Other Half” is a team play. This particular thespian team could win the World Cup of comedy. The bedroom farce focuses on the effect that Fiona’s fling with Bob has on them, on their spouses, and on another naïve couple drawn into the marital maelstrom. John Going deftly directs the six superb character actors, and the situation comedy is greatly aided by Ayckbourn’s adroit use of space and time. A single set (cleverly designed by Ken Goldstein) represents the Fosters’ and the Phillips’ separate but over-lapping living rooms. Action takes place in both homes simultaneously, and two dinner parties given on different nights are presented on stage at the same time.

Masonic Lodge to host BBQ this Wednesday BRISTOL — The Masonic Lodge in Bristol, will hold its annual barbeque on the Bristol Green, Wednesday, July 29, starting at 5 p.m. BBQ platters include Ted Pilon’s popular Teriyaki Chicken. Platters include baked beans, potato salad, and coleslaw. Soft drinks and dessert included.

Classy rummage sale VERGENNES — The Vergennes’ Classy Rummage Sale will be held Thursday and Friday, July 30-31, from 9 a.m.-7 p.m. and Saturday, Aug. 1, from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. at Your Turn Resale Shoppe, 151 Main St. Proceeds will benefit the Champlain Valley Christian School. For information, call Marion at 877-3028.

All-you-can-eat breakfast Aug. 2

Alan Ayckbourn’s “How the Other Half Loves” at St. Michael’s Playhouse. Einstein would have loved the space-time relativity. “How the Other Half Loves” will be on view at the McCarthy Arts Center

through July 25. Visit the ‘60s once again in the playhouse’s final summer show, “Breaking Up Is Hard to Do,” July 28-Aug 8. For tick-

ets and other information, call 654-3281 or visit

BRIDPORT — The Bridport Fire Department and Bridport Grange will cosponsor an all-you-can eat pancake breakfast at the Bridport Grange Hall Sunday, Aug. 2, from 7:30-11 a.m. The event will benefit the fire department's new utility vehicle.

Middlebury runners at last year’s Team CFES event.

Middlebury runners lacing up for local charity

PLAY TIME — Young friends enjoyed a few hours of play time at Bristol Town Park last weekend. After a week of off-and-on rain showers, the July 18-19 weekend arrived with warmer, more summer-like temperatures and sunshine. Cooler temperatures and clouds returned early in the week. Photo by J. Kirk Edwards

Most runners register for a road race with a special goal in mind to win (or be in the top 10), to set a personal best, or maybe just to finish and get a t-shirt. And while the 40 members of Team CFES may have their own individual reasons for running the Marine Corps Marathon or 10K Race in Arlington, Va., this fall, they’ll step to the starting line on Oct. 25 sharing one greater aim: to give underserved youth a running start toward college. That’s because each member of Team CFES commits to raise $1,500 to support CFES activities, such as mentoring programs, student leadership initiatives, and college visits, that boost academic aspiration and performance for low-income students. Their efforts will go a long way to help the organization raise $100,000 for its programs nationwide. Nine of these runners also share another commonality – their connection to Middlebury College. Andrew Helming, Class of 2004 and member of the CFES Board, is spearheading Team CFES training and fundraising efforts and running the marathon. He’ll be hitting the pavement with former classmates and Panther hockey

teammates Erick Dalton, Levi Doria, Michael Kennedy, and John Dawson, now the college’s assistant men’s hockey coach. Head coach Bill Beaney and former Panther (and Helming teammate) Marc Scheuer ’04 will run the 10K along with Helming’s wife, Amanda Green Helming ’05, and Courtney Campbell ‘04. College For Every Student, a nonprofit based in Cornwall, Vermont, just two miles from the Middlebury College campus, works with educators and students in 130 schools nationwide, from the rural reaches of upstate New York to the Florida Panhandle to islands of Hawaii. Its own track record is pretty impressive: Over the last four years, 96 percent of CFES high school seniors have gone on to college—a rate that is six times greater than the national average for low-income students. Registration for the Marine Corps Marathon and 10K is closed, but Team CFES still has bib numbers available. Each runner is asked to raise $1,500, and those who exceed this target qualify for free airline tickets and hotel stays, as well as other great incentives.


GUESTVIEWPOINT Stimulating statism


was in Vermont the other day and made the mistake of picking up the local paper.

Impressively, it contained a quarter-page ad, a rare sight these days. The rest of the page was made up by in-house promotions for the advertising department's special offer on yard-sale announcements, etc. But the one real advertisement was from something called SEVCA. SEVCA is a "nonprofit agency," just like the New York Times, General Motors and the State of California. SEVCA stands for South-Eastern Vermont Community Action. Why, they're "community organizers," just like the president! The designated "anti-poverty agency" is taking out quarterpage ads in every local paper because they're "seeking applicants for several positions funded in full or part by the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act (ARRA)" – that's the "stimulus" to you and me. Isn't it great to see those bazillions of stimulus dollars already out there stimulating the economy? Creating lots of new jobs at SEVCA, in order to fulfill the president's promise to "create or keep" 2.5 million jobs. At SEVCA, he's not just keeping all the existing ones, but creating new ones, too. Of the eight new positions advertised, the first is: "ARRA Projects Coordinator." Gotcha. So the first new job created by the stimulus is a job "coordinating" other programs funded by the stimulus. What's next? "Grantwriter." That's how they spell it. Like in "Star Wars" – Luke Grantwriter waving his hope saber as instructed by his mentor Obi-Bam Baracki ("May the Funds be with you!"). The Grantwriter will be responsible for writing grant applications "to augment ARRA funds." So the second new job created by stimulus funding funds someone to petition for additional funding for projects funded by the stimulus. The third job is a "Marketing Specialist" to increase "public awareness of ARRA-funded services." Rural Vermont's economy is set for a serious big-time boom: The critical stimulus-promotion industry, stimulus-coordination industry and stimulus-supplementary-funding industry are growing at an unprecedented rate. The way things are going we'll soon need a Stimulus-Coordination Industry Task Force and Impact Study Group. By the way,

Births A girl born July 8, Addison Mae James, to Corey and Brandy (Skiff) James of Crown Point, N.Y. A girl born July 11, Hannah Rae Savage, to R. Keith and Carrie Savage of Mineville, N.Y. A boy born July 11, Elias Bennet Eberhardy, to Sumra these jobs aren't for everyone. "Knowledge of ARRA" is required. So if, say, you're the average United States senator who voted for ARRA without bothering to read it you're not qualified for a job as an ARRA Grantwriter. I don't want to give the impression that every job funded by the stimulus is a job coordinating the public awareness of programs for grant applications to coordinate the funding of public awareness coordination programs funded by the stimulus. SEVCA is also advertising for a "Job Readiness Program Coordinator." This is a job coordinating the program that gets people ready to get a job. For example, it occurred to me, after reading the ad, that I might like to be a "Job Readiness Program Coordinator." But am I ready for it? Increasing numbers of us are hopelessly unready for jobs. Ever since last November, many Americans have been ready for free health care, free day care, free college, free mortgages – and, once you get a taste for that, it's hardly surprising you're not ready for gainful employment. I only hope there are enough qualified Job Readiness Program Coordinators out there, and that they don't have to initiate a Job Readiness Program Coordinator Readiness Program. As the old novelty song once wondered, "Who Takes Care of the Caretaker's Daughter While tThe Caretaker's Busy Taking Care?" Who coordinates programs for the Job Readiness Program Coordinator while the Job Readiness Program Coordinator's busy readying for his job? If you hum it, I'll put in for the stimulus funding. Oh, and let's not forget the new job of "VITA Program Coordinator." VITA? That's Volunteer Income Tax Assistance. It's an IRS program designed "to help low- and moderate-income taxpayers complete their tax returns at no cost." The words "no cost," by the way, are used in the new Webster's-defined sense of "massive public expenditure." Whoops, I mean massive public "investment." You might think, were you a space alien recently landed from Planet Zongo, that, if tax returns are so complicated that "low- and moderateincome taxpayers" have difficulty filling them in, the obvious solution would be to make the tax code less complex. But that's just the unfamiliar atmosphere on Planet Earth making you lighthearted and prone to cockamamie out-of-this-world fancies. Put in for a Job Readiness Program, and you'll soon get with the program. Of course, it's not just low- and moderate-income taxpayers who have difficulty completing their tax returns. So do high-income taxpayers like Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner. TragiHarperDeas and James Eberhardy of South Starksboro. A girl born July 12, Sadie Rosamond Shepard, to Matthew and Eve (Marshall) Shepard of New Haven. A girl born July 15, Lexy Taylor Raymond, to Brian Raymond and Stephanie Brace of Salisbury. To submit birth announcements, call Leslie at 802-388-6397 or email at

SATURDAY July 25, 2009 cally, they're ineligible for the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program. Indeed, the treasury secretary seemed under the misapprehension that it was a Volunteer Income Tax program, which would be a much better idea. But, being ineligible for VITA, Secretary Geithner was forced to splash out $49.95 for TurboTax and, simply by accidentally checking the "No" box instead of "Yes" at selected moments, was able to save himself thousands of dollars in confiscatory taxation! Oops, my mistake, I meant that, tragically, by being unable to complete his tax return due to a lack of Volunteer Income Tax Assistance, Timothy Geithner was the only one of 300 million Americans to pass the Treasury Secretary Job Readiness Program. SEVCA serves two rural counties with a combined total of a little over 40,000 households. If you wanted to stimulate the economy, you'd take every dime allocated to (Vermont’s) Windsor and Windham counties under ARRA and divide it between those households. But, if you want to stimulate bureaucracy, dependency and the metastasization of approved quasi-governmental interest-group monopolies as the defining features of American life, then ARRA is the way to go. Oh, you scoff: ARRA, go on, you're only joking. I wish I were. We're spending trillions we don't have to create government programs to coordinate the application for funds to create more programs to spend even more trillions we don't have. The stimulus will do nothing for the economy, but it will dramatically advance the cause of statism (as commentator Mark Levin rightly calls it). The recent vote in California is a snapshot of where this leads: The gangster regime in Sacramento is an alliance between a corrupt and/or craven political class wholly owned by a public sector union-bureaucracy extortion racket. So what if the formerly Golden State goes belly-up? They'll pass the buck to Washington, and those of us in nonprofligate jurisdictions will get stuck with the tab. The good news is they'll be able to apply for an American Dream Readiness Assistance Coordination Grantwriter Program. May the Funds be with you! Mark Steyn Printed with permission.

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SATURDAY July 25, 2009

From the Governor

Greenhouse gas standards The Obama Administration’s decision to grant California a waiver for its standards restricting greenhouse gas emission from motor vehicles is a significant step in the right direction for Vermont and other states that adopted these standards. My commitment to reducing carbon emissions in Vermont is longstanding as Vermont has been fighting to join California in adopting these standards for some time now. As the first state to adopt California’s motor vehicle greenhouse gas emission standards and to successfully defend these standards against legal challenges by the automobile industry in federal court, Vermont is a leader among the more than a dozen states that have adopted these tougher standards. Auto emissions are one of the main contributors to greenhouse gas concentrations. This is particularly true in Vermont where the transportation sector accounts for approximately 45 percent of our carbon footprint. That is why reducing an emission from automobiles is so important here in Vermont. The Clean Air Act clearly provides states with the right to adopt these emission standards. EPA’s decision to grant a waiver now allows states to enforce these standards. This decision by Administrator Jackson embraces states’ rights and I applaud the EPA action. Gov. Jim Douglas

