Exquisite Bridal Guide 2013

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A Denton Publication 2013 Visit usBridal, online at www.denpubs.com 1 • Exquisite

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3 • Exquisite Bridal, 2013



Exquisite Bridal Guide

Table of Contents 6 Is a wedding loan for you? 7 Helpful hints when choosing floral arrangments 10 & 11 Tips for writing your own vows 15 Toasting tips for Best Men and Maids of Honor 18 & 19 Easy ways to trim costs on your wedding reception 22 Things to consider when a bridesmaid is pregnant 23 How to Find Your Dream Gown 26 Origins of bridal customs

Let the countdown begin wedding planner


33 Bridezilla, what not to do 34-35 Editble wedding favors make a fine choice 46 Honeymoon How-to 50 & 51 Secrets to a long and happy marriage 54 Index of advertisers

Published by Denton Publications Inc 14 Hand Avenue, Elizabethtown, New York 12932 (518) 873-6368, Fax: (518) 873-6360 Cover photo by Semeraro Photography

Copyright 2013 Denton Publications Inc

4 • Exquisite Bridal, 2013

Photos by Greer Cicarelli Photography

42 & 43 Flavorful wedding cakes

p resen ted by R ain b o w W eddin g & B an q u et H all

Su n day, Jan u ary 27th , 2013

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5 • Exquisite Bridal, 2013


R ain b o w B an q u et H all

T o receiv e m o re in fo ab o u t th e sh o w o r to reserv e yo u r sp ace e-m ail:rain b o w b ridalsh o w @ g m ail.co m o r call (518) 236-5030 o r (518) 236-5075

Is a wedding loan for you? As with any situation, there are pros and cons. The same can be said about a wedding loan. The following are some factors you will need to consider before taking out a loan. One of the most important things to realize is that a wedding loan, like any loan, will need to be paid back and interest fees will be included. What that means is that, by the end of the payback period, you will have spent several thousand dollars more on the loans than the original principal amount when interest is added in. If you’re taking out a loan because you’ve already gone above budget on wedding expenses, a loan may push that budget even further into the red. That being said, there are some instances where a loan may be an option that works for a couple. For example, couples who anticipate

considerable monetary gifts from guests attending the wedding can offset the cost of the loan with those gifts. Some couples might begin their professional careers after their wedding, which will increase their salary enough to repay the loan quickly. Others may actually have the money for the wedding, but want to use a loan as a way to establish strong joint credit as a new couple. However, many couples take out loans because they simply cannot afford their dream wedding. In a world where many people already live beyond their means -- financing cars, homes, retail purchases -- a wedding loan may just be another shovelful of soil on a financial grave. The consensus among financial experts is that it is better to scale back the wedding or postpone it until you can save money the old-fashioned way instead of taking out a loan.

But if a loan seems the only option, here are some tips. • Shop around on a wedding loan, just as with any other loan. Find the best rates and terms before settling on a lender. • Decide how much you can afford to pay back within 2 to 3 years and how much the monthly payment will be. Then take out the loan only in that amount. • Figure out which portions of the wedding can be scaled back to make the finances work. • Personal loans, like wedding loans, generally have low annual percentage rates.It may be worth it to take out the loan rather than using a credit card for financing because the card’s rates could be double.

6 • Exquisite Bridal, 2013

Although a wedding loan may enable you to have the wedding of your dreams, it comes with a steep cost -- starting out your new life together with a considerable amount of debt.

Photos by Son & Sky Photography


ngaged couples about to take a trip down the aisle are increasingly choosing to pay for the wedding themselves. Where it used to be tradition for the bride’s parents to handle the bill for the occasion, today the responsibility for funding has largely fallen into the hands of the prospective bride and groom. To meet the financial demands of the modern wedding, some individuals turn to loans for financing a portion or all of the wedding. You may question whether this is a good idea.

Helpful hints when choosing floral arrangements • Go with your own style. Couples should not feel pressured to go with a more traditional style if that’s not something that suits them. Instead, choose a style that most appeals to you, be it neutral or bold colors, formal or more casual arrangements, and so on. Your style might also reveal a preference for something other than roses, which is perfectly alright. It’s your wedding. • Stay in-season when possible. When choosing a floral arrangement, it’s important to consider when you’ll be getting married and which flowers will be in-season. It’s possible to find most floral varieties all year, but if you choose seasonal flowers, you’ll likely pay less and such flowers will be more readily available and durable.

• Don’t go it alone. The wedding day is going to be busy enough without brides and grooms having to worry about arranging the bouquets. A professional florist, ideally one who has come highly recommended, should be able to work within your budget and produce a visually stunning end product. • Consider candles to save money. Many couples hope for a floral centerpiece at each table, but that can prove costly. If the floral budget is somewhat limited, supplement the centerpieces with candles to save some money. The centerpieces likely won’t be as grandiose, but smaller floral arrangements coupled with candles can create a romantic feel.

Couples must make many decisions when planning their wedding, not the least of which is choosing floral arrangements. Some couples have never had to make choices regarding floral arrangements, so it’s understandable if they need some help before making a decision that will likely make a significant impact on the appearance of their weddings.

• Stick to the budget. Couples will find it’s very easy to go over budget quickly with regard to floral arrangements. But a good florist should be able to work within your budget and produce an arrangement that’s visually impressive without costing a fortune.

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9 • Exquisite Bridal, 2013

your own wedding

tips for writing


10 • Exquisite Bridal, 2013


wedding is a once-in-a-lifetime event for many couples, so brides and grooms wish for the event to be momentous and memorable. As such, couples are increasingly integrating personal nuances into their ceremonies and receptions to tailor weddings to their unique visions. The desire to include personalized wedding vows continues to be a popular trend. If you are considering personalized wedding vows, first realize that it may not be a simple task. That’s because you want the message conveyed to be dear to your heart, and that can be challenging when faced with the pressures and planning of the rest of the wedding. That isn’t to say that writing your own vows is impossible. Here are some guidelines for personalizing your ceremony with your own sentiments.

