Happy birthday
Shoreham celebrates 250th birthday with a special event.
Rusty factors in the wind chill on a hot summer day.
Serving Addison and Chittenden Counties
Sept. 17, 2011
MONTPELIER — The Vermont Agency of Agriculture and Department of Health want consumers to know that many of Vermont’s fruit and vegetable farms wer e untouched by flood waters from Tropical Storm Ir ene, and V ermonters should still support their local farms and farmers’ markets, officials said Sept. 8. Farms that wer e inundated with flood waters from rivers and str eams have been informed of the Food a nd D rug Administration (FDA) guidance that crops in which the edible portion has come in contact with flood waters are considered to be adulterated. These cr ops ar e not to be offered for sale or consumed. Vermont farmers are aware that if these adulterated pr oducts reach the marketplace they could be subject to regulatory action from the FDA or the State of Vermont. “We are confident in our farmer ’s ability to make informed decisions that will not threaten their business or the health of their community ,” said Agriculture Secr etary Chuck Ross. “If you have questions about any food you buy locally , talk with the farmer or the market. This is another advantage of doing business with local farmers.” “Buying and eating fresh local fr uit and vegetables that wer en’t touched by flooding is a healthy action that I encourage V ermonters to take now more than ever,” said Health Commissioner Harry Chen, MD. There are many ways to support Vermont farmers: •Shop at your local farmers’ market and farm stand. •Continue to support your CSA farm during this time of need. see VERMONT FOOD, page 12
See page 4
See page 3
Vermont’s food system moving beyond Irene
Take one
Arts Walk highlights performers MIDDLEBURY — The Middlebury Arts Walk held Sept. 9 featur ed live music, performances and exhibits at 35 locations. Magician Christopher Bolter per formed at Triangle Park at the junction of M ain S treet an d M erchants Row. “I’m unlike any other magician and childr en's entertainer that you will ever see,” he said before the event. “W ith my gut wr enchingly hysterical comedy magic and balloon show, you will see things that will surprise and delight you.” The Middlebury Community House hosted T im “TJ” Johnston, who has been a fixtur e on the local music scene for the past 25 years. This was the debut performance of TJ and His Imaginary Friends, in which he mixed cr eative musical looping and improvisation with the blues, folk, and jazz traditions. Live bluegrass music was heard in the courtyar d between Stone Leaf Teahouse and American Flatbr ead with the Scheme Dr eamers featur e Caleb Elder , Ben Campbell, and Tyler Bolles. see ARTS WALK, page 11
Arts Walk
Magic Christopher Bolter works his magic with children during the Sept. 9 Arts Walk in Middlebury. Photo provided
Sanders spends Labor Day eve in Middlebury Senator outlines jobs plan
U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.)
MIDDLEBURY — Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) spent his Labor Day evening at a union rally here at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church. Three days befor e Pr esident Barack Obama detailed h is j obs p lan on n ational t elevision, Sanders announced his own jobs plan at the Sept. 5 union event, which was sponsored by the Vermont Workers’ Center , Vermont AFLCIO, V ermont-National Education Association, and V ermont State Employees Association. On Sept. 7, Sanders of ficially r eleased his jobs plan to the media, calling for putting Americans back to work thr ough a series of bold measur es that include r ebuilding the country’s crumbling infrastructure. As part of a four-point plan to jumpstart the economy, Sanders also said the federal government should do mor e to help cash-strapped states and local governments that have been
forced to furlough teachers, firefighters, police officers and other workers. He advocated transforming our ener gy system with job-cr eating investments in r enewable and sustainable energy sources. And he called on Congre ss to reconsider so-called free-trade policies that have decimated manufacturing in the United States. “While everyone understands that we have got to reduce the deficit, the number one challenge America faces right now is a jobs crisis,” Sanders said, noting that 25 millionAmericans, 16 percent of the workforce, are today either unemployed or underemployed. “Creating the millions of new jobs that we desperately need is not only vitally important to our economy but will be the means by which we reduce the deficit over the long term.” The centerpiece of Sanders’ plan for putting millions of Americans back to work is his call for infrastructure investment. see SANDERS, page 11
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September 17, 2011
Hunters looking forward to deer season MONTPELIER — Hunters are enthusiastic about V ermont’s upcoming Oct. 1-23 and Dec. 3-1 1 ar chery deer hunting season, accor ding to the V ermont Fish and Wildlife Department. New in 2011, a hunter may take up to three deer in Vermont’s archery season with three ar chery licenses. No more than one of the deer taken during archery season may be a legal buck. No antlerless deer may be taken in W ildlife Management Unit (WMU) E, wher e antlerless deer hunting is prohibited in 2011. In Vermont a hunter may take up to three deer in a calendar year in any combination of seasons (Ar chery, Youth Weekend, November Rifle Season, December Muzzleloader). Of these, only two may be legal bucks, and only one buck may be taken in each season. A “legal buck” is a deer with at least one antler having two or mor e point s one inch or longer. All three deer in the annual bag limit may be antlerless deer. In or der to pur chase an archery license, the hunter must show a certificate of
satisfactorily completing a bow hunter education course, or show a pr evious or curr ent bow hunting license from any state or Canadian p rovince, o r s ign an af fidavit that they have previously held an ar chery license. Hunters must have a standard h unting l icense i n or der to pur chase an add-on archery deer hunting license, except that nonr esidents may pur chase an "archery only deer license" costing just $75. Shooting hours ar e onehalf h our b efore s unrise t o one-half hour after sunset. Tree stands and gr ound blinds may only be built or used if the hunter has landowner permission. This includes portable as well as permanent stands and blinds. A hunter constr ucting or using a stand or blind must permanently mark his or her name and addr ess on it so that it may be c onveniently and easily r ead. Landowners ar e exempted from this requirement. On Vermont State Wildlife Management Areas, it is illegal to use nails, bolts or screws, including scr ew-in
climbing steps, or wir e, chain or other material that penetrates through the bark. Because additional r estrictions apply, hunters are urged to read the entire law governing the use of stands and blinds on page 24 of the “2011 V ermont Guide to Hunting, Fishing & T rapping,” which is available online and wher e licenses ar e sold. Hunters who are planning their first V ermont ar chery deer hunting trip or who are looking for new hunting areas should get a copy of two publications, both available on Fish & Wildlife’s website ( under Hunting & Trapping and then “Big Game.” The 2010 White-tailed Deer Harvest Report, gives the number of deer taken in each town in ar chery, rifle and muzzleloader deer hunting seasons. V ermont’s Archery Deer Regulations 2011, pr ovides the ar chery season rules. Vermont hunting and archery licenses may be purchased on Fish and Wildlife’s website ( For mor e information, contact V ermont Fish and Wildlife by phone at 802241-3700, or by Email at ( . Find That ‘New To You’ Vehicle In The Eagle Classifieds!
Addison County HOPE provides assistance to many local families. North Ferrisburgh children donated jars which will be used for homemade soups and sauces. Parents of the students delivered the jars and toured HOPE’s facilities and vegetable garden.
Local students help HOPE By Lou Varricchio FERRISBURGH — Students enrolled in the North Ferrisburgh Chur ch V acation Bible School earlier this summer adopted Addison County HOPE, a local organization that helps hundreds of needy families, as a special cause. At the Bible school, children br ought glass jars, caught and r eleased fir e-
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Void is a local r esident who graduated fr om Mt. Abe High School. DeVoid said she is managing a gar den and collecting donations from Addison County farmers. She cooked up healthy, vegetable soups so that HOPE’s clients, in need o f f ood, a re r eceiving something healthier than canned and boxed items. The homemade soups ar e distributed using the donated glass jars. Donated jars and lids, along with other items, will help H OPE's m ission to r educe the effects of poverty in Addison County by pr oviding r esidents with emergency, basic, and enrichment programs delivered in “an atmospher e of r ecognition and respect.”
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flies, and then donated the jars to HOPE. Families of the students helped deliver the jars to HOPE. “We saw HOPE’s food shelf, garden and thrift store,” said a par ent who wished to r emain anonymous. “The childr en got to see wher e their donations went and we wer e all impressed with the many cr eative things HOPE is doing to help people help themselves.” HOPE, located at 282 Boardman St. in Middlebury, uses donated glass jars to divide bulk donations of items such as local apple sauce and soup. This year , HOPE welcomed a summer college intern fr om Middlebury College, Courtney DeV oid. De-
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September 17, 2011
The Eagle - 3
Shoreham celebrates 250th birthday
Fort Ticonderoga Ferry Capt. Terry Norris and owner Michael Matot helped transport visitors safely across Lake Champlain to attend Shoreham 250th Anniversary Festival. The historic ferry was the scene of a Chrysler automobile commercial filmed aboard Aug. 30. Photo by Lou Varricchio
SHOREHAM — Shoreham’s Happy Birthday to Us Festival was held Sept. 2-3 and had literally something for everyone—from lawn tractor pulls, food, face-painting, sales, street dancing, classic cars, poker, a parade, and a visit fr om the schooner “Lois McClure.” The unsung hero of the festival was Shoreham’s famous Fort T iconderoga Ferry at Larabee’s Point on lake Champlain. Operators shuttled tourists safely across the lake to the festival. The tug and bar ge ferry, the oldest
Vt. launches fall foliage tourism campaign cations campaign to highlight the accessibility of Vermont and that most areas of Vermont ar e r eady to pr ovide the inspirational foliage experience the state is known for. “While V ermont continues to work diligently to revitalize ar eas impacted, Gov. Shumlin and Lt. Gov . Scott have tasked us with doing everything we can to communicate that, with a few exceptions, our communities—and their inns, bed and br eakfasts, attractions,
restaurants and r esorts — are open for business and that, without exception, our foliage season is going to be spectacular,” said Steve Cook, deputy commissioner of tourism. “We want people to know that Vermont is open for business, we ar e r eady to welcome visitors for our spectacular fall foliage, and there are a ton of memorable things to do and see her e in the Gr een Mountain State,” said Vicky Tebbetts, vice president of the V ermont
Chamber of Commerce. The t ask f orce e xpects t o launch the first element of its effort Friday and sustain the campaign thr ough foliage season. For example, in addition to traditional media, and given the significant r ole that social media and user -generated content have played in the r esponse to Irene, this task force will make extensive and innovative use of grassr oots social media outlets that will allow Vermonters and visitors alike to actively participate in the campaign.
