The Perspective Issue - Youth Looking At What's Going On

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Summer 2016

Perspective Youth Looking At Whats Going On

Summer Journalism Campers Take A Trip To Visit The Mayor...4

Photo by Lens of Ansar

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Message from Ginnie Logan

It has been a phenomenal year. Big Hair, Bigger Dreams turns 1 year old this summer. With the support of so many across the community, we have been able to provide high quality programing to more than 200 girls. This second issue of the Perspective captures a snapshot of the world from the lens of teenage African American girls. We believe that their voices are critical but often silenced, therefore, this annual publication serves as a platform for their voices. The summer journalism camp, in partnership with the Denver Urban Spectrum, is just one of many opportunities that we provide. Check out the back cover for more information about Big Hair, Bigger Dreams programs. In the mean time, enjoy the stories, insights, humor, genius and unique Black Girl style of this publication. We look forward to another year of fulfilling bigger dreams.

Dear readers, I am so honored to be a part of this publication not just as a writer or an editor, but as a peer and a friend. It has been amazing to watch everyone’s stories develop over the past few weeks and to watch some of the raw talent that we as Black girls have to offer. The Perspective features stories about social issues, natural hair and community service- all topics that are relevant to our communities today. The publication also features an interview with Denver’s fantastic Mayor Michael B. Hancock with who we had the pleasure of visiting in his office. We also spoke with former Denver Post editor Greg Moore and motivational speaker Andrea Mosby, who didn’t just motivate us but also enlightened us. Working on The Perspective with my peers has allowed me to see journalism and my community in a new light. The ability to watch each other flourish, while writing about our passions, has been an experience I won’t forget, and it was a privilege for me to be a part of it.

Ginnie Logan Executive Director Big Hair, Bigger Dreams

Mattie Walker

Sydney Mayes Editor

Special Thanks... Mayor Michael B. Hancock Greg Moore Andrea Mosby Brother Ansar


Maude Lofton CompuGirls Tech 4 All Second Chance Bicycle Chinook Fund Jackie Logan Eboni Washington Oilem Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Bracken Danielle Clemons Vanessa Roberts Tya Anthony Gary Molock Lauren Casteel Morgan Bridgeman Colorado Trust Ann Scarritt Harry Todd Pamoline McDonald Tina Miles City of Denver-Office of Economic Development Hasena Williams

Deputy Camp Director

Acknowledgements... Cleo Parker Robinson Glenarm Rec Center cityWild Chocolate Spokes Misti Aas Lysa Mosely Roberta Molock Vonda Molock Terrance Hughes Rachel Hughes JEKL Foundation Black American West Museum Lens of Ansar Photography Volunteers of America Community Outreach Services Center Executive Directors of Color Family Leadership Training Institute Kenneth Drew Barry Logan Curls on the Block Colorado Urban Naturals

Sandina Tanguma Instructional Manager

Sydney Mayes, 15 Maya Broomfield, 15 Aaliah Gilmore, 14 Editor Peer Mentor Peer Mentor

Cherie Clemmons, 13 Cheyenne Bridges, 15 Dereni Yusuf, 14

Liyahnaja Pafford, 16 Paris Bankston, 14 Melovy Melvin Program Assistant

Tanya Ishikawa Journalism Program Organizer

Rosalind “Bee” Harris Journalism Program Organizer

The Perspective – Summer 2016


Amy Davis, 15 Peer Mentor

Bria May

Peer Mentor Supervisor

Arie Gosha, 14

Jennifer Keown, 12 Kaliah Brown, 16

Rita Chiyenge, 15 Tajahne Hobley, 14 Tionna Denson, 14

MAYOR MICHAEL B. HANCOCK: Denver’s 2nd Impactful Black Mayor

What was Mayor

By Paris Bankston

Michael B. Hancock’s path to where he is today? Who helped create a foundation for his career as a Black politician? How does his work impact the community? On July 15, Mayor Hancock met with the middle and high school students from Big Hair, Bigger Dreams summer camp to answer questions in his office at the Denver City and County Building. He is not Denver’s first AfricanAmerican mayor, even though he is the most talked about by the younger generation. Denver’s first Black Mayor was Wellington E. Webb, who as Hancock said “broke

