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140 North Street, Bristol, VT • 802.453.7555

Directions: Take North St. from the traffic light in the center of Bristol – We’re 1 mile on the right!


Published by New Market Press, Inc.





TAKE ONE April 28, 2018

Serving Addison, Rutland & Chittenden Counties

Unhappy ending: Masseuse charged


By Lou Varricchio EAGLE EDITOR

MIDDLEBURY | Middlebury businessman Roger Schmidt, 53, the owner of Rogers Relaxing Massage Therapy located at the Clara Zeno House at 31 Court St. in Middlebury, was by area police with on unsuspecting ., __ charged -~~-~1::,--; -~-- r~~~-.. ~-~~ spying -J massage customers. massage customers -~~ ~liCTs~dilia Police said that Schmidt was cited on four April 13 of voyeurism. four counts counts Apr » Schmidt Cont. on pg. 7

Roger Ro(JerSchmidt Schmidt was arraigned April 16 in Addison in Addison County COL Criminal Court. The Addison County State’s AtAddi: torney’s Office said that tc a, additional charges could be fi led in the case. b File photo


By Lou Varricchio EAGLE EDITOR

EAST MIDDLEBURY | Construction crews returned to the Route 116 project last week by beginning work on widening the shoulders of the highway, from just south of Leno Lane in East Middlebury, and working north to the Bristol line. The current road project includes excavating to remove the existing shoulder material and replacing with select stone material followed by new pavement. Shoulder widening work will occur on both northbound and southbound sides of Route 116 resulting in new fourfoot shoulders on each side, according to Francine Perkins, project outreach coordinator with FRP Enterprises. » Traffic Cont. on pg. 7

Hayward convicted for Mac’s robbery By Lou Varricchio EAGLE EDITOR

RUTLAND | Matthew Hayward, 39, of Rutland, was convicted last week following a two-day trial. A jury composed of Rutland residents convicted Hayward of accessory after the fact and providing false information to a police officer. The conviction followed Hayward for his role in an attempted armed robbery of the Mac’s Convenience store at 239 Main St. in Rutland on Jan. 30, 2017. At trial, Deputy State’s Attorney Ian Sullivan presented the evidence. Hayward was represented by Attorney Matthew Hart Sullivan presented evidence that Hayward was behind the getaway car as Mandy Conte, also of Rutland, went into the store with a boxcutter knife while demanding money from a Mac’s clerk. He noted that Conte is charged with the attempted armed robbery and is awaiting trial. “Sergeant Bartlett of the Rutland City Police Department (RCPD) saw Hayward’s car in the area of Mac’s at the time of the attempted

Rutland State’s Attorney Rose Kennedy: “No person should ever have to face that sort of violence or threatened violence, especially when they are just trying to earn an honest living. My office will continue to aggressively prosecute these crimes.” File photo

armed robbery,” according to news statement by the Rutland County State’s Attorney’s Office. “He alerted other officers. Corporal Warfle, also of RCPD, met with Hayward, who originally denied driving the car. Later, Hayward admitted to driving his car and taking Conte to Mac’s, however, he continued to deny any knowledge of any armed robbery. The clerk testified that when the woman came in and demanded money he pressed the silent alarm and sprayed the woman with pepper spray. The woman did not get any money. The state presented evidence that Hayward parked behind the store while the attempted armed robbery occurred and that clothing with pepper spray was found in the back seat of his car during a law enforcement search. “ As noted by the state’s attorney’s office, accessory after the fact is a felony, which is a violation of 13 V.S.A. § 5. “A conviction for accessory after the fact carries a maximum potential sentence of not more than a sevenyears term of imprisonment, a fine of not more than $1,000, or both. Providing false information to a police officer is a misdemeanor, which is a violation of 13 V.S.A. § 1754a. » Robbery Cont. on pg. 7

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Strong winds were felt along the western slopes of the Green Mountains on April 16 impacting local communities. Other areas of Vermont also saw windy conditions. The National Weather Service said 30 to 40 mph winds, with gusts of 60 mph hit, the warning are with isolated areas of eastern Addison and eastern Rutland counties experiencing gusts as strong as 75 mph. Power outages due to strong winds hit the Lake Dunmore area with its saturated soils and some ice accumulation on tree limbs. Pictured: GMP crews at work near Kampersville in Salisbury last week. Photo by Lou Varricchio

Details: slciracl<.comY,bil<eswa~

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