“Serving Denver’s Far Northeast Community”
Montbello Urban Spectrum Edition • Special Edition • August 2019
& Now
DPS Announces Exciting Opportunity for Montbello Campus!
“Progress Moves At The Speed Of Trust!” First, let me say that on behalf of the MUSE and Montbello Organizing Committee (MOC), we are honored that Denver Public Schools approached us to bring the news of this DPS Bond activity to our own community. That does not mean that we endorse this new direction - nor does it mean that we don’t endorse it. What it does mean is that we (MOC and the MUSE) and many others are going to be deeply engaged in the Master Plan process and we intend to hold DPS accountable for doing what they say they are going to do. DPS hasn’t had the best track record of building and nurturing trust in this community. People here have long memories. They remember what it meant to be a Warrior and how Montbello High School was the heart of the community – how it bridged many differences and brought people together. They remember a process that led to a decision by DPS in 2010 to close that beloved institution. They remember a failed Far Northeast Commission in 2017-2018 with hundreds of residents participating in a DPS-facilitated process, only to have the former Superintendent of DPS tell the community that “DPS knows what is best for the students in Far Northeast.” The community-articulated vision and recommendations never saw the light of day. People remember that the promise to raise the quality of education in an equitable way for all of our children has fallen short. The 2018 School Performance Frameworks indicate that six Montbello schools achieved “green” ratings meaning they are meeting expectations and demonstrating good results in many areas. The remaining neighborhood schools fell below the green rating and most schools were not adequately meeting the needs of students of color and those experiencing poverty. So, what makes this opportunity different? After meeting with and questioning (maybe interrogating is the more fitting term) the DPS Superintendent and other top-level leaders and
the principals of the three schools housed at the Montbello Campus over a week, I have hope that this process will be different. Superintendent Cordova speaks a whole different ideology from the previous administration. The sincerity and deep care for their students is evident in all three of the principals as they express genuine excitement about the possibilities. Above all, the leaders from the DPS side of the process express that mistakes have been made on their part and our community and our students have gotten the raw end of the deal. They promise this is a new day. Granted, I don’t have 20 or 30 years of history in Montbello, but I am eager to cautiously enter into a collaborative process to create a state-of-the-art learning environment for our students at the Montbello Campus – so long as the community is leading the way as espoused in the cover story starting on page 4. Stephen M.R. Covey writes in his book The Speed of Trust: The One Thing that Changes Everything, “we judge ourselves by our intentions and others by their behavior.” We see from the announcement and the letters from DPS leaders in this MUSE Special Edition that the intentions are honorable as are ours in the neighborhood. The truth will be in the behavior. DPS, please don’t let us down.
Donna Garnett MUSE Editor Editor’s Note: Please contact me at if you would like to become involved in MOC’s community organizing on behalf of education activities.
The Montbello Urban Spectrum Edition (MUSE) is a bi-monthly publication produced and published by the Denver Urban Spectrum (DUS) and the Montbello Organizing Committee (MOC). MUSE is circulated throughout Denver’s Far Northeast community.
PUBLISHER Montbello Organizing Committee/Denver Urban Spectrum EDITOR AND LEAD WRITER - Donna Garnett CONTRIBUTING WRITERS TRANSLATOR - Marta Welch ART DIRECTOR - Bee Harris ADVERTISING SALES - Melovy Melvin
Contents of MUSE are copyright 2019 by Denver Urban Spectrum and the Montbello Organizing Committee. No portion may be reproduced without written permission of the publishers. MUSE welcomes all letters, but reserves the right to edit for space, libelous material, grammar, and length. All letters must include name, address, and phone number. We will withhold author’s name on request. Unsolicited articles are accepted without guarantee of publication or payment and may be submitted to the editor at For advertising information, email or call 303292-6446.