Life Lessons: Two successful professionals share stories with BHBD girls By Rita Rere Chiyenge


et a life, get a wife, and then have children.” That’s the advice from Andrea G. Mosby to her son and to other teens when she is giving motivational speeches. Mosby, who grew up with nine sisters, was a teenager when she became a single mom. Her experience made her want to help other teen girls to avoid that mistake so they can pursue their own dreams and set a foundation for their lives before raising children. As a consultant and founder of the International Parent Institute, she is devoted to helping parents tap into their strengths to be the best possible parents they can be.

through most of the barriers.” Still, the current mayor said, “There was the occasional question from the community, wondering if I could handle this job.” Hancock didn’t always want to be in political office. He started off wanting to be a lawyer, and then he wanted to be a newscaster. “I was sure I wanted to be a newscaster for the longest time. Of course, I had no idea I was going to be a politician later,” he explained. When asked about his impact in the community, he first replied that he had taken away the cost for minors to pay to go to local recreation centers. “When rec centers had fees, I noticed that youth crime rates were high and the [high school] graduation rate in Denver was low. I talked to some people and we got a law passed to fund free rec center use for youth, and the graduation rate went up almost 40 percent,” he said.

She described ways that the physical relationship causes a lot of drama, while the other types are more part of our dreams or where the dreams are, but often are not fulfilled. She also spoke strongly about the importance of investing in the development of friendships. Moore, who spoke about his career, journalism and today’s news headlines, led Pulitzer-prize winning projects at the Denver Post, where he worked for more than a decade. He also oversaw its transition to digital news, by recruiting young profession-

Mosby, and former Denver Post editor Greg Moore, spoke during the first day of the Big Hair, Bigger Dreams Summer Journalism Camp in July. The purposes of their talks were to inspire the summer campers, and Mosby especially made connections with the girls through her openness about her topics. “We’re not a minority but a majority,” said Mosby, explaining that people of color are actually the most numerous in the world, and she hated being marginalized by the false label of minority. To teach students about relationships, she skillfully outlined the different types. P stands for physical, I stand for intellectual, E is for emotional, S is for social, and the other S is for spiritual.

The Perspective – Summer 2018


als to develop the newspaper’s online presence. He retired about three months ago. Previously in his career, he worked at newspapers in Boston and Cleveland. He admitted that when he was young, he knew nothing about journalism, but he discovered his profession after being accepted into college. He provided a lot of advice about how to approach journalism and writing. One important point for young journalists, he said was that “When you make a promise to a source, keep that promise.”

Community Service Creates Positive Change By Sydney Gabrielle Mayes

Community service and philanthropy were impacting the life of Reverend James Fouther long before he knew they were. Fouther, the pastor of the United Church of Montbello, has done so much work, not just for the community of Montbello, but for the thousands of people in Colorado that are impacted by homelessness. He has worked with the Northeast Denver Housing Center, Denver Health’s Community Clinics and Habitat for Humanity, where he helped build the 51-unit housing establishment, Sable Ridge. Angelle Fouther, the first lady of United Church of Montbello, has worked tirelessly at nonprofits for 20 years. She is also the director of communications for the Denver Foundation and is working with the Montbello Organizing Community. This group of Montbello residents wants to see change in their community, such as the addition of a grocery store, which will rid Montbello of its food desert status. She stressed the importance of volunteering in regards to philanthropy, and how giving money to a problem won’t be its only solution. When speaking on his work for Habitat for Humanity, Rev. Fouther said, “Each story of each family is unique and it is dire.” By following his and his wife’s examples of assisting those in need, volunteering and showing compassion, and people can make a difference, not just for themselves, but for those around them.

Her Story, Her Advice: Former teen mom tells youth to avoid teen pregnancy

By Cherie - Amor Clemmons

A teenager who has a baby is usually forced to put everything else on hold to take care of the new life. An unplanned pregnancy can take away opportunities when time and resources need to be devoted to a child. Those are the lessons that Andrea Mosby shares as a motivational speaker and parenting counselor. “There was a proper place and time to have a child, and most definitely, it was not being a teenager,” said Mosby, who became a teen mom when she was only 15 years old and about to turn 16 years old. She didn’t plan on becoming a teen mom, but she admitted her decision to have a physical relationship was a poor one. She thought that she would and could not get pregnant at all. Pregnancy was not talked about much around her, and becoming a teen mom was the furthest thing from her mind. She truly did care about her son’s father. When the two were dating, they were really good friends who would go to the movies, get some ice cream, and were always hanging out with others. They never thought of having a child, but it was a natural result of their actions. She did not stay with her baby’s father and feels that her son did not get the family life and support he deserved. Not wanting others to make the same mistake, she is committed to sharing her story and advising young people. “Stop having babies as teenagers and wait until you are in a position to meet that special someone to raise kids,” she says repeatedly. “Get a life, get a wife, and then have your children together – the child deserves it.”

