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Adopt a Friend This Week pg. 2


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September 9, 2017


Published by New Market Press, Inc.

Serving Addison, Rutland & Chittenden Counties


RUTLAND TOWN | On Aug. 28 at approximately 2:11 p.m., troopers from the Vermont State Police Rutland Barracks responded to a reported burglary at the Big Lots store located at 303 U.S. Route 4 in Rutland Town. » Robbery Cont. on pg. 5


BANDALOOP Middlebury’s perspective-bending aerial dances pg. 5

By Lou Varricchio STA FF W RITER

CHARLOTTE | A group of neighbors abutting what will become the largest commercial hop farming operation in Vermont are continuing their opposition to a planned 59.1 acre commercial hop farm. » Hops Cont. on pg. 9

Transfer station leads the way in recycling, sustainability By Lou Varricchio STA FF W RITER

MIDDLEBURY | Gary Hobbs, operations supervisor of the Addison County Solid Waste Management District Transfer Station (ACSWMD), has a busy shift overseeing the yard, which accepts solid waste and recyclables from 20 member towns in the municipal district. Various wooden and metal sheds stand in the big yard; they are designated for various materials, which are either destined for a landfill or for other vendors, for recycling or even reuse by local residents. A pile of yard debris, including tree limbs and other vegetable matter, is at the northeast end of the station yard. “We exist to cooperatively and comprehensively address the solid waste manage-

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ment interests of all our member towns,” Hobbs told The Eagle. “The purpose of the district is to promote waste reduction, maximize diversion of wastes through reuse, recycling and composting and to provide for the disposal of remaining wastes.” At the ACSWMD Transfer Station on U.S. Route 7 in Middlebury, located near the Breadloaf Construction building, residents and businesses dispose of, or recycle, bulky items and special wastes. “We also operate the Hazwaste Center here at the transfer station and promote other composting, reuse and educational programs,” Hobbs noted. Operators Richard Cota, Chad Kimball, along with attendants Kim Kimler, Wes Kimball, Ricky Rheaume and Scalehouse Operator Shelly Edson keep the station solid waste and recycling traffic moving smoothly.

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District Manager Teri Kuczynski, Program Manager Donald Maglienti, Program Outreach Coordinator Jaclyn Hochreiter, Business Manager Patti Johnson, Administrative Assistant Chantel MacLachlan and Transfer Station Supervisor Hobbs make up the management and office staff side of the county’s operation. On a morning last week, when The Eagle visited the transfer station, vehicle operator Chad Kimball of Bridport shoveled sorted waste into a large hopper which, when filled and compacted, was trucked to Vermont’s only lined landfill in Coventry. “Casella is contracted with MBI to do the hauling,” Hobbs noted. According to Hobbs, the district’s 20 member towns are Addison, Bridport, Bristol, Cornwall, Ferrisburgh, Goshen, Leicester, Lincoln,


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2 • September 9, 2017 | The Vermont Eagle

Published by New Market Press, Inc.


Adopt-A-Pet If you like to walk, run or bike you can help raise funds for RCHS with a new app called Wooftrax. You can download the app from on your Android or iPhone and start raising needed funds for the animals at RCHS. It’s easy to use and a great way to help RCHS. So each time you grab your leash or head out the door for a walk, run or bike ride, please use the app and help the animals at RCHS. It’s healthy for you, your dog and it’s a great way to help RCHS. To learn more please visit or

Contact Rutland County Humane Society at (802) 483-6700 or or stop by 765 Stevens Road | Pittsford, VT Hours: Tues-Sat 12-5 | Sun & Mon Closed

MEET BUDDY | Buddy is a 6 year old

Beagle, neutered male.

I’m a friendly, tail waggin’, outgoing fella who will make you smile when we meet. Oh, I love being with people and will happily sit next to you as you scratch my back (oh, that does feel good). I’m smart and I already know Sit (I can catch treats in mid air, too). I hope to learn more commands and maybe even some tricks. I have nice leash manners and I’m looking forward to walks and hikes with my new family. I’m a high energy guy so I’ll need a lot of exercise.

MEET SUNNY | Sunny is a 6 year old Coonhound, neutered male.

I’m a high energy, on the go fella and I will keep you on your toes. I love to go for walks in the woods (RCHS has a nice trail through the woods that I get to walk on!) so I’m looking forward to hikes and other outdoor adventures with my new family. I like to play with toys and plush squeaky ones are my favorite. I’m a lot of dog so I’ll need a lot of exercise and play time with my new family. After I play I do like to curl up and take a well deserved nap. I’m curious and I like to check out my environment.

TRIXIE | Trixie is a 1.5 year old Domestic Shorthair Dilute Tortoiseshell, spayed female.

Hello, my name is Trixie. I am a tiny

little thing with lots of love to give. I am young and I love to play, and when I am done playing you will fi nd me lounging around. I came to RCHS on Aug. 18 because my owner could no longer care for me. Not a lot of is known about me but I am as sweet as they come. I am clean and use the litter pan, not to mention I like other cats. I am looking for a forever home and to make some new lifelong friends. If I sound like the kitty for you come visit me here at the shelter.

Homeward Bound pets Addison County Humane Society

MEET CAM | Cam is a two-yearold retriever mix, neutered male. MEET STACEY | Stacy is a 1.5 year old domestic shorthair brown and white Tabby, spayed female.

Hi, my name is Stacey and as you can see from my sweet disposition I am quite the lovable cat. I am a little anxious in hectic households and when there is a lot going on around me. I came to RCHS on Aug. 17 because my owner no longer wanted me. I do well with other cats and older children but I am not sure I like dogs. I am clean and use my litter pan and I would really love to go into a quiet home because when it gets too loud I hide and it just stresses me out. ■

Cam is a wonderful young pup with lots of energy who loves soft squeaky toys. Cam needs to be in a home with humans who are 18 and older and will need some basic training, especially leash training as he will pull. Cam lived with one other dog in his previous home but has no experience with new dogs; here in Middlebury, we have not had luck introducing him to other dogs here at the shelter. Cam absolutely loves people he knows, but can be wary of new people. Cam is ready for a routine oriented family who understands that he will need some training, patience, and lots of love. ■ Michelle Shubert Homeward Bound 236 Boardman St. Middlebury, Vermont 05753 (802) 388.1100, ext. 232



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Published by New Market Press, Inc.

» Recycling Cont. from pg. 1 Middlebury, Monkton, New Haven, Orwell, Panton, Ripton, Shoreham, Starksboro, Vergennes, Waltham, Weybridge and Whiting. “We’re pretty unique because we are the only municipally run transfer station in the state. No tax dollars are used here and we are funded by our... fees,” Hobbs said. Hobbs said that the transfer station team are skilled and know their stuff. They often find “bad things” mixed in with other waste items and then find the proper places for these hazardous materials. Occasionally, the crew help residents who may have discarded something, like a wedding ring, by mistake. “It happens, and it’s often a needle-ina-haystack, but we’ll do our best,” he said. A few unusual items are retrieved by the crew now and then. Hazwaste Center assistant Kim Kimler recently retrieved a few bottles of sparkling wine from a drop off. “Then, we found a lawn tractor which was dumped here. It rolled on the shed floor. Amazingly, it started right up, and we drove it away,” Hobbs added. Such an item like a fully functional lawn tractor is a reusable item, which is placed in our Reuse It or Lose It shed. “Residents can come in and pick through

The Vermont Eagle | September 9, 2017 • 3

all kinds of good household items in the shed at no charge. You’re free to take it away and get some use out of it,” Hobbs said. When the crew finds good clothing being discarded, it is separated and given to Addison County HOPE-Retro Works for cleaning and eventual sale in the thrift shop for those in need. Books and magazines are recycled too although residents are not allowed to pick through the bin. “A local used book vendor gives some of these discarded books a new life,” Hobbs said. Recently, ACSWMD received Call2Recycle’s 2016 Leader in Sustainability Award, an accolade which made the office staff and station crew feel like what they do makes a difference in the community. “It’s all in a day’s work,” Hobb told the Eagle. “We’re here to help make Vermont a better place to live.” Note: The transfer district office is open for business every Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Please note that the station has different hours of operation than the business office. ■ COVER: Chad Kimball of Bridport in the cab of a pay-loader at the Addison County Transfer Station in Middlebury. The local waste management district received the Call2Recycle Leader Award recently. Photo by Lou Varricchio

Shoveling waste into a hopper for delivery to the state’s only lined landfill in Coventry. Photo by Lou Varricchio

Bottles of sparking wine recovered from waste delivered to the solid waste transfer station in Middlebury. Photo by Lou Varricchio

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4 • September 9, 2017 | The Vermont Eagle

TH~~ EAGLE Our goal at the Vermont Eagle is to publish accurate, useful and timely information in our newspapers, news products, shopping guides, vacation guides, and other specialty publications for the benefit of our readers and advertisers. We value your comments and suggestions concerning all aspects of this publication.