MUSE - Montbello Urban Spectrum Edition – Special Edition - August 2019
School leaders in Mont-
bello and in Denver Public Schools propose a new facility for the Montbello Campus. DPS is asking the Montbello community to lead on the design of a new facility that will house three high schools on the campus. Community stakeholders will take the lead in helping to design a Master Plan for a proposal to create a new high school facility to replace the current building on the Montbello Campus in Far Northeast Denver. School leaders at Denver Center for International Studies – Montbello, Noel Community Arts School and STRIVE Prep – Montbello, who all share the Montbello Campus, are leading this effort. Over the past three years, community members, school leaders and district leaders have worked to improve the building, which housed the former Montbello High School from 1980 until 2014. Since that time, it has become a shared campus. The Board of Education approved this past February $2.5 million from bond savings to fund cafeteria improvements. School leaders expressed to DPS that they and community members think that the money being spent on maintenance and improvements to the 40-year-old building should be spent on a new facility. “Denver taxpayers have invested $30 million over the last two bonds on heating and air conditioning fixes, classroom upgrades and other maintenance and renovations,” said NCAS Principal Rhonda Juett. “Still, our building needs more upgrades and repairs to bring
Montbello Wins With DPS Bond $$
the learning environment inside the building to where we know it can and should be for our kids.” The proposal calls for using $300,000 to $400,000 of the
bond savings to hire a team of architects to work with the Montbello community to design a new facility to house these three high schools. Community members will help in
MUSE - Montbello Urban Spectrum Edition – Special Edition - August 2019
the selection of the architects and on the Master Plan. “I look forward to working with our students, parents and neighbors to plan for a building that will support high school education into the future, said DCIS Principal Julio Contreras. “It is thrilling to know that we have this chance to create the learning spaces that all of our students deserve.” Once the Master Plan is developed and an estimate for the cost of the new facility is determined, school and district leaders will take the information and designs to the Board of Education and ask that the new project be included in a bond proposal to Denver voters in 2020. If approved, construction could begin on the Montbello campus with minimal disruption to learning because there is enough land on the campus to build a new facility without having to relocate students and educators. “These students deserve a better facility. Many of our classrooms do not even have windows,” said STRIVE Prep Montbello Principal Lindsay Lau. “We have a great opportunity to do something really amazing. We are committed to this process. We have to do this the right way. Our kids, families and community deserve it.” The next steps in the process include school and district officials meeting with Montbello families, community members and other stakeholders to choose an architect, at which point community conversations will inform planning for the new building. These conversations are scheduled to begin in the coming weeks.Y For more information, contact Dustin Kress at
Perspectives on the 2016 Bond Premium Process Originally Published February 22, 2019 By Russell Welch and Kim Desmond, 2016 Bond Oversight Committee Co-chairs
n the fall of 2016, voters cast their ballots in support of students across Denver. Passing the 2016 bond and mill levy measures was a sign of commitment to all of our students in DPS. All of us on the 2016 Bond Oversight Committee (BOC), are committed to ensuring DPS keeps their promise to voters, educators and students by utilizing bond funds to build and maintain great schools across the district. The BOC is a citizen committee comprised of community stakeholders, parents, teachers and industry representatives tasked with holding DPS accountable for how it allocates and spends taxpayer dollars from the 2016 bond measure. We are passionate about ensuring that bond funds are responsibly and appropriately spent so that we can give the parents and taxpayers of Denver the assurance that our students are getting all they can out of our bond investments. Establishing a foundation of trust and financial transparency between DPS and the Denver
Montbello Campus students enjoy their new library renovated with 2016 Bond funds.
community has driven this committee since the beginning. In addition to providing oversight, the committee has the responsibility of allocating additional funds from the sale of bonds — often called the premium — for school improvement projects. While having the ability to fund school projects is a wonderful thing, it also comes with the weight of knowing we cannot meet all the needs across the district. In June, the committee began discussions about our decision-making process and how we wanted to prioritize projects. Over a series of meetings, we refined our approach, which culminated in a final rubric to assess each possible project. Through creation of the rubric, the committee identified and determined scoring criteria in four main categories. These categories included life safety, equity, alignment with instructional priorities, and time sensitivity of the projects. A guiding principle throughout the committee’s discussions was a commitment to equity. We wanted to look bey-
ond just cost and impact—our greatest consideration was our students, families, and community members. We utilized an equity index, which uses multiple measures—including poverty rates and the population of students with special needs—to identify schools that serve more disadvantaged populations. The use of the index allowed us to carefully consider every student that would benefit from a proposed project. As a citizen committee, it was important for us to hear from teachers, students and school staff. We invited 56 schools with a project on the potential premium list to join us in a public comment session. In December, 18 schools, many supported by students, answered the call and presented projects to the committee. It was a powerful moment for the committee to hear from so many voices across the district with such thoughtful proposals. For all of us on the committee, the final decision on premium fund allocation was a
MUSE - Montbello Urban Spectrum Edition – Special Edition - August 2019
Photo credit: Denver Public Schools
difficult one. We know that there are needs across the district we are unable to meet, but we are excited to provide $45.8 million in funding for 45 projects — many of which impact multiple schools through center-based programs. Because of the time, effort and collaboration between DPS staff and the BOC, and the valuable insight provided by families, students and teachers during this process, we are confident the projects approved are a representation of the thoughtful approach we created to build equity into our decisions, which ensures we are reaching marginalized and disadvantaged schools. The distribution of premium funds addresses the most critical facility maintenance needs in the district, ensuring staff are able to deliver culturally responsive education to our students. Each of these projects improves the daily learning environments of our students and we are appreciative that the Board has approved these valuable investments.Y
It’s also our job to bring those improvements in a way that’s responsive to what the community has said it wants. So I’m excited about the opportunities to both build a new campus in Montbello and build new bridges to the Montbello community.
