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Saturday,ÊS eptemberÊ10,Ê2016



In SPORTS | pg. 15-16


Fall season is underway

In OPINION | pg. 6

Teach youth to vote

Lady Eagles wins preseason game v. Chazy

Education needed on right to poll


In LAKE GEORGE | pg. 13

All that Jazz!

Annual festival returns

DEC sets Interim Access Plan to Boreas Ponds lands

In time for autumn hikes, biking and paddle trips, new parking areas allow entry to former Finch Pruyn timberland By Kim Dedam


NORTH HUDSON — State officials have opened former timberlands in the Boreas tract property to public access. The interim move comes as fall colors begin the slow march through the mountains. The newest addition to the Adirondack Park State Forest, Boreas has not been formally classified by the Department of Environmental Conservation in collaboration with the Adirondack Park Agency. But state officials completed purchase of the 20,758-acre former Finch, Pruyn & Co. timberland last April. The real estate transaction with The Nature Conservancy cost New York state taxpayers $14.5 million.

“The gate on Gulf Brook Road will open tomorrow,” DEC spokesman David Winchell told the Sun last Thursday, as Labor Day weekend got underway. Called an Interim Access Plan, public use includes entrance via Gulf Brook Road and seven miles of bike roads. The Gulf Brook Road winds 3.2 miles from Blue Ridge to the newly opened gate and an area that North Hudson Town Supervisor Ronald Moore calls “the four corners” at LaBier Flow. The marshy flow is where the Boreas River flows out of a sequence of four ponds, an impoundment created by two existing dams built by Finch Pruyn. Roads throughout the property were established for logging truck traffic, fitted with culverts and bridge crossings. DEC said their interim plan also opens 25 miles on seven former logging roads to horse and “horse-drawn” wagons. “Paddlers will be able to access Boreas Pond and other waterways by carrying their canoes and kayaks 2.5 miles from the gate on Gulf Brook Road to LaBier Flow and then another half-mile between the flow and Boreas Pond,” DEC said in an-

AdirondackÊ raceÊ celebratesÊ 20thÊ year The Adirondack Marathon at Schroon Lake kicks off Sept. 25 By Lohr McKinstry


POTTERSVILLE – Registration is coming down to the wire for this year’s Adirondack Marathon, which is celebrating its 20th anniversary at Schroon Lake. Originally started as a small-town event, a

run around the lake, it is now so much more than that, race board member Bob Singley said. “It has become a means of uniting students, community members and summer residents in a common cause, and fostering lasting friendships between townsfolk and the athletes they support,” he said. “For the runners, it provides a challenging, yet doable course, where they can test their abilities and >> See MARATHON | pg. 12

nouncing the plan. “All roadways and lands are open to hiking, hunting, trapping, snowshoeing, and cross-country skiing except for oneacre around leased (hunting) camps. “All of the lands are open to camping provided campsites are more than 150-feet from any roadway or body of water, but at this time no specific tent sites have been designated.” DEC and the town of North Hudson have established a total of eight parking areas, some large enough to park horse trailers, Moore said. The Town of North Hudson was contracted by DEC to build five of the parking lots. “There are two on Elk Lake and two across from the Hoffman Notch Trail off of Blue Ridge (Road). You go up further at Gulf Brook Road, and we are building another parking area that is a loop, for a larger vehicle, like a trailer for horses,” Moore said. The parking areas and interim use plan do not indicate what DEC and APA will recommend for classification, Moore said. >> See BOREAS | pg. 12

Master Gardener Volunteers Regina Chabarek and Carol Shippey read to kindergartners about growing vegetables during their 2016 collaborative program, “Grow Up Yonda!” at Up Yonda Farm in Bolton Landing. The Cornell Cooperative Extension Master Gardener Volunteers of Warren County are out in your community ready to answer your gardening questions. For more info on their programming, call 623-3291. Photo provided

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