Publisher Ed Coats General Manager Ashley Charron Editor Lou Varricchio Account Executive Cyndi Armell


Published by New Market Press, Inc.

From the Editor

American lives matter Many Vermont churches, temples and civic organizations are pitching in to help the many victims of Hurricane Harvey, especially those struggling in flood waters in Texas. This disaster hit the northern Gulf of Mexico region on an unprecedented scale last week, but Texans are a tough breed; they are marching on, and the response has been spectacular with far fewer deaths than we would have been expected. Here’s a brief sampling of what some local churches and organizations are doing: The Roman Catholic Diocese of Vermont is taking up special church collections to help Catholic Charities, which are in the flooded areas assisting storm victims regadless of religious affiliation.

At the downtown Middlebury UCC, a special collection will be received during worship services on the next two Sundays. All donations will be sent to the denomination’s office that is responding directly to the needs of those effected by the hurricane. “In subsequent weeks, we will assemble emergency clean-up buckets for Church World Service, a large ecumenical organization that has impressive access into areas most devastated by natural disasters,” Rev. Andy Nagy-Benson told the Eagle. To help, call Rev. Nagy-Benson or visit Church World Service online at The American Red Cross of New England is also helping out. You can contribute to the ARC online at redcross.

org/donate/hurricane-harvey. We’re sure there will be blood drawing for the victims as well, so stay tuned. Rutland- and Addison-area Rotary Clubs are spearheading a relief effort too. For those of you who wish to contribute to the disaster relief fund, checks can be made payable to: Rotary District 5930, 501 W. Nolana Ave., McEllen, Texas 78504. Of course, we know that we’ve missed all the others who are helping out. Please drop us a line and let us know what you’re doing and how we can all help in the relief effort. The Eagle will help get the word out in next week’s paper and on tour web and Facebook pages. The Editor ■

Statehouse headliners: Pot study deadline up in the air

Account Executive Heidi Littlefield


Visit us online at www. suncommunitynews. com/ articles/thevermont-eagle At the AFCP Award Ceremony held April 20, 2017 The Vermont Eagle received 6 awards. Our submissions were judged along with every free paper in country affiliated with the Association of Free Community Papers. We are very proud of our achievements and would like to thank our readers and advertisers who helped with our success. We look forward to bringing new innovations to 2017! • 1st Place Best Cover Design/Glossy Field Days Handbook • 1st Place Andrew E. Shapiro Award Breast Cancer Booklet • 2nd Place Best Cover Design/ Newsprint Holiday Happenings Guide • 2nd Place Community Service Christmas Wish Promotion • 3rd Place General Excellence Our State Vermont Magazine - Fall

MONTPELIER | Earlier this summer, Gov. Phil Scott announced plans for a marijuana legalization study commission. The commission members have not yet been named, and there’s no deadline for reporting to the Vermont Legislature, a senior administration official confirmed last week. The intention is still to have a report ready by January, the official said.


Last week, state officials praised a plan for higher penalties for power plant greenhouse gas emissions in the nine northeastern member states, including Vermont, of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI). But if you’re worried these penalties will come out of Vermont’s pocket – don’t be. Instead, we benefit. RGGI is a

“pay to pollute” cap and trade system that takes money from states where fossil fuel power is generated and gives it to states with little or no fossil fuel generation – like Vermont, which passed on coal and gas plant construction in favor of Vermont Yankee, hydro and, more recently, wind, biomass and solar power. Since Vermont Yankee closed, Vermont now consumes more fossil fuel power, but because the power is made elsewhere (mostly in southern New England), we don’t pay the RGGI penalties...


At his news conference in Barre last Thursday, Gov. Scott was asked by reporters where the money will come from for the hugely expensive cleanup of Lake Champlain. His specific, emphatic answer: He hopes much of it will come from the TDI Clean Power Link, one of several competing Northern New England power

projects proposed to deliver renewable Canadian electricity to southern New England. TDI has pledged about $200 million in lake cleanup funds.


For two decades, early promoters and enthusiasts of solar power held a “Solarfest” in Middletown Springs, a small Rutland County town. But now many residents oppose a large-scale solar project that would replace a local apple orchard with five acres of solar panels, Michael Bielawski of True North Reports online reported Aug. 29.


Earlier this year, the state of Vermont and a federal judge agreed that Act 39, Vermont’s assisted death law, does not require doctors to inform terminally-ill patients about assisted suicide. Instead, doctors may direct questions to another

physician. On Aug. 23, this legal agreement was challenged by two assisted-death groups. The groups, Compassion & Choices and Patient Choices Vermont, say the agreement “causes confusion about physician obligations to patients.”


Iran is ignoring a request by U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley for U.N. inspection of military sites to determine compliance with the 2015 Iran/U.N. nuclear weapons development agreement, the Associated Press reported Aug. 29. An Iranian government spokesperson called Haley’s request “a dream.” Note: Statehouse Headliners is intended primarily to educate, not advocate. Guy Page is affiliated with the Vermont Energy Partnership, Divestment Facts, the Vermont Alliance for Ethical Healthcare and the Church at Prison. ■

Letters to the Editor Eclipse news

To the editor: Paul and I just received the Sept. 7 issue of the Eagle. Thank you very much for printing the pictures and doing such a great write up about local and Tennessee eclipse experiences. ■ Jan & Paul Walker, Middlebury

• Honorable Mention - Special Section 2017 Eagle Calendar

New Market Press, Inc., 16 Creek Road, Suite 5A, Middlebury, Vt 0573. Phone: 802-388-6397 Fax: 802-388-6399 ADVERTISING POLICIES: New Market Press, Inc. disclaims all legal responsibility for errors or omissions or typographic errors. All reasonable care is taken to prevent such errors. We will gladly correct any errors if notification is received within 48 hours of any such error. We are not responsible for photos, which will only be returned if you enclose a self-addressed envelope. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: All New Market Press publications are available for a subscription rate of $47 per year; $24 for six months. First Class Mail Subscription is $150 annually. EDITORIAL AND OPINION PAGE POLICY: Letters, editorials and photo submissions are welcomed. Factual accuracy cannot be guaranteed in Letters to the Editor or Guest Editorials. Editor reserves the right to reject or edit any editorial matter. All views expressed in Letters or Guest Editorials are not necessarily the views of the paper, its staff or the company. ©COPYRIGHT PROTECTION: This publication and its entire contents are copyrighted, 2017, New Market Press, Inc. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without prior written consent. All Rights Reserved. Association Members of: CPNE • IFPA • AFCP • FCPNE • PaperChain 20941

TIME CAPSULE: This 1884 bird’s eye view of Bristol was hand drawn and colored. The map, one in a series designed to provide aerial vistas of Vermont towns, depicts prominent places in town, including Bristol Manufacturing and Drake & Smith makers of mailboxes and beekeeping equipment. Photo provided by Library of Congress

Published by New Market Press, Inc.

