Saturday,Ê January 7, 2017
In EVENTS | pg. 3
Here comes the P’Burgh bridal expo 18th annual event slated for this Sunday
In NEWS | pg. 9
Peru officials OK new rates
In OPINIONS| pg. 6-7
Defense bill veto ‘disappointing’
Water, sewer fees to increase for residents Editorial board gives insight on Cuomo’s decision
New Plattsburgh mayor takes office
Colin Read opens up on humble beginnings, plans for the future
5, Read spoke about his life leading up to that moment, and where he sees the city going under his leadership.
By Elizabeth Izzo
HUMBLE BEGINNINGS Read was born in Vancouver, Canada on Aug. 26, 1959. The freshly-minted chief executive recalled his early life fondly, smiling as he recollected reading science books — Thomas Edison was a favorite — and creating equations for himself to solve in his youth. “I was kind of a nerd,” he said. Read’s family was “quite poor,” he said, and at the age of 15, he was forced to take the direction of his life into his own hands.
PLATTSBURGH — Some fun facts about Colin Read: He’s a lifelong educator, co-owner of the Champlain Wine Company, a self-professed nerd — and Plattsburgh’s newest mayor. Following a lengthy campaign cycle last year, Read won the city’s top seat — beating incumbent James Calnon by 12 percentage points. Ahead of the inauguration ceremony at City Hall on Jan.
>> See Colin Read | pg. 14
$1.6Êm illion
Child trafficking a threat in Clinton County, say officials
budget deficit City residents decry proposed tax increases as budget deadline nears PLATTSBURGH — Councillors took an a la carte approach to $2 million in proposed cuts ex-mayor James Calnon made to the city’s proposed budget before leaving office. Lawmakers opted to approve Calnon’s Elizabeth proposed reduction of health care costs Izzo and personnel reductions, which shaved Writer off at least $479,000 — not including adjustments to the debt service. Those cuts included the elimination of the Plattsburgh City Fire Department’s proposed battalion chief position and a pay decrease for the city historian, who retired late last year (the state-mandated position is currently vacant). But the council denied the former mayor’s request to reduce the Fire Department’s overtime payroll by $190,000 and make a $20,970 adjustment to Social Security benefits. City lawmakers also declined to add a new traffic control position, which would have effectively removed the police department’s day-to-day responsibility for parking infractions. Councilor Mike Kelly (Ward 2) said that he was not in favor of hiring a civilian to write tickets on behalf of police. Officers, he said, write more tickets than civilians do. Outgoing Police Chief Desmond Racicot disagreed, saying there
County lawmakers approve measures to increase awareness of largely-unknown issue in 2017 was no evidence of that, and the switch would save the city money in the long run. The council also denied a proposed switch from contract services to a centralized cleaning position. With just three budget sessions left before the state-mandated deadline, Calnon’s plan would have left the council with a $862,150 deficit to cut down in the new year — a 42 percent decrease from the current $1.6 million deficit — and require a 9.8 percent tax increase for city residents. Councilor Rachelle Armstrong (Ward 1) proposed that the city eliminate three vacant police officer positions. The reduction in vacancies would save approximately $95,298, she said. Armstrong’s proposal was tabled for the next budget session to give the lawmakers enough time to “digest” the amendment. No other councilors offered formal amendments last week. >> See City Budget | pg. 14
By Teah Dowling
PLATTSBURGH — A drug-addicted mother sold her child for sex. Three New York City-area teens were recruited by a “pimplike” figure and ventured 300 miles north to work. Yes, child trafficking has a presence in Clinton County. The Clinton County Legislature last week voted to allow the Child Advocacy Center to accept state funding to start raising awareness of this fairly unknown crisis. “I didn’t really know that child trafficking was here and happening,” Area Six Legislator Patty Waldron said, who also the chairperson of the county’s children and family services committee. “It’s disturbing.” Child trafficking, according to the state Office of Children and Family Services, is any labor or sexual exploitation acts >> See Child Trafficking | pg. 5