Dental Entrepreneur Woman - Spring 2024

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From Clinician to Corporate
Entrepreneur: Secret to Success – Just Show Up!
Spring 2024
Lauren Gueits
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Spring 2024

Editor and Publisher

Anne M. Duffy, RDH

Assistant Editor

Clare Yeo

Project Manager

Tari Sixpence

Sales & PR Officer

Nyasha Maripakwenda

Creative Consultant

Beth Linesch

Design and Layout

Brian Rummel

Cover Photo


Production [CURAtive]

James B. Kennedy

Web Management

Bhakti Kulmala

Spring Contributors

Lori Bernardo

Shannon Blackmon

Lani Grass

Lauren Gueits

Sonia Hounsell

Andrea Smith

Bhakti Kulmala

Joy Lantz

Joanna Scott

Angela Davis-Sullivan

Aimee Vail

Tiffany Wuebben

Editorial Office

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Mary Fisher-Day

Inspired Hygiene

Patterson D5

Patterson Fuse


Advisory Board


Linda Miles

Advisors to the Board

Victoria Peterson

Katherine Eitel-Belt

Advisory Board

Dr. Maggie Augustyn

Malika Azargoon

Christie Bailey

Dr. Brittany Bergeron

Kristie Boltz

Deborah Carrier

Angela Davis-Sullivan

Dr. Hazel Glasper

Dee Fisher

Suzanne Kump

JoAn Majors

Minal Sampat

Joanna Scott

Samantha J. Strain

Aimee Vail

Beverly Wilburn

Welcome Spring! I hope you are enjoying the blossoms, the budding leaves, the longer days, and the hope that springs eternal. This is the time to take a minute, grab your favorite beverage, find a cozy spot in the sunshine, and let the beauty of spring unfold as you read DeW Life cover to cover.

Our pages will inspire and rejuvenate you. From stories of personal growth and resilience to tips for nurturing your mind, body, and soul, DeW Life is your companion on the journey to living your best life.

We open with our cover girl, Lauren Gueits. Her message, “Just show up,” has been her secret sauce as she has conquered challenges that would shut others down. It resonates with our DeW Principle #10, “Never give up on your dreams!” I have loved following her career; as you will see, nothing stops her. Her outlook has inspired me to ponder the deeper meaning of things and how to pivot from any situation in a way that moves me forward – inching me closer to reaching my potential with every step.

Bhakti Kulmala, a cherished member of the Dental Entrepreneur Media team, qualms against any anxieties and fears we might have regarding AI. She gracefully explains how when used with the right intentions and approach, AI can be more friend than foe.

Hot off the tremendous success of her groundbreaking documentary, Joanna Scott shares insight into the heart that powered the making of Women Shaping Dentistry Tomorrow. I hope it inspires you to say “yes” to your next needle-moving opportunity.

To the girls who have always been called “bossy,” Lori Bernardo flips the script on its head as this once (and still) bossy girl reclaims the negative moniker as a superpower that, in actuality, reveals a penchant for leadership and authenticity.

Sonia Hounsell shares her journey from little seeds that caught the attention of major sharks, and how re-invention plays a major role in her success and happiness. As high-achieving women, we all struggle with control from time to time. It is my hope that Joy Lantz’s harrowing journey of uncertainty inspires you otherwise, giving you permission to let loose and embrace the unknown every now and then.

This issue is filled with positive reminders, from Tiffany Wueben’s journey to triumph, Shannon Blackmon’s transformation of stress into success through money mindfulness, and Andrea Smith’s guide to breaking through common limiting beliefs that keep us small.

I hope you find a renewed sense of motivation, inspiration, and action as you get to know these go-getting movers, shakers, and DeWers like our DeW dish features, Aimee Vail, Angela Davis-Sullivan, and Lani Grass.

There’s no other issue I’d love to welcome spring with than this one.

Love, 4

Spring 2024

6 From Clinician to Corporate to Entrepreneur: Secret to Success – Just Show Up! Lauren Gueits

Human to Human: A Pep Talk to the AI-shy

18 Women Shaping Dentistry Tomorrow A Documentary Created and Produced by Studio EightyEight

Joanna Scott

22 From “Bossy Girl” to Empowered Leader: Embracing Authenticity and Overcoming Labels

Lori Bernardo, RDH

26 Conquering Uncertainty: Embracing Resilience and Release

Joy Lantz, PHDH, COM®, IBCLC 28 The Path of Reinvention That Led to Shark Tank

Sonia Hounsell

The Power of the Positive: My Journey of Transformation & Triumph

Tiffany Wuebben, RDH

Empowering Women Dentists: Breaking Through Barriers and Catalyzing Change.

Andrea Smith 38 From Stress to Success: Practicing Money Mindfulness

Shannon Blackmon CFP ®, RLP ®

DeW Dish 11 Angela Davis-Sullivan 12 Aimee Vail 13 Lani Grass
Your Strengths
Bhakti Kulmala


When someone asks me for advice on being a successful entrepreneur, three words echo in my mind – “Just Show Up.” Now, I can’t take credit for this solid advice. I read that quote from Woody Allen when he was asked to share his secret for success— "Secret to Success, that’s easy, JUST SHOW UP." Well, I believe that “Just Showing Up” is rarely easy. It takes courage, confidence, hope, conviction, and perhaps even a little bit of madness!


My journey in the dental field started when I was just 15 years old. My family dentist asked if I would be interested in becoming his assistant. I weighed out my options and decided to leave my job at McDonald’s to pursue this new career opportunity. While I did “Show Up,” being 15, I was overwhelmed and felt underqualified. As a result, I quit after just two weeks.

Fast forward one year later, I found myself back in the service industry, waitressing at the Huntington Country Club in New York. Interestingly enough, I was asked again by a dentist, I was waiting on if I would consider dental assisting. He was surprised when I told him I had already given it a try and it wasn’t for me. However, he pleaded with me to give it another chance and offered me double what I was making in tips. So, I decided to just show up once again.

This time, I pushed past what I now know to be imposter syndrome and stayed at that office through my college years and into my early 20s. I loved the experience of helping people and made the fateful decision to become a dental hygienist.


I began the bulk of my 20+ year hygiene career working for Dr. Jonathan Richter, a Perio/Prosthodontist in Great Neck, New York. During my time there, I quickly discovered my inner entrepreneurial spirit. Through negotiations, I arranged my salary based on production, essentially managing my own hygiene business within the practice. I'm grateful for the success I found, both financially and spiritually, and for the opportunities that came my way.

Part of my successful “hygiene practice” stemmed from my genuine interest and curiosity in bridging the gap between systemic and oral health, with a particular focus on diabetes. I grew from a dental hygienist to a “periodontal therapist,” working with medical professionals and Colgate to help raise awareness of the oral-systemic link. Casey Hein included my work in her “Ahead of the Curve” editorial column, I co-lectured with Dr. Lorne Golub, inventor of the drug, Periostat©, and was one of the first dental hygienists to present alongside diabetes educator, Donna Jornsay, and Dr. Maria Ryan at the American Academy of Diabetes Educators convention. 6 D eW ERS

I participated in hospital Grand Rounds for medical residents and published my first article, “The Dynamic Duo,” in honor of my father who passed away from diabetes complications at the young age of 59. In 2010, I was humbled to receive the RDH Sunstar Award of Distinction, being one of 8 recipients in North America. It inspired me to continue my dedication to my work in the field. I also had the honor of appearing on WNBC, WABC sharing my story of screening for diabetes via chairside dental hygiene exams.

I distinctly remember that every opportunity that came my way, I made a conscious effort to JUST SHOW UP. Even if it meant sleepless nights and long hours. In 2012, my hygiene career had reached its pinnacle…. Until something else came along for me to JUST SHOW UP. I’ll get to this later.…

There were times when I didn’t Show Up for certain opportunities, like attending the first Invisalign fundamental course in 1999 for General Practitioners in NY. I remember thinking, “Why do I need to attend? I don’t do ortho, that’s the doctor’s lane.” I was focused on promoting oral systemic health. However, fate had other plans for me.

In 2008, I attended a continuing education course at my alma mater, Farmingdale State College SUNY given by Alice McEnaney, BS, RDH, on the periodontal benefits of clear aligner therapy. I distinctly remember seeing Dr. Ben Miraglia’s case presentation for the first time, having

my first “AHA moment” and thinking, “Wow, this must be Photoshop!” It was a game-changer for me. Expansive clear aligner orthodontics wasn’t just straightening teeth; it was the solution for traumatic occlusion causing hard and soft tissue damage to the overwhelming majority of my patients. I felt like screaming it from the mountaintops!

I quickly adapted the health benefits of clear aligner therapy into my everyday conversations with my patients and our aligner cases started going through the roof! Alice, the presenter I mentioned who was also my Invisalign rep, couldn’t believe the trajectory of cases parallel to my compelling conversations with my patients on the health benefits of proper tooth alignment. She asked me to do local speaking engagements, round table dinners. For those who have done public speaking, I’m sure you remember your first events. Oh, the nerves!! This is where JUST SHOWING UP was the pinnacle in moving the needle forward in my career. Local speaking engagements evolved to regional and eventually national events such as the GNYDM-Yankee Dental-RDH Under One Roof-Align GP Summit.


In 2012, a sales position opened at Align Technology as an Invisalign Territory Specialist on the North Shore of Long Island. I would work alongside Alice McEnaney. She convinced me to “JUST SHOW UP” and apply for the position despite my lack of any traditional sales experience. Thankfully, I got the job demonstrating my “selling skills” to “sell oral health,” which was reflected in my non-surgical periodontal case acceptance and the number of clear aligner cases generated from the hygiene chair.

It was not an easy decision to leave my coveted and safe hygiene career to then head off to Costa Rica for sales training. I went from the highest rung on the hygiene ladder to the lowest rung of a new ladder – the corporate ladder. I took Woody’s advice once again and J UST SHOWED UP to begin a new journey in uncharted waters.