• Jot down your feelings. Answer some questions about what marriage means to you and how you feel about your spouse. Try to avoid trite sayings and think from your heart and personal experiences. Think about what is the most important thing you want to promise to your future partner. These notes can serve as the starting points for the actual vows.

• Establish an outline. Put together all of the words and phrases you’ve jotted down into an outline to help you organize the flow of the vows, using these words as a blueprint for the vows and building upon them. Make sure the vows will be concise. Aim for your entire speech to be around 1 minute in length to keep everyone engaged and the ceremony moving along.

• Read inspirational writings. Perhaps there is an author or a poet who inspires you? You can quote certain writers in your vows or let the tone of their works help shape the words of your vows. There also are suggested wedding readings and other quotes about marriage readily available at the library or with a quick search online.

• Put everything together. Draft your vows and then practice them by reading out loud. You want to avoid long sentences or anything that trips you up. Although large words may sound impressive, they could make the vows seem too academic and not necessarily heartfelt. Enlist the help of a friend or two to act as your audience to see if the vows sound good and are easily understandable.

• Decide on a tone. Although the day is based on love and affection, you may not feel comfortable spouting words of adoration in front of friends and family. Feel free to tap into your unique personality. Humor can be used if it aligns with the way you normally express your affections. Be sure to weave this tone into more traditional passages to create a cohesive expression of your feelings.

11 • Exquisite Bridal, 2013

Writing your own vows can be a way to include personal expressions of love into a couple’s wedding day. Public speaking is seldom easy, nor is finding the perfect words to convey feelings about a future spouse. However, with some practice and inspiration, anyone can draft personalized vows.


Exquisite Bridal, 2013 •



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13 • Exquisite Bridal, 2013

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Toasting tips for Best Men and Maids of Honor

ne of the more enjoyable wedding day traditions is the toast. Once the reception has begun, the maid of honor and the best man are trusted to toast the new bride and groom. Such toasts are typically heartfelt and humorous, but there are also a few guidelines to follow to ensure the toast is memorable for all the right reasons. • Stand up! Stand up when delivering a wedding toast. Sitting down won’t command the guests’ attention, and your voice likely won’t carry as well if you’re sitting down. • Don’t go too long. A good wedding toast shouldn’t stretch beyond five minutes. Long-winded toasts could come off as rambling and incoherent, and the guests will likely tune out if the toast goes longer than five minutes. • Introduce yourself. Just because you’re a maid of honor or a best man doesn’t mean all of the guests know your relationship with the bride or groom. Make it brief, but provide an explanation of your relationship. • Keep the toast appropriate. Many adults who have been to a wedding or two in their day have a story about a wedding toast gone awry. While these stories are humorous, no best man or maid of honor wants to have similar stories told about his or her toasts. Make the toast appropriate, keeping in mind there might be some younger guests in attendance. In addition, avoid references to past relationships. Such references are awkward and uncomfortable.

• Don’t make it an “inside” joke. Maids of honor or best men are typically close friends or siblings of the bride and groom. Such a close relationship makes it easy to tell an inside joke only a few guests will understand. Avoid such inside jokes, as one of the goals of the toast should be to illustrate your love and appreciation of the bride or groom in a way all guests can understand.

• Don’t put too much pressure on yourself. Weddings are typically laid back and fun affairs, so don’t stress about giving the perfect toast. If the toast comes off as genuine and stays appropriate, it’s a good toast.

• Make it personal. A personal anecdote is a nice touch. Such anecdotes can be about anything, whether it’s the first time you met your friend’s nowspouse or, if you’re not related to the bride or groom, how you met. • Steer clear of the bar before the toast. Many a wellintentioned wedding toast has gone horribly wrong thanks to alcohol. Maids of honor and best men should abstain from alcohol before their toasts to avoid embarrassing themselves and the bride and groom. If you’re especially nervous, maybe a drink can help calm your nerves. But if you’re going to drink before the toast, be sure to drink only in moderation. • Practice beforehand. Very few people can survive “winging” a wedding toast. Practice the toast beforehand so you’re comfortable with what you’re going to say before the moment arrives.

Wedding days are typically steeped in tradition. Whether it’s the hours before the wedding or the bride’s attire or the first dance, it seems no aspect of a couple’s big day isn’t accompanied by some ages-old tradition.


Exquisite Bridal, 2013 •

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eddings can be expensive, and the reception can account for a substantial percentage of a couple’s expenses. Unlike the days of yesteryear when the bride’s parents were responsible for financing the wedding, nowadays many couples pay for their own weddings, and some find themselves cash-strapped and looking for ways to save. Trimming reception costs is one of the best ways couples can save money, and there are many ways to do just that and still ensure guests have a great time into the night. • Limit the guest list. Receptions are more expensive the more guests a couple invites, so limiting the guest list is perhaps the best way to avoid breaking the bank to pay for the reception. Caterers and banquet halls typically charge per-person, so trimming the guest list by as few as 20 people can lead to substantial savings. Before sending out your save-the-date cards, peruse the guest list to determine

18 • Exquisite Bridal, 2013

if any guests can be removed. It might be nice to invite professional acquaintances, but if they aren’t people you know socially then they aren’t likely to be offended if they’re not invited to the wedding. • Choose a buffet instead of a sit-down meal. Choosing a buffet-style reception is another way to save money on the reception. Sit-down meals in which guests are brought their own plates can be significantly more expensive than buffet style. In addition, a buffet might have more options for guests, which benefits larger receptions with guests of various palates. • Consider a package deal. Couples open to all-inclusive package deals, which typically include the cost of the wedding, reception and possibly even the honeymoon, can save money that way as well. These are most common for destination weddings, but couples might be able to find a package deal in their hometowns as well.

