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irondack)Journal ~JJ!,;. nalI/ .Qc terprise Adirondack Newss In Enterprise

April 27, 2019

•• EC;t E D I Tio:-TION

Lake George sewer plant bids surpass earlier estimates

Veteran river-runners Judy Powers and Marco Schmale paddle upstream in the 2016 Hudson River Whitewater Derby.



Photo by Dick Carlson


Hike in local tax burden worries village’s mayor

Slalom races to return this year


LAKE GEORGE | The bids to construct Lake George’s new sewer treatment plant have turned out to be far higher than anticipated, and local officials have intensified their efforts to lobby to secure more grant money for the project. The bids for general construction work, electrical installations and mechanical work were opened April 17. The low bids for these three aspects totaled $19,630,911. No bids were received for plumbing work, which is estimated to cost $390,000. Combined with “soft” costs of engineering and contingency expenses, the total cost is about $24 million, according to village officials. Village Mayor Robert Blais said Monday that the new construction cost could increase debt payments for the plant by about $614,000 higher than planned, boosting tax rates this year from $5.99 per thousand of assessed valuation to $8.95 per thousand — an increase of 49.4 percent, according to calculations conducted Monday. The additional debt would increase annual local taxes of the Fort William Henry and Marriott Courtyard hotels by about $34,000 and $37,000 respectively, Blais said. » Sewer Cont. on pg. 3


NORTH CREEK | The 62ndannual Hudson River Whitewater Derby is likely to feature plenty of action this year, as the river is likely to be high and fast, race organizers and enthusiasts said this week. The derby, the oldest whitewater canoe and kayak competition in the U.S., is scheduled for Saturday, May 4, and Sunday, May 5, along the river between the hamlets of North River, North Creek and Riparius. Race Director Dick Carlson of Johnsburg said Monday that the Hudson River was at “flood stage” 24 hours earlier, but is expected to subside to

a more reasonable level by race day. “We’ll be ready to go on race day, and it’s because of a great group of volunteers,” he said. This year’s event will feature three races with both kayakers and canoers. Slalom races are scheduled for 11 a.m. Saturday, May 4, with registration opening at 9 a.m. at a booth in North River. Last year, the slalom races were canceled due to extremely high water and stiff winds that blew down the race gates, former event director Katie Nightingale recalled. “For decades, the whitewater races have been a big part of spring in our area,” she said.


The “Not-So-Whitewater” race — which made its debut last year — begins immediately after the slalom races. The course for beginners and

intermediates takes participants down a relatively serene 2.5 miles stretch of the Hudson, from Ordway Crossing to the North Creek train depot. Basil & Wicks restaurant on Route 28 in North Creek will host a party and awards ceremony beginning at 3 p.m. Saturday. Events will resume Sunday, with the challenging Downriver race beginning at 11 a.m. Over many decades, crowds beside the river have watched canoes and kayaks overturning when they stray from the river’s channel or are overcome by surging waters. Registration for this event begins at 9 a.m. at the Hudson River pavilion next to the North Creek train station, and awards are to be presented in Riparius at the finish line following the race action. Race registration fees range between $10 and $20. » Derby Cont. on pg. 3

Flooding along Schroon River threatens homes Threat level peaks at ‘major’ By Thom Randall CORRESPONDENT

CHESTERTOWN | Jazmin Powell stood on the doorstep of her home on Schroon River Forest Road in Chester and looked at the floodwaters — thigh deep in some places — surrounding her home. Nearby, racing bicycles leaning against a neighbor’s house were submerged in water that almost covered their wheels. “I’ve owned this home for five years, and this is the worst the flooding has ever been,” she said Monday. Her friend Thomas “T.J.” Bennett stood beside her, waiting for a friend of his to arrive with a pickup to haul Powell’s VW crossover out of the floodwaters that were as high as the car’s bumper. “I hope your car is okay,” Bennett said to Powell. » Flooding Cont. on pg. 5

Jazmin Powell of Chester watches her children Zeyla, 5, and Mason, 8, play in kneedeep floodwaters in their front yard beside the Schroon River as her friend Thomas “T.J.” Bennett waits for a friend to arrive with his pickup truck to drag Powell’s VW crossover onto dry land. Photo by Thom Randall

Warrensburg school board splits on hiring SROs

WARRENSBURG | A proposed resolution to hire two armed police officers to be on duty daily

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schools. He and other school board members also talked about the personnel the schools have in place, including social workers, counselors and a psychiatrist, who assist troubled students, helping them manage their emotions. At the meeting, several residents spoke in favor of hiring the armed officers, citing that doing so would add an additional layer of protection against school violence. » SROs Cont. on pg. 2



50 residents. The forum was prompted by an online campaign to hire school resource officers. The board meeting included discussion both in favor and against spending about $70,000 to hire the officers. At the safety forum, Superintendent of Schools John Goralski described more than a dozen programs that the school is now employing to prevent violence and encourage empathy among students in the both the elementary and high


By Thom Randall

in Warrensburg’s public schools failed to receive majority support from the Warrensburg school board at their monthly meeting held April 8. The vote of the board was 3-3. Voting for the proposition were Diane Angell, Rob Frasier and Jonathan Boston. Doug West, Elaine Cowin and Nicole Winchell voted no. Hiring armed officers has been a controversial issue in recent months, as a meeting last month on school safety attracted about


2019-20 budget endorsed





2 • April 27, 2019 | The AJ/NE Sun

Published by Denton Publications, Inc.

» SROs Cont. from pg. 1

survey! we want to hear from




The school district’s proposed 2019-20 budget was presented at the April 8 meeting. Goralski said this week that the upcoming school year’s tax levy is to increase 1.75 percent, which is well below the 3.61 percent limit allowed by the state’s tax cap. Appropriations, however, are to increase 5.2 percent — and this differential is due to a 4 percent increase in state aid. The proposed budget calls for drawing $303,000 from fund balance to pay for additional expenses related to additional special education services and an increase in students attending BOCES career and technical education courses. The spending plan also includes purchasing two eight-passenger vans, as well as paying toward initial expenses on the district’s capital

project, which provides for replacement or major repair of plumbing, electrical, and security infrastructure as well as heating and air conditioning systems. The highlight of this extensive $11 million capital project — 80.4 percent funded by state aid — is to reconstruct the high school’s “cafetorium” into a new auditorium that features tiered theater seating and advanced acoustics. The entire capital project, approved in a public referendum held in March 2017, is expected to have no impact on local taxes. Some initial work on the project began this week during spring break. The majority of the work, including reconfiguring a number of classrooms and constructing a new cafeteria, is to be accomplished between June and September. The new auditorium is expected to be ready for use by January 2020. The proposed 2019-20 budget will be the subject of a public hearing May 13, and will be voted on by district residents May 21. ■

g Has Sprung! n i r p S OPENING

Initial work on an $11 million capital project that includes reconfiguring classrooms, security enhancements and constructing a new auditorium at Warrensburg High School began this week during spring break. Most of the work, which will include upgrades to both the high school and elementary school, is to be accomplished this summer.

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Photo by Thom Randall

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Published by Denton Publications, Inc.

The AJ/NE Sun | April 27, 2019 • 3

» Sewer Cont. from pg. 1

$2,291,700 — about $108,00 less than the next lowest. Other bids for electrical work ranged up to $4.98 million. Family Danz Plumbing & Heating of Albany submitted the low bid of $357,600 for mechanical work. Sean Doty and Mike Budris of the Chazen firm and village Public Works Superintendent Dave Harrington said that these three companies had accomplished quality work on other large construction projects, either for Lake George Village or other area municipalities. The village has 90 days from April 17 to accept the bids.

“The businesses and residents of our village cannot bear a tax increase like this,” he said. “It’s just not affordable — and in today’s world, our businesses need to stay competitive with their rates. Blais added that the increases could be even greater for the Town of Lake George businesses and residents within the Caldwell Sewer District. Estimates by town officials indicate that their sewer taxes will be doubled for the next 30 years. The new plant must be operational by August 2021, according to a consent order issued by the state Department of Environmental Conservation.



Grants totaling about $7.2 million as well as a $15 million, no-interest loan have been secured for the plant, but shouldering the additional $2 million in debt plus interest of about 4 percent will be a tremendous burden on taxpayers, Blais said. Chazen employees have advised Blais that the soaring cost of lumber and steel are to blame for increased construction expenses of the plant. The price of the two commodities have ballooned due to new tariffs and scrapped trade agreements, industry consultants say.

Sean Doty (foreground, left) of the Chazen Companies engineering firm opens a bid for construction of Lake George Village’s new wastewater treatment plant. The bids were higher than anticipated, potentially increasing local taxpayers’ debt load beyond reasonable levels. Helping evaluate the bids are (rear, left to right): Mike Budris of Chazen, Lake George sewer plant operator Tim Shudt and village Public Works Superintendent Dave Harrington. Photo by Thom Randall

The low bidder for general construction was Blue Heron Construction of Jordan, New York. Their bid was one of three that

» Derby Cont. from pg. 1 In recent years, between 80 to 100 racers have registered. Historically, hundreds of spectators have gathered along the course of each race to watch the action. For more information, visit whitewaterderby.com. Limited camping through the weekend is available at Ski Bowl Park. The cost is $15 for one night and $25 for two. Reservations can be made by calling the Johnsburg Town Hall at 518-251-2421 ext. 3. PortableOxygenForTheWay YouWantto Live

ranged up to $20.43 million. The low bid for electrical work was submitted by Stilsing Electric of Rensselaer for

Kate Hartley of North Creek offered her thoughts about the race this week. She ran the river in one race about 10 years ago, and her sons Justin, 20, and Clayton, 16, have been kayaking in the Derby since they were eight years old or so — challenging their father Marco. “The Whitewater Derby is such a great community event — ­I know of third-generation racers who race now.” Hartley said. “It’s really friendly competition, and your fans on the banks of the river cheer you on. ” ■



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Blais said Monday that he intended to contact area legislators as well as U.S. Sen. Chuck Schumer and the office of Gov. Andrew Cuomo to update them on the new, higher cost of the sewer plant, detail the additional debt load and the resulting heavy burden on local taxpayers. In a visit to Lake George April 16, Schumer pledged that he would urge state officials to commit more grant money to the plant’s construction. On Monday, Blais said this help was vital. “We’ve spent five years begging for adequate funding,” he said. “Hopefully, Schumer will give us the help we need.” ■




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4 • April 27, 2019 | The AJ/NE Sun


Thoughts from Behind the Pressline

The evolution of rural America

A nation’s wealth has always come from having products to build and sell. That holds true in small communities and By Dan Alexander cities across the country. • PUBLISHER • The dollars need to circulate throughout the community to compound the wealth effect and create jobs and businesses. When wealth is not created, or it is sent off to other places, the wealth effect cannot happen, causing the effect to go in reverse. A community needs a certain amount of service related jobs to function but it also needs some type of production jobs to bring in money from the outside. This can take the shape of many forms, but they must exist to ensure a healthy local economy. I fear what we face today is a large amount of our production is done outside the country, eliminating production jobs in local communities, and many of the small local businesses that kept wealth within communities have been replaced by companies that remove much of the wealth. In the past, when a small business made a profit, that profit was kept in the local community because that is where the owner lived. Now, that profit leaves the community never to be seen again. With less money to circulate within the community, the businesses that depend on people spending their extra dollars have fewer customers and eventually they begin to fade away. These days, in many of our communities out of area corporate businesses, nonprofit organizations and government jobs make up a major part of many local communities. While the jobs generally pay well, what’s missing are the local ownership profits that have diminished. Over the years, we’ve seen small entrepreneurs replaced first by larger regional corporate owners, then larger national firms and now we see the Amazons and Googles of the world taking ownership to the next level. The evolutionary process continues, but what’s lost in the process is where the ownership dollars reside and how those dollars no longer are available to flow within the local communities. Once the local businesses and profits dry up, the population begins to shrink. Retirees relocate, younger workers follow the jobs and the average age of the remaining population continues to grow older. What we are witnessing today will eventually begin to reverse itself when the mega companies are either broken up or are no longer seen nimble enough to meet the needs of the growing population and a restless nation that longs for a simpler life in rural America. The rebirth of the American entrepreneurial spirit will once again seek to reclaim our small villages and communities, and I believe the cycle will begin anew. ■

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In state government, there are many causes worth fighting for. But none are more gratifying than when the pubBy Brian Kolb lic’s interests win out • GUEST COLUMNIST • over political forces. Last week, we witnessed a tremendous victory for veterans across New York with a measure to expand scholarships at SUNY and CUNY schools for the families of deceased or disabled military personnel. Last Wednesday, Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced that the Higher Education Services Corporation will finally broaden the Military Enhanced Recognition Incentive and Tribute (MERIT) Scholarship program, which provides the costs of tuition, room and board, and fees to eligible students. The state’s existing MERIT program applied only to the families of veterans who lost their lives or became disabled in a combat situation or while training for a related military operation. Assembly Republicans have long wanted this program to expand and since 2006 have offered legislation that would extend the same financial benefits to families of any veteran killed or disabled while performing their official duties. Last Wednesday’s announcement brought to a conclusion a long and worthy campaign in the legislature. For Gold Star families and all veterans, it brought even more.


Replace torn flags for Memorial Day

To the Editor: We’re encouraged to see state governments across the country attempting to address health care costs with policies protecting patients from surprise bills. Vermont is one of 25 states doing so, but it shouldn’t be necessary. A federal solution is needed so that all Americans, no matter their zip code, have coverage when it counts. The reason some patients get a balance bill is the result of a broken reimbursement system, both from government payers and private insurers. For air ambulances, Medicare reimbursement rates haven’t been updated in 20 years, covering a fraction of the actual cost of care. Because more than 70 percent of air medical patients are covered by government payers, the remaining transports (patients with private insurance) must make up for the shortfall. This system is not only unsustainable for patients but also for the air medical providers who are struggling to continue care.

To the Editor: April 22 marks a half century of celebrating Earth Days, but do we observe it? Beyond Earth Day there is a growing national debate over the Green New Deal. We can each do our part by reducing our driving, use of electricity and consumption of animals. Why the attack on meat and dairy? A recent article in Nature argues that animal agriculture is a major driver of climate change, air and water pollution and depletion of soil and freshwater resources. Oxford University’s prestigious Food Climate Research Network reports that solving the global warming catastrophe requires a massive shift to plant-based eating. Carbon dioxide is emitted by burning forests to create animal pastures and by operating machinery to grow and transport animals. The more damaging methane and nitrous oxide are released from

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» Letters Cont. on pg. 5

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As the father, son, brother and uncle of U.S. military veterans, I know that the Gold Star bill was a personal priority for many New Yorkers. I commend Assemblyman Steve Hawley, who has sponsored the bill for more than a decade, for his persistent commitment to our military heroes. I’m extremely proud of my colleagues in the Assembly Republican Conference for their unwavering commitment to achieving results despite the petty political obstruction experienced too frequently at the Capitol. At the end of the day, this is an incredible victory for the people who deserve it most. The debt owed to our fallen and disabled military heroes can never properly be repaid. But this week, they achieved a small measure of financial help, and a long overdue measure of respect. What do you think? I want to hear from you. Send me your feedback, suggestions and ideas regarding this or any other issue facing New York state. You can always contact my district office at 315-781-2030, email me at kolbb@ nyassembly.gov, find me by searching for Assemblyman Brian Kolb on Facebook and follow me on Twitter. ■ - Brian Kolb is the New York state assemblyman for the 131st district and Assembly minority party leader.

Medicare reimbursement must be updated

Reduce animal consumption for Earth Day

A paid advertisement will be based on standard advertising rates taking into consideration size and frequency according to the current rate card at the open advertising rate. For rates, call Ashley at (518) 873-6368 x105 or email ashley@suncommunitynews.com Calendar of event entries are reserved for local charitable organizations, and events are restricted to name, time, place, price and contact information. For-profit organization events will be run with a paid advertisement. Bulletin board For-profit for 4 lines (75¢ additional lines) 1 week $9 , 3 weeks $15, 52 weeks $20/month. Not-for-profit for 4 lines (.50¢ additorial lines) 1 week $5, 3 weeks $10, 52 weeks $15/month. Advertising policies: Sun Community News & Printing, published by Denton Publications, Inc. disclaims all legal responsibility for errors


digestive tracts of cattle and animal waste ponds, respectively. Moreover, meat and dairy production dumps more animal waste, fertilizers, pesticides and other pollutants into our waterways than all other human activities combined. It is the driving force behind wildlife extinction. In an environmentally sustainable world, meat and dairy products in our diet must be replaced by vegetables, fruits and grains, just as fossil fuels are replaced by wind, solar and other pollution-free energy sources. Let’s celebrate the observance of Earth Day at our supermarket. - Ashanti Jenkins, Ticonderoga ■

To the Editor: I live in the small community of Bolton Landing. I walk all the time and look up and see our beautiful flag flying but sometimes it is torn or faded badly. I stop and ask if our great American flag could be replaced or taken down. It also happens to our missing in action flag which represents our young men and women who have served our country and haven’t been found to return to loved ones. Please — here at least, in our great Adirondacks — fly these flags this Memorial Day with pride and honor. - Rita French, Bolton Landing ■

We’re always looking for guest columnists to offer extended commentaries. Contact nate@suncommunitynews.com to learn more.

action. With their voices loud and united, they got exactly what they asked for.

The governor made the correct call by expanding the MERIT program. But as they say, “timing is everything,” and the timing of his announcement was not coincidental. It came only after massive public outcry over a terrible vote by liberals in the Assembly, and it demonstrated the powerful voices of veterans around the state. Last week, the MERIT expansion bill (A.2991, Hawley) was rejected in the Assembly’s Committee on Higher Education, essentially ending any hopes of its passage this year. The chair of the committee called the bill “an entitlement.” The 15 Democrats who opposed the bill justified their vote by saying it could not be considered outside the budget due to the financial implications. Both were offensive, hollow arguments. In addition, the same Democrats who voted against expanding scholarships for Gold Star families had just approved $27 million in the state budget to fund tuition assistance for the children of illegal immigrants. The public reaction to Albany’s misplaced priorities was swift, decisive and widespread. The decision to reject expansion of the MERIT program went from a routine committee vote to a national embarrassment, almost overnight. I heard from countless constituents who expressed disgust, dismay and demanded


Letters and guest commentaries do not reflect the editorial opinion of the newspaper and its owners.

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Guest column

Long fight ends with victory for veterans

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Published by Denton Publications, Inc.

The AJ/NE Sun | April 27, 2019 • 5

Edible landscaping topic of program in Warrensburg By Thom Randall CORRESPONDENT

Decorative vegetable plantings in one’s yard can not only provide eye-catching designs, but they can yield nutritious food. Sustainable living advocate Jean Howard will be giving a presentation Wednesday, May 1, on edible landscaping at The Glen Lodge of Warrensburg. Photo montage provided » Letters Cont. from pg. 4

Turning back the pages

A federal solution that updates Medicare reimbursement rates for air ambulances would help ensure that providers can continue saving lives and patients aren’t stuck with surprise bills after the fact. Private insurers must also recognize their responsibility to go in-network with providers so that patients are adequately covered. Lives and livelihoods depend on it. - Carter Johnson, Washington, D.C. ■

One hundred years ago – April 1919 COLUMNIST


The body of Frank Fuller, of Wells, who was drowned while breaking up a log jam in the Jessup River at Speculator on April 9, 1919, was found on April 13 by Charles Harrington. The young man was alone when he met his untimely death and the exact circumstances of the accident will never be known. Mr. Harrington was walking along the stream near the place where Fuller’s pike pole was found after the accident, and looking down into the water, he could see a shining object lying on the river bottom which proved to be the end of a tobacco box sticking out from the drowned man’s pocket. Men were summoned and the body was raised to the surface and taken to the home of the young man’s mother, Mrs. Belle Fuller Girard. Frank was 22 years old and was discharged from the army only a short time before his death. The boy was buried in his uniform and the bearers were returned soldiers also in uniform. » Flooding Cont. from pg. 1 The water was flowing past her home, which is set up from ground level on a concrete block foundation, several feet high. The floodwaters were within inches of running into her house. “This is the worst I’ve seen it over the five years I’ve owned this house,” Powell said. “But the water is starting to recede, so as long we don’t have more rain, we’ll be all right,” she said. Powell added that she was concerned about some other homes nearby being flooded.






Mrs. Benjamin Carpenter fractured both bones of her left arm above the wrist when she stepped from her back door and fell on the ice at her home in Bolton. Dr. J.E. Goodman set the broken bones and placed the arm in splints. This spring, the lady is staying at the home of her father, Truman Brown, on First Street. In other news, Mrs. Lulu E. Kenyon, of North Thurman, was tipped out of a sleigh and one of her ankles was hurt so badly that she was unable to step on her foot for many weeks.


Be on the watch for the first dandelion as a lot of folks think that nothing is quite so good in the spring as the first mess of greens. (Note – Every spring, when I was growing up, it was the family tradition to get out on my grandfather’s Vermont farm and “dig dandelions.” It is my very favorite food of all times, but my mother always said that it was the added salt pork that I was in love with.) ■ - Readers are welcome to contact Sun correspondent Jean Hadden at jhadden1@nycap.rr.com or 518-623-2210.


Henry Ford, it is said, is making plans to manufacture an automobile cheaper than even his famous flivver. “Some of my neighbors are on lower ground,” she said.


Recent heavy rains have combined with melting snow to cause water in area rivers to be higher than normal, and in various places, run over their banks. The Schroon River nearly reached “major” flood threat level Monday. Warren County Emergency Services Director Brian LaFlure said the river crested at 9.52 feet, about 3 feet above normal. As the floodwaters receded to the “moderate” range the next day, LaFlure predicted that it would take


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(Note – Henry Ford’s flivver was also known as the model T Ford, short for Tin Lizzie, and was built from 1908 to 1927.) The O’Brien Ice Company, of Glens Falls, being unable to secure a supply of ice after the warm winter of 1918, has gone out of business. This winter in 1919, the road below James Warren in East Thurman, has been impassable on account of the heavy winter snow. April 1, 1919 opened with the most beautiful day this area has seen for many long months.

