6 minute read
Customize your bath with colors styles and accessories
By Lou Varricchio EDITOR
MIDDLEBURY | It’s tax season. April 15 is just around the corner. And soon, you’ll be receiving your 2020 tax refund. On average, Americans receive about $3,000 in refunds. Not bad, eh? Of course you could bank this year’s refund, but why not have a little fun and spend it on something that’s special just for you and your family?
While the folks at Turbotax are best known for helping us fi le our annual, personal income taxes, each year they happen to off er fun, clever ideas about how to artfully spend our refund checks, too.
So, we’re happy to share some of Turbotax’s suggestions with you. 1. Take a trip:
There are local travel agents who can help you fi nd the best way to plan a trip with your tax refund. You don’t have to go to the latest trendy place, like Bali, to have a spirit-lift ing travel experience. Why not stay closer to home and stretch your refund dollars? We’re sure a travel agent will have lots of creative ideas for the best trip your refund money can buy. 2. The thrill of it all:
Ok, you’ve always wanted to get behind the wheel of a pricey muscle car. So, why rent a new Corvette or Mustang for a weekend? Many local rental agencies can help you connect with your inner Steve McQueen.
Curious about a zipline, an alpine slide, a beer-, wineand cider-tasting tour, or a dog-sled ride or a horse-drawn sleigh through the snowy woods? Well, there are many fun

MAXIMIZE YOUR TAX RETURN and invest in your future with a NEW HOME!
outdoor experiences to explore all around Vermont.
How about renting a motorboat or houseboat at a local marina on Lake Champlain? Ever consider taking scubadiving lessons? Maybe even go skydiving above Addison County? There are so many local opportunities for outdoor experiences; just use your imagination and the local Yellow Pages. 3. Go shopping:
Many local retailers off er tax-season promotions. If you’re not sure, call a retailer and inquire.
If you need a new lawnmower or snowblower, why not look for a store that off ers an incentive to spend your refund there?
How about buy local gift cards for yourself, your kids, or other loved ones? 4. Treat yourself:
Go ahead, treat yourself to a long, full-body massage. Visit a nearby day spa for a facial or refl exology session. There are several ideal, self-pampering venues to choose from all around Addison and Rutland counties. 5. Home-improvement projects:
Turbotax suggests a few good ways to spend your refund- -jazz up the old abode.
Why not use your refund to spruce up your house? New kitchen appliances, a bathroom redo, new windows, downspouts, landscaping, or even a new roof. Take a look around the house. There are plenty of projects we avoid when the money isn’t handy. Now, with a few bucks from your tax refund, you can tackle those “honey do” or wish lists. outdoor experiences to explore all around Vermont.
How about renting a motorboat or houseboat at a local marina on Lake Champlain? Ever consider taking scubadiving lessons? Maybe even go skydiving above Addison County? There are so many local opportunities for outdoor experiences; just use your imagination and the local Yellow Many local retailers off er tax-season promotions. If you’re If you need a new lawnmower or snowblower, why not

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6. Be a philanthropist:
There are many local nonprofi ts that have a positive impact on our community. The John Graham Food Shelf, United Way of Addison County, Homeward Bound Animal Shelter, a church, to name juts a few. So, why not help out? Or donate to one of the many local 5K runs or other upcoming charitable causes.
Remember, your charitable donation this year can be written off on your next year’s return. 7. Back to school:
A tax refund also means your chance to take that college course you’ve always been interested in.
With your refund you can also learn a musical instrument or take an art or woodworking class, or even learn how to fi x your own automobile.
Check out Middlebury’s CCV campus or the Patricia Hannaford Career Center for a list of scheduled adult-education classes. 8. Discover a new hobby:
Maybe you’ve always wanted to learn to golf or crosscountry ski? Well, here’s your opportunity to just do it. Your IRS tax refund might literally get you off the ground, too; why not become a private or sport pilot? Call the Middlebury or Rutland airports for details. 9. Get fi t, lose weight:
Addison County is blessed with top-notch physical fi tness clubs. Why not consider a membership? You can go swimming, receive weight training instruction, and get on the healthy path to a fi tter, slimmer you. 10. Make someone happy:
Baby boomers may remember the 1950s TV series “The Millionaire”. Rich man John Beresford Tipton, Jr., handed out million-dollar checks to total strangers he thought needed his help. Well, your tax refund isn’t going to make you a millionaire, but you can surprise someone you know who may need a boost.
“Secretly pay the dinner bill for a harried couple and their two kids at a local restaurant. Buy a gift card and slip it under the door of a neighbor who you know is going through hard times. Tip extravagantly at the local diner and surprise your waitress or go out to dinner with your friends and surprise them by paying the bill. It doesn’t take much to make someone’s day unexpectedly bright,” Turbotax suggests.
But before you cash your refund check, remember the immortal advice of author Donita K. Paul: “No decision should ever be made on an empty shopping bag.” ■ 6. Be a philanthropist:

Biscuit Pia tub with river rock, diamond wall surround

1) Choose a layout

2) Customize your bath with colors, styles and accessories
3) Build your dream bath
Almond tub and almond/white marble wall surround

AFFORDABLE A fraction of the cost of replacement. CONVENIENT Your new bathroom is ready for use in about a day. CLEAN Avoid construction mess, debris and clean-up costs. DURABLE Will not chip, peel or fade. SAY Hello TO YOUR New Bath IN AS LITTLE AS ONE DAY