Editor ’s Note: After last week’s criminal mischief at the annual Middlebury Festival on the Green, we received these comments for two of the festival’s organizers— Festival on the Green mischief To the Editor: As you probably know, I have been involved in the festival for all of its 31 years and we have never experienced anything like this. It was so sad to arrive on the green last Wednesday morning to see the damage which had occurred overnight. We are puzzled and saddened, but we remain optimistic that this was a one-time incident; like all good performances, the show does go on. The outpouring of ‘condolences’ from the community has been heartwarming and several folks have come forward with donations to help toward covering our unanticipated extra costs—estimated around $5,000. Pat Boera Festival on the Green Middlebury To the Editor: I share Pat Boera's optimism that this act of felony unlawful mischief was a onetime incident... I also share her appreciation for festival supporters who have offered us cheer and financial help. My understanding is that several other sites were vandalized that night, including the slashing of the canopy belonging to the Middlebury Volunteer Ambulance Assoc. Gale Hurd Middlebury Michael Jackson To the Editor: 1. Has the world gone crazy? A U.S. soldier is killed in action. It doesn't matter where or why it happened. That soldier is

a hero. Our service people give the ultimate to protect our freedom and way of life. Yet, that soldier's passing barely gets a mention in the headline news. Maybe they get a paragraph in the local paper. On the other hand, a child molester, pedophile rock star (Michael Jackson) dies and the headlines are splashed with every minuscule detail of his life for more than a week. The media claims he was a hero. You are kidding right? Which do you want as an idol for your kids?... 2. Here's an idea on how the politicians in Montpelier can fix the budget: How about all us people who work just send our paychecks to Montpelier and whatever our legislators can't squander away, they can send back to us and we can try to live on the scraps... Sound crazy? We are not far from that already... Burt DeGraw Bristol



Welcome to Vermont To the Editor: All members of society need to be productive. When the state has a shortfall, has gaps that need to be filled, there is no excuse for anyone to be sitting on their duffs, watching T.V., working out in a weight room or doing make work. Put them in a “poufter” pink one-piece outfit with no pockets or cuffs and let them clean up the highways and byways. Inmates will work up a hearty appetite for that bologna sandwich and lemonade lunch. Very fine al fresco dining, isn’t it? They’ll be learning something too, a real lesson to take away with them to wit: You don’t want to screw up in Vermont. Cutting roadside grass by hand is healthy, green, and inexpensive. Inmates learn to be good stewards of the land, what it means not to litter, and why one should be polite in society. However, if inmates learn nothing else, they’ll learn to pull their schtick in some other state, like North Carolina or Arizona, Georgia or Louisiana. There, they’ll get the full monté. Ed Mann Waltham

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SATURDAY July 25, 2009


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For Calendar Listings— Please e-mail to:, minimum 2 w e e k s p r i o r t o e v e n t . E - m a i l o n l y. y. No faxed, handwritten, or USPSmailed listings accepted. For questions, call Leslie Scribner at 8 0 2 - 3 8 8 - 6 3 9 7. 7.

Saturday, July 25 BURLINGTON — Taverna Night with live Greek Music, Dancing & Cash Bar, Authentic Greek Appetizers Admission Fee (Food Not Included) from 7 - 11 p.m. at the Greek Orthodox Church, corner of Ledge Road and South Willard Street. 862-2155. Additional parking at Christ the King Church. HINESBURG — Author Event at 11a.m. Sarah Dillard author and illustrator of Perfectly Arugula. It’s a tea party at Brown Dog Books & Gifts. 4825189, MIDDLEBURY — The Middlebury Farmer’s Market is open every Saturday and Wednesday, 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. outdoors at the MarbleWorks by the Falls. Fresh local produce, meats, cheese and eggs, baked goods, wine, flowers, plants, and crafts. 388-0178. NORTH CLARENDON — Book Sale at Bailey Memorial Library, 111 Moulton Ave., 9 a.m-3 p.m. Books from yesterday for sale. 773-6470. NORTH CLARENDON — The" Village Sales", 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Rain or Shine, in the Village of North Clarendon (also includes nearby roads). A variety of sales. Clarendon Volunteer Fire Department will sell refreshments at the firehouse. SHELBURNE — Annual Green Mountain Draft Horse Field Day from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. there will be demonstrations of traditional farming methods an easy walk from the Welcome Center. A combination of antique farm machinery and new equipment produced by Pioneer in Pennsylvania to meet the needs of the Amish farmers, but popular with Vermont farmers who use draft animals, will be used during the day. 985-8686. SHELBURNE — Introduction to Zen Buddhism, 9:30-4:30 at the Vermont Zen Center, 480 Thomas Rd. Workshop is conducted by an ordained Zen Buddhist and focuses on the theory and meditation practices.Vegetarian lunch and refreshments. $55 fee. Pre-registration required. 985-9746 or SOUTH BURLINGTON — The public is invited to attend University Mall’s 30th Anniversary Celebration reception at 1 p.m. Enjoy photos, articles and stories from the past 30 years as well as music, cakes, and refreshments. The winners of $3,000 cash contest will share winning stories on stage in center court. Center Court located near Sears. No RSVP. VERGENNES — Vergennes Area Rescue Squad’s 40th Anniversary Celebration. Thanking the community from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m., rain or shine at 106 Panton Rd. (next to Goodrich). Free food, face painting, games, activities, informational booths, ambulance and station tours, and live musical entertainment by Josh Brooks.Donations ac-

cepted. Sara 877-3035.

Sunday, July 26 BURLINGTON — Traditional Greek Festival Featuring Greek Menu, Greek Pastries at noon at the Greek Orthodox Church, corner of Ledge Road and South Willard Street. Live music, dancing, Face Painting, free admission, raffle.8622155. Additional parking at Christ the King Church South. BURLINGTON — Friends of UVM Horticulture Farm 15th Annual Plant Sale from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Select from a wide variety of ornamental trees, shrubs, perennials and other plants donated by gardens and nurseries throughout Vermont. Preview sale, 9-10am. UVM Horticulture Research Complex, 65 Green Mountain Drive. 863-1876. FERRISBURGH — "Lake Champlain Cure for Cancer Swim" Celebration, 11 a.m. until closing, Kingsland Bay State Park. Food and beverages, 50/50 raffle, door prizes, fun activities and games for all ages. Free: Park admission $3. RSVP 4752999 or MONKTON — The Monkton Friends and Bristol Federated Church invite you to join us for a special Barbecue Family Day after church. The barbecue will be starting 11 a.m. at the Monkton Recreational Park and Field. 453-7575, 989-8521 or e-mail VERGENNES — Vergennes Dorchester Lodge F&AM is holding it’s last Sunday of the month breakfast at it’s lodge on School Street in Vergennes, 7:30-10 a.m.Pancakes, french toast, bacon, sausage, home fries, scrambled eggs, juice and coffee.

WALLINGFORD — “Land Surveys Now and Then or Whose Land is this Anyhow”? Meeting at at the Wallingford Historical Society. Mike Bradley, retired SGN, U.S. Army, at the Wallingford Baptist Church on School Street, 7 p.m. Free and open to the public. 446-2514.

Wednesday, July 29 MIDDLEBURY — The Middlebury Farmer’s Market is open every Saturday and Wednesday, 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. outdoors at the MarbleWorks by the Falls. 388-0178. MIDDLEBURY — The expert instructors at the popular Lake Dunmore music camp return to Town Hall Theater, Middlebury for an evening of chamber music, 7:30 p.m. Ticket, $10, THT Box Office, 382-9222,

Thursday, July 30 NORTH CLARENDON — Rutland Area Visiting Nurse Association & Hospice is offering Blood Pressure and Foot Care clinic at the Community Center, 12:30 p.m. There is a suggested donation of $2 for blood pressure screenings and $5.00 for foot care. 775-0568.

Friday, July 31

Tuesday, July 28

CHARLOTTE — Farmer’s Market at Mt. Philo State Park on Fridays from 3:30 - 6:30 p.m. Come for a hike, have a family picnic, and support your neighborhood food producers. All Vendors farm within 10 miles of the Park. Park Fee’s suspended for Market guests. Contact Matt for more details 425-2390. FERRISBURGH — Champlain Valley Festival celebrates 26 Years. Fri. July 31-Sunday Aug. 2nd. at the Kingsland Bay State Park. The Festival begins at 4:30 p.m. on Friday, July 31 and winds up on Sunday, Aug. 2 at 7:00 p.m. Tickets are available by the day or for the entire weekend.The cost of a full weekend pass is $70 ($60 if purchased by July 15). Camping and ticket information can be found at the Festival website: Tickets may be purchased in advance by mail, online from the Flynn Regional Box Office,, or at the gate. 877-850-0206. MIDDLEBURY — Romeo & Juliet: The 60’s Musical, Middlebury Green, 5 p.m. Very Merry Theatre’s Teen Tour presents an original, musical adaptation of the classic play. Free. Sponsored by Carol’s Hungry Mind Cafe. Rain location next door in St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church. 462-2719. RICHMOND — The Richmond Farmers’ Market is open from 3:00 to 6:30 p.m. on Volunteers Green. Come and meet your Local Growers and Buy Local. For further information, contact Carol Mader at 434-5273 or

CASTLETON — The Castleton Concert on the Green presents Will Patton Ensemble at 7 p.m. The concert is free and open to the public. Rain or shine. Rain site is the Castleton Federated Church. 273-2911. MIDDLEBURY — Conductor, composer and pianist Gil Shohat, artistic director of the Israeli Chamber Orchestra, will play Beethoven piano sonatas, 7:30 p.m., at Town Hall Theatre. Tickets $30, available at

MIDDLEBURY — The Middlebury Farmer’s Market is open every Saturday and Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. outdoors at the MarbleWorks by the Falls. Fresh local produce, meats, cheese and eggs, baked goods, wine, flowers, plants, and crafts. EBT and debits cards welcome. Wednesday is Senior Citizen Day at the market with 10% off at participating vendors. Contact coordinator Pam Taylor, 388-0178.

Monday, July 27 MIDDLEBURY — Middlebury United Methodist Church, Daily Vacation Bible School for Children Preschool-Grade 6. Science Activities, Songs, Crafts, etc. July 27-July 31, 5-8 p.m. Light supper served. Aug 1, 10 a.m.-noon. Aug 2, 11 a.m. 388-2510 or SOUTH BURLINGTON — Bus trip to the Montreal Botanical Gardens with Professor Leonard Perry. Limited to 25. Pre-registration required. Additional questions to: or VERGENNES — Vergennes City Band concerts on Monday evenings at 7 p.m. at the Vergennes City Park. Concerts run every Monday through Aug. 24. Instrumentalists of all ages are welcome to join the band.

Saturday, August 1


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Coupon Queen

© CTW Features Jill Cataldo, a coupon workshop instructor, writer and mother of three, never passes up a good deal. Learn more about couponing at her Web site, E-mail your own couponing victories and questions to

City Cy e l c t

Timothy Mathewson Pla

ce F


You don’t have to devote a special area of your house to stockpiling. And you don’t need to stockpile on a large scale. If toothpaste is on sale, buy several tubes and store them under the sink. If trash bags and paper towels are on sale, store them in the garage on a shelf. I enjoy having a corner of my basement devoted to my pantry, but you can stockpile wherever you have the space. By Jill Cataldo And remember, too, that while your stockpile grows, it’s also constantly in rotation. Old things come off the shelves as quickly as you add new items, just as they do at the regular grocery store. At one time I had 40 boxes of granola bars in my basement pantry, which elicited lots of jokes and comments from friends. But what they don’t realize is that my children are quite aware of Mom’s home pantry and they run downstairs and help themselves whenever they’d like a snack. So, as the granola bars start to disappear into hungry little mouths, Mom may be bringing home cans of soup to take their place. And my stockpile continues to rotate and evolve.


ast week, I introduced you to the concept of stockpiling groceries and spilled the beans on what’s hiding in my basement: a small-scale “grocery store” at home. Like many people, I’m always on the lookout for great deals. But unlike the typical shopper, I think nothing of buying 5, 10 or perhaps even 15 of an item when it is on sale. To really save money at the grocery store, shoppers need to break the habit of buying what they need each week and instead look beyond the current week’s needs. If shampoo is on sale for $2 and you have six $1.50 coupons, how many bottles should you buy? Six! While you might only need one bottle now, shampoo is an excellent item to stockpile. It has a long shelf life and is easy to store. Six bottles of shampoo will probably last your household the better portion of a year. At 50 cents each, a very low price, they’re a great deal. What if you decided to buy just two bottles? Not only would you miss out on the opportunity to save in the long run on this item, but you also would essentially be throwing money away in the form of the four coupons you chose not to use. Think ahead: after you use up your second bottle of shampoo, what will happen? You’ll head to the store when you need more shampoo. The chance is slim that it will be at its lowest sale price on the day you need to buy it. Your next bottle of shampoo may cost you $3.50 when it could have cost just 50 cents. And, instead of simply going to your stockpile and “shopping at home” for the next bottle, you might also have to make a special trip to the store. While we’ll always need to go to the store for fresh produce, dairy and bread, a large portion of the groceries we buy are easily stockpiled for later. Boxed foods, snack foods, canned foods and bottled beverages all store easily and have expiration dates almost a year out from the time of purchase. Personal care products – such as shampoo, toothpaste, deodorant and shaving cream – have an even longer shelf life. And don’t forget household cleaners and paper products, both of which can be stored indefinitely.