James A. Lillibridge, of North Thurman, while repairing a sleigh, was getting ready to tap his sugar camp and was hammering a piece of steel when a particle of metal flew and struck him in his eye, almost in the middle of the pupil. The sight is at present considerably impaired, but it is not believed that the injury will be permanent.

two more days to subside to a “minimal” threat level. “Most of the snow in the woods has dissipated, so as long as rain holds off, we’ll be okay,” he said. Reports cite that many homes along the Schroon River in the towns of Chester, Horicon, Bolton and Warrensburg incurred minor flooding, but LaFlure said Tuesday that no homeowners had requested evacuations or other assistance. “People want to live on the river, until the water rises,” he said. ■


survey! we want to hear from YOU! TH


By Jean Hadden

Drivers, not intersections, unsafe

To the Editor: In the last year, there has been much written and discussed about the safety of intersections. One such example is the intersection at Route 9 and Water Street in Elizabethtown. If one observes drivers at any intersection, they will note that a very high percentage of drivers do not obey the laws. They don’t obey yield at the signs nor do they come to a complete stop at the stop signs. Many try to beat-out others while rolling through these intersections. In Essex and Willsboro, I have witnessed the same. In Essex, the intersection of Route 22 and Lake Shore Road is an all-way stop. Very few drivers make the complete stop, some barely slow down. In Willsboro, it is the same at Mill Street, Mountain View Drive and the Point Road where they intersect with Route 22. I have even witnessed school buses roll through these stop signs. Cable Com of Willsboro has a live camera that shows three of these intersections on Route 22. Just watch for yourselves on channel 32. Many years ago, Mr. Al Trost taught driver’s education at Willsboro Central and at Elizabethtown Central Schools. He always stressed the importance of safety and the laws at all intersections. He stated, “Stop means a complete stop, look and proceed only when safe to do so. Yield signs mean slow down to observe traffic and proceed only when safe to do so.” I know the local law enforcement is stretched thinly, yet it seems that most drivers have no fear of law enforcement or the potentially deadly consequences they may face while rolling through these intersections. In my opinion, it is not the intersections themselves that are unsafe, it is the careless drivers that bear this responsibility. - Michael MacDougal, Essex ■

WARRENSBURG | Plantings around one’s yard can not only be decorative, but they can also provide nutritious, savory food, according to an upcoming presentation sponsored by Warrensburgh Beautification. Th is area civic group has scheduled a program titled “Agriscaping: Creating an Edible Landscape,” to be presented by Rensselaer County Cooperative Extension Master Gardener Jean Howard. The program is to be held in conjunction with Warrensburg Beautification’s annual spring membership meeting on the evening of Wednesday, May 1, at The Glen Lodge on state Route 28, eight miles north of downtown Warrensburg. Registration is to begin at 5:30 p.m., a potluck dinner and business meeting is to be held at 6 p.m. and the agriscaping presentation is to start at 7 p.m. Howard, a sustainable living and permaculture advocate, will be explaining how to create attractive residential landscaping using food-producing plants — including select vegetables, edible flowers, fruit and nut trees as well as herbs and ornamental plants. All are welcome to attend this free event. Event organizer Teresa Whalen encourages people to make reservations by contacting her at 518-466-5497 or taawhalen@yahoo.com. ■

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If your child(ren) will be 5 years old prior to December 1, 2019, they are eligible to attend kindergarten during the 2019-2020 school year. If your child currently attends pre-k at JCS, your child will be automatically registered for kindergarten. If your child is not currently enrolled in pre-k at JCS, please call Laurie West in the JCS guidance office at 518-251-2921 as soon as possible. Kindergarten screenings will occur on Tuesday, June 4th.

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6 • April 27, 2019 | The AJ/NE Sun


Published by Denton Publications, Inc.

Derelict site in Chester may be redeveloped By Thom Randall CORRESPONDENT

CHESTERTOWN | The parcel of commercial land in Chestertown that has abandoned for years might become a valuable asset to the community, if local officials’ plans materialize. The vacant plot at 10 Pine St., right off Main Street downtown, may be redeveloped into affordable senior housing, Town of Chester Supervisor Craig Leggett said April 16. The now-defunct insulation manufacturing El enterprise called Thermo-Home Inc. abandoned F-..,ft."N'"IT-..,ft.E ~~TTR.ESS the property in 2009, and since then a tax bill ~ has accrued that totaled $90,133. That sum includes a charge of $42,864 for demolition of the building on the site which was ordered in 2013. In the 1970s and early 1980s the site hosted Martin’s Garage, a Ford dealership operated by Schuyler Martin, who served as Taking a break from inspecting the property at 10 Pine St., Chester Supervisor Craig Town of Chester supervisor from 1980 to 1992. Leggett shoots a layup on the concrete pad that now covers the main portion of the plot Warren County normally forecloses on that is to undergo environmental remediation before it’s turned over to Chester to be properties after three years of unpaid taxes, redeveloped to host affordable housing. Neighbors of the property, whose sons are on but the county *Als has not taken ownership of oAvailable Large Selectic the North Warren Central varsity basketball team, set up basketball hoops so their offLoveseats &Rec/in this plot because to the possibility of enspring and teammates can practice during after-school hours. Photo by Thom Randall vironmental contamination, which would expose the county to exorbitant cleanup costs. delayed the property’s sale or redevelopment. New York state environmental officials have Many years ago, it was determined that two Recent tests have shown that contamination been negotiating an agreement to share cost underground fuel tanks were on-site, which is negligible at most, and Warren County and of removing the tanks and associated reme-



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diation. The draft contract between Warren County and the state calls for the county to commit $10,000 to the tank removal and cleanup — which the state would undertake.


A resolution by the Warren County Board of Supervisors to proceed with the fuel tank removal was tabled April 19, because supervisors wanted solid assurance from the state that Warren County had no liability for the cleanup costs in excess of $10,000. These contract details are to be negotiated with the Department of Environmental Conservation as well as with an administrator of the state Environmental Protection and Spill Compensation Fund, according to county Real Property Services Director Lexie Delurey. County officials predicted that the agreement will be ratified in about a month. Leggett said that he anticipated that the Town of Chester would acquire the property in the near future to host housing for the elderly. “If you can provide a new, efficient, agefriendly living space at a reasonable price within walking distance to stores and services, it is a real help to our residents who may now live in larger older homes around town,” he said, adding that senior housing would add to the economic and social vitality of Chestertown. ■

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Published by Denton Publications, Inc.

The AJ/NE Sun | April 27, 2019 • 7

New ‘cloud’-based water meter reading proposed for Lake George Village By Thom Randall CORRESPONDENT

LAKE GEORGE | The “Internet of Things” and Lake George Village’s municipal water system are about to get engaged. If this relationship proceeds, water meters in Lake George’s homes and businesses will be outfitted with new sensor-transmitters that will send real-time data on water use to “the cloud,” where it can be retrieved individually by property owners or by village officials for monitoring or billing purposes. This proposed system was explained to the town board April 15 by village Public Works Superintendent Dave Harrington. Presently, a village public works employee circulates through the village monthly picking up radio signals from water meters, and the information is uploaded to the village billing program. But with the proposed technology upgrade, the meters would send water usage information via cell signals to a cloud-based server, eliminating the routine of an employee driving through town to obtain the data.

This new system will not only provide savings in labor costs, but it will allow property owners to monitor their water usage — and avoid unexpectedly large water bills or flooding calamities. Harrington said the system under consideration can be set up to alert individual homeowners and the village when unusually high water flows are occurring. Presently, a number of the village’s water customers incur astronomical water bills due to water taps that are left running without their knowledge.


New water meter sensor-transmitters need to be installed, and there’s an ongoing charge for the data storage and retrieval. These meter “heads” range in cost between $198 for a standard residential installation to $876 for high-volume meters or the most complex or commercial or multi-family installation. The expense for the new equipment would be billed in 20 installments to the water customers. For example, a homeowner with the $198 meter head would be charged $10 per quarter for five years to cover the cost of the new sensor-transmitter.

Also, the village would be billed 89 cents per month per meter for data storage and download fees — and the village would in turn bill each water customer $3 per quarter in addition to the present charges for water used. Harrington cautioned that the radio-based technology may soon become abandoned, and support for it may not be available in a few years — so it makes sense to upgrade. “The future of radio is bleak — cellular is now the way to go,” he said. Village Mayor Robert Blais suggested that a public informational session be held for residents to learn about the proposal to switch to cloud-based water meter reading. He said that village attorney Matt Fuller advised him that the shift doesn’t require a new local law, which would trigger a mandatory public hearing. The technology upgrade was endorsed in concept by the board, and Blais said that water customers would be informed next month of the new charges appearing on water bills, likely to begin in August. ■

Lake George man reflects on life, loss after fire By Thom Randall STA FF W RITER

LAKE GEORGE | Richard Feathers II stood in the driveway of his homestead on the side of a hill in rural Lake George Monday, gazing at the charred skeleton of his bi-level house, still smoldering from a blaze that started nearly five hours earlier. A dozen firefighters were nearby drenching embers that were still igniting intermittently. In the blackened wreckage were burned remains of chairs, hutches, beds, night stands and coffee tables that Feathers had handcrafted out of exotic varieties of wood during his 15 years of owning the house. Virtually nothing was left of the eight-foot bar complete with blue LED lighting he created where he and relatives and friends had enjoyed many good times over recent years. Rooms he had paneled in cedar had been reduced to rubble. “I just finished remodeling a bathroom,” he said. “I’m expecting a guest tomorrow from Florida — and she has no idea what’s happened.”

hopeful the cat had followed him outside the house that morning as the creature routinely does when Feathers heads off for work. “Hopefully he’s out in the woods somewhere — he’s like my buddy,” Feathers said, describing how the cat often pokes him in the face with his paw to wake him up in the morning. “He’s a very cool cat with a real personality. I’m hoping he’s alive; I’d hate to lose him.”


The fire was called into Warren County dispatch center in the early afternoon by a neighbor across the road from Feathers’ property. A county patrol officer was first on the scene. Next was Lake George Fire Chief Scott Smith. “When I got here, the fire was fully involved,” Smith said as he directed activities at the fire scene. As many as 10 fire companies assisted, including crews from Hadley-Luzerne, North Queensbury, Bolton, Warrensburg, Pilot Knob, Queensbury Central, Bay Ridge, West Glens Falls and Kingsbury. Fire officials at the scene

Homeowner Richard Feathers II talks to members of the Warren County fire cause and origin team late Monday afternoon as firefighters continue their work in quelling repeated flare-ups in the wreckage of Feathers’ Lake George home. Photo by Thom Randall


That morning, Feathers had left his house at 8:10 a.m. for a construction job at The Quarters on the shores of Lake George. Early afternoon, he and other workers constructing decks there saw smoke rising from woods in the distance, and they had no idea what the source of the smoke was. Feathers’ son, Richard III, called him less than an hour later with the news that his house was on fire — he had heard the address of a fire call was 193 Konci Terrace, Feathers said. “I heard the smoke was coming from my home, and I was devastated — I put a lot of sweat equity into my house,” he said. “But with all this crap that’s going on in the world today, I can’t complain. All these material things, to some degree, are replaceable; and I’ve got my life, my wellbeing — you have to put it in perspective — that’s the only way I can look at it.” One aspect of the fire remained a focus of concern for Feathers — he wondered what had happened to his adopted stray cat that he had grown fond of. Feathers said he was

After a fire destroyed Richard Feathers’ home April 22 on Konci Terrace, firefighters from Lake George and Luzerne-Hadley fire departments view the remnants while several of their peers pull apart portions of the structure to prevent re-ignition. Photo by Thom Randall

said 35 or more firefighters battled the fire and quelled its embers until early evening. Because the Konci Terrace development has no hydrants, fire tankers ferried water to a large portable reservoir set up in the street — and fire engines pumped it out to douse the flames. The fire was so hot that Feathers’ two-bay garage, about 40 feet away from the house, was also virtually destroyed — and propane tanks behind the home exploded. Embers from the blazing house started brush fires on the wooded hillside, but firefighters successfully doused them. As of midday Tuesday, fire officials had not heard from the county’s fire origin investigation team from the Glens Falls Fire Department about the cause of the blaze. As these fire officials were inspecting the home’s remains late Monday, Feathers offered a final thought. “I’ve kept this house as a place for my kids to stay ... I assume I’ll tear it down and rebuild here — but this fire has taken the heart out of me to some degree.” ■

For more details on these listings please visit suncommunitynews.com/upcoming-events

Calendar of Events Please submit events at least two weeks prior to the event day for them to appear in print. Some print fees may apply.

APR. 25

APR. 26

Concerts: The Rough & Tumble held at Crandall Public Library; 7:00 PM. Formerly from Nashville, The Rough & Tumble now find themselves living full time on the road, in a 16-ft camper with their two dogs. Free admission. For more info, call the Library at 518792-6508 or see their website: www.crandalllibrary.org Warrensburg » Arbor Day Presentation held at The Richards Library; 7:00 PM. In celebration of Earth and Arbor Day, join Warrensburgh Beautification for an Arbor Day Presentation on Thursday, April 25, 7 p.m. at Richards Library by Jeffery Speich. Free and open to the public.

held at The Children’s Museum at Saratoga; 10:30 AM. Hosted by Saratoga Children’s Theater. Ages 3 & up. Join our friends from the Saratoga Children’s Theatre as we learn songs, dance to choreography, and craft a prop to debut our performances! *Limited to 25 participants. 518-584-5540 Lake George » April Lecture Series - Robert Rogers, Boyhood to French & Indian War Hero held at Fort William Henry Hotel & Conference Center; 7:00 PM. Queensbury’s John Strough presents a first-person account of Robert Rogers from 1731 through 1758. HOSTED BY: French & Indian War Society at Lake George. For more information call: 518mo re inf or moti on please pier 668-5471. 668 - 5471.Light Light refreshments r provided. prov ided .

Glens Falls » Live Folklife

Saratoga Springs » Acting Out!

...JO:ti~: APR. 27


History Tea held at Garnet Hill Lodge, North River

Pilot Knob » Pilotlt Volunteer Work Vo lur Weekend held Wee at anYMCA Camp Chingachgook Ct on Lake or George; G 8:00 AM. 8 yYMCA Camp Chingachgook C on Lake 01 George will Ge be be hosting a volunteer work vo lu weekend April week 27-28. Lend a 27-28. hand to help open h,rnd to r camp in preparation for camp in pre an amazing amazing su summer with an over campers. ov er 2000 2000 com pe1 For more

information or to RSVP please contact 518-656-9462. Tupper Lake » Join us for a Dress a Girl workshop held at Goff-Nelson Memorial Library; 10:00 AM. Join us for a Dress a Girl workshop in the Community Room (use lower back entrance). We’ll make up kits and dresses for little girls who do not have a dress. Kids old enough to help are welcome. https://www. dressagirlaroundtheworld.com/ 518-359-9421 Athol » Thurman Free Store held at Thurman Town Hall; 11:00 AM. Donation Day is Saturday, April 27th 11am to 4pm. Bring your clean, gently-used items that have outlived their usefulness for you. Then come shop on Sunday for... well, who knows? And the price is right - FREE! 518-623-9595 Lake George » Community Shop & Play Day held at The Barn at French Mountain; 12:00 PM. Come enjoy fun for the whole family! The kids can bounce, play games, dance, and have a blast while the grownups browse the shopping and food vendors in attendance. Free admission.

APR. 28

Queensbury » MoonCatcher Project to Help Girls held at Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Glens Falls; 1:00 PM. The Unitarian Universalist Congregation will host a MoonBee on Sunday, April 28th. This project was started by Ellie von Wellsheim who designed a reusable menstrual pad for girls who live in poor countries. Info: www.MoonCatcher.org or 518494-8001.

To list your event call (518) 873-6368 ext. 225 or email calendar@suncommunitynews.com. You can also submit your event on our website! Go to: suncommunitynews.com/upcoming-events

APR. 28 & MAY 5

North River » History Tea held at Garnet Hill Lodge; 2:00 PM. Join Gem Radio Theatre for a History Tea at Garnet Hill Lodge! Indulge in a lovely afternoon English Tea with refreshments while famous and infamous historical figures from near and far share their colorful stories of courage, misdeeds, and mischief. Featuring some of your favorite local actors, who will bring to life the stories of Sybil Ludington and her midnight ride, The Thurman Terror Sam Pasco, and more! Reservations are now open for two Sunday afternoons on April 28th and May 5th, 2019. Teatime starts at 2:00pm and tickets are $15 per person for the event. Make your reservation today by calling Garnet Hill Lodge at 518-251-2444.


Long Lake » Community Pride Day held at Long Lake Geiger Arena; 9:00 AM. Join community members in Raquette Lake and Long Lake for the Annual Community Pride CleanUp Day. Sign up with the Town of Long Lake at 518-624-3077. Meet at either the Geiger Arena or the Raquette Lake Tap Room. Lake George » Workshop: “Social Security Made Easy” held at Caldwell-Lake George Library; 6:00 PM. Presented by John Kalil of Retirement Solutions, LLC at 6pm on May 1st. Sign up today for this very informative workshop. Free, but seating is limited. Advanced registration is required. Contact the library @ 518-668-2528 to reserve your space. Warrensburg » Agriscaping: Creating an Edible Landscape

held at The Glen Lodge Bed & Breakfast; 6:00 PM. Warrensburgh Beautification Inc. will host its Annual Spring Membership Meeting & Presentation, “Agriscaping: Creating an Edible Landscape” on May 1 at The Glen Lodge Bed & Breakfast. Please RSVP Teresa Whalen at 518-4665497 or taawhalen@yahoo.com.


Glens Falls » Wings Falls Quilters Guild Quilt Show held at Queensbury Hotel; 10:00 AM. Boutique featuring fine handmade quilts, quilted bags, accessories, table runners and more! Quilt Challenge and Block Challenge, Quilt Raffle, $100 Bill Raffle, Lottery Tickets Raffle. 518-812-6395 Lake George » Fidget Grows A Pizza Garden held at Caldwell-Lake George Library; 10:00 AM. The Caldwell-Lake George Library will host children’s author Jodie Fitz on May 4th. She will read from her latest picture book “Fidget Grows A Pizza Garden”, and show children how to start their own pizza garden. Call 518-668-2528 to RSVP.


01 JAN.


Sun Community News Calendar of Events.

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8 • April 27, 2019 | The AJ/NE Sun


Published by Denton Publications, Inc.

WCS baseball tourney moves to Luzerne Hudson River Classic set for Saturday By Thom Randall CORRESPONDENT

WARRENSBURG | Warrensburg High School’s planned baseball tournament, scheduled for this Saturday, has been moved to Luzerne due to an issue involving available playing fields. Now named the Hudson River Classic, the tournament is

to be played April 27 at two Hadley-Luzerne schools. Two semifinal games will be played at noon — Warrensburg will play Mekeel Christian Academy at the Stuart M. Townsend Elementary School, and the Hadley-Luzerne team will compete with Moriah at the Hadley-Luzerne High School, according to new Eagles baseball coach Rex Reynolds, for years head coach of Warrensburg’s baseball team. The consolation game is scheduled for 3 p.m. at the elementary school, and the tournament finals are set for 3:30 p.m. at the high school. Concessions will be on-site at the high school, and perhaps at the elementary school as well. Plans call for coaches to

choose one player for an MVP award, and to select eight athletes for an all-tournament team, Reynolds said. “This is going to be big,” he said. Warrensburg school officials said that during a recent baseball game held on the Library Avenue ballfield, a foul ball shattered a window on a nearby house. Later in that game, according to reports, a second ball hit the house, resulting in a complaint that prompted curbing the use of the field for varsity baseball. Without two regulation ballfields available for the school to use simultaneously, the tournament was moved to Luzerne. ■

Area softball teams compete prior to spring break CORRESPONDENT

LAKE GEORGE | This last week, Lake George’s softball team advanced their season’s campaign by accomplishing two wins before taking their off-cycle spring break. Lake George defeated Granville, 19-2, April 16, then a day later shut out Argyle, 7-0 — advancing their season record to 7-1 and their Adirondack League tally to 4-0. Against the Generals, Lake George sophomore pitcher Tyler Bergman experienced a day worthy of the school record book: on the mound, she struck out 11, and at the plate she hit a two-run homer, a triple, a double and a single as well as taking a walk. Her teammates senior Julia Heunemann, freshman Brooke Benjamin and junior Ava Pushor also had productive days, hitting one


double each. While Bergman was credited with five RBIs; Pushor and senior Rebecca Jaeger earned two each. Over the game, Bergman had four hits, while sophomore Olivia Gates, Pushor and Heunemann had two hits each. Jaeger, her sophomore sister Rachel, Benjamin and Casey-Lynn Burbo had one hit each. Against Argyle, The Warriors had a stellar defensive day. Four-time All-Star pitcher Rebecca Jaeger threw 10 strikeouts, while Pushor and sophomore catcher Alli Zilm had 10 putouts each. Gates, Zilm and Benjamin had two hits each; while Heunemann, Pushor and sophomore Madeline Gorey had one hit each. Gates had four RBIs, while Rachel Jaeger, Rebecca Jaeger and Gorey each contributed one. On April 16, North Warren had a standout day, defeating Hadley-Luzerne, 23-8, tallying nine hits to the Eagles’ two. Olivia Viele pitched the game. Mattelyn Beadnell and Eliza Brown hit doubles.

