DUS Weekly Advertiser Guide - September 23, 2019

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Monday September 23, 2019

Th he Royal Year of Return w restore 4 of the most will im mportant treasures that w taken away from was our Diasporan brothers and sisters as a result of the wicked ansatlantic Slave Trade. Tra Whatever was taken from the em was taken from us all as a people: 1. Our Names 2. Our Families 3. Our Land 4. Our Love For One An nother and Opportunity to Love and Marry

DECEMBER 8-18, 2019 - GHANA

The Royal Return Ceremonies of 2019 by the grace of God will have 400 chosen African Americans and that includes you! a

Yes.... if y you are reading this and are a of African descent: to b be adopted into Ghana's roy yal families, be renamed, th hose in love can renew vows in traditional royal v African wedding in honor of the e ancestors who were not owed to marry for the first allo 250 years of slavery – and be given land. We restore love back across the Atlantic into our families.

It is time. Come on board.

You are chosen! Y

For more information: Royal Return Ambassador for Colorado - Rosalind “Bee” Harris 303-292-6446 - publisher@urbanspectrum.ne et www.royalreturnghana.com https://www.facebook.com/RoyalReturnGhana a

Princess Princ ce Asie Occaanseyy

Deposit deadline: October 15, 2019

Revv. Dr. Princess Asie Kabuki Ocansey

Celebr b ate 125 years r of Manual High School Pride JJoin oin us us fo for o a weekend weekend of of FUN FUN, N, FOOD FOOD & celebrating wonderf rful memori ries e with FRIENDS

R REUNIO N ITINERARY R Meet and Greet @ Blair Caldwell Library, 2401 W We elton Strre eet Friday, October 25th 5-7pm Main Event @ Renaissance Hotel, 3801 Quebec c Strre eet th Saturday, October 26 star a ts at 4pm Indoor Picnic @ Manual High School, 170 7 0 East 28th Avenue th Sunday, October 27 starts at 1pm

EVENT COST $125 / DUE TUESDAY 10/15/2019 (make checks payable to 59/125Reunion)

submit payment to: MARGE TANIWAKI, 6100 EAST SEVERN PLACE, DENV N ER, CO. 80220

For those in need of hotel accommodations: (Indivviiduals arre (I e rre esponsiib ble fo forr makiin ng hotel arrrrra angemen nts and rre elatte ed lodgiin ing fe fees.)

Renaissance Denver Stapleton Hotel 3801 Quebec Street, Denver, Colorado 80207 Telephone – 303-336-5208 / 1-888 8-855-7741 For More Information, please contact the following f classmates: Marge Taniwak ki 303.333.2130 / margettaniwaki@aol.com Sharon Knox 303.355.0520 / sknox69 x693@gmail.com ****Eve vent spons s orred ed byy th the Class off the 1959****

Vote Daily until October 29


Justina Ford photo: Denver Public Library

Sav ve The Date Date…

In recogni on of the 400th anniversary of the arrival of the first Affricans to be sold into bondage in North America: in 1619 at Jamestown, the Coali on Agaiinst Global Genocide will present a special screening of SLAVERY AND THE MAKING OF O AMERICA by award winning i i filmm fil makker Dan D te J. James. J Thiss documentary series on the history of American slavery from m its beginnings in the Bri sh colonies through the years of post­Civil War Reconstrruc on is narrated by Oscar­winnner Morgan Freeman. SLA AVERY AND THE MAKING OF AMERICA examines the integral role slavery played in shaping the new country and challenges the long held no on thaat it was exclusively a Southern enterprise. The screening will be followed with a panel discussion on “H How do we proceed today to reach the ideals of equality, resspect and freedom?”

NOBUNTU November 9 & 10 0 Renowned fe emale a cappella quintet from Zimbabwe. e

LAKEWOOD CULTURAL CENTER | 303.987.7845 | Tickets at Lakewood.org g/LCCPresents


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efirstbank.com//ccareers FirstBank is an EOE/A /Affirmative Action employer. All qualiďŹ ed ap pplicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to age, race, colo orr,, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, genetic information, disability, veteran status, or any other applicable status protected by state or locall law. Member FDIC

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September 25, 2019



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