Saturday,ÊA prilÊ23,Ê2 016
In SPORTS | pg. 16-17
Warmer weather bring out the teams
In OPINION | pg. 6
What do we learn from this
Photos from Warrensburg-N.Warren showdowns
Lessons from Trump-Sanders campaigns
In SCHOOLS | pg. 2
Odyessy of the Mind
Lake George students take part in event
LiveÊ atÊ theÊ Apollo North Warren jazz band takes stage at Apollo Theater By Christina Scanlon
CHESTERTOWN — An audio recording of North Warren’s jazz band performing during its spring concert last year landed the group a performance at the world-famous Apollo Theater last week. The 13-member group, along with a group of parents and band director Colin MacInnis, took the one-day trip to be part of the New York City Jazz Festival, hosted by Manhattan Concert Productions. “It’s not competitive in nature,” said McInnis about their 15-minute stage appearance. Instead, the group gets encouragement and constructive criticism from a panel of judges. Other schools from all over the state, New England and as far away as California also took the stage. The three selections performed by North Warren showed a variety of music styles. “Una Mas” is an upbeat jazz song, with lively horns and an interesting mix pauses and staccato beats. >> See JAZZ | pg. 19
New owners, new life LGCS Super finalist in Whitehall two candidates presented to for Merrill Magee Inn Final community By Mikaela Foster
By Christina Scanlon
WARRENSBURG — The resurrection of the Merrill Magee Inn is complete, with a four-acre parcel now standing proudly in the center of town. The 1830s home-turned-tavern and restaurant fell into foreclosure and serious disrepair until it was rescued by Donna and Mike Flanagan at a sale in 2014. “When I first came onto the property and saw how overgrown it was, the condition of the grounds and the stomach just dropped,” said Dan DelGaudio, general manager and innkeeper. He’d been recruited by the Flanagans to help bring the property back to life, as >> See MAGEE | pg. 15
LAKE GEORGE — And then there were two. The Whitehall Central School District Board of Education has narrowed their list of superintendent candidates to two: Daniel Ward, Junior/Senior High School Principal for the Fort Ann Central School District, and Patrick Dee, Superintendent of the Lake George Central School District. Interim Superintendent William Scott has served since May 2015 following the resignation of Elizabeth Legault. It included a screening process, interviews with
PATRICK DEE Dee presented a crisp and polished presentation. He started his teaching career as a school psychologist and served for four years at Glens Falls City School District. From that position, he moved to serve as the elementary school principal for the same school. >> See DEE | pg. 18
Couple rescues local landmark from disrepair
the Board of Education and subsequent interviews with two advisory committees. As part of the hiring process, both finalists presented their entrance plans to the public on April 12. About 50 community members, parents, students and staff listened quietly during the hourlong presentations.