Community to join together for CleanUp Day

LONG LAKE | Community members in Raquette Lake and Long Lake will join together for the annual Commu-

In an April 17 game against Hartford-Fort Edward, Warrensburg’s Mikayla Rothermel winds up for a pitch. Photo by Thom Randall

nity Pride Clean-Up Day at 9 a.m. May 1. Those interested in helping may meet at either the Geiger Arena or the Raquette Lake Tap Room. Sponsored by the Central Adirondack Association. Sign up with the Town of Long Lake at 518-624-3077. Volunteers will receive a free shirt and lunch for their time. ■

Public encouraged to bring boxes for shredding

QUEENSBURY | Members of the Adirondack Regional Chambers of Commerce, in partnership with Confidata and Aviation Mall, will host a Community Shred Day. The shred event will take place Saturday, May 11, from 9 a.m. to noon in the parking lot of Aviation Mall, located at 578 Aviation Road in Queensbury. This event is free with the donation of a nonperishable food item with every box. Participants can bring up to five boxes to shred — box size cannot exceed 24” x 12” x 10 1/4”. ■

Food to be collected for local pantry

LONG LAKE | To kick off Eat ADK week in Long Lake, the town is sponsoring a food drive to benefit the local food pantry. The food pantry is a non-denominational organization hosted in the basement of the Wesleyan Church and is open from 9 a.m. to noon Saturdays or call 518-624-2311 to arrange a separate appointment. Donation boxes will be out until May 9 and can be located at the bank, the library, the medical center, Stewart’s Shops and the U.S. Post Office. ■ 216219

Feedback wanted on Johnsburg transit system

JOHNSBURG | The Adirondack Community Outreach Center (ACOC) is inquiring about interest in a new transportation program throughout the Town of Johnsburg. The program may service the people of Johnsburg with transportation to destinations throughout Johnsburg and beyond. The aim of the program is help people get to work, church, health appointments, grocery stores and other shopping in the Johnsburg area. Organizers said they are not sure if a regular route may work or if need should be met on an individual basis. To


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WARRENSBURG | The town of Warrensburg’s Water Department employees will be flushing hydrants o­ n weekedays between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. through May 6. Some temporary discoloration and sedimentation may result, town officials said in a news release. Residents of the town water district who seek to know when their neighborhood is scheduled for flushing may call the Water Department. ■


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Bean Painting

LONG LAKE | A defensive driving course with Don Marino will be held at the Long Lake Town Hall, 1204 Main St. from 9 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. Attendees will receive a four-point reduction and 10 percent insurance savings. Call 315-859-1195 to preregister for the $35 class. ■


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LONG LAKE | Restaurants throughout Lake Placid, Saranac Lake, Tupper Lake, Wilmington and Long Lake will offer special prix fixe menus with pricing options of $15, $20 and $30 for Eat ADK Week May 2-9. For more information, visit eatadk.com. Several local events have been organized for the week including a sushi rolling class Tuesday, May 7, at 6 p.m., in the Long Lake Town Hall, 1204 Main St. Chef Keith Wamback will teach participants how to make three different sushi rolls. Students will go home with three handmade rolls and a sushi kit. Cost is $20 per person or $10 with a receipt from any participating restaurant. To sign up, call 518-624-3077 or visit mylonglake.com. The “Little Bus,” with free door-to-door transportation, will operate on Saturday, May 4, from 5 until 10 p.m. Anyone can take advantage of this transportation within Long Lake to visit all dining locations in the community. Call 518-5243106 on May 4 to schedule a pickup or drop-off. Voicemails do not count as a reservation and the phone will be turned on just before 5 p.m. to secure reservations. ■




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send feedback, contact the ACOC at P.O. Box 201, North Creek, NY 12853, email info@adkcommunityoutreach.com or call 518-251-3368. ■


Service Guide

Their win advanced their season’s record to 4-2 overall. Warrensburg continued to experience headwinds this season as they experienced three losses over last week. The Burghers lost to Corinth, 18-9, April 15 — primarily due to the Tomahawks slugging six home runs over the game and staging an eight-run rally in the third inning. That game was followed a day later by a nonleague 7-3 loss to Greenwich — and an 13-6 loss to Hartford-Fort Edward April 17. Against Corinth, Isabella DeAmelia slugged a home run and a double. In the game with Greenwich, Sophie Reed hit a double and was credited with two RBIs, and both Hope Boland and Isabelle DeAmelia hit two singles. In the Hartford game, the Burghers had 10 hits to the Tanager’s seven. The highlight of the day for the Burghers were DeAmelia’s home run, double and an RBI — going 3-for-4 at the plate. ■


By Thom Randall


Published by Denton Publications, Inc.

The AJ/NE Sun | April 27, 2019 • 9

Railroad lease or sale proposals to be discussed by Warren County leaders By Thom Randall CORRESPONDENT

QUEENSBURY | Warren County officials have received four proposals for either the operation or purchase of the county railroad, and they will soon be evaluating what portions of the documents will be made public. Several months ago, the county issued a “request for proposals” for lease or purchase of the rail line between North Creek and Hadley. The deadline for submitting the proposals was April 18. As of April 19, county officials said they had not yet reviewed the proposals they received. Town of Johnsburg Supervisor Andrea Hogan, however, said she understood that only three of the four proposals merited consideration. Over the past few years, several county supervisors and area citizens have expressed support for the county retaining the railroad corridor and converting it to a multi-purpose recreational trail. Such a “rail trail” could host hiking, bicycling, cross-country skiing and/or snowmobiling. Glens Falls Ward 3 Supervisor Claudia Braymer, an advocate of the multi-use trail option, has contended that the county leaders should determine the best permanent use of the railroad bed before considering proposals for lease or purchase by rail operators.


She has noted that since 1999, two rail operators, Upper Hudson River Railroad and the Saratoga-North Creek Railway, both failed to develop self-sustaining operations — either freight or passenger services. The latter railroad operator is believed to have lost millions of dollars in their rail service, which ran for about seven years but ceased operation a year ago. Just last month, Warren County sued Saratoga-North Creek Railway and its parent company Iowa Pacific Holdings for $110,287 in unpaid revenue and tax bills for the last 16 months of the railway’s operation. A subcommittee of the county Public Works Committee will initially be evaluating the lease or sale proposals, followed by the committee, then the full Board of Super-

A passenger car of the defunct Saratoga-North Creek Railway sits in the rail yard of the North Creek Depot in 2018. Just last week, Warren County received four proposals for either lease or purchase of the county-owned railroad, and county officials are to begin evaluating them — and deciding what portions of the information they will either be sharing or withholding from the public.

Photo by Thom Randall

visors. The proposals likely include one from OmniTrax, a Colorado firm whose representatives met behind closed doors last August with county supervisors. OmniTrax is negotiating the purchase the 33-mile rail line stretching from North Creek to Tahawus known as the “Sanford Lake branch,” now owned but left idle by Iowa Pacific. Public Works Committee chairman and Horicon Supervisor Matt Simpson said that he expects the proposals to be reviewed in executive session, and that when they are released to the public, they are likely have portions redacted. “I have not seen the proposals and I don’t know how I’m going to be able to interpret what is proprietary information,” Simpson said. “We may need to hire an attorney with

experience dealing with railroad transactions.” He said the initial review of the proposals would begin soon. “Our subcommittee will be digesting what we have, figuring out what the best option is, and then make a recommendation,” he said. The next meeting of the county Public Works Committee is scheduled for 11:10 a.m. Monday, April 29. On April 19, County Administrator Ryan Moore also said he also has not yet reviewed the proposals. “We have to talk about how we want this process to unfold,” he said, noting that the Town of Corinth, co-owner of the railroad, would be involved in decision-making. “We will try to get information out to the public as soon as possible.” ■

Upgrades pending for Wbg’s sewer plant

Warrensburg’s wastewater treatment plant is to have several new compressor-blowers installed in its sewer lagoon, and the building in the foreground is to undergo a 300-squarefeet expansion to house new piping and control devices for the equipment. Photo by Thom Randall


WARRENSBURG | While neighboring Lake George Village has been wrangling for years to bankroll and construct a new wastewater treatment plant — estimated to cost $22


million — the Town of Warrensburg is taking action to upgrade their sewer plant for less than $350,000, according to town officials. On April 12, the town board opened one bid for $185,000 from MCJ Construction to build a 300-square-feet addition to Warrensburg’s sewer plant. The addition is to house additional equip-


ment and controls related to new compressorblowers that aerate the bio-active sewer treatment lagoons. The equipment was purchased by the town last year for about $160,000. The project is to include installation of the blowers and rearrangement of piping at the plant, town Supervisor Kevin Geraghty said last week. The building is to be constructed and the equipment will be online by this fall, according to Brian Suosso, principal engineer for Cedarwood Engineering based in Warrensburg. Geraghty said the compressors were more efficient, quieter in operation, and more effective in treating wastewater than the present compressor/blowers that date back to 1992. He noted that a few residents on state Route 418 near the sewer plant — who complained in the past about excessive noise from the plant’s operation — will likely notice a decrease in volume of sound emanating from the facility.


Other projects moving forward in War-

Unitarian Universalist Congregation OLMSTEDVILLE of Glens Falls - 21 Weeks Rd. off Rt. 9 in St. Joseph’s Catholic Church:

2518 State Route 8 • Join us for worship each Sunday at 11am, Children’s Program Tuesdays 6pm. Rev. Shane Diener 518-251-9933


Horicon Baptist Church: Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Sunday Worship 11 a.m., Sunday Evening 6 a.m., Wednesday Prayer & Bible BOLTON Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church: Study 7 p.m. 518-494-2584. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church: Sunday Goodman Avenue. Sunday Mass 9 & 10:30 8 a.m. NYS Rte 8, Brant Lake. www.facebook. a.m., Vigal Mass 5:30 p.m. Saturday, Rosary com/AdirondackMission. and Novena 9 a.m. Tuesday; Communion CHESTERTOWN Service 9 a.m. Thursday and Saturday; Church of the Good Shepherd Eucharistic Adoration 9:30 a.m.-10:30 a.m. first Saturday of the month. Parish Life Director Episcopal Church: US Rte 9, Chestertown. Deacon Joseph T. Tyrrell. 518-644-3861, email www.facebook.com/AdirondackMission. Community United Methodist BlessedSacrament @nycap.rr.com, website Church: Kimberly Townsend, Service 10:00 BlessedSacramentBolton.org. Through a.m. Phone 518-494-3374 (office) Colombus Day Weekend. Bolton Community Church: 5 Horicon Faith Bible Church: Sunday school Ave., Bolton Landing, NY, 12814 • Tel: 518-644- (all ages) - 9 a.m., Sunday worship 10 a.m., Wednesday Prayer Meeting 7 p.m. 9103, Email: BoltonCC@gmail.com, Website: Call for information 518-494-7183, www. www.BoltonCC.org. Sunday School: All ages, faithbiblechurchny.com 9:30a.m. Coffee Fellowship Time, 10:00 a.m., St. Isaac Jogues Roman Catholic Sunday Morning Worship Service, 10:30 a.m. Junior/Children’s Church, 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Church: Riverside Dr. & Church Street; Sat. Evening Bible Study, 6:00 p.m. Contact: Pastor Vigil at 4:00 pm; Starting May 25, 2019 Sat. Vigil to go to 5:30 pm; Sunday Mass 9:30 am. Scotty Matthews. Pastor Rev. John O’Kane. 518-824-1176. Emmanuel United Methodist DIAMOND POINT Church: 19 Stewart Ave., Bolton Landing, NY, 12814, 518-644-9532, invites you to join us Jesus is Lord Fellowship: Join us on Friday nights at 6:30 pm for a special barn in our Sunday Worship Service at 9 a.m., with gathering time of worship. Located at 264 Pastor Deborah Waldron. Please also join us for Christian Fellowship and refreshments after Diamond Point Rd. between Warrensburg and Lake George. Call 518-623-9712 for more the service. information. Pastor Brendan: JesusisLordFamily Episcopal Church of Saint Campground@verizon.net Text: 518-792-6240. Sacrament: Bolton Landing Saturday 5 All are welcome! p.m. Mass and Sunday 10 a.m. Mass. All are Diamond Point Community: Visit welcome. 518-644-9613. Solid Rock Assembly of God: 12 Church www.diamondpointcommunitychurch.com for Hill Rd, Sunday Adult Bible Study @ 9am, Worship service times. HULETTS LANDING Service and Children’s programs @ 10am. Mountain Grove Memorial Church: Wednesdays: 11am - 5pm (Open office hours) Sunday Worship Services at 10 a.m. All are stop on by to talk with Pastor Bill. Wednesday nights from 6:30 - 8pm join us for a life changing welcome. Rev. Gerald Van Heest and Chaplain Emeritus. Located on Rt. 6A about 150 yards bible study. solidrockassembly.org. Facebook: from County Rt. 6. Call Rev. Helenmarie 518Solid Rock Assembly. (518) 240-6324. 499-1238 for more information. BRANT LAKE JOHNSBURG Adirondack Mission of the Episcopal RWJ Johnsburg United Methodist Church: Call 494-3314 for service times Church: Pastor Arnold Stevens - 518-251and information. Contact Persons: The Rev.

Faith Baptist Church: Sunday school

9:45 a.m.; preaching services 10:45 a.m. and 6 p.m.; Wednesday prayer service 7 p.m. Rev. Lee B. Call 518-623-4071. First Baptist Church: 3850 Main St., Worship Service 10:45 a.m.; Sunday school LONG LAKE 9:30; Wednesday Bible Study 11am. Awana kids 3371. 1798 South Johnsburg Rd., Johnsburg. Calvary Methodist Church: Sunday POTTERSVILLE program starting Feb. 6th at 6pm. Pastor Aaron Sunday Worship Service 10 a.m. worship service 1:00PM. Pastor Nina Dickinson. Christ Anglican/Episcopal Church: Spoonhour 518-623-9373 INDIAN LAKE St. Henry’s Catholic Church: Main Sunday Eucharist 12 p.m. Luncheon follows First Presbyterian Church: 2 Stewart First Baptist Church of Indian Lake: Street, Rt 30. Saturday service at 4pm. Sunday service. Wednesday 5pm Supper & Bible Study. Farrar Ave., Worship 10 a.m. with coffee hour 18 Sabael Road.Sunday: Sunday School 9:15 Mass at 11am. Rev. Peter Berg - Pastor. 518Father Thomas P. Pettigrew. For information call following. For more details, call 518-623-2723. a.m.; Worship Service 10:30 a.m.; Teen Group 624-2541. www.sthenryll.com 518-494-3440. 6 p.m. Monday: Awana Youth 6:00 p.m. First United Methodist Church of Long Lake Wesleyan Church: 11 AM Lighthouse Baptist Church: Meets at Wednesday: Prayer Meeting 7 p.m. Rev. Edward Warrensburg: Sunday School - 10 a.m.; Sunday Worship, 10 AM Sunday School, 6 PM Rt. 9 (next to The Wells House Hotel). Sunday A. Thompson, Pastor Worship Service - 11 a.m. Pastor Stephen Sunday evening Bible study, Wednesday 6 PM School 9:45 a.m., Worship Service 10:50 a.m., Independent Baptist Church of Andrews; 518-623-9334. prayer service. Evening Service 6 p.m., Mid-Week Wednesday Indian Lake: 6110 NYS Rte 30. Sunday: Free Methodist Church: 250 River St., Long Lake Calvary United Methodist Service 7 p.m. Sunday School 9:15 a.m.; Worship Service 11 a.m.; Warrensburg, NY. Sunday Worship Service Church: 10 AM Sunday worship services. Pottersville United Methodist Wednesday: Prayer Meeting 7 p.m. 518-648-5744. 10:45 a.m.; Kids Klub during service (ages MINERVA Church: Worship 8:15 a.m. Pastor Arnold Preacher Daniel Mayner. All are welcome. 3-12); LifeTree Cafe Thursday 7 p.m., GriefShare Minerva Baptist Church: Join us for Stevens, 251-3371. LAKE GEORGE Saturday 10 a.m., Adult Bible Study Saturday Sunday Worship at 10:00 a.m. Corners of A.P. SonRise Lutheran Church: Worship Bay Road Presbyterian Church: 1167 Morse Highway and Route 28N, Minerva. Rev. Sunday at 9:30 a.m. Services are held at 1 p.m. All are welcome. Senior Pastor - Rev. Bay Road (near intersection of Bay & Rt. 149). Nancy M. Barrow, Associate Pastor - Pastor E. Paul Miller, 518-648-0315. Christ Episcopal Church, Route 9, Pottersville. Worship Service - 10:00 a.m. (Praise Songs Joel Cochran NEWCOMB For information please call 772-321-8692 or and Hymns and Nursery). Coffee House - 11:00 St. Barbara’s Episcopal Church: Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s email: barefootrev1@gmail.com. Pastor Bruce a.m. All are welcome. 518-793-8541, www. Witnesses: Sunday Public Talk 10:00 Route 28N, Newcomb. www.facebook.com/ E. Rudolf bayroadchurch.org. a.m. and Watchtower 10:35 a.m. Bible Study, AdirondackMission. (see Adirondack Mission STONY CREEK Caldwell Presbyterian Church: 71 for more info) Knowlhurst Baptist Church: Sunday Theocratic Ministry School and Kingdom Ministry Montcalm St., Lake George 12845. 518-668St. Therese’s Catholic Church: 18 School 10 a.m.; Worship Service 11 a.m.; starting at 7:00 p.m. Tuesday. 518-623-4601. 2613. Sunday Service at 10 a.m. Rev. Ali Adams Lane. Mass is Saturday at 4pm and Fellowship Dinner 12:30 p.m.; Afternoon Praise St. Cecilia’s Roman Catholic Church: Trowbridge. Website: www.caldwellpres.org. Sunday at 9am. Rev. Peter Berg - Pastor. 5181:30 p.m.; Wednesday Prayer Meeting 7 p.m. Eucharist at 4:30 p.m. on Saturday, 10 a.m. on First United Methodist Church: 78 582-3671. www.sttheresenewcomb.com Pastor Rex Fullam. 518-696-2552. Sunday. Sacrament of Reconciliation 4 p.m. Montcalm Street, Lake George, N.Y. 12845, NORTH CREEK Stony Creek Community Church: 687 Saturday. Bible Study, Saturday at 3:30 p.m. & Sunday Worship Service: 9:00 a.m. Rev. Nellie Seventh Day Adventist Church: Bird Harrisburg Road, Stony Creek. Sunday morning Sunday at 10:15 a.m. Parish Life Director Sister Hitz. 518-223-0461. Pond Rd., North Creek. Sabbath School 9:45 service at 10:00 AM, nursery is provided. Linda Hogan CSJ & Sacramental Minister Grace Communion International: a.m.; Church Service 11:30 a.m. Pastor: Tony Lomenzo. 518-696-3004. www. Father Paul Cox. 518-623-3021. Worship Services Saturday at 11:30 a.m. at Sodom Community Church: 59 Cross stonycreekchurch.net. The Church of The Holy Cross: Sacred Heart Church, 56 Mohican St., Lake Rd., North Creek. Pastor Rev. Ronald N. Allen. THURMAN Sunday Eucharist 8 & 10 a.m.; coffee hour George, NY 12845. Pastoral team leader: Mary Phone: 518-251-2079; Cell: 518-791-0069. Christ Community Church: Athol: Williams. To confirm services please call: Mary St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church: Sunday services 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.; Sunday school follows each service; Wednesday 7 p.m. Healing Mass; Thursday 7 a.m. Mass; The Reverend at 518-696-5788 or 518-696-5666 or David Sundays 10 a.m. Ridge Street, North Creek. 9:45 a.m.; Wednesday Bible study and prayer Thomas J. Pettigrew. 518-623-3066. Lafforthun at 518-882-9145. www.facebook.com/AdirondackMission. (see meeting 7 p.m. Rev. William G. Lucia, pastor. Thurman - Kenyontown United Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Adirondack Mission for more info) Kenyontown United Methodist Church: 50 Mohican St., Lake George, NY St. James Catholic Church: Main St., Church: Sunday services 11 a.m., Bible Study Methodist Church: Worship services every week 11 a.m. 518-668-2046. Sat. Vigil Mass at 5:30 p.m., North Creek, Sat. Vigil at 5:30 pm available till Wed. night at 7 p.m. Warrensburg Assembly of God: Sun. Mass at 10 a.m. Daily Mass: Monday & April 20, 2019. Sunday Mass at 8:00 am. Pastor Thurman Baptist Church: Sunday Sunday school 9:45 a.m.; morning worship 11 Wednesday 8:30 a.m. Friday Rosary only 8:30 Rev. John O’Kane. 518-824-1176. school 9:45 a.m.; worship hour 11 a.m.; a.m.; Thursday youth meeting 7 p.m.; evening a.m. Fr. Joseph Busch, Pastor. United Methodist Church: Sunday Wednesday Bible Study & Prayer meeting service 6 p.m.; Wednesday prayer 6 p.m.; Bible St. James Episcopal Church: 172 Service 10 a.m. to be held at St. James Catholic 6:30pm. Rev. Nathan Herrmann, pastor. study 7 p.m. Dr. Ronald Parisi. 518-623-2282. Ottawa St. Lake George. Sunday Services 9am. Church, Main Street, North Creek. Pastor Terry WARRENSBURG WEVERTOWN Children’s Chapel 9am followed by Fellowship Mosholder. Call 518-742-6707. Christian Worship Center, Inc.: Calvary Bible Church: Sunday School Coffee. Come as you are worship Wednesdays NORTH RIVER Corner of Elm St. & Pine Tree Lane, 5:30pm on the Green Picnic/Pot Luck followed United Methodist Church: Service and Warrensburg. Service at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday. 9:30 a.m.; Worship Service 10:30 a.m. Pastor Jonathan Rayder. 2530 Rte. 28. Office 518-251by Communion. Morning Prayer - Weekdays For further information 518-696-5468. Rev. church school at 10 a.m. For information call Gerald (Jerry) Ellis. 8:30am. The Rev. Jean DeVaty. 518-668-2001. 518-251-4071. 3304, Home 518-251-2323. 4-27-19 • 34410

Queensbury. Sunday service 10 a.m. Coffee hr. follows service. (Handicapped accessible, welcoming congregation) 518-793-1468. Web We provide this church directory as a courtesy to our readers and visitors to our area. Any changes or additions can be made by calling 518-873-6368. site: www.glensfalls.uu.com. John Cairns (518-636-8072). Website: www. BAKERS MILLS Mountain View Community Church: theadirondackmission.org. www.facebook.com/

rensburg include the proposed clearing of white pine trees at the town-owned Maury Stein Beach on Echo Lake. This removal of trees and re-landscaping will expand recreational opportunities there, according to town council member Linda Marcella. The initiative was discussed at the town board’s April 10 meeting. “We’re working on all the town parks to provide more benefits to town residents and visitors,” Marcella said. In other business at the April 10 town meeting, the council members appropriated $3,213 in occupancy tax funds for additional lighted holiday decorations. “We received so many compliments for our decorations last year, that we decided to make them even more appealing,” Marcella said. Also to receive occupancy tax funding is the Warrensburgh Historical Society. The town board voted to grant them $2,311 toward expenses incurred advertising the Warrensburgh Museum of Local History. ■

Weekend Masses: School Year Sunday 11 a.m. Rev. Philip T. Allen, Pastor. 518-648-5422. Grace Bible Fellowship: 1427 N Gore Rd. Sunday 10 am worship, Saturday 8:45-10 am Traillife. Pastor Chad Haneman, 518-251-3290.



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10 • April 27, 2019 | The AJ/NE Sun


Published by Denton Publications, Inc.


Woman charged with DWI

QUEENSBURY | A Queensbury woman was arrested by Warren County Sheriff’s Deputies for allegedly driving while intoxicated.

