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History of the Rutland Railroad pg. 3


Part I of II


December 23, 2017

Published by New Market Press, Inc.

Serving Addison, Rutland & Chittenden Counties

Ripton man to appear in court

FERRISBURGH | On Nov. 25, at approximately 11:18 a.m., Vermont State Police troopers from the New Haven Barracks conducted a motor vehicle stop with a 1997 Saturn SL, operated by John Ryea, 34, of Ripton, on Route 7 in the own of Ferrisburgh. A subsequent police investigation revealed that Ryea’s privilege to operate a motor vehicle was criminally suspended in Vermont. Ryea was arrested and transported to the VSP New Haven Barracks for processing. Ryea was released on citation to appear at the Addison County Court on Jan. 8 to answer to the charge of Criminal DLS.


Further investigation revealed that Ryea had taken the vehicle he was operating without the owner’s consent and provided false information to a police officer. Ryea was subsequently charged with Operating without Owner’s consent and providing False Information to a Police Officer. ■

CHOPPER CLAUS: Santa Claus arrived via helicopter at the front of the main entrance of UVM Medical Center in Burlington Dec. 7. He waved at pediatric patients gathered at a large window. After touchdown, the big elf went inside to meet children and hand out toys. Santa was joined by members of U.S. Customs and Border Protection. Photo by David Seaver

Wendy Wilton heads up U.S. FSA Vermont By Lou Varricchio STA FF W RITER

RUTLAND | Considering her academic achievements and background in finance, chemistry and agriculture, Wendy Wilton’s experience in state and local politics has helped prepared her for the less overtly political role of U.S. Farm Service Agency (FSA) head, despite being appointed by President Donald Trump. Wilton’s tenure as state senator left a mark in Montpelier, where she served on the education, judiciary and agriculture standing committees. When Wilton received official word last month from U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue that she was appointed director

U.S. FSA Vermont Director Wendy Wilton: “I have to pay attention to the Hatch Act (of 1939), so I can’t be politically involved.” Photo by Lou Varricchio

of the FSA in Vermont, she was bowled over. “I was thrilled and so honored with the appointment by the President,” Wilton said. “I had expressed an interest in working in agriculture in the administration and I learned that the agency thought that, with my credentials in both agriculture and finances, I’d make a good fit. “But just let me say that there’s nothing political about this position other than my appointment,” she added. As Vermont’s new FSA state director, Wilton is helping implement U.S. Department of Agriculture policies in planning, organizing and administering FSA programs within Vermont. She also is responsible for running the day-to-day activities of the state FSA office in Williston.

“The FSA has many programs under its roof that help our farmers,” she said. “It’s also kind of like a SBA (Small Business Administration) for farmers making loan guarantees for farms. “It’s kind of like this: A business owner can go to a bank to get a loan, but the bank goes out to get the SBA guarantee to cover any default of the loan so that it can make the loan in the first place.” In addition to helping farmers with loans, the agency also provides funding for environmental sustainability, including things such as phosphorus runoff in lakes and streams. She’s also there to help with all sorts of technical assistance, valuable disaster relief and farm subsidies. » Wilton Cont. on pg. 5

Scott launches bold jobs-training plan Gov. talks 70x2025vt By Lou Varricchio STAFF WRITER

Gov. Phil Scott: “We owe it to Vermonters to provide the pathways necessary to develop the skills to be successful at work, at home, and in the community.” Photo by Lou Varricchio

MIDDLEBURY | Gov. Phil Scott’s administration and the Vermont Student Assistance Corporation have launched an ambitious plan to get Vermonters educated and trained for 21st century jobs by the year 2025. According to Scott, construction,

trades and allied-health occupations are the employment sectors looking for skilled Vermonters immediately. Scott’s education and workforce development program spearheaded by Vermont’s governor and VSAC, along with a group of leaders from the education and business community, has a goal of arming 70 percent of Vermont’s population with either trade or higher education credentials by 2025. “As part of my ‘cradle to career’ focus on education and training, we owe it to Vermonters to provide the

pathways necessary to develop the skills to be successful at work, at home and in the community,” Scott said at a 70x2025vt fall event at PC Construction in South Burlington. “(Our) 70x2025 is a big goal, but one I believe that we can reach by working together and using Vermont’s power of cooperation, collective wisdom and action. My administration is, and will be, fully engaged in this effort.” Scott has cited research from Georgetown University indicating that seven in 10 of the high-pay, high-demand

jobs in the decade of the 2020s will require some level of education and training after high school. According to Scott Giles, president and CEO of VSAC, Vermont must drastically upgrade the skills of the population to not only compete regionally and nationally, but globally as well. “A high school diploma just isn’t enough anymore,” Giles said. The 70x2025vt mission illustrates the daunting challenges needed in order to meet the 2025 deadline: » 70x2025 Cont. on pg. 5

Bay l, Get I FREEi Free plant of equal or lesser value (while supplies last} Poinsettia s, Christmas Cactus, Cyclamen, and all other houseplants

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