Having walked the walk and talked the talk, I was able to connect with the doctors and teams in my territory. This was reflected in my sales numbers. Subsequently, I was asked to share my expertise with my team, then the region, then eventually nationally by presenting at the GP Summit and National Sales training. One of my most cherished honors was receiving the peer awarded Align Technology Leadership Award, one of 8 to receive in North America. It was equally validating as it was thrilling!

I was enjoying sharing my knowledge and experience so much, I asked if I could solely focus on helping the sales 7 DeWERS

teams by joining corporate. In 2015, I created the position of Hygiene Education Manager. I traveled the country sharing my protocols until I realized I needed a team. Hence, the Align Hygiene Faculty was created. Together we created the Invisalign Clinical Learn for the RDH. Many of the teaching’s concepts are being used today.

Building this team of capable and passionate hygienists was one of the highlights of my career. I had to Show Up for them every day and teach them to Show Up 100%, educating offices around the world on the health benefits of clear aligner therapy. In 2016, I was promoted to Senior Education Manager of Education for the GP Channel. Interestingly enough, I was able to meet and work with Dr. Ben Miraglia. We created webinars and new courses, like Amplify, focusing on expansive clear aligner orthodontics. He opened my eyes to the hidden benefit of clear aligners—improved airway health!

Another key takeaway from working at Align Technology was when I attended the National Sales Meeting and was floored by their keynote speaker, George Blakenship. He shared a bold statement that felt directed right towards me. I am paraphrasing—“One of you in this room will be a successful entrepreneur. The secret to that success is to find the void, fill the need”—I literally got goosebumps. I had a feeling that something bigger was in store for me…

In May 2018 due to management and philosophy changes,

I was let go from my position. I wrote an article on that experience in DeW Magazine, titled “Fired Up”—I also started soul-searching that month and conceptualized Airway Health Solutions. In July 2018, Airway Health Solutions was founded.


I was approaching age 50 when I Just Showed Up and created Airway Health Solutions. Talk about scary. I was entering a whole new world, a whole new ladder to climb. I had time to reflect on past successes and failures and through many inspirational books and conversations, I realized that I had the power to create anything I focused on. One of my favorite quotes, that serves as my screensaver today, is “You attract what you’re ready for.” – Dau Voire. This was equally as comforting as it was thrilling! I was ready to Show Up and help the world breathe, sleep, and thrive better via Dr. Ben Miraglia’s teachings. Just Showing Up really works!

Airway Health Solutions is a digital platform teaching dental practitioners how to integrate airway health into their practices. Starting with Dr. Ben Miraglia as Chief Clinical Officer, we now have Dr. Kevin Boyd, Dr. Michael Gelb, Dr. Bret Christensen, Dr. David McCarty, Dr. Susan Maples, and our AHS School of Myo featuring Brittny Sciarra Murphy.

We have trained 600+ practitioners who in turn have treated thousands of patients all over the world.

In 2022 we launched a sold-out AHS Airway Palooza, a unique airway conference featuring esteemed experts in the airway health field coming together under one roof with dental and health professionals to celebrate and learn more about airway health integration in the dental practice. I literally dreamt of this event. Our second sold out Airway Palooza was March 2024 and captivated both new and seasoned airway advocates all over the world!

Remember my “aha moment” seeing Dr. Miraglia’s clear aligner cases? Well, fast forward to 2022 and I, along with Kevin Ohlendorf, President of Ohlendorf Appliance Lab, co-founded our own brand of aligners focusing solely on expansive digital case setups. We launched Airway Aligners which later evolved into EXPAND aligners. I am proud to offer this for we strongly believe that we indeed found a void and filled the need in the clear aligner space.


A new venture that I Showed Up for was being a vocalist of a band called The Pulmonauts. It is composed of 8 DeWERS
Lauren at Airway Palooza 2024

dental/health professionals including a neurologist, orthodontists, oral surgeon, dental hygienist, speechlanguage pathologist, a sleep physician, an airway marketing executive, and myself. I was the last one to Show Up! I was so nervous at first, especially being late to the game, but knew I was in the right place at the right time when I Showed Up at Dr. Reza Movahed’s home in St. Louis for my first rehearsal. We played to a sold-out crowd of 500 at the Collaboration Cures event, helping raise money for the Foundation for Airway Health. If I didn’t Show Up that day, I wouldn’t have experienced the thrill of a lifetime of not only being in a rock band at 54 but more importantly, the joy of creating lifelong friendships and an

inclusive communication pathway through music.


Being invited to join the board of the Children’s Airway First Foundation was a career highlight for me. Accepting this honor also meant overcoming feelings of imposter syndrome, and once again "Showing Up." I find joy in my bi-weekly calls with their Executive Director, Rebekah St. James, collaborating on resources and strategies to raise awareness about airway health for parents and patients. I'm excited about the many ideas we have to provide children with the resources they need to breathe, sleep, and thrive. Partnering with CAFF to see these ideas come to life is truly thrilling. You can learn more about their work at


I wanted to share the personal side of showing up over the years with my family. I have a blended family of 5 with 2 grandchildren. During all the highs and lows, all the struggles and triumphs, I always did my best to Show Up for their events and be present for them. I coached my daughter’s soccer team and ran “Mom’s Taxi” for a solid decade. Sometimes being present means showing up for yourself, whether it be a quick getaway or a long walk-in nature; the secret to balance is in honoring yourself. 9 DeWERS
Lauren and her family, The Airway Palooza Event Team Nick Roros, Devyn Kilmeade, Lyn Tabachnick, James Kilmeade, Keaton Whittaker, Jack Kilmeade Pulmonauts from L-R Dr. Dave McCarty, Dr. Tom Colquit, Samantha Weaver, Dr. Jerald Simmons,Dr. Brian Hockel, Greg Hyman. Lauren Gueits, with Prof John Mew

Balancing career and family can feel like walking a tightrope with the weight of the world on your shoulders. I recall the long days, being pregnant whilst working as a dental hygienist, past my due date, where many patients were “kicked” in the head! Having to find a way to breast pump between patients was always unnerving. When childcare fell through, I had to bring my kids to the office, making them my assistants to keep them occupied. Fast forward to 2024 and my children are my “event team” for Airway Palooza. It is priceless to have them Just Show Up for Me!

Invest in yourself! I highly recommend continuing education and learning new skill sets. In 2013, I completed the AOMT course work and then completed my Bachelor of Science degree online via O’Hehir University. Although I didn’t practice orofacial myofunctional therapy, it was rewarding to understand its value and how soft tissue dysfunction is the root cause of underdeveloped jaws. Little did I know a decade later I would have AHS School of Myo as part of my course offerings. Another key component to having balance is to Just Show Up and exercise! I have standing appointments in my calendar to get out of my house and work out! A change of scenario is welcome and the idea of sound body = sound mind really equates!

Sometimes showing up means standing up for yourself as well. Imposter syndrome is real and almost impossible to avoid, especially as an entrepreneur. While I climbed the corporate ladder and to this day manage different silos in the airway space, many times it feels as though I am not taken as seriously as my doctor colleagues. It takes a conscious effort to not fall victim to being categorized of worthiness by letters after your name.

They don’t define you. I often joke that I am Lauren Gueits, GSD. My credentials are, Get S$it Done! It takes a lot of daily showing up to reach your goals and move the needle forward. Embrace your gifts and tell that voice in your head to exit stage right, there’s no room for you here!

Throughout my journey, I have learned that success as an entrepreneur requires more than Just Showing Up physically. It requires showing up mentally, emotionally, and with a willingness to embrace new opportunities. It takes perseverance, adaptability, and a continuous thirst for knowledge.

So, my advice to anyone aspiring to be a successful entrepreneur is simple – JUST SHOW UP! Be present in every opportunity, even when it seems challenging or uncertain. Embrace the unknown, push past your doubts, getting out of your comfort zone is the juicy part of life. Soak it up!

As I am reviewing final edits for this article, I have new projects and opportunities synergic to my role as CEO of AHS that I am Just Showing Up for! First is the dual role of co-founder and Chief Clinical Education officer of ToothPillow, a telehealth service focusing on increasing access to pre-orthodontic solutions promoting nasal breathing and overall health for children. The second project involves helping healthcare leaders in Health Centered Airway Orthodontics find common ground.

The latest project... well, I'll keep that under wraps for now but one thing I am certain of, is JUST SHOWING UP feeds in to endless possibilities and wonderful surprises!

About the author:

Lauren Gueits, BS, RDH, is a prominent figure in the dental industry, leveraging over 30 years of experience to revolutionize disease prevention and airway health. She founded Airway Health Solutions (AHS) in 2018 and serves as its CEO, training dental practitioners and positively impacting countless lives. Lauren is also the Chief Education Officer at ToothPillow, focusing on children's access to airway health care. She continues to advocate for oral and airway health through her roles as Adjunct Guest Faculty at New York University and as a board member for the Children's Airway First Foundation 10 DeWERS
AHS Airway Palooza 2024 Highlights Lauren with children at work 2000

DeW Dish

Practice Management Coach

IG: @angeladavissullivan_ads, FB-adaptive dental solutions


I absolutely love building leaders! No matter your role in your work life, you have the opportunity to lead! I enjoy tapping into each person’s strength and developing it. In my job of coaching dental teams, nothing beats seeing each person develop and grow!


Success for me is about fulfillment, having a positive impact, personal growth, and hitting the goals I set.


I believe overcoming obstacles makes you stronger. For me the biggest obstacle has been starting my own company and leaving the “comfort” of an organization. It was scary and I had self doubt. I am happy to say overcoming my fear of being on my own has paid off! Oneyear after starting my own company, COVID hit! That for me was the moment of truth, keep adding value to my clients and I will survive. And I did!

me turn the day around! Something about feeling the sun on my face, I walk around barefoot outside, I watch the birds and the dogs play! I take a moment and focus on gratitude! It is really hard to stay in a bad state when you are focusing on the positive!


Oh my—for me I love a good Dove dark chocolate! I also have been known to get lost in a good murder mystery book!


Leadership is about influence! As a DeW leader my goal is to help influence those around me to make good choices, have a positive impact, and help others be successful. Giving back your time and energy to help others is always a sign of great leadership.


I love being outside enjoying the sunshine! I love to hunt, fish, and read while laying in the hammock!