How to ‘shop from home’ more often L



SATURDAY July 25, 2009

ou or Y ou and Y



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Little City Cycles

the idea of self suffiency. He’ll provide the coaching as you learn to work on your own bike. But if you’d rather not get chain grease and oil under your fingernails, Mathewson will do the servicing himself. Little City Cycles’ used bikes are fully refurbished and ready to roll. Prices range from $30 for a child’s bike and on up to half off an adult bike. Avid local cyclists know Mathewson from his sterling past work at the Alpine Shop in Middlebury and Champlain Cycles in Shelburne. Recently, Mathewson’s natural inventiveness and social consciousness was put to use in the design of an all-terrain wheelchair, a tricycle of sorts, for the Mobility Foundation. He was proud of being part of an effort to design a practical, lowcost means of transportation for individuals who might not otherwise be mobile. “It’s all about mobility without barriers,” Mathewson said. This same personal philosophy carries over to local efforts, too. Mathewson was part of the “brain

From page 1 While a youngster growing up in Fairfield County, Conn., Mathewson began salvaging old bikes with one he found submerged in a hometown pond. He refurbished it, and others, and sold them all to friends and neighbors. Later, at age 14, he became an accomplished racer for the U.S. Cycling Federation. Mathewson demonstrated early on that he was as much an extension of his bicycle as the mythical centaur was of his equine underpinnings. Bicycle inventor, designer and fix-it-man, Mathewson is the proud owner of a new Vergennes-based bicycle shop—Little City Cycles, located at 10 North Main St., across the street from Kennedy Brothers. Mathewson’s shop features new bikes, but the focus is really on affordable, gently used bikes of all types. He also services bikes, but he encourages motivated, curious customers to learn how to work on their own bikes. Mathewson likes

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30th l Annua


trust” at Bike Recycle Vermont located in Burlington; the organization provides bikes for refugees and homeless people of the surrounding area. Mathewson is also involved in developing an easy-to-use transportation system of recycled bikes for Third World nations; there, the typical imported econobox automobile is beyond the incomes of most citizens and contributes to pollution. This bicycle passion—and compassion—even helped spur a bike giveaway program in Jamaica. “The Third World idea is to use the recycled portions of bicycles and provide, over a period of time, more than 100,000 people with cheap transportation,” he said. “Simple transportation like this makes sense in the Third World. So, far over 250 of these refurbished bikes have been made. So, by rescuing a discarded bike here in America, we can change a life elsewhere in the world.” In between helping customers, Mathewson has been putting the touches on a high-end bicycle he

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Danforth Pewter of Middlebury provided the elegant head badge for the new American-made Zize bicycle. Tim Mathewson of Little City Cycles in Vergennes helped design the bike.



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helped design—the Zize Bike, manufactured in the U.S. by Super Sized Cycles. In addition to being an all-American bike, the Zize has a Vermont touch, too. Danforth Pewter of Middlebury manufactures the elegant pewter head badge on the bikes. Keeping things local, Mathewson is a vocal champion of bicycle transportation in Vermont for everyday use, not simply for recreation. Despite the state’s cold, snowy winters, he still advocates for more use of the bicycle here. “Dressed properly, there are many times when you can ride a bike a few miles to work on a winter ’s day,” he said. “I’d like to see 20 percent of Vermont’s population riding bikes and reducing the use of fossil fuels. And we don’t need fancy, trendy fashion bikes to get around either. Basic wheels will get you there just the same.” Check It Out: Little Cycles, 10 N. Main St., Vergennes. Hours: TuesdayFriday, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Closed Monday and Sunday.


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SATURDAY July 25, 2009

Firefighters battle house blaze in New Haven On July 11 at 8:05 a.m., the New Haven Fire Department responded to 861 East St. in New Haven for a residential fire. The owner of the residence, Hal Schmiter, was working in a woodshop attached to his home. When Schmiter went back into the main residence he found the home on fire. Schmiter attempted to extinguish the fire with a bucket of water but was forced out by the heat and flames. He suffered burns on his face. Schmiter then ran to a nearby neighbor's home and called 911. New Haven Fire Department arrived on scene and requested assistance from Vergennes, Bristol and Middlebury. The fire departments were able to extinguish the fire and save the structure from being completely destroyed. The Vermont State Police were contacted to assist with an origin and cause investigation. Fire investigators from the Vermont Division of Fire and the Vermont State Police responded to the scene. The cause of the fire is under investigation therefore the cause is undetermined but not believed to be suspicious. Schmiter was transported to the hospital for the burns on his face. Shcmiter was released a few hours later. Estimated damage was $150,000.

Seniors From page 1 an estimated $2 million a month. For these reasons, we brought community leaders together to learn how other states in the region have reached out to the senior population and to figure out ways to tackle the problem.” Over 77,000 Vermonters – 1 in 8 – currently participate in

THE EAGLE - 11 3SquaresVT, bringing over $9.5 million in benefits into the state each month. At last week’s event, attendees listened to speakers from Rhode Island and Washington D.C. about additional program opportunities, waivers, and outreach strategies to further improve 3SquaresVT participation, specifically for the 13,000 eligible seniors they estimate are not participating in the program.



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SATURDAY July 25, 2009


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HANCOCK—Back in 2004, what is believed to be the oldest existing public ski lodge in the United States was dedicated to Richard “Dick” Hubbard. Hubbard was one of the founding fathers of skiing in the Middlebury area. He was involved at every level at the college as a skier and the college’s first ski coach; he was the Middlebury Ski Club’s earliest members and leaders, and in the founding of the Snow Bowl. The cabin was built in 1938 by members of the Civilian Conservation Corps and local ski enthusiasts, including Dick Hubbard, and was used as the base lodge until 1962, when the base lodge was completed. Then the cabin became a caretaker's residence for approximately three decades and had been unoccupied since the mid 1990s. With the college's permission, it became the home of the non-profit Middlebury Ski Club which is dedicated to promoting alpine skiing and supporting the development of ski racers of all ages and abilities. Beginning in 2002 and 2003, club members performed renovations to the interior to remove the living accommodations and return the cabin to its original oneroom design, and then began to use it in connection with club activities. In spite of its historic status, the exterior of the cabin had not been stained or

The historic Hubbard Cabin at Middlebury College's Snow Bowl is pictured here with a dedicated, all-volunteer work crew. Photo courtesy of Middlebury College

painted in many years. This both concerned and represented an opportunity for Rick and Peter Hubbard, Dick Hubbard’s two sons. At the time, they approached the club with a proposal. If the club would rally its members to “spruce up” the exterior of the cabin, Rick and Peter would provide the stain, paint and brushes plus volunteer their labor to work with club members. So, the work was undertaken a few years ago. In addition to Rick and Peter Hubbard, practically the entire club participated at that time. Chris Dayton and his children, Charlie and Grace, Emily Amory and her children Holden and Steddy and Michael Findlay, Dan Hutner, Peter Miller and son Eli, Brad and Kathleen Ramsey and their

x à t à á X


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children John and Turner, Molly Morrison and her daughter Darryl, and Robert Sokolowski and his friend Jenn Scarborough all pitched in back in 2007. All in all the group volunteered well over 100 hours applying 16 gallons of Mallard brown stain to the exterior logs and deck, two gallons of white paint to trim the eves, windows, doors, butt ends of logs and front of the deck and part of a gallon of "Middlebury College blue" to the front and rear doors. The group also filled two truckloads with old wood and other debris from both around and inside the cabin. Peter Mackey and the Bowl staff took care of disposal. The club is fortunate to ski and train at the Middlebury College Snow Bowl, home to one of the nation's top alpine ski teams. The bowl’s dedication to racing makes it a perfect home for the club. Members are often able to train in the gates before other clubs are even on snow.

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SATURDAY July 25, 2009

Vermont Voltage celebrates its 10th season The Vermont Voltage is celebrating its 10th season in Vermont. The Voltage made the move to Burlington High School for the 2009 season after spending its first nine seasons at the Colins Perley Complex in St. Albans and they have enjoyed a good season thus far in Burlington. After dropping their first two games of the season, the Voltage have gone unbeaten over the past seven matches, achieving an overall record of 6-2-1. The Voltage is coming off of a 2-0 home victory over the FC Boston Immigrants this past Saturday. The club has played to a home record of 4-1 and looks to continue its success at Burlington High School this Saturday. Swynenberg on Vermont Roster Minor League baseball pitcher Matt Swynenberg has been promoted to Vermont from the Gulf Coast League Nationals and will start for the Lake Monsters tonight at Aberdeen, the team announced Monday. Swynenberg was selected in the 28th round of the 2009 draft out of Black Hawk College, where he went 7-3 with a 3.02 ERA and 66 strikeouts in 53 innings during the 2009 season. The right-hander was 0-1 with a 1.80 ERA in three games (one start) for the Gulf Coast League Nationals. In 10 innings, he allowed two runs on nine hits with five walks and 10 strikeouts. Two of Three The Vermont Lake Monsters traveled to Aberdeen, Md., last weekend where they won two games of the three game set against the hometown Iron Birds. With the series win the Lake Monsters improved to 15-14 on the year, and were tied for second in the Stedlar Division with the Lowell Spinners, just two games behind the first place Oneonta Tigers. Evan Bronson tossed four scoreless innings of relief for the victory and Dani Arias’ tie-breaking sacrifice fly in the ninth inning gave the Vermont Lake Monsters a 6-5 victory over the Aberdeen Ironbirds in the series opener last Friday night at Ripken Stadium.

Religious Services ADDISON ADDISON COMMUNITY BAPTIST CHURCH - Addison Four Corners, Rts. 22A & 17. Sunday Worship at 10:30am, Adult Sunday School at 9:30am; Bible Study at 2pm on Thursdays. Call Pastor Steve @ 759-2326 for more information. WEST ADDISON UNITED METHODIST CHURCH - Sunday, 9am HAVURAH, THE JEWISH CONGREGATION OF ADDISON COUNTY. Havurah House, 56 North Pleasant St. A connection to Judaism and Jewish life for all who are interested. Independent and unaffiliated. High Holy Day services are held jointly with Middlebury College Hillel. Weekly Hebrew School from September to May. Information: 388-8946 or BRANDON BRANDON BAPTIST CHURCH - Corner of Rt. 7 & Rt. 73W (Champlain St.) Brandon, VT • 802-247-6770. Sunday Services: 10a. Adult Bible Study, Sunday School ages 5 & up, Nursery provided ages 4 & under. Worship Service 11 am *Lords supper observed on the 1st Sunday of each month. *Pot luck luncheon 3rd Sunday of each month. Wednesdays 6:30 pm, Adult prayer & Bible study, Youth groups for ages 5 & up

Up To Monuments and Footstones with this ad

Bus. Rte. 4 & Pleasant St., West Rutland, VT


ST. JUDE THE APOSTLE - 10759 Route 116 Hinesburg. Masses: Sat. 4:30; Sun. 9:30

SHOREHAM FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH-UCC - Sunday worship and church school 10am. 897-2687

LINCOLN UNITED CHURCH OF LINCOLN - Sunday worship service 9:45, Church school 11:15am, united Student Ministries for grades 7-12, 6:30pm Sunday evenings. 453-4280

STARKSBORO THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF STARKSBORO - Located at 2806 VT Route 116, 05487. Sunday worship service 11:00am. All are welcome. Through the winter months we are using the large room located on the ground floor for meeting. Use the door at the back of the church to enter the building, then walk through the kitchen to the meeting room. For details on Monday evening study topics email or call pastor, Rev. Larry Detweiler at 453-5577.