Sherri L. Sherman, 44, was arrested April 20 after sheriff’s deputies responded to a one-car property damage motor vehicle accident on Ridge Road in the area of Boulderwood Drive in the Town of Queensbury. Police allege that

Sherman was intoxicated and had driven her vehicle off the roadway, striking a utility pole. Sherman later submitted to a chemical test and was allegedly found to have a blood


alcohol content of 0.19 percent. Sherman was charged with aggravated driving while intoxicated and was released pending prosecution in Queensbury Town Court. ■

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For more information contact Ashley Alexander Phone: 518-873-6368 x105 | Email: ashley@suncommunitynews.com 209963

Published by Denton Publications, Inc. LEGALS


1846 LG HOLDINGS LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with the SSNY on 03/18/19. Office: Warren County. SSNY designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to the LLC, 1846 Route 9, Lake George, NY 12845. Purpose: Any lawful purpose. NE-03/30-05/04/20196TC-212958

NOTICE OF FORMATION OF ADK Real Estate Holdings, LLC Arts. of Org. filed with the Sect'y of State of NY (SSNY) on 3/18/2019. Office location, County of Warren. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: c/o The LLC, 40 Schermerhorn Dr., Lake George, NY 12845. Purpose: any lawful act NE-03/30-05/04/20196TC-213284

NOTICE OF FORMATION OF A DOMESTIC LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY under Section 203 of the Limited Liability Company Law. The name of the limited liability company is 20 Brayton LLC. The Articles of Organization were filed with the New York State Department of State on January 14, 2019. The office location of the LLC is Warren County. The Secretary of State is designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served and the Secretary of State shall mail a copy of any process against the LLC to 308 Lenox Road, Richmond, MA 01254. The purpose of the LLC is to engage in any lawful act or activity. NE-4/13-05/18/20196TC-214703 NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Under Section 203 of the Limited Liability Company Law Name: 46 Amherst, LLC, Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on April 9, 2019. Office location: Warren County. SSNY is designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to: c/o 46 Amherst, LLC, 46 Amherst Street, Lake New York George, 12845. Purpose: Any lawful act or activities. NE-4/20-5/25/20196TC-214937 NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LIMITED LIABILITY (LLC). COMPANY Name: 514 ELK CIRCLE, LLC. Articles of Organization filed with Secretary of State of New York on February 6, 2019 under Section 203 of the Limited Liability Company Law. Office location: Warren County. Secretary of State of New York designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. Secretary of State of New York shall mail a copy of the process to: King, Adang & Arpey, 340 Broadway, Suite 3, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866. Purpose: any lawful business activity not otherwise prohibited by the laws of the State of New York. NE-04/6-05/11/20196TC-213530 FORMATION OF A NEW YORK LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY The name of the limited liability company is 97 WARREN, LLC. The date of filing of the Articles of Organization with the Department of State was March 27, 2019. The county in New York in which the offices of the LLC are located is Warren County. The Secretary of State has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process may be served, and the Secretary of State shall mail a copy of any such process served against the LLC to 124 East 24th Street, Suite 2B, New York, NY 10010. The business purpose of the LLC is to engage in any and all business activities permitted under the laws of the State of New York. Borgos & Del Signore, P.C. P.O. Box 4392 Queensbury, New York 12804 (518) 793-4900 NE-04/6-05/77/20196TC-213898 NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LLC ADIRONDACK COUNTRY LIVING, LLC Art. of Org. Filed with NYS Dept. of State 2/22/2019. Office Location: Warren Co. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to: The LLC, 25 Amanda Drive, Lake George, NY 12845. Any lawful purpose. NE-03/23-04/27/20196TC-212620 NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Under Section 203 of the Limited Liability Company Law Name: Adirondack Peak Services, LLC, Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on April 16, 2019. Office location: Warren County. SSNY is designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to: c/o Adirondack Peak Services, LLC, 231 Aviation Road, Queensbury, New York 12804. Purpose: Any lawful act or activities NE-04/27-06/01/20196TC-215577

NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION FORMATION OF A NEW YORK LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY 1. The name of the limited liability company is BARK EATER WELLNESS, LLC (The LLC). 2. The date of filing of the Articles of Organization with the Department of State was 4/4/2019. 3. The county in New York in which the offices of the LLC are located is Warren County. 4. The Secretary of State has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process may be served, and the Secretary of State shall mail a copy of any such process served against the LLC to 1232 WEST ROAD, MOUNTAIN QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK 12804. 5. The business purpose of the LLC is to engage in any and all business activities permitted under the laws of the State of New York. BORGOS & DEL SIGNORE, P.C. P.O. Box 4392 Queensbury, New York 12804 (518) 793-4900 NE-4/13-5/18/20196TC-214767 NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY (LLC) Name: Be Social Marketing LLC Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 02/19/2019 Office Location: Warren County. The SSNY is designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to the LLC at14 Keenan Street Glens Falls, NY 12801. Purpose: To engage in any lawful act or activity. NE-03/23-04/27/20196TC-212497 NOTICE OF QUALIFICATION OF BEAVERDAM BROOK LLC Appl. for Auth. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 03/19/19. Office location: Warren County. LLC formed in Delaware (DE) on 03/08/19. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to Simon Kaljevic, 4067 Lowerre Pl., Bronx, NY 10466. DE addr. of LLC: Agents and Corporations, Inc., 1201 Orange St., Ste. 600, One Commerce Center, Wilmington, DE 19801. Cert. of Form. filed with Secy. of State, John G. Townsend Bldg., 401 Federal St., Ste. 4, Dover, DE 19901. Purpose: Any lawful activity. NE-04/20-05/25/20196TC-214918 NOTICE OF FORMATION OF Brookrock, LLC Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State Of New York SSNY on 8/31/2018 Office Location: Warren County SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: 740 Alden Ave. Warrensburg, NY 12885 Purpose any lawful activity NE-04/20-05/25/20196TC-215267 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Budget Hearing of the inhabitants of the Newcomb Central School District, Newcomb New York, qualified to vote at school meetings in said district, will be held at the schoolhouse in said district on Monday, May 13, 2019, at 6:00 p.m. for the transaction of such business as is authorized by the Education Law. NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN that a copy of the statement of the amount of money which will be required for the ensuing year for school purposes, exclusive of public monies, may be obtained by any taxpayer in the district during the seven days immediately preceding the Budget Hearing, except Saturday, Sunday, or holidays at the school during reasonable hours. A report tax exemptions, of showing how much of the total assessed value on the final assessment roll or rolls used in that budgetary process is exempt from taxation, shall be annexed to the budget document. NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN that petitions nominating candidates to fill the expired term of George Damasevitz for a five (5) year office and the unexpired term of Susan (currently Goodspeed filled by Lori DeMars) for the remaining three (3) year office as members of the Board of Education must be filed with the clerk of the district no later than April 22, 2019. Each petition must be directed to the clerk of

Damasevitz for a five (5) year office and the unexpired term of Susan Goodspeed (currently filled by Lori DeMars) for the remaining three (3) year office as members of the Board of EdLEGALS ucation must be filed with the clerk of the district no later than April 22, 2019. Each petition must be directed to the clerk of the district, must be signed by at least twenty-five qualified voters of the district, must state the residence of each signer and must state the name and residence of the candidate. NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN that voting on the proposed budget for the 2019-2020 school year, the following proposition and for members of the Board of Education will take place on May 21, 2019 from 1:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. at the Newcomb Central School. RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of the Newcomb Central School District, Essex County, New York (the District) shall be authorized to undertake a capital improvement project consisting of the construction of alterations, renovations and improvements to the Districts existing school building and an addition to the main office consisting of a security vestibule and canopy, site improvements for various school purposes and other appurtenant and related improvements, and the acquisition of original furnishings, equipment, machinery and apparatus, all at a total estimated cost not to exceed $2,700,000.00 with such cost being raised by a tax upon the taxable property of said District to be levied and collected in annual installments as provided in Section 416 of the Education Law, with such tax to be offset by State aid available therefore, and in anticipation of such tax, by obligations of said District as may be necessary. Absentee ballots are available for qualified voters, who on the day of the Election/Budget vote, will be absent from the Newcomb Central School District because of duties, occupation, business, illness, physical disability, studies or vacation. Application for an absentee ballot must be received by the district clerk or designee at least seven days before the election/budget vote if the ballot is to be delivered personally to the voter. A list of persons to whom absentee ballots have been issued will be available for inspection in the district office during each of the five days prior to the day of the election except Saturday, Sunday, or holidays, and this list also will be posted at the polling place on the day of the election/budget vote. An absentee ballot must reach the office of the district clerk/designee not later than 3:00 p.m. on the day of the election. Qualifications of a voter: A. Citizen of the United States B. 18 years of age or older C. Resident of the district for 30 days or more prior to the vote Melissa Yandon, Clerk Board of Education Newcomb Central School Newcomb, New York 12852 March 2019 NE04/6,4/20,4/27,5/4/2019 -4TC-213983 NOTICE OF FORMATION OF Camp Bosi '98, LLC Arts. of Org. filed with the Sect'y of State of NY (SSNY) on 3/22/2019. Office location, County of Warren. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 269 Milford Ave., New Milford, NJ 07646. Purpose: any lawful act. NE-4/13-5/18/20196TC-214635 CAROL MARTIN LLC Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY) 4/10/2019. Office in Warren Co. SSNY desig. agent of LLC whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to 45 Orville St., Glens Falls, NY 12801, which is also the principal business location. Purpose: Any lawful purpose. NE-04/20-05/25/20196TC-215284 NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Under Section 203 of the Limited Liability Company Law Name: Dorset Home Solutions, LLC, Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on April 15, 2019. Office location: Warren County. SSNY is designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to: c/o Dorset Home Solutions, LLC, 18 Dorset Place, Queensbury, New York 12804. Purpose: Any lawful act or activities. NE-4/27-06/01/20196TC-215579

served, and the Secretary of State shall mail a copy of any such process served against the LLC to 15 Susan Place, www.suncommunitynews.com Queensbury, New York 12804. The business purpose LEGALS of the LLC is to LEGALS engage in any and all THE NAME OF THE LIM- business activities perITED LIABILITY COMPA- mitted under the Limited NY THAT WAS FORMED Liability Company Law IS : ELLSWORTH FARM of the State of New LLC. The Articles of Or- York. ganization were filed NE-04/27-06/01/2019with the Department of 6TC-215966 State of the State of New NOTICE OF FORMATION York on April 2, 2019. OF MAHONEY LAKEThe office of said Limit- HOUSE LLC Arts. of Org. ed Liability Company is filed with the Sect'y of located in WARREN State of NY (SSNY) on County. The Secretary of 3/22/2019. Office locaState has been designattion, County of Warren. ed as agent of the LimitSSNY has been desiged Liability Company nated as agent of the upon whom process LLC upon whom proagainst said Company cess against it may be may be served and the served. SSNY shall mail post office address with- process to: The LLC, 7 in the state to which the Broadway, Lake Luzerne, Secretary of State shall NY 12846. Purpose: any mail a copy of any pro- lawful act. cess is: ELLSWORTH NE-4/6-05/11/2019FARM LLC, 1776 Route 6TC-213697 9, Lake George, NY NOTICE OF FORMATION 12845. OF LIMITED LIABILITY NE-04/13-05/18/2019COMPANY 6TC-214211 Excelsior Strategic Con- Under Section 203 of the Limited Liability sulting LLC, Art. of Org. Company Law filed with SSNY on Name: MCK Operations, 1/9/19. Off. loc.: Warren LLC, Articles of OrganiCo. SSNY designated as agent upon whom pro- zation filed with the Seccess may be served & retary of State of New York (SSNY) on April 9, shall mail proc.: 276 Lockhart Mountain Rd., 2019. Office location: Lake George, NY 12845. Warren County. SSNY is designated as agent of Purp.: any lawful purp. the LLC upon whom NE-03/30-05/04/2019process against it may 6TC-213286 be served. SSNY shall NOTICE OF FORMATION mail a copy of process OF EYES ON! CUSTOM to: c/o MCK Operations, CANVAS LLC LLC, 46 Amherst Street, Articles of Organization Lake George, New York filed with the Secretary 12845. Purpose: Any of State of New York lawful act or activities. SSNY On March 25th, NE-04/20-05/25/20192019 Office Location: 6TC-214938 Warren County SSNY designated as agent of NOTICE OF FORMATION LLC upon whom Pro- OF NESS Holding Company of Saratoga, LLC cess against it may be served. SSNY shall mail Arts. of Org. filed with the Sect'y of State of NY process to: The LLC, 20 (SSNY) on 3/21/2019. Whitetail Trail, Lake George, NY 12845. Pur- Office location, County of Warren. SSNY has pose: any lawful activity been designated as NE-4/20-5/25/2019agent of the LLC upon 6TC-214891 whom process against it NOTICE OF FORMATION may be served. SSNY OF GRANDMA'S HOME shall mail process to: LLC Arts. of Org. filed The LLC, 4 Fairfield Dr., with Secy. of State of NY Queensbury, NY 12804. (SSNY) on 03/21/19. Of- Purpose: any lawful act. fice location: Warren NE-03/30-05/04/2019County. SSNY designat- 6TC-213464 ed as agent of LLC upon whom process against it NOTICE OF FORMATION may be served. SSNY OF New York Cement Company, LLC. Arts of shall mail process to the LLC, 17 Karen St., War- Org. filed with New York Secy of State (SSNY) on rensburg, NY 12885. Purpose: Any lawful ac- 3/7/19. Office location: Warren County. SSNY is tivity. designated as agent of NE-04/6-05/11/2019LLC upon whom pro6TC-213725 cess against it may be NOTICE OF FORMATION served. SSNY shall mail OF LIMITED LIABILITY process to: 37 Sherman COMPANY (LLC) Ave, Glens Falls, NY The name of the Limited 12801. The name and Liability Company that address of the Reg. was formed is: HOMEAgent is Terence ScovCIGARS & TOWN ille, 37 Sherman Ave, LOUNGE LLC. The ArtiGlens Falls, NY 12801. cles of Organization were filed with the De- Purpose: any lawful acpartment of State of the tivity. NE-03/23-04/27/2019State of New York on April 16, 2019. The of- 6TC-212622 fice of said Limited Lia- NOTICE OF ANNUAL BUDGET bility Company is locat- MEETING, ed in WARREN County. VOTE, AND ELECTION INDIAN LAKE CENTRAL The Secretary of State has been designated as SCHOOL DISTRICT agent of the Limited Lia- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a public hearing bility Company upon of the qualified voters on whom process against the proposed 2019-20 said Company may be served and the post of- Budget for the Indian Lake Central School Disfice address within the state to which the Secre- trict, will be held in the tary of State shall mail a Indian Lake Central copy of any process is: School Cafeteria buildHOMETOWN CIGARS & ing at 6345 NYS Rte. 30, LOUNGE LLC, 36 Thorn- Indian Lake, NY 12842 berry Drive, Glens Falls, on May 14, 2019 at 6:00 PM prevailing time, for NY 12801. the presentation of the NE-4/27-06/01/2019budget. The budget will 6TC-215574 be available for review NOTICE OF FORMATION on April 30, 2019 at the OF Hudson Rafting Indian Lake Central Company, LLC Articles School. of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of NOTICE IS FURTHER New York SSNY on GIVEN, that the election 3/21/19. Office Location: of candidates to the InWarren County. SSNY dian Lake Central School designated as agent of District Board of Education and the budget vote the LLC upon whom process against it may will be held in the front be served. SSNY shall lobby of the Indian Lake Central School building, mail process to: The located at 6345 NYS LLC, 1 Main Street, Rte. 30, Indian Lake, North Creek, NY 12853. Purpose: any lawful ac- New York, on Tuesday, May 21, 2019 between tivity. the hours of 12:00 p.m. NE-4/27-06/01/2019and 8:00 p.m., prevailing 6TC-215519 time, during which NOTICE OF FORMATION hours the polls will be OF LIMITED LIABILITY opened to vote by voting COMPANY machine or ballot upon Under Section 203 of the following the Limited Liability items: Company Law 1. Proposition #1 BudName: KJK Home Solu- get tions, LLC, Articles of To adopt the annual Organization filed with budget of the School the Secretary of State of District for the fiscal New York (SSNY) on year 2019- 2020 and to April 4, 2019. Office lo- authorize the requisite cation: Warren County. portion thereof to be SSNY is designated as raised by taxation on the agent of the LLC upon taxable property of the whom process against it District. may be served. SSNY 2. Proposition #2 Bus shall mail a copy of pro- Reserve Purchase cess to: c/o KJK Home To authorize the Board LLC, 16 of Education to expend Solutions, Clements Road, Queens- monies from the Bus bury, New York 12804. Purchase Reserve Fund, Purpose: Any lawful act previously established or activities. and approved by the NE-04/13-05/18/2019voters of the District and 6TC-214657 currently maintaining a NOTICE OF FORMATION balance of three hundred OF NEW YORK LIMITED twelve thousand five LIABILITY COMPANY hundred and forty eight The name of the limited dollars ($312,548) to (a) liability company is acquire one (1) school LaNoire & Wolfe Hold- bus at a cost not to exceed $58,000, (b) exings, LLC. The date of filing of the Articles of pend such sum for said Organization with the purpose; and (c) expend from the Bus Purchase Department of State was April 9, 2019. The coun- Reserve Fund an amount not to exceed $58,000 ty in New York in which the offices of the LLC for such purpose. are located is Warren. 3. To elect one (1) member to the Board of EduThe Secretary of State has been designated as cation for a five (5) year agent of the LLC upon term commencing July whom process may be 1, 2019 and expiring on served, and the Secre- June 30, 2024 and to tary of State shall mail a succeed Michelle copy of any such pro- Hutchins, whose term cess served against the expires on June 30, LLC to 15 Susan Place, 2019. Queensbury, New York 4. Any other business lawfully put before the 12804. The business purpose of the LLC is to voters. engage in any and all NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN business activities per- that a copy of the statement of the amount of mitted under the Limited Liability Company Law money which will be reof the State of New quired to fund the School District's budget York.

June 30, 2024 and to succeed Michelle Hutchins, whose term expires on June 30, 2019. 4. Any other business lawfully put before the voters. LEGALS NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN that a copy of the statement of the amount of money which will be required to fund the School District's budget for 2019- 2020, exclusive of public monies, may be obtained by any resident of the District during business hours beginning April 30, 2019, at the Indian Lake Central School between the hours of 8:00 AM. and 4:00 PM, except Saturdays, Sundays or holidays. AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that nominating petitions candidates for the office of member of the Board of Education shall be filed with the Clerk of said School District at his/her office in the Indian Lake Central School, not later than April 22, 2019, between 7:30 AM and 4:00 PM. Each petition shall be directed to the Clerk of the District and shall be signed by at least 25 voters of the District, must state the name and residence of the candidate and shall describe (where applicable) the specific vacancy for which the candidate is nominated. Forms and information pertaining to petitions nomination may be obtained from District Clerk, Dianna Wilder, or her designee, at the Superintendents Office at the Indian Lake Central School District, 6345 NYS Rte. 30, Indian Lake, NY 12842. AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that applications for absentee ballots will be obtainable between the hours of 8:00AM and Monday 4:00PM through Friday, except holidays, from the District Clerk. Completed applications must be received by the District Clerk at least seven (7) days before the election if the ballot is to be mailed to the voter, or the day before the election, if the ballot is to be delivered personally to the voter. Absentee ballots must be received by the District clerk not later than 5:00PM, prevailing time, on Tuesday, May 14, 2019. A list of persons to whom absentee ballots are issued will be available for inspection to qualified voters of the District in the office of the District Clerk on and after May 1, 2019 between the hours of 8:00AM and 4:00PM on weekdays prior the day set for the annual election and on May 21, 2019, the day set for the election, and said list will be posted at the polling place(s) at the election. Any qualified voter present in the polling place may object to the voting of the ballot upon appropriate grounds for making his/her challenge and the reasons therefore known to the Inspector of Election before the close of the polls. AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the qualified voters of the School District shall be entitled to vote at said annual vote and election. A qualified voter is one who is (1) a citizen of the United States of America, (2) eighteen years of age or older, and (3) resident within the School District for a period of thirty (30) days next preceding the annual vote and election. The School district may require all persons offering to vote at the budget vote and election to provide one form of proof of residency pursuant to Education Law ยง2018-c. Such form may include a driver's license, a nondriver identification card, a utility bill, or a voter registration card. Upon offer of proof of residency, the School District may also require all persons offering to vote to provide their signature, printed name and address. District Clerk: Dianna Wilder Dated: April 9, 2019 School District: Indian Lake Central School Town of Indian Lake; County of Hamilton, New York NE-4/20-05/11/20194TC-214930 NOTICE OF ANNUAL METING, BUDGET VOTE AND ELECTION MINERVA CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT TOWN OF MINERVA COUNTY OF ESSEX, NEW YORK NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a public hearing of the qualified voters of the Minerva School District, Essex County, Olmstedville, New York, will be held in the school library in said District on Tuesday, May 14, 2019 at 7:00 pm, for the presentation of the budget. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the annual meeting of the qualified voters of the Minerva Central School District, Town of Minerva, Essex County, New York, will be held in the Minerva Central School Lobby in said District on Tuesday, May 21, 2019 between the hours of 1:00 pm and 8:00 pm, at which time the polls will be opened to vote by paper ballot upon the following items: 1. To adopt the annual budget of the School District for the fiscal