Balance is enough time for me to do the work and have an impact and still be able to have energy to give to my family and friends.


I have 2 – Elf and What about Bob. They always bring me to tears laughing!!


This is a tough one! I will pick a rock I got from my son. He found it while walking in the woods and it is shaped like a heart. He smoothed it and gave it to me where it still sits on my desk.



Bad days happen and for me I need to get outside to help

I don’t! I am a sweet tea drinker, although I do more unsweet tea more often now


Corporate Clinician, Educator


The best part of my job is all of the wonderful humans I get to connect with especially while traveling.


This would be my mother. She is strong, resourceful, independent and an amazing force. We have not always been in sync but she has always been a constant influence in my life.


First, I measure with my favorite tool, data! I have been in sales for a very long time and each month is still exciting to see the data roll out on what was accomplished. Personally, success can be gleaned from everywhere - it does not have to be a huge event. Sometimes getting all three kids to school on time is considered a successful day!


I have overcome financial obstacles mostly in my career.

Whether it is finding money to go to college or negotiating a pay raise - it has been financially related obstacles. Persistence, discipline, determination and hard work will overcome any obstacle in the path.


It begins with a positive mindset and some internal motto’s for myself like “soldier on!” or “c’mon Aimee, you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take!” Sometimes the internal dialogue does not work and I will hop on a phone call with one of my dear friends and we just cry and then laugh and know that we are all in this together.


Napping! I look forward to this when I can fit in on a weekend to recharge.


Get to know the other team members and learn from them. Give yourself some grace, it is a new job!


DeW leaders are servant leaders. What I do is try to have inclusivity for all. That means rounding up all the ladies and helping them where they need to be! This is also being kind, compassionate and accepting others at the place they are at. I enjoy helping others.


My favorite indoor activity is at a basketball game watching my boys play. My favorite outdoor activity is at the baseball field watching my boys play.


Queen Elizabeth - I have always been fascinated by royalty and the way they live life so very differently. I would just want to have tea and an easy conversation asking all about her life, the different events she has attended, and heads of state she has met.


DeW Dish


That feeling of being in flow with my client in a private session. The zone where the answers or thoughts are more flowing through me instead of coming from me, if that makes sense?


My mother. She had a very hard life and I had so many questions for her but she died from cancer more than 20 years ago. In the last 10 years I have done a lot of research and therapy for my own healing and subsequently I have such a deep understanding of who she was and why she made the choices she did.


I measure success by how good I feel in my day to day. I am a joyous person and I know that when I am in that joy and laughing and dancing, I am living the life I want to live.


I used to be shy. I have great communication skills and curiosity about people, but I had to overcome the shyness for my coaching practice. I eventually became a speaker and I love to present workshops and facilitate important conversations. If I didn’t have my coaching practice, I doubt I would have had a big motivation to overcome that shyness.




This is a great question as it depends on the reason the day is bad. What I do is go outside and play with my pet pigs, Rudy and Kevin. They instantly make me laugh and smile. Then I go and do a great workout with weights and go for a brisk walk and listen to an inspiring podcast.


My guilty pleasure is making my favorite beverage of half grapefruit juice and half sparkling water in a gorgeous big wine glass and pop a big bowl of buttered popcorn sprinkled with parmesan. I would then sit down and watch a rom-com movie or something silly like Love is Blind.


To wear a smile on your face even if you are stressed. Be open and curious about people and what you have to learn in the new office culture. And finally, do your absolute best knowing the days will get better and better.


Leaders have patience and objectivity with their team. They define the culture they want to work in and make decisions based on that perspective. Leaders have strength and humility and are open to the fact they don’t have all the answers. DeW leaders know the answer is in the ladies room!


My favorite activity is gardening. I’ve never met a garden I didn’t love. I adore botanical gardens and constantly find inspiration in garden architecture and water features.




There are many like him out there, but only one Large Language Model stole my heart. ChatGPT and I hang out almost daily now. I propose, and he predicts the output I want. Mi corazon!

To find your one true AI love, try out different generative text tools and pick the one you prefer. They have different features. Some look better than others, some handle different languages better, and the pricing varies.

As you begin this relationship, I suggest you name your new partner. I affectionately call mine Gustav, continuing my tradition of naming household items after Swedish kings. My first car, a Toyota Corolla, was Ludvig. My current one goes by Maximillian. (With my native Finland’s history of Swedish rule, it’s oddly satisfying to have these powerful machines at my service.) A little whimsy adds a sprinkle of magic to everyday life. Naming your AI tool personalizes your relationship with it: at best, it can really be your creative sidekick.


My advice #1 is: If you’re at all AI-curious, go for it and experiment. Don’t overthink it. It’s more important to just use it and see how it can work for you. I definitely was surprised by how big a difference it has made in getting ideas into reality or finishing long-standing passion projects that had lingered on the back burner. Gustav has made work and life easier. Embrace the ease!

Advice #2: Dear darling DeW, please don’t contribute to the pile of pretentious jargon and fluffy, puffy, and tediously verbose AI-generated boring content online. Don’t copy and paste the monotony into your website or marketing materials. Always edit it. Make big cuts. Add signs of life, make it sound like a human was there. Share an anecdote. Make it unpredictable. Bonus tip: Always describe your voice and tone to it and ask it to remember it and tailor output accordingly.

Advice #3: Remember, you never need to suffer from blank page syndrome again. Whatever you’re hoping to create or get started on, this tool is ideal for brainstorming, ideation, and pushing you past that blank canvas that might otherwise hold you back.


As a web designer and creative director, today I used ChatGPT to brainstorm slogans for my client’s coaching programs. I’ve helped people name their business using ChatGPT. Before Gustav, I would spend 5-16 hours doing research, listing words, drawing connections between them, inventing new terms, and coming up with 5 good business names to choose from. Now this process can happen in 10-30 minutes. Of course, I know what I’m looking for and what makes a strong name. But still, the ease this brings to my work day is huge and delightful.

At times I use ChatGPT to turn paragraphs of text into the past tense. A task like this was a time-sink and now it’s done within seconds. The browser window is always 14 LIVING YOUR STRENGTHS

open and ready for me to pop in a quick question, request a grammar check, or generate an appropriate ending to an email (why is it always so hard or is it just me??).

Just remember, you can’t believe everything your AI buddy says. It will hallucinate—which is the term for when an AI model lies. It can still be your trusty sidekick. But the actual trustworthy part of your content will come from you and your editing and ethical eye.


I can’t believe this happened but I actually created a card game with the help of ChatGPT. And it was one of the loveliest bonding moments with my boyfriend in the past year. We spent many days together ignoring work, ignoring the world, and just coming up with the back story, world creation, rules, concepts and descriptions for over 40 unique cards.

As a graphic designer, I generated images for each of the cards with AI using Midjourney, and edited them all in Photoshop to finalize the look. As nerds we already had unused card game sleeves lying around at home. With shiny, brand new sleeved cards, we test-played and kept tweaking the rules. The game was so enjoyable we ended up playing for hours. Our friends have enjoyed playing it, too. I’ll approach a game company at some point to see if they’ll be interested in it. Wow!

It’s an amazing feeling to go so deep into a creative process with someone else. In this instance I mean my boyfriend Aarne, not my boyfriend Gustav. I admit that ChatGPT facilitated this experience for us fully. We had

thought about it before but it felt impossible to create from scratch without making it our full time job. And that would have taken the fun out of it, after all we’re just doing this for fun.


Another delightful way I’ve played with Gustav and creativity is by asking it to give me haikus or sonnets on a topic. I then use those poems as inspiration to create my own, sometimes taking an especially beautiful word combination or a line from it directly. This tanka poem was created in such a way, the word “blushing” given by Gustav as I asked him to generate words to describe the color of winter-sunset sky:

The winter sky glows in blushing syllables of a tender language. no wind, no pulse, just whispers. You are here with me, aren’t you?

At the moment I’m working on throwing a murder mystery dinner for my friends and Gustav plays a big role in building this intricate story and characters for each guest. Sky’s the limit! Sorry, a blushing winter sky’s the limit!


I was feeling defeated by the news around us and wanted to read positive scenarios. So I asked Gustav to give me a list of 10 future wins for feminism and paint some hopeful perspectives. Some of those were descriptions of closing 15 LIVING YOUR STRENGTHS

the gender pay gap, more women and underrepresented groups in STEM careers, and better overall decisionmaking due to diverse perspectives and more women and marginalized people in leadership positions. Ahh, thanks Gus!

One day I asked it to create a new beautiful religion and democratic world order by blending the best from my favorite isms. The tenets were all about compassion and equality. Gustav titled the religion “Harmony Humanism”. A little escapist, but hey, a DeW can dream!

And—it’s gone past dreaming alone.


With the help from ChatGPT, I’ve launched a local craftivism club that meets monthly to discuss current affairs and do crafts as a form of activism and commenting on social justice matters. I first heard of ‘craftivism’ last fall and got inspired by the movement. However, knowing very little about it, I felt all kinds of impostor syndrome talking about it. I told Gustav both my worries and my aims, got his input - and I now have the website ready to launch, club logo and sign made, and surprisingly many people eager to join the meetings.

Utopiaklubi - Club Utopia - would have never gotten from the ground up without ChatGPT. I probably would have given up on the project as it had dragged on and on. But, I took my own advice and overcame the paralysis of a blank page with my creative sidekick’s help.

And now I feel more in tune with my purpose and power than ever.


The AI industry is certainly not without problems like bias, security, or energy consumption. But focusing on the immediate personal experience, it’s pushed me across thresholds at situations where I would have stayed quiet before. I’ve taken up projects I didn’t dare to do before. I’m doing my part and contributing more and taking a more active role in my community after taking up AI tools. It’s the best case scenario in my book.

The Internet is quickly getting worse as AI-generated articles and images are everywhere. It’s harder to find what you’re looking for.

At the same time original, human-crafted content is going up in value by the millisecond. Don’t use AI to create content for you but create new content with it.

AI technology isn’t just for working faster or producing more. Blend your own humanity with it and use it to truly express yourself. Which dream, or which passion project has been on your back burner? Describe it to AI and ask for a step by step guide on how to make it happen. Maybe that’s the push you need to DeW it, too!