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MONTPELIER — Adding another dimension to its inspirational r esponse to Irene, the state of V ermont Sept. 9 announced a multidisciplinary task for ce charged with r estoring tourism, and the vital economic activity it generates, during the state’s celebrated fall foliage season. Composed of r epresentatives fr om the V ermont Chamber of Commerce, Vermont Ski Areas Association, Vermont Agency of T ransportation, Vermont Department of For est Parks and Recreation, Vermont-based communications firms HMC2 and Hen House Media and state tourism of ficials, the task for ce will use a compr ehensive communi-
from the Territory of Washington. •Silas H. Jennison, 14th governor of Vermont. •Augustus C. Hand, lawyer and justice of the New York Supreme Court. •Levi P. Morton, U.S. congr essman from New York and the 22nd vice pre sident of the U.S. •Ebenezer J. Ormsbee, 41st governor of Vermont. •Charles Rich, U.S. congressman. •Thomas Rowley , poet known as “The Bard of the Green Mountains.” •Joel Turrill, U.S. congressman from New York. The town ended the weekend party with a large fireworks display.
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operating service of its kind in America, was the setting for a film cr ew shooting a Chrysler automobile television commercial last week. The film will appear on national television this autumn. Several notable sons called Shor eham home since the 1700s: •Ansel Briggs, first governor of Iowa. •John Smith Chipman, lawyer and politician from Michigan. •Columbus Delano, U.S. Secr etary of the Interior. •Richard G. Desautels, American POW held by North Korea and China. •Selucius Garfielde, U.S. delegate
By Lou Varricchio
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A day we’ll never forget, part 2
here are few words that can console those who experienced the devastation of the tropical storm remnants of Hurricane Irene Aug. 28 in Vermont. While many of us expect government and emergency services to be ther e for us in a time of crisis, we don’t have to wait to start r ebuilding our shatter ed communities. The path to r econstruction begins with you and me. Take a look at Brandon, a community seriously damaged by flash flooding of the Neshobe River. Don’t think that Brandon r esidents ar e going to walk through the next few months in a fog of despair and hopelessness. Its residents are too tough, too creative not to make something better out of being dealt a very bad hand. Historic downtown Brandon took the brunt of the Aug. 28 flooding. And it is very likely that many of its iconic buildings, such as the Briggs Carriage House, may have to be demolished because they are structurally unsafe. That’s why it was so inspiring to me to see Brandonites take char ge of the fate dealt them by a cold, cruel cosmos. A concert on the Brandon Gr een held Sept. 2—sponsored by Jim Leary, Esq., and Nancy Leary Design—introduced one way that will help rebuild Brandon quickly. It’s called the Brand-Aid Fund. The Brandon Area Chamber of Commerce established the Brand-Aid Fund to help members of the local business community r ebuild shatter ed lives and commerce. Since small businesses are the engines of small towns like Brandon, it
makes perfect sense to start close to home—in the vital downtown area. The intent of Brandon’s recovery fund, according to the Learys, is to assist businesses trying to r eopen after the Ir ene flood. It took a lot of courage for the Learys to be forthcoming in a time of crisis; at the time of this writing, the couple’s own house is curr ently surr ounded by water . The pair have been getting to and fr om their Brandon house via canoe, then bicycling into town to help with the downtown cleanup. So, how can we help? Well, every penny donated to Brand-Aid will be disbursed to local people, according to Leary. To donate online, see: The Vermont Chapter of the Red Cr oss and the Vermont Disaster Relief Fund need funds, too. Also, to volunteer close to home, check out Also, check out “I am Vermont Strong”, a rapidly gr owing Facebook page cr eated by a young Rutland resident. T-shirts and other items sold here will help rebuild the Rutland area. Let’s step up and help our V ermont neighbors. W e can r ebuild a better , stronger V ermont. Thr ough adversity comes new strength and vision. Back in 1901, British editor and journalist John Churton Collins said, “In pro sperity, our friends know us; in adversity , we know our friends.” His word s have special meaning now. Lou Varricchio
Post-flood hazards rarely linked to increase in illness MONTPELIER — V ermont Department of Health officials said Sept. 12 that they have not seen an increase in gastr ointestinal or respiratory illnesses since Tropical Storm Irene hit Vermont on Aug. 28. “We do anticipate ther e will be sporadic or individual cases of respiratory and
gastrointestinal illness, but we rar ely see outbr eaks of these types of illnesses in the wake of flooding in the United States,” said Health Commissioner Harry Chen, MD. Typically in the United States, Dr. Chen said, about half of the hazar ds after a flood ar e r elated to injuries rather than illness , such as
EdwardCoats Mark Brady LouVarricchio BilliePreston DentonPublications Production Team EDITORIAL WRITERS Martin Harris John McClaughry LouVarricchio
MARKETING CONSULTANTS Tom Bahre • Roxanna Emilo • Heidi Littlefield Jill Ludwig • Leslie Ross CONTRIBUTORS Angela DeBlasio • Rusty DeWees • Alice Dubenetsky Joe Milliken • Catherine Oliverio • Fred Pockette Beth Schaeffer • Dan Wolfe
New Market Press, Inc., 16 Creek Rd., Suite 5A, Middlebury, Vermont 05753 Phone: 802-388-6397 • Fax: 802-388-6399 • Members of: CPNE (Community Papers of New England) IFPA (Independent Free Papers of America) • AFCP (Association of Free Community Papers) One of Vermont’s Most Read Weekly Newspapers Winner of FCPNE and AFCP News Graphic Design Awards ©2011. New Market Press, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or part without written permission of the publisher. Editorial comments, news, press releases, letters to the editor and items of interest are welcome. Please include: name, address and phone number for verification. Subscriptions: All New Market Press publications are available for a subscription $37 per year; $24 six months. First Class Subscription: $200/year. Subscriptions may also be purchased at our web site New Market Press, Inc. and its advertisers are not liable for typographical errors, misprints or other misinformation made in a good faith effort to produce an accurate weekly newspaper. The opinions expressed by the editorial page editor and guest columnists are not necessarily those of New Market Press, and New Market Press cannot be held liable for the facts or opinions stated therein.