The Vermont Eagle | September 9, 2017 • 5

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One man’s protest in Middlebury By Lou Varricchio STA FF W RITER

MIDDLEBURY | Sgt. Chris Crowningshield, USAF, Ret., of Middlebury took up his post in a one-man protest against the Vermont justice system Aug. 28. A veteran having served in Kuwait, Crowningshield said that he has been treated unfairly regarding a family legal issue following a divorce involving children. Crowningshield, who served in the USAF for 18 years, decided to take his protest to the street in uniform, this week to get the attention of the public. The retired Air Force officer stood on the curb holding up a handmade poster in front of the Addison County Sheriff’s Department along Court Street/U.S. Route 7. Right or wrong, he exercised his free speech right as a U.S. citizen. ■ Chris Crowningshield, a retired USAF officer, got the attention of passersby along Court Street in Middlebury last week as he took to the street in a one-man protest movement.

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Photo by Lou Varricchio

Easements proposed for power, telecom, gas By Lou Varricchio STA FF W RITER

MIDDLEBURY| The Middlebury Selectboard gave notice last month of the proposed terms of mutiple conveyance of easements from the town to Green Mountain Power Corp., the Telephone Operating Company of Vermont, and Vermont Gas. The Selectboard proposed terms are on file in the office of Middlebury Town Manager Kathleen Ramsay. The key terms of the proposed transaction state that the town will convey to GMP and TOCV, at no cost, two easements authorizing the installation and maintenance of cables, wires and other facilities for the transmission of electricity, telecommunications and

so-called intelligence. The first easement is located on the town sewer pump station property near the Battell Block off Merchants Row in downtown Middlebury and is for an underground line extending from a pole in a northwesterly direction to the lands of Battell Block Partners, LLC. The second easement is located on the Middlebury Water Department property on the south slope of Chipman Hill located off Springside Road and is for an overhead line commencing from existing GMP pole, leading in a southeasterly direction approximately 110 feet to conclude at new GMP pole located on a private drive entered off Springside Drive. The specific terms of the easements and the locations and dimensions of the easement

areas are more detailed in the proposed easement deeds available from Ramsay. Unless a petition objecting to the conveyance is filed, Selectboard members said they may proceed with the conveyance. However, if a petition is signed by five percent of the legal voters, objecting to the proposed conveyance and presented to the town clerk within 30 days of the date of posting, the Selectboard will cause the easement to be considered at a special or annual meeting called for that purpose. The Selectboard also conveyed to Vermotn Gas three easements authorizing the firm to construct, reconstruct, maintain, move, relocate, alter, inspect, repair, replace, remove, change the size of and abandon in place pipelines to be used for the distribution of

“gaseous energy products.” The first easement will affect the municipal parking lot parcel located on the northerly side of Cross Street, behind the Middlebury Town Office and Ilsley Public Library buildings. The second easement will affect the municipal parking lot located on the southerly side of Cross Street near Mister Up’s Restaurant. The third easement will affect the municipal parking lot located on Mill Street. Each easement will be 10 feet in width, five feet on either side of the pipelines as installed, and include rights of access and other terms and conditions set forth in the easement deeds. ■

BANDALOOP: climbing, dance, performance art From College News Reports EAGLE A RTS FL AVOR

MIDDLEBURY | A pioneer in vertical performance, BANDALOOP seamlessly weaves dynamic physicality, intricate choreography and the art of climbing to turn the dance floor on its side. The company combines contemporary dance with climbing

technology to create perspective-bending aerial dances. Audiences may remember BANDALOOP’s spectacular performance at Middlebury in 2004. The company returns to Middlebury in September to kick off the Mahaney Center for the Arts’ 25th anniversary season. In addition to workshops and master classes for Middlebury College students, BANDALOOP will offer three free public performances at the Mahaney Center for the Arts plaza on Saturday, Sept. 16 at 1 p.m., 2 p.m. and 3 p.m. (please check

go.middlebury.bandaloop in case of inclement weather). Middlebury College alumnus Mark Stuver, artistic associate for BANDALOOP, will offer a public career talk on Friday, Sept. 15 at 12:15 p.m., in the Mahaney Center for the Arts Dance Theatre. BANDALOOP’s activities at Middlebury are supported by the New England Foundation for the Arts. ■ COVER: Performance group BANDALOOP returns to Middlebury College this month. Photo by Bob Handleman

Scout Day has something for everyone By Lou Varricchio STA FF W RITER

MONKTON | Monkton Scout Day is a special day for fun and families. It is also a time to learn about how Scouting is a vital part of the Addison County community. On Saturday Sept. 16 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., local boy scouts and cub scouts will running a number of fun and educational activities for youth and adults.

The event will be held at the Monkton Recreational Field located on Hollow Road. Open to the public, the event is also geared for boys ages 6-17 who might be interested in finding out more about scouting. Cub scouts are broken into a small group called a pack. The pack you join is up to you. You can look for a pack chartered by an organization you support or simply choose the one closest to your neighborhood. With tens of thousands of cub scout packs across the country, it shouldn’t be

hard to find one that fits you and your family. The traditional boy scouting experience for young men in the fifth grade through high school. Service, community engagement and leadership development become increasingly important parts of the program as youth lead their own activities and work their way toward earning scouting’s highest rank, eagle scout. “Any person that comes with a copy of this Eagle news story will receive a free hotdog and beverage,” according to Monkton Scout leader Russ Baker. ■

» Robbery Cont. from pg. 1 It was discovered through investigation that a felonious amount of money was taken from the store’s safe in the form of cash deposits. Video surveillance of the incident was captured by store security cameras. Anyone with information regarding this incident is asked to contact the Vermont State Police at 802-7739101 or submit a tip anonymously at ■