Dear Montbello Community: A
s the Superintendent in the Denver Public Schools, the most important thing I can focus on is making sure that all of our students thrive in our schools. I am deeply committed to ensuring that equity is our identity and that we focus deeply on instructional excellence and collaborative teamwork to make this identity the reality for all of our students. As I reflect on the progress in the Montbello Community, I see many things to celebrate as well as areas where deep and sustainable improvements are needed.
We’re excited about the opportunity to dream big with the Montbello community, and a portion of this relates to the opportunity to work with you to build a new campus for the community. The concerns that we heard about the cafeteria at
We want to work with the community to design a new facility for the three schools on the Montbello campus: Noel Community Arts, DCIS Montbello, and STRIVE MS, and honor the dedication of the talented students, teachers, and leaders who work in these schools
the current facility on the Montbello campus led to a close look at the state of that building, and the question kept coming up: Does it make sense to renovate the cafeteria in an outdated building or should we explore an investment in a brand-new building?
We’ve spent about $30 million on the Montbello campus over the last two bonds on heating and air conditioning fixes, classroom upgrades and other maintenance and renovations, including upgrades that the community has urged us to make. And yet there remain so many facility needs to bring the learning environments to where we know they can and should be.
I also want to acknowledge that, despite the hard work our teams put in, we’re not yet getting the academic performance that we want from our schools in Far Northeast Denver and that the community deserves.
It’s our job to bring improvements and better results for our kids. We are committed to working hard to do that. And we think a new, better learning environment at the Montbello campus will be helpful in those efforts, by providing a better teaching-and-learning experience for students and educators.
That’s what our proposal is focused on: exploring the opportunity to provide the type of campus and learning environment our kids and community should have.
MUSE - Montbello Urban Spectrum Edition – Special Edition - August 2019
We also want to take this opportunity to look for and discuss ways to make it closer to what many in the community have been asking for—a more unified campus that is a neighborhood hub and a rallying point and source of pride for the community, building on the legacy of the Montbello Warriors. And going forward, I’m committed to a new direction and vision of community engagement—one that creates a more open, responsive conversation about what families and community members want from their schools and their campuses. By working in collaboration, I believe we can create a better future for our students and the community.
There’s no more important conversation for us to have than that, and I look forward to hearing and sharing ideas for a great new school campus in Montbello.
Warm regards,
Susana Cordova
Superintendent Denver Public Schools
Asimismo, nuestra labor es proveer dichas mejoras de una manera que sea sensible a los deseos que ha expresado la comunidad.
Estimada comunidad de Montbello:
omo superintendente de las Escuelas Públicas de Denver, lo más importante en que puedo enfocarme es en asegurarme de que todos nuestros estudiantes tengan un buen desempeño en nuestras escuelas. He asumido el firme compromiso de garantizar que la equidad sea nuestra seña de identidad y centrarnos profundamente en la excelencia docente y en el trabajo en equipos colaborativos a fin de que dicha seña de identidad sea toda una realidad para nuestros estudiantes. A medida que reflexiono sobre el progreso de la comunidad de Montbello, veo que hay muchas cosas que celebrar, así como también áreas en las que es necesario realizar mejoras considerables y sostenibles.
