Aj 99 10 24 2015

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Saturday, October 24, 2015



In SPORTS | pg. 8-9

Second Season

Teams prep for sectionals


In OPINION | pg. 4


We’re broke!

Why are candidates talking about more debt?

In OUTDOORS | pg. 19

Our season

Fall, hunting seasons underway

Local freshman preps to follow Olympic dream Dyani Bryant to spend winter on the luge track; hosting fundraiser Oct. 24 By Keith Lobdell


LAKE PLACID — When many bemoan the changing of the leaves and falling temperatures, Dyani Bryant is ready to take to the track. The tracks are located in North Elba, as well as Park City, Utah; and Calgary, Alberta. That is because Bryant’s sport is luge, an event that requires one to slide down a bobsled track lying on their backs. Bryant started in the sport as part of a slider’s search in Lake Placid.

“There were kids from all over the country,” Bryant said of her summer 2014 tryout. “After the camp was over, I was asked if I was interested in going further.” In January, she started going up to the Mt. Vanhoevenburg sliding track, where she would practice, leading to the Empire State Games, where she slid to a sixth place finish. Her sliding career continued to progress with an invitation to join the D-Team, a junior development team. “I was able to spend a week at the Olympic Training Center and is was very fun,” Bryant said. “From there, I went to a selection camp and made the junior candidate team.” Starting in November and running through March, Bryant will be competing in races on the three North American tracks with other developmental sliders. >> Story Continued | pg. 21

Getting in Summerfest to return their kicks By Thom Randall


Members of the Warrensburg Youth Soccer 3-4 team played teams from Westport, St. Mary’s, Whitehall and Warrensburg, along with K-2 and 5-6 teams, Oct. 17 at the Ticonderoga Biddy Tournament, part of the Essex County Youth Bureau’s soccer season. The tournament was the final games of the season for many. Photo by Jill Lobdell

LAKE GEORGE — The local fire department’s signature annual craft shows will both be held in Shepard Park for 2016, following a passionate plea from event organizers this week to village trustees. The Lake George Summerfest, sponsored by the Lake George Volunteer Fire Department, was held this year on Beach Road, moved from Shepard Park where it had been conducted annually for

decades. Firefighter Rob Hickey and Fire Dept. craft show coordinator Stephanie Fregoe told the village trustees >> Story Continued | pg. 3

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