2656. Pastor: Eric Carter. Sunday School: 9:30am; Worship Service 10:30am ST. PETER’S ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH - Saturday 4:30pm, Sunday 10:30am VERGENNES UNITED METHODIST CHURCH -10:30a.m. VICTORY BAPTIST CHURCH - 862 US Rt. 7, Sunday: 9:45am Bible Hour For All Ages Including 5 Adult Classes; 11:00am Worship Including Primary Church Ages 3 to 5 & Junior Church 1st - 4th Graders; 6pm Evening Service Worship For All Ages. Wednesday 6:30pm Adult Prayer & Bible Study; 802-877-3393 VERGENNES CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH - 30 South Water Street. Sunday Morning Worship Begins at 9:30am. Nursery Care is Available. Sunday School is also at that hour. Rev. Gary Lewis Pastor. Abigail Diehl-Noble Christian Education Coordinator. 802-877-2435 WHITING WHITING COMMUNITY CHURCH - Sunday school 9:45am, Sunday Service 11am & 7pm RUTLAND ALL SAINTS ANGLICAN CHURCH “The Bible Catholic Church” - 42 Woodstock Ave., Rutland, VT 802-779-9046, Sunday Service 8am & 10am. CALVARY BIBLE CHURCH - 2 Meadow Lane, Rutland, VT 802-775-0358. (2 blocks south of the Rutland Country Club) Sunday Worship Service 9:30a.m. Nursery care available. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH - 81 Center St., 773-8010 - The Rev. Mark E. Heiner, Pastor. Sunday worship 10:30a.m., Sunday school 9:00a.m. GOOD SHEPHERD - Gather weekly on Saturdays @ 5:30 and Sundays @ 9:30. The Reverend John m. Longworth is Pastor. GREEN MOUNTAIN MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH - 98 Killington Ave., 7751482 Sunday Worship 11a.m. & 6p.m. MESSIAH LUTHERAN CHURCH - 42 Woodstock Ave., 775-0231. Sunday Worship 10a.m. ROADSIDE CHAPEL ASSEMBLY OF GOD - Town Line Rd., 775-5805. Sunday Worship 10:25a.m. RUTLAND JEWISH CENTER - 96 Grove St., 773-3455. Fri. Shabbat Service 7:30p.m., Sat. Shabbat Service 9:30a.m. ST. PETER CHURCH - Convent Ave. - Saturday Mass 4:15p.m., Sunday Masses 7:30 and 11:00a.m. TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH - 85 West St., Rutland, 775-4368. Holy Eucharist, Sunday 9:30a.m., Thursday 10:30a.m., Morning Prayer Monday-Saturday at 8:45a.m. UNITED METHODIST CHURCH - 71 Williams St., 773-2460. Sunday Service in the Chapel 9:30a.m. IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY (IHM) ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH - 18 Lincoln Ave., Rutland. Pastor: Msgr. Bernard Bourgeois, Office: 802-775-0846, Religious Education: 802-775-0846, Liturgy of the Mass: Saturdays at 4p.m., Sundays at 8a.m.; Holy Days: To be announced.; GATEWAY CHURCH - 144 Woodstock Ave., Rutland, VT 802-773-0038. Fellowship 9:45a.m.; Adult Service 10:30a.m.; Children’s Service 10:30a.m. Pastors Tommy and Donna Santopolo. BRANDON BRANDON CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH - Rt. 7 Sunday Worship 10a.m. BRANDON BAPTIST CHURCH - Corner of Rt. 7 & Rt. 73W (Champlain St.) Brandon, VT 802-247-6770. Sunday Services: 10a.m. Adult Bible Study, Sunday School ages 5 & up, Nursery provided ages 4 & under. Worship Service 11a.m. LIVING WATER ASSEMBLY OF GOD - 76 North Street (Route 53), Office Phone: 247-4542. Email: Website: www.LivingWaterAOG. org. Sunday Service 10a.m. Wednesday Service 7p.m. Youth Meeting (For Teens) Saturday 7p.m. ST. MARY’S PARISH - 38 Carver St., 247-6351, Saturday Mass 4p.m., Sunday Mass 9:30a.m. CASTLETON CHURCH OF CHRIST - Bible study & services Sunday 10:00a.m. All are cordially welcome. Contact Kirk Israel, 802-683-4970. ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST CATHOLIC CHURCH Saturday Mass 4p.m., Sunday 8:30a.m. FELLOWSHIP BIBLE CHURCH 1308 Rte 30 N, Castleton. 9:30 am Sunday School, 10:45 Worship Service, Wednesday 6:30 am Midweek Bible Study, Friday 6:00 - 7:30 AWANA, Saturday 4pm Youth Group. (802) 468-5122. Email: CHITTENDEN WESLEYAN CHURCH - North Chittenden, 483-6696. Sunday Worship 10a.m. FAIR HAVEN FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH - South Park Place, Sunday Worship 11a.m. OUR LADY OF SEVEN DOLORS - 10 Washington St. Saturday Mass 4:30p.m., Sunday 9a.m. LIVING WATER ASSEMBLY OF GOD - 76 North Street (Route 53), Office Phone: 247-4542. Email: Website: www.LivingWaterAOG. org. Sunday Service 10a.m. Wednesday Service 7p.m. Youth Meeting (For Teens) Saturday 7p.m. LEICESTER COMMUNITY CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE - 39 Windy Knoll Lane • 9:30a.m. Worship Service, 11:00 a.m. Bible School, 6:00p.m. Evening Service. Wed. Evening 7:00p.m. Dare to care and Prayer. 3rd Sat. of the month (Sept.-May) 8a.m. Men’s breakfast ST. AGNES’ PARISH - Leicester Whiting Rd, 247-6351, Sunday Mass 8a.m. POULTNEY POULTNEY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH - Main St., 287-5710. Worship 10:00a.m. UNITED BAPTIST CHURCH - On the Green, East Poultney. 287-5811, 287-5577. Sunday Worship 10a.m. Welsh Presbyterian Church - Sunday Worship 10a.m. WALLINGFORD ST. PATRICK’S CHURCH - Sat. Mass 4p.m., Sun. 9:15a.m. SOCIETY OF FRIENDS (QUAKER) - Rotary Bldg., Rt. 7 Sunday meeting for worship 10a.m.

WEYBRIDGE WEYBRIDGE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH - 2790 Weybridge Rd., Weybridge, VT, 545-2579. Sunday Worship, 10a.m. Childcare provided. Rev. Daniel Cooperrider, email:; website: HUBBARDTON HUBBARDTON CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH - 1985 Route 30, Hubbardton. Sunday Worship Service, 10a.m.

Updated 9-9-17 • 57539

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ADDISON ADDISON COMMUNITY BAPTIST CHURCH - Addison Four Corners, Rts. 22A & 17. Sunday Worship at 10:30am, Adult Sunday School at 9:30am; Bible Study at 2pm on Thursdays. Call Pastor Steve @ 759-2326 for more information. HAVURAH, THE JEWISH CONGREGATION OF ADDISON COUNTY - Havurah House, 56 North Pleasant St. A connection to Judaism and Jewish life for all who are interested. Independent and unaffiliated. High Holy Day services are held jointly with Middlebury College Hillel. Weekly Hebrew School from September to May. Information: 388-8946 or BRANDON BRANDON BAPTIST CHURCH - Corner of Rt. 7 & Rt. 73W (Champlain St.) Brandon, VT • 802-247-6770. Sunday Services: 10am. Adult Bible Study, Sunday School ages 5 & up, Nursery provided ages 4 & under. Worship Service 11am BRIDPORT BRIDPORT CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH - Middle Rd., Bridport, VT. Pastor Tim Franklin, 758-2227. Sunday worship services at 10:30am. Sunday School 9:30am for children ages 3 and up. BRISTOL BRISTOL CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP - The River, 400 Rocky Dale Rd., Bristol. Sunday Worship 9:00am. 453-2660, 453-2614 BRISTOL SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH - 839 Rockydale Rd. - Saturday Services: Bible Studies for all ages - 9:30am to 10:30am, Song Service, Worship Service at 11am. Prayer Meeting Thursday 6:30pm. 453-4712 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF BRISTOL - 10 Park St., Bristol. Worship Service 10:15am, Children’s Sunday School 11am. For more info call (802) 453-2551. Visit our Facebook page for special events. BRISTOL FEDERATED CHURCH - 37 North St., Bristol. Sunday Worship Service 10:15am. All are Welcome! Children join families at the beginning of worship then after having Children’s Message down front, they head out for Sunday School in the classroom. Winter service will be held in the renovated Education Wing. Enter at side door on Church Street. Come as you are. For more info call (802) 453-2321. Pastor Bill Elwell. EAST MIDDLEBURY/RIPTON UNITED METHODIST CHURCH - Jct. Rt. 116 and 125. Service at 9am. Contemporary Service at 10:30am. Sunday School during 9am service. Call Pastor Bob Bushman at 3887423 for more information. All are welcome. VALLEY BIBLE CHURCH - 322 East Main St., Middlebury. 802-377-9571. Sunday School 9:30am, Sunday Worship 10:45am, Thursday AWANA 6:30-7:30pm. Sunday evening and mid week life groups. Contact church for times and places. Pastor Ed Wheeler, FERRISBURGH/NORTH FERRISBURGH NORTH FERRISBURGH UNITED METHODIST CHURCH - 227 Old Hollow Rd., North Ferrisburgh, VT 05473. Pastor: Kim Hornung-Marcy. Services: Sunday 10:00am; Sunday School & Nursery Provided. Phone: 425-2770. FERRISBURGH CENTER COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH - Rt 7, Ferrisburgh next to the Town Offices / Grange Hall. Rev. Jill Colley Robinson, Pastoral Team Leader (new). Service: 9:00am (was 10:45am) HINESBURG LIGHTHOUSE BAPTIST CHURCH - 90 Mechanicsville Rd., Hinesburg. Sunday Service at 10:30am. Pastor Hart, info: 482-2588. MIDDLEBURY MEMORIAL BAPTIST CHURCH - 97 South Pleasant St., Middlebury. Sunday Worship at 10:00am with Junior Church (K-4th) and nursery (0-4) available. Sunday School for children and adults at 9:00am. Youth Group/Bible Study and Small Groups/ Fellowship Groups during the week. Pastor: Rev. Dr. Stephanie Allen. Web: www. Email: Facebook: MBC Middlebury Vermont 802-388-7472. UNITED METHODIST CHURCH - 47 North Pleasant St., Middlebury, VT 05753, (802) 388-2510. Sunday schedule: 10:00am Adult Education, 10:45am Morning Worship. Revs. Gus and Laurie Jordan. CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS (MIDDLEBURY WARD) - Sacrament Worship Service: Sunday 9:00am. Meetinghouse-133 Valley View, Middlebury, VT 05753. NEW HAVEN ADDISON COUNTY CHURCH OF CHRIST - 145 Campground Rd., 453-5704. Worship: Sunday 9 & 11:20am; Bible classes: Sunday 10:30am, Tuesday 6pm. Free home Bible studies available by appointment. NEW HAVEN UNITED REFORM CHURCH - 1660 Ethan Allen Hwy, New Haven, VT. (802) 388-1345 Worship services at 10am & 7pm. Pastor Andrew Knott. • SHELBURNE SHELBURNE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH - 30 Church St., Shelburne • 985-3981 • Rev. Gregory A. Smith, Pastor, 8:00am - Holy Communion Service • 9:30am - Family Worship Service with Sunday School STARKSBORO THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF STARKSBORO - 2806 Route 116, Starksboro, Vt. Pastor Larry Detweiler, 802-434-6715 (home), 802-989-2679 (cell), revdets@gmail. com. Sunday: 10 a.m. -Chat, Chew and Renew a bible study and fellowship for adults; 11 a.m. -Worship service with communion every 1st Sunday; 11 a.m. -Sunday’s Cool a bible study and fellowship for youth grades K-7; Youth Program Coordinator, Roberta McKinney: or 802-922-1766. VERGENNES/PANTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHRISTIAN CENTER - 1759 U.S. Route 7, Vergennes, VT • 802877-3903 • Sunday school 9am, Sunday worship 10am. Sunday evening and mid week life groups: Contact church office for times and places. Rev. Michael Oldham. pastormike@; CHAMPLAIN VALLEY CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH - 73 Church St in Waltham. The Rev. Phillip Westra, pastor. Sunday: Worship services at 10 a.m. and 6 p.m., nursery available, Sunday school for children at 11:15 a.m. Weekday groups include Coffee Break Womens’ Group, Young Peoples (7th to 12th grade), Young Adult Married and Singles, and more. 877-2500 or PANTON COMMUNITY BAPTIST CHURCH - 49 Adams Ferry Road, Panton. 802-475-