• Host the reception at a private residence. Another way to reduce reception costs is to avoid banquet halls entirely and host the reception at a private residence, whether it’s your own home or that of a parent or other relative. This option will save you the cost of renting the banquet hall, but it might only be doable for couples having a smaller, more intimate wedding with relatively few guests. • Hire a DJ instead of a band. Music presents another opportunity for costconscious couples to trim some of their reception costs. Some couples insist on live music, while others are fine hiring a DJ. If you’re among the latter, go with the DJ, as disc jockeys tends to be far less expensive than live bands. If you simply must go with a live band, look for a local band who might be more willing to give a hometown discount. Cost-conscious couples about to tie the knot can save substantial amounts of money by making a few adjustments with regard to their wedding reception.

Easy Ways to

Trim Costs On Your Wedding Reception

19 • Exquisite Bridal, 2013

Photo by Semeraro Photography

Photo by Semeraro Photography

A buffet might have more options for guests, which benefits larger receptions with guests of various palates.


Exquisite Bridal, 2013 •

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Things to consider

when a bridesmaid is pregnant Brides-to-be thinking of asking a pregnant friend or family member to be in the bridal party should know such a request is common. Recent findings indicate that around half of all weddings now have at least one member of the bridal party showing off a baby bump -- sometimes it’s even the bride herself.

Barring a medical condition, there is no reason a pregnant woman can’t be in the wedding and fulfill her obligations, so feel free to invite that special someone to be in the wedding. There are just a few things to consider to help make it easier on everyone involved. Think over these things. • Gowns: One of the things brides and bridesmaids often fret about is the gown they will be wearing. While nonpregnant members of the bridal party won’t fluctuate much in weight from the day of their first fittings to the wedding day, a pregnant woman is growing with new life within her from the moment of conception. This will have to be taken into consideration. Some maternity designers create bridesmaid dresses for pregnant women, but they may not exactly match the other gowns in mind. Ask the bridal store if alterations can be made to a standard gown, including ordering a much larger size, adding elastic panels or another way to ensure the gown will stretch over a growing belly. Also, be considerate and choose a gown in an empire waist style so that it is flattering for the pregnant bridesmaid. • Shoes: While pregnant, some women’s feet swell. Having strict restrictions on footwear can make a pregnant woman uncomfortable. Low heels or ballerina slippers can be comfortable and fashionable. The other members of the bridal party may also thank you for choosing a sensible shoe. • Breaks: Many activities during the wedding are bound to be tiring. But someone who is pregnant may feel it more than others. Ensure your mama-tobe has ample time to sit and rest. Also, try to have planning meetings near a restroom where she will be comfortable.

22 • Exquisite Bridal, 2013

• Nonalcoholic drinks: From bachelorette parties to the wedding itself, be sure there are plenty of nonalcoholic and decaffeinated drinks she can enjoy. Pregnant women need to have a lot of water to meet the physical demand of pregnancy as well. • Travel: In the latter months of the pregnancy, many doctors advise against air travel. Spending long hours in a car may be uncomfortable as well. If you were thinking about having the wedding far away, these are things that must be taken into consideration. You may want to revise your plans if your heart is set on having this woman in the bridal party. • Ceremony: It can be tiring for a pregnant woman, especially one in the last trimester, to stand for a long period of time. If you are having a long, religious ceremony, see if a seat can be arranged so your bridesmaid can sit down when she needs a rest. • Declined invitation: Some pregnant women will jump at the chance to be in the wedding, while others may realize their limitations and prefer to attend only as a guest. Have a another person in mind in case your bridesmaid invitation is declined, and do not hold it against the person if she feels she won’t be able to commit during her pregnancy. • Patience: Although all eyes are generally on the bride on her special day, having a pregnant bridesmaid may garner a share of “oohs and aahs” and attention for her as well. It’s a humble bride who can share her spotlight for a while. And remember, the “something new”at your wedding may be that new baby who is on the way!

How to Find Your By Victoria Heroux, Bridal Consultant Laura’s Bridal & College Formals


Dream Gown

ince you were a little girl, you have dreamed of your wedding gown. If you were like me, you would stand in front of the mirror in one of your mother’s old, ratty dresses but what you would see in the reflection is your ideal wedding gown. Now, you have finally found Prince Charming, so it is time to find the wedding gown of your dreams. Here are a few steps that will help turn your childhood dreams into a reality. Be Informed. Before stepping into a bridal salon, thumb through bridal magazines or surf the web for pictures of gowns that perk your interest. Many companies have apps that can be downloaded to your phone to see their latest styles. Also, become a fan of your favorite designer or shop on Facebook, another tool to let you become aware of events and discounts. Bring pictures to the bridal salon, to give the bridal consultant an idea of the style of dress that you would like to try. Keep an open mind. The style in the magazine that gave you goose bumps may not affect you the same way in person. Make sure to try on a gown in all the major styles: strapless, spaghetti straps, halter-top, tank, long and short sleeve. In many cases, the gown that you may not like on the hanger turns out to be the gown! Start your search early. Begin to look for your gown nine twelve months before the wedding date. Many aspects of the wedding revolve around the gown, such as the tuxedos, bridesmaid’s dresses, the flowers and even the wedding theme. A wedding gown can take as long as four to six months to arrive.

