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Saturday,ÊF ebruaryÊ4,Ê2017


In FEATURES | pg. 9

Local introduces soy wax candles

Available now at Northern Lites Candle Shop


In NEWS | pg. 2

Champlain’s water and sewer

Town and village making progress on projects


In SPORTS | pg. 10-11

Eagles defeat ‘cats on mats Wrestlers prep for post season

Ellenburg expresses interest for proposed solar farm Plattsburgh-based office making efforts to provide power to homes throughout New York By Teah Dowling

ELLENBURG — Discussions are currently underway between an energy firm and town officials to construct a solar farm on Smith Road. Cypress Creek Renewables’ Anne Waling approached the town last month and asked the board to consider becoming home to 100,000 solar panels, which would provide power all across the state. The proposed farm would stretch over 100 acres of privately-owned land on Smith Road in Ellenburg Center and gener-

ate 20 megawatts of power. These arrays, once up and running, would generate up to 20 megawatts of power that will be sold New York Independent System Operator, an organization that monitors the state’s power supply, for the state’s power grid – providing electricity to up to 6,000 households, said Waling. Waling said property owners Doreen and Dan Barcomb already agreed to sign a lease agreement. Doreen declined to elaborate on the project for this story: “We’re not 100 percent certain that the project will move forward,” she said. “It is still in the preliminary review stage.” The town board agreed during last month’s meeting to continue discussions on the project. Now, Cypress Creek Renewables is working with the town

North Country schools seeking substitutes Shortage a statewide issue, say

Main Street lot in village of Champlain to be transformed in hopes to attract new businesses, residents



CHAMPLAIN — A team of consultants the village hired to a draft revitalization plan have revealed their initial findings. River Street Planning & Development officials want to convert the green space on Main Street into a magnet for “funky, fresh and fun” business owners who would add a zap of fresh energy to the vil-

lage. Doing so, they said, would help attract business to a community that has been struggling since the arrival of the Adirondack Northway a half-century ago. “Not everything is going to happen overnight,” said Margaret Irwin of River Street Planning & Development. “But this is our long-term goal.” Normand Koslofsky said he hopes new businesses will come in to help bring back vibrancy to the town. “When the Northway came in, everyone started going past our towns and stores left,” said the village resident. “I hope these changes will get them back.” Trustee Janet McFetridge, who is part of the committee spearheading this revitalization, said both parties are in the >> See Revitalization Plans | pg. 12

Photo provided via website

>> See Ellenburg Solar | pg. 12

CreatingÊa Ên ew downtownÊ hub

Teah Dowling

Solar arrays, like the one pictured above, might be placed in Ellenburg.

By Teah Dowling

Phase 1 of the revitalization plan includes a proposal to transform the Champlain Playground into a park. The playground and basketball court will stay and a picnic area and splash pad will be added.

PLATTSBURGH — School districts across the North Country are scrambling to find substitute teachers. Times have not gotten easier over these past few years, according to several superintendents. In fact, the situation has gotten worse. “I don’t know of any school districts who aren’t experiencing this issue,” said Beekmantown Central School District Dan Mannix. “It’s a problem everywhere.” School officials blame the problem on a combination of lack of interest and teachers changing their field due to a shaky climate for the profession in recent years. Northern Adirondack Central School Superintendent Laura Marlow said her district is lucky since there’s a pool of about 10 subs to pull from. Elizabethtown-Lewis Central School, on the other hand, only has one at this time, said Principal Rob Witkiewicz. The result, he said, is teachers and administrators must be pulled from their regular tasks to cover the slots. Another alternative is combining classrooms.

Design by River Street Planning & Development

>> See Substitute Teachers | pg. 13

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