County, New York, will Education Law #2018-c. Such form may include a be held in the Minerva Central School Lobby in drivers license, a nonidentification said District on Tuesday, drivers card, a utility bill, or a May 21, 2019 between The AJ/NE Sun | April 27, 2019 card. โ ข 11 voter registration the hours of 1:00 pm Upon offer of proof of and 8:00 pm, at which residency, the School time theLEGALS polls will be LEGALS District may also require opened to vote by paper all persons offering to ballot upon the following vote to provide their sigitems: nature, printed name 1. To adopt the annual and address. budget of the School District for the fiscal AND FURTHER NOTICE year 2019-2020 and to IS HEREBY GIVEN, that pursuant to a rule adoptauthorize the requisite portion thereof to be ed by the Board in accordance with #2035 raised by taxation on the and #2008 of the Educataxable property of the tion Law, any referenda District. propositions to or 2. To authorize to Board amend the budget, othof Education to establish erwise to be submitted a Capital Reserve Fund effective June 1, 2019, for voting at said electhe purpose of which is tion, must be filed with to finance the cost of the Minerva Board of Education on or before Capital Improvements April 22, 2019 at 3:00 commencing with the 2018-2019 school year pm prevailing time; must and in each of the next be typed or printed in nine fiscal years, deposit English, must be directed to the Clerk of the into said Capital Reserve Fund monies from such School District and sources as funds re- signed by at least twenceived from such por- ty-five (25) qualified vottion of the unallocated ers of the district; and fund balance as deter- must state the name and of each mined by the Board of residence signed. However, the transfers Education, from any other autho- School Board will not entertain any petition to rized reserve fund or any place before the voters other amount authorized by the District voters. any proposition the purThe ultimate amount of pose of which fails to inFund is clude a specific approsuch $1,000,000. The proba- priation where the exble duration of such penditure of monies is required by the proposiFund is ten (10) years. 3. To elect one (1) mem- tion. ber of the Board for a 5- Nancy O'Brien Minerva Central School year term commencing July 1, 2019 and expir- Town of Minerva, Couning on June 30, 2024 to ty of Essex, New York succeed the seat now NE-04/6, held by Michael Corey, 4/27,5/11,5/18/2019whose term expires on 4TC-214004 June 30, 2019. NOTICE OF COMPLEAND FURTHER NOTICE TION OF THE TENTAIS HERBY GIVEN, that a TIVE ASSESSMENT copy of the statement of ROLL the amount of money (PURSUANT TO SECwhich will be required to TION 506 & 526 OF THE fund the School Districts REAL PROPERTY TAX budget for 2019-2020, LAW) of public exclusive HEARING OF COMmonies, may be ob- PLAINTS tained by any resident of Notice is hereby given the District during busi- that the Assessor(s) of ness hours beginning the Town of Stony Creek Tuesday, May 7, 2019 at County of Warren has the main office of Miner- completed the Tentative va Central School. A re- Assessment Roll for the port of tax exemptions, current year and that a showing how much of copy has been left with the total assessed value the Town Clerk at Town on the final assessment Hall 52 Hadley Rd, Stony roll or rolls used in that Creek, NY 12878, where budgetary process is ex- it may be seen by any empt from taxation, interested person until shall be annexed to the the 4th Tuesday in May budget document. (or other date if applicaAND FURTHER NOTICE ble) IS HEREBY GIVEN, that The Assessor(s) will be nominating petitions in attendance with the candidates for the office roll on May 8, 21 & 22, of member of the Board 2019 between the hours of Education shall be ob- of 12 noon and 4pm tainable between the and on May 18, 2019 hours of 9:00 am and between the hours of 3:00 pm Monday 4pm and 8pm. The through Friday, except Board of Assessment holidays, from the Dis- Review will meet on May trict Clerk. Completed 28, 2019 between the petitions must be filed hours of 4pm and 8pm with the Clerk of said at the Town Hall, in said School District not later town to hear and examthan Monday, April 22, ine all complaints in re2019 between 9:00 am lation to assessments, and 3:00 pm. Each peti- on the application of any tion shall be directed to person believing himself the Clerk of the District to be aggrieved. and shall be signed by at A publication containing least twenty-five (25) procedures for contestvoters of the District, ing an assessment is must state the name and available at the Assesresidence of the candi- sor's Office. date and shall describe Dated this 1st day of the specific vacancy for May, 2019 which the candidate is Peter LaGrasse nominated and must Assessor Chairman state the name and resi- Zachary Thomas dence of each signer. John C. Durham AND FURTHER NOTICE NE-04/27/2019-1TCIS HEREBY GIVEN, that 215743 applications for absentee ballots will be ob- NOTICE OF FORMATION OF NEW YORK LIMITED tainable between the LIABILITY COMPANY hours of 9:00 am and 1. The name of the limit3:00 pm Monday ed liability company is through Friday, except holidays, from the Dis- Patricia Johnson, LLC. trict Clerk. The District 2. The date of filing of Clerk must receive com- the Articles of Organizapleted application at tion with the Department least seven (7) days be- of State was March 19, 2019, same was amendfore the election if the ed on April 3, 2019. ballot is to be mailed to the voter, or the day be- 3. The county in New York in which the offices fore the election if the of the LLC are located is ballot is to be delivered personally to the voter. Warren. The District Clerk must 4. The Secretary of State has been designated as receive absentee ballots no later the 5:00 pm, on agent of the LLC upon Tuesday, May 21, 2019. whom process may be served, and the SecreA list of persons to tary of State shall mail a whom absentee ballots are issued will be avail- copy of any such proable for inspection to cess served against the qualified voters of the LLC to 266 Ridge Street, District in the office of Glens Falls, New York the District Clerk on and 12801. after May 15, 2019 be- 5. The business purpose of the LLC is to engage tween the hours of 9:00 in any and all business am and 3:00 pm on activities permitted unweekdays prior the day set for the annual elec- der the Limited Liability tion and on May 21, Company Law of the State of New York. 2019 the day set for the NE-04/13-5/18/2019election, said list will be 6TC-214824 posted at the polling place of the election. STATE OF NEW YORK qualified voter SUPREME Any COURT, present in the polling WARREN COUNTY place may object to the IN THE MATTER OF THE voting of the ballot upon FORECLOSURE OF TAX appropriate grounds for LIENS BY PROCEEDING making his/her chal- IN REM PURSUANT TO lenge and the reasons ARTICLE ELEVEN OF therefore known to the THE REAL PROPERTY Inspector of Elections TAX LAW BY THE before the close of polls. COUNTY OF WARREN AND FURTHER NOTICE PETITION AND NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that OF FORECLOSURE the qualified voters of INDEX NO. 66509 the School District shall DATE FILED: be entitled to vote at The above-captioned said annual vote and proceeding is hereby election. A qualified vot- commenced to enforce er is one who is (1) a the payment of delincitizen of the United quent taxes or other States of America, (2) lawful charges which eighteen (18) years of have accumulated and age or older, (3) a resi- become liens against dent within the School The certain property. District for a period of parcels to which this thirty (30) days next pre- proceeding applies and ceding the annual vote the owners of record for The and election. said parcels pursuant to school district may re- the tax rolls are set forth quire all persons offer- in Schedule "A" of this ing to vote at the budget Petition, which is anvote and election to pro- nexed hereto and made vide one form of proof a part hereof. of residency pursuant to PLEASE TAKE NOTICE Education Law #2018-c. that on the 11th day of Such form may include a March, 2019, the Wardrivers license, a non- ren County Treasurer, drivers identification hereinafter the "Enforccard, a utility bill, or a ing Officer" of the Counvoter registration card. ty of Warren, hereinafter Upon offer of proof of the "Tax District," purresidency, the School suant to law, filed with District may also require the Clerk of Warren all persons offering to County, the original of vote to provide their sig- this Petition and Notice nature, printed name of Foreclosure against and address. various parcels of real AND FURTHER NOTICE property for unpaid tax-

that on the 11th day of Truesdale Hill Rd March, 2019, the War- Koshgarian Olga, 817 ren County Treasurer, Truesdale Hill Rd 23.69 hereinafter the "Enforc- acres 1 Family Res ing Officer" of the Coun12 • April 27,hereinafter 2019 | TheID# AJ/NE Sun ty of Warren, 225.00-1-22 Spring the "Tax District," pur- Woods Hayes Rick A, 1 suant toLEGALS law, filed with Pine Valley Dr 38.00 LEGALS the Clerk of Warren acres Rural vac > County, the original of this Petition and Notice ID# 225.08-1-57 Jourof Foreclosure against neys End Cosimano Cosimano various parcels of real Patrick, property for unpaid tax- Frances 0.20 acres Res es. Such Petition per- vac land tains to the parcels appearing in Schedule "A." ID# 226.05-1-27 3716 Lakeshore Dr Edscott This document serves both as a Petition of Realty, Attn: Tom Burke Foreclosure and a Notice 2.52 acres Motel of Foreclosure for purposes of this proceed- ID# 238.15-1-47 Stone ing. Schoolhouse Rd Off CuTown Of Bolton Rita, 3146 sanelli ID# 169.04-2-8 Schroon Schroon River Rd 0.74 River Rd Cooper Anton acres Res vac land F, 1050 East Schroon River Rd 1.97 acres Res ID# 238.19-1-34 Middle vac land Rd McAvinney David, McAvinney Cindy 1.00 ID# 170.00-1-2 North- acres Res vac land way Cooper Anton F, 1050 East Schroon River ID# 251.06-1-43 79 Rd 82.42 acres Rural Middle Rd Genovese Revac < alty, LLC, 333 Glen St Ste 103 1.00 acres ID# 170.00-1-9 North- Apartment way Cooper Anton F, 1050 East Schroon River ID# 251.06-1-45 Middle Rd 47.42 acres Rural Rd McAvinney David, vac < McAvinney Cindy 1.00 acres Res vac land ID# 170.00-1-20 Lamb Hill Rd Cooper Anton F, ID# 251.09-1-15 Thom1050 East Schroon River son Ave Brand Bobby M, Rd 40.89 acres Rural 43 Thomson Ave 0.13 vac < acres Vac w/imprv ID# 171.11-2-1 1 Braley Pt Rd Roe Management Development Inc, 1 Braley Pt 2.00 acres ID# 184.02-2-8 969 East Schroon River Rd Sheppard Shauna, 51 Masters Common North 29.45 acres Camping park ID# 185.00-1-17 Lamb Hill Rd Cooper Anton F, 1050 East Schroon River Rd 168.96 acres Rural vac < ID# 185.00-1-19 205 Trout Lake Rd Cooper Anton F, 1050 East Schroon River Rd 6.47 acres Res vac land ID# 185.00-1-33 Northway Cooper Anton F, 1050 East Schroon River Rd 48.97 acres Rural vac < ID# 124.00-1-29 New Vermont Rd DeStanko Tamara, 81-29 Liberty Ave 38.14 acres Rural vac > ID# 140.00-2-6 Indian Summit Dr Foy Edward P Sr, Foy Catherine M 5.01 acres Res vac land ID# 140.00-2-7 Indian Summit Dr Foy Edward P Sr, Foy Catherine M 5.01 acres Res vac land ID# 155.00-1-50 26 Finkle Rd Richardson Jon, Richardson Doris 0.90 acres Mfg housing

ID# 251.09-1-16 Thomson Ave Brand Family Rev. Trust, Stafford Michael 0.13 acres Res vac land ID# 251.10-1-34 Upper Hubbell Ln Thomas Russell, Thomas Tammy 0.22 acres Res vac land

Rd Bradway John D, 136 Igerna Rd 17.00 acres Rural vac > ID# 52.8-1-36 7919 State Route 9 Cleveland John A, Cleveland Sheri L 0.62 LEGALS acres 1 Family Res ID# 52.8-1-37 7921 State Route 9 Cleveland John A, Cleveland Sheri L 0.48 acres 1 Family Res ID# 66.-2-13 103 Hudson Heights Lenmark LLC, 1360 Clifton Ave 9.01 acres Res vac land ID# 66.-2-14 115 Hudson Heights Lenmark LLC, 1360 Clifton Ave 3.17 acres Res vac land ID# 66.7-1-2.1 Mt Estate Rd Loomis Herbert A, Loomis Joan L 8.15 acres Res vac land ID# 66.7-1-2.15 Byrd Pond Rd Loomis Herbert A, Loomis Joan L 4.66 acres Rural vac <1 ID# 66.7-1-6.2 Byrd Pond Rd Leach Trustee James, Leach Trust 0.89 acres Res vac land ID# 68.-1-11 Vanderwalker Rd O'Connor John F, Attn: Anthony J. O'Connor 9.76 acres Rural vac <1 ID# 68.-1-13.3 620 Vanderwalker Rd Belolan Kristen, 101 Hicks St Apt.1A 16.77 acres Rural vac > ID# 68.-1-33 Off Vanderwalker Rd O'Connor John F, Kevin O'Connor 126.06 acres Priv forest

ID# 264.03-1-11.2 Oak St Thomas Tammy, PO Box 54 0.83 acres Res vac land

ID# 68.-1-34 Vanderwalker Rd O'Connor John F, Attn: Kevin O'Connor 11.66 acres Rural vac >

ID# 264.03-2-3.1 Rt 9N 0Ff Boychuk Olga, PO Box 163 18.89 acres Vacant comm

ID# 70.-1-30 Off Landon Hill Rd McKenzie Daniel G Jr, 704 Landon Hill Rd 4.04 acres Res vac land

ID# 264.04-1-12.1 60 Ellsworth Rd Corlew Tammy, PO Box 54 0.42 acres Rural vac <1

ID# 86.-1-17 411 Landon Hill Rd Borger Jeanette E, France John C 5.83 acres Mfg housing

ID# 264.06-3-69 Prospect St Mooney Terence J, 32F Prospect St 0.01 acres 1 Family Res ID# 264.08-2-66 Bloody Pond Rd Belden Arthur T, 32 Goodwin Ave 4.00 acres Res vac land ID# 264.11-1-13 4 Ft George Rd Tariq Mohammad, Tariq Mussarat A 2.48 acres Motel ID# 264.11-1-37 Sun Valley Dr Ryan Paul, 15 Rd 9.00 Hannaford acres Res vac land ID# 277.01-1-2 Rt 9N Thomas Russell, PO Box 54 1.84 acres Vac w/imprv

ID# 246.19-1-22 15 Tannery Ln McMurry Karra, 15 Tannery Ln 0.00 acres 1 Family Res

ID# 278.-1-61 1347 Bay Rd Stranahan Industries Inc, 1343 Bay Rd 188.96 acres Lumber yd/ml

ID# 304.17-1-39 7 Quarry Xing Jump Ruby, Attn: Frank Jump 0.69 acres 1 Family Res

ID# 259.7-1-13 Louis Waite Rd Moran Arthur J, 10 Louis Waite Rd 1.18 acres 1 Family Res

ID# 278.-1-68 Bay Stranahan Rd.,off Daniel, 5010 Dawson Way 39.37 acres Priv forest

ID# 308.6-1-50 Burch Rd.,off Doner William II, PO Box 243 0.36 acres Res vac land

ID# 260.-1-16 15 Victory Ln Ryan Doreen, Bussiculo Dominick 6.81 acres Res w/comuse

ID# 308.9-1-6 717 Luzerne Rd Flewelling Robert, Flewelling Cheryl 2.33 acres 1 Family Res

ID# 260.-1-52.11 Hadley Rd Zawartkay Adam, 316 States Rd 0.09 acres Vacant land

ID# 308.11-1-40 366 Luzerne Rd Ralph Family Supp Needs Trust, Stephanie L. Ralph 9.00 acres 1 Family Res

ID# 260.-1-79 206 & 204 Hadley Rd Bennett Lisa Ann, 30 McFarlene Dr 1.73 acres Multiple res

ID# 308.12-2-26 53 Wisconsin Ave Mattison Joann, 53 Wisconsin Ave 0.21 acres 1 Family Res

ID# 260.-2-21 337 Hadley Rd Fisk Harley, 5 Woodward Ave 1.93 acres Multiple res

ID# 106.-1-6 Hayesburg Rd Lanning Laurita, Sidorski Robert 0.28 acres Rural vac <1

ID# 148.-1-44 Coulter Rd Heid Theresa, Heid William 36.71 acres Priv forest

ID# 287.-1-15 Butler Pond Rd Camp William & Stacy, Dalaba Leon & Laura 12.66 acres Res vac land

ID# 106.-1-50 Alder Brook Rd Slomin Lisa, 44 King Ave 6.86 acres Rural vac <1

ID# 149.-1-1 2033 Garnet Lake Rd N Heid Theresa, Heid William 27.56 acres Rural Res

ID# 289.9-1-80 330 Glen Lake Rd Glenmoore Lodge, LLC, 17 Lester Ct 1.30 acres Inn/lodge

Town Of Johnsburg ID# 29.-1-10 454 13th Rd Hippick Lake Michele, Howe Clayton 41.98 acres Seasonal res

Town Of Lake Luzerne ID# 275.-1-24.2 298 Hall Hill Rd Walker Kim, 298 Hall Hill Rd 3.00 acres 1 Family Res

ID# 289.10-1-2 Glen Lake Rd Donohue Francis T, Donohue A. Joyce 10.33 acres Vac w/imprv

ID# 19.4-1-4 8530 State Route 9 Brooks Robert Jr, C/O Jessica Brennan 1.01 acres Seasonal res

ID# 121.7-1-3 28 Rock Ave Nestor Walter Jr, 28 Rock Ave 3.92 acres 1 Family Res

ID# 33.-2-15 142 Lane Rd Wells Christine P, PO Box 41912 47.19 acres Vac w/imprv

ID# 136.2-1-6 502 Atateka Dr Gagnon Linda, Bonnie Meade 0.82 acres 1 Family Res

ID# 35.-1-24.7 214 Olmstedville Rd Parker John R, 214 Olmstedville Rd 1.01 acres 1 Family Res

ID# 16.-1-33 209 Lane Rd Matson Hugh, 217 Lane Rd 3.54 acres 1 Family Res

ID# 35.2-1-11 142 Stone Bridge Rd Hansen Paula, Maniscalco Brian 0.97 acres Mfg housing

ID# 32.-1-27 617 State Route 28N Bokus William J, 30 Mill Rd 65.92 acres Manufacture

ID# 35.2-1-27 55 Agard Rd Howe John Charles, 55 Agard Rd 1.10 acres Mfg housing

ID# 35.2-1-23 29 Agard Rd Runewicz Theresa, Runewicz Stephen 0.46 acres 1 Family Res

ID# 35.4-1-5 37 Dewey Rd Hansen Paula, 142 Stone Bridge Rd 0.89 acres Mfg housing

ID# 50.-1-27 111 John Austin Rd Austin Robert, PO Box 16 54.48 acres Vac w/imprv

ID# 35.4-2-30 9 OlmstRd Farmer edville Howard L, 9 Olmstedville Rd 0.15 acres 1 Family Res

ID# 52.-1-6 47 Marietta Mtn Rd Wilson Dannie D, Wilson Dalton L 16.16 acres 1 Family Res

ID# 35.4-2-31 15 Olmstedville Rd Knapp Marietta, 15 Olmsteadville Rd 0.00 acres Part res use

ID# 52.-1-25.1 7639 State Route 9 Vanderminden Cynthia, PO Box 294 3.39 acres 1 Family Res

ID# 52.8-1-37 7921 State Route 9 Cleveland John A, Cleveland Sheri L 0.48 acres 1 Family Res

ID# 303.20-1-87 68 Boulevard Perry Barbara, 68 Boulevard 0.17 acres 1 Family Res

ID# 132.-1-70 352 Goodman Rd Tabano Brian, Tabano Tarina 1.31 acres Mfg housing

ID# 213.13-1-20 1 Thunderbird Rd Ludwig Michael, 1 Thunderbird Rd 0.46 acres 1 Family Res

ID# 225.08-1-57 Journeys End Cosimano Patrick, Cosimano Frances 0.20 acres Res

ID# 278.-1-59 Bay Rd Stranahan Industries Inc, 1347 Bay Rd 0.26 acres Vacant comm

ID# 89.-1-75 64 Jim Younes Rd Sumell Scott, 292 Pease Hill Rd 0.84 acres Seasonal res

ID# 104.14-1-52 61 Foster Flats Rd 61 Foster Flats Road, LLC, 61 Foster Flats Rd 0.20 acres 1 Family Res

ID# 225.00-1-22 Spring Woods Hayes Rick A, 1 Pine Valley Dr 38.00 acres Rural vac >

ID# 246.-1-12 72 Murray Rd Colson Dale R, Colson Hope E 1.27 acres Mfg housing

ID# 100.-1-66 Showcase Dr Fazio John Jr, 44 Willow Rd 0.55 acres Vac w/imprv

Town Of Chester ID# 16.-1-35 Lane Rd Lavinsky Deborah, Newman Barbara 3.58 acres Res vac land

ID# 52.8-1-36 7919 State Route 9 Cleveland John A, Cleveland Sheri L 0.62 acres 1 Family Res

ID# 303.19-1-42 1 Lower Warren St Walkup Joseph, 149 River St 0.23 acres Bar

ID# 278.-1-58 Bay Stranahan Rd.,off Daniel, 5010 Dawson Way 27.45 acres Rural vac >

ID# 89.-1-54.2 14 Travis Ln Granger Darian, 14 Travis Ln 1.90 acres 1 Family Res

ID# 186.14-1-42 4623 Lake Shore Dr 4623 Colonial Court LP, C/O Richard Wagner 0.67 acres Motel

ID# 224.02-1-44 817 Truesdale Hill Rd Koshgarian Olga, 817 Truesdale Hill Rd 23.69 acres 1 Family Res

ID# 246.-1-6 Harrisburg Rd Manney Bonnie, 216 Harrisburg Rd 2.70 acres 1 Family Res

ID# 84.-1-6 2848 St Rt 28 Forchelli Michael, 2848 St Rt 28 0.90 acres 1 Family Res

ID# 104.10-4-5 10 Pine St Thermo-Home Inc, PO Box 135 0.90 acres Vacant comm

ID# 52.-1-34.12 Igerna Rd Bradway John D, 136 Igerna Rd 17.00 acres Rural vac >

ID# 303.5-1-47 Windy Hill Rd.,off Prime Tarra, 375 Padanarum Rd 0.07 acres Res vac land

ID# 278.-1-49 Bay Rd American Tree Co., Inc., 5010 Dawson Way 3.59 acres Res vac land

ID# 88.18-2-19 Delaney Dr Hetzer Thomas, Hetzer Peggy-Jean 0.34 acres Res vac land

ID# 103.-1-11.3 Priory Rd Olsen George E Jr, Olsen Celine A 8.50 acres Res vac land ID# 103.-1-17.1 5381 State Route 8 D'cre Communications Services, PO Box 73 3.19 acres Motel ID# 103.-1-19 5420 State Route 8 Lakeside Loon Enterprises LLC, c/o Walter Roback 1.20 acres Motel

ID# 52.-1-25.2 7643 State Route 9 Vanderminden Cynthia, PO Box 294 5.94 acres Res w/comuse ID# 85.16-1-5 6850 State Route 9 MSRY, 920 High St 1.27 acres Res vac land ID# 86.-1-35 148 White Schoolhouse Rd Faggiano Michael S, 148 White Schoolhouse Rd 58.21 acres Rural Res ID# 122.-1-36 507 Rock Ave Ross Doyle, Ross Carla 1.47 acres Mfg housing ID# 137.14-1-19 207 Tripp Lake Rd Wanaroma Inc., c/oRon Walker 21.90 acres Golf course

ID# 30.-2-68 Barton Mines Rd Prime Tarra, 375 Padanarum Rd 0.09 acres Rural vac <1 ID# 30.-2-96 St Rt 28 NL Industries Inc., c/o Iowa Pacific Holdings 26.43 acres Railroad ID# 31.-1-42 St Rt 28 NL Industries Inc, c/o Iowa Pacific Holdings 4.91 acres Railroad ID# 48.-1-28 RR NL Industries Inc, c/o Iowa Pacific Holdings 26.47 acres Railroad ID# 66.-1-42 St Rt 28 Cunningham Patrick J, 3268 State Rt 28 73.62 acres Priv forest ID# 66.10-2-40 7 Maiden Ln Rountry Robert, 400 Roosevelt Ave 0.50 acres 1 Family Res ID# 67.-1-37 St Rt 28 Shaw Michael C, Shaw Peter J 11.17 acres Rural vac > ID# 83.-2-21 177 Austin Pond Rd Golden Thomas H, Golden Gale J 10.62 acres Rural Res ID# 99.-1-81.14 25 Peaceful Valley Farm Rd Baxter Mountain Properties, 445 Coffeetown Rd 1.05 acres Res vac land ID# 99.-1-81.15 42 Peaceful Valley Farm Rd Baxter Mountain Properties, 445 Coffeetown Rd 15.13 acres Res vac land ID# 100.-1-24 Back to Sodom Rd Preserve Development Corp,LLC, c/o TC Murphy Lumber Co, Inc 3.58 acres Rural vac <1 ID# 100.-3-11 St Rt 28 Matthew, Kimmerly 4645 Rte 9n 1.08 acres Rural vac <1 ID# 100.-3-12.1 St Rt 28 Kimmerly Tammy C, Kimmerly Rachael M 2.87 acres Rural vac <1 ID# 101.-1-1 82 Holland Rd Sangiovanni Frank, Forte Thomas 0.68 acres Seasonal res ID# 101.-1-4 11 Moffitt Dr Springer Charlotte,

ID# 286.-1-52 1 Gage Hill Rd Kules Eugene & Laura, 1 Gage Hill Rd 6.50 acres 1 Family Res ID# 286.-1-78 703 & 705 Howe Rd Graham Shawn, PO Box 459 4.46 acres Multiple res ID# 286.8-1-10 Lake Vanare Villamarin Rodrigo, 1420 Lake Ave 0.06 acres Res vac land

ID# 278.-2-2 1334 Bay Rd Stranahan Daniel, 5010 Dawson Way 5.37 acres Res vac land ID# 279.11-1-12 Mud Pond Rd.,off Prime Tarra, 375 Padanarum Rd 0.08 acres Res vac land ID# 279.15-1-16 Mud Pond Rd O'Connor Michael, 15 Pioneer Pt 1.01 acres Res vac land ID# 279.17-2-38 50 Sunnyside North Dufour Judy Ann, PO Box 108 0.14 acres 1 Family Res ID# 279.17-2-39 48 Sunnyside North Dufour Judy Ann, PO Box 108 0.27 acres 1 Family Res ID# 287.-1-14 Butler Pond Rd Camp William & Stacy, Dalaba Leon & Laura 19.12 acres Priv forest

ID# 290.-1-21.4 9 & 13 Moose Hollow Way CES Holdings, L.L.C., 297 Saratoga Rd 13.39 acres Apartment ID# 295.17-1-2 807 West Mountain Rd Sawn David, 807 West Mountain Rd 0.88 acres 1 Family Res ID# 295.19-2-16 221 Aviation Rd Hall Virginia C, Hall Henry E 0.41 acres 1 Family Res

ID# 286.15-1-46 34 Forest Lake Rd Hennessy John & Ann, 384 Lafayette Rd 0.56 acres Seasonal res

ID# 296.12-1-27.6 31 Willowbrook Rd Canale Gina M, 7 Brookshire Trce 1.00 acres Prof. Bldg.

