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Middlebury Marijuana Legalization Survey pg. 2



Officials ask residents their opinion

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September 2, 2017

Motorcyclist killed in Route 7 accident

NEW HAVEN | At approximately 4:46 p.m. on Aug. 26, troopers from the Vermont State Police (VSP) New Haven Barracks responded to a threevehicle crash on U.S. Route 7 at the intersection of Campground Road in New Haven. The motorcycles involved in the crash matched the description of speeding motorcycles a VSP trooper attempted to stop in Middlebury. Preliminary investigation indicates motorcyclist Christopher Dusablon, 29, of Essex Junction and Joshua Morris, 25, of Bakersfield were traveling northbound on Route 7 together on their motorcycles and collided with one another prior to striking Jason Roberts, 35, of Rutland. » Accident Cont. on pg. 2

Published by New Market Press, Inc.

Serving Addison, Rutland & Chittenden Counties


Scribner promoted to State Police’s Internal Affairs By Lou Varricchio EDITOR

PITTSFORD | Col. Matthew Birmingham, director of the Vermont State Police (VSP), was the bearer of good news to VSP Detective Sgt. Julie Scribner of Pittsford last week. Scribner, who is familiar to Addison County residents through her work with the VSP New Haven Barracks, has worked with the Vermont State Police for the past 17 years. She was promoted to the rank of lieutenant commander of the Office of Internal Affairs this month. The Office of Internal Affairs is responsible for the conduct standards of troopers and other members of the state police. “The citizens and visitors of Vermont have an expectation that those who have the responsibility of enforcing the laws of the state are held to the highest standards of policing,” Scribner said. Scribner is among the VSP’s top women professionals on the force.

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She graduated from the Vermont Police Academy shortly before the terrorist attacks of 9-11 in 2001. Scribner began her rise within the VSP as a trooper. She was initially assigned to the Royalton Barracks and then was appointed as a detective trooper at the New Haven Barracks in 2008. In 2010, she was promoted to sergeant at the Office of Professional Development where she focused on training and recruiting. She became a detective sergeant at the New Haven Barracks in 2014. Earlier this year, Scribner was transferred to the Office of Professional Development Recruiting Unit. Scribner’s career has been distinguished on multiple fronts: She served the VSP Crime Scene Search Team, the Hostage Negotiation Unit and was a drill instructor and a training assistant at the Vermont Police Academy in Pittsford. ■ Lt. Commander Julie Scriber of the Vermont State Police Office of Internal Affairs. Photo provided

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