Ministering To Those Who Mourn


By Sydney Gabrielle Mayes

equita Taylor has been a fixture in Denver’s Black community for years. Whether she’s gracing us with her voice on KDKO every Sunday morning, or helping Denver families through the loss of their loved ones, she’s a household name. “My dream was to own a wedding company, but sometimes God has other plans,” she explained. She spoke on her rise through the funeral industry, working for many of Denver’s most well-known mortuaries, such as Kirk Funeral Home and Pipkin (now Pipkin-Braswell) Mortuary. She then started A Caring Touch, which morphed into Taylor Funeral and Cremation Services, which she runs with her husband, Michael Taylor. The business now has locations in Denver, Aurora and Colorado Springs. Over the years, she’s dressed bodies and did their makeup, and currently she plans and organizes funerals. “We minister to people who are mourning,” she said in regards to working in an industry based on the ending of a life. Taylor’s business has always been rooted in God, and she spoke on the anointing that is present, not just in her life, but in her business, the kind of anointing that allows her to deal with all the death that surrounds her on a daily basis. Throughout her career, Taylor has used her Christianity and her compassion to help people through these rough transitions. After all, she pointed out that as soon as we’re born, we’re going to die, and when that happens she is there to help. The Perspective – Summer 2016


Police Killings of Black Men Spark More Than Rage

Race – just one factor in some killings by polic e

Social Dialog, historical lessons and personal action may be solution


By Aaliyah Gilmore

By Sydney Gabrielle Mayes

he frequent police shootings of Black men have been plastered all over television sets and cell phone screens again in recent weeks, reigniting fear and distrust of the police in America. The debate in the news, at home and around the community, is

about how to end these killings, and why police feel it is necessary and acceptable to use such deadly force. The situation seems so severe, with no olice brutality is the use of any force exceeding that reasonably necessary solutions in sight. to accomplish a lawful police purpose. Some people believe that “The volume is racism and police brutality walk hand and hand. Though this high and people are angry. We’re having may be true in some cases, it’s not true in all cases. the most real conversaSo far in 2016, 27 percent of people killed by police tions since the 1960s,” were Black, while 51 percent were white, accordsaid Greg Moore, the ing to statistics compiled by the Washington former editor of the Post. However, as a percentage of the popuDenver Post. lation, Black people were twice as likely as Quincy Shannon, a Denver activist who White people to be killed by police. recently completed a These facts by themselves do not 135-hour sit in at the prove the deaths were due to racism. Denver City and By Cheyenne Bridges The people who died could have County Building to approached the officers in ways raise awareness Rev. Dawn Riley Duval... about police bruthat had made the officers feel ...believes strongly in bringing the community together as well as caring tality, said bringing up the ideas unsafe. Another possibility is that for family. Dawn is the founder of Black Lives Matter 5280, the Denver and stories from the Civil Rights the officers just killed out of pure branch of the national activist network advocating for dignity, justice, and Movement and other movebad character, not related to ments in Black history can be respect for Black people. She started Black Lives Matter 5280 by gathering racism. helpful for the Black Lives 50 friends and leaders from the Boys and Girls Club at a community dinner. Matter movement. “It’s not Ty Campbell, a training officer After the dinner on that same night, she and her friends wrote on blank wrong to look at your past to at the Denver pieces of paper and created collages showing their vision for the neighmove forward,” he explained. Police Academy, borhood’s future and what it could become. Though the movement has History has shown many explained. times for people around the world gotten a lot of coverage in the news, she said her work goes much “Police officers that coming together and commudeeper than “being a leader on the news.” She hopes others will nity activism can create change. In are like a barrel of develop other ways to help their communities. “I would encourage the words of Theo Wilson, an awardapples. There are young teens and kids to visit organizations… and if you are still winning slam poet some good ones, interested in activism then make your own, make your own and activist also some bad ones, and even some rotten known as Lucifury, by voice,” she said. As far as what she sees herself doing in ones. They are not trying to see people by working in the comthe next four years, she explained, “I will still be munity, we can “get their race, but by the situation. One has to mothering my son and daughter… I love what active against a force think of the tough things that the police go I do. I love celebrating with people that’s active against through in their line of work. Some get called names us.” and sharing.”