Nos emociona la oportunidad de soñar en grande con la comunidad de Montbello y parte de ello tiene que ver con la oportunidad de colaborar con ustedes para construir un nuevo campus para la comunidad. Las inquietudes que escuchamos acerca de la cafetería
Deseamos trabajar con la comunidad a fin de diseñar unas nuevas instalaciones para las tres escuelas del campus de Montbello: la Escuela de Artes Comunitarias Noel, DCIS en Montbello y la Escuela Secundaria STRIVE, y honrar la dedicación de los talentosos estudiantes, maestros y líderes que trabajan en estas escuelas.
en las instalaciones actuales del campus de Montbello dio paso a que consideráramos detenidamente el estado del edificio, y siempre surgía la misma pregunta: ¿Tiene sentido renovar la cafetería en un edificio anticuado o deberíamos considerar invertir en un edificio nuevo?
Hemos gastado alrededor de $30 millones en el campus de Montbello procedentes de los dos últimos bonos en arreglos de calefacción y aire acondicionado, actualizaciones de los salones de clases y otras tareas de mantenimiento y renovación, incluyendo mejoras que la comunidad solicitó encarecidamente que hiciéramos. Pero aún hay muchas necesidades que resolver en las instalaciones a fin de que los entornos de aprendizaje sean todo lo que pueden y deberían ser.
También deseo reconocer que, a pesar del arduo trabajo de nuestros equipos, aún no hemos logrado el desempeño académico que queremos para nuestras escuelas del Extremo Noreste de Denver y que merece la comunidad. Nuestra labor es aportar mejoras y mejores resultados para nuestros niños. Hemos asumido el compromiso de esforzarnos para lograrlo. Y creemos que un nuevo y mejorado entorno de aprendizaje en el campus de Montbello será útil para lograr dichos esfuerzos, al proveer una mejor experiencia docente y de aprendizaje para los estudiantes y maestros.
Y ese es el enfoque de nuestra propuesta: explorar la oportunidad de proveer el tipo de campus y los entornos de aprendizaje que nuestros niños y la comunidad deberían tener.
MUSE - Montbello Urban Spectrum Edition – Special Edition - August 2019
Por tanto, me emociona la oportunidad de no solo construir un nuevo campus en Montbello, sino también nuevos lazos con la comunidad de Montbello. También queremos aprovechar esta oportunidad para considerar y conversar acerca de lo que muchos integrantes de la comunidad han estado solicitando: un campus más unificado que sea el centro neurálgico del vecindario y un punto de encuentro y fuente de orgullo para la comunidad, sobre el cual se construya el legado de los guerreros de Montbello. De cara al futuro, he asumido el compromiso de adquirir un nuevo rumbo y visión de participación comunitaria que permita mantener un diálogo más abierto y receptivo sobre lo que las familias y miembros de la comunidad desean obtener de las escuelas y sus campus. Creo que, al trabajar colaborativamente, podemos crear un mejor futuro para nuestros estudiantes y la comunidad. Este es el diálogo más importante que podemos mantener, y estoy ansiosa de escuchar y compartir ideas para crear un maravilloso y nuevo campus en Montbello. Reciban un afectuoso saludo
Susana Cordova Superintendente Escuelas Públicas de Denver
Dear Montbello Community, We have some exciting news to share with you all about an opportunity to improve the Montbello campus. We are writing this letter to provide you with details and to ask for your partnership in rebuilding the Montbello campus learning facilities. As you may be aware, we had planned to remodel the cafeteria this summer. We have heard from students and community members that our building needs this along with many other improvements. School leaders have met with district officials, shared your concerns and discussed the possibility of dreaming bigger for the Montbello community. Our facility opened in the fall of 1980. After nearly 40 years of service, we have an opportunity for the Montbello campus to move into the 21st century. A new campus would provide modern facilities that support student health and wellness, honor and preserve the legacy of Montbello’s past, and that are designed to prepare students for the careers of tomorrow. Instead of spending $2 million to remodel the cafeteria, we want to spend a portion of that money to design a new campus. We welcome you — our current and future students, families and staff, as well as alumni and community members — to be a part of an inclusive process to design the Montbello campus of the future. Our charge is to put together a design plan and, with the support of district leadership, make the case that Denver Public Schools should include this large-scale project in an upcoming bond. The Board of Education will consider proposing this bond to Denver voters in November 2020. As District 4 Board