Denver Urban Spectrum WAG - Weekly Advertiser Guide July 20, 2020

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Monday July 20, 2020

With limited events, COVID-19 still has many of us at home, staying safe, bored, with free time, looking for something to do or see, so...

In case you missed it! USNOW! July 2020 Is available now on YouTube! This broadcast look at the aftermath of life and death of George Floyd: Systemic Racism, Public Safety and Police Brutality. In Urban Stance, see what Rosemary Lytle, Rep. Leslie Herod, Rev. Quincy Shannon, DA Beth McCann, Juston Cooper, Susan Greene, Dr. Tracie Keesee, Alex Landau and Murphy Robinson have to say. Don’t miss the beginning Urban Spirit segment and watch the journey of Princess Asie Ocansey as One Woman. And check out the final segment of Count It All Joy in Urban Splendor by Denver’s own multi-talented musician and producer Bobby Wells. USNOW! May and June webcasts are available to view on the DUS YouTube channel and by clicking here.

Our July publication looks at the life, death and legacy of George Floyd and several diverse stories including who is marching, black lives have always mattered, what defunding the police looks like and what SB20-217, the Law Enforcement Integrity and Accountability Act means. To read this issue, click here.

“I Have A Black Son” Be safe and To view the video, click here.



Products and


Poster of George Floyd by Denver artist Juliette Hemingway is available for purchase. Proceeds benefit various social justice organizations. For more information, or to place an order, visit:Â Â

Workfforce Readiness

Lookiing for a careeer pathway, employment assist i ttance, or careeer guidance id e?? LLookk no fu f rther! th ! Our Workforce Readiness Program P is for Adults & Yoouth (age 14 annd older). We help with: • Skill & Interest Assessmennt • Job Search S Training • Resum me Preparation • Interview v Skill Developmeent • Strateegies to Overcome Baarriers to Em mployment • Job Placement P Assistancee • Job Placement P Follow-up


caaheallth org / (303) 355-3423 / info@caahea

If you are intterested in the proggram or have additional questions, please contact The T Center for African Amerrican Health at

(303) 3555-3423 x117 Visit our website to complete an intakee form at: lth / s-and-ser d vices/ i /


Open For Business Pickup and Catering INDIVIDUALLY WRAPPED PACKAGES

Montbello/Green Valley Ranch or Lakewood, Colorado

Eye So ore Scrap Removal

Do you have a site fo or sore eyes that need to be reemoved?

Eye e Sore Scra ap Removal a

is he ere to help. help Ready y to o remove those e unwante ed appliances? For a quote e or to schedule a pickup:

Call Lawre ence at 303-359-4412 Washers • Dryers • Stovees • Refrigerators • AC Units • Water Heeaters

RECY YC CLE RIGH HT CORRECT • Recyclables are loose • Cart lid is open no more than 45 degrees • Carboard boxes are flatteneed


• Recyclables are baggeed • Cart is overflowing • Cart lid is open more than 45 degrrees • Cardboard boxes are not n flattened For more information, t visit or call 311 ( 720-913-1311).

I Count, You Count, C We All Cou unt 2020 Census in the 2 It’s that time again! Every 10 0 years, the Census counts every perrson e things you should know about the count: living in the USA. Here’s three ONLINE, PHONE, MAIL


$23,000 PER PERSO ON*

By April 1, every home across the co country ntr will ill recei receive e an inviin i tation with clear instructions on how to complete the 2020 Census. Once the invitation arrives, you should respond for your household in one of three ways: online, by phone, or by mail.

The Ce ensus Bureau is bound by U S Code to keep Title 13 of the U.S. your infformation confidential. By law, It cannot c release any identifiable information about you, your ho ome, or your business and your an nswers cannot be used againstt you by any government agency y or court.

Approximately $880 billion will be allocated across the US b based on Census counts for Medicaid, SNAP, schools, hospitals, FFree & Reduced Lunch, and mo ore. Colorado will receive approxximately $13 billion annually, or $2 2,300 per person. That’s $23,000 we e lose, per person over 10 years, if you go uncounted. * According to the George Wa Washingto on study.

For more information, visit

2020CENSUS.GOV Message presented by:

Shape your future STTART HERE >

EQUIT YY,, DIVERSIT Y & INCLUSION RE R PORT CARD COMPPAANY//OWNER/OPERAATTOR: (SAMPLE) DEMONSTRAT ATE YOUR COMMITMENT TO EQUITY, Y, DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION IN THE COLORADO CANNABIS INDUSTRY BCEI is your equiity voice ffo or Colorado’s ’ Cannabis Industry. y. Our mission is to promote the growth of a safe fe, meaningfu ful and fair cannabis industry. y. W Wee promote sensible equiity, y, diversiity and inclusion policies and programs to maximize the responsible growth and development of Colorado’s cannabis market. BCEI strives to promote and engage equiity eff ffo orts in all industry sectors including: ownership, community relations, a employment, biotechnology, y, cultivaattion, manufacturing, finance, retail, security, y, industrial hemp and consulting services. Colorado is the epicenter of one of the most significant markets in the United Stat ates. Our legislat ative leaders, decision and policy makers are relying on our industry thought leaders, equity experts and communiity ffo or best practices and common sense solutions ffo or the cannab abis landscap ape in Colorado. The BCEI Equity, y, Diversity and Inclusion Report Card is an equity tool that a will be utilized to measure the cannabis industr y’s and owner/operaattors commitment to equiity, y, diversity and inclusion in Colorado.

MAIN ANALY LYSIS Measure Equity, y, Diversity and Inclusion opportunities and relat ationshiips between the Cannabis industry and Black businesses as well as citizens in the growth of the Cannabis industry in the Stat ate of Colorado



BLACK OWNERS OR OWNERSHIP OPPORTUNITY (Black Ow wner(s) in Company Ownership Group)


BLACK EMPLLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES (Hiring & Promoting P of Black Employeess)


BLACK BUSIN NESS/VENDOR RELAT ATIONSHIPS (Dollars Sp pent Doing Business with Black k Businesses & Vendors)


BLACK MEDIIA BUYS AND PLACEMENTS (Advertisin ng Dollars Spent & Placementss with Black Med dia)


MUNITY INVESTMENT & BLACK COMM SUPPORT PA PAARTICIPPAATION (Corporatee Sponsorships/Donations/Contrributions to Black Community Organizations and Programs)


BLACK EQUITTY MEMBERSHIP SUPPORTER (Financiallly Supports the Mission, Vision n and Agenda of the Black Cannabis Equity Inittiative)


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