Have an idea of your bridal gown budget. If you are on a strict budget, inform your bridal consultant. They will help find your dream dress in your price range. Trying on dresses in your price range will prevent you from falling in love with a dress that you cannot afford. However, if you are willing to cut costs in other areas of your wedding budget, then you may be able to splurge a little more on your wedding gown. Also, ask your bridal salon if they offer payment plans. Being able to divide the price of the gown into monthly payments will make it easier on your pocketbook.

Dress the part. If you will be trying on wedding gowns, it is a good idea to bring the type of undergarments that you will want to wear on your wedding day. Also, style your hair because headpieces and veils may be tried on for the full effect while deciding on your gown. Three’s Company. Trying to make the final decision on your wedding dress can be a difficult one. To reduce stress for yourself, bring only two other people that are close to you to share in this intimate experience. The more people you bring, the more conflicting opinions you have to deal with. Instead of helping, this can add pressure and uneasiness that is not needed while trying to make your ultimate decision. Select a Specialty Bridal Salon. A bridal salon should have a large selection and a friendly atmosphere. The bridal consultants should be able to help with all of your bridal attire needs and educate you in the various styles and dress fabrics available. Do NOT purchase online. Reputable manufacturers will only deal with bridal salons. Therefore, that “designer” dress you see online for hundreds of dollars less will not be the actual dress. It may be a copy that can be dramatically different than what you think you’re actually ordering. How will you know when to “say yes to the dress”? It may bring tears to your eyes or you may even feel butterflies in your stomach. Once you have found your dream gown, you will be able to look into the mirror’s reflection and the image that you will see will no longer be your mother’s old, ratty dress. It will be the wedding gown that you dreamed of as a little girl.

Exquisite Bridal, 2013 •


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25 • Exquisite Bridal, 2013



hances are those who have attended a wedding have witnessed some popular traditions take place. The bride wears a veil, a court of wedding attendants accompanies the bride and groom, and birdseed, rice or flower petals are tossed. But have you ever wondered why? The wedding customs are ripe with tradition and harken back to days when superstition and myth often ruled the day.

• Throwing rice: Today it has become de rigueur to blow bubbles, toss birdseed or release doves when the bride and groom leave the house of worship newly betrothed. That’s because savvy individuals found that raw rice can pose a hazard to birds pecking in the area. However, rice throwing is an old custom that dates back to the Middle Ages, when wheat or rice where thrown to symbolize fertility for the couple. • Bouquet: Nowadays, the bride carries a beautiful bouquet of flowers. But the purpose of the bouquet held different meanings in the past. Saracen brides carried orange blossoms for fertility. Others carried a combination of herbs and flowers to ward off evil spirits with their aroma. Bouquets of dill were often carried, again for fertility reasons, and after the ceremony, the dill was eaten to encourage lust.

Origins of Bridal

Customs There are many traditions surrounding a wedding that people simply accept. But understanding their origins can make the ceremony more meaningful.

26 • Exquisite Bridal, 2013

• Bridesmaids: There may be arguments over dresses and how many bridesmaids to have in a wedding party now, but in ancient times it was “the more the merrier.” That’s because bridesmaids were another measure to keep the bride safe against evil spirits. Essentially the bridesmaids were decoys for the spirits

-- dressing like the bride to confuse the spirits or maybe help deter them to leave the bride be. • Wedding rings: Wearing of wedding rings dates back to ancient Egypt. The round shape of a ring symbolizes eternal love. The ring is worn on the fourth finger of the left hand because it is believed this finger has a blood vessel that goes directly to the heart. • Wedding cake: The traditional wedding cake evolved from Roman times when the cake was originally made from wheat. It was broken over the bride’s head to ensure fertility. All of the guests eat a piece for good luck. Single women used to place a piece of wedding cake under their pillows in the hopes of finding their own husbands. • Father accompanying the bride: This tradition symbolizes that the bride’s father endorses the choice in husbands and is presenting his daughter as a pure bride to that man. • Kissing the bride: In older times, a kiss symbolized a legal bond. Therefore, the bride and groom kissed to seal the deal on their betrothal.


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27 • Exquisite Bridal, 2013

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Times to put those dreams to reality with this helpful bridal planner

28 • Exquisite Bridal, 2013



o help you get a better understanding of how to plan a wedding and when you should be making certain decisions, throughout this edition is a timeframe you can follow that should ensure that your wedding goes off as smoothly as possible.

12-9 Months Before Set an initial budget. Select a wedding date and time. Determine the type of wedding you want. (day/night, indoor/outdoor, formal/casual)

Start to research your bridal gowns. Start to research the grooms/ groomsmen formal wear/ tuxedo. Start to research bridesmaids’ dresses. Compare and find a photographer/ videographer. Find local florists and set appointments to look at their work. Create a bridal registry, and/or an engagement registry. Announce your engagement in the newspaper. Send To: Denton Publications, PO Box 338, Elizabethtown, NY 12932

9-6 Months Before Start compiling the guest list. (inform your families to do the same)

Research availability of reception locations.

Select the attendants for your wedding party.

Select and book your reception location, or get a tent if that is what you decided upon.

Purchase the bride’s gown.

Find a caterer if not already provided by the reception facility. Research availability of ceremony locations, if not included with your reception site. Select and book your ceremony location. Determine who will officiate at the ceremony, if not provided with the ceremony location. Determine how many guests you wish to invite.

Purchase the groom’s tuxedo.

the South Pacific, Hawaii, a cruise, or a trip through Europe. Whatever, you decide research thoroughly.

6-4 Months Before Check requirements for blood test and marriage license in your state.

8-6 Weeks Before Mail invitations and announcements. Prepare a portrait for the newspaper.

Shop for wedding rings.