Director Jennifer Bacon shared, “This is a wonderful opportunity for Montbello. We have heard loud and clear that our community wants a learning environment that nurtures our students’ talents and needs. We are committed to walking with the community to design the modern, innovative learning spaces our students deserve.” At-large Board Director Happy Haynes added, “The alumni of Montbello have gone on to do such amazing things in the community and around the nation. This planning effort presents an opportunity to honor the history of those alums while our current students participate in designing learning spaces for the new Montbello campus that will serve the students and the Warrior legacy.” Improving Montbello campus for the students of today Over the past five years, DPS and the voters of Denver have made significant investments in improving the Montbello facility. Based on the facility needs and with urging from the schools and community, we’ve made $8 million of HVAC upgrades, added a new turf field and lighting, and opened a remodeled library and a brand new weight room. Additionally, we have completed school-prioritized projects, such as classroom and technology upgrades for DCIS Montbello, dance room upgrades and creating art room space for NCAS Middle School, and front office and classroom technology upgrades for STRIVE Montbello. And, we’re continuing to invest and partner with our Montbello community — we are excited to share more later this fall about a new technology lab that will be opening this year. Designing a new facility for the students of tomorrow While we continue to invest in improvements for our current students, we hope you’ll join us as part of the architect-led process of envisioning and designing new learning facilities we could create for our future students. We plan to host several community forums and focus groups in the fall with the goal of honoring Montbello’s legacy and co-creating a vision for the new campus. In the winter and spring, we will begin more detailed conversations to develop specific plans for building designs. A few important details Some members of our community have shared their desire that Denver Public Schools bring a comprehensive high school back to the campus. Please understand that this proposal is not that. We have met with district officials, outlined your concerns about our current facility and shared our desire to create a new facility that supports our three great schools that currently call the Montbello campus home. We are fortunate that the Montbello site has enough space that we could begin to build new facilities while continuing to serve students in our existing facilities. We also want to assure you that we are working to improve the issues that have been identified in the cafeteria usage and if our project is not selected to be included in a 2020 bond, or if the bond does not pass during the 2020 election, Denver Public Schools commits to funding the originally planned cafeteria upgrade. We are all very excited by what this opportunity represents for the community and for our students and families. We look forward to working together in this process. Thank you for your continued support for Montbello schools.
Sincerely, Rhonda Juett Principal Noel Community Arts School
Lyndsay Lau Principal STRIVE Prep Montbello
Julio Contreras Principal DCIS Montbello
MUSE - Montbello Urban Spectrum Edition – Special Edition - August 2019
Mark Ferrandino Deputy Superintendent of Operations
Estimada comunidad de Montbello: Tenemos noticias emocionantes que compartir con ustedes sobre la oportunidad de mejorar el campus de Montbello. Les enviamos esta carta para brindarles detalles y solicitar su colaboración para reconstruir las instalaciones de aprendizaje del campus de Montbello. Es probable que sepan que habíamos planeado remodelar la cafetería este verano. Los estudiantes y miembros de la comunidad han expresado que nuestro edificio necesita esto además de muchas otras mejoras. Los líderes escolares se han reunido con los funcionarios del Distrito, han compartido sus inquietudes y hablado sobre la posibilidad de soñar en grande en beneficio de la comunidad de Montbello. Nuestras instalaciones se inauguraron en el otoño de 1980. Después de casi 40 años de servicio, tenemos la oportunidad de que el campus de Montbello se adapte al siglo XXI. Un nuevo campus proporcionaría instalaciones modernas que apoyan la salud y el bienestar de los estudiantes, que honran y preservan el legado del pasado de Montbello y que están diseñadas para preparar a los estudiantes para las profesiones del futuro. En lugar de gastar $2 millones para remodelar la cafetería, queremos invertir parte de ese dinero para diseñar un nuevo campus. Los invitamos a ustedes, nuestros estudiantes, familias y personal escolar