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Dregallo recognized MIDDLEBURY | David Dregallo, a graduate of Middlebury Union High School, earned academic distinction for the most recent semester at Whitman College. This recognition is given to students who have completed a minimum of 12 credits, passed all credits attempted, and have earned a grade-point average of 3.5 or higher on no fewer than nine graded credits during the semester. ■ Quinnipiac names students HAMPDEN, CONN. | The following area students were named to the dean’s list for the Fall 2019 semester at Quinnipiac University: Middlebury resident Jared Schauer and Vergennes resident Megan Martin. To qualify for the dean’s list, students must earn a grade point average of at least 3.5 with no grade lower than C. ■ Vermont Tech achievement for Burlett RANDOLPH | Vermont Technical College www.addison-eagle.com The Vermont Eagle | March 7, 2020 • 5
congratulated the following students for achieving dean’s list honors for the fall semester of 2019. These are degree students carrying 12 or more letter-graded credit hours who achieve a GPA of 3.5 or higher. The following local student were named to Vermont Tech Dean’s List: Brooke Burlett of Bristol. ■ BFA degree awarded OLD LYME, CONN. | Alicia Stone of Vergennes, received a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in painting from the Lyme Academy College of Fine Arts at the University of New Haven at the December commencement ceremony. ■ WPI honor students WORCESTER, MASS. | The following local residents were among 1,678 students from Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) named to the university’s dean’s list for academic excellence for the fall 2019 semester:
Abigail Perlee of Bristol, Vt., is a member of the class of 2022 majoring in industrial engineering. Natalie Mohn of Huntington, Vt., is a member of the class of 2022 majoring in management information systems.
Arden Carling of Starksboro, is a member of the class of 2022 majoring in electrical and computer engineering.
The criteria for the WPI Dean’s List differs from most other universities as WPI does not compute a grade point average (GPA). Instead, WPI defines the dean’s list by the amount of work completed at the A level in courses and projects. ■ Brandon student honored CONWAY, S.C. | More than 2,400 Coastal Carolina University students were named to the Dean’s List for the Fall 2019 semester. Among the students earning recognition on the dean’s list: Kelsey Lafaso, an undeclared undergraduate major from Brandon. ■ RIT dean’s list students ROCHESTER, N.Y. | The following local residents made the dean’s list at Rochester Institute of Technology for the 2019 fall semester: Ethan Sulik-Doty of Whiting, who is in the electrical engineering program.
Will Larocque of Salisbury, who is in the computer engineering program.
Jacob Lawson of Middlebury, who is in the mechanical engineering program.
Degree-seeking undergraduate students are eligible for dean’s list if their term GPA is greater than or equal to 3.400; they do not have any grades of “Incomplete”, “D” or “F”; and they have registered for, and completed, at least 12 credit hours. ■ Emerson honor students BOSTON, MASS.| The following students have been named to the Emerson College Dean’s List for the Fall 2019 semester. The requirement to make the Dean’s List is a grade point average of 3.7 or higher that semester: Eden Ginsburg of Bristol, majoring in theater and performance, and a member of the class of 2023, and Harmony Taggart of New Haven, majoring in marketing communications, and a member of the class of 2020. ■
The Law of Gravity One lane of Vermont’s Interstate 89 northbound, due east of Addison County, was closed last week after a rockslide brought down several large boulders onto and near the travel lane. No injuries were reported in the rockslide, but one vehicle was damaged. The incident occurred between mile markers 12.5 and 13, just before the ramp at Exit 2. Vehicles were able to pass through the scene, but traffic delays spanned several hours.