ID# 300.-2-36 Beartown Rd, off Batease Glenn, 71 Big Boom Rd 6.72 acres Priv forest

ID# 296.13-1-2 1 Lawton Rd Dufour Judy Ann, PO Box 108 0.23 acres Multiple res

ID# 300.-2-40 Beartown Rd Batease Glenn, 71 Big Boom Rd 11.09 acres Priv forest

ID# 296.14-1-13 33 Sweet Rd Stuart Alfred, Stark Timothy M 0.46 acres Multiple res

ID# 300.-2-41 Beartown Rd, off Batease Glenn, 71 Big Boom Rd 75.16 acres Priv forest

ID# 296.14-1-66 14 Orchard Dr Howard Karen, 14 Orchard Dr 0.99 acres 1 Family Res

ID# 305.8-2-73.1 Lake Ave Devlin Michael, 38 South St 39.67 acres Res vac land

ID# 296.17-1-42 919 State Route 9 Ermiger Kenneth, 3494 Lake Shore Dr 2.01 acres Auto carwash

ID# 317.12-1-32 2248 Call St Towers, Ellison Estate, 2248 Call St 7.79 acres 1 Family Res ID# 317.16-1-9 105 Terrace Dr Teft Loraine, Teft Jordan 0.09 acres Seasonal res ID# 317.16-1-60 98 Harris Ave Benway Angel, 98 Harris Ave 0.14 acres Mfg housing ID# 319.-1-47.1 Hartman Loop Smith Brian & Rebecca, 91 Hartman Loop 66.52 acres Rural vac > ID# 293.-1-37 336 Howe Rd Klatt Peter, 3735 Rt. # 82 1.22 acres 1 Family Res ID# 298.16-1-14 32 Pine Rd Bacher John, 35 Wisner Rd 0.09 acres Seasonal res Town Of Queensbury ID# 239.12-2-21 65 Assembly Pt. Rd Mueller Mark, Mueller Joanne

ID# 296.13-1-61 State Route 9 Fazio John, 44 ID# 301.18-1-14 4 Willow Rd 0.50 acres Michaels Dr Manzi Eliza- Vacant comm Published beth, 4 Michaels Dr 0.56by Denton Publications, Inc. ID# 296.13-1-62 1012 acres 1 Family Res State Route LEGALS LEGALS9 Fazio ID# 301.20-1-31 60 John, 44 Willow Rd 0.46 Howard St S Blocks, acres Restaurant Inc., 1073 Palmer Ave 0.30 acres 1 Family Res ID# 303.16-1-30 467 Dix Ave Mehalick Sasha, ID# 302.6-1-44 599 Avi- 14 Windcrest Dr 1.29 ation Rd Poladian acres 1 Family Res Hagop, Poladian AbraID# 308.8-2-18 15 Leo ham 1.67 acres Auto St Faggiano Benedict, dealer ID# 302.8-1-2 275 Bay Faggiano Deborah 0.46 acres Mfg housing Rd Mullen J David, 50 Main St 1.09 acres ManID# 308.19-1-38 15 ufacture Pinello Rd MSRY, LLC, ID# 302.8-1-30 Homer 920 High St 0.23 acres Ave PONTIFF JUDY Mfg housing ANN, PO BOX 108 0.13 ID# 308.19-1-45 43 acres Res vac land Pinello Rd Sleezer JenID# 302.8-1-31 32 nifer M, Sleezer Donald H 0.69 acres Mfg housHomer Ave PONTIFF ing JUDY ANN, PO BOX 108 0.34 acres Apartment ID# 309.13-1-7 27 IndiID# 302.12-1-1 Fort ana Ave Allen Melody, Amherst Rd Pereira Kali 27 Indiana Ave 0.18 S, 230 Bay St 0.16 acres acres 1 Family Res Res vac land Town Of Stony Creek ID# 302.12-1-43 35 Ev- ID# 233.-1-64 Harrisburg Rd McCoy Minette, erts Ave LaNoir Daniel, 4068 Rockwell St 2.36 LaNoir Terry 0.17 acres acres Mfg housing 1 Family Res ID# 245.-1-7 States Rd Rayder Matthew J, Rayder Jennifer M 83.41 acres Priv forest

ID# 102.40-1-33 17 Tabernacle Foot Path Boorn Mrs Burt, Attn: Peter M Shultes 0.03 acres Seasonal res

ID# 238.16-1-4 3243 Lakeshore Dr Launcher LLC, 3 Marion Place 1.73 acres Cottage

ID# 52.-1-15 7720 State Route 9 Weber Anita H, 609 Muitzeskill Rd 5.50 acres Mfg housing

ID# 132.10-1-5 St Rt 8 Bacon Deborah H, Old Bakersmills Rd 0.65 acres Mobile homes

Suttle Gloria J 0.43 acres 1 Family Res

ID# 303.5-1-7 23 Wilson St Szabo William Jr, Szabo Ann Marie 0.23 acres 1 Family Res

ID# 66.6-2-8 302 Main St Mc Graw Timothy, 242 Cameron Rd 0.03 acres Restaurant

ID# 186.00-1-20 824 Trout Lake Rd Macri Bonnie, 17 Greenway Rd 0.15 acres 1 Family Res

ID# 224.01-2-30 Harrington Hill Rd Off Lewis Thomas, 2188 Harrington Hill Rd 2.00 acres Rural vac <1

ID# 72.13-2-12 Butler Loop Butler Myron Jr, Butler Donald C Sr 0.78 acres Rural vac <1

ID# 132.6-1-3 95 Edwards Hill Rd Bruce Cleveland, 95 Edwards Hill Road 0.27 acres 1 Family Res

ID# 278.-1-48 Bay Rd Industries, Stranahan Inc, 1343 Bay Rd 1.44 acres Vacant comm

ID# 88.7-1-28 6685 State Route 8 Galanari LLC, Simon Zarour 0.21 acres Gas station

ID# 104.3-1-2.17 66 Maple Ln Matteo-Kovalsky Rebecca, 72 Voorhis Rd 1.09 acres Mfg housing

ID# 49.-1-35 246 Old River Rd McDae Inc, 821 Franklin Ave Ste 304 5.46 acres 1 Family Res

ID# 72.-1-57.7 7129 State Route 8 Bolton Berness Jr, PO Box 3 1.37 acres 1 Family Res

ID# 132.-1-46 2442 St Rt 8 Russell Nathan, Russell Janine 26.19 acres Priv forest

ID# 278.-1-46 663 State Route 149 Stranahan Industries, Inc, 1343 Bay Rd 0.91 acres 1sty sml bld

ID# 87.16-1-1 71 Dixon Rd Sapienza Anthony, Country Haven 19.36 acres Camping park

ID# 211.04-1-32 859 Truesdale Hill Rd MSRY, LLC, Glenda Duell 0.25 acres 1 Family Res

ID# 211.04-1-3 9 E Schroon River Rd Ovitt Betty, 9 East Schroon River Rd 4.74 acres Mfg housing

ID# 72.-1-48.2 Grassville Rd Dewar Scott, 96 Grassville Rd 2.00 acres Res vac land

ID# 118.10-1-39 St Rt 28 Harrington Major Marshall, USSATurstServ Lori A Tomkewitz 1.08 acres Res vac land

ID# 278.-1-7 State Route 149 Anderson Anne, Coblentz Mary 0.95 acres Res vac land

ID# 163.-1-5 Bartman Rd Boyle Trudy O, PO Box 94 29.52 acres Priv forest

ID# 171.12-1-5 Crown Is Meigher S Christopher II, Meigher Grace T 1.22 acres Seasonal res

3631 WarMain 1sty

ID# 54.-1-23 292 Pease Hill Rd Sumell Margaret, 292 Pease Hill Rd 4.35 acres Mfg housing

ID# 117.-1-32.1 Oven Mountain Rd Kinnarney Kevin, PO Box 35 12.66 acres Rural vac >

ID# 240.5-1-21 State Route 9L Prime Tarra, 375 Padanarum Rd 0.24 acres Res vac land

ID# 88.7-1-27 State Route 8 Galanari LLC, 231 McNamara Rd 0.00 acres Vac w/imprv

ID# 277.02-1-21.1 Rt 9 Corlew Tammy, PO Box 54 0.75 acres Res vac land

ID# 211.03-1-18 Rt 9 Banta Realty rensburg LLC, 842 Street 0.58 acres sml bld

ID# 39.-1-18 8102 State Route 8 Thayer Mary Kathleen Kelly, Thayer James M 0.00 acres Seasonal res

ID# 117.-1-21 2999 St Rt 8 Mac Donald Duncan, PO Box 85 9.80 acres Motel

ID# 240.-1-47.2 Ridge Rd DeNardo Trust Frank & Joanna, 84 Barthel Ln 7.80 acres Res vac land

36 ID# 87.-1-41.2 Cougar Ln Berness Bolton Excavating, 184 Horicon Ave 2.00 acres Office bldg.

ID# 171.06-1-24 Horicon Valley Ln Mulderry Patricia A, 12 Halycon St 0.27 acres Res vac land

ID# 211.03-1-17 Rt 9 Banta George E, 842 Main St 0.58 acres Vacant comm

Town Of Horicon ID# 38.-1-21 Palisades Rd Malatino Armando, Malatino Ruth 1.01 acres Rural vac <1

ID# 116.-1-81 83 Peaceful Valley Rd BigsbeeProvencher Lisa D, 38 Goodman Rd 13.01 acres Rural Res

ID# 240.-1-43 Ridge Rd DeNardo Trust Frank & Joanna, 84 Barthel Ln 0.90 acres Res vac land

ID# 133.8-1-30 3499 St Rt 8 Bell Mark, 78 1/2 Saratoga Ave 0.96 acres 1 Family Res

ID# 277.02-1-16.3 1881 Rt 9 Wilson Raymond C, 1881 State Rt 9 4.31 acres Res vac land

Town Of Lake George ID# 211.03-1-14 20 Prosser Rd Banta Realty Warrensburg, LLC, 842 Main St 1.52 acres Motel

ID# 93.12-1-21.2 Off Lakeshore Dr Manning, est. Deborah A F, PO Box 743 1.58 acres Res vac land

ID# 116.-1-48.2 2755 St Rt 8 Nevins Vincent S, Route 8 PO Box 104 1.05 acres 1 Family Res

Town Of Queensbury ID# 239.12-2-21 65 Assembly Pt. Rd Mueller Mark, Mueller Joanne 0.42 acres 1 Family Res

ID# 88.-2-2.111 Horicon Ave Bolton Berness Jr, PO Box 3 119.61 acres Rural vac >

ID# 86.18-1-17 155 Chester Shores Dr Pitts Edwin L Jr, Pitts Rita K 0.47 acres Seasonal res

ID# 156.00-2-31 County Route 11 Baker Arthur, PO Box 1161 0.40 acres Rural vac <1

ID# 251.18-4-63 51 Caldwell Ave Mc Williams Of L G Inc, Att: Carol Flournoy 0.00 acres Cottage

ID# 42.20-1-9 8815 Lakeshore Dr Crosman Alan, Crosman Maria 1.35 acres 1 Family Res

ID# 116.-1-27 226 Edwards Hill Rd Grimes Kjerstia, Conlon Alonzo 44.67 acres Rural Res

ID# 298.16-1-14 32 Pine Rd Bacher John, 35 Wisner LEGALS Rd 0.09 acres Seasonal res

ID# 133.8-1-28 11 Oven Mountain Rd Kevin Kinnarney, 11 Oven Mountain Road 1.46 acres 1 Family Res

ID# 277.02-1-16.2 1881 Rt 9 Wilson Raymond C, 1881 State Rt 9 3.71 acres Res vac land

ID# 251.18-4-62 47 Caldwell Ave Edwards Sheila, 1123 Forest Ave 0.00 acres Cottage

ID# 25.1-1-9 266 West Hague Rd Dickhoff Raymond, PO Box 696 10.30 acres 1 Family Res

ID# 293.-1-37 336 Howe Rd Klatt Peter, 3735 Rt. # 82 1.22 acres 1 Family Res

ID# 72.17-1-9 29 Duell Hill Rd Lewis Estate David W, Charles Lewis 20.46 acres Rural Res

ID# 156.00-1-38.2 175 Valley Woods Rd Curri Thomas S, 175 Valley Woods Rd 3.00 acres Mfg housing

Village Of Lake George ID# 251.10-3-50 2909 Lakeshore Dr Shouse Henry A, Shouse Jane H 0.25 acres 1 Family Res

4645 Rte 9n 1.08 acres Rural vac <1 ID# 100.-3-12.1 St Rt 28 Kimmerly Tammy C, Kimmerly Rachael M www.suncommunitynews.com 2.87 acres Rural vac <1 ID# 122.-1-36 507 Rock Ave Ross Doyle, Ross Carla 1.47 acres Mfg ID# 101.-1-1 82 Holland LEGALS LEGALS housing Rd Sangiovanni Frank, Forte Thomas 0.68 acres ID# 137.14-1-19 207 Seasonal res Tripp Lake Rd Wanaroma Inc., c/oRon Walker ID# 101.-1-4 11 Moffitt 21.90 acres Golf course Dr Springer Charlotte, 11 Moffitt Dr 9.78 acres Town Of Hague 1 Family Res ID# 11.-1-4.2 860 New Hague Rd Meehan Nor- ID# 101.-1-10 3 Moffit rell Jon, Meehan Eliza- Dr Moffitt Lester, PO beth 124.45 acres 1 Box 73 0.25 acres Mfg housing Family Res Schoolhouse Rd Faggiano Michael S, 148 White Schoolhouse Rd 58.21 acres Rural Res

ID# 296.17-1-51 870 State Route 9 APERIO Properties LLC, 7 South Shore Dr 1.56 acres Shopping ctr ID# 297.13-1-39 11 Beacon Hollow Way Hayes Construction Group LLC, 297 Saratoga Rd 1.18 acres Res vac land ID# 300.-1-25 265 Clendon Brook Rd Cleavland Adam, 265 Clendon Brook Rd 2.80 acres 1 Family Res ID# 301.13-1-26 8 Lester Dr Suttle Robert, Suttle Gloria J 0.43 acres 1 Family Res ID# 301.18-1-14 4 Michaels Dr Manzi Elizabeth, 4 Michaels Dr 0.56 acres 1 Family Res ID# 301.20-1-31 60 Howard St S Blocks, Inc., 1073 Palmer Ave 0.30 acres 1 Family Res

ID# 308.19-1-69 Corinth Rd Corradina James, Corradina Sylvia 1.25 acres Res vac land

ID# 256.14-2-28 5 Tall Pine Ln Martin Denise, 1201 Harrisburg Rd 0.00 acres 1 Family Res

ID# 309.5-1-1./729 29 Sugarbush Rd Norton Douglas, 29 Sugarbush Rd 0.01 acres Mfg housing

ID# 260.-1-17 232 & 234 Warrensburg Rd CeGallagher-Hughes Calcaveccia celia, Joseph Vincent 3.34 acres Rural Res

ID# 309.5-1-3.11 326 Sherman Ave M & C Ventures, LLC, UPF Services, LLC 19.42 acres Misc sports

Town Of Thurman ID# 166.-1-6 678 Dippikill Rd Templeton Melissa, 678 Dippikill Rd 7.88 acres 1 Family Res

ID# 309.9-3-76 Vermont Ave Morehouse Ronald O, Morehouse Jason E 0.05 acres Res vac land

ID# 181.-1-11 Loveland Road Waterhouse Eileen M, Attn: Barnard 5.00 acres Rural vac <1

ID# 309.9-3-89 34 Hampshire Ave Guilder James, Lisa 0.21 acres housing

New VanKelly Mfg

ID# 181.-1-36 180 Combs Rd Latimer George S, Latimer Robin P 9.87 acres 1 Family Res

ID# 309.11-2-17 1 Main St Jerusalem Plaza, Inc., The, 741 Stowersville Rd 0.33 acres Part res use

ID# 182.-1-2 825 GlenAthol Rd Pepen Aisha K, 390 Mooney Pond Rd 81.28 acres Vac w/imprv

ID# 309.13-1-9 31 Indiana Ave Mallaney Robert, Mallaney Barbara 0.12 acres 1 Family Res ID# 309.13-1-28 26 Connecticut Ave Thibeau Carla, Jose Marie 0.28 acres 1 Family Res ID# 309.13-2-1 191 Corinth Rd Banta Realty Glens Falls LLC, 842 Main St 2.48 acres Motel ID# 309.14-1-91 71 Big Boom Rd Batease Glenn, 71 Big Boom Rd 7.14 acres Auto body ID# 309.18-1-34 12 Anable Dr Anable Henry, Attn: c/o Martin Anable 0.23 acres 1 Family Res ID# 309.18-1-40 Anable Dr Prime Tarra, 375 Padanarum Rd 0.23 acres Res vac land ID# 278.20-1-11 28 Old Bay Rd Langlois Helen, c/o Helen Sheldon Wood 1.29 acres 1 Family Res ID# 279.17-1-30 Sunnyside North, Off Barton Kent, Barton Victoria 0.67 acres Res vac land ID# 279.17-1-31 115 Sunnyside North Barton Kent, Barton Victoria 0.24 acres 1 Family Res ID# 290.13-1-6 51 Masters Common North Sheppard Shauna A, 51 Masters Common North 0.99 acres 1 Family Res ID# 296.13-1-59 179 Montray Rd Fazio John, 179 Montray Rd 0.83 acres Res vac land ID# 296.13-1-60 State Route 9 Fazio John, 44 Willow Rd 0.50 acres Vacant comm ID# 296.13-1-61 State Route 9 Fazio John, 44 Willow Rd 0.50 acres Vacant comm ID# 296.13-1-62 1012 State Route 9 Fazio John, 44 Willow Rd 0.46 acres Restaurant ID# 303.16-1-30 467 Dix Ave Mehalick Sasha,

ID# 182.-1-5 880 GlenAthol Rd Crandall Dorleane C, 880 Glen-Athol Rd 3.97 acres 1 Family Res ID# 194.-1-16 38 Strawberry Hill Rd Roseberger David R, Roseberger Elizabeth 26.75 acres 1 Family Res ID# 196.-1-43 Valley Rd Brian, A Polhemus &Elizabeth 18.66 acres Rural vac > ID# 208.-1-22 652 High St Rounds Pansy, Monroe Malcolm 0.40 acres Mfg housing ID# 208.-1-44.1 Mountain Rd Marcelle Edward, Marcelle Diane 164.19 acres Rural Res ID# 208.-1-58.2 572 High St Thurman EMS, 572 High St 0.93 acres Community sv ID# 209.-1-45.2 Mud St Pensco Trust Company, Mud St 4.42 acres Res vac land ID# 209.3-2-15.1 557 High St Ranous Wiliam R Jr, 557 High St 0.25 acres Vac w/imprv ID# 221.-1-59.8 Drexel Rd Dutcher Shirley, 22 Brook Dr 1.82 acres Mfg housing ID# 221.-2-45 909 High St Clark Donna, 909 High St 2.45 acres 1 Family Res ID# 221.-2-51 829 High St Baker Heidi G, Baker John S 2.21 acres 1 Family Res ID# 167.3-1-31.11 924 Glen-Athol Rd MSRY, LLC, 920 High St 3.74 acres Mfg housing ID# 196.-1-31 271 GlenAthol Rd Cason William S, 270 Glen-Athol Rd 1.08 acres Mfg housing ID# 221.-1-17.1 920 High St Duell Kent, Duell Glenda 68.79 acres Mfg housing ID# 221.-1-17.2 920 High St Duell Kent J, Duell Glenda M 4.75 acres 1 Family Res

