Advantages to Using Invisible Braces
Nobody enjoys the need to have braces, but they accept it due to the positive outcomes the teeth will have from using them. Invisible braces provide effective results to the alignment of your teeth and keep your smile without anyone even knowing that you have braces. They carry many advantages and provide better relief from irritation and pain. Here are the best advantages to having invisible braces put on your teeth.
Invisibility through Clear Aligners Invisible braces are designed to be hidden, which means that they provide effective alignment results while being clear enough to go unnoticed. They hide the fact that you are wearing braces so nobody will ever know. The teeth still show as normal, while the aligners preserve your smile invisibly.
Enhanced Comfort The conventional design of invisible braces allows them to maintain extended comfort while still performing as they should. They have no wires or welds to irritate your mouth and do not cause any major pain.
No Misalignment Issues Unlike conventional braces, invisible ones do not require periodic realignment procedures from your dentist. Since they are routinely changed every couple of weeks, there is no need to go back for any movement that has occurred. Wire braces tend to get moved around from eating meals and snacks, or from biting and chewing in general. Invisible braces stay in place.
Easy Installation and Removal Invisible braces add the convenience of having simple installation and removal procedures. Metal braces require a dental visit for removal, while clear braces simply pull off and slip right back on when you need.
Easier Teeth Cleaning Unlike other types of braces that require the brushing of teeth around them, clear aligners can be removed and your teeth can be brushed as normal. This provides an easy way to get the job done, no matter what time of day you need to brush.
Maintain New Appearance Since these clear braces get replaced with the next alignment step every couple of weeks, they don’t have much time to look aged or worn. In
addition, you remove them when eating so they won’t get stained or damaged.
Shorter Usage Times The innovative design of invisible braces and the fact that they routinely get replaced by the next alignment step tends to speed up the straightening process of the teeth. Also, they maintain their shape which also reduces alignment times, unlike wired braces that get moved periodically and need adjusted, which reduces their effectiveness.
No Restrictions on Eating and Drinking Since the invisible braces slide right off and slip right back in, there are no restrictions to eating and drinking. You simply take them off to eat and put them back in when finished.
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