September 17, 2011
injuries fr om power tools, slips and falls, electrocution and carbon monoxide exposure. For more information, including a link to the nearest Health Department district office and guidance on safe clean up of flood sediment and soil, visit
The K-12 university notion
ne place where the over used marketing phrase “back by popular demand” is literally true is in the reprinting, after 125 years, of the McGuffey’s Eclectic Readers series. The new editions are being bought primarily by homeschoolers, who don’t like the quality of r eading instr uction in the public schools. McGuffey’s deliver ed step-by-step literacy—letter recognition, pr onunciation, short sentences, longer ones—in a framework which, in the backgr ound, simultaneously taught young preliterates the basics of civil responsibility and behavior. Similarly back in print after a near 30-year hiatus is the Dick and Jane basal r eader series, new to the public classr ooms when your Humble Scribe first enter ed them, using a full-wor d-recognition (as opposed to phonics) method which came into disfavor during the 1970s. My g eneration d idn’t n eed t o u se t hem much; we had all been pr e-K’d by our parents on such children’s books as “Little Tim and the Brave Sea Captain” and arrived in school maybe as little semi-savages, but also as semi-literate ones. This is also similar for basic math. In a nearly-full 36 nailed-to-the-floor in seatand-desk rows classroom, I can’t remember a classmate who hadn’t arrived knowing all 36 letters and numbers and the beginnings of how to use them. Once we arrived, our teachers did the est. r That isn’t the case today. No one, not even the pedagogical experts, recognize why a public education system which once functioned so well (and so fr ugally, to boot) now doesn’t. When your Humble Scribe was in grade school, the NAEP achievement tests and the “proficiency” label wer e still decades into the future, but weren’t needed. Instead, every school had end-of-year grade-promotion t ests a nd a ny o f u s w ho didn’t pass wouldn’t be. I recall but one instance of the disgrace of being “left back” in those years, and that miscreant re-joined us halfway through the next grade, somehow. Today, national averages show that about 2/3 of our descendants don’t make “pr ofi-
cient” but make pr omotion anyway, and the average federal Grade 4 and 8 r eading and math test scor es are in t he l ow 2 00s o ut o f 5 00, which explains why all states (except Nebraska) have pur chased, deployed and report the results of such easier tests as (in V ermont) NSRE, NECAP , and a new one yet to be selected. These preferred tests seem to show not 2/3 non-pr oficiency but 2/3 proficiency results. But the stats, like the experts, don’t answer the “why” question. Set aside the SWWL question—in my grade-school days—students who wouldn’t learn wouldn’t have been allowed to stay for long in our classrooms; therefore such types were never there to disrupt the rest of us. Set aside the teacher -competency question because the early grades competencies are so easy even par ents can teach them— even if not all of us can follow up with later-grade subjunctive mood or pr e-calculus explanations. What’s left is that modern educators have chosen to r everse the McGuf fey’s and Dick and Jane model which put major emphasis on l iteracy a nd n umeracy a nd o nly m inor emphasis on socialization expectations. In the upper south r egion of the U.S., as well as elsewhere across the country, public schools are recruiting volunteer adults, all of whom in earlier decades became fairly pr oficient in math and reading. These folks are needed to tutor the 2/3 of grade schoolers who (in your Humble Scribe’s opinion) now aren’t proficient. The K-12 schools are emphatically not recruiting non-volunteers—parents or taxpayers—who wish to sit in on a class to see and hear what’s actually being taught. Such intrusions, once accepted although rar e, ar e now mostly prohibited. Even so, the prevalent instruction emphasis can be gauged fr om three sources: first, of course, the pr oven inability of most grade-schoolers to handle basic reading and math, as shown by achievement tests; second, the classr oom-activity accounts brought home from school by students; and third, the inevitable reaction, exemplified by the fairly speedy adoption of a new set of see MARTIN HARRIS, page 13
Divorced father of three has his kids on the weekend, takes them to the cr eemee stand, said, “How much ar e medium creemees?” “Oh they’r e $1.60, but for your child support paying ass they’re going to seem like $5.25.” t’s going to be zero degrees. “But with the windchill Wind chill factor attitude’s making us all soft. it’s going to be 20 degrees below.” Alright Weather Man, it’s going to be 80 degrees, but with the sun it’s gonna feel like 91. But I’m a fast walker, so, now It can’t be that. you know what you gotta do? Now you gotta factor in the It can be zer o degrees and wicked windy . But it can’t be zero degrees, but with the wind really 20 degrees below. It’s friggin wind-chill. You gonna do that for me wise guy who went to a crappy college that had a pr etty good meteorolostill zero degrees.” gist department? You gonna do that for me, That line is some of the material I wr ote for huh? 80 degrees but with the sun 91 with a 5 my first comedy show . It worked for most mile an hour walkin pace? T ell me weather folks. It was a line that was a bit funny , while man, just how gol danged warm am I gonna at the same time made you think a little to unfeel today? derstand. And if I’m a slurpie-swillin’, winter -jackAfter that passage I’d continue: “They et-wearin’-in-the-summer poor guy walking don’t say, ‘It’s going to be 80 degr ees, but 5 miles an hour on a sunny 80 degr ee day, with the Sun it’s going to be 120.’” there ain’t no gol darn computer modelin in That line worked very well as what I call a the wo rld’s g onna te ll y ou h ow w arm I ’m capper, a medium to low funny line that is gonna feel, is ther e weather man? Admit it, meant to be a throwaway that caps a thought you can’t r eally for ecast the weather any or topic, in such a way as to allow momenmore sure than I can tell you Sarah Palin and tum be picked back up after a very str ong Michelle Bachman ain’t got peckers. think-about line. So I’ll let you of f the hook weatherman. If That capper line made sense 10 or 12 years I’m standing in the sun, I know I’ll feel ago, but not anymore, because now they do warmer. Standing in the wind, cooler . And say that. “They” being the weather folks. now they do say , gol darn it to heck I ain’t no genius weather man, but if I’m “It’s going to be 80 degr ees, but with the sun it’s going to standin in the rain, I’m going to feel wetter . These things I feel like 91.” Now how the hang do they know how warm know. I’ll feel? Tell me something I don’t know weather man; I don’t care I might be a r edneck who just com e fr om Cumberland what town or state I'm in, but at the super market when the Farms where I’d just loaded up a big, huge plastic jug full lost cat posters are girl cats who are black with a little bit of of Coca Cola slurpie. That’s why them poor r edneck kids walk around in winter jackets during the summer —their gol white under their chin, why are they always named Chloe? darn gullets are so full of slurpie, they’re walking around Is it because all black girls cats with a little bit of white under their chins ar e named Chloe? Or is it that same cat just friggin’ hypo gol darn thermick. Wind-chill factor, cripes. I wish we’d all just let things be keeps getting lost? what they’re going to be. Rusty DeWees tours Vermont and Northern New Y ork with his act Pretty soon teachers will be handing out tests, “Class to“The Logger .” His column appears weekly . Reach him at day’s test is 25 questions, all multiple choice, but for you five dumb Republicans in the back they’re going to seem like fill- in-the-blank.”
The wind chill factor
September 17, 2011
The Eagle - 5
Group helps Addison County ‘go solar’ MIDDLEBURY — In just five weeks since the pr ogram launched, Solar Addison County has already doubled the number of homes with solar hot water in the county . Before the pr ogram launched, ther e were just 17 systems in place. As of the end of August, the pr ogram has alr eady helped 17 new families go solar. This program is conducted by VPIRG, the state’s largest consumer and envir onmental pr otection or ganization in partnership with Sunwar d, a V ergennes-based solar hot water system manufacturer. Solar Addison County organizes folks who have wanted to go solar , but needed help figuring out the vendors, equipment, financing and permitting. This pr ogram cr eates a volume of customers, in close pr oximity that pr ovides r eal ef ficiencies for the installers to bunch their site visits and installations. This volume and efficiency translates into an 18 percent discount. With the discounted price, government incentives and discounted financing—homeowners ar e now able to heat their water with the sun for a low monthly payment that costs about the same as what they’re paying now in expensive electricity or dirty fossil fuels. Additionally, they will be insulated from future energy rate hikes. In the previous decade, there had been just 13 solar hot water installations. Over the course of four months, 80 families have gone solar through the Montpelier program.
Birth Notices •A boy born Aug. 24, Austin Conrad Rheaume, to Steve and Kaitlin (Mannigan) Rheaume of Cornwall. •A boy born Aug. 27, Brayden Stephen Strong, to Geoff and Amy (LaBonte) Strong of Brandon. •A boy born Aug. 27, Richar d Lee W illey, to Glen and Carrie (Davis) Willey of Castleton. To submit birth announcements, please call 802-388-6397 or email at
Death Notice
Mark Edward Lyman March 1, 1957 - Aug. 28, 2011 SHOREHAM — Mark Edward Lyman of Shoreham died at his home Aug. 28, 201 1 with his devoted wife W endy Ann Durkee by his side. He was born Mar ch 1, 1957 in Greenfield, Mass.
Fran Bull’s Gallery in the Field in Brandon is the scene of much creative activity in the area. Aside from the visual arts, performing artists also make their way to Bull’s inspiring setting. Here Joe Deleault (piano), Don Davis (sax) perform “The Blue Cat Walks the Earth.” File photo
Brandon artist creates a ‘day in the life’ BRANDON — Brandon-based artist Fran Bull isn't shy when it comes to her art. She utilizes both the human and electronic to create dazzling art pieces that loom lar ge. Her eclectic Brandon studio has the setting for visual as well as performing artist. Bull’s latest display at Castleton State College depict a series of drawings executed in a single day inAugust 2011—Aug. 15 to be exact. She cr eative-
ly uses a computer scanner and various enlarging techniques to cr eate lar geformat drawings the inspir e the mind and capture the eye. The pr emise is Bull's cr eation of large-format drawings is to employ computer tools while pr eserving a fresh and intuitive sensibility, she said. Bill’s exhibit — titled “8.15.11” — is on display at the Calvin Coolidge Library’s gallery and lounge at Castleton
State College through Oct. 7. “It was an idea I shared with gallery director Bill Ramage when I showed the Flanders Fields installation,” Bull said. "”Bill, ever the lover of experiments in art, r eplied with the movie classic, ‘Let’s put on a show!’ And so, with some trepidation, here it is.” For gallery hours, contact the Calvin Coolidge Library at 802-468-1266 or visit
Ferrisburgh farm wins ‘Dairy of the Year’
By Lisa Halvorsem
they also added to their land base thr ough the pur chase of an adjacent farm to house their heifers, calves and dry cows. "It was a pur ely economic decision," JD FERRISBURGH — North Ferrisburgh DeVos says. "Going or ganic meant higher dairy farmers J.D. and Cheryl DeV os don't believe that they are doing anything any dif- payments for our milk with less fluctuation in price, which helped offset our debt load." ferently than other successful pr oducers. "Then three years ago the or ganic nationThey pay close attention to her d health and al market became mor e like the market for cow comfort, continually fine-tune their conventional milk," Cheryl DeV os notes. breeding and feeding pr ograms and ar e re"National buyers had a hard time moving all sponsible stewards of the land. And like all good farmers, they are forward-thinking, al- the milk they had, so farmers got less for their milk." ways exploring new options to handle the J.D. adds that in recent years the pay price many challenges farmers face to stay pr offor organic fluid milk has not kept pace with itable. So they were both surprised and humbled the higher production costs of an org anic operation, which led to their decision to bottle when their certified or ganic dairy farm, Kimball Br ook Farm, was named the V er- their own milk. For the past three years they have worked with the Vermont Farm Viabilmont Dairy Farm of the Year for 201 1. The award, one of the highest honors accor ded to ity Enhancement Program, a program of the Vermont Housing and Conservation Boar d dairy farmers in the state, is sponsor ed anand Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food nually by University of Vermont (UVM) Exand Markets, to develop a business plan. tension and the Vermont Dairy Industry AsThey hope to launch Green Mountain Orsociation (VDIA) as part of the New England ganic Creamery in late fall in the former SaGreen Pastures Program. Farmers nominated for the award are eval- puto cheese plant in Hinesbur g, initially committing 20 percent of their milk producuated on a number of criteria including her d, tion--about 2,500 gallons per week--to the crop and pasture management; milk producbottling operation. They'll build sales localtion; conservation practices; agricultural ly, eventually buying from other Vermont orand community leadership; and overall exganic dairy farms as demand for their botcellence in dairying. The top nominees ar e tled milk gr ows. The big pictur e includes a visited by a selection committee consisting line of value-added products such as butter of r epresentatives fr om the V ermont Dairy and ice cream as well as expansion to stores Herd Improvement Association, Dairy Marin the New York and New England region. keting Services, UVM Extension, VDIA and The DeVoses curr ently milk ar ound 220 the previous Vermont Dairy Farm of theYear Holstein, Jersey and Jersey-Holstein cr oss winner. cows, all descendants of the original her d With the honor comes special r ecognition that JD's grandfather established when he at Eastern States Exposition in W . Springmoved his dairy operation fr om Monr oe, field, Mass., in September , and the VDIA banquet at the Vermont Farm Show in Essex New York to this farm in 1968. They have a Junction in January. Green Pastures winners fulltime herd manager, Stephanie Walsh Eirfrom the five other New England states also ing, and four other farm employees. Their animals are housed in freestall barns are honored at Eastern States. with 24-hour access to pasture except during The 900-acre Kimball Br ook Farm, one of milking times in the grazing season fr om the state's lar gest certified or ganic dairy farms, has been in JD's family for more than May thr ough late October . The farmers intensively r otate pastur es, moving fences four decades. They pur chased it fr om his parents, John and Sue DeVos, in 1997 and ran twice daily . While labor -intensive, they it as a traditional dairy until 2005 when they firmly believe that keeping cows on pasture became a certified organic farm. At that time produces cows that are healthier with better muscle tone.
