DTA Articulate, January 2017

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January 2017 | volume 4 | issue 1

articulate the bi-monthly e-newsletter of the dental technologists association

www.dta-uk.org PLEASE NOTE OUR NEW CONTACT DETAILS F13a Kestrel Court, Waterwells Drive Waterwells Business Park Gloucester GL2 2AT Telephone: 01452 886366 Email: sueadams@dta-uk.org Web: http://www.dta-uk.org

Happy New Year!!

This issue contains 30 minutes of CPD for DTA members

Is complete digital denture manufacturing possible? Educational Aims: ● To provide an overview of a new prosthetic manufacturing technique ● To raise awareness of the benefits of such new systems.

CPD Outcomes: ● To be able to identify the procedures employed in the described digital manufacturing process ● To be able to identify the benefits and weaknesses of the described system.


he development of new digital and computer generated products of such a variety is now all around us. Many current systems are the precursor of a system that is continually developing. Whilst many Dental Technicians might believe that complete dentures would likely be resistant to digital production processes yet spin offs

from other digital developments seem to indicate that the traditional method of laboratory receipt of impressions, articulated set ups and, flask, pack and finish for complete dentures is under attack from the constant march of applied digital technology.1 Economists predict that a quarter of jobs in Britain’s business services sector are at “high risk” of automation within the next two decades - Mark Carney, Governor of the Bank of England, suggested in December 2016 that over 15 million jobs might be ‘hollowed out’ as huge technological advances mean that roles can be automated.2 Whilst such doom-laden statements neglect the reality that the applied skills of the dental technician are essential to enable systems to create the artistic, function and phonetic values required for the individual prosthetic appliance, being aware of potential future

development is essential to an individual’s personal development i.e. your CPD. The link provided below shows one example of a current development in digital manufacturing and is likely to be of interest to all dental technicians as it shows the possibilities that computer-generated systems can assist in dental technology and the benefits provided by such systems. The link provides a 3-minute introductory promotional video and you will need to click on the screen to pause the play to enable you to read the detailed information displayed. There is a considerable amount of information worth reading as you will be able to see how digital denture systems are developing. ● https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=HatT0fo9Qkc

CPD Questions Q1 What three benefits does this manufacture suggest are gained from this system?

Q2 The two times faster complete denture manufacturing system uses...

Q3 Which of the following are required in the system outlined?

a) b) c) d)

a) b) c) d)

a) Custom Tray b) Registration bases and rims c) Face Bow registration d) Teeth mould and shade selection

Better fit Faster production Higher profitability All the above

Computer aided digital design and modelled Computer design and milling technology Digital systems of a) and d) 3D printing technology

Notes: 1 http://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2016/07/11/robots-will-replace-a-quarter-of-business-services-workers-by-20/ 2 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4003756/Robots-steal-15m-jobs-says-bank-chief-Doom-laden-Carney-warns-middle-classes-hollowed-newtechnology.html Dental Technologists Association, F13a Kestrel Court, Waterwells Drive, Waterwells Business Park, Gloucester GL2 2AT. call: 01452 886 366 email: sueadams@dta-uk.org web: www.dta-uk.org


January 2017 | volume 4 | issue 1

Is complete digital denture manufacturing possible (continued...) Q4 The Pala computer software in this example uses ‘X’ anatomical landmarks to analyse the case to assist in e.g. teeth selection, articulation.

Q5 Why is a printed monochrome ‘Try In’ prototype created a) b) c) d)

a) 36 b) 26 c) 16 d) 12

Function of the appliance Retention, fit and lip support Set up and all answers Occlusion and vertical dimension

CPD Reflection When you have completed this CPD it’s important that you reflect upon, for example: ● What specific learning have you achieved?

● What will you do to introduce this learning to your work? ● What will you do differently as a result of what you have learned? ● What other personal development will you now be seeking?

Disclaimer Notice: This publicly available information is provided to members for educational purposes only and DTA accepts no responsibility for any inaccuracies contained therein. Clinical aspects are shown in order to (a) assist members’ understanding (b) promote team working with clinical colleagues and (c) support continuing professional development.