Set appointment with photographer for your formal bridal portrait.

Select and order the invitations and stationery.

Select gifts for all your attendants.

Make sure all the men’s attire has been ordered.

Set appointments with any hairdressers and/or makeup artists.

Decide where to live after the wedding. Complete the guest lists. Begin shopping for trousseau. Inform mothers to select their dresses. Finalize honeymoon details and make the necessary reservations.

4-2 Months Before Check requirements for blood test and marriage license in your state.

Hire the limousine or other forms of transportation for the wedding.

6-4 Weeks Before Decide what your menu is going to be for the reception. Estimate the expected number of guests. Buy a gift for the groom. Schedule a final fitting for your gown so it is ready for your formal bridal portrait. Pick up your wedding rings.

Prepare all maps and directions for the ceremony and reception.

Purchase (borrow) all wedding accessories such as the ring pillow, garter belt, etc.

Arrange for your groomsmen to be measured and reserve the tuxedos.

Select your wedding rings.

Confirm florist details and delivery times.

Shop for the wedding dress, headpiece, veil, and other accessories.

Set the dates and times with the officiant for the rehearsal.

Purchase bridesmaids’ dresses.

Order the wedding cake, if not provided by the caterer or reception hall. Choose and reserve your florist.

Set aside blocks of hotel/ motel rooms for out-of-town guests.

The parents of the groom should begin to arrange the Rehearsal Dinner, and reserve a restaurant or make other arrangements.

Get a band or DJ, get one early because they can get booked quickly.

Arrange for transportation for the wedding. Limousines, vans, etc.

Decide if you want a bridal party, and if so, then how large.

Start planning for honeymoon, research your destinations. Will it be a Caribbean Island,

Buy a wedding guest book.

Start writing placement cards.

2 Weeks Before

Plan the bridesmaids’ luncheon and any other parties.

Make arrangements to have your wedding gifts moved to your new home.

Determine resources for designing and printing the program for the ceremony.

Handle business and legal details such as name changes, address changes, etc.

Finalize the florist details, photographer, videographer, musicians, etc. Arrange the necessary accommodations for out-oftown guests. Plan a rehearsal dinner, time and place. Confirm the wedding cake details with the baker.

Prepare the wedding announcement for the newspaper. Make sure all clothing and accessories for you and the bridal party are ready. Get your marriage license Continued on page 31


Exquisite Bridal, 2013 •


And Choose Your Dream



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Bridal countdown planner continued from page 29

1 Week Before Review any seating details with the ushers. Make sure all wedding attire fits. Finalize the seating arrangements. Reconfirm your honeymoon reservations. Ensure you have necessary plane tickets. Call any guests who have not responded. Wrap and present the wedding party gifts.

Delegate responsibilities to reliable individuals on your wedding day. Finalize your rehearsal dinner arrangements or other plans.

1 Day Before Get a manicure or massage to relax yourself. Stay with your family the night before and sleep early. Review and rehearse all the details of your participants.

The Big Day!

Start packing for your honeymoon.

Make sure the best man and maid of honor sign the wedding certificate.

Finish all the place cards for the reception.

Allow yourself plenty of time to get dressed.

Review all the final details with your photographer, videographer, etc.

Be sure to eat properly.

Give a final head count to the caterer. Confirm the availability of the musicians and vocalists.

31 • Exquisite Bridal, 2013

Prepare for your hairdresser and makeup appointments. Rest and relax with a good bath. —You need it!


Exquisite Bridal, 2013 •

The Adirondack Wedding Center provides FREE bridal and event planning for all tastes and budgets. We’ll make sure your event is unique, memorable and fun! Our Association Members are among the best providers in their fields, and combined, make your event one to remember!

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~ Adirondack Wedding Association Members ~ Depe Dene Resort Dexter Davis Photography & Video Dickey’s Barbecue Pit Digital DJ DJ Susie Q Dove Chocolate Discoveries Dunham’s Bay Resort Entertainment One Rentals Father Christopher Richard Fenimore’s Lounge Fire and Ice Flucellinet Foto Magic Glens Falls National Bank Glens Falls Printing Ground Force 1 G & S Printing Hampton Inn High Definition Band Hiland Country Club Highlands Castle Holiday Inn Holly McCormack Holmes Photo Imaging Honorable James Evans The Inn at Erlowest

It Works Global Jonathan Reid LTD Kingsbury Printing Leroy’s Chocolate Fountains Lindt Chocolate RSVP Lipstick N Lashes The Living Harp Love is on Lake George Magnet Man Mary Kay Master Cylinders Memory Lane Miche Bags Mixaritas Morrison Dental Care Music Man Entertainment NBT Bank NA North Country Photoworks Northwoods Inn Resort O’Brien Insurance Agency Olde Post Grille Ovations Food Service Pampered Chef Powers Media Productions Premier Designs Jewelry PrintaPetal NY

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Pristine Limousine Ribbon Gifts Sarah Dalberto Photography Scentsy Scoville Jewelers Simply Special Six Flags Great Escape Lodge & Indoor Water Park Sleep Inn Slumber Parties By Donna Stomach Cakes Stone Industries Sweet Basil Restaurant Ticonderoga Best Western Tiki Resort Time Capsule Photo Booth Tina’s Hair Affair Total Entertainment Total Events T.R. Laz Ultimate Image Salon Viscosi Photography Warrensburg Laundry & Dry Cleaning, Inc. We Do Fondue Wishing Well Restaurant 24199