AMother Figure to Many

while they are walking down the street and are trying to do their jobs. They are only trying to help, even though some are hurting people in the process.” Many people may think that the police have gotten worse over the years, but in the point of view of Quincy Shannon, a Denver activist, father and pastor, the police have actually gotten better. He commented that police brutality has always been the same ‘beast’. But the ways to show what police are doing have increased. With cell phone cameras and social media, people are able to record the events occurring, which causes the police to back down. It may not stop it completely, but it is helping.

The Perspective – Summer 2016


Social Media’s Effects on Black Girls

The Portrayal of Black Women in Commercial Hip Hop Music


By Amy Nicole Davis

oday, the music industry seems to focus more on the younger audience to influence youth, even as young as elementary schoolers, to want to grow up and live a “big” lifestyle. Because of what modern hiphop and R&B artists have planted into their young minds, young teens are introduced to drugs and alcohol before anyone realizes they need to warn them. Black women are usually targeted in the music videos as being nothing close to being a human, but objects. Linda Theus Lee, an African American singer who is native to California, holds a masters degree in social sciences and a bachelor’s degree in business administration. Theus Lee has been a singer from the age of seven years and has performed around the world. Growing up, she wasn’t too good in school but overcame the struggles. “My struggles have made me who I am today. My struggles have given me hope for years to come.” Artists like 50 Cents’ Candy Shop songs show how women are portrayed in music videos. Their clothing reveals a lot of skin from top to bot-

By Maya Broomfield


n this modern day, almost every girl owns a phone or at least a computer. Some of the things they get while on the computer can be both positive and negative. Young girls are able to look into lives and places outside of their own. People who may not even live in their country are able to make a lasting impression on young girls. Even though people know that not everything you see on the internet is real. It's sometimes easy to get confused on what is real and what is not real. It’s also hard when you see women who copy the way you look and are praised for it, but at the same time you are told that its ugly, ghetto, and ratchet for having the same feature. Many women who are not of color have made it a trend to look “almost” like a black by wearing tanner and makeup that is too dark for them. Some goes as far as to wear taki hair to make their hair look more textured. Some get lip injections to make their lips bigger. This can be unfair to Black girls because while everyone else is gaining from their beauty they are being pushed to the back and told they are anything but beautiful. Another problem girl’s face is light skin versus dark skin syndrome. This is a problem the Black community has faced since slavery days. It was a way that slave masters could divide slaves and keep them under control and not allow them to work together. He told the light skin slaves they were better and allowed them to be in the house. He then told the dark skin slaves that they were less than the light skin slaves and were treated worst and given less. Sadly this mindset is still very active in the black community. Many girls, even some who attended the Big Hair Bigger Dreams camp, have been effective. There have been many posts on social media that show how people are rude to different shades of black girls. But social media is not always a bad thing. It can be used to bring awareness to a few of these topics. Social media is used as a way to bring awareness to problems that Black people face like #blacklivesmatter. It’s all about letting young Black girls know that it is okay and you don’t have fit into all societies.

tom and some dance moves are very sexual. Theus Lee spoke strongly about how women are portrayed in music today. “Women have always been looked at as objects - good objects, bad objects- but that deals with society,” she said, talking about how music videos and lyrics mimic what’s happening in society. “Women have to try hard in everything, not just the music industry.” Jamal Mootoo, a Black reggae artist, was a minister of Islam, who lived a Malcolm X type of lifestyle and participated as an activist. When talking about the music that’s popular today, Mootoo made a moving point. “Back in the 80’s men never called women a B….. or a H… in their songs and got popular with of them.” In the 21st century, that’s all that is popular with singers who believe women and fancy cars are living the life. Being experienced with music, Mootoo has an insider’s point of view on how women of color are viewed every day in life. “Music has downgraded and left a generation possessed by the cover up corruption of how looks and money are the only things that matter in society.”

