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Saturday,Ê December 31, 2016


In SPORTS | pg. 14-17

Best of 2016: High school sports Top 10 performances of the year revealed


In POLITICS | pg. 11

Billy Jones off to Albany

Lawmaker eager for legislative session


In NEWS | pg. 5

Beekmantown residents upset over road salt in well water supply

Mayor proposes deep cuts in fire department Calnon’s proposals would shave off $861,000 as city attempts to stave off double-digit tax hike Elizabeth Izzo

PLATTSBURGH — Mayor James Calnon last week floated a list of proposed budget cuts that he said would save the city nearly $862,000 as lawmakers continue to chip away at a possible double-digit tax hike for city residents. Calnon proposed $404,000 in cuts to the Plattsburgh City Fire Department, a $156,666 reduction to the city’s debt service and a $228,621 savings through health care changes. The outgoing mayor also recommended a new centralized

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cleaning position, which he said would save the city $66,600 annually. The proposed cutbacks are the latest attempt to bridge the projected $1.6 million budget deficit. Councillors appeared hesitant over the suggested cutbacks. “Usually we budget, then reach an impasse, pass it to the mayor, and the mayor makes 11th hour cuts,” said Councilor Mike Kelly (Ward 2). “And they don’t always work out.” Kelly said that budget assumptions are often incorrect. This disconnect between projected and actual spending is one of the main reasons the city has a low fund balance, said Kelly. And sometimes, he said, projected savings don’t pan out. >> See City Budget | pg. 12

Tri-county area grapples with home aide crisis

paintÊ townÊ hall Seasonal mural project to feature youth artists, civic groups on Plattsburgh town hall

PLATTSBURGH — Several youth artists have shown interest in bringing a little color to the town. Parks and Recreation Department Recreation and Youth Services Director Melanie Defayette said over 50 local kids Teah submitted artwork of their favorite winter Dowling activities to feature on front windows of Writer the town hall. “They all did a fantastic job,” Defayette said. “But ultimately we could only pick a few to be featured.” Last week, the town revealed the winners: Morrisonville Elementary fifth grader Emma Chase won overall for her drawing of her and someone else competing to be the top figure skater, both being judged by a panel of teachers and a living snowman. Honorable mentions were given to Morrisonville Elementary fifth grader Bailey Blair and Cadyville homeschooler Luke LaForest. Blair’s piece shows she and a pal throwing snowballs back and forth behind big mounds of snow. LaForest’s drawing shows him and another sliding down a big hill on sleds surrounded by trees and snowmen. On Wednesday, the three young artists gathered at the town

Lagging Medicaid reimbursement rates threatens service to local patients By Pete DeMola

The winning drawing was done by Morrisonville Elementary fifth grader Emma Chase

hall to paint their pictures on the windows. That mural will be featured until spring when a new batch of kids will paint their favorite activities of the season. Supervisor Michael Cashman said the town conceptualized the idea back in November. “Our entryway is kind of a drab,” Cashman said. “This was a great way to bring some color to the town hall and also build a sense of community.” The town’s goal is to feature new artwork each season by local kids. Eventually, Cashman said he would like to get civic groups involved to paint murals every month — each one displaying a different cause like breast cancer awareness in October and autism awareness in April. >> See Plattsburgh Mural | pg. 3

PLATTSBURGH — The tri-county area is scrambling to maintain funding for a program that provides personal care assistance to keep residents living independently. North Country Home Services reported earlier this month they would have been forced to pull out of Essex County by Dec. 31 without a financial lifeline from county lawmakers. Lawmakers on Tuesday approved $80,000 in eleventh-hour emergency funding to keep the programming afloat. But the lifeline is a stop-gap measure and officials have broader questions about the future sustainability of the service across the region. ‘CRISIS SITUATION’ The nonprofit serves 150 patients in Clinton, Essex and Franklin counties. Care is split into two components: Level 1 services are gen>> See Home Aide Crisis | pg. 9

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