AAA Northway Achenbach Jewelers Adirondack Nautilus, Ltd. Adventure Family Fun Center All Occasion Limousine Arbonne Bay Street Beadworks, Beauty To Go Best Bytes Media Binley Florist Blooms Florist Bridal Gallery by Yvonne Bullseye Party Rentals Cake By Alissa Caitlin Miller Photography Capital Region Photo Booths Cayman Tanning The Chocolate Mill Café Christies on the Lake Copperfield Inn Resort Core of Glens Falls, LLC Cottage Crafts Country Inn & Suites Craig Dickenson Photography CT Productions Danielle’s Bridal

A woman who is obsessed about every detail of the wedding might turn into a bridezilla. There are several traits that many bridezilla’s have in common. If a bride-to-be sees her own behaviors on this list, she may want to make some changes quickly or risk alienating friends and family members. • Talking about the wedding nonstop. Getting married is exciting and stressful at the same time. It is good for brides to have enthusiasm about the big day, but speaking incessantly over every little detail, especially when the conversation often veers to complaints about vendors and other arrangements, can be off-putting to people. Remember, the world is still turning outside of a bride’s wedding realm. • going well over budget. While many people want to have the perfect wedding, fixating on every detail and spending excessively to achieve what is perceived as perfection is bridezilla behavior. Entering a marriage already in debt can put a strain on newlywed bliss.

There are things every bride should do in preparation for her wedding. Then there are things that should be avoided for fear of transforming into a bridezilla.

33 • Exquisite Bridal, 2013

• A “me-first” attitude. It’s unproductive for a bride-to-be to think that her family, bridemaids and others involved in the wedding will drop everything for the sake of the event. Although it is expected that a bridal party will partake in some tasks and responsibilities, they are not the property or employees of the bride. Also, diva behavior and meltdowns -- where all the attention is directed toward the bride-to-be — is not beneficial as well. • Fighting with friends and family. Oftentimes brides-to-be mask apprehension about starting a new chapter in their lives by getting into disagreements with others. Brides may bicker with their moms over seating arrangements and hairstyles, but they might just be glossing over their evolving mother-child relationship. Fighting just to fight and draw attention to oneself is bridezilla behavior.


Edible wedding favors make a fine choice A token of appreciation for guests is requisite at wedding receptions. Wedding favors enable attendees to walk away from the event with a memento and also a small thank you for their participation and celebration of this momentous event.

34 • Exquisite Bridal, 2013

Bonbonnieres were once a popular wedding favor. A bonbonniere is a small, decorative box made of porcelain, crystal or gold. It is embellished with colorful and precious gems. Inside the box houses a sweet delicacy, often called a bonbon. In modern times, many couples are returning to the tradition of giving bonbonnieres or other edible favors as their wedding celebration thank-yous. Edible favors are often economical and guests tend to appreciate them. After all, guests have to find a nook in their homes in which to house an engraved ice cream scooper or yet another small statuette. Edible gifts can be as varied as a person desires. Candy-coated almonds are still popular, but many couples have expanded their choices and have created new trends in favors. For those couples seeking a unique edible favor for the wedding, here are some suggestions. • Cake or brownie pops: Food on a stick has long been a favorite of many, but the concept has been taken to new heights with the creation of cake pops. These are small balls of cake or brownie that are made from cake crumbs and frosting. The balls are covered in candy melts or chocolate and served on a stick. Chocolate artists can transform ordinary cake pops into

Photo by Greer Cicarelli Photography


n the past, wedding favors were not much different from the items offered today, and not every guest was privy to a take-home trinket. In the 16th century, wedding favors were a sign of extravagance and showed off the family’s wealth to the guests. Only rich and prominent people during those times could afford and provide sophisticated gifts to their guests. Some favors symbolized luck, and sharing them with guests ensured good luck to all as well. Almonds were common favors because they symbolized fertility, health, happiness, wealth, and longevity.

Brides- and groomsto-be have different ideas when it comes to wedding favors. Guests have their own opinions, too. As customs and trends change, so do the options in wedding favors.

works of art with intricate piping designs on the hard, outer shell. Clear cello bags and decorative ribbon may be all that’s necessary for a classic wrapping. • Cookies: Pastry arts continue to be popular favors for any occasion. Many bakeries offer intricately designed and decorated cookies that can pertain to any theme. Think about a wedding couple or a set of rings as the cookie of choice for a wedding favor. Most cookies last 2 to 3 weeks, so they can be purchased in advance.

• Petit fours: These bite-sized pastries lend themselves well to wedding favors. They can easily be paired and put in small boxes as take-home treats. Some bakeries create petit fours on demand. If not, petit fours can be purchased through online vendors. • Chocolate: Gourmet chocolate remains a popular edible favor. Choose among truffles, caramels, chocolate-covered pretzels, or any favorite treat. Depending on the chocolatier, favors may come preboxed and wrapped. • Seasonal treats: If a wedding coincides with a particular season or holiday, favors can be coordinated as well. Think caramel-covered apples for fall parties, chocolate bunnies for spring events, spiced cake bars for the winter holidays or lemon tarts for summer weddings. Wedding favors have been a part of wedding ceremonies for centuries. Edible gifts are thoughtful and flavorful mementos of the wedding day.


