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Santa’s Coming!
Shouldn’t need a pill ... eat an over-ripe peach and jog in the sand.
Spend your weekend taking a holiday stroll in Vergennes.
See page 4
December 3, 2011
VUHS students organize local foods feast By Hannah Mueller VERGENNES — One day last week, everything on the lunch menu at V ergennes Union High School arrived from Addison County farms. From the bacon quiche and veggie chili to the whole wheat br ead and apple crisp, all ingredients were local at the sixth-annual Local Foods Feast sponsored by the high school’s Nutrition Committee, Café Services foodservice c ompany, a nd t he Walden Project. Marcy Langlais is a senior in the W alden Pr oject; the full-time outdoor alternative pr ogram hosted by Vergennes High School. Marcy has been instr umental in organizing the local lunch for the past three years, and has a number of r easons for dedicating her time to the event. “The Local Foods Feast is an important event because it helps raise awareness about what’s right in your backyar d,” Langlais said. “It gets kids involved in cooking and learning about the food they eat, it supports the local economy and makes connections in the community stronger, and helps strengthen the connections between students and staff.” The Walden Project garden, maintained by students, contributed about five pounds of garlic, eight pounds of leeks, and more than thr ee pounds of kale to the menu. Other participating farms this year included Gleason Grains, the Last Resort Farm, Monument Farms, Otter Cr eek Farm, Lalumiere F arm, O livia’s Croutons, Flower Power , Misty Knoll Farm, and Champlain Orchards. See FEAST, page 13
Take one
See page 7
Serving Addison and Chittenden Counties
Real maple syrup? It’s the law—almost From Joe Milliken WASHINGTON, D.C. — A new bill co-pr oposed by V ermont U.S. Senators Patrick Lahey (D) and Bernie Sanders (I), along with H.R.3363 Maple Agriculture Pr otection and Law Enfor cement (MAPLE), would make it a felony to sell counterfeit maple syrup, as well as increasing the penalties o f t he e xisting l aw f rom o ne y ear i n prison to five. In order to protect the integrity of Vermont's signature product, which r etails for ar ound $50 a gallon, the bill will help discourage a gr owing number of businesses and individuals who ar e producing phony maple syrup and selling it as the real thing. This is a serious thr eat to the state's economy, which str ongly depends on its natural food resources. Vermont Maple Syr up is cr eated fr om maple tree sap and has no artificial ingredients, and last year it accounted for roughly $30 million in sales for the state. V ermont Maple Syr up pr oducers work hard to produce a high-quality natural food product which bears the state's name, ther efore it is important to uphold the integrity of the pr oduct and to make sure consumers are buying a genuine syrup that is actually produced in Vermont. Maple syrup is particularly susceptible to adulteration due to the high dif ferential in cost between cane/corn syr up ($0.40/lb) and maple syrup ($2.75/lb) on the bulk market. Manager Cherish Hulst of Dakin Farms in Ferrisburgh stands by her employer’s Vermont maple syrup products. See MAPLE SYRUP, page 6
Photo by Lou Varricchio
Middlebury tiny trains delight children, adults
Members of the Midd-Vermont Train Club work on the electric train layout at the Sheldon Museum. Ed Mitcham, Al Stiles and John Klink, are working on the mountain, part of the Sheldon Museums's electric train layout.
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MIDDLEBURY — This holiday season the Henry Sheldon Museum of Vermont History is pleased to present “A Child’s Delight,” an exhibit featuring antique toys and games, historic photographs and holiday decorations thr oughout the historic 1829 Judd-Harris House. The exhibit opens on Dec. 3 and runs through Jan. 14. A highlight of the exhibit is the Midd-V ermont Train Club’s elaborate electric train layout that is sur e to delight all ages. The Midd-V ermont T rain Club is celebrating its twentieth year of designing layouts and operating the electric toy trains at the Sheldon which has become a wonderful holiday tradition. Over the years, the layout has grown and now stands three levels high, with two tracks r unning Li-
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onel O-gauge trains and the upper track running HO-gauge trains. On Satur day, Dec. 3, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., and Sunday , Dec. 4, noon–4 p.m., the community is invited to the Sheldon Museum’s annual Holiday Open House. The Judd-Harris House is decked with beautiful floral arrangements enhanced with natural dried flowers. The arrangements wer e designed by members of the Middlebury Garden Club in keeping with the period of the historic house. Children’s activities thr oughout the Museum, car ols played on the Sheldon’s 1831 piano, a craft pr oject, Christmas cookies, a holiday raffle and of course the trains will all add to the festive atmosphere. The Holiday Open House is fr ee for Addison County residents. See TINY TRAINS, page 6
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16 New Haven Rd., PO Box 129, Vergennes, VT 05491 802-877-2839 • Mon. - Sat. 9am - 5pm • Closed Sunday