Please visit our online local religious services page at:



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6 • September 9, 2017 | The Vermont Eagle

Cremation Services Only on site crematory in Addison County 117 South Main Street Middlebury, VT 05753 Phone: 802-388-2311 Fax: 802-388-1033 Email: 57540

Published by New Market Press, Inc.

The Vermont Eagle | September 9, 2017 • 7

Vermont Archaeology Month at Silver Lake By Lou Varricchio STA FF W RITER

MIDDLEBURY | Every September, the State of Vermont celebrates the past by devoting an entire month to fun and educational activities relating to the field of archaeology. Here in Addison County, you can check out the month’s offerings from the Lake Champlain Maritime Museum to the Mount Independence Historic Site. The Vermont Archaeological Society is also celebrating the month with an emphasis on saving our heritage. VAS is a volunteer organization comprised of professional and avocational archaeologists and the interested public. “The society is committed to raising the awareness of Vermont’s past, while at the same time protecting its valuable cultural resources from injury and exploitation,” according to Jacob Clay, VAS’ president. “VAS hosts a wide range of exciting activities each year. The society sponsors both a spring and fall meeting, which brings together guest lecturers for the presentation of reports and papers relating to a broad spectrum of topics pertaining to archaeology in Vermont and beyond,” Clay noted. “The semi-annual meetings also serve as an opportunity for members and non-members to gather for social and professional communication and to conduct the society’s business.” To join, email VAS at or check out the society’s Facebook page. You can also send a postcard to Vermont Archaeological Society, Inc., P.O. Box 663 Burlington, Vermont 05402-0663 for more details. Also this month, you can join the free Silver Lake History Hike on Sunday, Sept. 10 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Hikers will meet at the public parking lot (Silver Lake Trailhead) on Route 53 south of Branbury State Park. Children under 16 should be accompanied by an adult. And remember to carry your valuables with you. Historical researcher and author Bill Powers will join retired U.S. archaeologist Dave Lacy on the hike to Silver Lake. Powers and Lacy will highlight the history and archaeology of the area, including evidence of Native American use, 19th century settlement, development of a hotel-retreat on the lake shore, the 100th anniversary of a power generation dam and network and several decades of U.S. National Forest management. Powers will display a collection of historic photographs

of Silver Lake. Please carry water, lunch, appropriate walking shoes, insect repellent and sunscreen if desired. Well-behaved (voice command or leashed) dogs are welcome to join the group.■

OPPOSITE PAGE LEFT: Learn about a sunken ancient, Indian birch bark canoe in Silver Lake during a special Vermont Archaeology Month hiking event in Salisbury on Sept. 10. Photo provided









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8 • September 9, 2017 | The Vermont Eagle

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Published by New Market Press, Inc.

The Vermont Eagle | September 9, 2017 • 9

» Hops Cont. from pg. 1 Residents near the farm let their opinion be heard at a Selectboard meeting Aug. 28. The new hops business, Mt. Philo Hops, is located west of the intersection of U.S. Route 7 and East Thompson’s Point Road in Charlotte. Organic wheat farmer Peter Demick, one of the neighbors involved in the dispute, sees the Mt. Philo Hops undertaking as one wealthy man’s rash move to cash in on the microbrew-beer fad. New York businessman Peter Briggs (not related to Addison County dairy farmer and past state senate candidate Peter Briggs) purchased the farmland from Clark Hinsdale to start Mt. Philo Hops. Even as Briggs prepares 35 acres of the 59.1-acre parcel for the spring 2018 planting of the tall-climbing hop vines, neighbors are organized to protest the effort. They say the non-organic farm will use pesticides and herbicides typical of other hop yards in the Northeast. Demick, a member of the Northeast Organic Farming Association of Vermont, grows organic wheat in an adjoining field for the Nitty Gritty Grain Co. of Charlotte. He also works as a master stone mason with Vermont Walkways and Stone Preservation. “Hop yards are typically sited in remote places away from residential areas because of the heavy spraying and water requirements. Mr. Briggs couldn’t have a picked a less desirable place for growing commercial hops.” Demick began organizing with surrounding neighbors to stop the agricultural project. Among his concerns are the possible negative effects on wildlife and the fear that toxic runoff from pesticide and fungicide spraying will affect the watershed of nearby Thorpe Brook, as well as the hop farm’s own irrigation catch ponds. A letter to the Charlotte Selectboard signed by Demick and 28 other individuals living in the farm’s vicinity cites water quality as a top worry. “The hops operation will use pesticides for disease and pest control. Many of the pesticides approved for hops are toxic to aquatic life, according to the EPA labels. It is possible and likely that the irrigation pond water will accumulate and concentrate pesticide residues over time which would end up directly discharging to (nearby) Thorpe Brook when the pond reaches capacity. The Charlotte Town Plan values Thorpe Brook as Significant Wildlife Habitat as designated by both the town and State of Vermont, and supports protection from contami-

nation of this important natural resource.” While Demick concedes that Briggs’ hops operation fits the agricultural zone in which it is being laid out, he insists that it is not appropriate to be so close to the many residences in the area. Neighbors have told town officials that the hop yard trellis structures might trigger an Act 250 review. They also asked the state to conduct water quality and soil tests for future use of pesticides.

