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Saturday,ÊNo vemberÊ5,Ê2016



In SPORTS | pg. 18-19

Regionals await local teams

Lake George, Bolton girls seek trips to Cortland


In opinion | pg. 6

Transparency needed

Govt. must let people know what is being done


In THURMAN | pg. 17

Meet the candidates

Four running for town council

Town leaders consider eco-friendly plow, ‘trick’ street lighting By Thom Randall


LAKE GEORGE — Snow and ice covered roadways in the town may be clearer beginning this winter — with less salt polluting the local landscape — if the town leaders’ plans become reality. The board voted to purchase a new snow plow — equipped with a super-efficient “live edge” plow blade, if possible.

This type of blade, Dickinson said, instantaneously flexes to fit the varying contours of the road, resulting in more snow and ice being removed from the town’s roadways. Such efficiency allows for the use of up to 50 percent less road salt to clear roadways, according to Public Works magazine. Dickinson noted the 10-ton tandem truck the town intends to purchase is to replace an existing truck that is 20 years old and has about 500,000 miles on its odometer.

Dickinson considers specialty lighting In other business, Dickinson said he was looking into specialty light bulbs to be installed in the new streetlights erected this summer along Rte. 9 south of the village as part of the joint state-town Gateway project. He said he was looking into “tricked out” programmable street lighting that had the ability to change colors and project shapes as

well as respond to music. Complaints have been aired recently about the new LED lighting along the Rte. 9 corridor, and how the new streetlights, with their double heads, are exceedingly bright and produce considerable glare that could impair drivers’ vision. Dickinson said the lighting will soon be dimmed somewhat, following the board’s resolution this month to have National Grid >> See LAKE GEORGE | pg. 17

VeteransÊ HighwayÊ upÊ ProspectÊ Mtn.Ê openÊ thisÊ weekendÊ Ñ Ê atÊ noÊ charge Annual event set for Nov. 5, 6

Students from eight local schools gathered in Long Lake on Saturday, Oct. 29 to participate in the 2016 fall Central Adirondack School Music Association All-County Concert. Pictured here is the senior chorus under the direction of Dr. Michael Lister. For additional photos visit www. suncommunitynews.com. Photo by John Gereau

LAKE GEORGE — Veterans Memorial Highway up Prospect Mountain will be open to the public this Saturday and Sunday at no charge in a gesture to honor those who served our nation. In an early celebration of Veterans Day, the highway — normally closed down this time of year — will be open at no charge from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. both Nov. 5 and Nov. 6. This is the second year of the free access to the highway during the first weekend of November. Last year, 2,040 people in 800-plus vehicles took the trip up the mountain in this weekend promotion. Several volunteers will be along the 5-mile route greeting those who take the trip. Among them will be the three local veterans who successfully lobbied to keep the scenic highway open in this promotion — Denny Galloway, Dan Hurley and Phil Santasiero. Prospect Mountain Highway, which intersects state Rte. 9 just south of Lake George Village, can be accessed by Exit 21 of I-87 Northway. For more information, call 668-3121 or 852-0107.

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