Exquisite Bridal, 2013 •

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Photos by

Howard Jennings


39 • Exquisite Bridal, 2013


Exquisite Bridal, 2013 •

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Flavorful wedding cakes A

tiered wedding cake is often a fitting conclusion to a wedding reception. Today’s brides and grooms are experimenting with cake flavors and designs so their cake is a unique representation of their persona as a couple. It’s no longer necessary to stick with a white cake with buttercream frosting for your wedding day. Think about exploring other flavor and filling combinations that will tempt the guests’ taste buds. For those who can’t settle on just one flavor, how about having a different flavor for each layer? Couples getting married in the fall may want to think about a spice cake that evokes the feelings of sipping a mug of spiced cider. Cream cheese frosting is often a pairing with spice cake, or think about a layer of caramel that will make it taste like you’re enjoying a candied Halloween apple. A hummingbird cake may fit the bill for a spring wedding. This is made with mashed bananas, pineapples and chopped pecans. This cake is perfect when paired with cream cheese frosting. Yellow or white cake are universal favorites for weddings. Some pizzazz can be added through the use of creative fillings. Consider something citrusy and summery for a summer wedding. Raspberry preserves

42 • Exquisite Bridal, 2013

or lemon curd are tart and sweet. For a tropical flair, mangoes or passion fruit can be mixed with touches of coconut. A winter wedding can be accented with rich flavors, like a decadent chocolate cake filled with chocolate ganache and black cherries -- in a black forest style. Those toasting to the good life may want an almond cake enhanced with some fine liqueur and simple chocolate buttercream. Couples should sit down with their baker and sample a number of flavor combinations to determine a recipe that works for them. Pastry companies also may be able to develop a cake that encompasses a couple’s favorite flavors or symbolizes a special moment in their lives. A Boston Cream Pie-inspired cake may liven up the wedding of a couple who became engaged in Boston. Maybe a cannoli cream filled cake will usher in memories of a trip to Italy. Kids at heart can enjoy candy confection cakes filled with gooey chocolate, nuts and marshmallows. Whatever the case, couples can use their cake as a centerpiece that wows the senses of taste as well as vision. Consider displaying this culinary masterpiece on a table with the seating cards placed around it so that it can be enjoyed the entire night.

Photo by Greer Cicarelli Photography

43 • Exquisite Bridal, 2013


Exquisite Bridal, 2013 •

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Photos: Rae Barnes, Melanie Gazaway, Stan Blanchard, Rae Barnes


45 • Exquisite Bridal, 2013


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Honeymoon How-to After the thrill of wedding festivities dies down, couples often jet off to a honeymoon retreat and begin an entirely different adventure. The honeymoon may create mixed feelings, some concerning the chance to spend time alone after months of planning and a few feelings of anxiety over spending the first night together as a married couple.

For many couples, the honeymoon wedding night is the first time they are intimate together or it holds a special meaning of being intimate for the first time after being married. Such significance can put pressure on a happy and natural experience.

Taking the pressure off of the wedding night means that the rest of the honeymoon may be filled with opportunities to be amorous. But couples may still be filled with expectations for the perfect romantic retreat. Here are some things to think about.

Wedding jitters are normal, as are honeymoon and wedding night jitters. But just as wedding trends have changed through the years, so, too, have beliefs about the wedding night. Knowing about shifting trends can alleviate some of the nervousness.

• Accept the fact that some wedding nights and honeymoons aren’t exactly what’s pictured in the movies. Don’t try to live up to a Hollywood-inspired ideal or you may be let down when things don’t go your way. In other words, it may rain on your beachside liaison.

According to a recent survey from Brides magazine, one in three brides plan to get into bed on the wedding night and ... sleep. After all of the hoopla of planning and enjoying the wedding, most people are exhausted. Others say they plan to stay up and relive moments of the day. Only about half of all couples think they will consummate the marriage on their wedding night.

• A wedding requires a lot of work. Many people find themselves to be physically exhausted afterward. Others find they are so wound up that they cannot relax. When the mind or body is on adrenaline overload or completely wiped out, it’s not the ideal situation for romantic endeavors.

46 • Exquisite Bridal, 2013

• Try to make the honeymoon stand apart from other nights by packing nice lingerie or nighttime attire so that the memories will be special. There will be plenty of other times down the road when you’re an old, married couple to hop between the sheets in a ratty college T-shirt. • Pack some candles and mood music, or ask the resort to handle these details for you. These items can help set the scene. • Make sure your packing list includes special toiletries and birth control methods if you’re not ready to start a family so soon after being married. The brands you prefer may be hard to acquire while at some honeymoon locations.

Photos by



47 • Exquisite Bridal, 2013


Exquisite Bridal, 2013 •

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ome might say a long celebrity marriage is one that endures the duration of the newly betrothed’s trip down the aisle. We’ve seen Britney Spears dissolve a marriage after 55 hours and Kim Kardashian call it quits after 72 days. It seems even money can’t buy matrimonial happiness. But some couples have been together for 50, 60 years and say they’re still as much in love as they were the day they spoke their “I dos.” What do they know that others do not? According to clinical psychologist and relationship guru Dr. Phil McGraw, “We all need to be flexible and to compromise in marriage, but you’ve got to be true to your core traits and characteristics, what I call your authentic self.” Some couples enter a relationship projecting a persona they believe the other person wants -- one that really isn’t what they’re all about. This could be a woman trying to fill the role of her husband’s nurturing mom or a guy playing the protector to his wife. In reality, marriage is more of a partnership, and truth and trust are often at the basis of good marriages.

There are many other “secrets” that marriage experts will offer to couples seeking the magic formula. Whether you’re pondering marriage or have already tied the knot, consider the following advice to make a marriage endure for the long haul.