Their ef forts have paid of f. The animals stay in the herd longer and milk quality and production is high. They have earned numerous milk quality awar ds fr om Horizon Organic, where they ship their milk. "It is apparent that the DeVoses pay close attention to detail," says their milk inspector Dave Heitkamp of Dairy Marketing Services, who nominated the farm for this awar d. "This is exhibited by the quality of milk being pr oduced, the condition in which they keep their cows and facilities as well as their desire to be pr ofitable Vermont dairy farmers. They achieve this because they have put best management practices to use on their farm." They milk their cows on a twice-daily milking schedule in a double-eight parallel parlor in the months the cows graze. In winter they increase that to three times daily. "We tend to calve mor e thr ough fall and the early winter months," JD DeV os explains. "With lots of fresh cows, it pays to go to thr ee times a day for milking." Their curr ent rolling herd average is about 18,000 pounds with 4 per cent butterfat and 3.18 per cent protein. They breed all their cows artificially with a Holstein cleanup bull for the low gr oup. Breeding-age heifers are bred to high quality registered Jersey bulls to prevent calving problems. "We're shooting to fr eshen at 22 months," he continues, "with a calving interval of 13.9 months." Calves ar e raised in individual pens and fed cow's milk because no certified or ganic milk r eplacer is available commer cially. Once weaned at three to five months of age, they ar e moved to bedded pack in the heifer/dry cow barn. At six months old, they are pu in outdoor freestalls with easy access to pasture. "The heifers ar e just learning to graze," Cheryl DeVos points out. "This allows us to check on them to make sure they are getting off to the best possible start." The Addison County farmers gr ow all their own feed with 100 acr es of or ganic corn, averaging 15 tons of silage per acr e, and 550 acr es of or ganic hay, averaging 3.5 tons of haylage per acr e. T o supplement
what the cows eat on pastur e, the animals are fed a total mixed ration of corn silage, haylage and grain. Commitment to pr otecting land thr ough sound conservation practices also factors into the evaluation process for selecting the Vermont Dairy Farm of the Year. In recent years the DeVoses have worked closely with the U.S. Department ofAgriculture (USDA) Natural Resour ces Conservation Service (NRCS) and the V ermont Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets to develop a viable conservation plan for their two farms. In addition to putting in laneways and new water systems, they set up a 50-foot stream buffer zone along Lewis Creek, which bisects their pr operty, to keep cows--and manure--out of the waterway that feeds into Lake Champlain. Their plan also requires them to take some of their r egularly flooded land out of pr oduction and plant tr ees in wetter ar eas to protect sensitive land and create more habitat for wildlife. Enrollment in the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program, administered by USDA's Farm ServiceAgency, and the NRCS Environmental Quality Incentives Program, made the impr ovements cost-effective as these pr ograms pr ovide up to 90 percent cost-share assistance. In 2004 the family conserved their land through the Vermont Land Trust, which not only will ensure that the land remains open but will pr otect the riparian ar eas along Lewis Creek as well as the pro perty's unique features including a valley clay plain forest. The latter is an uncommon natural community found only on clay soils in the Champlain Valley. For their strong commitment to environmental stewardship, they were name the Otter Creek Conservation Farmer of the Year in 2010. When asked what his secr et to success is, J.D. ponders for a moment before replying. "Farming is mor e than a business. It's a cliché to say that it's a livelihood. It's never far away from your mind. "You need to keep your eyes open," he says, "and look at things with a different eye to make the right decisions for your farm."
6 - The Eagle
September 17, 2011
Tips for growing bluestars in Vermont By Dr. Leonard Perry
UVM Extension Service While some gardeners may plant bluestars for their blue flowers in early summer, this is one of those rare perennials with thr ee seasons of interest. Once planted, this low maintenance plant needs little attention except to admire its beauty. Bluestars ( Amsonia), native to the south and central U.S, is named for an 18th century V irginia physician and scientific traveler in America, Dr . Charles Amson. So it is appr opriate for native and naturalistic meadow plantings, as well as massed in bor ders or where you want a touch of blue. The blue flowers ar e small (about 1/2-inch wide) and, a s t he n ame i ndicates, star-shaped. They are borne
Amsonia — 'Blue Ice'
in clusters (panicles) at stem ends, in some cases almost covering the plant for about one month in early summer in the north, late spring farther south. This is one of those perennials some refer to as an “instant shr ub.” Arising fr om the gr ound in spring, by summer it cr eates an upright, mounded shrub effect from 2 to 4 feet tall, depending on the species and growing conditions. The long, narr ow fr uit pods (follicles) after bloom also are very attractive. It is one of the few per ennials with very nice fall color—a soft golden yellow. A member of the Dogbane family, related to the per ennial periwinkle ( Vinca) as well as the tr opical frangipani ( Plumeria), bluestars
have a milky sap making them resistant to feeding by deer, other mammals, slugs and snails. Bluestars r equire some cutting back in fall or early spring to a few inches above the ground. Full sun is needed for best growth and if too much fertility , or in too much shade, plants can become leggy . If this is the case, either stake or cut back about half-way after flowering. If in a long season and hot climate, you can cut back then to about 10 inches high. Being tolerant of many conditions, bluestars are low maintenance. Keep any of the bluestars well-water ed for the first season after planting. Once established they can tolerate some drought. Mulching will help conserve soil moisture.
Fertilize lightly, if at all, to avoid leggy gr owth. A dressing of compost ar ound plants in spring may be all this is required. The Downy bluestar ( A. ciliata) and the Ozark bluestar ( A. hubrichtii ) can be found naturally and gr ow well in drier sites. There are about 20 species, but only a handful are available at garden centers and nurseries. The Ozark bluestar, sometimes called Arkansas or threadleaf bluestar, was chosen by pr ofessionals in the Perennial Plant Association as Per ennial of the Year for 2011. Like most bluestars the leaves ar e longer than wide, but the leaves of this species ar e quite narr ow. One common name indicates its origin, found in 1942 in the Ozark mountains of Arkansas by naturalist Leslie Hubricht. It gr ows best i n U SDA z ones 6 t o 8 , sometimes into zone 5. While it can reach 3 feet high and wide in warmer climates, it may be less r obust in cooler climates. The most common bluestar is pr obably the W illow, the species named for German herbalist J.T. Tabernaemontanus. While most bluestars only may gr ow into zone 5, this one is har dy in zones 3 through 9, and is found in moist woodlands. Its flowers ar e slate blue and the leaves wider than other species. Its fr uit pods ar e held upright, unlike some other species whose pods hang down. Eastern bluestar, a variety (salicifolia) of the Willow, has leaves five to 10 times as long as wide, like willow leaves (the species name is similar to the scientific name for willow). Trials of several in this genus at the Chicago Botanic Gar den (zone 5) several years ago r esulted in good ratings for most.