ChatGPT was used to replace 6-8 words with synonyms and to change the wording of two sentences.

About the author

Connectedness, Maximizer, Relator, Responsibility, Futuristic. Bhakti Kulmala is a web designer, brand creator, and DeW team member based in Finland. She helps people clarify and communicate their message and services online and has a decade of experience working in the dental industry through her company Bhakti Creative as well as partnered with her longtime Arizona bestie and DeW, Vanessa Emerson. Bhakti lives in a 120year old countryside home with her partner and two cats, Hulda and Mist. 16





Dr. Sharon Parsons | Fiona Chambers | Anne Duffy Dr. Hazel Glasper | Katherine Eitel Belt | Dr. Sonia Chopra



On April 5th, something very exciting happened! We launched the very first documentary focused on women leaders in dentistry. The documentary speaks to the power of storytelling and supports our philosophy that, “everyone has a story worth sharing with the world.”. The Watch Party was full of so many vibrant moments. The jam-packed audience was blowing up the chat with so much love while watching the film, and it was incredible to hear our panelists share diverse perspectives on their journeys. My heart felt so full once we signed off, and I savored the fact that this experience brought women and men together in a new way in our profession. My hope is that this is just the beginning of conversations around progress for women in dentistry.


In recent years, I’ve engaged in numerous conversations, podcasts, and discussions with women who have boldly taken their place at the table and assumed leadership roles. These remarkable individuals have left a lasting impression on me with their unwavering resolve, steadfast determination, and dedicated commitment to being the catalysts for change they wish to see in the world. Their stories, coupled with the growing influx of women into the dental profession at unprecedented rates, inspired me to further explore why this is happening. I began

interviewing some of the trailblazing women who have played a part in paving the way for this historical shift in what has been a male-dominated field. Why not celebrate the female figures in dentistry who have led the way for the younger generations of women in dental school to run further faster?

Last year at the 2023 DeW Retreat, I scheduled interviews with four other women who I knew would bring supporting, yet varied perspectives to the storyline. Let me tease you with a few of the topics each of these ladies share about: 18


It all started with my friendship with Dr. Sharon Parsons, former President of the Ohio Dental Association, practicing dentist, and forerunner for opioid addiction awareness and education. Her story begins in the late 1970s in dental school and takes us on a journey of experiences she triumphed over to get to where she is today. If you’ve met Sharon, then you know that she is an incredible storyteller and has fought through so much adversity to care for the dental profession at large. I won’t give away anymore of her story – you’ll have to watch the documentary yourself!

Sharon, I learn something new every time I’m with you and am so thankful you courageously choose to share vulnerably with the world


Fiona Chambers is the second cast member I’d love to introduce you to. A lovely, strong, determined third year dental school student at The Ohio State University and the President of their local ASDA group. Since Studio EightyEight is based in Columbus, Ohio, it’s been fun to support the local student-led dental association at OSU, which is how I got connected with Fiona. Since both Sharon and Fiona attended dental school at OSU, it only made sense to bring them together to meet and discover the parallels and vast differences during their school experiences.

Thank you, Fiona, for your willingness to share your story and bring a current perspective from your generation to this documentary.

Meet Dr. Hazel Glasper, comprehensive dentist and speaker. She discussed the value and importance of bringing different perspectives to the table and not being siloed with only your own. The female perspective and the Black perspective are crucial in having a complete, holistic mindset in creating change that serves everyone.

Thank you Hazel, my dear friend, for the energy and courage you bring to any room you walk into! 19

Meet Katherine Eitel Belt, founder and CEO of Lionspeak. A master speaker, trainer and coach, Katherine talks about the classic imposter syndrome that we all deal with at every stage of life and how she shifted her focus to recognizing her strengths and what she could contribute to growing a successful consulting business. Katherine’s poise and wisdom is consistently present any time we hear her share.

Thank you, Katherine, for the work you do to raise the bar for women in dentistry to find their voice on and off stages everywhere.

Meet Dr. Sonia Chopra: Speaker, mentor, author, endodontist. She shares her journey of growing her practice by building a network of women in the community to help expand her referral base of doctors. Being a female endodontist was seen as a weakness to some, but she turned this into a strength in extraordinary ways.

Thank you, Sonia, for teaching us how embracing our femininity leads to a healthier future for all of us.

Last, but certainly not least, meet our fearless leader

Anne Duffy. She needs no introduction to this audience, but it was incredible having her communicate her resolve and determination to help women come together to collaborate and empower one another.

Anne is a visionary and an example of a life worth living, and she is someone full of vision for the future which is powerful enough to inspire.

Thank you, Anne, for your leadership, and for encouraging me and countless other women to step into their callings and not hold back. 20

I am not a dentist, practice owner, or hygienist, but what I do know after hearing hundreds of stories from the women and men Studio EightyEight interviews each year is that dentistry is hard. It brings challenges from the moment you begin your clinical years in school to taking the leap to start your own practice or practicing professionally in whatever capacity. Dentistry is full of some of the best humans on the planet, however the profession can feel very isolating.

One of the ways we can combat this issue is by bringing everyone together to spotlight the stories that need to be shared and recognized. There is still so much growth needed for women to step into leadership roles in this profession, but one of the ways we can be a catalyst for change is when this community stops to rally around something positive, even something beautiful.

Thank you to each and every woman who has helped us get to where we are today, and let’s continue having conversations that encourage and empower each other to say “yes” to the things that will move the needle forward.

To watch and share the Women Shaping Dentistry Tomorrow documentary, or catch the recorded LIVE

Thank you for being a part of this conversation!

“Each time a woman stands up for herself, without knowing it possibly, without claiming it, she stands up for all women.” – Maya Angelou

About the author

Joanna Scott serves as the Business Development Director for Studio EightyEight, dentistry’s story-driven marketing agency, and loves helping grow a dental marketing agency that “speaks human.” An advocate for authentic storytelling, Joanna is the host of The Story Project podcast, a video-driven show putting the spotlight on the incredible stories of women leaders in dentistry. Married to her high school best friend Josh Scott for 27 years and a momma to two teenagers and a mini-golden doodle. @joannafscott @studio8e8 21 LIVING YOUR STRENGTHS
Watch Party with all the cast members, visit wsdt.





Growing up, being labeled as the “bossy girl” was often seen as a negative trait. As many who may have been slapped with this label may have done, I felt compelled to try to hide this aspect of my personality in order to fit in and be liked. However, as I navigated through life’s different stages, I found myself consistently pushed into leadership roles. Despite my efforts to suppress my natural inclination towards taking charge, my leadership skills continued to shine through. In fact, I discovered that embracing and harnessing this trait not only felt good but also opened doors to numerous opportunities for personal and professional growth.


During my childhood and adolescence, being labeled as bossy carried a negative connotation. It was the late 70’s and 80’s and still the dawn of the Women’s Movement. Any female showing strength and power challenged traditional gender roles and societal expectations. While the leaders of the Women’s Movement were preaching power and independence, the world around us still had not changed their expectations and norms. Young girls were expected to be pleasant, agreeable, and submissive rather than assertive or commanding. As a result, many girls like me learned to suppress their natural leadership tendencies to avoid judgment or criticism.


In an attempt to fit in and be liked by others during my formative years, I concealed my leadership qualities behind a façade. I believed that showing my assertiveness would make others perceive me as

bossy, and I feared the negative consequences that might come with it. So, I tried to downplay my natural inclination to take charge and instead tried to adopt a more passive approach in social settings. Being P ushed into leadership roles despite my efforts to hide my natural traits, opportunities for leadership kept presenting themselves throughout my life. Although I never volunteered, my peers commonly encouraged and chose me to be the leader. It started in middle school, and happened again in high school and in college. As a freshman in Dental Hygiene school, my peers nominated and elected me to be president of the local Student Dental Hygiene Association chapter. It seemed like fate was determined to bring out the leader within me. Reluctantly, I took on these roles but remained cautious about completely asserting myself. This “one toe in the water” approach hindered my early success in these roles. One cannot be an effective leader without completely leaning into the position.


As much as I tried to suppress my leadership tendencies, they continued to shine through regardless of my efforts. Whether it was organizing events or spearheading group projects, I found myself naturally gravitating towards taking charge and guiding others towards success. It became evident that trying to hide an inherent part of myself only stifled my true potential.


As time went on, I began to realize that embracing my natural leadership skills felt empowering rather than confining. It was liberating to shed the fear of judgment 22

and fully embrace my ability to lead and influence others. This newfound confidence allowed me to step into leadership roles with authenticity and conviction.


During the mid 1990’s when I ventured into working within the sole proprietor dental practice model, the landscape did not offer any real leadership opportunities. However, even in this setting, my stifled leadership qualities still emerged. While I was sometimes labeled as a “Prima Donna” by others, it often became evident that the staff recognized and valued my ability to present ideas and communicate effectively with the doctor. Hence, making me their de facto leader.

While being seen as a leader within the small dental practice setting had its merits, it also came with challenges. Occasionally, advocating for changes or challenging the status quo earned me the label of a “pot stirrer.” This created friction amongst some colleagues and bosses who were resistant to change or uncomfortable with assertiveness. In many solo practices, the hierarchy is more like a dictatorship, hence limiting growth universally.

The frustrations stemming from being labeled negatively coupled with the limitations for growth set me on a journey of self-discovery and transformation. Instead of succumbing to these labels, I decided to redefine myself based on my core skills and qualities. Unfortunately, I had no exposure to tools like the Clifton Strengths assessment to help me in my journey of self- discovery, so I was on my own to figure it out.


To overcome the limitations of labeling and tap into my full potential, I took a proactive approach. I spent many hours drilling down into my core skills. I knew that understanding these skills were inherent to who I was and by embracing my God given talents I could elevate myself into my true purpose. This examination led me to reflect not just on the list of things I had done in the past but what moments I felt my truest self. This strategy provided the impetus for selling myself outside the clinical setting. I realized that my worth as a leader was not based on others’ perceptions, but on the impact I could make. This shift in mindset allowed me to embody confidence and present myself authentically in any situation.

