Denver Urban Spectrum WAG August 15, 2016

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Monday August 15, 2016

Got Div Diversity? e y We Do!

2016 6

Getting Ame America erica Back to to W o ork! Back Work!

City an and dC County ounty of Denver Den nver P Proclaims roclaims 116th 6th Ann Annual nual

Diversity Dive ersity Employment Em mployment D Day ay CAREER CAREE ER FAIR FAIR

Our ongoing m mission ission is to to provide provide corporate corporate Am America merica the most qua qualified lified candidates candiddates fr from om the City City,, CCounty ounty State’s thatt diversity and Sta te’s richly richhlly diverse diverse communities. With the he understanding tha diversity is a good business strategy, strategy, opportunities the oppor tunities for for employer employer and candidates candidates are are endless. endless.

Denver Urban Sp Denver Spectrum pectrum Co-Media Spo onsor Co-Media Sponsor Featured F eaturred Indus Industry trry P Pavilions: avilions: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Building C Construction onstructio on V eterans Veterans People Disabilities P eopl p e with Disabilit ies Healthcare Heal thcare Nursing High T ech Engineering Engineerin ng Tech T op Secr et - Securityy Top Secret Banking Financial E ducation Education Non-P rofit Non-Profit Law Enforcement La w Enf forcement Hospitality Tr avel Travel Entertainment Ent ertainment Smal ortunity Smalll Business Oppo Opportunity R etail Retail Marketing Mark eting Go vernment A genciees Government Agencies Management A dvertisement Media a Advertisement Women’s W omen’s L GBTQ LGBTQ Sal es Sales Insurance Insur ance L egal Legal Bilingual

diversity This div ersity event evvent is the most significant career career er fair presented presented today. todaay. Its outreach outreaach includes includes Multicultural, Multicultural,l Mature VVeterans, eterans, Women, Women, LGBTQ, LGBTQ, Ma ture Workers Workers andd People People with Disabilities. Your Your participation par p ticipation actively activelly rreaffirms eaffirms your your commitment c to getting Americaa back back to to work, work, diversity diversity and equality equa uality in the workplace. workplace. to It is our wish th hat this day daay brings you you closer closer to to meeting your your goals goals and objectiv ves. that objectives.

Wednesday, W ednessdaay, AAugust ugust 117, 7, 2016 2016 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Doubletree by Hilton Doubletree Hilton Stapleton Stapleton North North 4040 Quebec Quuebec St. Denver, Denver, CO CO 80216 80216

G Getting All All

Multicultural Mul ti tural ticul

Americans Amer ricans,

Veterans V e erans, et

Wom Women men, and People P eop ple with p Disabilities Disa abilities back k tto o work! work!

FFeaturing eaturing The Diversity Diversity Spirit pirit Achievement Achievement AAward ward ™ Diversity Network PPresented resented by the Div ersity RRecruiters ecruiters Netw ork & The Diversity Roundtable Diversity Practitioners Prractitioners tioners R oundtable ™ Best Practices EEOC/OFCCP Updates Practices EE O OFCCP Upda OC/ tes Keynote Speakers Keynote Speak ers

Current C urrent Exhibitors E Exhibitors Incl Include: ude: Childr Children’s en’s Ho Hospital ospital C Colorado, olorado, Regional Transportation (RTD), University Denver, R egional Tr ransportation District (R TD), Un niversity of Den ver,, Casino Hotel Lady Luck Casino, Les Schwab JJeppesen, eppesen,, Isle Isle C asino Hot el & La dy L uck C asino, L es Sch wab Tiree Centers, Kroger Co., Market, Armyy Tir Centers, e Kr oger C o., King Soopers, Cityy Mark et, US Arm Denver Battalion, Pulte Mortgage, Den ver Recruiting Recruiting e Battalion, P ulte Mor tga age, HDR Engineering Architecture, Event Management, Coast and Ar chiitecture, E vent Mana gement, US C oast Guard, Hensel Bonfils Center, Krystal Broadcasting, Phelps, B onfils Blood Blood C enter, Kr rystal Br oadcasting, ITT T echnical Instit ute, JJob ob News, Univ ersity off Wy oming, Ar apahoe Technical Institute, University Wyoming, Arapahoe C ounty Sheriff’s Sheriff heriff ’s Office, US C ustoms and Bo order P rotection, US County Customs Border Protection, Department manyy mor more! Depar tmeent of State State and man e!

Wee ccommend W ommeend our local local div diversity ersity par partners tners and ccongratulate ongratulate the o over ver hired candidates. 10,000 hir e candida ed tes. Getting g America Back Back ttoo W Work! ork! fa fair @ @city career fair @citycareerfair in nffo@citycareer 5 62.409.0056 562.409.0056 w www .citycareer e

For more information or to become asponsor, call Chris Martinez at 720-251-6525 or email

For information on vendors email, parade email, volunteers,, and the chili cook-off email


Montbello 50th Birthday Celebration Please call or email: 303.785.1267

if you are interested in being a volunteer. We are looking for people who would like to serve in the Montbello Community on Saturday, September 24, 2016, from 8am to 8pm at the Montbello Rec Center for our various activities, while enjoying a fun day. Please Join Us!





















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