Linda Samter, another neighbor opposing the project, said she contacted the Vermont Land Trust and Agency of Agriculture about the hop farm, and has asked the planning commission to review the hops farm as it relates to “residential, scenic and water quality resources.” ■ One of the irrigation ponds installed on the Mt. Philo Hops farm in Charlotte. Photo by Lou Varricchio


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10 • September 9, 2017 | The Vermont Eagle

Published by New Market Press, Inc.

A power line down in Charlotte. Photo by Lou Varricchio

Check ou t event s . addison - for t he lates t event s.

Calendar of Events

SEP. 6

Rutland » Song Circle held

at Godnick Adult Center; 7:15 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. The song circle welcomes singers, players of acoustic instruments and listeners. A songbook of popular folksongs encourages group singing. Donations are welcome. For further information, call Jack Crowther at 802-775-1182 or visit the Wild Woods Music Co-op website at

SEP. 8

Rockingham » Bartonsville

Grange Monthly Dinner held at 116 Upper Bartonsville Road; 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Pork Loin dinner served with green beans, corn, potatoes, apple sauce and a variety of desserts. $10.00 per person ages 12 and up. $5.00 per Children ages 5-11. Children under the age of 5 are FREE! If you have any questions, please call 802-376-5504. Bristol » Evening of Poetry held at Art on Main; 6:30 p.m. Poets from Bristol’s South Street Writers’ Cooperative will read their work in the gallery followed by light

refreshments and a chance for conversation. Readers include Karla Van Vliet, Ruth Farmer, Ann Fisher, Basha Miles, Lily Hinrichsen, Carol Talmage and Sally Burrell. All are welcome. Middletown Springs » The Paramount Theatre presents: Saint Joan held at Burnham Hollow Orchard Barn; 7:30 p.m. Note: as these presentations are no-frills works in process, the admission will be “Pay What You Will” with a suggested donation of $10. Seating is limited to 80. There is no Paramount Box Office available for these presentations.

SEP. 9

Rutland » Origami Peace Cranes story time & activity held at Phoenix Books; 3 p.m. Story time featuring Sue’s picture book Origami Peace Cranes, and attendees will be invited to fold an origami crane. Writer, illustrator, sculptor and former Disney animator Sue DiCicco is the creator of the Peace Crane Project, which is designed to promote the concept of peace within and between our schools, homes, communities, states, and nations, with participation from over 150 countries. Details: or 802-855-8078. Rutland » Pancake Breakfast held at Masonic Lodge; 8:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. The cost is still $9.00 for adults (13 SEP. 9TH years and Pancake above) and Breakfast held at $3.00 for Masonic Lodge, those 6-12 Rutland years. The 'y

menu will include pancakes, both plain and blueberry, French Toast, scrambled eggs, omelets, bacon, sausage, home fries, corned beef hash, coffee, juice, tea, milk, and more! Rutland » 2017 Walk to End Alzheimer’s held at Main Street Park; 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. The Walk to End Alzheimer’s is the world’s largest event to raise awareness and funds for Alzheimer’s care, support and research. Form a team with your family, friends and coworkers and register today! Start a team, join a team or volunteer. Raise or donation $100 to receive your 2017 Walk to End Alzheimer’s t-shirt.

SEP. 9 - SEP. 10

Pittsford » Mendon Fish & Game Annual 3-D Bow Shoot held at The Fish and Game Clubhouse; 7:00 a.m. Archery enthusiasts will be able to enjoy the 3-D shoots with 5 new targets and an improved course layout. Participants have the option of competing either one day or two. The cost is $10.00 per person each day. All proceeds benefit 2018 sponsorships for youth attending the Edward Kehoe Green Mountain Conservation Camp at Lake Bomoseen. There will be a concession stand and Door Prize drawings. 802-683-9147 or for more information.

SEP. 10

Bristol » Free Community Dinner held at St. Ambrose Parish Hall; 5:00 p.m.- 6:30 p.m. The Menu will be Fish & Chips, Coleslaw, homemade Apple pie and Beverages!! So bring a friend and/or neighbor to enjoy an evening out.

Contact Kasey Rosselli at (518) 873-6368 ext. 104 or email to list your event.

Middletown Springs » The

Paramount Theatre presents: Kind Man Man Kind held at Burnham Hollow Orchard Barn; 4:00 p.m. Note: as these presentations are no-frills works in process, the admission will be “Pay What You Will” with a suggested donation of $10. Seating is limited to 80. There is no Paramount Box Office available for these presentations. Burlington » Pride Parade and Festival held at Battery Park; 12:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Join us for the biggest LGBTQ celebration in Northern New England. Thousand of LGBTQ community members and supporters gather at the Hood Plant and march up Church Street and end in Battery Park where there will be dozens of tables, vendors and fabulous entertainment on the Pride Stage.

SEP. 12

Rutland » The Full Vermonty:

Vermont in the Age of Trump held at Phoenix Books; 6:30 p.m. Join Bill Mares, Christopher Louras, and Bob Stannard for a talk on The Full Vermonty: Vermont in the Age of Trump. “Come to The Full Vermonty for the cartoons by the incomparable Jeff Danziger. Stay for a primer for the millions of Americans who’ve been asking, ‘What do we do NOW?’ Bill Mares and his gang of Vermont wits and sages actually have answers,” says U.S. Senator Patrick Leahy. Details: or call 802855-8078. Middlebury/ New Haven » Lecture and Tour: “Bee the Change Initiative” held at Business meeting and Presentation at The Residence at Otter Creek. Tour at Solar Field; 1:00 p.m. Through this initiative,

“Bee the Change,” the Kiernans identify under-used properties, including solar farm locations, for the planting of flowers, shrubs, and trees attractive to pollinators. After the presentation, Dr. Kiernan will lead a tour of the plantings on the solar panel field at Tourterelle, in New Haven, where the Kiernans have planted almost 100 different kinds of plants. This lecture qualifies for master gardener educational credits.

SEP. 13

Bridport » Bridport Book Club

Book Discussion held at Bridport Highway Department Conference Room; 7:00 p.m. This month’s selection is The Watchmaker of Filigree Street, by Natasha Pulley. All interested Readers welcome! Details: 802-758-2858.

SEP. 15 - SEP. 16

Middlebury » Fall Festival held at Downtown Middlebury; Starts 6:00p.m. Fri - 4:00p.m. Sat. Free Admission! Fireworks, Local Artisans and Crafters, Homemade Foods, Antique Tractor Display, Farmers Market, Baking Contest, Cornhole tournament, Free Entertainment and more. Details:

SEP. 16

Rutland » Wonderpaws Festival & Paw Parade held at Wonderfest Kid’s Museum; 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Many kid-friendly and dog-friendly activities and demonstrations. Visitors may explore dog-related vendors and specialists. Free and open to the public. All dogs must register to attend the event. Details: 802-282-2678.


Published by New Market Press, Inc.

The Vermont Eagle | September 9, 2017 • 11

ROAD WORK: A road crew works on replacing a culvert traversing Cider Mill Road in Cornwall Aug. 29. The road was closed during the week with culvert working expected to be completed in time for the Labor Day weekend. Photo by Lou Varricchio

•· CK



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Public Relations Officer 381 New Road, Brandon, VT 05733 (802) 247-8500



12 • September 9, 2017 | The Vermont Eagle

Published by New Market Press, Inc.