MIDDLEBURY CHAMPLAIN VALLEY UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST SOCIETY Sunday service & church school, Sunday 10:00am CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY - Middlebury. Middlebury Community House, Main and Seymour Sts, Sunday Service and Church School-10:00am; Wednesday-7:30pm. THE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH OF MIDDLEBURY (UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST) - Sunday 10am worship service THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS Sunday Sacrament 10-11:15am EASTERN ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN WORSHIP - Service in Middlebury area: call 758-2722 or 453-5334. HAVURAH, THE JEWISH CONGREGATION OF ADDISON COUNTY - Saturday morning Shabbat services, 388-8946

LIFEBRIDGE CHRISTIAN CHURCH, 141 Mulcahy Drive, 247-LIFE (5433), Sunday worship 9:00 & 10:45am,, LifeGroups meet weekly (call for times & locations)

MEMORIAL BAPTIST CHURCH - 97 South Pleasant St., Middlebury. Sunday morning worship & church school 10am, Wednesday evening Bible Study, 6:30pm. 388-7472.

BRIDPORT BRIDPORT CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH - Middle Rd., Bridport, VT. Pastor Tim Franklin, 758-2227. Sunday worship services at 8:30am and 10:15am with nursery care provided. Children’s ministries include Sprouts for children age 3-Kindergarten and WOW for grades 1-6, during the 10:15am service.

SAINT MARY’S ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH - Saturday, 5:15pm, Sunday 8, 10am

HOPE COMMUNITY FELLOWSHIP - Meets at Bridport Community Hall. Bridport, VT • 759-2922 • Rev. Kauffman. Sunday 9am, 10:30am, evening bible study. ST. BERNADETTE/ST. GENEVIEVE - Combined parish, Saturday mass 7:30pm Nov.1-April 30 (See Shoreham) BRISTOL BRISTOL CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP - The River, 400 Rocky Dale Rd., Bristol. Sunday Worship 9:00am. 453-2660, 453-4573, 453-2614 BRISTOL FEDERATED CHURCH - Sunday service at 10:15am FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF BRISTOL - Service Sunday, 10am ST. AMBROSE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH - Saturday service 5:15pm, & Sunday 9am BRISTOL SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH - 839 Rockydale Rd. - Saturday Services: Bible Studies for all ages 9:30 to 10:30 am, Song Service, Worship Service at 11am. Prayer Meeting Thursday 6:30pm. 453-4712 THE GATHERING - Non-denominational worship, second & fourth Saturday of the month, 7pm Sip-N-Suds, 3 Main St. • 453-2565, 453-3633

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CORNWALL FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH OF CORNWALL - Sunday worship 9:30am EAST MIDDLEBURY/RIPTON UNITED METHODIST CHURCH - Sunday worship, 9am VALLEY BIBLE CHURCH, Rev. Ed Wheeler, services on Sundays: Sunday School for all ages at 9:30am, morning worship at 10:45am (nursery provided), and 6:30pm on Wednesdays; Youth Group and AWANA meet on Thursday evenings at 6:30pm

SOUTH BURLINGTON NEW COVENANT BAPTIST CHURCH SBC - 1451 Williston Rd., South Burlington. 863-4305 VICTORY CENTER - Holiday Inn, Williston Road, South Burlington • 658-1019 BURLINGTON UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH - Pastor Paul Lyon • 860-5828. Sundays: 1:30 P.M. at the Nazarene Church on 2A in Williston. Wednesdays: 7:00 P.M. at 90 Shunpike, S. Burlington SUDBURY SUDBURY CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH - Sunday worship service and Sunday school, 10:30am SOVEREIGN REDEEMER ASSEMBLY - Sunday worship 10am VERGENNES/PANTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHRISTIAN CENTER - Sunday school 9:45am, Sunday worship service 8:30am, 10:45am and 6:00pm

MIDDLEBURY FRIENDS MEETING - (Quakers), Sunday worship & first day school 10am (meets at Havurah House)

ST. STEPHEN’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH - (On the green in Middlebury). Reverend Terence P. Gleeson, Rector. Sunday Eucharist 8 & 10:30am Child care & Sunday school available at 10:30 service. Wednesday at 12:05pm Holy Eucharist in the chapel. or call 388-7200. UNITED METHODIST CHURCH - 10am Grades K-5: Activities, Grades. 6-8 & 9-12: Church School Classes, Refreshments & fellowship time: 10:45-11am. Sunday morning worship service 11am. Nursery provided both at 10 & 11am. MONKTON MONKTON FRIENDS UNITED METHODIST CHURCH - Sunday service & Sunday school, 8:45am NEW HAVEN ADDISON COUNTY CHURCH OF CHRIST - 145 Campground Rd., 453-5704. Worship: Sunday 9 & 11:20am; Bible classes: Sunday 10:30am, Tuesday 7pm. Watch Bible Forum on MCTV-15 (Middlebury) or NEAT-16 (Bristol) NEW HAVEN CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH - Church services 10am on Sunday. All are welcome. NEW HAVEN UNITED REFORMED CHURCH - Sunday services, 10am & 7pm ORWELL FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH - Sunday worship service, 10:45am SAINT PAUL’S ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH - Sunday mass 11am, 468-5706 RICHMOND RICHMOND CONGREGATIONAL UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST - 20 Church St., Richmond • 434-2053. Rev. Len Rowell. Sunday Worship with Sunday School, 10AM; Adult Study Class, Sunday 8:30AM RIPTON UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, 388-2510

CHAMPLAIN VALLEY CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH - Sunday worship svcs. 10am & 7pm CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH OF VERGENNES (UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST) - Sunday, 9:30am NEW WINE COVENANT (CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST) Sunday worship 10am PANTON COMMUNITY BAPTIST CHURCH - Sunday school from 9:30-10:15 Pre-K to adult, Sunday worship service 10:30am ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH - Main and Park Streets, Vergennes. Rector: The Rev. Alan Kittelson. Sunday Services 8 and 10am; childcare provided at 10am. All are welcome. For information call 758-2211. ST. PETER’S ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH - Saturday 5pm, Sunday 8:30, 10:30am VERGENNES UNITED METHODIST CHURCH - 10:30am VICTORY BAPTIST CHURCH - 862 US Rt. 7, SUNDAY: 9:45am Bible Hour For All Ages Including 5 Adult Classes; 11:00 Worship Including Primary Church Ages 3 to 5 & Junior Church 1st - 4th Graders; 6:00pm Evening Service Worship For All Ages. WEDNESDAY 5:45pm-6:15pm Dinner ($2 per person or $10 per family); 6:30pm Adult Prayer & Bible Study; AWANA Children’s Clubs (3yrs to 6th grade); JAM Junior High Group (7th & 8th grade); Youth Group (9th 12 grade). Nursery is provided for children up to 3 years old. Classes are provided for children age 3 and up. 802-877-3393 WEYBRIDGE WEYBRIDGE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH - Sunday service in July & August at 9am. Daniel Wright, Pastor. 545-2579. WHITING WHITING COMMUNITY CHURCH - Sunday school 9:45am, Sunday Service 11am & 7pm WILLISTON CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH - 1033 Essex Road, Williston. 878-7107. St. Minister Wes Pastor. Services: 8:30AM and 10:30AM



ESSEX JUNCTION CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH - 61 Main St., Essex Junction 878-8341

SHELBURNE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF SHELBURNE - 127 Webster Road, Shelburne • 985-2848


TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH - 2166 Shelburne Rd., Shelburne. 985-2269 Sunday Services: 8 & 10AM. Bible Study 9:00AM • Sunday School: 9:50AM. The Reverend Craig Smith

CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE - 30 Morgan Parkway Williston, VT 05495 • 802-878-8591

ALL SOULS INTERFAITH GATHERING - Rev. Mary Abele, Pastor. Evensong Service and Spiritual Education for Children Sun. at 5pm. 371 Bostwick Farm Rd., Shelburne. 985-3819

MARANATHA CHRISTIAN CHURCH - 1037 S. Brownell Rd., Williston. 862-2108

NORTH FERRISBURGH UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, 227 Old Hollow Rd., North Ferrisburgh, VT 802-425-2770. Rev. Kim Hornug-Marcy. Sunday worship 10am, Sunday School 10a.m., Nursery Available. nferrisburgumc/ CROSSROADS CHAPEL, 41 Middlebrook Rd., Ferrisburgh, VT 05456. (802) 425-3625. Pastor: Rev. Charles Paolantonio. Services: Sunday 10am. HINESBURG LIGHTHOUSE BAPTIST CHURCH - 90 Mechanicsville Rd., Hinesburg. Sunday Service at 10:30am. Pastor Hart, info: 482-2588.

TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH - 19 Mountain View Rd., Williston. 878-8118 CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH - 1033 Essex Rd., Williston 878-7107

SHELBURNE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH - 30 Church St., Shelburne • 985-3981 • Rev. Gregory A. Smith, Pastor, 8:00AM - Holy Communion Service • 9:30AM - Family Worship Service with Sunday School SHOREHAM ST. GENEVIEVE/ST. BERNADETTE - Combined parish, Saturday mass 7:30pm, May 1-Oct. 31. (See Bridport)

CAVALRY CHAPEL - 300 Cornerstone, Williston. 872-5799

IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY - Route 2, Williston 878-4513 SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH - Route 2A, Williston 878-2285 WILLSTON FEDERATED CHURCH - 44 North Willston Rd., Williston. 878-5792 7-25-09 • 27982

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12 Berard Dr., South Burlington, VT • (802) 862-9754 27980

934 North Avenue Burlington,VT 802-862-1138

Mountain View Chapel 68 Pinecrest Drive Essex Junction,VT 802-879-9477 Fax 802-861-2109 37578



SATURDAY July 25, 2009

PUZZLE PAGE DEN OF THIEVES By Alan Arbesfeld ACROSS 1 Apple variety 5 “Hi and Lois” pooch 9 Like a 112-Across game 13 Chalk talk, perhaps 19 “Me neither” 20 City known for lakeeffect snow 21 Actress Skye 22 Colts fullback Alan who famously scored the winning touchdown in the 1958 NFL championship game 23 Builder’s political clout? 26 Hair dryer brand 27 Screen names, e.g. 28 Pointillism marks 29 Race that once began in Wasilla 31 Dinosaur, so to speak 32 Turn down 33 “Right away, boss!” 34 Patronizing part of the digestive tract? 41 U.K.’s Gordon Brown et al. 44 Him, to Henri 45 Tiny amount

46 Hockey East college town 47 Lacking partners? 53 Where to see Hamilton, informally 55 Bama rival 56 Affectedly dainty, in Dover 57 Key contraction 58 L.A.-to-N.Y. dir. 59 Macho types 60 Oppose, while tippling? 64 Mainland Africa’s smallest nation 67 Jeer leaders 68 Lawyer in line for a title shot? 74 Bothered no end 78 Judge Fortas 79 Tin Woodsman’s prop 80 Tea cart items 81 Being hunted, perhaps 83 Deodorant choices 86 “Da” or “ja”? 88 Birch kin 89 City on the Orne 91 Auction ending? 92 Scrub sites, briefly 93 Angel on one’s shoulder? 100 Old marketplaces 101 Near-eternity 102 On the nose 106 Exurban resident 109 Toasted breakfast

brand 110 Honda Ruckus, e.g. 112 Score in a pitchers’ duel 113 Charge of the TV? 116 Claim holder 117 Personnel list 118 Stereotypical lab name 119 Model Sastre 120 Burnout cause 121 Baseball’s “Walking Man” Eddie 122 Shopper’s aid 123 “__ la vie” DOWN 1 Run up 2 Meat favored by Sarah Palin 3 Cellulose fiber 4 Like ugli fruit 5 Pooped out 6 Circle fragments 7 Wilde, notably 8 Crystal-lined rocks 9 Try to avoid detection, in a way 10 Chits 11 8 x 10, e.g.: Abbr. 12 Separate into fields 13 Pre-skating chore 14 Face with a hyphen for a nose, say 15 Ottawa NHLers 16 Easily recalled facial mark 17 Kent State locale 18 Societal klutz

24 25 30 32 33 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 48 49

Puerto __ Uniformed campus org. Aid financially Way to a man’s heart? Solemn vows 2008 L.A.-Phila. showdown Pairs Gunpowder ingredient Bounded along Stand __ leg: balance Jotted down Pal of Piglet Prospector’s beast Goblet feature First watch on the moon Set in stone

50 51 52 54 57 60 61 62 63 65 66 68 69 70 71 72 73 75 76 77 81

Ferret cousin Dominate, in sports Field zebra First name in legal fiction __ close to schedule Cannes showing Needing a seat belt extender, say Toothbrush brand Sirius or Vega, e.g. Thom __ shoes Place to find hit records? Super Bowl XIV player Deadly virus Neuters Low-budget prefix “The Sound of Music” extra Around-the-horn MLB plays Switch back? Thickening agent Turner and Mack Suit to __

82 84 85 86 87 90 94 95 96 97 98 99 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 114 115

Glacier-formed lake Not to mention Spaghetti sauce herbs Winans of gospel Kurt refusal? Quite removed (from) “All politics is applesauce” speaker Bothers incessantly Utah state flower “Calm down!” Top suits Type of dancer Say an Act of Contrition Hands over It could be cheating Lady __: Tenn. team Embroidered ltr. Sly look Fangorn Forest denizens Connery, by birth Medical breakthrough Queenside castle, in chess notation It may be inflated


Complete the grid so each row, column and 3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit, 1 to 9.

