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Saturday,Ê January 28, 2017


In SPORTS | pg. 13-15

Indoor track season heats up

PLUS: Champion returns to anchor Peru runners


In NEWS | pg. 3

Voters OK BCS capital project $18 million improvements to be made


In EDUCATION | pg. 5

Nobody likes a school bully

Local schools roll out anti-bullying efforts

Lawmakers react to executive budget

Lots to like, lament in spending plan, say North Country lawmakers By Pete DeMola

PLATTSBURGH — Lawmakers are now unpacking Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s executive budget, which he formally rolled out last week. The proposed $152.3 billion spending plan contains a number of heavy-duty proposals, including free state college tuition, deep investments in clean water infrastructure and a $1 billion increase in public school education funding. “This year’s budget raises up the middle class and advances our progressive values, all while continuing our record of fis-

cal discipline,” Cuomo said. The plan also comes with a tax cut for middle and highincome earners, a measure the governor said would save six million households an average of $250 next year and $700 annually when fully effective. Other measures include voting reforms, legalizing ridesharing upstate and broadening insurance coverage for drug treatment programs. Total state operations would clock in at $98.06 billion, which is under the state-mandated cap. The state is facing a deficit of $3.5 billion. Cuomo said the only way to bridge the gap is by a three-year extension of the so-called millionaires tax, which is scheduled to expire at the end of the year. >> See Executive Budget | pg. 9

RevitalizingÊt he

Photo by Teah Dowling

Local educators rally against Trump education pick

stoneÊ building

Town officials conversing on transforming the abandoned Heyworth/Mason Park stone structure into a community asset

PERU — Ever wonder what’s inside the tall stone structure in Heyworth/Mason Park? Nothing, at least for now. Peru town officials are in the process of forming a committee to turn the threeTeah story building into some type of commuDowling Writer nity hub. Last week, the town board juggled ideas, such as putting in some type of museum or interpretive center. Utilizing some space toward offices for town officials, like the town historian, could be another possibility, said Supervisor Pete Glushko. “We want to look at everything,” he said. “But first we need to get people involved to come up with a plan.” During that meeting, no one stepped up to spearhead the committee. Councilman Donald McBrayer, who was away on vacation, said he’d be willing to step up to the plate. “I would love to find a use for that building,” he said. “We’ve been discussing it for awhile now, but it’s just been sitting there since the flood.” The three-story stone structure located in the heart of Heyworth/Mason Park used to be a saw mill, and later, apartments. In fact, the entire area used to be known as Heyworth

North Country lawmakers are unpacking Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s proposed state budget, which he rolled out Jan. 17. The proposed $152.3 billion spending plan includes deep investments in infrastructure, a middle class tax cut and free tuition at all state schools. Cuomo is pictured here speaking in Plattsburgh on Monday, Jan. 23.

Trump-DeVos agenda ‘designed to harm public schools,’ say education advocates The Heyworth/Mason Park three-story vacant building might be turned into something of use for town residents. Ideas, so far, include a museum or interpretive center. Photo by Teah Dowling

Elizabeth Izzo

PLATTSBURGH — According to local educators, there are quite a few failing grades on Betsy DeVos’ report card. Holding placards that read slogans like “Save Public Education, Keep the Grizzly Out,” a number of regional teachers unions and education advocacy groups rallied last Thursday to protest President Trump’s pick to chart the nation’s education policy.

Village, which contained over 100 living units, until a flood hit during the summer of 1998. Being located nearby the Little Ausable River, the sub-community was wiped out, except for the building that still stands today. The land was dubbed as a floodplain — meaning the town cannot make any developments that could become debris if another flood were to take place. So, town officials decided to convert the area into a park about five years ago. The building remained untouched, for the most part, as it’s only used for storage. Due to the environmental conditions, the ground level cannot contain anything that could cause debris in a potential future flood, said McBrayer. But the second and third floors are fair game.

‘A FORCE FOR GOOD’ “I’m afraid she’s going to privatize education,” said Plattsburgh resident Barbara Thomas. “Which would deprive many people — who may be disabled, impaired, or in poverty — of education they need.” Thomas said that one of the biggest issues in public education right now was the shortage of teachers, and she was afraid DeVos could steer away people wanting to enter the field.

>> See Park Building | pg. 6

>> See DeVos Protest | pg. 16

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