Rutland County firm fined for water discharge Removal of beaver dam led to discharge By Lou Varricchio STA FF W RITER

RUTLAND | The operator of a slate quarry in Rutland County has been fined by the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources for illegally discharging water and sediment into Lake St. Catherine in April 2014. The incident, which tool place in the town of Wells and was set in motion by the illegal removal of a beaver dam near an old quarry test hole, released a large volume of material into the lake. The parties involved must now pay a $9,000 state fine. The environmental fine came after a threeyear-long review by the ANR. Ruby Construction, Inc., and Mammoth Quarry tenant Royal Harrison, were jointly held responsible, according to Randy Miller of the ANR. “They have been fined a minimum of $9,000 and are required to appropriately remove the deposited sediment from the lake,” Miller noted in an Aug. 28 news statement. According to a Nov. 6, 2015 Vermont Superior Court document obtained by The Eagle, “on or about April 15, 2014, the agency received a complaint from Stuart Dietmeier that the basement of his residence, located at 217 West Lake Road in Wells, had flooded due to the alteration of a wetland and beaver dam located on the hill behind his residence ... Dietmeier also stated that sediment had been discharged to Lake St. Catherine. On or about April 16, agency personnel made contact with William Ruby, president of Ruby, Inc., to inquire about the incident.” Dietmeier provided the agency with both video and still photographic evidence showing the discharge flow from the beaver dam site.

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The visuals also showed the discharge entering Lake St. Catherine. Based on Dietmeir’s video, an ANR investigation determined the discharge of sediment was nearly 30 feet long, 20 feet wide and approximately an inch deep. “The amount of sediment discharged into Lake St. Catherine is estimated to be in excess of 22 cubic yards,” the 2015 court record stated. The ANR statement described the homeowners below the pond “witnessing a wall of water that rumbled down the forested hill, quickly overwhelmed an intermittent stream bed, blocked a culvert and overtopped West


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• Auto Collision Repa • Boats • Muscle Car Re 30be Years Experience Lake Factory Road.” Trained GM Tech On Site with must permitted by a Vermont state game to the ANR. “No suchON YOUR NE • Auto Collision Repair Recreationalwarden,” Vehiclesaccording • Tractor/Trailer Members of the Wells Fire •Department PAINT,TOW OR permit was sought in case... All sediCOLLISION RE and a road Muscle crew closed Lake Road; • Boats• Car West Restorations • Bed Liners • Windshield this Repair they also helped divert the flow from nearby ment removal and lake restoration is to be byYOUR the respondents, and an addi- UP TO homes. One homeowner reported water in paid forON NEXT 24 Hour Towing OR AUTO will be assessed if tionalPAINT,TOW penalty of $3,000 his basement following the incident. COLLISION REPAIR “The water moved swiftly for several hours, compliance is not achieved by Oct. 31, 2018.” Certain restriction Representatives of Ruby Construction ripping up and dragging slate flagstones across UP TO oneHours: homeowner’s property and gouging out and Royal Harrison were unavailable for 24 H M-F 8am-5pm, Sat: By Appt. pathways into the lake on the other. comment at presstime. ■ Certain restrictions apply* Debris and sediment flowed well into Lake According to state law, any intentional beaver 11648 Greenwood Springridge Rd., Shreveport, La 71129 Hours: M-F St. Catherine,” according to the ANR. dam removal must be permitted by a Vermont Military and Senior Discounts. We work with all insurance www.mccl Town ofweWells officials followed companies, only need your authorization and the claim flow number. state game warden. The ANR fined two11648 Rutland Greenwood S to its soruce and located an earthmoving County operations for an illegal 2014 discharge Military and Senior companies, we only ne vehicle, parked and with its engine still warm. incident following a beaver dam breach. comp5/jan 08-17 “...Any intentional beaver dam removal Photo by Patrick Mackie


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God put in motion of his creation of me and you with Adam and Eve and he turned it then he created and now we are creating when men and women came together sexually. The gene of the man set off the egg and there is creation of a spirit then the creation of a human being. The spirits are under the age of credibility in the woman and during a miscarriage or abortion the spirits are called up and God has a planet that their spirits go into and the mature spirits look over them in that planet. I have heard of a lot of Christians standing on corners with people that support abortion and those who are supporting it financially. They need to read the New Testament on innocent blood. I hear people called ISIS murdering people all over the world. But I believe in Revelations, they are the servants of the beast. His other personality is flowing pretty strong here in America getting people ready to take the make of the beast. If you do not agree with what I am saying, send me $10-$20 in tracks where I can find other people that don’t agree. If you want to be a partner and need tax exempt please contact me Brother Carl Cox at P.O. Box 18948 in Shreveport, La. 71138. I have accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. Have you made that decision? 104966

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Published by New Market Press, Inc.

The Vermont Eagle | September 9, 2017 • 13

Community chorus seeks singers MIDDLEBURY | The Middlebury College Community Chorus announces a new season to prepare for its annual fall concert, slated for performance on the college campus the weekend before Thanksgiving.

Regular rehearsals take place on Tuesday and Sunday from 7 to 8:30 p.m., in Middlebury College’s Mead Chapel beginning Sept. 12. This season includes historical works from as well as cel-

Lincoln man in custody

MIDDLEBURY | On Aug. 29 at approximately 1 p.m., State Vermont State Police stopped motorist Corey Yantz, 23, of Lincoln, on South Pleasant Street in Middlebury for failure to display a rear registration plate on his vehicle. Police reported that Yantz was under a court ordered conditions of release requiring him to follow a curfew at his residence located in Lincoln. Yantz informed troopers that he was bringing a friend to buy earrings at a store located in the Frog Hollow shopping area of Middlebury. Yantz admitted to State Police that this was a deviation from his curfew. He was taken into custody, processed and arraigned in Addison County Criminal Court. ■

ebration and thanksgiving. The choir welcomes all interested singers to join the ensemble. See or contact Jeff Rehbach at 802- 989-7355.■

Cornwall cemetery group to meet By Lou Varricchio STA FF W RITER

CORNWALL | The Cornwall Evergreen Cemetery Association’s annual meeting will be held Friday, Sept. 15, at 8 p.m. at the home of Charlotte Phillips. All lot owners in the area are encouraged to attend. For details and directions, call Richard Bruso, association secretary, at 802-462-2754. ■