actual y futuro, así como a los exalumnos y miembros de la comunidad, a ser parte de un proceso inclusivo para diseñar el campus de Montbello del futuro. Nuestra obligación es crear un plan de diseño y, con el apoyo del liderazgo del Distrito, presentar el argumento de que las Escuelas Públicas de Denver deben incluir este proyecto a gran escala en un próximo bono. El Consejo de Educación considerará proponer este bono a los votantes de Denver en noviembre de 2020. Como compartió la directora del Consejo del Distrito 4, Jennifer Bacon, “esta es una maravillosa oportunidad para Montbello. Hemos escuchado fuerte y claro que nuestra comunidad quiere un entorno de aprendizaje que apoye los talentos y necesidades de nuestros estudiantes. Estamos comprometidos a trabajar con la comunidad para diseñar los espacios de aprendizaje modernos e innovadores que nuestros estudiantes merecen”. La directora del Consejo general, Happy Haynes, agregó que “los exalumnos de Montbello han hecho cosas muy sorprendentes en la comunidad y en todo el país. El esfuerzo de planificación ofrece la oportunidad de honrar la historia de esos exalumnos, al mismo tiempo que nuestros estudiantes actuales participan en el diseño de espacios de aprendizaje para el nuevo campus de Montbello que servirá a los estudiantes y el legado de los guerreros”. Mejorar el campus de Montbello para los estudiantes de hoy En los últimos cinco años, DPS y los votantes de Denver han realizado importantes inversiones para mejorar las instalaciones de Montbello. Según las necesidades de las instalaciones y las insistencias de las escuelas y la comunidad, hemos realizado mejoras por el valor de $8 millones en la calefacción, ventilación y aire acondicionado, hemos agregado un nuevo campo de césped artificial e iluminación, y hemos abierto una biblioteca remodelada y una sala de pesas completamente nueva. Además, hemos completado proyectos priorizados por la escuela, tales como mejoras de los salones de clases y tecnológicas para DCIS Montbello, mejoras de salones de baile y creación de un espacio de arte para la Escuela Secundaria NCAS y mejoras tecnológicas en la oficina principal y los salones de clases para STRIVE Montbello. Y seguimos invirtiendo y colaborando con la comunidad de Montbello. Estamos entusiasmados de compartir más información en el otoño sobre un nuevo laboratorio de tecnología que abrirá este año. Diseñar nuevas instalaciones para los estudiantes del mañana Mientras continuamos invirtiendo en mejoras para nuestros estudiantes actuales, esperamos que se nos unan como parte del proceso dirigido por arquitectos para visualizar y diseñar las nuevas instalaciones de aprendizaje que podríamos crear para nuestros futuros estudiantes. Planeamos organizar varios foros comunitarios y grupos de enfoque en el otoño con el objetivo de honrar el legado de Montbello y crear conjuntamente una visión para el nuevo campus. En el invierno y la primavera, iniciaremos conversaciones más detalladas para crear planes específicos para diseñar edificios. Algunos detalles importantes Algunos miembros de nuestra comunidad han compartido su deseo de que las Escuelas Públicas de Denver vuelvan a integrar una escuela preparatoria integral al campus. Les pedimos que entiendan que esta propuesta no consiste en eso. Nos hemos reunido con funcionarios del Distrito, presentamos nuestras inquietudes sobre las instalaciones actuales y compartimos nuestro deseo de crear nuevas instalaciones que apoyen a las tres excelentes escuelas que actualmente consideran el campus de Montbello su hogar. Tenemos la suerte de que el campus de Montbello tiene suficiente espacio para que podamos comenzar a construir nuevas instalaciones sin dejar de brindar servicios a los estudiantes en nuestras instalaciones existentes. También queremos asegurarles que estamos trabajando para mejorar los problemas que se identificaron en relación con el uso de la cafetería y, si nuestro proyecto no se selecciona para ser incluido en un bono de 2020 o si el bono no se aprueba durante las elecciones de 2020, las Escuelas Públicas de Denver se comprometen a financiar la mejora de la cafetería originalmente planeada. Todos estamos muy emocionados por lo que esta oportunidad representa para la comunidad y para nuestros estudiantes y familias. Esperamos con entusiasmo trabajar juntos en este proceso. Gracias por su apoyo continuo a las escuelas de Montbello.
Atentamente, Rhonda Juett Principal Noel Community Arts School
Lyndsay Lau Principal STRIVE Prep Montbello
Julio Contreras Principal DCIS Montbello
MUSE - Montbello Urban Spectrum Edition – Special Edition - August 2019
Mark Ferrandino Deputy Superintendent of Operations
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MUSE - Montbello Urban Spectrum Edition – Special Edition - August 2019