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September 17, 2011
The Eagle - 7
Mt. Abe football looks to compete Groff makes U.S. Olympic team
By Bob Chatfield
MIDDLEBURY — In 2009, a decline in player numbers in the overall pr ogram had Middlebury Union High football moving fr om Division I to Division II. In the following two years , the MUHS Tigers saw those numbers start coming back up. They posted an overall mark of 17-4 and made the Division II playof fs both years including visiting the title game last season. All that has Middlebury joining rivals Mount Mansfield Union, Champlain V alley Union and Colchester High in moving into an expanded 14team Division I in 2011. “My feeling at the time was that we would be in Division II for two years. That with the numbers where they were that was were we needed to be for safety reasons, injuries,” said Head Coach Dennis Smith. “Now with the numbers back up I’m very comfortable playing back in Division I.” The T igers r eturn a veteran senior group lead by the likes of Marshall Hastings, Austin Quesnel, Patrick Foley and Joey Zeno. That gr oup will form the nucleus for a team that has eight players that have seen their share of time starting on both sides of the ball. “A lot of my seniors that I have now were with me as sophomores when we didn’t really have a junior varsity team,” said Smith. “If they didn’t play in the varsity game then they did play in t he j .v. g ame,” a ccording t o S mith. “You go down the list and this whole group has played a big part in our being were we are right now,” Middlebury has two pr eseason tests the last coming with a Fair Haven Union High School football team that is regarded as a power in Division II this coming season. Smith was pleased with the way his
The Middlebury Union High School football looks to make a run in Division I in 2011. Pictured here are Tiger captains Marshall Hastings (left) and Austin Quesnel (right) with Tiger head coach Dennis Smith. Photo by Bob Chatfield
team came through the scrimmage with the slators, noting his first team offense showed the ability to make adjustments on the fly. Defensively, he was pleased with their effort noting that they tried different things in getting r eady to play teams in Division I that will play the spread offense. The Tiger coach admits that he goes into this season not sure what to expect. “Three weeks fr om now I’ll have a better idea, but we haven’t seen these teams for two years now and I don’t know what they have r eturning fr om last year ,” said Smith. “I know that Hartford won the Division I title last year and that Rutland and Essex are al-
ways tough. The thing is that with the new schedule you could play what looks like the toughest slate, but it all depends on who is up and who is down this year.” Smith points to staying healthy as being a big key for this group. While, the Tiger coach has a veteran core that will form the lion share of the starting line-up, the Tigers get young in a hurry after that with a gro up of juniors and sophomores that ar e untested at the varsity level. The T igers will get an early test of how they match up in the Division against host Division I power Essex High School.
MIDDLEBURY — Former M iddlebury C ollege s wimmer Sarah Groff ’04 has earned a spot on the 2012 United States Olympic Triathlon Team. Groff earned the right by being the secondAmerican finisher (seventh overall) at the recently held World Championship Series in London. According to USA Triathlon’s 2012 Olympic qualification criteria, the two highest-placing eligible American athletes could automatically qualify for the 2012 U.S. Olympic Team by placing among the top nine finishers in London. The race was held on the same course pr oposed for use at next year ’s Games. After whittling the lead down to just 25 seconds after six laps of the bike, the chase pack merged with the leaders on the seventh and final lap to send nearly 60 athletes into the r unning portion of the race together . Teammate Gwen Jorgensen exited transition in the back third of that group, but moved her way up to sixth place midway through the run. Jorgensen and Groff were running third and fourth, r espectively, with 2.5k to go, and Jor gensen surged to grab second with a 33:43 closing 10k run. Groff crossed the line in seventh 17 seconds later joining Jorgensen on the U.S. roster for 2012. After dealing with injuries for much of last season, Groff, 29, continued a breakthrough season Saturday with a third top-seven finish on the 2011 WCS circuit. “I wasn’t ready to go (to the Olympics) in 2008, I don’t think, but I was definitely ready this time around,” Groff said. “The past three years have been really tough, lots of ups and downs, so it’s been a long o r ad, and I’m really, really pleased to be there.” “I think the USA has an awesome qualification pro cess,” said Jorgensen. “Sarah Groff and I can now spend the next year training, planning and getting it right so we can peak at the Olympics.” Groff moves to sixth in the World Championship Series rankings, followed by Bennett in seventh. Jorgensen, who earned a $13,000 payday for her r unner-up showing, jumps to 21st following just the second-ever podium finish for an American woman in the thr ee-year-old WCS. Groff was thir d in Kitzbühel on June 19 for the first-ever podium for a U.S. woman. The seven-race WCS is a key pr oving ground for top U.S. triathletes aiming for a spot on the 2012 U.S. Olympic Team. In addition to racing for WCS points, athletes also will be looking to earn points towar d securing a spot for their country at the 2012 Olympic Triathlon in London.
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8 - The Eagle
September 17, 2011
2011 National Farm Safety & Health Week NFS&HW takes place September 18-24, 2011 The theme for 2011 is
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PROGRAMS INCLUDE: • Hazardous materials training • Respiratory protectionp rograms • CPRc lasses • Tractorr oll-over protectionr etrofit programs • Tractorc ertification programs • Combines afety • Confineds paces • Rescuep rocedures (Tractor roll-over, Grain entrapment, Combine, auger extrication,a nd Manure pit rescues) • Ag Family safety and health programs • Ag safety days • Youthp rograms • Trainings eminars tailoredt o specific needs
Each year since 1944, the third week of September has been recognized as National Farm Safety & Health Week. This recognition has been an annual promotion initiated by the National Safety Council and has been proclaimed as such by each sitting U.S. President since Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the first document. Over the years, the development and dissemination of National Farm Safety & Health Week materials has shifted to the National Education Center for Agricultural Safety (NECAS). NECAS is the agricultural partner for NSC and has been serving the agricultural family and business community since 1997. As we recognize National Farm Safety & Health Week this September, please join us in promoting safe and healthy practices on our farms and ranches across the U.S. and in our neighboring countries as producers enter the harvest season. Services - Like any business, agriculture can be financially set back by safety violations, injuries, illnesses and deaths. NECAS offers safety education and proactive programs (listed above) to help prevent incidents that affect your agribusiness safety and welfare. NECAS has also recently developed safety programs specific to the wine production industry.
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September 17, 2011
The Eagle - 9
Sydney Lea named Vermont poet laureate MONTPELIER — The Vermont Arts Council announced Sept. 9 that Gov . Peter Shumlin has appointed Sydney Lea of Newbury as Vermont’s next Poet Laureate to succeed Ruth Stone, whose four -year term ends in 2011. A public ceremony honoring Mr. Lea will be held on Nov. 4 at the Capital Plaza Hotel in Montpelier . The ceremony will be attended by Gov. Shumlin as part of
Dead Creek Wildlife Day set for Oct. 1 ADDISON — The 10th annual Dead Cr eek Wildlife Day in Addison — v oted o ne o f Vermont Chamber of Commer ce’s “Top 10 Fall Events” in 2010 — will be held on Saturday, Oct. 1. Activities at Dead Creek Wildlife Day are especially for people who enjoy hunting, fishing, birdwatching, or learning about Vermont’s diverse wildlife. The event will be held a t t he Vermont F ish and W ildlife Department’s Dead Cr eek Wildlife Management Area (WMA) on Route 17 west of Route 22A. Early risers can begin the day with bird banding demonstrations at 7 a.m. Two large tents at the Dead Cr eek WMA headquarters will open at 9:30 a.m. and feature wildliferelated exhibits and kids’ craft activities such as decoy carving, face painting and building bluebir d boxes. The day’s main a ctivities run from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and include natur e walks, illustrated talks, live wildlife pr esentations, hunting dog demonstrations, fishing and hunting tips, and much more. All events are free, and a free shuttle bus will pr ovide r egular access to nearby field events throughout the day. For mor e information and a schedule of events, call V ermont Fish and Wildlife at (802) 241-3700 or visit their web site: www.vtfishandwildlife.c om/Dead_Creek_Wildlif e_Days.cfm.
an evening celebrating the arts in Vermont. Sydney Lea lives in Newbury and has been a V ermont resident since the early 1990s. He is the pr olific author of a number of collections of poetry , including “Young of the Year” (Four Way Books, 201 1); “Ghost Pain” (Sarabande Books, 2005); “Pursuit of a Wound” (University of Illinois Press, 2000); “T o the Bone: New and S elected P oems” ( University of Illinois Pr ess, 1996); “Prayer for the Little City” (Scribner’s, 1989); “No Sign” (University of Georgia Press, 1987); “The Floating Candles” (University of Illinois Pr ess, 1982), and “Searching the Drowned Man” (University of Illinois Press, 1980). Lea has been described as “a man in the woods with his head full of books, and a man in books with his head full of woods.” Renowned as a pr ose writer as well as poet, he has also published a novel and two books of essays that combine the pr ecision of an active naturalist and ecologist with the er udition of a multilingual professor of literature. His stories, poems, essays and criticism have appeared in The New Yorker, The Atlantic, The New Republic, The New York
Times, Sports Illustrated, Gray’s Sporting Journal, and many other periodicals, as well as in more than forty anthologies. Lea co-founded the literary quarterly New England Review in 1977, oversaw its move to the Bread Loaf Writers Confer ence at Middlebury College, and edited this esteemed journal until 1989. His poetry collections have earned special critical acclaim, with “Pursuit of a Wound” (2000) named one of thr ee finalists for the Pulitzer Prize for poetry. His preceding volume, “T o the Bone: New and Selected Poems,” was co-winner of the 1998 Poets’ Prize, one of the nation’s highest honors for a single collection of poems. Lea has r eceived fellowships fr om the Rockefeller , Fulbright, and Guggenheim Foundations, and has taught at Dartmouth, Yale, W esleyan, Vermont and Middlebury Colleges as well as at Franklin College in Switzerland and the National Hungarian University in Budapest. Lea has also been very active for the past quarter century in land conservation and the pr omotion of literacy. ( ) The Advisory Committee found Sydney Lea’s poetry to be virtuosic in texture and
form, yet likely to be engaging to a diversity of r eaders and listeners because of the work’s dramatic intensity , narrative momentum, and musicality, and because of this poet’s extraor dinarily evocative descriptions of northern New England’s landscapes, animal and plant life, and the seasonal panorama. Thr ough all of his books, Lea has paid particular attention to the stories of generations living alongside one another in north-country villages, including the interactions of “old-timers” and r elative newcomers. He continues the tradition of Vermont poets who are both singular — one of a kind — and broadly accessible. The Vermont P oet L aureate is a person who is a resident of Vermont; whose poetry manifests a high degree of excellence; who has pr oduced a critically acclaimed body of work; and who has a long association with Vermont. The poet being nominated must agr ee to participate from time to time in of ficial ceremonies and r eadings at the V ermont State House and other locations. The poet selected r eceives an honorarium of $1,000 pr ovided by the V ermont Arts Council.
