Saturday,ÊF ebruaryÊ4,Ê2017
In SPORTS | pg. 18-19
Section II sports heating up PLUS: MVAC showdown; Keene v. Bolton
In opinion | pg. 6
Centralized performing arts? Could jump start local economies
In LOCAL | pg. 3
Snow Train shutdown
Lawmakers not please with decision
Rachael Ray will return for show next year By Thom Randall
LAKE GEORGE — Celebrity chef and talk-show star Rachael Ray will be coming back to Lake George in spring 2018 for her annual hometown show despite bypassing it for 2017, a trusted source has revealed. The Lake George Alumni Association, the show’s sponsor, announced last week that Ray’s show was cancelled for this year. The news raised fears among some fans that Rachael’s beloved fundraiser would not return to Lake George for an indefinite span of time. But Gloria Gilman, a longtime friend of
Ray’s family and a member of the alumni association, said Jan. 30 Ray would be back in 2018. “Rachael Ray will definitely be doing the show in Lake George next year,” Gilman said, noting that months ago, the alumni association had set up the date of April 7, 2017 for Ray’s local benefit show with the Lake George High School — but when Ray was later contacted about the date, she said she had already committed to flying to the west coast for an appearance. “Rachael was very apologetic — she didn’t know we had set her up for April 7,” Gilman said, noting that booking events at the high
school was difficult, because of its full schedule. Gilman said Ray was looking forward to her spring 2018 appearance in Lake George because she will have a new cookbook published by then. Gilman said Ray said she was pleased to be able to offer a new book at the 2018 show, as her latest cookbook, “Everyone is Italian of Sundays,” has been the one featured at the last two shows in Lake George. The “Everyone is Italian” cookbook, published in 2015, was the 17th cookbook authored by the famed chef. Each year, Ray has not only volunteered her time and talent, but she donates the many
dozens of her cookbooks sold at the show — as well as paying for the food for the meal and the wages for the cooks that prepare in school kitchen. Last year, the show raised $17,000 for the school. Ray’s generosity has been credited with raising about $200,000 for Lake George High School students over the hometown show’s 14-year history. The show’s ticket and book-sale proceeds help bankroll graduates’ multi-year scholarships, as well as purchasing computers, iPads and smartboards for Lake George’s schools.
Lake George Winter Carnival gears up Warmer weather may boost polar turnout, say organizers By Thom Randall
LAKE GEORGE — The 2017 edition of the Lake George Winter Carnival debuts this weekend — with almost all of its events on land rather than atop the lake ice. Blame the fickle weather. About three weeks ago, carnival officials were proclaiming that the lake was freezing over fast, with prevailing temperatures as low as 20 degrees — but it was apparently just a head fake by Mother Nature. Much of the weather since then has been above freezing, with temperatures as high as the mid-40s. >> See CARNIVAL | pg. 16
Glens Falls Hospital is the recipient of a $1 million gift from Glens Falls native Bill Stock in honor of his late mother, Joyce. The gift will go toward the $5 million renovation project now underway at the hospital’s birthing unit, which will now be known as The Joyce Stock Snuggery at Glens Falls Hospital. Photo provided