The Importance of Strong Artist Fan Connections By Jennifer Keown

The typical music fan enjoys being

Both Goatfish and Denver R&B and jazz singer, Linda Theus Lee, agree that making emotional connections with fans is important, and is a useful way to grow a fan base. Lee added, “You have to be emotional to reach your audience,” because it helps the artist communicate. The connection with fans not only benefits the artist by increasing ticket and CD sales, but by developing special relationships. To sum up, Lee says, “I impact my fans, because they impact me.”

able to connect with the artist. When fans are able to connect emotionally to the artist, a new type of relationship is created with the performers. Performing artists can create emotional connections to fans by nicknaming fan groups, such as Katy Perry’s “KatyCats.” Other ways to connect include sharing personal stories and writing about real life issues. Artists connect to fans by sharing a message that fans can relate to or evokes strong feelings. Jamal Mootoo, a versatile singer based in Denver who performs a variety of styles from Caribbean to blues under the name Goatfish, said, “I want my fans to feel like they just went to church and they heard the Holy Ghost.”

The Perspective – Summer 2016


An active lifestyle creates strong foundation for careers

The Power of Dance

By Lee Pafford

By Dereni Yusuf

“It’s no mistake that the most physically attractive and healthy people are often the most successful in their career. It’s not just a stereotype, it’s true. It’s not superficial, it’s earned,” according to the founders of gymonji, a Californiabased online health and fitness information site. Cleo Parker Robinson is one of the most well-known and successful dancers and choreographers in Colorado. Not only was she a pioneer in modern dance in her early dance career, but she founded and has led the Cleo Parker Robinson Dance School in the Five Points of Denver for more than 40 years. Sports were always a huge part of her life, Cleo said, and they encouraged her to proceed in dancing as a career. Both dancing and sports involve a lot of movement, which is important for people, she added. “Dance was a passport to freedom,” and led to her long, successful career. She couldn’t have done it without playing sports and being as active as she was. “To do something as a career it must be something realistic,” Cleo also mentioned. As far as practicing that sport and doing your best every day to excel with it. Key note: not everything works out how you want, but that’s just life. That can stop you only if you let it. You must be prepared to have a plan b, c, d, e, f, etc. Based off of Cleo’s experience as a dancer, she said “don’t ever let anything stop you, but be prepared to let it guide you differently.” Kevin M. Kniffin, a postdoctoral research associate in the Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management says, that “participation in competitive youth sports ‘spills over’ to occupationally advantageous traits that persist across a person’s life.” It’s been proven in a study that departed student-athletes indicate familiar characteristics in conclusion to leading pro behavior in the younger years. It’s more of a buildup then a just do it situations.

Every summer, Cecile Perrin used to get into trouble, but when she .., started dancing, it all stopped. “I learned that dance was my ticket out of trouble,” she said. “I did not have bad influences anymore and my mind could finally do something that would not get me in trouble.” Cecile has danced since she was a freshman in high school, and is now a praise dancer. She believes dancing is all about relaxing and creating art. “My first year of dancing was like nothing I have ever done. I was a part of something big; I not only learned about new people but we became a family. Through my dancing, it has brought joy, confidence and just made me a better person,” she said. Dance also changed the life of Cleo Parker Robinson. Coming from a very athletic family, she wasn’t getting into trouble, but at the age of 10, she was very ill. Her doctors told her that she was not able to run or do any sports anymore, but she would not give up on doing sports. As Cleo started dancing, she became more and more passionate about it. She was so good at dancing that she had an audition in New York City. When she arrived in the studio, the only thing her eyes saw was how good the dancers were. The only thought in her mind was how bad she was next to them. She was so caught up in the moment that she allowed her fears to drag her out of the studio, missing the audition. She continued to dance though, and become one of the most recognized and honored dancers in Colorado. She founded her own studio, the Cleo Parker Robinson Dance Company 46 years ago, to help kids and teens to never feel like they weren’t ready. “Knowing what it takes is the strongest motivation,” she said. Her goal is to help every dancer do their best and follow their passion for dance. By excelling as a dancer, they can overcome weaknesses and difficulties in their lives.