Trivia Answers! •••••••• From Page 2 ••••••••

ANs. 1


ANs. 2 ‘CRYPT-KICKERS’ 37434

SATURDAY July 25, 2009


Dragon Boat Festival to benefit Vermont’s Camp Ta-Kum-Ta BURLINGTON — The annual Dragon Boat Races and Festival will return to Burlington’s Waterfront Park Aug. 2. Spectators are invited to witness the competition, color and pageantry as more than 2,000 racers paddle for glory. Eighty-six Vermont community teams and 11 breast cancer survivor teams from across the U.S. and Canada as they compete in 300-meter sprint races to benefit Vermont’s Camp Ta-Kum-Ta, a summer camp for kids with cancer, and Dragonheart Vermont. Four Addison County dragon boat teams will be among the 86 teams racing for fun and fundraising at the festival. This year ’s area participants include: •DR Power Equipment “DR Power Paddlers” Team Captain: Craig Wolosinski, •Community Team “Draggins of Monkton” Team Captain: Suzanne Bushey,

•Goodrich Corporation “Winged Ladies of the Lake and Arthur” Team Captain: Donna McIntyre, •Goodrich Corporation “Sync or Swim” Team Captain: Mary Rudd, Races, food and festivities begin at 8 a.m. and last all day long. Each race features 6 lanes of colorful dragon boats carrying 21 paddlers each and will start every 12 minutes until the champion team is crowned in the final sprint for glory at 4:30 p.m. It’s an all-day celebration with lots of free fun for the whole family. Entertainment includes Burlington’s Taiko Drummers, Sambatucada, Maiden Vermont and the Jeh Kulu Drummers. Bid high on a huge selection of silent auction items. Raffles, unique merchandise, children’s crafts

and fabulous food combine to create an exciting, fun filled day for all. At noon a traditional flower ceremony performed by the breast cancer survivor teams will honor the spirit of those who have died from breast cancer. At 1:15, a parade of dragons begins. Camp Ta-Kum-Ta lost its home of 25 years in 2008 and must raise money to build brand new summer camp facilities at their new location in South Hero. Proceeds from the festival will support a new cabin for arts, crafts, music and a community space. Last year ’s festival raised $90,000 for the Cancer Patient Support Program’s Emergency Fund. For more information about the Dragon Boat Festival, visit More information about Camp Ta-Kum-Ta may be found at

Real Estate

Need a home? Looking for someone to fill that vacancy?

Find what you’re looking for here!


HOMES FOR RENT: A 6 bd, 3 ba. Only $214/mo! Bank Repo! 5% dn, 15 yrs @8% apr! For Listings 800-559-4145 x S815

APARTMENT FOR RENT FOR RENT ,Port Henry, large one bedroom apartment , $475/month 518-546-4069 MORIAH, PORT Henry & Crown Point Area’s. Summer Stimulus Package, Receive 1st. Month Rent Free. Call Andy At 518-524-8068. ROOMMATE WANTED $350 month everything included (cable, internet, phone) Call Aaron Saranac Lake NY (518)891-1793 ROOMMATE WANTED: Looking for working male or college student to share fully furnished home, farm like setting, low rent. 518834-6045


MORIAH: 2-3 bedroom, newly remodled, lg. yard, full barn, pets considered, $850/mo plus sec & utilities 518-636-5311 or 518-3616313

HOME IMPROVEMENT FOR SALE Casement Thermopane Window used, 6’x3 1/2’ $65. Call 518-963-9810 NEW ANDERSON double casement window,brn,vinyl clad wood rough opening 53x72 value $450 asking $275 (518) 6449865

MOBILE HOME FOR SALE 2 TRAILER Homes. 50’ Long x 12’ wide. $2000 each. Buy 1 or both. 518-546-8258.


Port Henry Trailer - $600 per month. Witherbee *4 Bdrm House - $575 per month. Grover Hills *3 Bdrm duplex - $675 per month


REAL ESTATE BUY FORECLOSURES Use our money! Split Big Profits! You Find, We Fund! Free Kit: 1-800-854-1952, Ext.80. COLORADO RANCH: BANK FORECLOSURE! 40 Acres, $29,900 Warranty Deed. Enjoy 300 days of sunshine. Rocky Mtn views, utilities. Excellent financing. Call Today! 1-866-696-5263 x5286 NC MOUNTAINS 2.5 ACRE HOMESITE. Spectacular view. High altitude. Easily accessible. Paved road. Secluded. Bryson City. $39,950. Owner financing. Call Owner 1-800810-1590

GEORGIA: SHORT SALE 600ac Plantation 70mi East of Atlanta. 11 Bedrooms, w/Caretaker Housing, Barn, Kennels 25ac lake/pond. Sell Next 30 Days $2,875,000.00 404-354-5872 TEXAS LAND-0-Down! 20-acre Ranches, Near El Paso. Beautiful Mountain Views. Road Access. Surveyed. $15,900. $159/mo. Money Back Guarantee Owner Financing. 1800-843-7537 HAS YOUR BUILDING SHIFTED? Contact Woodford Bros., Inc. for straightening, leveling, foundation and wood frame repairs a1800-OLD-BARN,; MAHIC#155877; CTHIS#571557; RICRB#22078 CHECK us out at

RENTALS Port Henry • 2BR Apt., heated, ctr. village location, walk to everything. Off st. parking. Ref. req. $625. • 2BR Apt., heated, lakeview, off st. parking, convenient location, sm. yard. Ref. req. $650. • 2BR Apt., heated, spacious, enclosed porch, hardwood floors, ample parking.Ref. req. $650. • 1BR Apt., newly renovated, kitchen island, track lighting, new appliances. Heat & electric incl. $600.



FORECLOSURE LAND º Acre in Florida,” 0” Down - $97/month, Guaranteed Financing. Cash Price Starting at $5,000. 1-877-9836600


BIG BEAUTIFUL ARIZONA LOTS Near Tucson. $0 down $0 interest Starting $129/month. 18 lots ONLY! Pre-Recorded Message (800)631-8164 mention ad code 5063 or visit

SPACIOUS 2 bedroom, 1 bath multi level duplex apartment in Shoreham. 20 minutes from Middlebury or Brandon. Very clean, stove, fridge, eat-in kitchen, lg living room, den/office, full basement with W/D hookup, storage building, large yard. Required: Lease, references, security deposit. NO SMOKING, no pets. $660/month plus utilities. Rent includes Tri Town water, lawn care & snow plowing. Call 802-897-7880.



HOUSE FOR Sale: 2006 Renovated Farmhouse. Plank floors; new siding, electricity and plumbing. 83.7 acres. Treed, landscaped, barn. Coeyman Hollow $498,000. Christine (518) 701-3942.

SELL/RENT YOUR TIMESHARE NOW!! Maintenance fees too high? Need Cash? Sell your unused timeshare today. No commissions or broker fees. Free consultation., 1-888-310-0115

NEW MODULAR 3 bedroom Home, 40’x24’, Ready to put on your site. 518-891-1781. HOME FOR SALE: A 3 bedroom HUD home! $22,900! Great Deal! For listings call 800559-4145 x S814

SELL/RENT YOUR TIMESHARE NOW!!! Maintenance fees too high? Need Cash? Sell your unused timeshare today. No Commissions or Broker Fees. Free Consultation 1877-494-8246


NEW HAVEN: 1859sqft 3 bdrm, 2 1/ 2bath, home on 11.8ac, very private, magnificent view, central a/c, master suite w/garden tub & 12ft walk thru closet, family room/kitchen 22x28 w/fireplace w/ woodstove, extra large garage 24x35 w/ enclosed boat/camper area, full heated upstairs 24x35x8 w/covered deck, ok for “accessory apt”, $235,000 (802) 453-7706

WHOLESALE TIMESHARES 60%-80% OFF RETAIL!! Qualified Buyers Only! Call for Free InfoPack. 1-800-639-5319 WHOLESALE TIMESHARES. 60% - 80% OFF RETAIL! Qualified Buyers Only! Call for Free InfoPack. 1-800-355-2217.


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$12.00 GUARANTEED for every envelope stuffed with our sales materials. FREE 24hr information. 1-877-220-4470. EARN $1000 Weekly Assembling Toys From Home. NO selling & NO recruiting needed! $$$ START NOW $$$ Earn Extra Income Assembling CD Cases from home! No Experience Necessary. Call our Live Operators for more information! 1-800-4057619 Ext 2181 $$$21 PEOPLE WANTED$$$ Earn $1,200$4,400 Weekly Working From Home Assembling Information Packets. No Experience Necessary! Start Immediately! FREE Information. Call 24hrs. 1-888-2982090 $$$WORK FROM HOME$$$ Earn Up To $3,800 Weekly Working from Home assembling Information packets. No Experience Necessary! Start Immediately! FREE Information. CALL 24hrs. 1-888-202-1012 $400+PT - $800+FT week/ Accurate data entry people needed. Type on computer from home. Flexible schedule, training provided. 1-800-406-1712


$400+PT - $800+FT week/ Accurate data entry people needed. Type on computer from home. Flexible schedule, training provided. 1-800-406-1712 $NEED CASH FAST$. $500, $1000, $1500 direct to your account. No Credit History Required. Get CASH now. For Details.

HOUSEKEEPER LOOKING For Employment. Efficient, Detailed Oriented & Experienced w/References. Julie 802-5434036

$NEED CASH FAST$. $500, $1000, $1500 direct to your account. No Credit History Required. Get CASH now. For Details.


**AWESOME CAREER** Government Postal Jobs! $17.80 to $59.00 hour Entry Level. No Experience Required / NOW HIRING! Green Card O.K. Call 1-800-913-4384 ext. 53

ALL CASH Vending! Do you earn $800/day? Local Vending routes. 25 machines + candy. $9,995. 1-800-807-6485. (Void/SD,CT,MD)

Certified Mechanic Needed LeRoy’s 24 Hour Towing & Repair Only Certified Mechanics Need Apply

Call (518)546-7505


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HELP WANTED/LOCAL PHYSICAL THERAPIST Assistant. Full-Time at SNF in Northern ME earn up to $60K/yr DOE! Work w/ 2 PTs great for new grads! Call Cori at SYNERTX 1-888-796-3789.

Porter Hospital is a small community hospital, where what you do makes a difference.

NEW POSITIONS AVAILABLE FAMILY PRACTICE: Full time opening for a BC/BE Family Practitioner. Competitive pay and benefits. Please contact David Fuller, HR Manager for details. INTERNAL MEDICINE: Full time opening for a BC/BE Internist. Competitive pay and benefits. Please contact David Fuller, HR Manager for details. RN/RADIOLOGY: Per diem position. Responsibilities include assisting with stereotactic core biopsies, picc-line insertion and patient education. NURSE PRACTITIONER FOR PORTER INTERNAL MEDICINE: Full time position for a Family Nurse Practitioner to join the healthcare team at Porter Internal Medicine. Current Vermont FNP licensure required. OFFICE REPRESENTATIVE FOR PORTER CARDIOLOGY: Part time position. Successful candidate must have strong phone and customer service skills and the ability to multi-task in a fast paced environment. Experience in a physician’s office setting preferred, but will train. OFFICE REPRESETATIVE FOR PORTER INTERNAL MEDICINE: Full time position in a busy physician’s office practice. Must be able to multi-task and possess strong phone, customer service and computer skills. Candidates with medical office experience preferred. OFFICE NURSE FOR PORTER CARDIOLOGY: Full time position for a Vermont Licensed RN. Applicants with cardiology practice experience preferred. OFFICE COORDINATOR: Full time position at Porter Hospital’s new Palliative Care Practice. Primary responsibilities include maintenance of physician scheduling, management of billing, change entry and accounts payable and miscellaneous office duties as assigned. Management experience in a physician practice setting a plus. JANITOR: Per diem position. Applicants with experience in floor care and working in a healthcare enviironment preferred. HOUSEKEEPER: Part time, 40 hours per two week pay period position. Applicants with experience working in a healthcare environment preferred.

