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HOMES EVERY WEEK! June 22, 2019
Burgh/North Countryman
Common council discusses parking plans
PPAC meets for parking options
Parking committee discusses future changes with lots
Resident speaks out against Durkee Street changes
By Sarah Elizabeth Morris STA FF W RITER
By Sarah Elizabeth Morris STA FF W RITER
PLATTSBURGH | The City of Plattsburgh’s Common Council got together June 13 to make decisions regarding the latest updates by other committees, such as the Plattsburgh Parking Advisory Committee. Toward the beginning of the meeting, the public was allowed to make comments to the council. One community member, who was invited to join the parking committee as an advocate, Amber Desjardins, approached the
SeaComm recently donated $1,000 to the Rotary Club of Plattsburgh. The funds will be used to support the annual Rotary International Fishing Classic, which attracts anglers and tourists from all over the northeastern United States and Canada to the shores of Lake Champlain. Pictured from left are Plattsburgh Noon rotarian Peter Cadieux, SeaComm Branch Manager Yvonne Alterie and SeaComm Personal Financial Advisor David Brown. Photo provided
Amber Desjardins, an outside member of the parking committee, made a statement on the speed at which the PPAC and DRI are moving. She also pointed out the difficulty that someone in a wheelchair, such as herself, would have on the sidewalks, especially those that aren’t being kept up with. Photo by Sarah Elizabeth Morris
podium to state her disappointment in the direction the Plattsburgh Parking Advisory Committee (PPAC) and DRI are taking. “I joined to help my own Plattsburgh community become a better, more accessible and vibrant place,” Desjardins said. “I have not really seen any of that. All I have seen is that where money is, things happen regardless of any public opinion.” Desjardins pointed out that the sidewalks the city plans to remove to replace with lots, or the sidewalks that are narrow and broken down, make everyday travel difficult to those with a wheelchair, like Desjardins herself. » Parking Cont. on pg. 2
AUBIN SPEAKS AT NAMI EVENT Veteran brings support dog to presentation By Sarah Elizabeth Morris STA FF W RITER
PLATTSBURGH | The Plattsburgh Parking Advisory Committee (PPAC) met for its monthly meeting June 11 to talk about updates regarding the latest designs of future parking spots around Plattsburgh. The committee meeting viewed current parking statistics, analyzing the times during each day of the week that are most busy for parking and least busy, omitting the farmers market on Saturdays, which started halfway through the committee’s study. The lots counted included the Durkee Street lot, Broad Street lot, Court Street lot and the City Hall Place lot. When averaged out, during the least popular times of the weekdays, the lots seemed to be only 18 percent full, and at the busiest — 78 percent. On the weekends, however, the highest measured utilization reached 68 percent, and the lowest beat the weekdays at 24 percent full. With this information, the PPAC moved on to discuss parking replacement options. Using a PowerPoint presentation, the committee reviewed sketches of possible parking lots on land already bought by the city, expecting to gain a total of 289 spots if at least six of the projects are approved. » PPAC Cont. on pg. 7
PLATTSBURGH | When the National Alliance on Mental Illness - Champlain Valley (NAMI: CV) held its annual meeting June 10 at Saint Peter’s Catholic Church, it introduced to speak Scott Aubin, a war veteran, child sexual abuse victim and suicide attempt survivor who has learned to
Scott Aubin’s emotional support great Dane, Dash, spent the presentation going around to the members of the audience to comfort those who were touched by Aubin’s story. She enjoyed the attention just as much as everyone enjoyed her company.
live with his PTSD. It is not uncommon for veterans to bring home PTSD after serving, as well as other mental illnesses such as depression or anxiety. Aubin was a crew chief in the Air Force during the Iraq War for 21 years and suffered many physical wounds, as well as witnessing the deaths of several men.
Photo by Sarah Elizabeth Morris
Davis holds kickoff event County treasurer starts state Senate campaign By Sarah Elizabeth Morris STA FF W RITER
PLATTSBURGH | Current Clinton County Treasurer Kimberly Davis announced last month that she will be running as a Democrat in the 2020 election for State Senator. Republican Sen. Betty Little has held the seat since 2002, representing the 45th Senate District, which in-
cludes Clinton, Essex, Franklin, Warren and parts of St. Lawrence and Washington counties. Davis hosted her campaign kickoff event June 11 in the Adirondack Room at the Butcher Block. Davis has spent the last five years as the Clinton County treasurer and was the town assessor from 2000-01. Davis has also spent almost 20 years as a member of the Kiwanis, at one point the president of the Plattsburgh Kiwanis Noon Club. The Kiwanis, which was established in 1929, focuses on improving local communities with events such as food drives or the Adopt-A-Highway program. » Davis Cont. on pg. 2
» Aubin Cont. on pg. 2
Kimberly Davis officially announced her candidacy for state senate Photo by Sarah Elizabeth Morris at her campaign kickoff event June 11.
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