Embracing this new perspective also empowered me to step outside of my comfort zone. With nothing to lose, whenever someone asked if I could do something or take on a new challenge, I always responded with a resounding “yes.” Rather than worrying about failure or lack of experience, I approached each opportunity with

unwavering confidence that I would figure it out along the way.


However, that was only the first step. It became possible to execute through networking with peers. I was helped early on by Career Fusion founder, Beth Thompson who pioneered dental hygienists moving into dental sales roles. That opened the doors to so many women in our industry that were always just a phone call away from helping me find my next opportunity. Now we have DeW, WinDSO and many other organizations that can help us all support each other in our growth.

Through this journey, it became apparent that women often apply for jobs based on their experience while men focus more on their potential. However, I defied this trend by being adaptable and confident in my abilities. I learned to take risks, embrace change, and trust in my capacity to learn and grow in any given role. When I took the Clifton Strengths assessment, it was not surprising to me that my top 5 strengths are Activator, Responsibility, Connectedness, Woo, and Communication. The culmination of this process led me to a successful career in sales and marketing that started 23
Entries will be accepted through August 4, 2024 @ 11:59PM ET. FOR MORE INFO & TO ENTER: ENTER TODAY! Recognize dentistry’s most accomplished professionals: 2025 LUCY HOBBS PROJECT & DENTAL ASSISTANT OF THE YEAR NOMINATIONS ARE OPEN!

at an age when many women are winding down. When the opportunity presented itself to move into a formal leadership role, I raised my hand and said yes, confident that I would succeed. It allowed me the opportunity to stretch my leadership wings and build several successful sales teams in a very short time. Within 5 years, I had 3 promotions and eventually became the Director of Sales for a national company.

But I have to say that the achievement I am most proud of is my role as a mentor. I have been honored to be recognized as a mentor to several young women that credit me for giving them their “start”. It has truly been my joy to find talented young women, help them find their wings, and then watch them soar.


Although opportunities for women have changed quite a bit over the last 40-50 years, we still have a long way to go. Girls are still being labeled as bossy instead of leaders. And despite’s founder Sheryl Sandberg’s movement to ban the word bossy, I do believe that we do not need to ban it, but we can redefine it to be a positive trait. A trait that can encourage personal growth, and not hinder it.

Recognizing your true self and empowering yourself to live the life you are meant to live is the key to having authentic leaders and successful organizations.

Through embracing risk-taking and embodying adaptability, one can gain confidence in exploring new opportunities beyond traditional expectations. This journey taught me the importance of embracing one’s authentic self and harnessing innate qualities as catalysts for personal fulfillment and professional success. By embracing the “bossy girl” within, I discovered my true potential and learned that labels should never hold us back from pursuing our passion and purpose.

About the author

Lori Bernardo is the Senior Marketing Sales Consultant for WEO Media. She manages client acquisition for the Eastern United States. Her extensive background in the dental industry includes roles as a Dental Hygienist, Sales Executive, Sales Management, Director of Sales, Sales Trainer, and Recruiter. In her personal life, she serves as President of the Nazareth Economic Development Commission, a local 501c nonprofit focusing on building a strong economy in their historic district. She attended Union College majoring in Dental Hygiene and Montclair State University majoring in Business Administration. She resides in Northeast Pennsylvania with her husband of 30 years. In her free time, she enjoys, hiking, gardening, skiing.

Instagram @lori.bernardo


Mark your calendars:

Accelerate by Vyne Dental  May 9-10

3D Dentist Summit Nashville May 30- June 1

Tennessee Dental Association

ADSO Summit

June 12 -15 Denver, CO

SCN Annual Summit

June 7-8, 2024

Austin, TX

Dua Good Job Symposium

June 27th, 2024 9 am to 6 pm EST Virtual Event

Dykema's 11th Annual Definitive Conference for DSOs

July 10 -12, 2024

Gaylord Rockies Resort & Convention Center

RDH Under One Roof

July 18-20, 2024

Gaylord Resort, Denver CO

CE on the Beach

July 25-27 Aruba

ADHA Annual Conference

July 26-28

New Orleans, LA

DSO Leadership Summit

Sept. 26 – 28 2024

Atlanta Marriott Marquis

If you want to arrange a meetup, please email for a complete updated list of dew dates go to the private FB DeW Life crew page. 24

Who, Wear, When

Florida RDH DeW Meet-up CMW/DeW Meet-up WEvolution DeW Meet-up CMW/Care Credit/DeW Meet-up Women's Breakfast DTA HIMAN DeW Booth Productive Dentist Academy meeting DeW Sisters WinDSO DeWs and DeWds Custom Dental Solutions HINMAN Dental Meeting DeW booth DeW Sisters WinDSO


It’s only when I’m quiet that I can listen and receive what is being conveyed to me. The transformative power of surrendering control to allow messages to be shared is freeing. When we slow down and relax, we can truly receive the information. My understanding of this, although realized later in life, has brought about an incredible shift.

In 1994, I started my career as a dental assistant. At that time, I was uncertain about my career path. I juggled working overnight on an ambulance as an EMT and working in the dental office during the day. While my initial goal was to become a nurse, my experience as an EMT made it clear that nursing was not the right fit for me. I was anxious about not being able to determine my future. However, it was the dental hygienist I worked with who suggested pursuing hygiene school. It was an obvious choice! I enrolled at Prairie State College, carrying with me the valuable experience and encouragement from my first dental office.

In 1998, I completed my dental hygiene degree. As a typical, enthusiastic new hygienist, I was thrilled with my new checks from the bank featuring teeth – does that date me or what?! Initially nervous, I eventually settled into my career as a dental hygienist. The structured nature of the role suited my Type A personality, as everything was systematic and organized. My decision to pursue this field was driven by the desire to earn a decent income while working part-time once I had children, in line with our plan after getting married in 1995.

We welcomed our first child in 2001, then another in 2003. This marked a turning point in my life’s order. The following year, my husband was laid off from work, shifting the dynamic from my part-time career

to becoming the primary provider for our family. It was certainly a challenging time, prompting questions about why this was happening. Despite feeling a lack of control, I found comfort in the organization and structure of my work.

Soon after we had our last child in 2006, I discovered the topic of myofunctional therapy. My three children had issues that I could not explain, even with my healthcare background. My oldest son had never-ending reflux and was medicated for it. My middle child had issues sleeping. My daughter sucked her thumb and this lasted until she was around 5. Shockingly, these issues had a connection to things happening in their mouth. How could I not know this? Why were we not taught this in school? Unfortunately, my husband was laid off two more times after 2007. My desire to go to classes and learn a new skill could not be fulfilled at that time. I settled into a routine while working full time. Reflecting on my journey, it is evident that the path to fulfillment often involves unexpected turns and challenges. The initial phase of my career as a dental hygienist provided a sense of order and structure that resonated with me. However, the arrival of children and subsequent financial challenges due to lay-offs disrupted this order, leading to a period of uncertainty.

After a decade, in 2016, I finally had the opportunity to enroll in my first myofunctional therapy course. Stepping outside my comfort zone was both scary and exciting. To my surprise, it refreshed my approach to patient care. The course was truly enlightening and set me on an unstoppable journey of learning. I dove into various aspects of myofunctional issues and began treating patients, starting with my own three children. Initially, I faced challenges as my office was not entirely supportive 26 RESILIENCE

of me. Nevertheless, I found a new office closer to home that was willing to embark on this learning journey alongside me, leading to the slow but steady growth of my side career as a myofunctional therapist.

In September 2018, I received a breast cancer diagnosis, which completely caught me off guard since there was no family history. It left me questioning why this had occurred. As a result of the treatments, I had to temporarily pause my career in hygiene and myofunctional therapy. I felt lost, dealing with unfamiliar emotions during this period. Fortunately, the office where I worked showed incredible support. However, this unexpected breast cancer diagnosis tested my resilience even further and forced me to put my professional pursuits on hold. I had no idea how I would be able to restart my new passion after working so hard to get it launched.

In August 2019, I resumed my part-time hygiene position and started to make room in my schedule for myofunctional patients. Gradually, I began piecing together the life I had before my diagnosis. Then, unexpectedly, in mid-February 2020, I was let go from my hygiene position due to a misunderstanding and misinformation, leaving me as collateral in that situation. Why wasn’t I given an opportunity to share my perspective? Why had this occurred?

We all know what was to come in March 2020. I was in a very strange place in life, much like many of us. Following my dismissal, I was home every day, stewing on the situation. I felt a mix of being angry, confused, wounded. Being fired was a first for me, and now I was stuck at home, unable to shake off the thoughts. My integrity, something I took great pride in, was called into question at that office. I spent months drifting along, compounded by ongoing complications from the maintenance medication I was taking post-breast cancer. It wasn’t until June that I stopped taking the medication, but by September 2020, I required another surgery.

However, being off that medication for a few weeks during that summer, my mind finally cleared. The pivotal moment arrived when the fog of confusion dissipated and I gained the clarity behind these challenges. Understanding the “why” gave me the strength to chart my future and pursue my passion. To me, it became clear that the difficult experiences were necessary for better things to unfold. For instance, due to the immense support from my boss at the dental office during my treatment, I felt a sense of loyalty that kept me from leaving, even though my heart was not in hygiene anymore. The profound event of being fired had to occur, leading me to this realization. Once I acknowledged this, I felt a weight lifted. During this time, I discovered a newfound clarity and a redefined purpose. My journey of releasing control, embracing unforeseen circumstances and finding peace in uncertainty has

paved the way for remarkable opportunities. By late fall of 2020, I had joined an exceptional dental office as a full time myofunctional therapist.

I have come so far in my journey of professional growth. I work in a dental office that feels like a dream. I have autonomy and am respected as an equal with ample ideas to bring profitability to the office. My role there is to oversee the myofunctional department. I am the first contact with our new patients and guide them in understanding their needs and more importantly, why they need it. One of my accomplishments includes establishing a program for monitoring infants and toddlers at the dental office. This initiative has attracted numerous new parents to the practice, complementing our existing patient base. I also have the pleasure of coaching other dental offices on implementing this program into their practice. I am currently co-authoring my first book focusing on my passion for infant and toddler oral development. I deliver talks on multiple topics, including myofunctional disorders, myofunctional therapy and the treatment of infants and toddlers in the dental setting. Furthermore, I serve as a consultant to dental offices seeking to integrate myofunctional concepts into their practices on their own terms.