• There’s no such thing as the perfect marriage. Some couples create an image of what they think marriage is supposed to be, and that image that often goes “poof” once reality sets in. Even soulmates are bound to frustrate or irritate one another from time to time. • Couples should express their frustrations. Bottling up frustrations can eat at a person and eventually destroy a marriage. Talking about the things that are bothering you with your partner opens up a discussion and can help you work through things. • Divorce should not be seen as a viable option. Couples who want to bail on the marriage at every turn could be directing their energy toward divorce as the only solution instead of discovering ways to remove the cause of strife. Divorce can sometimes be the easy way out when you think about the work that goes into keeping a marriage working. Experts say that there are a few issues, like adultery, abuse and drug/alcohol addiction, that may be reasonable catalysts for divorce if personal safety and sanity is being compromised. • Make time for romance. It’s easily said but not so easily done. Too often married couples forget what it was like to date when all of their attention was spent on each other instead of the house, kids, work, etc. Today there seems to be even more distractions, from e-mails to texts to pressure and obligations at the office. Happy couples find the time to spend quality time with their spouses -- even if that’s only 10 minutes of alone time a day. • Put “we” first. Many people operate on a “me” mentality. When you’re part of a couple, give more to your spouse than you take. If he or she is doing the same, you’re working collectively for the benefit of the marriage instead of yourselves. • Respect each other. Often couples having troubles realize they treat strangers better than they treat each other. Would use the insults or unflattering terms that you sometimes throw at your spouse with a complete stranger? Probably not. Good marriages are based on a foundation of respect and love. It’s easy to lose feelings of love if the respect is gone.

50 • Exquisite Bridal, 2013

Secrets to a long and happy marriage Couples can realize that there are some thorns that come with the roses of marriage, and staying happy together does take work for it to all be worth it.

51 • Exquisite Bridal, 2013


Exquisite Bridal, 2013 •

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Index of Advertisers Accommodations:

Adirondack Pines B&B and Vacations Rentals............................. 41 Batcheller Mansion Inn.................................................................. 41 Best Western................................................................................... 7 Blackstone Lodge......................................................................... 41 Cobble Hill Inn............................................................................... 41 Cornerstone Victorian Bed and Breakfast..................................... 41 Days Inn........................................................................................... 8 Rocky Acres Inn Bed & Breakfast................................................. 41 Ruah Bed & Breakfast................................................................... 41 Snow Goose B&B.......................................................................... 41 Sleep Inn......................................................................................... 8 Stonleigh B&B............................................................................... 41 Station House B&B........................................................................ 41 Super 8.......................................................................................... 44 The Inn in Westport....................................................................... 41 The King’s Inn................................................................................ 41 Union Gables Inn Bed and Breakfast Mansion............................. 41 Warren’s Inn................................................................................... 41 Westport Hotel & Tavern................................................................ 41


Ticonderoga Federal Credit Union................................................ 38 Ufirst Credit Union......................................................................... 27


HB Catering................................................................................... 14


Absolute Sound............................................................................. 17 DJ Skitlz........................................................................................ 20 MR DJ............................................................................................ 44 MR. G’s Music Machine................................................................ 48


Adirondack Flower........................................................................ 27 Arrangement Shop........................................................................ 24 Binley’s Florist............................................................................... 44 Flower Designs by Tracey............................................................. 48 Rebecca’s Florist & Country Store................................................ 40 The Country Florist & Gifts............................................................ 37 The Murphy’s Cottage Crafts........................................................ 38 Touch of an Angel Florist............................................................... 53


Ashley’s Furniture HomeStore......................................................... 3 Livingston’s.................................................................................... 55

Health and Fitness:

Back to Health Chiropractic & Allergy Care Center....................... 17 Ganienkeh Wholisitic Health Center.............................................. 36

Historic Locations:

Skene Manor................................................................................. 24


Beglin’s Jeweler’s.......................................................................... 30 Darrah Cooper............................................................................... 12

Limousine Services:

DPC Limousine.............................................................................. 53 Ground Force 1............................................................................. 49

54 • Exquisite Bridal, 2013

Party/Rental Supplies:

Chair Affair..................................................................................... 27 Clay, Cloth and Wood.................................................................... 48 Foster’s Tent Rental....................................................................... 17 Taylor Rental.................................................................................. 37 The Party Factory.......................................................................... 44


Glens Falls Printing........................................................................ 12

Salon Services:

Caymen Tanning Salon.................................................................. 38 Charm’s Hands Salon & Spa......................................................... 24 Head to Toe Salon......................................................................... 21 Ultimate Skin Solutions................................................................. 20


Adirondack Photobooth................................................................ 49 Howard Jennings Photography..................................................... 30 Overtime Photography.................................................................. 40

Restaurants/ Venues:

An Affair by the Lake..................................................................... 30 Butcher Block Steak & Seafood Restaurant................................. 33 Deer’s Head Inn............................................................................. 24 Geoffrey’s Pub & Restaurant......................................................... 17 Guma’s Restaurant........................................................................ 52 Inn on Gore.................................................................................... 38 Knights of Columbus..................................................................... 25 Lake George Shoreline Cruises..................................................... 52 Lake George Steamboat Co............................................................ 9 North Woods Inn & Resort............................................................. 53 Rainbow Wedding and Banquet Hall.............................................. 5 Sweet Basil.................................................................................... 30 The Georgian................................................................................. 13 The Lodge on Echo Lake.............................................................. 45 The Log Jam.................................................................................. 40 Westside Ballroom......................................................................... 16 Whitehall Armory........................................................................... 52

Travel Agency:

Joann Fortier................................................................................. 21 Liberty and Travel for All................................................................ 12

Wedding Cakes:

Café Sarah..................................................................................... 14 Cookie Cup Cakery....................................................................... 21 Lake George Baking Company....................................................... 3 Stomach Cakes............................................................................... 8

Wedding/Event Planner:

Adirondack Wedding Association................................................. 32 One Fine Day................................................................................. 40

Wedding Fashions:

Danielle’s Bridal Boutique............................................................. 12 Fashion Corner................................................................................ 2 Jonathan Reid............................................................................... 14 Laura’s Bridal & College Formals.................................................. 56 Something Old, Something New................................................... 21 Tuxedo Studio............................................................................... 48

55 • Exquisite Bridal, 2013


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