Carnevale Vergennes-style! Enjoying Vergennes annual salute to New Orleans. The Vergennes Carnevale was held Saturday, Feb. 29 at the Vergennes Opera House at 120 Main St. This year’s theme was: “Fashion is art, and you are the canvas!” Attendees enjoyed a mix of runway ready fashion and off-the-wall wearable art. The goal was to raise money for area non-profits including the Opera House, the Vergennes Partnership, and the Boys & Girls Club of Greater Vergennes. Photo provided

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Religious Services
ADDISON ADDISON COMMUNITY BAPTIST CHURCH - Addison Four Corners, Rts. 22A & 17. Sunday Worship at 10:30am, Adult Sunday School at 9:30am; Bible Study at 2pm on Thursdays. Call Pastor Steve @ 759-2326 for more information. HAVURAH, THE JEWISH CONGREGATION OF ADDISON COUNTY - Havurah House, 56 North Pleasant St. A connection to Judaism and Jewish life for all who are interested. Independent and unaffiliated. High Holy Day services are held jointly with Middlebury College Hillel. Weekly Hebrew School from September to May. Information: 388-8946 or www. addisoncountyhavurah.org BRANDON BRANDON BAPTIST CHURCH - Corner of Rt. 7 & Rt. 73W (Champlain St.) Brandon, VT 802-247-6770. Sunday Services: 10am. Adult Bible Study, Sunday School ages 5 & up, Nursery provided ages 4 & under. Worship Service 11am. BRANDON CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH - Rt. 7 Sunday Worship 10a.m. LIVING WATER ASSEMBLY OF GOD - 76 North Street (Route 53), Office Phone: 247-4542. Email: LivingWaterAssembly@gmail.com. Website: www.LivingWaterAOG.org. Sunday Service 10a.m. Wednesday Service 7p.m. Youth Meeting (For Teens) Saturday 7p.m. FURNACE BROOK WESLEYAN CHURCH BRANDON CAMPUS - 1895 Forest Dale Rd., Brandon, VT. Sunday Service 10am Children’s Church, nursery and free coffee www. furnacebrook.org (802) 483-2531 office@furnacebrook.org ST. MARY’S PARISH - 38 Carver St., 247-6351, Saturday Mass 4pm, Sunday Mass 11am SAINT THOMAS & GRACE EPISCOPAL CHURCH - 19 Conant Sq. Sunday Worship - Rite II, 8:00am. - no music, low key and contemplative. 10am. - with music, family friendly. BRIDPORT BRIDPORT CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH - Middle Rd., Bridport, VT. Pastor Tim Franklin, 758- 2227. Sunday worship services at 10:30am. Sunday School 9:30am for children ages 3 and up. BRISTOL BRISTOL CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP - NOW meeting for worship Sundays at 3 p.m. at The Bristol Federated Church 37 North Street Bristol VT 05443 Use the side door entrance. 453-2660 or 453-2614 Website: www.bristolcf.org or find us on Facebook! BRISTOL SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH - 839 Rockydale Rd. - Saturday Services: Bible Studies for all ages - 9:30am to 10:30am, Song Service, Worship Service at 11am. Prayer Meeting Thursday 6:30pm. 453-4712 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF BRISTOL - 10 Park St., Bristol. Worship Service 10:15am, Children’s Sunday School 11am. For more info call (802) 453-2551. Visit our Facebook page for special events. BRISTOL FEDERATED CHURCH - 37 North St., Bristol. Sunday Worship Service 10:15am. All are Welcome! Children join families at the beginning of worship then after having Children’s Message down front, they head out for Sunday School in the classroom. Winter service will be held in the renovated Education Wing. Enter at side door on Church Street. Come as you are. For more info call (802) 453-2321. Pastor Bill Elwell. Rescueme97@yahoo.com bristolfederatedchurch.org EAST MIDDLEBURY/RIPTON UNITED METHODIST CHURCH - Jct. Rt. 116 and 125. Service at 9am. Contemporary Service
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at 10:30am. Sunday School during 9am service. Call Pastor Bob Bushman at 388-7423 for more information. All are welcome. VALLEY BIBLE CHURCH - 322 East Main St., Middlebury. 802-377-9571. Sunday School 9:30am, Sunday Worship 10:45am, Thursday AWANA 6:30-7:30pm. Sunday evening and mid week life groups. Contact church for times and places. Pastor Ed Wheeler, midvalleybc@aol.com MIDDLEBURY CHAMPLAIN VALLEY UNITARIAN UNIVERSALISTS - 2 Duane Ave., Middlebury, VT. Sunday church services and Religious Exploration for children begin at 10:00 am. Parking is available at the church and at nearby Middlebury Union High School. Coffee hour immediately following the service. Rev. Barnaby Feder, minister. Office: 802-388-8080. www.cvuus.org MEMORIAL BAPTIST CHURCH - 97 South Pleasant St., Middlebury. Sunday Worship at 10:00am with Junior Church (K-4th) and nursery (0-4) available. Sunday School for children and adults at 9:00am. Youth Group/Bible Study and Small Groups/Fellowship Groups during the week. Pastor: Rev. Dr. Stephanie Allen. Web: www.memorialbaptistvt.org. Email: membaptistvt@gmail.com. Facebook: MBC Middlebury Vermont 802-388-7472. UNITED METHODIST CHURCH - 43 North Pleasant St., Middlebury, VT 05753, (802) 388-2510. Sunday schedule: 10:00am