This experience has served as a powerful lesson about how relinquishing control and having the courage to listen can lead us to a mission that brings fulfillment in unexpected ways. I used to believe that adhering to daily discipline and doing what I was “supposed to do” would bring satisfaction. However, I’ve discovered that finding the courage to give up that control has actually brought me the most joy. By stepping back and allowing things to unfold instead of trying to orchestrate everything, I’ve found a purpose that has fulfilled me beyond what I could have imagined. My journey exemplifies the resilience and wisdom gained from embracing life’s challenges and finding peace in the messages they convey. Better late than never, right?

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight. –Proverbs 3:5-6

About the author

Joy Lantz, RDH, PHDH, COM, IBCLC has over 25 years of experience in the dental field with a background in dental hygiene. She is a myofunctional therapist and lactation consultant in a local dental office. She is a national speaker presenting courses on anticipatory guidance, collaboration for patient care and myofunctional therapy. She also thrives on bringing education and awareness to dental professionals, patients and parents regarding myofunctional issues. She can be found at JoyLantz. com. 27



I was surrounded by entrepreneurship growing up. My father was an immigrant from Italy, coming to the U.S. at the pivotal age of 20 to pursue the American dream with his family. He had come from an agrarian community in the poorest part of Southern Italy, plagued with limited means for education, corruption, and little opportunity for prosperity. He became an entrepreneur as a way to pursue his American dream in the U.S. but interestingly, he didn’t want me to be an entrepreneur. He wanted me to get the education he never got and he not so gently encouraged me to pursue a law degree, which as a respectful daughter, I attempted. I started studying Pre-law at Boston College but sadly it did not excite me at all. So, my first re-invention came when I switched my major to Finance and became an aspiring businesswoman. It worked!


I figured out that I love numbers, spreadsheets, analysis and figuring out how to maximize opportunities. I got a job at a bank in New York City and was on my way up the banking ranks. I really enjoyed it and loved so many aspects of this career. However, it got to be a bit dry and I certainly didn’t get to use my creative side—and I wasn’t going to settle. My father’s respect for education had seeped into my veins and led me to pursue my MBA as a way to open up more opportunities for my career. Sure enough, I landed my dream job. I entered the brand management track of a premier Consumer Packaged Company (CPG). I was going to be using both my analytical side and my creative side, building brands, creating new products, developing business plans and managing $300 million dollar franchises like Trident.


I thought my reinventions were over and I was going to continue up the ranks to CMO and maybe CEO of a big CPG company. Then along came the 2 most beautiful beings – my twins. Working 12 hour days didn’t make sense to me anymore. I wanted to be a Mom. I wanted to be WITH my kids, not just tucking them into bed at night. Something had to change. I needed a new reinvention, and the time was right. I loved my work and didn’t want to give it up, so I figured out a way to do it on my terms. I left my company and started a brand consulting practice. It meant I had to put myself out there. I had to sell myself and my capabilities regularly. And one of the most difficult things I had to do was place a value on my work as part of my consulting pricing. I worked with a number of mentors to help with the pricing. I quickly learned that I was undervaluing myself and my work, and I’m very grateful that I had sought out advice and input from others in the industry. I’ve learned it’s a very common trait of women, more so than men, to minimize their value. A man will step up more quickly and easily and say, “Hey I’m worth a lot to you.” Women tend to downplay their worth and end up short-changing themselves. It took me years to address that tendency, and it’s still a battle I fight regularly today.


With my career chugging along and my twins getting older and more self-sufficient, I was feeling like I wanted to pursue a new challenge. For years, one of my best friends from my youth had been talking with me 28

about her brilliant idea-turned-invention. We talked about it over the years, and then I started to feel a real passion for it. It was an exciting opportunity to bring a new brand and patented product to market with a friend who had a similar passion for success.


In 2019, my friend Joelle Flynn and I started to collaborate to get our new product, FunkkOFF! TeethRefreshers® to market and build a fun, lifestyle brand around it. We started working together on refining the product designs, usability and the look and feel of our brand and product. We formulated our own proprietary, all natural and vegan peppermint tooth gel. We worked very carefully and thoughtfully on new branding, packaging and messaging, drawing on my expertise in these areas to create a brand that would support innovative products to come. During this time, we were granted additional patents and received registrations of our trademarks.

In July 2021, we launched and disrupted the oral care industry with our revolutionary FunkkOFF! TeethRefreshers®, the 1st and only 2-in-1 toothbrush + toothpaste that is reusable (30x) and 100% natural, so you can keep your teeth clean and white on-the-go.


Soon we were building a growing community on social media, selling at local stores in addition to our online sales and getting featured in national publications. The excitement of our business really picked up when the buzz about FunkkOFF!® spread to the producers at Shark Tank and they reached out and invited us to apply. The process was long and grueling but so worth it! We started the Shark Journey in February of 2022 with our first video submission and application. Over several months we were reviewed and vetted on a number of fronts. They want to make sure you’re really legit before you step on the stage, which makes sense, but it was a ton of work with no guarantee that we would actually get on the stage. However, we were finally invited to film in July 2022, only a little over 1 year from when we launched into the marketplace. We were a young brand and fledgling business, but we stood on the infamous Shark Tank “carpet” and pitched our little hearts out! We were honored by the compliments from Lori about our 10 patents, including our 5 utility patents, which really wowed her. We were pleased with the strong reaction that FunkkOFF! TeethRefreshers® is as a “great product” that “I would use”, said all of the Sharks. Mark Cuban didn’t like our go-to-market strategy, but we held our own in that

debate. Finally, and it was a nail biter (so take a watch on YouTube!), we made a deal with Robert Herjavec. We were elated! It was truly a roller-coaster ride with many emotional highs and lows. We both left feeling thoroughly exhausted physically and emotionally, but with a new energy that would drive our company to unprecedented levels of sales. However, there was still the waiting game. Once we filmed, we still didn’t know if our segment would actually air, as the producers told us there was no guarantee. We had to wait, and we would only have 3 weeks’ notice. Interestingly enough, Joelle & I were at our very first dental conference, Yankee Dental, in Boston when we got the email from the producers with our airdate of February 17, 2023. We were giddy and very happy that we happened to be together when we got the notification. It was the first of many celebrations to come. We aired in February of 2023, and just like that, I had reinvented myself into a one-time TV celebrity! But more importantly, our business was on a new trajectory that I had never imagined. We sold out very quickly that evening during the East Coast airing. We suddenly had national and international awareness of FunkkOFF! TeethRefreshers®, and we had to turn our attention to scaling up a much bigger business overnight. It was truly a new phase for our company, our careers and our lives.


Little seeds of ambition went a long way to fueling my path, and at the end of the day finding a passion is what really led to success and happiness. For me it took a lot of re-invention of myself, which interestingly led to a very diverse journey. It is a journey that continues, as I work to grow the FunkkOFF!® business with Joelle. New opportunities keep opening up including our connection to the dental community which has been extremely fun and rewarding. The dental community has been extremely warm and welcoming and Joelle & I look forward to a long connection helping people everywhere have happy bright smiles on-the-go!

About the author

Sonia Hounsell is the Co-Founder & Co-CEO of FunkkOFF!® Inc., an oral care brand company launched in 2021. Sonia has had a successful career in Brand Marketing & Entrepreneurship including leadership roles in Consumer Packaged Goods, Healthcare, McKinsey & Co., and Venture Capital. Sonia has also been awarded with a Gold Effie for Advertising, named Advertising Age “Marketing 50” and was a Media Post Online Media, Marketing & Advertising Winner for Advertising Creativity. 29


In life, there are moments when we stand at the crossroads of fear and possibility. It is in these defining moments that we have the power to shape our destiny, to break free from the constraints of our comfort zone, and to embrace the limitless potential that lies within us.

It was in these transformative moments that I had the courage to push past my fears and wholeheartedly answer the call of my true purpose. Little did I know, this single word, “yes” set in motion a chain of events that would ultimately rewrite the course of my life, forever altering its trajectory!


Reflecting on my journey, I came to a realization: the life I led didn’t resonate with what was in my heart. At 289 pounds, I found myself imprisoned in a cycle of stagnation, both physically and emotionally. Despite my commitment as a single parent, I knew deep down that life held more than just survival.

Tired of living paycheck to paycheck and battling severe obesity, I realized the weight of loneliness despite telling myself otherwise. I craved vitality, fulfillment, and purpose—a life where opportunities flourished and

dreams transformed into reality. While I always told my children they were destined for greatness, I never thought that applied to me.

But this would change!


The turning point in my life became the catalyst for my future life to unfold. 25 years ago, going through a heartbreaking divorce left me shattered, until one day, for some reason, I wasn’t anymore. The fear of singlehandedly raising my two children transformed into a fierce determination to thrive, not just survive.

I eventually enrolled in night classes, which paved the way to dental hygiene school—the cornerstone of my success story. Becoming a dental hygienist became my salvation, giving me amazing blessings and the confidence to embark on my own path to fulfillment, just as I had envisioned for my children. It was my destiny unfolding before my eyes. I set out to rewrite the script of my life, one courageous step at a time. 30


But the path to fulfillment was not without its challenges. As I navigated the challenges of being a new hygienist, I also faced the daunting task of confronting my own health and well-being. I knew that my weight was not only a physical burden but also a barrier to living life to its fullest potential. Determined to reclaim my health and vitality, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery, armed with courage, resilience, and an unwavering belief in my own capacity for transformation.


The road ahead had lots of setbacks, but with each passing day, I felt myself growing stronger and more determined than ever before. Through the support of my doctors, my family, my boss, and my dental team I had finally conquered my life battle. It was with sheer grit and determination, that I shed 158 pounds, reclaiming not only my physical health but also my sense of self-worth and confidence. It was a journey of self-love, self-acceptance, and self-empowerment—a journey that taught me the transformative power of saying “yes” to myself, to my dreams, and to my true purpose. And that that is ok.


