Things To Know When Considering Any Dental Surgery Or Implantation
If you are suffering from a gum disease, then you need to take treatment for your gums first. Also, if plaque is present, you must get it removed first. After this treatment, you can easily go for implantation.
You jawbone must be strong so that dental implantation can be easily done. If you have a problem in your jawbone, it is important to seek treatment from a reputed dentist.
Diseases like diabetes, sleep apnea and heart disease can make the dental implantation impossible. So, you must consult your dentist at Parramatta if you are suffering from any of these diseases. Also, if you are a habitual smoker and consume alcohol, you may not be considered fit for the implant installation.
Restrict yourself from food and drinks for some hours depending on the type of procedure your dentist would follow. You can make jello, pudding or soups for yourself.
You may be sedated or unconscious after the surgery so it is advisable to take someone with you always.
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