Saturday,ÊJ uneÊ4,Ê2016
In ARTS | pg. 9
Get out on the trails
In OPINION | pg. 6
More parties needed?
National Trail Day Saturday
Time to take a look at 3rd party
In WARRENSBURG | pg. 10-11
Annual award winners feted Warrensburg Chamber bestows awards
Applications out for scholarship funded by Ray show By Christina Scanlon
LAKE GEORGE — Applications are in the mail for the Lake George High School Alumni Association scholarship program. Funded by the proceeds of the annual Rachael Ray Benefit Cooking Show, awards are given to second-year college students that have graduated from Lake George. It’s been going on for 14 years now to sell-out crowds each spring in the high school auditorium. In the beginning, however, organizers, and Ray herself, weren’t sure if the event
LocalÊ farm-freshÊ produceÊ availableÊ soonÊ throughÊ CSA
would see a second year. “Our first show was in 2002, barely 200 people,” said Gloria Gilman, the show’s mistress of ceremonies at this year’s April event. By the third year, however, word was out and folks were lining up at 5 a.m. for advanced ticket sales. Those tickets sell for $25 each and have helped raised more than $200,000. The venue is also used to collect food area food pantries, as well as pet food for animal rescue organizations. Ray said she will continue to host the shows as long as people keep showing up. A show of hands in April revealed Ray, her mother and
members of the Alumni Association were the few that have made each event over the 14 years. Many revealed themselves to be repeat guests. A large amount of attendants were first-time visitors, something organizer Pam Morin said was a promising peek into the future. “I don’t think this is going anywhere anytime soon,” she said. Applications are due by July 15 to the LGHS Alumni Association, P.O. Box 575, Lake George, NY 12845. Call 668-9579 or 696-7184 for more information.
They’ve got a tank
By Thom Randall
WARRENSBURG — Warrensburgh Beautification’s Farm Share Program is resuming soon — bringing fresh, naturally grown food to local families and restaurants in Warren County, in addition to venues in Essex and Clinton counties. Deliveries will be offered to specified locations in Warrensburg, Queensbury, Glens Falls, as well as Elizabethtown, Ticonderoga, Essex, Saranac Lake, and other North Country communities. The founder of the Warren County outreach of this Community Supported Agriculture program said this week that Farm Share offers an array of benefits. “Invest in your local economy, help small organic growers, and have convenient access to affordable, flavorful, nutrient rich foods for your family, friends and guests,” she said. This year is Warrensburgh Beautification’s fifth year of partnering with Juniper Hill Farm for the program, which distributes “shares” of the farm’s production each week, for a set an-
Youths ride atop a 1952 ‘Bulldog’ U.S. Army Tank in Warrensburg’s Memorial Day Parade held May 30. A half-dozen other military vehicles were also in the procession. See more on page 2. Photo by Paul Gilchrist
>> See MARKET | pg. 15