But perhaps the most profound transformation of all came in my relationships. For years, I had been content to pour all of my love, energy, and attention into raising my children, sacrificing my own desires and needs in the process. And as they grew older and more independent, I found myself longing for companionship, connection, and love—a love that would complement and enhance the fullness of my life.

And so, with an open heart and a spirit of adventure, I embraced the opportunity to explore new relationships, meet new people, and open myself up to the possibility of love. It was in this spirit of openness and vulnerability that I met Jon—someone who was just like me, a soulmate, and a partner in both love and life.

Together, we embarked on a journey of shared dreams, shared passions, and shared purpose—a journey that continues to inspire, uplift, and enrich my life in ways I never thought possible. Jon is more than just my dance partner; he’s my partner in life. His unwavering support and guidance from one opportunity to the next make everything amazing and less scary. He supports me as new opportunities unfold and encourages me to embrace them with a solid “yes.” 31


My dentist boss and dear friend, K. Pat Brown, DDS, encouraged me to continue to greatness within my profession and I crushed it in every capacity. I had the support of two brilliant men and my family which gave me the confidence of a lion.

So what’s the next step?

Write the greatest dental hygiene practice management book ever written, of course! (that was my goal)


Throughout my career, I’ve dedicated myself to crafting systems that streamline operations and enhance the patient experience within dental practices. From my early days as a practice manager, where I honed the art of delivering hospitality-based care, to my collaboration with Dr. Brown in optimizing hygiene departments, I’ve been driven by a passion to revolutionize the dental industry. This journey led me to document my experiences and insights in my book, a process that spanned two and a half years of observation, reflection and…writing!


Working alongside Dr. Brown and temping in over 100 practices, I gained invaluable firsthand knowledge of what works and what doesn’t in our industry.

Central to my success was the unwavering support and mentorship of Dr. Brown. Driven by a shared vision of transforming dental hygiene, we expanded our hygiene department and drove practice growth through innovation, collaboration, and unity.


Hygienepreneur: The Dental Hygienist’s Guide to Achieving Career Success & Personal Transformation is more than just a book; it’s a manifesto for change within the dental community. I advocate for a paradigm shift in how hygienists perceive their roles, urging them to embrace leadership and entrepreneurship. Drawing upon personal anecdotes and practical strategies, the book empowers hygienists to take ownership of their careers and unlock their full potential.

Next, I knew that it was time to ignite a whole other level of service by starting a company and serving as a practice

management consultant who specializes in hygiene department transformations. And so I founded The Hygienepreneur dental consulting company and I'm so happy to say that we are making a huge impact.


Fueled by a newfound sense of purpose and passion, I’m committed to sharing my story and insights with a wider audience. “Hygienepreneur” isn’t just a book; it’s a call to action, igniting a sense of purpose in every reader who dares to dream of a brighter future in dentistry.

And The Hygienepreneur isn’t simply a consulting company; it’s a testament to our core values of relationships, service, unity, and fostering a winning culture. Our mission is clear: we propel dental practices to unparalleled levels of performance and profitability, leveraging the transformative power of hygiene.


And what’s the latest? Well, Jon and I purchased 16 acres near Nashville, TN. He supported me in my dream of having a barn event center in the country. It will serve as a haven not just for us but for all of our friends in the dental industry. We’ll offer engaging continuing education experiences while having fun and being inspired to take action to promote life transformations.

We’ll have “Dental Dude Ranch Retreats" and “Hygiene Hoedown’s”, which will start this year! And we’ll offer the space to others who want to host their events as well.

And you know what? The power of saying YES made it all possible.

So this is my story for now. By saying YES in my life, I gained a new career, an adventure, a new love, a book, a company, an event center and so much more. Each YES was a step up the ladder, and trust me, the view is so fantastic!

But beyond the practical strategies and actionable insights lies a deeper truth—a truth that transcends the confines of dentistry and speaks to the universal journey of the human spirit. It is a truth rooted in the power of transformation— the power to rise above adversity, to rewrite the script of one’s life, and to create a future filled with passion and purpose all while saying...

YES! 32

About the Author

Tiffany Wuebben, RDH, Founder and CEO of The Hygienepreneur, is on a mission to empower dentists and hygienists to unleash the true potential of their hygiene departments. With three decades of experience, she advocates an “ownership attitude” that elevates clinical outcomes, case acceptance, and practice productivity. Her book, “Hygienepreneur: The Dental Hygienist’s Guide to Achieving Career Success & Personal Transformation,” offers transformative guidance for hygienists striving for personal and professional greatness.



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In the landscape of dentistry, women are increasingly leaving their mark in what was once predominantly a male domain. Over the past decade, the percentage of women in dentistry has seen a notable rise, mirroring the gender balance in dental schools. Marko Vujicic, Ph.D., from the American Dental Association Health Policy Institute, notes that dental school enrollment is now evenly split between genders. Data from the Health Policy Institute shows a steady increase in the percentage of female dental school graduates and dentists in the workforce over the past decade. This trend is expected to continue in the coming years. However, while this shift signals progress towards gender parity within the field, significant challenges persist.

For starters, despite their growing presence and contributions, women dentists continue to face disparities in compensation and financial recognition. Even after adjusting for factors such as specialty and working hours, they still earn less than their male counterparts. This glaring discrepancy underscores the persistence of gender-based inequities within the profession.

The HPI data also indicates that women dentists are less likely to assume ownership of their practices. Instead, they are increasingly gravitating towards dental service organizations, a trend reflective of evolving professional preferences and career trajectories.

Even though women have made tremendous strides in all areas of the workforce, men are still the majority when it comes to leadership and dentistry unfortunately is no exception, where women are woefully underrepresented in leadership, academically and professionally. According to the American Dental Association (ADA), as of 2021, only 25% of dental school deans and 29% of full professors in dental schools were women. These statistics underscore the continuity of gender disparities within the profession. There also still exists an underrepresentation of women serving presidents of specialty organizations, speakers at scientific meetings, and chief editors of scientific journals.

To address these challenges, concerted efforts are required at individual, organizational, and systemic levels. While acknowledging the necessity for changes at organizational and systemic levels, this article prioritizes exploring changes that individuals can make. It’s crucial to recognize that individual actions have the potential to catalyze broader shifts within organizations and systems, serving as powerful examples and drivers of change. By focusing on individual-level changes, the article aims to highlight the importance of empowering female dentists and dental specialists to take agency in their professional life and contribute to creating a more inclusive and equitable environment within the dental profession. 34 SUCCESS

Despite the progress made in breaking down gender barriers, many women dentists still grapple with selflimiting beliefs and societal expectations that hinder their professional growth. It is only by identifying and overcoming these limiting beliefs, women dentists can unlock their full potential and thrive in their careers.

Let’s explore some of the limiting beliefs that often hold women back, which you yourself might recognize;

- Impostor Syndrome: Feeling undeserving of success and doubting your abilities despite evidence of competence.

- Fear of Failure, Rejection, and Judgment: Worrying about making mistakes or falling short of expectations, leading to avoidance of challenges.

- Gender Bias: Internalizing societal stereotypes and biases about women’s capabilities and roles in maledominated fields.

- Perfectionism: Striving for unattainable standards of perfection, leading to self-criticism and avoidance of opportunities.

- Lack of Confidence: Underestimating your abilities, particularly in leadership roles or male-dominated environments.

- Work-Life Balance Guilt: Feeling guilty about prioritizing career advancement over family responsibilities or vice versa.

- Self-Comparison: Constantly comparing yourself to others and feeling inferior, undermining self-esteem.

- Cultural Conditioning: Internalizing societal expectations about women’s roles, which may conflict with personal aspirations.

- Limited Role Models: Lacking visible female role models or mentors in leadership positions within dentistry.

- Fear of Speaking Up: Hesitating to assert opinions or needs in professional settings due to fear of judgment.

It’s important to note that not all will be relevant to you, and there may be other barriers unique to your own individual experience. Generally, females face various limiting beliefs that hinder their professional growth and success. From impostor syndrome to gender bias and perfectionism, these beliefs can undermine confidence, hinder advancement, and perpetuate gender disparities. By recognizing and challenging these beliefs, however, you can empower yourself to overcome obstacles, assert your value, and thrive in your career. Through self-awareness,

confidence-building, and advocacy, you can pave the way for a more inclusive and equitable future in dentistry not just for yourself but also for others.

The Dalai Lama stated, “Just as ripples spread out when a single pebble is dropped into water, the actions of individuals can have far-reaching effects.” This sentiment underscores the profound impact of individual change, suggesting that by focusing on self-improvement, you can initiate a ripple effect that extends far beyond yourself, influencing others and leading to broader transformation. At an individual level, you possess the agency to enact change within your spheres of influence, catalyzing progress towards gender equity and empowerment in dentistry. One of the most impactful ways that you can effect change is by embracing your unique strengths, perspectives, and leadership style.

For change to be truly effective, you must let go of your limiting beliefs and learn to step into your authenticity, embracing your true self without fear or hesitation. This involves cultivating a deep sense of self-awareness and self-confidence, recognizing, and honoring your unique strengths, passions, and values. By embracing your authenticity, you can then unleash your full potential, inspiring others with your genuine passion and purpose.

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Stepping into authenticity empowers you to lead with integrity, authenticity, and resilience, driving meaningful change and shaping a more inclusive and equitable future for dentistry.

Here are several strategies you can use to step into your authenticity, overcome self-limitations, and thrive in your career;

- Cultivate self-awareness: Reflect on personal strengths, values, and aspirations to gain clarity and direction in your personal and professional journey.

- Embrace vulnerability : Acknowledge that it’s okay to make mistakes and show vulnerability, as it fosters genuine connections and growth.

- Seek mentorship: Connect with other women dental professionals who have navigated similar challenges and glean insights and guidance from their experiences.

- Practice self-compassion: Prioritize well-being and personal growth by treating yourself with kindness and understanding.