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10 - The Eagle
September 17, 2011
September 17, 2011
The Eagle - 11
Arts Walk from page 1 On the fr ont porch of the Henry Sheldon Museum, local musicians Chris Paine, John W allace and Michael Manley performed a variety of favorite acoustic folk-rock
tunes and some originals. The happy hour at T wo Brothers T avern featur ed The Benoits. Other featured artists during the Sept. 9 Arts Walk included VPR’s Jane Lindholm, who displayed her photographs at Clementine. She is a local journalist and
photographer. “As an adult, I turned my focus away fr om family members’ kneecaps and towards the beautiful landscape of Vermont and the world,” Lindholm said. “My photographic aesthetic is influenced by my career in journalism: my ph otos ca p-
Michael von Loebenstein — a painter, printmaker and educator — poses at the Arts Walk on Sept. 9. Photo provided
Sanders from page 1 “Everyone in Vermont and across the country understands that we can put millions of Americans back to work rebuilding the nation's bridges, r oads, schools, dams, culverts, rail systems and public transportation, among other vital needs,” Sanders said. “We also need to build new infrastructure: every community in the nation needs high speed Internet access, most need new water or sewage plants, and our antiquated electric grid needs to be r edesigned and rebuilt.” Other critical elements of a successful jobs plan would
transform ener gy systems, reform trade policies and help states and local governments. “We must transform our energy system away fr om fossil fuel and into energ y efficiency and sustainable energy. A significant number of jobs can be cr eated thr ough weatherization, and the manufacturing of Americanmade wind turbines, solar panels, and heat pumps,” Sanders said. “We must also make fundamental changes in our trade p olicy so that we r ebuild our manufacturing sector. Corporate America must invest in the United States and stop the outsourcing of jobs to China, V ietnam, and other low-wage
countries.” Under curr ent tax laws, the United States r ewards companies that move manufacturing jobs overseas. “If we ended the absur dity of providing tax breaks to companies that ship jobs overseas, the Joint Tax Committee has estimated that we could raise mor e than $582 billion in r evenue over the next 10 years.” As the president and Congress r efocus on jobs, Sanders said it also is critically important that a new congressional super committee assigned to cut the deficit by $1.5 trillion eliminate those tax br eaks and other tax loopholes for the wealthy and large corporations. He also str essed that he
ture a moment in time without filters or post-pr oduction flourishes.” Mother/daughter author/illustrator Joanne W eber and Kendra Weber Gratton wer e at Bejewelled. “Flabby Rabbit” is a children’s book on which they collaborated to pr oduce a delightful rhyming book. Other highlights of the Arts Walk included: •Two local textile artists, Carrie Herzog and Rachel Ethier, at V ermont’s Own Products •A new exhibit, “The Government Morgan,” at the National M useum o f t he M organ Horse •And an Open House at Otter Cr eek Book’s new location in the Marble W orks, plus vintage fashion artist, Wendy Hollander Now in its third season, Middlebury Arts Walk takes place on the second Friday
of the month, May thr ough October, from 5 to 7 p.m. In many cases the art is on display all month long—not just on the second Friday.All exhibits ar e fr ee and Arts Walk is a family-friendly event. Middlebury Arts Walk now occupies 40 locations each month including
artists’ galleries, stor es, restaurants and museums. In a ddition, m usicians p erform in the town’s outdoor parks whenever possible and weather permitting. The range of work on view includes pa intings, p hotography, performances and crafts.
would oppose any efforts by the super committee to cut Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. Shortly after Pr esident Obama made his job-creation speech to the nation Sept. 8, Sanders issued a statement that r ead, in part, “The question that I will be studying in the coming days is whether the pr esident’s plan goes far enough to address the jobs crisis, and whether ther e is too much emphasis on tax br eaks as opposed to dir ect investment. I also want to take a hard look at what the president means when he talks about ‘r eforming’ Medicar e and Medicaid and what those ‘reforms’ mean to senior citizens and working families.”
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Vendors Needed! Taste of Home Cooking School will be holding a cooking school November 5th at the Crete Civic Center. We have limited booth space available for the show. Booths open 21⁄2 hours before show time and you can show and or sell your goods or products to over 1,500 eager shoppers.
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Call us for details and informational flyer.
Popke Enterprises 54 Creek Road Suite A-3 Middlebury, VT 05753
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12 - The Eagle
September 17, 2011
It” at M iddlebury College’s Mahaney Center for the Ar ts at 2 p.m. Tickets are $25 f or the general public; $20 f or Middlebury College faculty, staff, and other ID card holders; and $6 for Middlebury College students and are available at the Middlebury C ollege bo x offices in M cCullough Student Center and the M ahaney Center for the Ar ts, or by phone at 802-443-MIDD (6433). MIDDLEBURY — The O ff-Broadway po werhouse PTP/NYC presents “Territories,” a double -bill of shor t plays by Steven Dykes at Middlebury College’s Mahaney Center for the Arts at 8 p.m. Tickets are $25 for the general public; $20 for Middlebury College faculty, staff, and other ID card holders; and $6 f or M iddlebury C ollege students and are available at the M iddlebury College box offices in M cCullough Student Center and the Mahaney Center for the Arts, or by phone at 802-443-MIDD (6433). MONKTON — Monkton Volunteer Fire Departments annual Grass Drag and Mud Bog fundraiser at 4325 Mountain Road. The gates open at 6 a.m. and races start at 10 a.m.
Vermont food from page 1 •Donate to the V ermont Community Foundation and Agency of Agricultur e’s Farm Disaster Relief Fund. •Donate an item or experience to Northeast Or ganic Farming Association of V ermont’s (NOFA-VT) online auction to benefit the Farmer Emergency Fund, and participate in the auction starting Oct. 1. •If you know a farmer who has been impacted, volunteer to help muck out their barn, pull up downed fence, or even make dinner. If you don't know any farmers personally but would like to volunteer , call 1800-VERMONT. The Vermont Agency of Agriculture and the Health Department will continue to work with the FDA, UVM Extension and other p artners t o e nsure t he s afety o f t he Vermont food supply and offer technical assistance to our farmers thro ugh this difficult time.
Friday, Sept. 16 VERGENNES — I t's Comedy Night at the Opera House! We'll be tr eated t o side -splitting per formances fr om Vermont comedians Justin Rowe, Mike Thomas, Pat Lynch, and Tracie Spencer. Headlining the show will be Boston comedian Kevin Anglin. Host will be Nathan Har tswick. Show is 18+ and starts at 8 p.m. Tickets $10 advance, $12 door. BRISTOL — Wheelchair Bask etball. 6:30 p .m. at the Mt. Abraham U.H.S. gym. The Holy Rollers of Br istol ar e challenging G reen M ountain Thunder o f t he N ortheast D isabled Athletic Association to a wheelchair basketball game. The First Baptist Chur ch of Bristol is sponsor ing the game and raffle to raise funds for a lift to make the upper level of their historic building accessible to all. Game and raffle tickets are available at Martin's Hardware in Bristol, at Kimball Office Supplies, at Bristol Health and Fitness and at the door. Game tickets $5. Children 12 yrs. and under are free. MIDDLEBURY — The O ff-Broadway po werhouse PTP/NYC presents “Spatter Pattern: or How I Got Away with It” at M iddlebury College’s Mahaney Center for the Ar ts at
8 p.m. Tickets are $25 f or the general public; $20 f or Middlebury College faculty, staff, and other ID card holders; and $6 for Middlebury College students and are available at the Middlebury C ollege bo x offices in M cCullough Student Center and the M ahaney Center for the Ar ts, or by phone at 802-443-MIDD (6433).
Saturday, Sept. 17 VERGENNES — Come to the Vergennes Opera House for some dope music and equally dope pie ...Cash Bar. Split Tongue Cr ow based out of Rutland , C oba St ella fr om Burlington and Bent b y Elephants , M ontrealers pla ying bluesy folk. 8 p.m. Tickets: In advance $10, at the door $12. SHOREHAM — Rummage and F ood Sale at Shor eham Congregational Church 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Bag sale at noon. MIDDLEBURY — Town Hall Theater’s annual market, with over 25 v endors selling jew elry, antiques, collectibles and all kinds of interesting items, takes place at THT from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Food and drink available for purchase. MIDDLEBURY — The O ff-Broadway po werhouse PTP/NYC presents “Spatter Pattern: or How I Got Away with
Sunday, Sept. 18 SHOREHAM — 4th Annual Tour de Farms, star ting and ending at the Shor eham Green Staggered star ts begin at 10:30 a.m. Riders will choose fr om routes of 10, 25 and 30 miles, all of which will pass a var iety of family far ms offering riders samples of their finest f ood and drink. Registration is required; call Rural Vermont at (802) 223-7222.