Route 9 Bhatti Farah, 2865 State Route 9 5.46 acres Motel


ment by the Tax District answer upon the attor- unknown, and if de- February 19, 2019 Office of a proceeding in the ney for the Tax District ceased, to “John Doe” Location: Warren County ID# 237.-1-11 Viele SSNY designated as Supreme Court of War- setting forth in detail the or “Mary Roe: the Pond Rd.,off Taylor Su- ID# 211.-1-5 Schroon nature and amount of names being factitious agent of LLC upon ren County to foreclose ID# 210.2-1-1.2 10 In- san, 2127 Snowflake Ct River Rd MSRY, LLC, each of the tax liens his or her interest and and intended to desig- whom Process against Published by Denton920 Publications, The AJ/NE April 2019 SSNY • 13 11.99 acres Priv forest dustrial Inc. Park Rd Able be27, served. 920 High www.suncommunitynews.com St 42.86 acres therein described by a any defense or objection ID# 221.-1-17.1 nate the names of theSun it| may living unknown distribu- shall mail process to: Rural vac > to the foreclosure. Such foreclosure proceeding High St Duell Kent, Duell Energy New York, Inc, 10 Industrail must be filed in tees ofLEGALS Pucker St Robert E. The LLC,LEGALS PO Box 386, in rem. LEGALS Glenda 68.79 acres Mfg Answer LEGALS LEGALS LEGALSPark Rd ID# 137.-2-9 LEGALS LEGALS McPhee Giselle,Dari & ID# 211.17-2-1 73 River Nature of Proceeding: 2.87 acres Gas stor&dis Winslow who may have 90 Rock Avenue Road, housing the Office of the Warren Tony, 33 Long Acre Ln any right, title and inter- Chestertown NY 12817 St Duell Kent J, Duell This proceeding is County Clerk and served ID# 210.12-1-40 22 10.10 acres Rural vac > Glenda M 0.16 acres est herein as distribu- Purpose: any lawful acbrought against the real upon the attorney for the ID# 221.-1-17.2 920 Ave Geroux tees if they are living, tivity. High St Duell Kent J, Du- Grand property only and is to Tax District on or before Res w/comuse Christopher A, Dona S ID# 137.18-1-1 203 the date above-men- and if they are dead, NE-04/6-05/11/2019foreclose the tax liens to ell Glenda M 4.75 acres 0.17 acres Res vac land Tripp Lake Rd Wanaro- ID# 211.17-2-3 71 River the extent the same exist tioned as the last day for their executors, adminis- 6TC-213528 1 Family Res on the parcels described ma Inc., Ronald Walker St MSRY, LLC, 920 High trators and distributees redemption. NOTICE OF QUAL. OF ID# 210.12-1-41 20 Pres 50.22 acres Golf St 0.29 acres 1 Family in Schedule A of this Pe- Failure to Redeem or An- and assigns, whose ID# 221.-2-29 565 Mud The Stukel Group, LLC, Ave Geroux tition. No personal judg- swer: In the event of course names and post office Res St Wood Gilbert R Jr., Grand Auth. filed Sy of State Christopher A, Geroux ment will be entered 565 Mud St 3.50 acres failure to redeem or an- addresses are unknown (SSNY) 3/11/19. Off. loc: Donna 0.17 acres Mfg ID# 154.-1-27 1531 ID# 211.17-3-14 2 Sky- herein for such taxes or swer by any person hav- and cannot after due and Mfg housing Warren Co. LLC org. in housing Schroon River Rd Mon- lark Ln MSRY, LLC, 920 other legal charges or ing the right to redeem diligent inquiry to be as- MA 09/05/12. SSNY deroe Bernard, Monroe any part thereof. Town Of Warrensburg High St 0.23 acres Mfg or answer, such person certained by the Peti- sig. as agent of LLC ID# 210.12-1-65 6B Bonnie 3.84 acres 1 housing Persons Affected: This ID# 153.1-1-16 84 Tripp shall be forever barred tioner herein, being the whom proc. upon Notice is directed to all and foreclosed of all his Lake Rd Green Man- Marion Ave Norton Joel Family Res same persons interest against it may be served. sions Management, Inc, Jr, 6B Marion St 0.18 ID# 211.17-3-22 17 persons owning or hav- or her right, title and in- as distributees, or other- SSNY shall mail copy of ID# 167.-1-9 153 Potter Stacey St MSRY, LLC, ing or claiming to have 112 Green Mansions Rd acres Mfg housing terest and equity of re- wise in the Estate of proc.: MA off. addr.: 77 Brook Rd Duell Terry an interest in the real demption in and to the 8.78 acres Apartment Robert E. Winslow, de- Main Street, Suite 12, 920 High St 0.24 acres ID# 210.12-2-9 6 Hack- Morgan, 153 Potter Mfg housing property described in parcel described in this ceased, formerly of Hopkinton, MA 01748. Brook Rd 1.47 acres 1 ensack Ave Converse this Petition. Such per- Petition and Notice of Newcomb, New York. ID# 153.7-1-1 112 Cert. of Form. on file: Family Res Foreclosure and a Judg- A Petition having been ID# 211.17-3-23 46 sons are hereby notified Green Mansions Rd Brian, Johnson Vernon McCormack SCMA, ment in foreclosure may Green Mansions Man- 0.40 acres 1 Family Res Ridge Ave MSRY, LLC, further that a duplicate filed by Sterling T. Bldg., One Ashburton ID# 167.-2-15 Potter 920 High St 0.55 acres 1 Goodspeed, Esq., who is Pl., 17th Floor, Boston, agement, PO Box 717 of this Petition and No- be taken by default. ID# 210.12-3-51 16 Brook Rd Duell Justin Family Res domiciled at 251 Main tice of Foreclosure has Dated: March 11, 2019 3.38 acres Resort MA 02108. Purp: any Third Ave Peters Diane, M, 153 Potter Brook Rd Street, North Creek, NY. lawful activity. been filed in the Office ENFORCING OFFICER: 2.50 acres Rural vac <1 ID# 211.17-3-26 2 of the Enforcing Officer MICHAEL R. SWAN YOU ARE HEREBY CIT- NE-04/27-06/01/2019ID# 153.7-1-14 94 16 Third Ave 0.27 acres Stacey St MSRY, LLC, of the Tax District and WARREN COUNTY ED TO SHOW CAUSE, 6TC-216027 Green Mansions Rd Mfg housing ID# 183.3-1-23 7 De- 920 High St 0.55 acres before the Surrogate's will remain available for TREASURER Green Mansions ManID# 210.16-2-78 1 Jenni vries Rd Duell Kent J, Mfg housing public inspection up to Attorney for the Tax Dis- Court of Essex County at NOTICE OF FORMATION agement, PO Box 717 Jill Loop Jones Beth, 1 Duell Glenda M 0.21 and including the date trict: Elizabethtown, NY on OF LIMITED LIABILITY 4.40 acres Vacant comm Jenni Jill Loop 0.34 acres Mfg housing ID# 211.17-3-29 40 Bur- specified below as the May 21, 2019 at 2 p.m., COMPANY (“LLC”) RYAN J. DICKEY NAME: Whippoorwill acres 1 Family Res dick Ave Duell Kent J, last day for redemption. Assistant Warren County why a decree should not ID# 167.-1-1.1 846 Right of Redemption: ID# 210.12-3-7 3927 be made in the Estate of Properties, LLC Duell Glenda M 0.42 Attorney Route 28 Robinson Articles of Organization Any person having or Attorney for Petitioner Robert E. Winslow, late Mary, 846 Route 28 ID# 210.16-3-2 7 Victo- Main St Scheib Hardy I, acres Mobile homes were filed with the Secry Ct Cunniffe Sean & McCurdy-Welch claiming to have an in- County of Warren June of Newcomb, NY, Essex 8.50 acres Mfg housing Dorian, 7 Victory Ct 0.61 1.27 acres 2 Family Res County, State of New retary of State of New ID# 211.17-4-18 33 terest in any such real 1340 State Route 9 property and the legal Lake George, NY 12845 Stacey St Duell Glenda York, admitting to pro- York (SSNY) on March ID# 167.-1-8 Potter acres 1 Family Res 26, 2019. Office locaID# 210.12-3-42 72 Marie, Duell Kent J 2.00 right thereto may on or (518) 761-6463 bate as a Will of real and Brook Rd Duell Jill, 153 ID# 210.20-5-44 226 Hudson St Neuweiler Al- acres 1 Family Res before said date, redeem NEpersonal property a pa- tion: Warren County. Potter Brook Rd 7.60 River St Springer fred J Sr, Brage Theresa the same by paying the 4/13,4/27,5/11/2019per dated August 5, SSNY has been desigacres Rural vac <1 Louann, 226 River St 0.77 acres Vac w/imprv ID# 211.17-5-1 131 Riv- amount of all such un- 3TC-214233 2017 and ordered that nated as agent of the 0.68 acres 1 Family Res er St Duell Kent J, Duell paid tax liens thereon, Letters Testamentary be LLC upon whom proID# 167.-1-11 664 SURROGATES COURT: ID# 210.19-1-16 122 Glenda M 0.23 acres 3 including all interest and issued to Philip St. cess against it may be Route 28 Bliss Melissa served. SSNY shall mail ID# 211.17-3-16 10 Jenni Jill Dr Chenier Kel- Family Res penalties and other legal STATE OF NEW YORK John. Lynn, PO Box 232 0.75 OF ESSEX COUNTY Skylark Ln Hickin Cyn- ly A, 122 Jenni Jill Dr charges which are inDated, Attested and a copy of process to the acres 1 Family Res In the Matter of the ProLLC at: 12 John Street, thia M, 10 Skylark Ln 1.50 acres 1 Family Res ID# 211.17-5-40 Off cluded in the lien against Sealed Cohoes, New York 0.22 acres Mfg housing March 26, 2019 River St Duell Kent J, such real property, com- bate of the Will of ID# 167.-1-12 668 Robert E. Winslow, 12047. For any lawful ID# 210.20-2-24 6 Luse Duell Glenda M 0.07 Hon. Richard B. Meyer puted to and including Route 28 TBH Route 28, File No. 2019-13 purpose. ID# 211.17-5-32 43 Ln MSRY,LLC, 920 High the date of redemption. acres Res vac land Surrogate Court Judge LLC, 668 State Route 28 NE-4/6-5/11/2019-6TCSuch payments shall be Deceased. Mary Ann Badger Smith St Olden Jami K, St 0.12 acres Mfg hous1.50 acres 1sty sml bld 213763 43 Smith St 0.37 acres 2 ing ID# 211.17-5-42 4 made to Michael R. CITATION Chief Clerk, Surrogate's THE PEOPLE OF THE Family Res Court South St Duell Kent J, Swan, Warren County NOTICE OF FORMATION ID# 167.-1-13 684 ID# 210.20-2-25 4 Luse Sterling T. Goodspeed Duell Glenda M 0.07 Treasurer, Warren Coun- STATE OF NEW YORK Route 28 Tumblehome OF White Oak Acres, By the GRACE OF GOD Attorney for Petitioner ID# 211.18-1-34 7 Rosty Municipal Center, Ln Mfg housing MSRY,LLC, 920 High acres Boatshop, LLC, 684 LLC. Arts. of Org. filed AND INDEPENFREE alie Ave David Michelle 1340 State Route 9, St 0.12 acres Mfg housNE-4/20-5/11/2019State Route 28 2.74 with Secy. of State of NY DENT 7 Rosalie Ave 0.34 M, Lake George, New York ing ID# 211.17-5-45 Mill 4TC-214203 acres Distribution (SSNY) on 3/11/19. OfJudy Winslow, acres Res vac land 12845. In the event that TO: Ave MSRY, LLC, 920 fice location: Warren Winslow, William James such taxes are paid by a ID# 210.20-2-26 2 Luse High St 0.02 acres Res ID# 168.-2-6.52 Kelm TBM-1077, LLC. Art. of County. SSNY designatWinslow, Margaret person other than the vac land Pd Rd McCarthy Timo- ID# 223.-1-2 Hickory Hill Ln MSRY,LLC, 920 High ed as agent of LLC upon Mosher, Leroy Winslow, Org. filed with SSNY on Rd Perry William Ed- St 0.13 acres Mfg housrecord owner of such thy, 18 Kelm Pd Rd 5.26 03/20/19. Office: Warren whom process against it Winslow, Ernest Peter ing ward, 8930 Timber Run ID# 211.18-1-10 3687- real property, the person acres Res vac land Alfred County. SSNY designat- may be served. SSNY Ct 0.65 acres Rural vac so paying shall be enti- Winslow, 89 Main St Masonius shall mail process to: ed as agent of LLC upon Winslow, Donna ID# 210.20-2-28.2 Luse Michael T, 3687-89 tled to have the tax liens ID# 168.-2-45 Kelm <1 whom process against it c/o The LLC, 53 North Deborah EsBialozar, Ln MSRY,LLC, 920 High Main St 0.00 acres 2 affected thereby satisPond Rd McCarthy, Timmay be served. SSNY Drive, Lake Luzerne, NY Thomas St 0.08 acres Res vac ID# 223.-1-5 39 Hickory fied of record, but title to tabrok, Family Res othy J., PO Box 194 shall mail copy of pro- 12846. Purpose: any Lucien Morris Winslow, Hill Rd Perry William Ed- land the property will not be 10.00 acres Vac w/imprv lawful activity. cess to the LLC, PO Box Winslow, Alfred James ward, 8930 Timber Run otherwise affected. ID# 236.-1-41 826 Alden 262, Diamond Point, NY NE-03/23-04/27/2019Philip St. Winslow, ID# 183.3-1-32 Off Ct 13.74 acres Vac ID# 210.20-3-21 140 Ave Duell Kent, Duell Last Day for Redemp- John, Robert St. John, 6TC-212410 12824. Purpose: Any River St MSRY,LLC, 920 w/imprv Glenda 0.90 acres Rural tion: The last day for reRoute 28 Daniels Rocky lawful purpose. Linda Darlene Winslow, NOTICE OF FORMATION High St 0.10 acres Vac <1 vac L, 91 Daniels Rd 3.22 demption is hereby fixed D.J. Lane Winslow, T.J. NE-4/13-05/18/2019OF Wy-La-Way, LLC w/imprv ID# 224.1-1-5 2188 Haracres Res vac land as the 12th day of July, Winslow, Rebecca Mat- 6TC-214271 Arts. of Org. filed with rington Hill Rd Lewis Effect of Filing: All per- 2019. son, Randolph Winslow, Secy. of State of NY Thomas J, 2188 Har- ID# 210.20-5-34 222 sons having or claiming ID# 197.-1-14 4408 Service of Answer: Ev- Michael McPherson, NOTICE OF FORMATION (SSNY) on 03/18/19. Ofrington River St Neuweiller Hill Rd 4.48 an interest in the to have Route 9 Welch- McCurery person having any Wendy Delsignore, Ed- OF The Law Offices of fice location: Warren Robert, 7 South Ave real property described dy June, 3927 Main St acres 1 Family Res rights, title, or interest in ward McPherson Jr., Vanessa A. Hutton, County. SSNY designat0.38 acres Bar in this Petition are here- or lien upon any parcel 1.46 acres Res w/coDavid Reynolds, Mary PLLC Articles of Organi- ed as agent of LLC upon ID# 235.-1-7 Alden Ave by notified that the filing muse of real property de- Kassar, Donna zation filed with the whom process against it Darvey Frank S, 41 Wal- ID# 210.20-5-59 266 of this Petition consti- scribed in this Petition Reynolds, distributees Secretary of State of may be served. SSNY St 69.49 acres Priv nut St MSRY, LLC, River tutes the commenceID# 197.-1-27 4112 may serve a duly verified 920 High St 1.45 acres ment by the Tax District answer upon the attor- whose whereabouts are New York SSNY On shall mail process to c/o Route 9 Bhatti Farah, forest unknown, and if de- February 19, 2019 Office Corporation Service Co., Mfg housing a proceeding in the of 2865 State Route 9 5.46 ney for the Tax District 80 State St., Albany, NY ID# 237.-1-11 Viele Supreme Court of War- setting forth in detail the ceased, to “John Doe” Location: Warren County acres Motel SSNY designated as or “Mary Roe: the 12207, regd. agent upon Pond Rd.,off Taylor Su- ID# 211.-1-5 Schroon ren County to foreclose nature and amount of names being factitious agent of LLC upon whom and at which proID# 210.2-1-1.2 10 In- san, 2127 Snowflake Ct River Rd MSRY, LLC, each of the tax liens his or her interest and and intended to desig- whom Process against cess may be served. 920 High St 42.86 acres 11.99 acres Priv forest therein described by a any defense or objection dustrial Park Rd Able it may be served. SSNY Purpose: Any lawful acnate the names of the Rural vac > foreclosure proceeding Energy New York, Inc, to the foreclosure. Such living unknown distribu- shall mail process to: tivity. in rem. 10 Industrail Park Rd ID# 137.-2-9 Pucker St Answer must be filed in tees of Robert E. The LLC, PO Box 386, NE-03/30-05/04/2019McPhee Giselle,Dari & ID# 211.17-2-1 73 River Nature of Proceeding: 2.87 acres Gas stor&dis the Office of the Warren Winslow who may have 90 Rock Avenue Road, 6TC-213285 St Duell Kent J, Duell This Tony, 33 Long Acre Ln proceeding is County Clerk and served any right, title and inter- Chestertown NY 12817 Glenda M 0.16 acres vac > brought against the real upon the attorney for the ID# HELP 210.12-1-40 22 10.10 acres Rural est herein as distribuPurpose: any lawful acWANTED LOCAL HELP WANTED LOCAL WORK WANTED CADNET CADNET CADNET Res w/comuse property only and is to Tax District on Grand Ave Geroux or before tees if they are living, tivity. foreclose the tax liens to Christopher A, Dona S ID# 137.18-1-1 203 the date above-men- and if they are dead, NE-04/6-05/11/2019Tripp Lake Rd Wanaro- ID# 211.17-2-3 71 River the extent the same exist Applying DISH TV - Over 190 Channels Now Dis-executors, CARS/TRUCKS 0.17 acres Res vac land tioned as for the Social last daySecurity for their adminis- WANTED!!! 6TC-213528 All STUDENT TRANSPORTERS IN 920 High Walker St MSRY, LLC, on theDo parcels LANDSCAPE LABOR ma Inc., Ronald ability or Appealing a Denied CAREGIVER: you described need a ONLY $59.99/mo! 2yr price guarMakes/Models 2002-2018! Any redemption. trators and distributees SCHROON AND acres 1 Family St 0.29 Golf LAKE in Schedule this Pe- Claim? HELP WANTED Bill Gordon live-in Caregiver for AaofSenior? antee, FREE Installation! Save Condition.whose Running or Not. Top ID# 210.12-1-41 20 Pres 50.22 acres Failure toCall Redeem or An-& Assoc., and assigns, TICONDEROGA Res course tition. No judg- Social EXPERIENCE PREFERED Disability Attor- and (non-lifting) Callpersonal 518-683HUNDREDS over Cable and DI$$$ post Paid! office Free Towing! We're NaGrand Ave Geroux swer: Security In the event of names be a entered CLEAN DRIVER 6920. ment (Pleasewill leave mesRECTV. Add Internet as low as neys, Contionwide! Call Now: 1-888-985*Transport students to and Christopher A, LICENSE. Geroux CALL failure1-855-498-6323! to redeem or an-FREEaddresses are unknown 211.17-3-14 2 Sky1531 on ID# NORTH0.17 COUNTRY Attorneys $14.95/mo! 1-855-977-7405 1806 sage) herein for such taxes or sultations. from school a daily bus Donna acres LANDSCAPE Mfg ID# 154.-1-27 swer by anyLocal person hav- Nationand cannot after due and Schroon River HAGUE, NY 518-543-6205. [Mail: N St NW, Washother legal charges or wide Cross to Country Moving, Long disrouteRd Mon- lark Ln MSRY, LLC, 920 housing ing the right2420 to redeem Earthlink High Speed Internet. As diligent inquiry be asLEAVE YOUR MESSAGE ,NAME DC. Office: Broward Co. FL ington roe Bernard, Monroe any part thereof. Moving or answer, such person *School ScheduleHigh St 0.23 acres Mfg Low As $14.95/month (for the first certained tance by the Peti- Company, out of AND PHONE (TX/NM Bar.)] Bonnie 3.84 acres 1 housing Persons Affected: This state move $799 Long Distance CADNET ID# 210.12-1-65 6B shall be forever barred tioner herein, being the 3 months.) Reliable High Speed *Work from Home Notice is directed to all AT&T Movers. Get Free quote on your Marion Ave Norton Joel Family Res Internet. Get Your persons and foreclosed of allMore his Forsame Fiber Optic Technology. Stream interest move 1-800-511ID# 211.17-3-22 17 persons owning or havLong distance * Year Round, Permanent, Jr, 6B Marion St 0.18 High-Speed Startor her right, Internet title and Thing. in- as Videos, Music and More! Call distributees, or otherID# 167.-1-9 153 Potter Stacey St MSRY, LLC, ing or claiming to have Part-Time acres Mfg NEWS housing ing at and $40/month agmt. in 2181 terest equity w/12-mo of re- wise Earthlink Today 1-855-520-7938 CLERK ***PLEASE NOTE THAT CADthe Estate of Brook Rd *Duell Terry 920 High St 0.24 acres an interest in the real AT&T. 155 Channels Includes of data per month. Drivers: Must be 21 years or demption1 inTBand to the Help wanted to gather and coNET STANDS FOR NATIONAL Robert E.DIRECTV Winslow,& deENJOY 100% guaranteed, delivMorgan, 153 Potter Mfg property described in housing us described how to bundle and SAVE! Ask 1000s of Shows/Movies On DeID# 210.12-2-9 6 Hackparcel in this older. Must have a NYS Drivers ordinate articles, press releasADVERTISING NETWORK*** ceased, &formerly of ered to-the-door Omaha Steaks! 1.47 acres 1 this Petition. Such per- Geo & svc Call mand (w/SELECT Package.) AT&T ensack AveandConverse Petition andrestrictions Notice ofapply.Newcomb, es, briefs events for Brook The Rd License. New York. SAVE 75 PERCENT - PLUS get 4 Family Res Please call Durrin ID# 211.17-3-23 46 sons are hereby notified us today 1-833-707-0984 Percent Reliability. UnBrian, Vernon Foreclosure and a Judg- A PetitionInternet TransSUN, Johnson the region's largest comhaving99been FREE Burgers! Order The Family PLACE further FOR MOM. nation's Ridge Ave MSRY,ALLC, that The a duplicate limited Texts to 120 Countries 0.40 acresweekly 1 Family Res porters at 518-587-2745 ment in foreclosure may munity newspaper covfiled a Published Author. We by Sterling T. Gourmet Feast - ONLY $49.99. largest referral 1 senior ID# 167.-2-15 Potter 920 High St 0.55 acres of thisliving Petition and serNo- Become w/AT&T Wireless. Call 4 FREE ering Southern Essex County be taken by default. Goodspeed, Esq., who is want to Read Your Book! Dorrance mention Call 1-855-349-0656 vice. Contact local has exFamily Res tice our of trusted, Foreclosure Quote1-855-781-1565 ID# and 210.12-3-51 North Warren 16 CountyBrook in Rd Duell Justin Dated: March 11, 2019 domiciled at 251 Main Publishing-Trusted by Authors code 55586TJC or visit www.omaperts today! Our in service is TOWNBrook OF CHESTER seeking appliM, 153 Potter Rd been filed the Office Third Diane, AddiNew Ave York,Peters and Western ENFORCING OFFICER: DISH Network $69.99 For 190 Since 1920 Book manuscriptStreet, sub- North Creek, NY. hasteaks.com/love13 FREE/no obligation. CALL 1-844for a<1part time For ID#Cleaner. 211.17-3-26 2 of Rural vac the Enforcing Officer missions 16son Third 0.27 acres andAve Rutland Counties2.50 in acrescations MICHAEL currently R. SWANbeing reviewed. YOU AREChannels. HEREBY Add CIT-High Speed Internet call 518-494further informationStacey HEAR AGAIN! Try our hearing aid St MSRY, 722-7993 LLC, of the Tax District and Comprehensive Mfg housingWe are open to havVermont. WARREN COUNTY for ONLY $14.95/month. Best Services: ConsulED TO SHOW CAUSE, 2711. Applications can High be found for just $75 down and $50 per ID# 183.3-1-23 St 0.55 acres 7 De- 920 will remain available for tation, ing this individual work from TREASURER Technology. Best Value. Smart Production, Promotionbefore and the Surrogate's the Kent TownJ, website at www.AIRLINE public MECHANIC TRAINING month! Call 800-426-4212 and Mfg housing vries Rd on Duell inspection up toour210.16-2-78 Ticonderoga1Office ID# Jenni or from HD DVR Included. FREE InstallaAttorney for the Tax DisCall for Your Free AuDistribution Court of Essex County at Applications townofchesterny.org. Get FAA and Technician certification. mention 88272 for a risk free triDuell Glenda M 0.21 including the date comfort of their JilltheLoop Jones Beth,own 1 home tion. Some restrictions apply. Call trict: Guide 1-877-626-2213 Elizabethtown, thors on NY must be received at the Town Approved for military benefits. Fial! FREE SHIPPING! ID# 211.17-3-29 40 Bur- specified below as the acres for theJill rightLoop self-motivated em- Mfg housing Jenni 0.34 1-855-837-9146 RYANEmpire J. DICKEY May 21, 2019 at 2 p.m., Office by 2:00 PM on May Clerks nancial Aid if qualified. Job placeCall Today® to schedule a dick Ave Duell Kent J, last day for redemption. Assistant Warren County ployee or a combination of the acres 1 Family Res GENERIC VIAGRA and CIALIS! KILL BED BUGS! Buy Harris why a decree should not 10, 2019. ment assistance. Call Aviation InFREE in-home estimate on CarpetDuell Glenda M 0.42 ID# 210.12-3-7 3927 Right of Redemption: two to best fit both our needs. Sprays, Kits, Mattress Covers. 100thePills $99.00 Attorney be made in Estate of FREE Shipping! Maintenance 866-453& Flooring. Call Today! 1-800Main St Scheib I, acres isMobile homesstitute ofAny person having or ing Send resume and writing samTOWN Hardy OF JOHNSBURG looking ID# 210.16-3-2 7 Victoguaranteed. 24/7 CALL Hardware Stores, The Home DeAttorney for Petitioner Robert E.100% Winslow, late 6204 June Director, Swim claiming to have an in- 508-2824 for an Aquatics ryples Ct to, Cunniffe Sean & McCurdy-Welch pot, homedepot.com NOW!NY, 888-889-5515 County of Warren of Newcomb, Essex 1.27 acres 2 Family Res Dan Alexander, Publisher, ID# 211.17-4-18 33 terest in any such real Counselors and instrucProgram Dorian, 7 Victory Ct 0.61 1340 State Route 9 County, State of New Sun Community News, Stacey St Duell Glenda property and the legal tors, Life Guards, Youth Recreation acres 1 Family Res Lake George, NY 12845 York, admitting to proP.O. Box 338, ID# 210.12-3-42 Marie, Duell for Kent J 2.00 right thereto may on or (518) 761-6463 and Bus Drivers Counselors, 72 bate as a Will of real and Elizabethtown, NY 12932 Hudson St Neuweiler Alacres 1 Family Res before said date, redeem 2019 Summer Youth Program. the ID# 210.20-5-44 226 NEpersonal property a paor by email at fred J Sr, Brage Theresa You may pick up/drop off applicathe same by paying the River St Springer 4/13,4/27,5/11/2019per dated August 5, dan@suncommunitynews.com or letters of intent at the tions 0.77 acres Vac w/imprv ID# 211.17-5-1 131 Rivamount of all such unLouann, 226 River St 3TC-214233 2017 and ordered that Hall, 219 Main Street, North Town er St Duell Kent J, Duell paid tax liens thereon, 0.68 acres 1 Family Res Letters Testamentary be Creek, NY or ID# 210.19-1-16 122at johnsburgny.com Glenda M 0.23 acres 3 including all interest and issued to Philip St. TICONDEROGA, NY – Building or at the JCS Guidance Office. ApJenni Jill Dr Chenier KelFamily Res penalties and other legal ID# 211.17-3-16 10 John. Maintenance Must have good / letters of intent are due plications ly A, 122 Jenni Jill Dr charges which are inSkylark Ln Hickin CynDated, Attested and skills, transportacommunication by May 10, 2019 ID# 211.17-5-40 Off 1.50 acres 1 Family Res cluded in the lien against thia M, 10 Skylark Ln Sealed tion, own tools, 5 years minimum River St Duell Kent J, such real property, com0.22 acres Mfg housing /), DAVISON' ll dping i1w,ntun and ideapeoplesince 1989. March 26, 2019 experience. Email with Subject Duell Car? ID# 210.20-2-24 6ALuse Glenda M 0.07 puted to and including Nee d Dep endable Hon. Richard B. Meyer of all Trades43 to Ln MSRY,LLC, 920 High Line: Jack acres Res vac land the date of redemption. ID# 211.17-5-32 Surrogate Court Judge OutTheClassifieds . orionmanagementco@juno.com or acresCheck St 0.12 Mfg housSuch payments shall be Smith St Olden Jami K, Mary Ann Badger Davison charges call 518-584-4543 215636 Call1-518-585-9173 115 ID# Ext. 211.17-5-42 4 made to Michael R. fees for services 43 Smith St 0.37 acres 2 ing Chief Clerk, Surrogate's South St Duell Kent J, Swan, Warren County Family Res Court Duell Glenda M 0.07 ID# 210.20-2-25 4 Luse Treasurer, Warren CounSterling T. Goodspeed acres Mfg housing ty Municipal Center, ID# 211.18-1-34 7 Ros- Ln MSRY,LLC, 920 High Attorney for Petitioner St 0.12 acres Mfg hous1340 State Route 9, alie Ave David Michelle NE-4/20-5/11/2019ID# 211.17-5-45 Mill Lake George, New York ing M, 7 Rosalie Ave 0.34 OurSpecialty is Taking 4TC-214203 Ave MSRY, LLC, 920 12845. In the event that Help at Home acres Res vac land DownTrees,TreePruning,~ High St 0.02 acres Res ID# 210.20-2-26 2 Luse. tr;~~~II such taxes are paid by a I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!® and More! vac land Ln MSRY,LLC, 920 High person other than the ID# 223.-1-2 Hickory Lot Hill Clearing Get HELP fast, 24/7, R EE0.13 ESTacres IM ATES Mfg housrecord owner of such Rd Perry William Ed- F St anywhere with Ul'eAlerl'. Help in Shower ing ID# 211.18-1-10 3687- real property, the person ward, 8930 Timber Run • FREE Shipping 89 Main St Masonius so paying shall be entiCt 0.65 acres Rural vac • FREE Use of Equipment ID# 210.20-2-28.2 Luse Michael T, 3687-89 tled to have the tax liens • FREE First Aid Kit with order <1 Ln MSRY,LLC, 920 High Main St 0.00 acres 2 affected thereby satisBatteries NEVER Need Charging. Help On-the-Go St 0.08 acres Res vac Family Res fied of record, but title to ID# 223.-1-5 39 Hickory the property will not be Call for a FREE brochure: 1-800-509-4544 Hill Rd Perry William Ed- land ID# 236.-1-41 826 Alden otherwise affected. SAVING A LIFE *A life saved is when a subscriber has an emergency home alone, is not able ward, 8930 Timber Run CallDom:518-813-2299 to reach a phone, activates the system, and Life Alert dispatches help. EVERY 11 MINUTES!* ID# 210.20-3-21 140 Ave Duell Kent, Duell Ct 13.74 acres Vac Last Day for RedempGlenda 0.90 acres Rural tion: The last day for reRiver St MSRY,LLC, 920 w/imprv vac <1 High St 0.10 acres Vac demption is hereby fixed Willie Swarey ID# 224.1-1-5 2188 Har- w/imprv as the 12th day of July, Effect of Filing: All perrington Hill Rd Lewis 2019. sons having or claiming ID# 210.20-5-34 222 5 Reasons AmericanStandard Thomas J, 2188 HarService of Answer: Evtosthave River St Walk Neuweiller -InTubs are YourBe Ch,oic e an interest in the rington Hill Rd 4.48 ery person having any O Backed by AmericanStandar d'sproperty described real Robert, 7 South Ave acres 1 Family Res rights, title, or interestROOFING in 140yearsof experience 0.38 acres BarEJ Uttralowentryforeasy in this Petition are here- or lien upon any parcel enteringandeiiting by notified I I that the filing • of Shingles • Metalde-Roof • Standing Scam I ID# 235.-1-7 Alden Ave real property 0 Patented266 QuickDrain•of this Petition constiDarvey Frank S, 41 Wal- ID# 210.20-5-59 scribed in estimates this Petition fast water removal system •:, ee • Fully insured commence- may serve a duly verified LLC, nut St 69.49 acres Priv River St MSRY, L, Lifetime Warrantyontutes the bathANDthe installation, laborbacked ment by the Tax District answer upon the attor920 High St 1.45 acresINCLUDING forest byAmericanStandard a proceeding in the Mfg housing GI 44 Hydrotherapyjetsof Life Alert® is always tor an ney for the Tax District """°1'•alll'l'ATI'!r.lfl'it.mar.l l/llT lcilF1· Mll U m'll~lir.rrn t;; i'lf'!;itin \Y~i-till.l!,lhor.llm invigoratingmassageSupreme Court of WarID# 237.-1-11 9no,ei;010a.,,,'31lM:'l()fle->.a.:lr ~~ ~\;61.Viele linJ a~~"lruletad. ~U1t eltstti're setting forth in detail the here for for me me even even when when CL':N!e:'Sft'f,Wf/.fld~aT~:i!fd-uro:mbe'M'll!l~~frrlcf"&'ll,wrnni,: County ID# here i1"dc[l""flil"Vi1r..rnn:Jl 15 B!Jil:'}~S..ft::t:~"5.'ildl-1,tK C J·IX'AS,~211.-1-5 •U11fn Pond Rd.,off Taylor Su- £1t 7.ll.l71, GSchroon M_pl ilrenJll!!II _ to foreclose nature and amount 151 of •St.Johnsville, 360 County Highway NY 13452 away from home. san, 2127 Snowflake Ct River Rd MSRY, LLC, each of the tax liens his or her interest and away 'from home. 920 High St 42.86 acres therein described by a any defense or objection 11.99 acres Priv forest Rural vac > foreclosure proceeding to the foreclosure. Such One touch of a button in rem. ID# 137.-2-9 Pucker St Answer must be filed in ID# 211.17-2-1 73 River Nature of Proceeding: Asbestos exposure in industrial, sends help fast, 24/7. Help at Home McPhee Giselle,Dari & Physicians the Office Mutual of the Insurance Warren Company FREE with St Duell Kent J, Duell This proceeding is County Clerk and served Tony, 33 Long Acre Ln manufacturing FIRST AID GPS ! Information Kit construction, jobs, or the A less expensive way to help Glenda M 0.16 acres brought against the real upon the attorney for the 10.10 acres Rural vac > KIT ! get the dental care you deserve! ® E E military may be cause. Family in only and is to Tax District on or before Res the w/comuse property R WHEN YOU F foreclose the tax liens to ORDER! CALL ID# 137.18-1-1 203 were also exposed. the home the date above-menI’ve fallen and I can’t get up! NOW! Tripp Lake Rd Wanaro- ID# 211.17-2-3 71 River the extent the same exist Help On-the-Go tioned as the last day for Batteries Never Need Charging. Call 1-866-795-3684 or email on the parcels describedGet helpredemption. paying dental bills and keep more money in ma Inc., Ronald Walker St MSRY, LLC, 920 High in Schedule A of this Pe-your pocket cancer@breakinginjurynews.com. Pres 50.22 acres Golf St 0.29 acres 1 Family Failure to Redeem or AnThis is real dental insurance — NOT just a discount plan tition. No personal judgRes course $30 billion is set aside for asbestos swer: In the event of 1-855-225-1434 get coverage before your next checkup ment will be enteredYou canfailure Visit us online at to redeem or anDon’t wait! Call now and we’ll rush you a FREE herein for such taxes or ID# 211.17-3-14 2 Skyvictims with cancer. Valuable settlement www.dental50plus.com/nypress ID# 154.-1-27 1531 person havswer by any Information Kit with all the details. other legal charges or lark Ln MSRY, LLC, 920 Schroon River Rd Mon-not require filing a lawsuit. Insurance Policy P150NY MB17-NM003Ec ing the right to redeem monies may 6129 215838 High St 0.23 acres Mfg any part thereof. roe Bernard, Monroe or answer, such person Persons Affected: This housing Bonnie 3.84 acres 1 shall be forever barred Notice is directed to all and foreclosed of all his Family Res ID# 211.17-3-22 17 persons owning or hav- or her right, title and inID# 167.-1-9 153 Potter Stacey St MSRY, LLC, ing or claiming to have terest and equity of reID# 196.-1-31 271 GlenAthol Rd Cason William S, 270 Glen-Athol Rd 1.08 acres Mfg housing