Adult Education, 10:45am Morning Worship. Rev. Mari Clark. CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS (MIDDLEBURY WARD) - Sacrament Worship Service: Sunday 9:00am. Meetinghouse-133 Valley View, Middlebury, VT 05753. NEW HAVEN ADDISON COUNTY CHURCH OF CHRIST - 145 Campground Rd., 453-5704. Worship: Sunday 9 & 11:20am; Bible classes: Sunday 10:30am, Tuesday 6pm. Free home Bible studies available by appointment. NEW HAVEN UNITED REFORM CHURCH - 1660 Ethan Allen Hwy, New Haven, VT. (802) 388- 1345 Worship services at 10am & 7pm. Pastor Andrew Knott. www.nhurc.org newhavenvturc@ gmail.com PROCTOR ST. PAUL LUTHERAN CHURCH - 1 Gibbs Street (opposite elementary school) Proctor, Vermont 05765. Sunday Service at 9:00am. 802-459-2728 VERGENNES/PANTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHRISTIAN CENTER - 1759 U.S. Route 7, Vergennes, VT • 802-877- 3903 • Sunday school 9am, Sunday worship 10am. Sunday evening and mid week life groups: Contact church office for times and places. Rev. Michael Oldham. pastormike@agccvt.org; agccvt.org CHAMPLAIN VALLEY CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH - 73 Church St in Waltham. The Rev. Phillip Westra, pastor. Sunday: Worship services at 10 a.m. and 6 p.m., nursery available, Sunday school for children at 11:15 a.m. Weekday groups include Coffee Break Womens’ Group, Young Peoples (7th to 12th grade), Young Adult Married and Singles, and more. 877-2500 or www.cvcrc.net. PANTON COMMUNITY BAPTIST CHURCH - 49 Adams Ferry Road, just around the corner from the Panton General Store. Pastor Tom Lupien, Teaching Pastor Eric Carter. Sunday School and Adult Bible Study 9:30 am, Worship Service 10:30 am with nursery and junior church. Wednesday evening Bible study is held in a local home; call for details. 802-475-2656. ST. PETER’S ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH - Saturday 4:30pm, Sunday 10:30am VERGENNES UNITED METHODIST CHURCH -10:30a.m. VICTORY BAPTIST CHURCH - 862 US Rt. 7, Sunday: 9:45am Bible Hour For All Ages Including 5 Adult Classes; 11:00am Worship Including Primary Church Ages 3 to 5 & Junior Church 1st - 4th Graders; 6pm Evening Service Worship For All Ages. Wednesday 6:30pm Adult Prayer & Bible Study; 802-877-3393 VERGENNES CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH - 30 South Water Street. Sunday Morning Worship begins at 9:30am. Sunday School and nursery care are available. Rev. Dr. Barbara Purinton, Interim Pastor. Abigail Diehl-Noble Christian Education Coordinator. 802-877-2435. https://www.vergennesucc.org/ WHITING WHITING COMMUNITY CHURCH - Sunday school 9:45am, Sunday Service 11am & 7pm RUTLAND ALL SAINTS ANGLICAN CHURCH “The Bible Catholic Church” - 42 Woodstock Ave., Rutland, VT 802-779-9046, www.allsaintsrutlandvt.org. Sunday Service 8am & 10am. CALVARY BIBLE CHURCH - 2 Meadow Lane, Rutland, VT 802-775-0358. (2 blocks south of the Rutland Country Club) Sunday Worship Service 9:30a.m. Nursery care available. www.cbcvt.org FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH - 81 Center St., 773-8010 - The Rev. Mark E. Heiner, Pastor. Sunday worship 10:30a.m., Sunday school 9:00a.m. GOOD SHEPHERD - Gather weekly on Saturdays @ 5:30 and Sundays @ 9:30. The Reverend John m. Longworth is Pastor. GREEN MOUNTAIN MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH - 98 Killington Ave., 775-1482 Sunday Worship 11a.m. & 6p.m. MESSIAH LUTHERAN CHURCH - 42 Woodstock Ave., 775-0231. Sunday Worship 10a.m. ROADSIDE CHAPEL ASSEMBLY OF GOD - Town Line Rd., 775-5805. Sunday Worship 10:25a.m. RUTLAND JEWISH CENTER - 96 Grove St., 773-3455. Fri. Shabbat Service 7:30p.m., Sat. Shabbat Service 9:30a.m. ST. PETER’S CHURCH - 134 Convent Ave. - Saturday Afternoon Vigil Mass at 4:15p.m., Sunday Masses 11:00a.m. TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH - 85 West St., Rutland, 775-4368. Holy Eucharist, Sunday 9:30a.m., Thursday 10:30a.m., Morning Prayer Monday-Saturday at 8:45a.m. UNITED METHODIST CHURCH - 60 Strongs Ave., Rutland, 773-2460. Sunday Service in the Chapel 9:30a.m. IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY (IHM) ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH - 18 Lincoln Ave., Rutland. Pastor: Msgr. Bernard Bourgeois, Office: 802-775-0846, Religious Education: 802-775- 0846, Liturgy of the Mass: Saturdays at 4p.m., Sundays at 8a.m.; Holy Days: To be announced. ihmrutland@comcast.net; IHMRutland.com GATEWAY CHURCH - 144 Woodstock Ave., Rutland, VT 802-773-0038. Fellowship 9:45a.m.; Adult Service 10:30a.m.; Children’s Service 10:30a.m. Pastors Tommy and Donna Santopolo. tommy@gatewaychurchunited.com www.gatewaychurchunited.com WEYBRIDGE WEYBRIDGE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH - 2790 Weybridge Rd., Weybridge, VT, 545-2579. Sunday Worship, 10a.m. Childcare provided. Rev. Daniel Cooperrider, email: pastor_weybridge@ gmavt.net; website: weybridgechurch.org
Updated 3-7-20 • 172677
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