Religious Services ADDISON ADDISON COMMUNITY BAPTIST CHURCH Addison Four Corners, Rts. 22A & 17. Sunday Worship at 10:30am, Adult Sunday School at 9:30am; Bible Study at 2pm on Thursdays. Call Pastor Steve @ 759-2326 for more information. WEST ADDISON UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Sunday, 9am HAVURAH, THE JEWISH CONGREGATION OF ADDISON COUNTY - Havurah House, 56 North Pleasant St. A connection to Judaism and Jewish life for all who are interested. Independent and unaffiliated. High Holy Day services are held jointly with Middlebury College Hillel. Weekly Hebrew School from September to May. Information: 388-8946 or BRANDON BRANDON BAPTIST CHURCH - Corner of Rt. 7 & Rt. 73W (Champlain St.) Brandon, VT • 802-247-6770. Sunday Services: 10a. Adult Bible Study, Sunday School ages 5 & up, Nursery provided ages 4 & under. Worship Service 11am *Lords supper observed on the 1st Sunday of each month. *Pot luck luncheon 3rd Sunday of each month. Wednesdays 6:30pm, Adult prayer & Bible study, Youth groups for ages 5 & up LIFEBRIDGE CHRISTIAN CHURCH - 141 Mulcahy Drive, 247-LIFE (5433), Sunday worship 9am & 10:45am,, LifeGroups meet weekly (call for times & locations) BRIDPORT BRIDPORT CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH - Middle Rd., Bridport, VT. Pastor Tim Franklin, 758-2227. Sunday worship services at 8:30am and 10:15am with nursery care provided. Children’s ministries include Sprouts for children age 3-Kindergarten and WOW for grades 1-6, during the 10:15am service. HOPE COMMUNITY FELLOWSHIP - Meets at Bridport Community Hall. Bridport, VT • 759-2922 • Rev. Kauffman. Sunday 9am, 10:30am, evening bible study. ST. BERNADETTE/ST. GENEVIEVE - Combined parish, Saturday mass 7:30pm Nov.1-April 30 (See Shoreham) BRISTOL BRISTOL CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP - The River, 400 Rocky Dale Rd., Bristol. Sunday Worship 9:00am. 453-2660, 453-4573, 453-2614 BRISTOL FEDERATED CHURCH - Sunday service at 10:15am FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF BRISTOL - Service Sunday, 10am ST. AMBROSE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH Saturday service 6:30pm, & Sunday 8am BRISTOL SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH 839 Rockydale Rd. - Saturday Services: Bible Studies for all ages-9:30am to 10:30 am, Song Service, Worship Service at 11am. Prayer Meeting Thursday 6:30pm. 453-4712 THE GATHERING - Non-denominational worship, second & fourth Saturday of the month, 7pm Sip-N-Suds, 3 Main St. • 4532565, 453-3633 CORNWALL FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH OF CORNWALL - Sunday worship 9:30am EAST MIDDLEBURY/RIPTON UNITED METHODIST CHURCH - Sunday worship, 9am VALLEY BIBLE CHURCH - Rev. Ed Wheeler, services on Sundays: Sunday School for all ages at 9:30am, morning worship at 10:45am (nursery provided), and 6:30pm on Wednesdays; Youth Group and AWANA meet on Thursday evenings at 6:30pm ESSEX CHRISTIAN & MISSIONARY ALLIANCE ESSEX ALLIANCE CHURCH - 36 Old Stage Rd., Essex • 878-8213
ESSEX JUNCTION CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH - 61 Main St., Essex Junction - 878-8341 FERRISBURGH/NORTH FERRISB. FERRISBURGH METHODIST CHURCH - Sunday worship 9:30am NORTH FERRISBURGH UNITED METHODIST CHURCH - 227 Old Hollow Rd., North Ferrisburgh, VT 802425-2770. Rev. Kim Hornug-Marcy. Sunday worship 10am, Sunday School 10am, Nursery Available. nferrisburgumc/ CROSSROADS CHAPEL - 41 Middlebrook Rd., Ferrisburgh, VT 05456. (802) 425-3625. Pastor: Rev. Charles Paolantonio. Services: Sunday 10am. FERRISBURGH CENTER COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH - Rt 7, Ferrisburgh - next to the Town Offices / Grange Hall. New Pastors Rev. John & Patrice Goodwin. Worship time is now 10:45am. HINESBURG LIGHTHOUSE BAPTIST CHURCH - 90 Mechanicsville Rd., Hinesburg. Sunday Service at 10:30am. Pastor Hart, info: 482-2588. ST. JUDE THE APOSTLE - 10759 Route 116 Hinesburg. Masses: Sat. 4:30pm; Sun. 9:30am UNITED CHURCH OF HINESBURG - 10580 Rte. 116, Sunday Worship & Sunday School 10am. Pastor Michele Rogers Brigham - 482-3352. LINCOLN UNITED CHURCH OF LINCOLN - Sunday worship service 9:45, Church school 11:15am, united Student Ministries for grades 7-12, 6:30pm Sunday evenings. 453-4280 MIDDLEBURY CHAMPLAIN VALLEY UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST SOCIETY - Sunday service & church school, Sunday 10am CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY - Middlebury. Middlebury Community House, Main and Seymour Sts, Sunday Service and Church School-10am; Wednesday-7:30pm. THE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH OF MIDDLEBURY (UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST) Sunday 10am worship service THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS - Sunday Sacrament 10am-11:15am EASTERN ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN WORSHIP Service in Middlebury area: call 758-2722 or 453-5334. HAVURAH, THE JEWISH CONGREGATION OF ADDISON COUNTY - Saturday morning Shabbat services, 388-8946 MEMORIAL BAPTIST CHURCH - 97 South Pleasant St., Middlebury. Sunday morning worship & church school 10am, Wednesday evening Bible Study, 6:30pm. 388-7472. MIDDLEBURY FRIENDS MEETING - (Quakers), Sunday worship & first day school 10am (meets at Havurah House) SAINT MARY’S ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH Saturday, 5:15pm, Sunday 8am, 10am ST. STEPHEN’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH - (On the green in Middlebury). Reverend Terence P. Gleeson, Rector. Sunday Eucharist 8 & 10:30am Child care & Sunday school available at 10:30am service. Wednesday at 12:05pm Holy Eucharist in the chapel. or call 388-7200. UNITED METHODIST CHURCH - 10am Grades K-5: Activities, Grades. 6-8 & 9-12: Church School Classes, Refreshments & fellowship time: 10:45am-11am. Sunday morning worship service 11am. Nursery provided both at 10am & 11am. MONKTON MONKTON FRIENDS UNITED METHODIST CHURCH - Sunday service & Sunday school, 8:45am
NEW HAVEN ADDISON COUNTY CHURCH OF CHRIST - 145 Campground Rd., 453-5704. Worship: Sunday 9 & 11:20am; Bible classes: Sunday 10:30am, Tuesday 7pm. Watch Bible Forum on MCTV-15 (Middlebury) or NEAT-16 (Bristol) NEW HAVEN CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Church services 10am on Sunday. All are welcome. NEW HAVEN UNITED REFORMED CHURCH Sunday services, 10am & 7pm ORWELL FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH - Sunday worship service, 10:00am. Contact: Rev. Esty, 948-2900 SAINT PAUL’S ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH Sunday services 10:30am Mass, 468-5706 RICHMOND RICHMOND CONGREGATIONAL UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST - 20 Church St., Richmond • 4342053. Rev. Len Rowell. Sunday Worship with Sunday School, 10am; Adult Study Class, Sunday 8:30am RIPTON UNITED METHODIST CHURCH - 388-2510 SALISBURY SALISBURY CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH (UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST) - Sun. worship svc., 10am SHELBURNE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF SHELBURNE - 127 Webster Road, Shelburne • 985-2848 TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH - 2166 Shelburne Rd., Shelburne. 985-2269 Sunday Services: 8am & 10am. Bible Study 9:00am • Sunday School: 9:50am. The Reverend Craig Smith ALL SOULS INTERFAITH GATHERING - Rev. Mary Abele, Pastor. Evensong Service and Spiritual Education for Children Sun. at 5pm. 371 Bostwick Farm Rd., Shelburne. 985-3819 SHELBURNE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH - 30 Church St., Shelburne • 985-3981 • Rev. Gregory A. Smith, Pastor, 8:00am - Holy Communion Service • 9:30am - Family Worship Service with Sunday School SHOREHAM ST. GENEVIEVE/ST. BERNADETTE - Combined parish, Saturday mass 7:30pm, May 1-Oct. 31. (See Bridport) SHOREHAM FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCHUCC - Sunday worship and Sunday school 10am. Pastor Gary O’Gorman. 897-2687 STARKSBORO THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF STARKSBORO 2806 Route 16, Starksboro. Sunday worship 11am. Chat, Chew & Renew, a pre-worship fellowship and discussion time 10am10:45am. Sunday mornings in the Fellowship Hall on the accessible first level. All are welcome. First Baptist is an American Baptist church yoked with The Community Church of Huntington for support of its pastor, The Rev. Larry Detweiler; 802.453.5577. SOUTH BURLINGTON NEW COVENANT BAPTIST CHURCH SBC - 1451 Williston Rd., South Burlington. 863-4305 VICTORY CENTER - Holiday Inn, Williston Road, South Burlington • 658-1019 BURLINGTON UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH - Pastor Paul Lyon • 860-5828. Sundays: 10am & 6pm. Wednesdays: 7pm. at 294 North Winooski Avenue. SUDBURY SUDBURY CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH - Sunday worship service and Sunday school, 10:30am