For more information call 388-4780. Please send resume w/cover letter to:


David Fuller, Human Resources Manager 115 Porter Dr., Middlebury, VT 05753 Fax: 802-388-8899 • Check out our latest listings at: 38013


SATURDAY July 25, 2009


The sified Clas



1-800-989-4ADS ADOPTION FACED WITH an unplanned pregnancy? Loving couples await. Receive information/pictures; you choose. Open or closed adoption. Assistance available. Call compassionate counselor. 1-866-236-7638; 24/7

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ANTIQUES FLORENCE COOK STOVE,1940’s #4 Burner Gas/Kero Combo Mint Condition, including original salt & pepper shakers! WHITE Kero side looks & works like a wood stove. Will heat a small house. #4 people to load. $499 OBO (518) 492-7316 ROUND OAK split pedestal table, larkins desk, antique glider rocker,halltree, (518) 563-6027

APPLIANCES 36 INCH Panasonic colored TV. Works great. OBO 518-963-8950 6E GAS Range 2 years old, excellent condition, $175.00. 518-891-4462 ELECTRIC KITCHEN Stove, 30” w, 4 burners, large oven, large storage drawer, almond, $120 518-597-3065 FRIGIDAIRE 11.3 cu. upright freezer $200, like new (moving). 802-775-0453 KENMORE STOVE glass top, 2yrs. old for $200.00. Call 518-298-3545

GATEWAY COMPUTER, 17” Flat monitor, windows 98, keyboard, mouse, works fine, needs up grading. Call 802-388-2093 GET A NEW COMPUTER Brand Name laptops & Desktops BAD or No Credit No Problem Smallest weekly payments avail. It’ s Yours NOW 1-800-932-3721 GREAT COMPUTER. XP, Office. Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse, Speakers, CDRW. Internet-Ready. Works perfectly. $120 Reduced. (518) 891-4914

ELECTRONICS * REDUCE YOUR CABLE BILL! * - Get a 4room, all-digital satellite system installed for FREE and programming starting under $20. Free Digital Video Recorders to new callers. So call now, 1-800-795-3579. 20” TOSHIBA Color TV, excellent condition $50. 518-834-5162 CANON DIGITAL camera, Powershot S410, excl shape, charger, cable, manual, memory card, and extra battery. Easy to use. $70.00. 518-891-1864 FOR SALE-RF Modulator Audio/Video Signal Converter. After 4:30 (518) 891-9277 RCA TV Color Trak 2000 stereo 2.5” excellent condition, Chestertown, 518-256-6020 SAMSUNG GLEAM cellphone, used one year. Book, car & wall charger included. $60 OBO (518) 562-2492 SONY HANDYCAM camcorder works grate for more info call Cole at (518)832-1423

FARM PRODUCTS 4 TON Organic Hay all Mowed , racked. You load & draw. $50.00. 518-251-3713.


MAYTAG PORTABLE dishwasher 6 months old, perfect condition $225.00. 518-647-5985 PORTABLE DISHWASHER has a hard wood working top, used 1 year $200.00. 518563-4887 STOVE, 30 “ 4 burners...$40 OBO 518-6239313 UP-RIGHT freezer, Kenmore. 20 cu. ft. Asking $200. Excellent condition. 518-5467821

$ CASH FOR GOLD $ We buy Gold, Silver, & Plat. Get Cash NOW! Highest Payouts Satisfaction Guaranteed 1-877-543-5047 $$$ GET LAWSUIT CASH NOW- Oasis Legal Finance #1. See us on TV. Fastest Cash Advance on injury cases-within 24/hrs. Owe nothing if you lose your case APPLY FREE CALL NOW 1-866-353-9959 LAWSUIT SETTLEMENT Loans, Auto Accidents & Work Comp. Low fees on all cases. 866-709-1100,

FOR SALE $CASH FOR Gold$ We buy gold, silver, & Plat. Get cash NOW! Highest payoutsSatisfaction Guaranteed. 1-877-5481550. 1/2 price Insulation 4x8 sheets 1” to 7” thick, Blue Dow or High (R). Also 2005 Sun Lite Crank up truck Camper, never used 518-5973876. 1998 HAWL Lite Utility Trailer factory made, 4’x8’, excellent condition. Asking $450.00. 518-494-5397 2 GOLF push carts, like new $20 OBO. Call 518-493-5888 2 PEACOCKS- males, 1yr. old $300 each; 3 boats, 3 motors, & 2 trailers $2000 for all, ALL IS. 518-298-8103 275 GALLON fuel tank with gauge and filter. Includes four legs.$150. (518) 726-6012 3PC. PINK Bath set, 4’ tub, sink, toilet $300.00. 518-382-1586. 4X8 TRL Leaf Springs, 2500 lb. WT. capacity. Wood redone new, needs tires $250.00. OBO. 518-946-7739 56’ ENAMEL surface table, 2 pull out cutting boards, 2 divided drawers $200. or BO 518494-4449 or 518-494-2270 AIR CONDITIONER, 10,000BTU, designed for slider/casement windows. Cost $500 new, asking $60.00. 802-273-3472 AIRGOMETER STEPPER $15.00. 518-2938141 ANTIQUE 1950’s Tudor electric football game in original box $50. Call 518-523-3148 ASHTON DRAKE Paradise Galleries Porcelain collectable Dolls, increase value with time, must see to see to appreciate, 13 Angels, 2 boys. 518-891-7404 BOXES OF Frogs, 30, free stuff, ceramic, take all. 802-434-4639 BRAND NEW LAPTOPS & DESKTOPS Bad Credit? No Credit? No Problem! Small weekly payments - Order today and get FREE Nintendo WII game system! Call now 800838-8209 BRAND NEW Laptops & Desktops. Bad credit, No credit - No problem. Small weekly payments - Order & get FREE Nintendo WII system! 1-800-932-4501

DIRECTV SATELLITE Television. Packages from $29.99/mo. FREE EQUIPMENT, FREE 4 Room Installation, FREE HD or DVR Receiver Upgrade. Call for Details 888-4084254 DIRECTV Authorized Dealer FIUX WELDER Schammacker wire feed. New with mask. $135.00 OBO . 802-2352010 FOR DALE Wurlitzer Piano Spinet, good condition, 2nd owner $300.00. 518-647-5950 FREE DIRECTV 4 Room System! 265+ Channels! Starts $29.99! FREE HBO, Showtime, Starz! 130 HD Channels! FREE DVR/HD! No Start Costs! DirectStarTV Local Installers! 1-800-620-0058 GENERAC 15000 watts, electric start, 22500 surge watts, 30HP OHVI Ultra Guardian Source. For commercial-residential, industrial. 518-494-5397. HIGH COST of Cable Got You Down? GET DISH w/FREE install plans $9.99/mo. 50+ Free HD Channels! New Cust’s only. CALL 800-240-8112 HIGH COST of Cable Got You Down? GET DISH w/FREE install plans start at $9.99/mo Over 50 Free HD Channels! New Cust’ s only Call FREE for full details! 1-800-606-9050 IN NEW condition pine bunk beds 4 years old used approx 6 times/3side rails and ladder (518) 250-0025 INVISIBLE FENCE, 2 collars, some wire $300. Troybuilt weedwacker hedge trimmer $150. Fake fireplace insert $100. cell 518637-7236 LARGE COLLECTION of Various Sizes of Autos, airplanes, & miscellaneous banks from $10 to $30. All brand new in original boxes. Call Walter Hutchins 518-873-6715 LARGE NEW Sunheat Electronic Zone heating system, 1500 watts, 120 volts, HZ60. Asking $375.00 Paid $484.92. 518-236-5375 LITTER-LIFT: Tow behind your lawn tractor, pick up leaves, sticks, golf balls. 7HP $125 (518) 668-2288 MEMORY FOAM THERAPEUTIC NASA VISCO MATTRESSES WHOLESALE! T$299 F-$349 Q-$399 K-$499 ADJUSTABLES - $799 FREE DELIVERY 25 YEAR WARRANTY 90 NIGHT TRIAL 1-800ATSLEEP 1-800-287-5337 WWW.MATTRESSDR.COM


RESPIRONICS CPAP with humidifier. Never used.Travel case and accessories included. $450. 518-352-7006 SOLAR REEL w/cover for 20x40 pool. $150.00. 518-873-2691 STEEL BUILDINGS: Wholesale prices with free delivery. On 25x32, 2)30x46, 45x78m 50x100. Call now! 1-800-211-9594x192 STIHL MS 290 Farm Boss Chain Saw, new condition $275 OBO. 518-891-0607 SWIMMING POOL 12’x3’ filter, pump, ladder, vaccum, skimmer & chemicals (complete) $75.00 cash. 802-775-0280 T-SHIRTS Custom Printed. $5.50 heavyweight. “ Gildan” , Min. order of 36 pcs. HATS, Embroidered $6.00. Free Catalog. 1-800242-2374. Berg Enterprises. 40 TRAILER MOUNTED with sturdy 4x6 wooden box spare tire cover, light tie down. $175. 518-585-7549 TRAILERS. SALE or Rent, landscape, construction, auto, motorcycle, open/enclosed cargo, snowmobile, 4 wheeler, steel or aluminum, horse and livestock. Connecticut Trailers, Bolton, CT 877-869-4118 USED INSULATED Garage door white 16’ x 8’, Asking $275.00. 518-493-5654 WOOD SHELVING 1”x7” or 1”x15”x32”. 80’ steel brackets & clips $30. 518-576-4592

FREE FREE 4-Room DISH Network Satellite System with Free HD-DVR! $9.99/mo for over 100 channels. Call now and receive $650 Signup Bonus! 1-800-727-0305 LARGE PUPPY crate, liker new. $89. Call 518-494-2907

FURNITURE ADIRONDACK DRESSER Birch Back, Mirror, 2 large drawers, divided 2 small drawers, $425. 518-946-7494 ANTIQUE OAK desk 54L, 25W, 30H. Raised shelve off back. 7 drawers, swivel chair inclded. $225.00. 802-282-1745 BABY CRIB and mattress, like new $50.00. 518-624-6961


BEAUTIFUL SOLID oak entertainment center for 27” tv and stereo area, Mint condition. (518) 561-7458

MONITOR 40, direct vent kerosene heater with extension vent, runs fine, $200, 518963-4582

CHURCH PEW. Dark wood, antique. $75. Pottersville/ Adirondack area. 494-4168 or (518) 346-4451

CLAW FOOT tub, Richardson 1919, good condition, $250 OBO. 518-891-1569

NEW 1995 Clopay Garage door opener. Asking $200.00 never been opened. 518359-7384

REDUCE PAYMENTS today! Reduce Equipment Loans, Bank Loans, Credit Card Debt & Real Estate Leases FREE Consultation! 46 years experience Call Now 1-800-590-7930

COLEMAN BLACK Max 4 hp, 20 gal oil-less gas air compressor w/110 ft. of brand new hose. $250. 518-873-6596

NORWOOD BAND Saw Mill, Lumberlite 24 w/extra blades, like new, retails over $4000, Sell $3200. 518-963-8692.