Fellowship of the Dental Technologists Association Closing date for entries – 31 January 2017 Background In 2007 DTA introduced the concept of presenting Fellowships to individuals in recognition of their outstanding contribution to dental technology.

● To nominate someone, please complete an Entry Form which can be found by clicking here: http://www.dta-uk.org/dta-fellowships.php

Give a £1 to Dentaid!

Criteria Nominations can only be submitted by full members of DTA; Nominees must have maintained the dignity of the dental technology profession over a period of time, and have striven to enhance the recognition, evidence, and education of dental technology; Nominees need not be dental technicians, but must have shown outstanding commitment to the profession; Nominations will be considered by the DTA Council and must have their full support.

When you pay your subscription to DTA this month, why not add on a £1 for Dentaid? All contributions will be forwarded to the charity in the New Year. Why not help make a difference this festive season

KEEP IN TOUCH WITH DTA ON FACEBOOK AND TWITTER On Facebook: ● @DentalTechnologistsAssociation

On Twitter: ● @The DTA

Dental Technologists Association, F13a Kestrel Court, Waterwells Drive, Waterwells Business Park, Gloucester GL2 2AT. call: 01452 886 366 email: sueadams@dta-uk.org web: www.dta-uk.org


January 2017 | volume 4 | issue 1


Dental Nurse Lizzie Boon wins ‘Spot the Fake’ Competition Save the Date:

The BDIA is pleased to announce that Lizzie Boon, qualified dental nurse, and Quality Assurance Auditor for the National Examining Board of Dental Nurses (NEBDN) has won the latest ‘Spot the Fake’ competition, which was held at BDIA Dental Showcase 2016. ● To read more click the link: https://www.bdia.org.uk/news/690/245/Dental -Nurse-Lizzie-Boon-wins-Spot-the-Fake -Competition.html

● Visit http://www.the-dts.co.uk for more details.

Council observers Do you have a passion about your profession? Would you like to get involved in the management of the DTA, but are not sure how? If you have answered yes to these questions then why not come along to the next DTA Council meeting and meet the team, participate in the meeting, and generally get to know what we do and how we do it. The next Council meeting will take place on Saturday 11 March 2017 in Gloucester. DTA will cover your expenses to the meeting (travel and hotel). ● Contact Sue Adams on 01452 886366 for further details.

Dental Regulation Reform consultation to go live in January 2017 GDC will be launching this consultation on 26 January 2017, which will be your opportunity to tell them your ideas and help to shape their thinking. ● For more information go to: http://www.gdcuk.org/Newsandpublications/ consultations/Pages/Reforming-dental -professional-regulation.aspx

National bodies work together to promote system wide understanding of how dental complaints should be handled The Regulation of Dental Services Programme Board (NHS England, the NHS Business Services Authority, the Department of Health, the Care Quality Commission, the General Dental Council, and Healthwatch England) have published a joint statement on dental complaints to ensure there is a shared understanding of the correct route for complaints among regulators, commissioners, and providers. ● To read more, click the link: http://www.gdc-uk.org/Newsand publications/Pressreleases/Pages/ NATIONAL-BODIES-WORK-TOGETHERTO-PROMOTE-SYSTEM-WIDE-UNDER STANDING-OF-HOW-DENTAL-COMP LAINTS-SHOULD-BE-HANDLED.aspx

DTA Charity 2017 Tell us which charity you feel DTA should support in 2017: ● Bridge2Aid ( http://bridge2aid.org ) ● Crisis ( http://www.crisis.org.uk ) ● Dentaid ( http://dentaid.org ) To vote please visit the DTA website – www.dta-uk.org . Voting closes at 23.59hrs on 15 January 2017.

Annual subscriptions 2017 Don’t forget to pay your annual subscription to DTA for 2017. A renewal form was sent to you in December and payment can be made by cheque and post, online @ www.dta-uk.org or by BACS.

The Technologist ● To access the next issue: click here


Medical device regulations Whistleblowing Preparing for the new financial year The digital pathway through CAD/CAM

Dental Technologists Association, F13a Kestrel Court, Waterwells Drive, Waterwells Business Park, Gloucester GL2 2AT. call: 01452 886 366 email: sueadams@dta-uk.org web: www.dta-uk.org

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