SOVEREIGN REDEEMER ASSEMBLY - Sunday worship 10am VERGENNES/PANTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHRISTIAN CENTER - 1759 U.S. Route 7, Vergennes, VT • 802-877-3903 • Sunday school 9am, Sunday worship #1 10am, Sunday worship #2 6pm, Youth, adult gathering 6pm CHAMPLAIN VALLEY CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH - Sunday worship svcs. 10am & 7pm CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH OF VERGENNES (UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST) - Sunday, 9:30am NEW WINE COVENANT (CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST) - Sunday worship 10am PANTON COMMUNITY BAPTIST CHURCH - Sunday school from 9:30am-10:15am Pre-K to adult, Sunday worship service 10:30am ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH - Main and Park Streets, Vergennes. Rector: The Rev. Alan Kittelson. Sunday Services 8am and 10am; childcare provided at 10am. All are welcome. For information call 758-2211. ST. PETER’S ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH Saturday 4:30pm, Sunday 10:30am VERGENNES UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 10:30am VICTORY BAPTIST CHURCH - 862 US Rt. 7, SUNDAY: 9:45am Bible Hour For All Ages Including 5 Adult Classes; 11:00am Worship Including Primary Church Ages 3 to 5 & Junior Church 1st - 4th Graders; 6pm Evening Service Worship For All Ages. WEDNESDAY 6:30pm Adult Prayer & Bible Study; AWANA Children’s Clubs (3yrs to 6th grade); JAM Junior High Group (7th & 8th grade); Youth Group (9th - 12 grade). Nursery is provided for children up to 3 years old. Classes are provided for children age 3 and up. 802-877-3393 WEYBRIDGE WEYBRIDGE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Worship and Sunday School 10am. Daniel Wright, Pastor. 545-2579. WHITING WHITING COMMUNITY CHURCH - Sunday school 9:45am, Sunday Service 11am & 7pm WILLISTON CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH - 1033 Essex Road, Williston. 878-7107. St. Minister Wes Pastor. Services: 8:30am and 10:30am TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH - 19 Mountain View Rd., Williston. 878-8118 CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH - 1033 Essex Rd., Williston 878-7107 CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE - 30 Morgan Parkway Williston, VT 05495 • 802-878-8591 CAVALRY CHAPEL - 300 Cornerstone, Williston. 872-5799 MARANATHA CHRISTIAN CHURCH - 1037 S. Brownell Rd., Williston. 862-2108 IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY - Route 2, Williston878-4513 SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH - Route 2A, Williston 878-2285 WILLSTON FEDERATED CHURCH - 44 North Willston Rd., Williston. 878-5792
North Chapel 934 North Avenue Burlington,VT 802-862-1138
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September 17, 2011
The Eagle - 13
Martin Harris from page 4 Common Core (reading and math, primarily) Standards by a growing majority of States. We don’t yet know , but can guess from the r ecent Maryland experience, that the pro forma adoption of CCS doesn’t necessarily mean the actual r eturn of basic literacy and numeracy instr uction to top priority in the contemporary classroom. In earlier-column quotes from a typical Vermont School Superintendent, you can see the reasons why (not): W illiam Mathis wr ote of “civic virtue,”“preservation of a democratic government,” and, for good measur e, “the shy child who bloomed,” as the teaching objectives of grade schools. All such historically-complex and elevated subjects and motives militate against the mere teaching of the basal level of r eading and m ath s o s imple ev en p arents c an b e drafted to tutor in it. Now, time constraints keep grade 4 kids from learning that content, because they’re subjected to teacher discourses on governance, ecology , cultural sensitivity, or ‘social-justice’ content which, in the old days of all-students-Pr oficient, weren’t considered appropriate subject matter until college, for the same maturity-ofunderstanding reasons that voting isn’t considered appropriate until college-age.
Because most grade school educators find the basics less fun than the advanced (all adults do) they now deplore the parental demand-for-basics as ‘teaching to the test.’ Thanks to the electr onic magic of the W eb, you can see the test they don’t want to teach to: on the website, the NAEP page offers a short publication entitled “NAEP Grade 4 Mathematics/Reading Sample Questions.” For math, students are asked to do a clock calculation to see what time it is 2 and 3/4 hours after 10.30, and to add and subtract some 2- and 3-digit numbers. Those ar e the harder questions. For r eading, students ar e asked to r ead about bees, and then ar e asked what the writer wr ote about them. Pr etty basic, bu t that’s what grade school education was (and should be) all about. It wasn’t (and shouldn’t be) about the internally-contradictory notion of a K-12 university. For the 8th grade teacher who enthuses (as does your Humble Scribe) over the historic sequence of events from the English Revolution of the 1600s to the American Revolution of the 1700s, it might be an extra-cr edit tr eat for teachers and alr eady-Proficient-in-reading-andmath students, but not for those who aren’t. Former V ermonter Martin Harris lives in Tennessee.
The Middlebury Union High School and Mount Abraham Union High School football teams met in a preseason scrimmage last week. For the third year in a row, the two rivals capped off the first week of practice meeting in Middlebury. It gave players from both teams someone else to look at across the line of scrimmage. Photo by Bob Chatfield
1 9 12 15 19 20 22 23 24 26 28 29 30 32 34 39 41 42 45 47 49 50 51 53 55 57 58 60 61 62 64 65 66 69 71 72 73
ACROSS Low tide revelations Dorm bosses, briefly Give out Like some tea Coda relative Nonresident doctors Letter-bottom letters Sea brass Frat for complainers? “Look! Ghosts!”? Spill clumsily Point a finger at Doctor’s order Natural to a region Gainesville gridder Twisted look Baa maids? Bottom-row key Islands to which canaries are native Firefighter Red 17-Down’s org. __’ Pea Chest protectors __ muffin First printing, say Public role Like most mules “An Inconvenient Woman” author Dominick Biol., e.g. White water? Jazzy Vaughan Inception Place to see a sched. Drop Jared of “Mr. Nobody” Indy additive Drinks for Radar
75 Side with 77 Bud 79 Creator of Auric and Julius 82 Blow 83 Diagnostic school exam 85 Mention 88 Minx-like 90 Poor, as an excuse 91 David, to some scholars 92 “My word!” 93 It’s heard in Isr. 95 Bottle size 97 One with net gains? 98 Novelist Deighton 99 Rob of “Parks and Recreation” 100 Tropical starch sources 102 Swimming pool concern 103 Word in some carriers’ names 106 Show saver 107 Capital near Lake Volta 110 Exams during which students can talk 112 Complaint about a weak morning cup? 119 Unfriendly store owner? 122 Shop in airport stores, say 123 Incites to attack 124 “Roots” Emmy winner 125 Pottery worker, on occasion 126 Road across Penn. 127 Retired flier 128 Some ranges 129 Ones who swear in court DOWN Part of a seder Bun, for one Makes faint Resell quickly Petty of “A League of Their Own” 6 Culture medium 7 Subject of an annual 1 2 3 4 5
Complete the grid so each row, column and 3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit, 1 to 9
Ottawa festival 8 Poems whose structure is based on the number six 9 Whistle blower 10 Turning point 11 Inscribed monument 12 City on the Elbe 13 At exhilarating times? 14 Conductor __-Pekka Salonen 15 Son of Abraham 16 Hook or Cook: Abbr. 17 Old Bruin nickname 18 Senior member 21 “Whose radiant eyes your __ brows adorn”: Dryden 25 Singer Kristofferson 27 One following dogs 31 Minimum 33 Combine 34 Pants you can’t wear 35 Worshiper of the rain god Tlaloc 36 “Pauses are normal” adage? 37 49-Across’s Bobby et al. 38 Vegas alternative 40 They may be last 42 Like kittens and puppies? 43 Sierra __: African republic 44 Church holding 46 Important stars 48 Countrified 50 Double’s doing 52 One skilled at expressing relief? 54 Lead 56 Union exchanges 58 Turn in place 59 Plastering strip 63 “... a Loaf of Bread ...” poet 67 At risk of capsizing 68 Italian wine area 70 Cereal brand 73 “On the Beach” novelist Shute
74 76 78 80 81 84 86 87
Rub the wrong away Pay Sq. mi., e.g. Adrift, perhaps Dame intro? Ambush, perhaps FRONTLINE target Disney’s “__ and the Detectives” 89 Restaurateur Toots 91 Kicked up, as a fuss
94 University of Cincinnati player 96 “The Red” guy 99 Neeson of “Schindler’s List” 101 1959 Fiestas hit 103 Got off the chair 104 Approvals, in 105-Down 105 Much street talk 107 Helper: Abbr. 108 Shoulder troublemaker?
109 111 113 114 115 116 117 118 120 121
Prepare to fire Bygone cutter Tent part Red Muppet Times when Cognac heats up? Venom Part of USA: Abbr. The lady’s Some tech sch. grads __-80: old computer
Trivia Answers! •••••••• From Page 2 ••••••••
(Answers Next Week)
14 - The Eagle
September 17, 2011
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16 - The Eagle
September 17, 2011