FOR SALE: CHERRY BEDROOM SET. Solid wood, never used, brand new in factory boxes. English dovetail. Original cost $4500. Sell for $795. Can deliver. Call Tom 617-395-0373

DEHUMIDIFIER, WHIRLPOOL 25 pint 450.00 518-335-1789

OLD SCHOOL Desk attached seat, wrought iron sides and feet $25.00. 518-854-3946


WANT TO PURCHASE Minerals and other oil/gas interests. Send details to: P.O. Box 13557, Denver, CO 80201

POOL PUMP used for 20x40 pool $100.00 OBO. 518-873-2117

A NEW COMPUTER NOW! Brand name. Bad or NO credit - No problem. Smallest weekly payments avail. Call NOW 1-800838-7127

WORRIED ABOUT debt? Get FREE credit counseling, sound advice and, if it makes sense, a debt plan to help you become debt free. Call InCharge today 1-866-525-6750

DIRECTV FREE 4 Room System! 265+ Channels! Starts $29.99! FREE HBO, Showtime, Starz! 130 HD Channels! FREE DVR/HD! No Start Costs! DirectStarTV Local Installers! 1-800-973-9044 DOLL CRADLE, wood 13”x23” long, excellent condition $15. 518-563-3845

BRAND NEW Laptops & Desktops Bad Credit, No Credit No Problem Small Weekly Payments Order & get FREE Nintendo WII system! 1-800-804-5010


DOWNRIGGER WEIGHTS, 10 lb. fish shape $20 ea.: Wevertown, 518-251-2826

REESE 750 WT Distribuling Hitch Tow Bar and Ball Mount, $375.00, excellent 518-4944387

CUSTOM CUTTING, dry, split delivered; Also outside furnace wood. 802-893-9855

DRAFT BEER Dispenser - True, 1/2 keg, $300 OBO. 518-576-9265

WOLFGANG PUCK 23L convection/rotisserie oven, used once. Too large for kitchen. (518) 561-7242

BUSINESS SERVICES HIGH COST of Cable Got You Down? GET DISH w/FREE installation! Over 50 Free HD Channels! Lowest Prices! Call 877-4692560. REDUCE PAYMENTS today! Reduce Equipment Loans, Bank Loans, Credit Card Debt & Real Estate Leases FREE Consultation! 46 years experience Call Now 1-800-590-7930

MODIFY YOUR MORTGAGE YOURSELF. Save thousands in fees. $99 for Attorneys Guide. Modification Information Service. 1866-215-2244 NEED CASH FAST! Guaranteed Loans to $500,000. Bad Credit OK. No upfront fees. Call 1-800-908-1229.

BRAND NEW Solar Cover Reel for 24ft pool, clear solar cover used 2x, $150.00 Firm. 518492-2028 CAMP STOVE Gas, Magee. For cooking and heating 36” $125.00 OBO. 802-775-0732

PORTABLE BASKETBALL pole system. hoop, backboard ,adjustable height. excellent cond. $40.00 518-963-4097

REFRIGERATOR 15 cu. ft. w/ Keg set-up, complete w/CO2, tubing & tap $99.00. 518644-2165.

FOR SALE: LEATHER LIVING ROOM SET in original plastic, never used. Original price $3,000, sacrifice $975. Call Bill 857-4537764 LA-Z- Boy Queen sleeper sofa, Blue stripe, good condition, $150. Also free Red rocker recliner. 518-946-1226 LIGHT OAK custom built dining room hutch, 2 pieces, beveled glass, 44.5”W x 78”H x 25.25”D. $475. 518-569-1829. MATTRESS SET **100% NEW** $89 TWIN MATTRESS AND BOX SET starting $89, FULL SET starting $125, QUEEN SET starting $145, KING SET starting $275.802-8467622

Heyont The Super Store offers FREE CLASSIFIED ADS in: Rutland Tribune m r Now Take the time to sell those no longer needed items! The Eagle e V Mail To: New Market Press 16 Creek Rd., Suit 5A Middlebury,VT 05953 Attn: Leslie


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Merchandise ads only Private ads only. No business ads accepted Limit one item per ad. Maximum 15 words per ad. Item price must be under $499 and clearly stated in ad. New Market Press reserves the right to reject any advertising. Ad Runs for 3 weeks Limited 1 ad per household. No Animals

Fax To: 802-388-6399



Name Address






DEADLINE: Thursday at 12 Noon


MATRESS & BOXSPRING $20 call 518-962 4574 MEMORY FOAM MATTRESS **ALL NEW, ALL SIZES** SUPER HIGH QUALITY MEMORY FOAM MATTRESSES, Compare to Tempurpedic: Twin starting $235, Full starting $344, Queen starting $390, King starting $490. OVERSTOCK SPECIALS, LIMITED SUPPLY 802-846-7622 PORCH ROCKER with wicker woven seat and back and wood frame. (518) 946-7261 QUEEN HEADBOARD with attached night stand, lighted mirror in headboard frame, included, like new $195.00. 518-642-2042 SIMMONS MATTRESS SET, BRAND NEW, IN PLASTIC $199 SIMMONS TWIN MATTRESS AND BOX SET FROM $199, FULL SET FROM $235, QUEEN SET FROM $250, KING SET FROM $450. 802-846-7622 SOFA/SLEEPER Queen Size. Light Blue/Green/Beige plaid. Like new. $200.00 518-798-6068 TWIN HOSPITAL bed remote control good condition 10 inch thick matress 300.00 (518) 532-7280 WILLOW FURNITURE, Handmade, Large, Rustic Adirondack Style. Loveseat, Rocker, Chair & Side Table $1150.00. Additional Pieces Available. 518-597-3133.

GENERAL $ CASH FOR GOLD $ We buy Gold, Silver, & Plat. Get Cash NOW! Highest Payouts Satisfaction Guaranteed 1-877-543-5047 $$$ACCESS LAWSUIT CASH NOW!!! As seen on TV. Injury Lawsuit Dragging? Need $500-$500,000++ within 24/hrs after approval? Compare our lower rates. APPLY NOW 1-866-386-3692 **ALL SATELLITE Systems are not the same. HDTV programming under $10 per month and FREE HD and DVR systems for new callers. CALL NOW 1-800-799-4935 AIRLINE MECHANIC - Train for high paying Aviation Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified Job placement assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance (888) 349-5387 AIRLINES ARE HIRING Train for high paying Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified Housing available. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance (888) 349-5387 ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from Home. *Medical, *Business, *Paralegal, *Computers, *Criminal Justice. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. Call 800-510-0784 DIRECTV FREE 4 Room System! 265+ Channels! Starts $29.99/month. Free HBO + Showtime + Starz! Free DVR/HD! 130 HD Channels! No Start Up Costs! DirectStarTV Local Installers! 1-800-973-9027 EARN COLLEGE DEGREE ONLINE *Medical, *Business, *Paralegal, *Accounting, Criminal Justice. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. Call 800-509-3308 FREE DIRECTV 4 Room System! 265+ Channels! Starts $29.99/month. Free HBO + Showtime + Starz! Free DVR/HD! 130 HD Channesl! No Start Up Costs! DirectStarTV. Local Installers! 1-800-306-1953 FREE GOVERNMENT Grants.Send $12.00 plus a 9x12 self addressed $1.75 stamped manila envelope to 6 Leisure Lot Way Lake George NY 12845 (518) 744-3726 LIFE INSURANCE, No Medical Examinations Required. Purchase ages 18 to 85. Final Expense Coverage. A rated companies. Fast acceptances. 800-938-3439, Ext. 24

SATURDAY July 25, 2009

GENERAL NEW ADT customers FREE Home Security System! ADT 24/7 Monitoring starting at just $35.99/mo. $99 Install Fee. Call Now! (866) 444-9163 ADT Auth Co OLD GUITARS WANTED! Fender, Gibson, Gretsch, Martin, D’ Angelico, Stromberg, Rickenbacker, and Mosrite. Gibson Mandolins/Banjos. 1930’ s thru 1970’ s TOP CASH PAID! These brands only please. 1800-401-0440 READER ADVISORY: the National Trade Association we belong to has purchased the following classifieds. Determining the value of their service or product is advised by this publication. In order to avoid misunderstandings, some advertisers do not offer employment but rather supply the readers with manuals, directories and other materials designed to help their clients establish mail order selling and other businesses at home. Under NO circumstance should you send any money in advance or give the client your checking, license ID, or credit card numbers. Also beware of ads that claim to guarantee loans regardless of credit and note that if a credit repair company does business only over the phone it s illegal to request any money before delivering its service. All funds are based in US dollars. 800 numbers may or may not reach Canada REACH OVER 30 million homes with one buy. Advertise in NANI for only $2,795 per week! For information, visit Call and place your listing at 1-800-989-4237

PROMOTE YOUR product, service or business to 1.7 MILLION HOUSEHOLDS throughout New England. Reach 4 million potential readers quickly and inexpensively with great results. Use the Buy New England Classified Ad Network by calling this paper or 877-423-6399. Do they work? You are reading one of our ads now!! Visit our website to see where your ads run

GUNS/AMMO BERETTA COUGAR - .45 semi-auto $475; Browning BAR II Safari - 7 MM Rem Moq semi-auto with Redfield 3x9X $850; Beretta AL390 - 12ga. semi auto $650; Lefever Nitro Special - 12ga. S/S $425. 518-576-9265




CLARINET, FLUTE, VIOLIN TRUMPET, Trombone, Amplifier, Fender Guitar, $69. each. Cello, Upright Bass, Saxophone, French Horn, Drums $185. each. Tuba, Baritone Horn, Hammond Organ, Others 4 sale. 1-516-377-7907

DP-FIT-for-Life-Trac20-Home-Gym. weight bench. Excellent condition. Delivery within 45 miles . Photos via email. $200 (518) 8913679

****WANTED TO BUY**** Diabetic Test Strips. Cash paid up to $10/box.Call Wayne at 781-724-7941. In CT call 203-733-8234

FREE KIMBALL Organ, you pick-up. 518891-4212. MCPHAIL UPRIGHT piano and round stool for sale, nice sound, ivory keys, 4200. 802775-6237


GUN CABINET,great shape,price negotiable ask for mark or kathy (518) 778-4030

220 GALLON AQUARIUM includes light, 55gallon sump tank and overflow box. $350obo. Great shape (518) 643-6868

SKS RIFLE 7.62x39 Round, original stock, plus sinthtile extra clips $250.00. 518-5329278

3 FREE Kittens 2 tiger (Gray) 1 Black. 518546-8622


AKC REG. Great Dane puppies Born July 4th. Family raised, vet checked, first shots. Reserve yours now! $1200. (518) 643-0320

HORSE TRAILER 98 Kingston, Warm Blood bumper-pull, excellent condition 5K firm. 802773-3718

LOOKING FOR Male Purebred Rough Collie to breed with our Purebred Rough Collie... No Papers Necessary. Please Call 518-8732131.

LAWN & GARDEN SEARS RIDING lawn mower, runs good, $150. call 518-963-7402

LOST & FOUND FOUND CANNON Digital Camera in William’s Woods on June 15th, Call 802-7348363 to Identify.


PETMATE DOG Crate Like New, unused Large $55.00 518-523-3144 RAT Terrier puppies! 2 females left, They are ready for good homes. 518-946-7735

EVERLAST ONE Gym- 60 exercises-With CD and all parts. Excellent conditionSaranac Lake $50-firm (518) 524-0418 GOLDS GYM Stride exercise machine, $200.00. 585-905-7701.

12’ OR 14’ row boat, flat bottom only. Call 518-942-8106.

TOOLS SEARS BAND Saw, like new $120.00. 802948-2922.

TREADMILL CANDACE 825 for $75 Call 518-726-7568

SPORTING GOODS MEN’S New Right Handed Callaway FT-5 IMix 9 degree neutral driver, stiff shaft $150 (518)593-5370

WANTED $$$CASH$$$ FOR ANTIQUES/COLLECTIBLES, old toys, Victorian items, old books, furniture, old paintings, jewelry, art/pottery, pocket watches, old photos, clocks, much more. Becky/William 413-4465478, 802-780-7689. U.S. SILVER COINS or entire collections. Call 1-877-857-7852. Littleton Coin Company, trusted since 1945. Visit us on the web at Reference B8Y10

HEALTH BACK BRACE. Substantial pain relief. Constant lumbar and abdominal support. Comfortable wear. Covered by Medicare/Ins. 1-800-815-1577,Ext.382, MODIFY YOUR MORTGAGE YOURSELF. Save thousands in fees. $99 for Attorneys Guide. Modification Information Service. 1866-215-2244

EDUCATION AVIATION MAINTENANCE/AVIONICS. Graduate in 15 Months. FAA Approved; financial aid if qualified. Job placement assistance. Call National Aviation Academy Today! 1-800-292-3228 or CHECK us out at

HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA FROM HOME, 68 Weeks. ACCREDITED. Low payments. FREE Brochure. 1-800-264-8330 or OCEAN CORP. Houston, Texas. Train for New Career. Underwater Welder, Commercial Diver, NDT/Weld Inspector. Job placement and financial aid for those who qualify, 1-800-321-0298. HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA! Fast Affordable & Accredited. FREE Brochure. Call Now! 1800-532-6546 x412

LEGALS The Eagle Legal deadline Friday @ 3:00pm Please Send Legals By EMAIL To:

NOTICE OF LEGAL SALE View Date 08/13/2009 Sale Date 08/14/2009 Starr Lafoutain Unit# A 21 Tylor Prudy Unit# A 24 Easy Self Storage 46 Swift, South Burlington, VT 05403 (802) 863-8300 TE-7/25/09, 8/8/09-2TC-34426

SHIHTZU PUPPIES 1 female/2 males avail. 7-11 1st shots and deworming included $350.00 (518) 208-4078



CARS $1,000-$2,999 AWESOME CAREER OPPORTUNITY. $20/hr/ $57K/yr, Postal jobs, Pd Training, Vac. Benefits. Call M-F, 8-5CST. 888-3616551, Ext.1034

AUTO ACCESSORIES 2 JEEP Doors, like new $200.00. 518-8736376. 4 - YOKOHAMA IceGuard tires 195/60 R15 88Q Used only 1 season $300 (518) 5436132 CORVETTE CANVAS Top plus nose bra for mid-80’s Vette, $40. Call 518-798-6261 after 6PM.