Beautiful Hair Promotes Confidence

By Tajahne Hobley While growing up, my definition of “good hair” was bi-racial hair -loose curls, sandy brown, baby hair around the hairline - and long. While interviewing Karren Hall, she described “good hair” as thick coarse hair. A total opposite of my definition. As a businesswoman, I asked her does the way you style your hair determine how successful you’ll be? Hall, a mother, grandmother, and CEO of Cuttin’ up Beauty Academy thinks that having straight hair will not promote success; in fact she says “natural hair is beautiful hair.” She goes on to say that having thick hair is the best kind of hair because you can do so much with the hair without it falling out. Young girls growing up, and even myself, have to learn that you have to have confidence in your looks and in this case your hair. Put down the flatiron, curling wand, and boxes of relaxer. Go swimming, get your hair wet, and watch those beautiful curls form. You don’t have to tame your wild curls because you think that’s what’s accepted or that it will decrease your chances of getting a job opposed to someone with straight hair. However you choose to wear your hair, be confident. The Perspective – Summer 2016


A Married “SameGender-Loving” Woman

Two Views on LGBT Marriage By Tionna Denson and Arie Gosha

Ifalade Ta’Shia Asanti is a national award-winning author, poet, TV personality and mother, among other roles in her life. She went through and still goes through so many trials and tribulations because of her sexuality. Since Ta’Shia was 12, she has been labeled as gay, but she feels people shouldn’t be labeled for who they are, so she calls it same gender loving. Ever since she noticed that she was same gender loving, she has had support in so many ways from different people and even God. Even though it took time for some to process, they soon realized that’s who she is so they had to accept it. Ta’Shia has faced bullies and mean comments, but that didn’t stop her from being who she is, nor did it stop her from loving who she loves. Tionna: When did you first notice you were Interested in the same sex? Ta’Shia: When I was a teenager, I had an attraction to people who looked like me. I never had a problem with the opposite sex. Every human being should be judged by their character and not who they love. Tionna: How did you come out of the closet and what did you face when you did? Ta’Shia: My mom found out on her own while being nosey. She thought I didn’t want to be a female anymore but that wasn’t the case; I love being a female. My dad took it harder because he was a pastor. He thought God didn’t accept me and he didn’t love me like he should. As far as other people and friends, I went through a lot of attacking and bullying but I had support from family and friends. Tionna: How do you explain to your children about your sexuality? Ta’Shia: I have a daughter and four grandkids. I told my daughter, ‘Mommy loves differently than others,” and she understood that.

A Straight Family Man

Bryan is an African American man in Denver, who doesn’t believe in LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) marriages. He has six daughters who all believe everyone should be who they want to be. Bryan taught them to love themselves and not treat others differently because of who they are or love. He believes it’s the right of lesbians, gays and others to marry, saying “If they feel it is the right thing to do, then they should but I don’t believe in that.” Arie: Do you consider yourself as a homophobe? Bryan: I do not consider myself as a homophobe but I know right from wrong. Arie: Does your religion affect the way you look at gays and others? Bryan: No, it doesn’t affect the way I look at them. Arie: Do you think gay people should be treated differently for being who they are? Bryan: No. Arie: If you were a pastor who had a daughter liking her same gender, what would you have done? Bryan: I believe everyone has their own beliefs and I would stick to mine, and even if my daughter was gay, I would still love her for being her. Arie: Do you know any LGBT people, not including your family members? Bryan: I went to school with a few and had one as a friend. Arie: As an adult, have you known any kids who are LGBT? Bryan: I knew a kid I coached in football who was gay, was a cry baby but a really great football player.

#freethenipples - A Movement for Equality By Kaliah Brown

Social media is used by millions of people and continues to grow at a great speed. The rules for using this new platform might not be fully developed. In regards to nudity, the lines were so blurry that you really didn’t know when you would cross them. There is however a definite rule regarding women’s nipples not being allowed in photos on social media. Any photo that contained a woman’s nipples would be flagged and taken down immediately while male nipples were acceptable. The double standard was very clear. Young activists around the world soon became creative with how they could work around the unfair rules. Women would copy and paste male nipples over their own and this began to trend. Now Instagram is full of these photos and you can even buy male nipple templates and stickers on Amazon. “I free my nipples because the sexualization of breasts is a social construct, meaning it’s not natural but manmade,” said young supporter Lamaria Ritcherson. This matter of sexism and hatred against women and their bodies is tiresome and with the help of feminists and movements like free the nipple we can change the way women are treated all over the world. Whether it’s public breastfeeding or women being able to dress their bodies as they choose, change will come soon.