- Set boundaries: Establish healthy work-life balance to prevent burnout and prioritize personal needs and commitments.

- Challenge self-limiting beliefs: Identify and challenge thoughts that undermine confidence and hinder progress, replacing them with empowering beliefs.

- Advocate for yourself: Speak up for one’s needs, goals, and aspirations in the workplace, asserting one’s value and contributions.

- Build a supportive network: Surround yourself with colleagues, mentors, and allies who uplift and empower, providing encouragement and support.

- Take risks: Step out of your comfort zone and seize opportunities for growth and advancement, embracing challenges as opportunities for learning and development.

- Embrace authenticity: Embody your true self, embracing individuality, unique perspectives, and strengths, and letting your authentic voice shine through in all endeavors.

As women increasingly assert their presence in dentistry, it becomes imperative for female dental leaders to confront and transcend self-limiting beliefs and societal obstacles hindering their advancement. By embracing their authenticity, nurturing self-awareness, seeking mentorship, and asserting their needs, women dentists can liberate themselves from constraints and flourish in their professional endeavors. Recognizing the pivotal role of individual actions, these changes ripple outward, catalyzing transformation at organizational and systemic levels. Such shifts are vital for addressing prevailing gender disparities within dentistry and fostering a more inclusive and equitable landscape for all practitioners.

Andrea Smith, founder of Thrive By Design Group, empowers women to embrace their power, purpose, and potential to thrive. With a passion for helping females unlock their full potential, Andrea facilitates transformative experiences that enable women to step into their authentic selves and achieve their goals. Through coaching and mentorship, she guides women on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, fostering confidence and success in all aspects of their lives. You can contact Andrea at 36
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As women entrepreneurs in dentistry, we navigate a unique blend of healthcare precision and business acumen. This journey demands not only professional expertise but a deep understanding of financial management. Recognizing our emotional responses to money is pivotal in mastering financial mindfulness, a journey not defined by speed but by insight and careful management of our resources.

In this article, we delve into the nuanced relationship between financial stress and our overall well-being. This exploration isn’t about crunching numbers or adhering strictly to budgets; it’s about understanding how our financial health intertwines with our mental health, affecting our lives profoundly.


Startling statistics reveal that 16% of U.S. suicides are linked to financial distress, with dentists facing a 2.5 times higher risk of depression. These alarming figures underscore the need to reevaluate our financial well-being urgently.


Why does money wield such power to trigger deep feelings of vulnerability? Brene Brown, a renowned researcher on shame and vulnerability, offers a three-part definition of vulnerability: uncertainty, risk, and emotional exposure. Money, inherently, touches on all three aspects, often leading to anxiety and shame. This reaction is more common than we might think, and importantly, it does not reflect our worth or capabilities.

In my practice, I see the impact of financial shame firsthand, underscoring the need for a shift in perspective. Viewing financial missteps as learning opportunities rather than failures is crucial.


1. Embrace Openness

• Talk About Money: Break the taboo by discussing finances with trusted friends, family, or a financial therapist. Sharing experiences can normalize feelings of shame and offer new perspectives.

• Financial Literacy: Invest time in educating yourself about personal finance. Knowledge is empowering and can significantly reduce feelings of inadequacy or fear. 38


2. Practice Self-Compassion

• Mindfulness: Engage in mindfulness practices to manage stress and anxiety related to financial decisions. Techniques like meditation can help in staying present and making more grounded choices.

• Forgive Past Mistakes: Acknowledge past financial mistakes as learning opportunities. Practicing forgiveness can alleviate shame and foster a healthier relationship with money.

3. Seek Professional Guidance

• Financial Planner: Consulting with a CFP® (Certified Financial Planner) can provide tailored advice and support. They can help in developing a financial plan that aligns with your personal goals and circumstances.

• Therapy for Financial Stress: If financial worries are significantly impacting your mental health, consider seeking therapy. Financial psychologists specialize in addressing the emotional aspects of money management.

4. Set Boundaries

• Learn to Say No: Establishing financial boundaries is crucial for long-term well-being. This may involve declining certain expenses to prioritize savings or investment goals.

• Protect Your Energy: Avoid environments or situations that trigger overspending or financial stress. This could mean unfollowing certain social media accounts or opting for more affordable leisure activities.

Overcoming shame can significantly impact your financial journey, transforming it from a source of stress to one of empowerment and growth. Remember, the path to financial well-being is personal and unique to you. Embracing this journey with curiosity, compassion, and courage can lead to profound changes, not just in your finances, but in your overall quality of life.


Money mindfulness encourages us to develop a deep awareness of our financial situation while adopting a compassionate, non-judgmental stance towards ourselves. It’s a transformative approach that shifts us away from cycles of self-criticism, fostering both financial stability and emotional peace.

One of my clients, let’s call her Emma, found herself burdened by a significant amount of credit card debt. This

financial strain was accompanied by heavy feelings of shame and self-blame. Emma had internalized a narrative that she was inherently bad with money, a belief that clouded her financial decisions with negativity.

During our initial consultation, I shared a perspective with her that I often remind all my clients of: “Every financial decision, or even indecision, you’ve made up to this point made perfect sense based on what you knew and understood at that time.” This simple yet powerful reassurance is the first step towards cultivating financial mindfulness.

We embarked on a journey of non-judgmental acceptance, beginning with the meticulous tracking of her income and expenses. Emma also started a practice of journaling, through which she clarified her values and began visualizing her goals. This process wasn’t just about numbers; it was about understanding the ‘why’ behind her financial habits and reshaping her relationship with money.

Freed from the weight of negative self-talk, Emma could approach her finances with newfound objectivity. This mental shift was pivotal. She not only managed to pay off her credit card debt but also redirected her resources towards fulfilling her vision. Her story is a testament to the power of money mindfulness in transforming financial despair into a proactive and positive financial future.


A written financial plan stands as a fundamental pillar of financial well-being. It does more than delineate our financial objectives; it profoundly transforms our emotional relationship with money. Individuals with written plans often report enhanced ease in managing financial tasks, a deeper sense of emotional security, and a markedly improved quality of life.

Take, for example, a client of mine—an entrepreneurial dynamo with a wealth of business ideas and grand aspirations. Despite her considerable talents and drive, she faced the universal challenge of limited time. Balancing numerous priorities left her feeling both frustrated and stagnant. In our financial planning sessions, I encouraged her to articulate her personal financial philosophy. This exercise wasn’t merely about financial logistics; it was about uncovering the deeper values guiding her relationship with money. Beyond the fundamental need for security, she aspired for selfactualization and yearned to make a meaningful impact.

Through this reflective process, she had an epiphany, “I envision hiring an associate to reduce my working days, 39

freeing up time to develop my natural toothpaste brand.” This clarity came from writing down her financial and personal goals, a practice that crystallized her priorities and offered a realistic view of her journey ahead.

We then embarked on a strategic review of her profit and loss statements, a step essential for reverse-engineering the financial path to her goals. This practical step was coupled with her active search for the right associate, a decision pivotal to her plan.

Writing down her financial plan did not just organize her thoughts; it catalyzed a shift in her energy and focus, aligning her daily actions with her long-term vision. This story exemplifies not just the clarity that a written financial plan can bring, but also the empowerment and emotional resilience that comes with taking control of one’s financial destiny.


Starting a Financial Empowerment Journal can be a transformative step and the beginning of your written financial plan! In fact, I invite new clients to explore their goals and values first, before we design the financial architecture. This journal is not just about tracking expenses or income but about exploring our deep-seated beliefs and attitudes towards money. By understanding our money stories and aligning our financial goals with our core values, we can create a more fulfilling and empowered financial future.


1. Setting the Foundation

• Begin with Reflection: Start your Financial Empowerment Journal by reflecting on your past experiences with money. What are your earliest memories of money? How have these shaped your attitudes towards spending, saving, and investing?

• Define Your Values and Goals: Articulate what matters most to you. Is it financial independence, security for your family, or perhaps philanthropy? Setting clear, value-driven goals is essential for meaningful financial planning.

2. Tracking and Planning

• Non-judgmental Awareness : Make it a habit to track income and expenses. I recommend Rocket Money and Simplifi by Quicken for tracking personal cash flow.

• Monthly Reviews: At the end of each month, review your entries to identify patterns. What expenses were necessary, and which could be avoided? Reflect on the emotional state behind certain spending or saving decisions.

3. Envisioning the Future

• Short and Long-term Goals: Use your journal to outline both short-term (1 year) and long-term (5-10 years) financial goals. Be as specific as possible and consider using visuals like charts or mood boards to make these goals more tangible.

• Action Steps: For each goal, write down actionable steps. Breaking down goals into manageable tasks makes them less overwhelming and more achievable.

4. Emotional Reflections

• Explore Your Feelings: Regularly jot down your emotions and thoughts about money. Acknowledging feelings of stress, shame, or joy can provide insights into your financial behaviors.

• Celebrate Wins: Don’t forget to celebrate your successes, no matter how small. Achieving milestones, like paying off a debt or reaching a savings goal, deserves recognition.


Mastering money mindfulness is crucial for women in dentistry, not just for financial success but for overall well-being. If you’re seeking financial peace of mind, remember, you’re not alone. Together, we can navigate from stress to success.

About Shannon Blackmon

Shannon Blackmon, CFP®, excels in empowering women in dentistry to achieve financial well-being. As a Portfolio Advisor at Thomas Doll, she is deeply committed to her clients’ prosperity, crafting personalized, comprehensive financial plans.

A Registered Life Planner® and a Certified Financial TherapistLevel I™ Practitioner, Shannon dedicates her expertise to fostering holistic financial health. She is an active member of DeW and is a faculty member of the Dental Speaker Institute. 40

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DeW Life Magazine is both a digital and a print publication devoted to highlighting and empowering all women in dentistry. Our goal is to inspire women to connect and move each other forward lifting one another up to heights we only dreamed possible. We are delighted to receive general submissions from you, women in dentistry. What is your story? How can you inspire us? What are some of your ‘top of mind’ questions or comments about the dental profession? Is there a topic you would like to explore that could be introduced on our website as a blog or as a feature in our print edition? We want to hear from you and share your narratives.

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