M&S XTRA-TRAC a/w Douglas P175 70 R13 tires. New, 4 on Madza Rims $200. 518852-0709 REESE FRAME Mounted receiver hitch for pick-up truck, good condition $75. 802-4922308

AUTO WANTED AAAA DONATION. Donate your car, boat or real estate. IRS tax deductible. Free pick up/ Tow any model/ Condition. Help underprivileged children Outreach Center. 1-800-8836399 WANTED JAPANESE MOTORCYCLES KAWASAKI,1970-1980, Z1-900, KZ900, KZ1000, H2-750, H1-500, S1-250, S2-250, S2-350, S3-400. CASH PAID. 1-800-7721142. 1-310-721-0726.

AAAA ** DONATION Donate your Car Boat or Real Estate. IRS Tax Deductible. Free Pick-up/Tow. Any Model/Condition. Help Under Privileged Children. Outreach Center. 1-800-928-7566 DONATE YOUR CAR- Help families in need! Fair Market Value Tax Deduction Possible Through Love Inc. Free towing. Non-runners OK. Call for details. 800-549-2791 DONATE YOUR CAR. FREE TOWING. “Cars for Kids”.Any condition. Tax deductible Outreach Center. 1-800-597-9411

BOATS (2) DAGGER Blackwater 11.5 Kayaks, drop skeg, adjustable seat/foot rests, dry storage, $475 each, lightly used. Michele 518-5691829.




$ $

5 450

‘94 OLDSMOBILE SS V6, Auto, Leather, Loaded, Unbelievable Condition Inside & Out. Runs Like New!



4x4, 98K, V6, Auto, Loaded, Renegade Edition, Looks Sharp!

V6, Auto, CD/Cass., 7 Passenger, 120K Miles, Runs Great

V10 Magnum, CD Player/Cassette, Loaded, V/Plow, 96K




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SATURDAY July 25, 2009


Need an auto? Need someone to take that auto off your hands?

Find what you’re looking for here!


14’ FIBERGLASS Boat w/trailer and three 7 1/2 H.P. Scott Atwater O.B. Motors #1250.00 O.B.R.O. 518-891-6791


2HP EVINRUDE motor. Good for rowboat or dinghy. Needs tune-up. $150.00 (518) 5436083

14’ ALUMINUM Boat w/trailer $250.00. 518532-0238 1998 SUNCRUISER 24’ Pontoon, 40HP Evenrude motor, tilt trim, w/oil inject. Shorelander trailer, seldomly used, excellent condition $6500. 518-546-7913 BODSHARE1 ON SNAP107361:CLASSIFIED HEADERS DO NOT TOUCH:CLASSIFIED HEADERS EPS 1996 AMERICAN 14.6 DAYSAILER includes boat, Dacron sails and 700 lb rated galvanized trailer with mast stanchion, winch and new tires. Boat length 14’6”, beam 6’2”, sail area (main & jib)112 sq ft, mast hgt above water 20’6”, hull weight 340 lbs, cockpit depth 23”, centerboard depth 42”, motor bracket for 4 HP $3995.00 (315) 848-2460 EARLY MODEL Yellow Hull Hobie Cat with trailer $500.00 OBO, good condition, buyer must pick up from Essex, NY location. Call 703-431-4993 or SOLID BRASS propellors. Right and left. Mint. 19 inches diam. 3 blade (518) 597-3932

CARS FOR SALE 1989 MUSTANG GT 59,000 miles, No rust, $5,800 OBO. 518-293-7041

2002 SUBARU Impreza Sport Outback, 100,000 miles, air, cruise, well maintained, slightly dented fender & small dent on hood, $5500. 518-643-7057 or 518-643-2830.


FOR SALE Parts car 1993, Nissan Sentra, auto two door $300. Call 518-524-6030

1970 RUPP Snow Sport 340 Sprint, good shape, seat ripped, runs good, $350.00 OBO. 518-942-5278

VOLVOS 1989, 1987 repair or for parts $400 both. 518-642-0561


FARM EQUIPMENT POST HOLE Digger - Woods, 3pt., 18” Auger, $1400, new $700 OBO. 518-5769265

HEAVY EQUIPMENT JD 510 B Turbo - backhoe/loader, enclosed cab, 2wd, 5850 hrs., $11,900 OBO. 518-5769265

MOTORCYCLE/ ATV 1975 XLCH Sportster Harley Davidson w/elec & kick start, runs, 95% complete, $2200, Bill 518-420-3701. 2001 HONDA Shadow 750CC, 25,000 miles, excellent condition, windshield, saddlebags, custom seat, looks, sounds like a Harley, Silver, $3,300. 518-523-3253 HARLEY DAVIDSON 2003 100 yr. Anniversary, Screaming Eagle package, 3500 miles, $6800 518-524-6728


REC VEHICLES SALES/RENTALS 1983 MIDAS Class C Motorhome w/32k 2 owner miles, Ford Econoline chassis, good cond., $3995, Bill 518-420-3701.


1999 YAMAHA 250 Bear tracker ATV, runs great, 2 new rear tires $499.00. 518-5973593

‘Specializing in, but not limited to, the SUBARU brand’

‘ 96 SHADOW Cruiser 25’ , 5th wheel camper w/hitch $3500 518-576-4252


DONATE A Car Today To Help Children And Their Families Suffering From Cancer. Free Towing. Tax Deductible. Children’ s Cancer Fund of America, Inc. 1-800469-8593 DONATE A CAR HELP CHILDREN FIGHTING DIABETES. Fast, Free Towing. Call 7 days/week. Non-Runner OK. Tax Deductible. Call Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation 1-800-578-0408

TRUCK OR VAN FOR SALE 1989 FORD 150 truck, needs brake work $1,300. 518-547-9499 2000 DODGE 4WD extended cab pickup with bedliner, cap and tool box, 102,000 miles, runs great. $3700. 518-359-3732 2007 FREIGHT Liner 70” Mid rise 515 Detroit, 18spd., 146 front, 46 rears, full lock, 2yr., 200,000 warranty, Asking $64000. 518483-3229 GMC 2001 Sonoma pick-up, from North Carolina, very clean, no rust $3000. 704-6994001

In the market for a job? See the areas best in the classified columns. To place an ad, Call



‘06 Subaru Legacy 2.5i

‘01 Subaru Forester

‘07 Chevy V-6


Loaded, Moonroof, Automatic, 68K

5 Speed, A/C, Cruise, PW, PL, 165K

Loaded! This car is as good as a new one. 19K

(802) 660-0838 (888) 9 WRENCH









‘09 Single Car Hauler 4 Wheel Brakes, 18’, Elec. Power Tilt $4,400

‘08 Landscaping Trailer


‘03 Chevy Silverado ‘01 GMC Van 5.7, V8, A/C, 169K, Runs Well

16’, Brand New $3,200



5.3L V8, Auto, Loaded, New Tires, New Brakes, 95K Miles Well Under Book At $


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*When you have tune-up work performed at a participating Parts Plus Car Care Center. Offer expires July 31, 2009




Marble Valley Regional Transit District (MVRTD) “The Bus” is seeking bids on the following vehicles:

2 1999 Ford Diesel High top vans 2 2000 Ford Diesel High top vans Front and Rear A/C and Heat, fleet owned and maintained, inspected and in use, all approximately 100,000 miles All vehicles are sold as is, no representation is implied as to condition or road worthiness. MVRTD reserves the sole right to accept or reject any or all bids. Purchaser is responsible for and assures the removal of identifying logos and decals. Bids shall include a unit price per vehicle. For further information and inspection of vehicles, please stop at MVRTD, 158 Spruce Street, Rutland, VT or call Benny Hughes at 802-773-3244 ext. 119. Sealed bids shall be submitted on a Bid Sheet, provided by MVRTD, to MVRTD, 158 Spruce Street, Rutland, VT 05701 no later than 3:00 p.m. August 5, 2009. MVRTD is an equal opportunity employer and a drug free workplace.


SATURDAY July 25, 2009

‘09 Chevrolet Cobalt Coupe MSRP Supplier Disc. GM Rebate $ SALE PRICE

$16,200 Equipped with: $537 4 Cyl., AC, PS, $2,500 PB,SpoiCD,lerMats, and


More. Stock#091004

‘09 Chevrolet Malibu LS MSRP Supplier Disc. GM Rebate $ SALE PRICE

$22,555 Equipped with: $791 4 Cyl., AT, AC, $2,000 PS, PB, PL, Tilt,


Cruise, CD Stock#091079


‘09 Pontiac G6 Sedan MSRP Supplier Disc. GM Rebate $ SALE PRICE

$23,200 Equipped with: $1,036 4 Cyl., AT, AC, $4,000 PS, PB, PL, PW,


Tilt, Cruise, CD Stock#092018

‘09 Buick LaCrosse CX MSRP Supplier Disc. GM Rebate $ SALE PRICE

‘09 Buick Enclave CXL AWD MSRP $44,250 Supplier Disc. $2,715 Christopher Disc. $3,000 GM Rebate $2,250 $ SALE PRICE


Equipped with: V6, AT, AC, PS, PB, PL, PW, Tilt, Cruise, CD, Leather, Loaded Stock#094004

$27,335 Equipped with: $1,074 V6, AT, AC, PS, $3,000 PB, PL, PW, Tilt,


Cruise, CD Stock#094011

‘09 Chevrolet Silverado Ext Cab


$34,315 Equipped with: $2,506 V8, AT, AC, PS, $4,000 PL, PW, Tilt,


Cruise, CD, TRL Pkg., LTI Pkg. Stock#097083

Christopher’s Pre-Owned Pre-Owned Showcase Showcase Christopher’s Gas Savings Savings Gas 2007 CHEVY AVEO #1300, 5 SPD, Red, 25K............................................................$5,988 2005 PONTIAC VIBE #092016A, AT, CD, PS, PB, 60K............................................$10,822 2007 HONDA FIT SPORT #097129A, AT, AC, CD, 24K............................................$14,285 2006 HONDA CIVIC #092029A, AT, 1 OWNER, LOW MILES..................................$12,877 2009 CHEVY MALIBU #1302, GY, 18K, LIKE NEW.................................................$16,232

Trucks Trucks 2007 CHEVY SILVERADO #1310, EXT, 4X4, 45K, MINT!.........................................$21,488 2005 CHEVY COLORADO #092028A, CREW, 1 OWNER, LIKE NEW, 27K..............$17,548 2006 CHEVY SILVERADO #097121A, GY, CREW, 1500, AT, 4X4.............................$21,677 2007 GMC YUKON #097122A, WH, 4X4, AT, ONE OWNER, 63K...........................$22,222 2007 DODGE NITRO #101000A, MRN, ONE OWNER, LOADED, 46K....................$15,988

July Special... 2006 CHEVY IMPALA #091036A, GRAY, AT, AC, 46K

$11,995 July Special... 2005 CHEVY SILVERADO 2500 EXT, 4X4, MRN, 37K




SATURDAY July 25, 2009

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