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74. Lakers’ local rivals, 3. Superhero punch 54. Google income on the scoreboard sound sources 75. Aroma 4. Santana song 56. Thai language Across 79. Cuban dance 5. Stray cat milieu 57. Jump for joy 1. Time out? 6. Ford contemporary 59. It may be easily 4. Many New Zealanders 80. Farm area 81. “Bravo!” 7. Gallop bruised 10. Hemingway title 84. Textile worker 8. Rage 60. Lot pronoun 85. Alien craft 9. Examine 61. Dress (up) 14. Phish 87. Put in hot water, but 10. Pesky insect 63. Caustic stuff 18. Utah lily only for a little bit 11. Use a grindstone 64. Wyatt’s Holiday 19. Seductiveness 89. What____ Tina 12. Married John 65. British P.M.’s house 20. Gold Turner song 13. Garfield’s cry number 21. Official language of 95. Fried-chicken part 14. Ford Explorer, e.g. 66. Poem of praise Pakistan 96. Do damage to 15. Cad 67. Yours and mine 22. What _____, song 97. Suit of armor 16. “Farewell, mon ami” 68. “Hogan’s Heroes” line 100. Ilk 17. Cogitates, with epithet 25. Sign of secrecy 101. Jay follower “over” 69. Declare 26. Vase 104. Measure of the 18. Render 70. College degree 27. Extends speed the shaft spins open-mouthed 71. Beam of light 28. “To ___ their golden 107. Power to inspire 23. Getting on 72. Comply with eyes’’ Shakespeare fear 24. Flyspeck 73. Pea family trees 29. Moray, e.g. 108. Jeer 32. Knowing 75. Miss in a Cole Porter 30. Zealot 110. “Data quality 33. Part of a bray hit 31. “What ___ is it?” determines result 34. Flue residue 76. Senator, Bob 32. ____ on earth? quality” acronym 35. “Look here!” 77. Arch with a double-S 35. Seafood dish 111. Retirement account 36. French vineyard shape 39. Slant 112. Run producer 37. Children’s game 78. Part of a nuclear 40. Guru residence 114. What _____ 38. Portended reactor 42. What ____ (Nickelback song) 39. Snippet 80. Help request (transparency) 120. Period 40. Tucked away 81. Not straight 50. Enchant 121. Medieval 41. Logo for example 82. Blood typing letters 51. Haw partner accompaniment 42. Tall tale 83. One to thank 52. Vintners’ valley 122. Reddish-brown 43. Crude group? 86. Strong and healthy 55. Bigger 123. One way to turn 44. 45th admitted state 87. Whittle 56. Grassy area a ship 45. Look after a baby 88. Automated teller 58. Beat 124. Formerly 46. Role in Haydn’s 90. Modern address 62. Ruler unit 125. Nectar source “The Creation” 91. “Is that so!” 63. Airport on the west 126. Make secret 47. Cup handle 92. Chow down or coast of the US 127. Emerald, for one 48. I get it! gobble up 64. Naive types, 100. Even more SUDOKU by Myles Mellor 49. andContainer Susanweight Flanagan93. “___ me?” sometimes 101. Passed illegally for Down 50. Special effects, abbr. 94. WWII general Arnold 65. What ____ financial gain 1. 1940s-60s world 53. Diem or cent 97. Brahman, e.g. (why so late?) 102. Active Each Sudoku puzzle consists of a 9X9 grid that has been subdivided into nine smaller leader preceder 98. Proprietor 70. Transaction 103. Hither’s partner Broker 99. Fosters grids of 2. 3X3 squares. To solve the puzzle each row, column and box must contain each by Myles Mellor

of the numbers 1 to 9. Puzzles come in three grades: easy, medium and difficult.

104. Sort (through) 105. Introduction 106. Foal’s mother 108. Kind of blocker 109. ___ and terminer (criminal court)

110. Helicopter’s predecessor, briefly 113. Clock standard, for short 114. Austrian peak 115. Morgue, for one

116. Milk 117. Took 118. Arrow trajectory 119. Muzzle


Level: Medium

Complete the grids each row, column and 3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit, 1 to 9

6 2

9 7 1


1 8 4

8 4

5 3





1 7

5 1

6 5

2 4



5 6





• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••••••••••••• MATH WORDS FEATURES by Myles Mellor 15 math related words are listed below. They may go across, up and down or diagonally in the puzzle. Circle each one as you find it.

G M L I I 0 K K A T K H w p K G J G K E B D A A L I Q N D V B L I C N I s s G B I C F M L

C A R L C s R u z z u N z M R N M u L Q I V E M H M V z E B D G E B y E E I M Q L R E 0 D I E s N K M s N N D G E E G u I R L A TWX u s u E H R Q B I s s Q s V I 0 D 0 z N y p N B


N X y I H G C J I p L y



y E B 0 R y A M y



••• See anSwerS to our puzzleS in back of the paper •••

J A J V R B D I D H T 0 C H H A M E L E C C TW u I A L C H u I V s u D

Adding Algebra Angles Arithmetic Calculus Curve Division Figures Geometry Length Math Minus Multiply Numbers Width

14 • September 9, 2017 | The Vermont Eagle


Published by by New New Market Market Press, Press, Inc. lnc. Published

Gov. Scott signs safety proclamation


Back to school

From Eagle Staff & News Reports MONTPELIER | Gov. Phil Scott signed a Vermont School Safety Proclamation on Sept. 1 at the Ceremonial Office in the State House in Montpelier. He encouraged schools to utilize state resources to prepare educators and first responders for an allhazards approach to emergency response. Scott said that “the start of the school year is an ideal time for school crisis planning teams, local emergency management directors and emergency first responders to review and revise school crisis plans and collaborate on future training or exercis-

md evaluevalues opportunities that focus on testing and Ltion sites, sites, ating existing evacuation routes, evacuation :mergency family reunification locations and other emergency response actions.” 1tion SecSecScott was joined by Agency of Education of Public Public retary Rebecca Holcombe, Department: of :r Herrick, Herrick, Safety Deputy Commissioner Christopher tembers of of School Safety Liaison Rob Evans and members the School Crisis Planning Team. :paredness September is recognized as National Preparedness :ss Month Month. This year, National Preparedness Month will focus on planning, with an overarching theme: ,~gtheme: “Disasters Don’t Plan Ahead, You Can.” ■

Back To School





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Published by New Market Press, Inc. FIREWOOD


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ExcitingNursingOpportunities in South BurlingtonI $2,000 Sign-OnBonusOffered for RN and LPN FULLTIME AND PARTTIME ONLY! BONUSOFFEREDIF HIREDBYSeptember 30, 2017! Centurion, a partnership between MHM Services and Centene Corporation, is a leading provider of healthcare services to correctional facilities nationwide. Centurion of Vermont is proud to be the provider of healthcare services to the Vermont Department of Corrections.


Community Papers of New England Call June at 877-423-6399 to place your ad today



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We invite you to learn more about the environment that is often referred to as "nursing's best kept secret" ...Correctional Nursing. We are currently seeking Vermont licensed Registered Nurses, LicensedPractical Nurses and LicensedNursingAssistantsto provide nursing care in a correctional healthcare setting. Full Time, Part Time and Per Diem shifts available at our Chittenden RegionalCorrectional Facilityin South Burlington,VT. We offer competitive compensation and a comprehensive benefits package for FULLTIME including:

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Health, dental, vision, life and disability insurance Health savings account with matching employer contributions 20 paid days off plus 8 paid holidays 401(k) retirement plan with employer match Career development benefit Flexible spending accounts for health and dependent care Wellness activity subsidy Access to corporate discount programs

Requirements for Registered Nurses and Licensed Practical Nurses are current license in VT, experience in med/surg or correctional environment preferred, but willing to train. The Licensed Nursing Assistant must be a graduate of a Licensed Nursing Assistant program and have an active VT Nursing Assistant License. Must be able to pass background investigation and obtain agency security clearance. Interested candidates, please email resumes to or fax 888-317-1741;


16 • September 9, 2017 | The Vermont Eagle

BX Series

B Series

BX Series

B Series

M Series

L Series

M Series

L Series

Published by New Market Press, Inc.

Opportunity is knocking—save on select new Kubota tractors today!


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Offer ends 10/31/17.

Opportunity is knocking—save on select new Kubota tractors today!

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Financing for 84 Months* Service since 1970 Offer ends 10/31/17.

453 Exchange Street Middlebury, VT 802-388-4967 *20% down, 0% A.P.R. financing for up to 84 months on purchases of select new Kubota BX, B, L and M Series equipment from participating dealers’ in-stock inventory is available to qualified purchasers through Kubota Credit Corporation, U.S.A.; subject to credit approval. Some exceptions apply. Example: 84 monthly payments of $11.90 per $1,000 financed. Dealer Participation Required. Offer expires 10/31/17. See us or go to for more information. Optional equipment may be shown.


*20% down, 0% A.P.R. financing for up to 84 months on purchases of select new Kubota BX, B, L and M Series equipment from participating dealers’ in-stock inventory is available to qualified purchasers through Kubota Credit Corporation, U.S.A.; subject to credit approval. Some exceptions apply. Example: 84 monthly payments of $11.90 per $1,000 financed. Dealer Participation Required. Offer expires 10/31/17. See us or go to for more information. Optional equipment may be shown.

© Kubota Tractor Corporation, 2017

© Kubota Tractor Corporation, 2017


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