The Dental Implants Specialist in Chicago Answers Your FAQ, PART 3

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The Dental Implants Specialist in Chicago Answers Your FAQ, PART 3 This three-part article series addresses some of the questions and concerns frequently raised by patients interested in having teeth replaced with dental implants. Welcome back to our three-part FAQ guide on dental implants in which we speak to a dental implants specialist in Chicago about your primary concerns and questions. In our last article installment, we looked at whether implants could be used to provide an alternative teeth replacement solution to removable dentures and just how long such a procedure would take. We explained how long the recovery period is, on average, and whether most people are candidates for dental implants. In this article, the final installment of the series, we shall continue some final common questions and concerns, beginning with‌ FAQ # 9: Do dental implants look like real teeth? A Dental Implants Specialist in Chicago Answers: The teeth replacement appliances supported by dental implants are expertly fabricated to mimic the appearance and function of real teeth. The implants themselves are not visible as they sit beneath the gum line, just like the roots of your teeth do. A skilled dental implant specialist will be able to achieve excellent aesthetic outcomes that are customized to suit your facial structure.

FAQ # 10: Are there any foods I won won’’t be able to manage with my new teeth? A Specialist Teeth in a Day in Chicago Answers: Dental implants and the restorations they support are made from exceptionally durable materials that can support a bite strength that is closer to a natural bite than any other teeth replacement technology on the market. Having said that, there are certain habits you should avoid if you really want to ensure the longevity of your new teeth (and your old ones, of course!) These include chewing on ice and biting down on exceptionally hard foods, like corn nuts, stale bread and hard candy. According to dental implants specialists in Chicago, this can result in advanced wear-and-tear and even fracturing of your natural teeth as well as your restored teeth. FAQ # 11: What kind of specialized care do I need to get for my dental implants? A Dental Implants Specialist in Chicago Answers: The great news is that you really don’t need any kind of specialized care to keep your new teeth in fabulous condition! All you need to do is maintain a high standard of oral hygiene – brush, floss and rinse regularly – and visit your implant dentist and oral hygienist twice a year for check-ups and cleanings. This is really no different to a patient with a complete set of natural teeth. FAQ # 12: How long can I expect an implant to last me? A “Teeth in a Day” Specialist in Chicago Answers: If placed by a skilled and experienced dental implants Chicago specialist and if cared for with the appropriate attention to oral hygiene, your dental implants should last you several decades to a lifetime! Some patients have had their implants for as long as 40 years and they still show no sign of needing restoration or replacement. Remember, regular professional attention is crucial, too, so make sure you see your dentist twice a year for standard check-ups.

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