On June 8, at a beach in Brighton, England, families were startled when a normal day at the beach turned into a free the nipples movement. Hundreds of young women stood topless in support of the movement. The movement demands that women have the same rights to their body as men. The ability to be able to be topless in public and breastfeed without shame or stipulations as to when, where and how they feed their children. The public indecency laws and sexualition of breasts in media, has turned this simple body part into a sex symbol in the eyes of the American public. Many people seem to have differing opinions on how men and women should be treated. Some believe that women’s bodies are purely for sex while some believe that their bodies are made for birthing babies. Local news reporter and activist, Tamara Banks, saw this perspective while reporting in Sudan. ”It was very common to see women breastfeeding in the bush while in the city people covered up“, she said. This sexist quality is very prominent in America. After years of brainwashing, we have convinced our society that women are sex objects and now in 2016 people are starting to fight back.

The Perspective – Summer 2016


By Amy Nicole Davis

By Paris Bankston

By Rita Rere Chiyenge

By Sydney Gabrielle Mayes By Cherie- Amor Clemmons

By Dereni Yusuf

By Cheyenne Bridges

By Jennifer Keown

The Perspective – Summer 2016


By M

By Tionna Denson

Around Town Photo Essay

By Arie Gosha

Special thanks to Lens of Ansar who presented the photography class for the 2016 Summer Journalism Camp.

By Liyahnajah Pafford

Background photo by Arie Gosha

By Aaliyah Gilmore

Maya Broomfield

By Tajahne Hobley

By Kaliah Brown

The Perspective – Summer 2016


Congratulations to the 2016

Big Hair Bigger Dreams/Urban Spectrum Youth Foundation 2016 Summer Journalism Program Camp Participants! Performing the 1st and 3rd Tuesday Randalls at the Climax Lounge in Denver. For more information visit:, call 303-880-6338 or email

Vocalist - Actress, Producer and Educator

Linda Theus Lee

We are very proud of Dereni Yusuf on all her accomplishments from Elise Zakroff and staff of Aurora Youth Option

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Email: The Perspective – Summer 2016


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The Perspective – Summer 2016


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Gil Gordon - Owner

The Perspective – Summer 2016


Congrats Kaliah!

Currently accepting Intent to Enroll Forms for children who will be between the ages of 3 and 7 years old on or before October 1, 2016. Three year olds must be potty-trained.

Lots of Love!



6820 S Liverpool St, Aurora, CO 80016 Phone: (303) 699-6381

Land of The Free

This Country was built from our ancestors, blood, sweat, and tears To keep this Country free we must excercise our right to vote and be heard Therefore I challenge all brothers and sisters to get out and VOTE for Election 2016!

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Sonya McNeal

Aurora Hills Grocery


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Call or email us today with your ideas and we wil send pictures with pricing!


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Chad 720-366-5659 - Neil 303-653-5253 The Perspective – Summer 2016


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Volunteers Needed

Asphalt Seal Coat Paving “Congrats to Rita and Lee”

Taye's Crown of Glory

4265 Kimball Road Atlanta, GA 30331 678-278-6305

2511 E. Bruce Randolph Ave. Denver Co 80205


The Perspective – Summer 2016


Sheri Glenn

Finished Touch Carpentry Service Specializing in Wood Accent Walls Custom Remodels, Decks and Fences

Handy Man Services Chad 720-366-5659

615 Ammons St. - Lakewood, CO 80214 Eddy Olivas - Owner

The Perspective – Summer 2016


“Andrea Mosby captivates audiences with her insightful, relatable advice.” International Parent Institute

Help Parents Reduce Their Drama, To Help Kids Increase Their Learning

Special Touch Remodeling LLC 720-227-8930

For more informaion:

Call: 720-218-5040 Email: Visit: or

Congratulations Sydney! We are so proud of your recent accomplishments!

Mile High Chapter and Regional Winner of the Blacks in Government National Oratorical Competition and 2016 Perspective Editor hosted by Urban Spectrum and Big Hair Bigger Dreams The Perspective – Summer 2016


Congratulations to the best daughter in the world!

Tionna Denson

...and all the BHBD Summer Journalism Campers. “Yaleena Worley�

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