920 High St 1.45 acres Mfg housing


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Published by Denton Publications, Inc.

The AJ/NE Sun | April 27, 2019 • 15


- - - - -------------------------~--------------------------------

------- -----••n 2018 BUICK


MSRP $38,715 Discount $5,000 Rebate $4,250 GMF Cash $774 SAVE $10,024 NOW $28,691

MSRP $36,620 Discount $1,625 Rebate $5,058 SAVE $6,683 NOW $29,937

Stk # 184018 Price plus tax, tag, acquisition and dealer fees. Price includes all available rebates. On approved credit. See Dealer for details. Offer expires 4/30/19.

MSRP $45,150 Discount $2,150 Rebate $3,000 GM Loyalty $1,000 GMF Cash $1,500 SAVE $7,650 NOW $37,500


Discount $2,596 Rebate $5,000 GMF Cash $788 SAVE $8,384 NOW $30,991

Stk # 187167 Price plus tax, tag, acquisition and dealer fees. Price includes all available rebates. On approved credit. See Dealer for details. Offer expires 4/30/19.



2019 BUICK



MSRP $26,145 Discount $745 Rebate $2,720 GMF Cash $523 Conquest $1,307 SAVE 20% OFF NOW $20,850

Stk # 191001 Price plus tax, tag, acquisition and dealer fees. Price includes all available rebates. On approved credit. See Dealer for details. Offer expires 4/30/19.


MSRP $47,495 Discount $2,596 Rebate $5,000 GMF Cash $1,500 GM Loyalty $1,000 SAVE $8,695 NOW $38,800 OR 0% APR for 84 mo!

Stk # 197078 Price plus tax, tag, acquisition and dealer fees. Price includes all available rebates. On approved credit. See Dealer for details. Offer expires 4/30/19.


------·••? .




MSRP $51,240 Discount $3,240 Rebate $415 Conquest $1,025 GMF Cash $1,025 SAVE $5,705 NOW $45,535


Stk # 197103 Price plus tax, tag, acquisition and dealer fees. Price includes all available rebates. $11.90 per $1,000 financed, with approved credit. See Dealer for details. Offer expires 4/30/19.

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Vin #: 3TMCZ5AN6JM126291 Stock #: 2689 Mileage: 9,973

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Vin #: JM3TB3CV4C0354504 Stock #: 2705 Mileage: 92,942

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2016 HONDA






Vin #: 2HKRM4H53GH700112 Stock #: 2736 Mileage: 40,475


Vin #: 1G11E5SL5EF253631 Stock #: 197064A Mileage: 78,265







Vin #: 1G1JD5SG7H4118169 Stock #: 181028A Mileage: 6,416




~ -

2010 SUBARU 1111■--

SONIC SEDAN 4DR GY 1111• IHl411l_,






BMW ..2013 ..,


Vin #: 1G1JC5SG7E4126223 Stock #: 2717A Mileage: 116,211




X6 SUV 4DR BL SILVERADO 1500 TRUCK 2DR BLUE SILVERADO 1500 TRUCK 4DR BK ••-■----------. c:n·• .. ,.• 1..1111----•




Vin #: 5UXFG2C5XDL784358 Stock #: 197118A Mileage: 50,267

2013 BMW



Vin #: WBA3A5G59DNN66043 Stock #: 191000B Mileage: 66,455


Vin #: 2GNFLFEK2G6253828 Stock #: 2755 Mileage: 29,495



Vin #: 1GCVKREC9FZ336645 Stock #: 2735 Mileage: 41,169

2011 illlll HONDA 11111 CR-V SUV 4DR RED IIW-4111-



Vin #: 5J6RE4H45BL074792 Stock #: 177122B Mileage: 118,327




2016 JEEP





RENEGADE SUV 4DR BK -■11111111V411t.K



Vin #: ZACCJBDT0GPD15881 Stock #: 2753 Mileage: 51,197

2016 BUICK

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··---- 'IIMIIII--17,995



2015 HONDA

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2016 ■ CHEVROLET 1111_ --.II'_ EQUINOX SUV 4DR GY $



Vin #: 3TMCZ5AN6JM126291 Stock #: 2689 Mileage: 9,973


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Vin #: 1GCVKSEC2EZ155845 Stock #: 197008B Mileage: 36,307




Vin #: 1GCNKPEC0EZ365387 Stock #: 197116A Mileage: 26,378

Vin #: 2HKRM4H56FH686902 Stock #: 2752 Mileage: 51,356




COLORADO TRUCK 4DR RED Ill lllWID'lllm:4111-

Vin #: 1G1JC5SG7E4126223 S tock #: 2717A Mileage: 116,211

2014 ■•zr• CHEVROLET IIN



Vin #: 1GCUKREC7EF193755 Stock #: 2732 Mileage: 50,964


MALIBU SEDAN 4DR BK $ ... Vin #: 1G11C5SA9DF193663 Stock #: 2727A Mileage: 88,839


Vin #: KNMAT2MV3GP682449 Stock #: 181043A Mileage: 46,914



Vin #: 3GYFNDEYXBS584088 Stock #: 2738A Mileage: 95,091





2016 ■ff■ff CHEVROLET llll TRAVERSE SUV 4DR WH $


Vin #: 1GNKVFEDXGJ321242 Stock #: 2758 Mileage: 35,812



-■--411111.K $


Vin #: 2GNFLEEK9G6214471 Stock #: 2757 Mileage: 52,977


Stk # 197117 Price plus tax, tag, acquisition and dealer fees. Price includes all available rebates. On approved credit. See Dealer for details. Offer expires 4/30/19.









Stk # 197058 Price plus tax, tag, acquisition and dealer fees. Price includes all available rebates. On approved credit. See Dealer for details. Offer expires 4/30/19.

2019 CHEVROLET -■rm•



Discount $1,311 Rebate $2,919 Conquest $1,626 GMF Cash $680 SAVE 20% OFF NOW $25,999


2012 MAZDA



2019 BUICK



Stk # 181007 Price plus tax, tag, acquisition and dealer fees. Price includes all available rebates. On approved credit. See Dealer for details. Offer expires 4/30/19

Stk # 194015 Price plus tax, tag, acquisition and dealer fees. Price includes all available rebates. On approved credit. See Dealer for details. Offer expires 4/30/19.



MSRP $27,290 Discount $1,290 Rebate $3,545 GMF Cash $546 SAVE $5,381 NOW $21,909

Stk # 180413 Price plus tax, tag, acquisition and dealer fees. Price includes all available rebates. On approved credit. See Dealer for details. Offer expires 4/30/19.

MSRP $27,790 Discount $795 Conquest $1,390 GMF Cash $556 Rebate $3,137 SAVE $5,878 NOW $21,912

Stk # 194020 Price plus tax, tag, acquisition and dealer fees. Price includes all available rebates. On approved credit. See Dealer for details. Offer expires 4/30/19.




MSRP $33,990 Discount $1,969 Rebate $4,500 SAVE $6,469 NOW $31,107

Stk # 187183 Price plus tax, tag, acquisition and dealer fees. Price includes all available rebates. On approved credit. See Dealer for details. Offer expires 4/30/19.

MSRP $15,195 Discount $200 Rebate $1,650 Conquest $760 SAVE 17% OFF NOW $12,585





2018 BUICK






Vin #: 1GCNKPEC6FZ441745 Stock #: 197104A Mileage: 69,218

2016 ■--.II' CHEVROLET 1111



Vin #: 2GNFLEEKXG6192920 Stock #: 2754 Mileage: 29,396





Vin #: 2GNFLFEK5H6207637 Stock #: 2760 Mileage: 22,096


16 • April 27, 2019 | The AJ/NE Sun




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